
Los jugadores embajadores de la NFL invitan a los aficionados a aprender RCP en 90 segundos para salvar vidas

DALLAS, 16 de octubre de 2024 — Más de la mitad de las personas que sufren un paro cardíaco repentino fuera del hospital no reciben reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) inmediata. Como resultado, mueren 9 de cada 10 personas que sufren uno[1]. Sin embargo,...


Importantes noticias: La menopausia puede afectar a la salud cardíaca de la mujer

DALLAS, 16 de octubre de 2024 — El riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardíacas aumenta con la edad en la mayoría de las personas. Sin embargo, en el caso de las mujeres, ese riesgo puede ser aún mayor. La transición a la menopausia, es decir, los años...


Los premios Paul “Bear” Bryant anuncian la lista de entrenadores de fútbol americano universitario para 2024

HOUSTON, 16 de octubre de 2024 — Veintisiete entrenadores de fútbol americano universitario integran la lista de candidatos al premio Paul “Bear” Bryant al Entrenador del Año 2024 de la American Heart Association (la Asociación Americana del Corazón), un...


Los Bears de la NFL suman métodos para salvar vidas a la cadena de supervivencia en Chicago

CHICAGO, 22 de octubre de 2024 — La American Heart Association (la Asociación Americana del Corazón) y los Chicago Bears llevaron capacitación en reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y desfibrilador externo automático (DEA) a las finales estatales del...


Estudio ofrece ‘evidencia contundente’ para la mejora continua en la atención de derrames cerebrales

Puntos destacados de la investigación: Un análisis retrospectivo del registro Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke, desde 2003 hasta 2022, revela mejoras sustanciales y sostenidas en la atención de derrames cerebrales agudos entre quienes participan en...


El equipo de baloncesto de la Universidad del Estado de Oklahoma se incorpora a Nation of Lifesavers

STILLWATER, Okla., 28 de octubre de 2024 — El equipo de baloncesto masculino de la Universidad del Estado de Oklahoma (OSU) participó en una capacitación de RCP (reanimación cardiopulmonar) solo las manos de la American Heart Association (la ...


Innovadores locales reciben $75 000 para combatir las disparidades sanitarias en la comunidad

DALLAS, 7 de noviembre de 2024 – Históricamente, las personas de color de comunidades con escasos recursos han tenido menos acceso a las necesidades más básicas, como alimentos saludables, aire limpio y agua potable, educación de calidad, empleo,...


Los New York Jets de la NFL suman métodos para salvar vidas a la cadena de supervivencia en 12 escuelas

NEW YORK, 7 de noviembre de 2024 — La American Heart Association (la Asociación Americana del Corazón) y los New York Jets reunieron a representantes de 12 escuelas locales para realizar un entrenamiento de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y...


Hablemos de sexo: los pacientes cardíacos quieren recibir orientación por parte de los profesionales de la salud

Puntos destacados de la investigación: Una pequeña encuesta de adultos de entre 30 y 89 años (de una edad promedio de 65 años) en Suecia que tienen afecciones cardíacas determinó que existe una diferencia significativa entre la información sobre salud ...


El nivel socioeconómico durante el embarazo temprano puede desempeñar un papel importante en la salud cardíaca futura

Puntos destacados de la investigación: El nivel socioeconómico de las madres primerizas en el embarazo temprano puede afectar su salud cardiovascular hasta siete años después. El nivel socioeconómico —nivel educativo, nivel de ingresos, estado del ...


La supervivencia al paro cardíaco mejoró desde que decreció la pandemia de COVID-19, aún es menor que en años anteriores

Este comunicado de prensa contiene información actualizada y datos que no están incluidos en el resumen. Puntos destacados de la investigación: Las tasas de supervivencia a los paros cardíacos extrahospitalarios en los EE. UU. disminuyeron de manera ...


Las enfermedades cardíacas podrían aparecer hasta 28 años antes en personas con síndrome CKM

Puntos destacados de la investigación: Los científicos realizaron un estudio de simulación para estimar el impacto del síndrome cardiovascular-renal-metabólico (CKM) en la predicción del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). El estudio reveló que ...


La puntuación de riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas del MESA funcionó bien con o sin la raza incluida

Puntos destacados de la investigación: Una versión de la puntuación de riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas del Estudio multiétnico de la aterosclerosis (MESA) que no incluía la raza predijo el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas tan bien como la versión...


Aumento en las muertes por enfermedades cardíacas relacionadas con la obesidad en EE. UU. en las últimas dos décadas

Puntos destacados de la investigación: Un análisis de los datos de la base de datos WONDER del CDC reveló un aumento del 180 % en el número de muertes por enfermedad cardíaca isquémica relacionada con la obesidad en EE. UU. entre 1999 y 2020. Las ...


Socioeconomic status during early pregnancy may play a large role in future heart health

Research Highlights: The socioeconomic status of first-time moms in early pregnancy may affect their cardiovascular health up to seven years later. Socioeconomic status — education level, income level, health insurance status and health literacy — of ...


Unexplained changes in cholesterol may help identify older adults at risk for dementia

Research Highlights: A study of older adults in Australia and the U.S. indicates that cholesterol levels that fluctuate significantly from year to year without a change in medication may someday help to identify those with a higher risk of developing ...


Obesity-related heart disease deaths increased in the U.S. over the past two decades

n the U.S. who died from ischemic heart disease related to obesity increased by approximately 180% from 1999 to 2020. The highest rate of deaths ...


Inscríbase ahora: Las alumnas de secundarias locales explorarán la educación y las carreras STEM en una experiencia interactiva

PORTAGE COUNTY, 4 de noviembre de 2024 — Los directores ejecutivos, educadores y padres de todo el mundo saben que formar la próxima generación de mujeres científicas, médicas e inventoras es un paso fundamental para establecer su futuro, así como el...


La American Heart Association proporciona kits comunitarios para medición de la presión arterial y monitores en las ubicaciones de la biblioteca Stark Library

STARK COUNTY, 28 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 – La American Heart Association (la Asociación Americana del Corazón), que es la principal organización sin ánimo de lucro del mundo dedicada a la salud del corazón y el cerebro para todos, cuenta ahora con centros de...


Photo Manipulate a Mystical Tribal Warrior

In today's tutorial you'll be brushing up on your photo manipulation skills, by creating a mystical tribal warrior. This tutorial is packed full of useful techniques, from blending tactics, to digital painting, lighting, layout sketching and much more.


Photo Manipulate a Dark, Emotional Fallen Angel Scene

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a dark and emotional fallen angel scene using a variety of photo manipulation techniques. You'll work with blending techniques, adjusting colour, practice retouching, painting and more.


Create a Dark, Mysterious Photo Manipulation

Today's tutorial will walk you through some essential manipulation, blending and colour matching techniques. In this lesson I'll show you how you can convert a forest into a dark, foggy, ominous scene. You'll learn how to work with shadows, lighting, adjustment layers, layer masks, dodge & burning and much more.


Create a Dark Landscape Matte Painting with Photoshop

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a misty landscape matte painting with a dark castle. We'll create a misty scene with the layered mountains and the light from afar. The main technique here is blending with adjustment layers, masking and brushes. There are something basic you should know about contrast, distance, intensity etc, and we'll dive into all of those in today's lesson!


Create an Aquatic Photo Manipulation of a Giant Tortoise

In this tutorial, I'll show how you can combine different stock images to create this cohesive and unified scene of an aquatic Giant tortoise. You'll also learn how to manipulate trees, stones, waterfalls and textures to create an island on the tortoise. Finally, we'll add lighting effects and adjust the colour of our entire scene.


My New Project: A Curated, Quality New Marketplace for Designers

Today I have a really exciting update, sharing exactly what I've been working on for the past year. At my other website Design Cuts, we've just launched the most curated, high quality marketplace anywhere for designers just like you!


Designing Clarity 03 – Did Apple just Disrupt Healthcare?

Did Apple just disrupt Healthcare?  More specifically, Health Tech? I would say Healthcare is one of those industries ripe for innovation disruption.  It is a mature industry lead by large slow-moving organisations, that have been around forever.  They have built their equivalent of the Great...

The post Designing Clarity 03 – Did Apple just Disrupt Healthcare? appeared first on Design Sojourn. Please click above if you cannot see this post.


Reviving Nostalgia: Hauntingly Playful Toys by Coté Escrivá

Coté Escrivá, a Spanish artist, creates playful character designs inspired by nostalgic childhood themes, with notable collaborations with Thunder Mates on limited-edition resin toys. His standout collection includes dark twists on classic Disney icons like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, reimagined as spooky characters with eerie eyes, tattered clothes, and exposed skeletons, drawing influences from […]


Rarely Seen Polaroids of Winona Ryder in the Late 1990s

In the late 1990s, Winona Ryder defined a unique fusion of edgy elegance, often seen in minimalist black dresses, leather jackets, and sharp blazers. With her cropped dark hair and bold brows, she embodied an iconic look that captured the grunge and alternative styles of the era. Known for her powerful roles in *Alien: Resurrection* […]


Niall Shukla’s Creates Intricate Portraits by Cracking Laminated Glass with Precision Strike

Niall Shukla, a remarkably skilled and self-taught artist, creates stunningly intricate portraits on laminated glass by meticulously cracking it with controlled hammer strikes. This unique art form is paradoxical and captivating; Shukla wields various metal hammers and chisels to chip away at glass panels, generating cracks that eventually transform into beautifully detailed images. His technique […]


Spectacular Winning Images of the 2024 Standard Chartered Weather Photographer of the Year Awards

Weather Photographer, Winner: Sprites Dancing in the Dark Night by Wang Xin The Royal Meteorological Society has announced the 2024 winners of the Standard Chartered Weather Photographer of the Year Awards, featuring breathtaking images of weather phenomena worldwide. The top prize went to Wang Xin from Shanghai for the photograph “Sprites Dancing in the Dark […]


Spectacular Fine-Art Winners From The 2024 Minimalist Photography Awards

1st Place Winner: “Delicate” by Hilda Champion The 2024 Minimalist Photography Awards celebrated fine-art photographers who have redefined visual storytelling through simplicity, highlighting the profound beauty in minimalism. The award-winning works, from serene landscapes to striking abstractions, showcase how thoughtful use of negative space and single subjects can evoke deep emotional responses and reveal powerful […]


Beautiful Sensitive Oil Paintings by DannyLaiLai

DannyLaiLai is a Chinese artist from Beijing, recognized for his traditional oil paintings and digital artworks that blend ethereal aesthetics with realistic elements. His portfolio includes a variety of subjects, from serene landscapes to intimate portraits, all characterized by a delicate interplay of light and shadow. More: Artstation


Spectacular Shortlisted Photos From the 2024 Close-Up Photographer of the Year

Eresus Walckenaeri. Shortlisted in the Invertebrate Portrait category. By Aris Kolokontes The 2024 Close-Up Photographer of the Year competition has shortlisted 20 stunning images from 11,681 entries, spanning 11 categories like Animals, Insects, and Underwater scenes, with a special category for photographers under 18. The overall winner will receive $3,240 and a trophy, while category […]


Salaries For Digital Marketing Creatives

Unless you graduated from college in the last 5 years, chances are the job titles have changed significantly.  A decade ago there was no such thing as a “social media manager” or a “digital content strategist.”  Now just about every company has people doing those jobs, whether they work under those titles or not.  Sure, […]

The post Salaries For Digital Marketing Creatives first appeared on TECH Intelligence and is written by Brian Wallace.


Build an Infinite Horizontal Scrolling Logo Display With Pure CSS

Creating an infinite horizontal logo scroll effect with pure CSS is a simple yet powerful way to add dynamic movement to a website. This tutorial will walk you through building an infinite scroll effect with added hover effects that allow the user to pause scrolling and scale each logo slightly when hovered.


Create a breakout game with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript

Let’s create a Breakout game using Vanilla JavaScript. In a Breakout game, the player uses a paddle to bounce a ball and hit bricks, removing the bricks one by one.


Paypal website isnt loading for the last 30+ min – is it really down?

I had some transactions to do on Paypal and I have tried opening it but it simply wont load – nothing happens on the page actually. So I called up my friends in Europe and India and it was the same result for them. I went to Pingdom and according to it the site is […]


Top 10 reasons to select WordPress as the platform for your website development

1. Low Cost to start with: Its open source and thus the platform itself is free to use and develop on – starting on WordPress is like less than half the cost of custom developing from scratch or using any other robust CMS. 2. Additional Functionality with Plugins: WordPress community is huge and developing everyday […]


INDONESIA Landscapes & Culture Published!

More information about Rick's Photography:
Photography website
Official Portfolio
Rick's Flickr Photostream

Landscapes & Culture

INDONESIA Landscapes & Culture is a book devoted to Indonesia and its breathtaking landscapes, the warm people, and its rich and diverse culture.
Rick Wezenaar was born in 1968 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. At the early age of 11 he started with photography and has never stopped since.
In 1989 he started making professional photography. One of the things Rick really likes is travelling. Especially Indonesia has caught his photographic eye. Therefore, during a 4 year 'quest', Rick has travelled the countryside, villages and cities of Indonesia, capturing its beauty and culture. A small part of all these photographs taken during those journeys have found their way into this book. We really hope the viewer will enjoy this publication of Rick's stunning and breathtaking photography!

Book information:

INDONESIA Landscapes & Culture
ISBN: 978-0-557-11430-6
Publisher: Lulu
Copyright: (c) 2009 Rick Wezenaar
Language: English
Paperback, 102 pages, 8.5" x 8.5", perfect binding,
white exterior paper, full color exterior ink,
white interior paper, full color interior ink.

This book will be carried by Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bol, Ingram, Bowker,
Nielsen, and Lightning Source.

Order a copy of this stunning book here !



Dublin, Southern Ireland

Dublin, Southern Ireland, a set on Flickr.

Photos from my weekend trip to Dublin, southern Ireland.


Sulawesi 2011

Sulawesi 2011, a set on Flickr.


Jakarta, the last day - 2011


Minimalist Black and White Photography by Gavin Dunbar

We featured many black and white photography articles in past but never something related to minimalism. This post presents some truly excellent examples of beautiful minimalist black and white photography by Gavin Dunbar.

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30 Awesome Latest Free High Quality Web Templates

Hello friends, I have compiled some of the beautiful web templates, now if you want to design a website you can probably use these templates, this will help you to reduce your designing work. Thanks to the original designers for sharing such wonderful templates for free.

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Superlative Collection of Icons – Illustrator Tutorials

Today in this icon design tutorials roundup we sharing icon tutorials using adobe illustrator because if you need high-quality graphics then prefer vector based tool to make catchy icons design, nowadays icons not only using in web designs these are also wanted in mobile applications...

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45 High Quality And Free Web Templates In PSD

Finding out high quality and premium PSD files is extremely difficult but keeping them in the toolbox is tremendously important for the web designers because such PSD files always come in handy and save loads of time.

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Three or more concussions linked with worse brain function in later life

Experiencing three or more concussions is linked with worsened brain function in later life, according to major new research. The study – the largest of its kind - also found having just one moderate-to-severe concussion, or traumatic brain injury (TBI), can have a long-term impact on brain function, including memory.


The Story of WonderThemes: Why starting a WordPress theme marketplace isn’t easy

Michael Kimb Jones — or Kimb, as he prefers people call him — sat waiting for his time to stand up and speak. There he sat, on the ground floor of Surgeons Hall at the Royal College of Surgeons, running over the things he was about to talk about. His presentation was for WordCamp Edinburgh in […]

The post The Story of WonderThemes: Why starting a WordPress theme marketplace isn’t easy appeared first on WPCandy.


Reader theme review: Minimal, but not in a lazy way

Reader is a theme by new theme shop WP Minima, a brand which sells entirely on ThemeForest at the moment. They’ve released two themes so far, one free and one paid. This is the paid theme, which costs $35. Reader, being both new and minimalistic, caught my eye last week. A lot of the time, […]

The post Reader theme review: Minimal, but not in a lazy way appeared first on WPCandy.