
Web Fonts, Dingbats, Icons, and Unicode

Yesterday, Cameron Koczon shared a link to the dingbat font, Pictos, by the talented, Drew Wilson. Cameron predicted that dingbats will soon be everywhere. Symbol fonts, yes, I thought. Dingbats? No, thanks. Jason Santa Maria replied:

@FictiveCameron I hope not, dingbat fonts sort of spit in the face of accessibility and semantics at the moment. We need better options.

Jason rightly pointed out the accessibility and semantic problems with dingbats. By mapping icons to letters or numbers in the character map, they are represented on the page by that icon. That’s what Pictos does. For example, by typing an ‘a’ on your keyboard, and setting Pictos as the font-face for that letter, the Pictos anchor icon is displayed.

Other folks suggested SVG and JS might be better, and other more novel workarounds to hide content from assistive technology like screen readers. All interesting, but either not workable in my view, or just a bit awkward.

Ralf Herrmann has an elegant CSS example that works well in Safari.

Falling down with CSS text-replacement

A CSS solution in an article from Pictos creator, Drew Wilson, relies on the fact that most of his icons are mapped to a character that forms part of the common name for that symbol. The article uses the delete icon as an example which is mapped to ‘d’. Using :before and :after pseudo-elements, Drew suggests you can kind-of wrangle the markup into something sort-of semantic. However, it starts to fall down fast. For example, a check mark (tick) is mapped to ‘3’. There’s nothing semantic about that. Clever replacement techniques just hide the evidence. It’s a hack. There’s nothing wrong with a hack here and there (as box model veterans well know) but the ends have to justify the means. The end of this story is not good as a VoiceOver test by Scott at Filament Group shows. In fairness to Drew Wilson, though, he goes on to say if in doubt, do it the old way, using his font to create a background image and deploy with a negative text-indent.

I agreed with Jason, and mentioned a half-formed idea:

@jasonsantamaria that’s exactly what I was thinking. Proper unicode mapping if possible, perhaps?

The conversation continued, and thanks to Jason, helped me refine the idea into this post.

Jon Hicks flagged a common problem for some Windows users where certain Unicode characters are displayed as ‘missing character’ glyphs depending on what character it is. I think most of the problems with dingbats or missing Unicode characters can be solved with web fonts and Unicode.

Rising with Unicode and web fonts

I’d love to be able to use custom icons via optimised web fonts. I want to do so accessibly and semantically, and have optimised font files. This is how it could be done:

  1. Map the icons in the font to the existing Unicode code points for those symbols wherever possible.

    Unicode code points already exist for many common symbols. Fonts could be tiny, fast, stand-alone symbol fonts. Existing typefaces could also be extended to contain symbols that match the style of individual widths, variants, slopes, and weights. Imagine a set of Clarendon or Gotham symbols for a moment. Wouldn’t that be a joy to behold?

    There may be a possibility that private code points could be used if a code-point does not exist for a symbol we need. Type designers, iconographers, and foundries might agree a common set of extended symbols. Alternatively, they could be proposed for inclusion in Unicode.

  2. Include the font with font-face.

    This assumes ubiquitous support (as any use of dingbats does) — we’re very nearly there. WOFF is coming to Safari and with a bit more campaigning we may even see WOFF on iPad soon.

  3. In HTML, reference the Unicode code points in UTF-8 using numeric character references.

    Unicode characters have corresponding numerical references. Named entities may not be rendered by XML parsers. Sean Coates reminded me that in many Cocoa apps in OS X the character map is accessible via a simple CMD+ALT+t shortcut. Ralf Herrmann mentioned that unicode characters ‘…have “speaking” descriptions (like Leftwards Arrow) and fall back nicely to system fonts.’


  1. Accessibility: Limited Unicode / entity support in assistive devices.

    My friend and colleague, Jon Gibbins’s old tests in JAWS 7 show some of the inconsistencies. It seems some characters are read out, some ignored completely, and some read as a question mark. Not great, but perhaps Jon will post more about this in the future.

    Elizabeth Pyatt at Penn State university did some dingbat tests in screen readers. For real Unicode symbols, there are pronunciation files that increase the character repertoire of screen readers, like this file for phonetic characters. Symbols would benefit from one.

  2. Web fonts: font-face not supported.

    If font-face is not supported on certain devices like mobile phones, falling back to system fonts is problematic. Unicode symbols may not be present in any system fonts. If they are, for many designers, they will almost certainly be stylistically suboptimal. It is possible to detect font-face using the Paul Irish technique. Perhaps there could be a way to swap Unicode for images if font-face is not present.

Now, next, and a caveat

I can’t recommend using dingbats like Pictos, but the icons sure are useful as images. Beautifully crafted icon sets as carefully crafted fonts could be very useful for rapidly creating image icons for different resolution devices like the iPhone 4, and iPad.

Perhaps we could try and formulate a standard set of commonly used icons using the Unicode symbols range as a starting point. I’ve struggled to find a better visual list of the existing symbols than this Unicode symbol chart from Johannes Knabe.

Icons in fonts as Unicode symbols needs further testing in assistive devices and using font-face.

Last, but not least, I feel a bit cheeky making these suggestions. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Combine it with a bit of imagination, and it can be lethal. I have a limited knowledge about how fonts are created, and about Unicode. The real work would be done by others with deeper knowledge than I. I’d be fascinated to hear from Unicode, accessibility, or font experts to see if this is possible. I hope so. It feels to me like a much more elegant and sustainable solution for scalable icons than dingbat fonts.

For more on Unicode, read this long, but excellent, article recommended by my colleague, Andrei, the architect of Unicode and internationalization support in PHP 6: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets.


Bio blog: Melbourne cancer research partnership led by Australian icons

La Trobe University in Melbourne will bring its world-class scientific expertise to the newly launched Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute (ONJCRI).


Icons and Orthodox Spirituality

Fr. Barnabas Powell address the question of iconography in the Orthodox Tradition. How essential are they in our Christian faith? Do we worship them? Learn about what icons teach us and their significance in understanding the Incarnation of Christ.


7 Power Habits of Great Leaders and Business Icons

Our never-ending quest towards self-improvement is a long journey of small steps. Small habits we repeat day after day, week after week, year after year. Small habits that have turned us into who we are today can also determine who we will become in the future. Below are 7 Power Habits of some of the greatest human beings to ever live.

complete article


The Role of Icons

Fr. Stephen talks about the importance of icons in our modern world - helping us to see and understand clearly the truth of creation and God.


Icons and Words

Fr. Stephen looks at language and how it can be seen as an icon, serving as a "Window to Heaven."


Smashing Icons

On the first Sunday of Great Lent, Orthodox Christians celebrate the return of icons to the Churches. Fr. Stephen looks at the spirit of icon smashing that occasionally infects Christians and various political movements and contrasts it with the spirit of authentic Christianity.


The One-Storey Universe and Icons: Music from Another Room

Fr. Stephen Freeman speaks on icons as doors that open onto other rooms. He also speaks about how we view evil in this understanding of God's world.


The Trouble with Icons

The second-biggest problem Protestants have with Orthodox Christianity (after our love for Jesus' mother Mary) is our icons--not so much the fact of them, but the way we venerate them, bowing, kissing, and lighting candles. But they misinterpret those actions, which are simply continuations from an earlier time. I hope this video will help Protestants understand how we really relate to icons--with affection and honor, and not as objects of worship.


Icons and Their Placement

Father Thomas reveals how icons are painted and the proper procedure for placing them in the church building.


Icons and Pentecost

Fr. Tom reflects on the icons associated with Pentecost and the Trinity.


A Tale of Two Icons: Reflections on Hope, Healing, and Miracles

Michael offers thoughts and personal reflections of his recent experience with the miraculous icon of St. Anna at St. Tikhon’s Monastery in Waymart, PA, and the Kardiotisa, “The Tender Heart” myrrh-flowing, miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary at St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA.


Feast of the Tikhvin and Hodigritia Icons of the Mother of God


Holy Martyrs Hypatius and Andrew, Confessors of the Holy Icons


Holy Martyrs Hypatius and Andrew, Confessors of the Holy Icons (8th c.)

They were friends from childhood, fellow-strugglers for holiness. Their godly way of life attracted the attention of the Bishop of Ephesus, who made Hypatius a bishop and Andrew a deacon and itinerant preacher. During the reign of Leo the Isaurian (714-41) they were both imprisoned for confessing the Orthodox faith and defending the veneration of the holy icons. They were subjected to various tortures, including having icons set afire on their heads in mockery of their faithfulness. They were executed near Constantinople and their bodies thrown to the dogs.


Icons and Idols: Was God Invisible Before the Incarnation? (Mar. 8, 2020)

On the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses how idols are radically different from icons, based both on man's encounters with the visible God before and after the Incarnation and also on a thorough understanding of how idolatry actually works.


Orthodox Apologetics: Icons

Mathew Monos once again interviews Fr. Brendan Pelphrey—this time about how to explain iconography.


Listen to the Icons

The saints of the Church, whose icons we venerate, lived the life of God, meeting him face to face. They teach us how to have this life.


The Triumph of Orthodoxy: Icons in the Church!

The Sunday of Orthodoxy offers us an opportunity to discuss with our kids the Orthodox understanding of the materiality of this world and its potential for holiness.


Icons: The Sunday of Orthodoxy

How can we find joy and healing for our souls as image bearers of God?


Beautiful Icons Bear Good Fruit

Icons certainly beautify the church, but not simply in the conventional sense of being aesthetically pleasing. Instead, they manifest visually that the Son of God has called and enabled us to become His beautiful living icons. They show that the Savior has made us participants by grace in His deified humanity so that we may shine brightly with the divine glory.


Seeing Heaven Opened as Living Icons of Christ

The disciplines of this season give us all countless opportunities to do precisely that as we prepare for nothing less than to “see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”


Bearing the Good Fruits of Peace for the Living Icons of God

In the midst of the ongoing tragedy unfolding in the Holy Land, we must attend to the wisdom of our father in Christ, His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch, who stated this week that “Peace does not come from the bodies of children, killed people, innocent people, and women. Peace comes when the decision-makers in this world realize that our people have dignity, as all the peoples of the world. We are not advocates of war, we reject violence and killing, and we are seekers of peace…” He writes that we pray “for peace in the entire world, for stability, and for the repose of the souls of those who have passed away. We pray that the wounds of the sick be soothed and they might recover, for the wounds of every hurting person, every bereaved mother, every brother, and every sister, for everyone’s wounds. We ask the Lord to protect us and grant us peace…”


The Theme of Paradise in Byzantine Icons

Fr. John explores specific examples of icons and the way in which they manifested early Christendom's experience of the kingdom of heaven.


The Sunday of Orthodoxy - On Icons and Ladders

Dr. Humphrey takes us to the letter to the Hebrews for the Christian Hall of Fame as we approach the Sunday of Orthodoxy.


St. Patrick, Natural Icons and the Sacramental Creation

Today, we consider the Old Testament readings appointed for March 17 (Isaiah 13:2-13; Genesis 8:4-21; Proverbs 10:31-11:12) in the light of the life of Holy Bishop Patrick, and especially the prayer of the “Lorica” (the Breastplate) ascribed to him.


Icons and Incense

Fr. Ted explains how parishioners are icons of Christ.


Icons:  A Spiritual Reality

Fr. Ted discusses the spiritual importance of icons, citing the Seventh Ecumenical Council.


Engaging the Icons

Fr. Ted discusses the necessity of icons in worship.


Icons and Symbolism

The deep symbolism in the Church is there to involve us, but it takes time, effort, and education for this to occur.


Icons in the Home

Fr. Ted encourages everyone to have icons in their homes as a way to teach our children about the faith.


Why Do I Need Icons? Why Do I Want Porn?

That which calls me to embrace the icon and that which calls me to embrace pornography is at root the same thing. Read the transcript HERE.


History of Icons


Icons and Veneration


Icons and the Theology of Light, the Orthodox View of Salvation - Part 1


Icons and the Theology of Light, the Orthodox View of Salvation - Part 2


Icons in the Orthodox Faith - Part 1

This is the first of a six-part series on "ICONS" from our KPXQ live radio program archives from 2004. In this program we introduce icons and what you will see in an Orthodox Church and look at the scriptures, especially in the Old Testament, that seem to prohibit the making of "graven images." Are all images "idols," and are ALL images and representations of the material world prohibited by God?


Icons in the Orthodox Faith - Part 2

In part two of "Icons" we continue to discuss the Scriptures and the post-Reformation emphasis on the "intellectual" apprehension of the rational message of the Gospel as written in the Bible. But we will see that icons are a fulfillment of the Gospel and more specifically are a logical ramification of the Incarnation of God.


Faces Among Icons Panel Discussion: The Renewal of Russian Orthodoxy

Rome-based Catholic filmmaker Robert Duncan took part in a special, public screening of his documentary Faces Among Icons on April 29, 2018 at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, followed by a panel discussion about the renewal of Orthodoxy in Russia. Duncan was joined on the panel by Seminary President Archpriest Chad Hatfield and third-year Seminarian Priest Christopher Moore. Hear the panel discussion in its entirety as it addressed issues including ecumenical dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church, the nature of church-state relations in Russia, and how the Orthodox Church there is addressing social concerns in Russian society.


Icons: Objects for Veneration or Mere Decoration?

Recently I have come across an anti-Orthodox polemic which rejects our veneration of icons on the grounds that venerating an image painted on a board of Christ, His Mother, or His saints is contrary to the practice of the apostles and of the earliest Church. The objection is stated with some sophistication, and is not the usual fundamentalist reference to the Mosaic Law’s proscription of carved statues used in worship (e.g. Exodus 20:4f). This more sophisticated objection acknowledges that there were indeed images of Christ, His Mother, and His saints used in the early Church such as can be found in the funerary art of the catacombs and on the walls of churches (such as that of Dura Europos). But, it points out, there is no evidence that these images functioned as anything more than mere decoration. That is, the people did not come up to the wall to kiss the wall art or venerate the images.


Why We Need Icons

On the First Sunday of Great Lent, Fr Thomas teaches us that icons are not merely beautiful decorations, but rather absolutely necessary witnesses to the incarnation of Christ and the presence of the Kingdom of God.


Icons - Windows and Mirrors

Today, Dr. Rossi reflects on icons and the very different perspective of the Orthodox Christian when viewing them.


Icons of God: An Interview with Fr. John Behr

Dr. Albert Rossi interviews Fr. John Behr (Director of the Master of Theology Program and the Father Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professorship of Patristics at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY) on a homily he gave on the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas.


Teaching Protestants About Saints and Icons

Fr. Philip LeMasters shares what he has learned over the last 25 years of teaching Protestants about saints and icons.


The Orthodox Faith Through Icons

Fr. Alkiviadis Calivas explores the Icon as a visual, graphic Gospel and teacher of the Faith.


Legacy Icons

Bobby Maddex interviews David DeJonge, the founder of Legacy Icons, a new company that offers extremely high-quality icon reproductions. David is also a videographer who is eager to spread the word about Orthodox Christianity via film and television.


Icons: The Essential Collection

Bobby Maddex interviews Sr. Faith Riccio, the author of a new book from Paraclete Press titled Icons: The Essential Collection.


Legacy Icons

Bobby Maddex interviews David DeJonge, the founder of Legacy Icons, about Legacy's recent partnership with St. Catherine's Monastery at Mount Sinai and the icon reproductions that are resulting from this collaboration. Please visit the Legacy Icons website at http://www.legacyicons.com.