
Cadence OrCAD X and Allegro X 24.1 is Now Available

The OrCAD X and Allegro X 24.1 release is now available at Cadence Downloads. This blog post provides links to access the release and describes some major changes and new features.   OrCAD X /Allegro X 24.1 (SPB241) Here is a representative li...(read more)


What is Allegro X Advanced Package Designer and why do I not see Allegro Package Designer Plus (APD+) in 23.1?

Starting SPB 23.1, Allegro Package Designer Plus (APD+) has been rebranded as Allegro X Advanced Package Designer (Allegro X APD).

The splash screen for Allegro X APD will appear as shown below, instead of showing APD+ 2023:

For the Windows Start menu in 23.1, it will display as Allegro X APD 2023 instead of APD+ 2023, as shown below

23.1 Start menu 

In the Product Choices window for 23.1, you will see Allegro X Advanced Package Designer in the place of Allegro Package Designer +, as shown below: 

23.1 product title


Introducing new 3DX Canvas in Allegro X Advanced Package Designer

Have you heard that starting SPB 23.1, Allegro Package Designer Plus (APD+) will be renamed as Allegro X Advanced Package Designer (Allegro X APD)? 

Allegro X APD offers multiple new features and enhancements on topics like Via Structures, Wirebond, Etchback, Text Wizards, 3D Canvas, and more. 

This post presents the new 3DX Canvas introduced in SPB 23.1. This can be invoked from Allegro X APD (from the menu item View > 3DX Canvas). 

Some of the key benefits of the new canvas: 

  • This canvas addresses the scale and complexity in large modern package designs. It provides highly efficient visual representation and implementation of packages. 
  • The new architecture enables high-performance 3D incremental updates by utilizing GPU for fast rendering. 

  • Real-time 3D incremental updates are supported, which means that the 3D view is in sync with all changes to the database. 

  • The new canvas provides 3D visualization support for packaging objects such as wire bonds, ball, die bump/pillar geometries, die stacks, etch back, and plating bar. 

  • This release also introduces the interactive measurement tool for a 3D view of packages. Once you open 3DX Canvas, press the Alt key and you can select the objects you want to measure. 
  • 3DX Canvas provides new 3D DRC Bond Wire Clearances with Real 3D DRC Checks. True 3D DRC in Constraint Manager has been introduced. If you open Constraint Manager, there will be a new worksheet added. Following DRC checks are supported: 
    Wire to Wire 
    Wire to Finger 
    Wire to Shape 
    Wire to Cline 
    Wire to Component


Training Insights – Palladium Emulation Course for Beginner and Advanced Users

The Cadence Palladium Emulation Platform is a hardware system that implements the design, accelerating its execution and verification. Itoffers the highest performance and fastest bring-up times for pre-silicon validation of billion-gate designs, using a custom processor built by Cadence.

This Palladium Introduction course is based on the Palladium 23.03 ISR4 version and covers the following modules:

  • Introduction
  • Palladium flow
  • Running a design on the Palladium system

This course starts with an “Introduction” module that explains Palladium and other verification platforms to show its place in the big picture. It also compares Palladium with Protium and simulation and discusses its usage and limitations.

The “Palladium Flow” module includes two stages at a high level, which are Compile and Run. Then, it covers these stages in detail. First, it covers the ICE compile flow and IXCOM compile flow steps in detail. Then it explains Run, which is common for both ICE and IXCOM modes.

The third module, “Running Design on the Palladium System,” covers all the items required for running your design on the Palladium system, including:

  • Software stack requirements
  • Basic concepts required to understand the flow
  • Compute machine requirements

In addition, this course contains labs for both the ICE and IXCOM flows with detailed steps to exercise the features provided by the Palladium system. The lab explains a practical example of multiple counters and exercising their signals for force, monitor, and deposit features, along with frequency calculation using a real-time clock. The course is available on the Cadence support page:

There is also a Digital Badge available. You will find the Badge exam opportunity when you enroll in the Online training or after you have taken the training as "live" training.

For questions and inquiries, or issues with registration, reach out to us at Cadence Training. Want to stay up to date on webinars and courses? Subscribe to Cadence Training emails. To view our complete training offerings, visit the Cadence Training website.

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Sigrity and Systems Analysis 2024.1 Release Now Available

The Sigrity and Systems Analysis (SIGRITY/SYSANLS) 2024.1 release is now available for download at Cadence Downloads . For the list of CCRs fixed in this release, see the README.txt file in the installation hierarchy. SIGRITY/SYSANLS 2024.1 Here is a list of some of the key updates in the SIGRITY/SYSANLS 2024.1 release: For more details about these and all the other new and enhanced features introduced in this release , refer to the following document: Sigrity Release Overview and Common Tools What's New . Supported Platforms and Operating Systems Platform and Architecture X86_64 (lnx86) Windows (64 bit) Development OS RHEL 8.4 Windows Server 2022 Supported OS RHEL 8.4 and above RHEL 9 SLES 15 (SP3 and above) Windows 10 Windows 11 Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2022 Systems Analysis 2024.1 Clarity 3D Solver Clarity 3D Layout Structure Optimization Workflow : A new workflow, Clarity 3D Layout Structure Optimization Workflow, has been added to Clarity 3D Layout. This workflow integrates Allegro PCB Designer with Clarity 3D Layout for high-speed structure optimization. Component Geometry Model Editor : The new Clarity 3D Layout editor lets you set up ports, solder bumps/balls/extrusions, and two-terminal and multi-terminal circuits using a single GUI. Coaxial Open Port Option Added to Port Setup Wizard : The Coaxial Open Port option lets you create ports for each target net pin and reference net pin in Clarity 3D Layout. The nearby reference net pins are then used as a reference for each target net pin, reducing the number of ports needed. In addition, the ports of unused reference net pins are shorted to the ground. Parametric Import Option Added : Two new options, Parametric Import and Default Import , have been added to the Tools – Launch Clarity3DWorkbench menu. The Parametric Import option lets you import the design along with its parameters into Clarity 3D Workbench. The Default Import option lets you ignore the parameters when importing the design into Clarity 3D Workbench. Component Library Added to Generate 3D Components : Clarity 3D Workbench now includes a new component library that lets you use predefined 3D component templates or add existing 3D components to create 3D designs and simulation models. AI-Powered Content Search Capability : Clarity 3D Workbench and Clarity 3D Transient Solver now support an AI-powered capability for searching the content and displaying relevant information. Expression Parser to Handle Undefined Parameters : Clarity 3D Workbench and Clarity 3D Transient Solver support writing expressions or equations containing undefined parameters in the Property window to describe a simulation variable. The improved expression parser automatically detects any undefined parameter in an expression and prompts users to specify their values. This capability lets you define a model or a simulation variable as a function instead of specifying static values. For detailed information, refer to Clarity 3D Layout User Guide and Clarity 3D Workbench User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. Clarity 3D Transient Solver Mesh Processing Improved to Simulate Large Use Cases : Clarity 3D Transient Solver leverages a new meshing algorithm that enhances overall mesh processing, specifically for large designs and use cases. The new algorithm dramatically improves the mesh quality, minimum mesh size, number of mesh key points, total mesh number, and memory usage. Advanced Material Processing Engine : The material processing capability has been enhanced to handle thin outer metal, which previously resulted in open and short issues in some designs. In addition, the material processing engine offers improved mode extraction for particular use cases, including waveguide and coaxial designs. Characteristic Impedance Calculation Improved : The solver engine now uses a new analytical calculation method to calculate the characteristic impedance of coaxial designs with improved accuracy. For detailed information, refer to Clarity 3D Transient Solver User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. Celsius Studio Celsius Interchange Model Introduced : Celsius Studio now supports Celsius Interchange Model generation, which is a 3D model derived from detailed physical designs for multi-physics and multi-scale analysis. This Celsius Interchange Model file ( .cim ) serves as a design information carrier across Celsius Studio tools, enabling a variety of simulation and analysis tasks . Celsius 3DIC Thermal Workflow Improvements : The Thermal Simulation workflows in Celsius 3DIC have been significantly enhanced. Key improvements include: Advanced Power Setup with Transient Power Function and Multi Mode options Enhanced GUI for the Mesh Control and Simulation Control tabs Improved meshing capabilities Celsius Interchange Model ( .cim ) generation Material library support for block and connections Import of Heat Transfer Coefficients (HTCs) from a CFD file Bump creation through the Bump Array Wizard Layer Stackup CSV file generation Celsius 3DIC Warpage and Stress Workflow Enhancements : The Warpage and Stress workflow in Celsius 3DIC has undergone significant improvements, such as: Improved multi-stage warpage simulation flow for 3DIC packaging process Enhanced GUI for the Mesh Control , Simulation Control , and Stress Boundary Conditions tabs Support for large deformations and temperature profiles Bump creation through the Bump Array Wizard New constraint types Enhanced meshing capabilities Geometric Nonlinearity Support in Warpage and Stress Analysis : Large deformation analysis is now supported in warpage and stress studies. This study uses the Total Lagrangian approach to model geometric nonlinearities in simulation, which allows accurate prediction of final deformations. Thermal Network Extraction and Simulation : In the solid extraction flow in Celsius 3D Workbench, you can now import area-based power map files to create terminals. For designs with multiple blocks, this capability allows automatic terminal creation, eliminating the need to manually create and set up 2D sheets individually. Additionally, thermal throttling feature is now supported in Celsius Thermal Network. This makes it ideal for preliminary analyses or when a quick estimation is required. It runs significantly faster than 3D models, allowing for quicker iterations and more efficient decision-making. For detailed information, refer to the Celsius 3DIC User Guide , Celsius Layout User Guide and Celsius 3D Workbench User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. Sigrity 2024.1 Layout Workbench Improved Graphical User Interface : A new option, Use Improved User Interface , has been added in the Themes page of the Options dialog box in the Layout Workbench GUI. In the new GUI, the toolbar icons and menu options have been enhanced and rearranged. For detailed information, refer to Layout Workbench User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. Broadband SPICE Python Script Integration with Command Line for Simulation Tasks : Broadband SPICE lets you run Python scripts directly from the command line for performing simulation and analysis. The new -py and *.py options make it easier to integrate Python scripts with the command-line operations. This update streamlines the process of automating and customizing simulations from the command line, which makes your simulation tasks faster and easier. For detailed information, refer to Broadband SPICE User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. Celsius PowerDC Block Power Assignment (BPA) File Format Support : PowerDC now supports the BPA file format. Similar to the Pin Location (PLOC) file, the BPA file is a current assignment file that defines the total current of a power grid cell, which is then equally distributed across the power pins within the cell. This provides better control over the power distribution. Ability to Run Multiple IR Drop Cases Sequentially : You can now select multiple result sinks from the Current-Limited IR Drop flow and run IR Drop analysis for them sequentially. PowerDC automatically runs the simulations in sequence after you select multiple result sinks. This saves time by automating the process. Enhanced Support for Mixed Conversion Devices : PowerDC now supports mixing different conversion devices, such as switching regulators and linear regulators within a single DC-DC/LDO instance. This enhancement offers added flexibility by letting you configure each instance in your design according to your specific needs. For detailed information, refer to PowerDC User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. PowerSI Monte Carlo Method Added : A new option, Monte Carlo Method, has been added in the Optimality dialog box. This option lets you create multiple random samples to depict variations in the input parameters and assess the output. Channel Check Optimization Added : The S-Parameter Assessment workflow in PowerSI now supports Channel Check Optimization . It uses the AI-driven Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) technology that lets you optimize your design quickly and efficiently with no accuracy loss. For detailed information, refer to PowerSI User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. SPEEDEM Multi-threaded Matrix Solver Support Added : The Enable Multi-threaded Matrix Solver check box has been added that lets you accelerate the simulation speed for high-performance computing. This check box provides two options, Automatic and Always, to include the -lhpc4 or -lhpc5 parameter, respectively, in the SPEEDEM Simulator (SPDSIM) before running the simulation. For detailed information, refer to the SPEEDEM User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. XtractIM Options to Skip or Calculate Special DC-R Simulation Results : The Skip DC_R of Each Path and Only DC_R of Each Path options have been added to the Setup menu. Skip DC_R of Each Path : This option lets you skip the calculation of the DC-R result during the simulation. Other results, such as SPICE T-model , RL_C of Each Path , Coupling of Each Path , etc., are still calculated. Only DC_R of Each Path : This option lets you calculate the DC-R result only during the simulation. Other results, such as SPICE T-model , RL_C of Each Path , Coupling of Each Path , etc., are not calculated. Color Assignment for Pin Matching : The MCP Auto Connection window includes the Display Color Editor , which lets you assign a color for pin matching. It helps you easily identify the matching pins in the left and right sections of the MCP Auto Connection window . Ability to Save Simulations Individually : The Save each simulation individually check box has been added to the Tools - Options - Edit Options - Simulation (Basic) - General form. Select this check box and run the simulation to generate a simulation results folder containing files and logs with a timestamp for each simulation. Reuse of SPD File Settings : The XtractIM setup check box lets you import an existing package setup to reuse the configurations and settings from one .spd file to another. For detailed information, refer to XtractIM User Guide on the Cadence Support portal. Documentation Enhancements Cloud-Based Help System Upgraded The cloud-based help system, Doc Assistant, has been upgraded to version 24.10, which contains several new features and enhancements over the previous 2.03 version. Sigrity Release Team Please send your questions and feedback to .


Women in CFD with Vassiliki Moschou

In this edition of the Women in CFD series, we feature Vassiliki Moschou, aka Vicky, senior supervisor at BETA CAE, now part of Cadence. Her career journey serves as an inspiration for anyone who believes that studying in one field and working in another is less desirable. Vicky demonstrates how knowledge gained in one discipline can be effectively applied in another, often providing fresh and intriguing insights. Join us in this conversation to learn more about Vicky, her career path, and her advice for those considering a career in a field different from their studies. Tell us something about yourself. I've lived all my 41 years in the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, and together we're raising two incredible daughters who are 11 and almost 8 years old. These girls are absolutely the center of my world, and every day with them feels like a gift. My entire life, including where I have built my career and family, is deeply rooted in Thessaloniki. It's not just where I am from; it's a big part of who I am. Could you share your educational background and how you first became interested in computational fluid dynamics (CFD)? In 2001, I started my academic journey at the Computer Science Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , where I focused on studying signal processing and artificial intelligence. This field fascinated me, and I pursued a master’s degree in the same area to further my expertise. Concurrently, I was involved in European research programs on signal/audio processing and machine learning methodologies. It became evident early on that my career would revolve around software engineering, a path I was fully prepared to pursue. However, everything took a turn when I joined BETA CAE in 2008. It was there that I was introduced to the field of CFD, which was completely unfamiliar to me at the time. This presented a new challenge that I eagerly accepted. I received support from all my colleagues, but I was primarily mentored by two brilliant and dedicated engineers, Michael Giannakidis and Vangelis Skaperdas , who introduced me to the world of CFD. Over time, what was once an unknown territory for me has become my passion. My journey through CFD has been a significant part of my professional growth. In my 30s, I pursued and completed a PhD in systems physiology in collaboration with the Medical and Computer Science Departments of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Our research focused on examining the EGF-activated MAPK pathway (often associated with cancer) from the perspective of complex self-organizing systems. Using graph theory, signal processing, and machine learning, we extracted information from the signals observed in this dynamic, distributed biological system to target novel drug development. What are the different positions you have held within the company, and what responsibilities do you currently hold? I started my career as a junior engineer at BETA CAE (now Cadence). It was a role that plunged me deep into the fascinating worlds of software and CFD, a crucial time of my career filled with learning and growth. My hard work and dedication didn't go unnoticed, and after a few years, I was promoted. That promotion was the first step on a career ladder that I've been ascending ever since. Now, I'm in the position of a senior supervisor. Though my job now involves a wide range of managerial tasks, I'm still deeply passionate about the technical side of things. I love writing code and working through the complexities of our projects, merging my leadership responsibilities with my enthusiasm for the technical facets of our work. What would you be doing if not working in CFD? Had my career taken a different trajectory, I envision myself in a role deeply embedded in human connections—perhaps as the owner of a quaint bakery or a cozy hotel, a teacher, or even venturing into human resources. There's a certain allure in careers that foster direct engagement with people, creating experiences and memories. In fact, I have an inherent desire to connect and communicate with people, aspects that are fundamentally different yet equally fulfilling as my current career. What are some of your favorite pastimes and hobbies? Family is at the center of my leisure time. We love taking short trips to the village, hanging out with our friends, and connecting. Our activities range from solving puzzles in escape rooms to passionately cheering at basketball games, especially since my older daughter has taken up the sport. But beyond these activities, being a mother is my most cherished pastime. The moments I share with my daughters, the lessons we learn together, and the joy we find in everyday adventures are what I hold dear. What are your thoughts on women in technical fields? The landscape for women in technical fields is gradually transforming, a change I observe with optimism and hope. In Greece, the increasing presence of women in engineering is a positive sign. In Cadence specifically, the representation of women is high compared to other tech companies. As a mother to two daughters, I am acutely aware of the importance of being a role model to them. It's crucial to demonstrate that aspirations should not be limited by gender and that the technical field is as much a place for women as it is for men. Encouraging this mindset is vital for the progress of our society and for the empowerment of the next generation of women in technology. Advice from Vicky for those considering a career in a field different from their studies: Learning is a lifelong journey. Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn something new. Stay curious and adaptable to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Being labeled an 'expert' is less important than the willingness to learn and adapt. Finding happiness in your work can lead to natural success. In the epoch of artificial intelligence, train the most powerful neural network: your brain. At Cadence, our commitment is towards establishing an inclusive workspace where women feel empowered to achieve their professional best. Anchored by our One Cadence—One Team ethos, we take pride in fostering a community where our driven, devoted, and skilled women employees excel, making exceptional contributions to our customers, communities, and one another. Are you just like Vicky, venturing beyond your academic background, and considering a career in a different domain while being surrounded by an encouraging and uplifting atmosphere? Then, you won't want to miss exploring career opportunities at Cadence—celebrated as 'A Great Place for Women to Work'! Click the button below to discover your next adventure! Learn more about Cadence Fem.AI Alliance, which aims to lead the gender equity revolution in the AI workforce.


How to turn vavlog IO width mismatch error to warning?

Hi, all.

When I use vavlog to compile verilog rtl, it will recognize IO width mismatch problem as a fatal error.

How to turn the error into warning?

VCS can use -error=noIOPCWM to ingore the error.

Is vavlog has similar arguments?


Virtuoso Studio: Simplified Review of Operating Point Parameter Values

Read on to know about the Operating Point Parameters Summary window that gives you a one-stop view of the categorized and tabulated details on all operating point parameters in your design. This window improves your review cycle with its many benefits.(read more)

  • Analog Design Environment
  • Operating point summary window
  • Virtuoso Studio
  • Operating Point Information
  • Virtuoso Analog Design Environment
  • Custom IC Design
  • Virtuoso ADE Explorer
  • Virtuoso ADE Assembler
  • IC23.1


Start Your Engines: The Innovation Behind Universal Connect Modules (UCM)

Read this blog to know more about the innovation behind Universal Connect Modules (UCM).(read more)


Spectre 24.1 Release Now Available

The SPECTRE 24.1 release is now available for download at Cadence Downloads. For information on supported platforms and other release compatibility information, see the README.txt file in the installation hierarchy.(read more)


Text variables

Hello, I was wondering how can I create variable fields in the layout.

To start, I have a template for some type of designs, and I would like that one of the texts on the silkscreen changes accordingly to an external variable, like the folder name, or a text file in the same folder.

I was thinking something similar to a page frame that changes the date automatically. How can I generate that type of fields?


Verilog-A: Can I ignore WARNING (VACOMP-1047)

I need to include Verilog-A files which live outside the Cadence ecosystem (i.e., they are not in veriloga views but rather are just text files) into a veriloga view. These external modules are not compatible with OA (parametized port widths) so I can't put them into cellviews and hook them together using schematics.

Example: I have a cellview "test" which has a symbol and veriloga view. I have three "externaI" modules mod1 (inside an external file,  mod2 (inside an external file,  and mod3 (inside an external file I instantiate one instance of each module in "module test". The three modules have some parametized ports which are interconnected by parameterized signals p1 and p2. These two signals are strictly local to the module.

At the bottom of the module I use "`include", "`", etc.

When I check and save test->veriloga it checks all the included modules as well as the "test" module. However, I get a warning:

Warning from spectre during AHDL compile.
WARNING (VACOMP-1047): The Verilog-A file contains more than one module
definition. ADE can process only one module per Verilog-A file. Put
only one module in each Verilog-A file so that ADE can identify pin
names, directions, and hierarchy within each separate module.

Is this just a SUGGESTION that I can safely ignore, or are my included modules going to be ignored?


How to get maximum value of s11 Trace


i did a sp-Analysis and now i want to extract the maximum value of the s11 trace and the corresponding frequency.

I already tried ymax() in the calculator but i am suspecting it only works on transient Signals.


error when generating snp files from a variable

Hello everyone, 
I have a testbench for generating s2p files from a SP simulation that was working until few months ago. Today I have reopened (w/o making changes that I am aware of) and I get the error as shown below:

first I show the testbench settings:

notice how the s2p generation is disabled: the field "file" is left blank

in the corner I defined some parameters, "filename" is the word that is suppose to generate the name for the s2p. 

where the two variables are defined as follows

And now the output log:

spectre.out file gives the following error:

When clicking on the error message at "9", the input.scs file opens up and the line 9 gets highlighted in green

now, so far I understood that the problem seem to be related tom the "pathcds" variable, but I really don't understand what the error message here means, since I don't see any error in the input.scs file

by the way - if for instance I define the variable "filename" as shown below, then I get no errors:



vManager crashes when analyzing multiple sessions simultaneously with a fatal error detected by the Java Runtime Environment

When analyzing multiple sessions simultaneously Verisium Manager crashed and reported below error messages:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007efc52861b74, pid=14182, tid=18380
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.3+7 (17.0.3+7) (build 17.0.3+7)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.3+7 (17.0.3+7, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# C  []


For more details please refer to the attached log file "hs_err_pid21143.log".

Two approaches were tried to solve this problem but neither has worked.

Setting larger heap size of Java process by "-memlimit" options.For example "vmanager -memlimit 8G".


Enlarging stack memory size limit of the Coverage engine by setting "IMC_NATIVE_STACKSIZE" environment variable to a larger value. For example "setenv IMC_NATIVE_STACKSIZE 1024000"

According to "hs_err_pid*.log" it is almost certain that the memory overflow triggered Java's CrashOnOutOfMemoryError and caused Verisium Manager to crash. There are some arguments about memory management of Java like "Xms, Xmx, ThreadStackSize, Xss5048k etc" and maybe this problem can be fixed by setting these arguments during analysis. However, how exactly does Verisium Manager specify these arguments during analysis? I tried to set them by the form of setting environment variables before analysis but it didn't work in analysis and their values didn't change.

Is there something wrong with my operation or is there a better solution?

Thank you very much.


Macro for multiple-value when definitions

The two macros below introduce new syntax for adding definitions to more than one 'when' determinant value at the same time. The first macro overloads 'extend' keyword and the second is the equivalent for 'when' keyword.

A use example:

extend [HUGE, BIG] packet {
    // definitions that pertain to these subtypes

The above code would be expanded in the following (naive) way:

extend HUGE packet {
    // definitions that pertain to these subtypes
extend BIG packet {
    // definitions that pertain to these subtypes

The macros code:

define 'statement>
       "extend ['name>,...] 'name> ({;...})" as computed {
    for each in 'names> do {
        result = appendf("%sextend %s %s %s;",result,it,'name>,);
    result = appendf("{%s}",result); // required only for versions 6.1.1 or earlier

define 'struct_member>
       "when ['name>,...] 'name> ({;...})" as computed {
    for each in 'names> do {
        result = appendf("%swhen %s %s %s;",result,it,'name>,);
    result = appendf("{%s}",result); // required only for versions 6.1.1 or earlier

Originally posted in by matanvax


Creating cover items for sparse values/queue or define in specman


I have a question I want to create a cover that consists a sparse values, pre-computed (a list or define) for example l = {1; 4; 7; 9; 2048; 700} I'd like to cover that data a (uint(bits:16)) had those values, Any suggestion on how to achieve this, I'd prefer to stay away from macros, and avoid to write a lot of code

struct inst {

  data :uint(bits:16);
  opcode :uint(bits:16);
  !valid_data : list of uint(bits:16) = {0; 12; 10; 700; 890; 293;};
  event data_e;
  event opcode_e;

  cover data_e is {
     item data using radix = HEX, ranges = {
     //I dont want to write all of this
     range([0], "My range1");
     range([10], "My range2");
     //... many values in between
    range([700], "My rangen");

    item opcode;

   cross data, opcode;

post_generate() is also {
    emit data_e;


X-FAB's Innovative Communication and Automotive Designs: Powered by Cadence EMX Planar 3D Solver

Using the EMX solver, X-FAB design engineers can efficiently develop next-generation RF technology for the latest communication standards (including sub-6GHz 5G, mmWave, UWB, etc.), which are enabling technologies for communications and electric vehicle (EV) wireless applications. (read more)


Sigrity and Systems Analysis 2022.1 HF2 Release Now Available

The Sigrity and Systems Analysis (SIGRITY/SYSANLS) 2022.1 HF2 release is now available for download at Cadence Downloads. For the list of CCRs fixed in the 2022.1 HF2 release, see the README.txt file in the installation hierarchy.(read more)


BoardSurfers: Managing Silkscreen Data Using Allegro 3D Canvas

The silkscreen layer plays a crucial role in the assembly, repair, and testing of a PCB. You can add a variety of information to this layer, such as the location of the components, polarity, component orientation, on-off switches, LEDs, and testpoint...(read more)


EMX - 3D view + 3D view unavailable

Hi! I'm using EMX with 2 design kits. In one works fine. With another, I do not see the mesh or current view. The menu item is not shown. This happens only with one DK. With the other one I'm able to run Paraview without any issue. 


Besides, I would like to know if there is any way to see the 3D view without mesh and current. Just a nice 3D view. 

I've also tried to install the latest version (EMX2023_2) but nothing changes. 


VAR("") does not work within some expressions


My Virtuoso and Spectre Version: ICADVM20.1-64b.NYISR30.2

I have an expression where the EvalType is "sweeps". Here is the expression (I also attached the snapshot):

(peakToPeak(leafValue(swapSweep(delay(?wf1 clip((VT("/clk0") - VT("/clk180")) (VAR("mt_stop") - (4.0 / VAR("datarate"))) VAR("mt_stop")) ?value1 0 ?edge1 "rising" ?nth1 1 ?td1 0 ?tol1 nil ?wf2 clip((VT("/tx_padp") - VT("/tx_padn")) (VAR("mt_stop") - (4.0 / VAR("datarate"))) VAR("mt_stop")) ?value2 0 ?edge2 "rising" ?nth2 1 ?tol2 nil ?td2 nil ?stop nil ?multiple nil) "VDD_FIXED_NOISE") "VREGLN_cmode" 0.85 "VREGDRV_novn" 0.4 "datarate" 1.658e+10) ?overall t) / 10.0)

What this expression does is that it compares the delay between the output data with respect to a reference clock. I then get this information for two conditions (VDD_FIXED_NOISE = 0 or 10mV) to get the effect of the supply-induced jitter. In the expression, I need to give the value of each parameter in different modes to distinguish them from each other. Now I want to sweep the base supply values and see the supply variation effects. For example, I want to change VREGLN_cmode from 0.85 to 0.81 and see how my supply-induced jitter changes. For that, the hard way is to copy the expression and change that value accordingly (e.g. "VREGLN_cmode" 0.81). I'm looking for an easier way to use a variable in the expression. Something like VAR("VREGLN_Sweep"). But I see it doesn't work in my expression and it gives an eVal error. I tested this before in other expressions (not sweep type) and it always worked. I have only one test and these variables are all Design Variables and not Global variables.
I want to know what mistake am I doing here and is there a way to make this work. Sorry that if I could not explain better my inquiry. Thank you.


unbound variable freq

I want to plot the inductance through formula L1=(imag(Z(1,1))/(2*pi*freq)), but the system tells me that the freq is unbound variable? What can I do?


Knowledge Booster Training Bytes - What Is a Parameterized Cell and What Are the Advantages

Che(read more)

  • Relative Object Design
  • PCells
  • Virtuoso Video Diary
  • Custom IC Design
  • Virtuoso Layout Suite


Virtuoso ICADVM20.1 ISR26 and IC6.1.8 ISR26 Now Available

The ICADVM20.1 ISR26 and IC6.1.8 ISR26 production releases are now available for download.(read more)


Start Your Engines: An Innovative and Efficient Approach to Debug Interface Elements with SimVision MS

This blog introduces you to an efficient way to debug interface elements or connect modules in a mixed-signal simulation.(read more)


Virtuoso ICADVM20.1 ISR27 and IC6.1.8 ISR27 Now Available

The ICADVM20.1 ISR27 and IC6.1.8 ISR27 production releases are now available for download.(read more)


Training Insights: Cadence Certus Closure Solution Badge Now Available!

This blog informs about the new badge certification available for Cadence Certus Closure Solution, that grants credit to your proficiency.(read more)


Review: 2025 Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid elevates the midsize SUV

Santa Fe Hybrid makes 231 hp and 271 lb-ft of torque Santa Fe Hybrid averaged 31 mpg combined over mostly highway miles Comfy seats, clever storage, and a spacious cargo area with the third-row folded make it a good family hauler My teen daughter’s a videographer. Whenever I test a big car, fast car, cool car, anything that’s not...


Kazakhstan takes digital route to prove innovation credentials

As the Digital Kazakhstan programme creates an environment conducive to innovation, start-up hubs are springing up across the country. Their task? To move the economy beyond commodities and make the country a regional centre of innovation. 


Madeira looks to keep tax advantage

On top of EU access, an impressive quality of life, talented labour and a thriving tourism sector, Madeira offers a white-listed preferential tax regime that is conducive to long-term, productive investments. Sebastian Shehadi reports.


Antwerp's vice-mayor mixes history and innovation

Antwerp’s vice-mayor, Claude Marinower, talks about the city's history as a diverse business location, and its plans to promote traditional industries alongside innovative concepts.


Thirst for innovation drives Antwerp's digital development

With a multilingual population, Antwerp enjoys a diverse talent pool that has made it a popular testbed for digital innovation and entrepreneurship.


Why mixing wine with tourism could pay off for Moldova

Moldova's wine industry has gained some international recognition but the country remains largely untroubled by tourists, a combination that is enticing some foreign investors.


Production and preservation the key on Canada's Atlantic coast

Canada's Atlantic Ocean-bordering provinces are making the most of their coastal resources, using decades of knowhow to balance economic growth with sustainability.


Environment Variables in Apache and Xampp

Few days back one of my friend's project database credentials got exposed. After some investigation, we realized that it is because of the .git config commit. I would recommend configuring your sensitive credentials with operating system environment variables. This way you can protect information from the code base. This post will explain how to set up an environment variable for an Apache web server.


Angular Removing Unused CSS and Obfuscate JavaScript in Post Build Process

Nowadays most applications are developed based on large CSS libraries like Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, etc.. and sometimes multiple frameworks. But your application components are not using all of the styles and it adds more weight to the application performance. This post will explain the Angular post-build process to remove unused CSS and hidden JavaScript files that enhance the application security and definitely improve the app loading time and save the overall bandwidth cost.


React Removing Unused CSS and Obfuscate JavaScript in Post Build Process

This is continues of my previous post about how to remove unused CSS and convert unclear JavaScript to protect your source code in the post-build process. If you are using CSS libraries like Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, etc.. and sometimes multiple frameworks. But your application components are not using all of the styles and it adds more weight to the application performance. This post will explain how to configure the React post-build process to remove unused CSS and hidden JavaScript files that enhance the application security and definitely improve the app loading time and save the overall bandwidth cost.


Insight – Kuwait extends the shelf-life limit for chilled vacuum-packed beef

Kuwait has extended the shelf-life limit of chilled vacuum-packed beef from 90 days to 120 days.


Meet the Eureka E10s robot vacuum

It’s the newest robot vacuum hybrid on the block, and it sucks as much as it mops.


4 best robot vacuums and mops to buy on Black Friday, tested

I've tested a ton of hybrid robot vacuums at home — here are the top 4 mopping robot vacs from iRobot, Roborock, and more to buy on sale on Black Friday.


Save 42% on the Shark Pet Pro stick vacuum and get spotless floors during shedding season

The Shark Pet Pro cordless stick vacuum is just $144 at Walmart, down from the normal price of $249.99. That's a 42% discount.


Take $120 off the Shark Clean and Empty cordless vacuum and tidy up off-leash

As of Nov. 12, get the Shark Clean and Empty Cordless Vacuum for $199 at Walmart, down from its usual price of $319. That's 37% off.


X rival Bluesky sees more than 700,000 new users after the U.S. election

Bluesky has gained more than 700,000 new users after the U.S. presidential election.


G’day USA: Aussie private F&B labels star in Chicago

Australian food and beverages wowed the crowd at the 2022 Private Label Trade Show in Chicago.

  • Latest from Austrade


Australia stars at the world’s largest fintech festival

Australian fintechs were in the spotlight at the Singapore Fintech Festival.

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