
Safe Dynamic Memory Management in Ada and SPARK

Safe Dynamic Memory Management in Ada and SPARK by Maroua Maalej, Tucker Taft, Yannick Moy:

Handling memory in a correct and efficient way is a step toward safer, less complex, and higher performing software-intensive systems. However, languages used for critical software development such as Ada, which supports formal verification with its SPARK subset, face challenges regarding any use of pointers due to potential pointer aliasing. In this work, we introduce an extension to the Ada language, and to its SPARK subset, to provide pointer types (“access types” in Ada) that provide provably safe, automatic storage management without any asynchronous garbage collection, and without explicit deallocation by the user. Because the mechanism for these safe pointers relies on strict control of aliasing, it can be used in the SPARK subset for formal verification, including both information flow analysis and proof of safety and correctness properties. In this paper, we present this proposal (which has been submitted for inclusion in the next version of Ada), and explain how we are able to incorporate these pointers into formal analyses

For the systems programmers among you, you might be interested in some new developments in Ada where they propose to add ownership types to Ada's pointer/access types, to improve the flexibility of the programs that can be written and whose safety can be automatically verified. The automated satisfiability of these safety properties is a key goal of the SPARK Ada subset.


Applied Category Theory - The Emerging Science of Compositionality

An enjoyable 25-minute introductory talk: YOW! Lambda Jam 2019 - Ken Scambler - Applied Category Theory (slides)

What do programming, quantum physics, chemistry, neuroscience, systems biology, natural language parsing, causality, network theory, game theory, dynamical systems and database theory have in common?

As functional programmers, we know how useful category theory can be for our work - or perhaps how abstruse and distant it can seem. What is less well known is that applying category theory to the real world is an exciting field of study that has really taken off in just the last few years. It turns out that we share something big with other fields and industries - we want to make big things out of little things without everything going to hell! The key is compositionality, the central idea of category theory.

Previously: Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory.

(via Brian McKenna)


Turnstile+: Dependent Type Systems as Macros

In 2017, a team from Northeastern University released Turnstile, a framework for implementing propositionally typed languages in Racket; cf. naasking's story Type Systems as Macros. The system was really nice because it allowed type systems to be expressed in a manner similar to the way theoretical PL researchers would in a paper, and because it hooked into Racket's clean compiler backend.

Now Stephen Chang, one of that team, together with new coauthors Michael Ballantyne, Usamilo Turner and William Bowman, have released a rewrite that they call Turnstile+, together with a POPL article, Dependent Type Systems as Macros. From that article's introduction:

Turnstile+ represents a major research leap over its predecessor. Specifically, we solve the major challenges necessary to implement dependent types and their accompanying DSLs and extensions (which Turnstile could not support), while retaining the original abilities of Turnstile. For example, one considerable obstacle was the separation between the macro expansion phase and a program’s runtime phase. Since dependently typed languages may evaluate expressions while type checking, checking dependent types with macros requires new macrology design patterns and abstractions for interleaving expansion, type checking, and evaluation. The following summarizes our key innovations.

  • Turnstile+ demands a radically different API for implementing a language’s types. It must be straightforward yet expressive enough to represent a range of constructs from base types, to binding forms like Π-types, to datatype definition forms for indexed inductive type families.
  • Turnstile+ includes an API for defining type-level computation, which we dub normalization by macro expansion. A programmer writes a reduction rule using syntax resembling familiar on-paper notation, and Turnstile+ generates a macro definition that performs the reduction during macro expansion. This allows easily implementing modular type-level evaluation.
  • Turnstile+’s new type API adds a generic type operation interface, enabling modular implementation of features such as error messages, pattern matching, and resugaring. This is particularly important for implementing tools like tactic systems that inspect intermediate type-checking steps and construct partial terms.
  • Turnstile+’s core type checking infrastructure requires an overhaul, specifically with first-class type environments, in order to accommodate features like dependent binding structures of the shape[x:τ]...,i.e., telescopes [de Bruijn 1991; McBride 2000].
  • Relatedly, Turnstile+’s inference-rule syntax is extended so that operations over telescopes, or premises with references to telescopes, operate as folds instead of as maps

The code is available at https://github.com/stchang/macrotypes.



Sunday is Mothers Day Streaming Love


"Paris, a Poem" in SWEDISH!


Yet again, something astonishing has arrived in my mailbox. This time, it's a chapbook titled Paris ett poem, containing a Swedish translation (surely the first) of Hoope Mirrlees' modernist masterpiece, Paris, a Poem. Mirrlees, you'll recall, is best known in genre circles for her fantasy novel Lud-in-the-Mist, in academic circles for being on the fringes of Bloomsbury, and in poetic circles for this poem.

Ylva Gislén translated the poem, wrote an introduction, provided explanatory notes, and created two collages for inclusion in the chapbook. All of it, clearly, a labor of love.

Quite a lovely  book. Published by Ellerströms.

And Speaking of Good Things . . .

The Temporary Culture chapbook assembled by Henry Wessells, "She Saved Us from World War Three," was reviewed by Michael Dirda in the Washington Post. Here's what he said:

Besides being one of the stars of “The Booksellers,” Henry Wessells is also the proprietor of the micro-publisher, Temporary Culture. His latest booklet, “She Saved Us From World War Three,” brings together an interview, essay and two letters highlighting the friendship between Gardner Dozois, the longtime editor of Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, and Alice Sheldon, the former Washington intelligence agent whose intense, sometimes feminist sci-fi — no one ever forgets “The Women Men Don’t See” — was written using the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. In one letter Sheldon explains that she has pretty much stopped writing because “the stories were getting to hurt too much.”

Which is pretty good coverage for a micro-press.



Civic Tech: We tried to get a copy of the Sidewalk Toronto agreement

Why all the secrecy?

If you follow the news in Toronto or if you’re interested in technology, you’ve probably heard of Sidewalk Toronto by now. It’s a joint project of Sidewalk Labs, a sister company of Google, and Waterfront Toronto. This is the tech giant’s first foray into urban development and infrastructure, with Toronto hosting the pilot project. In […]

The post Civic Tech: We tried to get a copy of the Sidewalk Toronto agreement appeared first on Torontoist.


Harlem figure skating gala pivots from ice to internet

Unable to stage its big fundraiser because of the pandemic, Figure Skating in Harlem is going from the ice to the internet


Analysis: Tennis pros' US return amid pandemic no true model

Analysis: Tennis pros' US return amid pandemic no true model


2020/05/06_sovsem_ebanulis - Когда меня отпустит?

На третий месяц конституционной истерики индеец Зоркий Глаз догадался, что над ним просто издеваются.

На самом деле это удивительное ощущение, когда ты смотришь живое кино о бесстыдстве эпохи. Только это не эпоха какого-нибудь Нерона, а наши дни в отдельно взятой стране.

Единственная цель изменений в Конституции — это как-то объяснить, почему Владимир Путин больше 20 лет не может выпустить из жадного кулака власть, данную ему однажды на 4 года. Это беда не Путина, к слову, а народа: на всем постсоветском пространстве, кроме самых цивилизованных республик (Украины, Грузии, немножко Армении) установилась та же ситуация: побултыхавшись немного без Генерального секретаря партии республики, помыкавшись со своей новой прогрессивной Конституцией самостоятельного государства, феодальное общество быстро заскучало и выдвинуло нового царька на веки вечные. И каждый из этих царьков по-своему объяснил своему народу, почему закон о смене власти конкретно к нему не относится. Ну там в Белоруссии он типа лучший хозяйственник и без него все развалится, в Туркмении — великий сын неба или кто он там, в Казахстане — отец народа великой степи, и так далее. Этот процесс кристаллизации местных царьков на обломках СССР идёт уже 30 лет, и мы привыкли. В России до последнего года пытались делать вид, что мы Европа и у нас все цивилизованно, без царьков, просто законы такие, что позволили чуть задержаться. Но в 2020 решили, что зачем цирк, расшаркивания и исходные схемы, если можно все обнулить без цирковых номеров и джигитовки. Тоже смешно, но речь не об этом. Затем были выделены деньги на рекламу — надо как-то объяснить народу, почему важно прийти и проголосовать за изменения в Конституции, которые касаются не его (народа), а одного лишь Путина. И понеслось... Это жалкое зрелище, когда задача поставлена, а как ее решить — креатива нет:

Какие нахуй семейные ценности будут в исправленной Конституции, каких не было в старой? Или вот совсем кризис мысли — котики. В любой непонятной ситуации рисуй котиков. Котиков все любят, проголосуют за котика, заодно и за поправки в Конституцию. Вид у котика на снимке совершенно охуевший, и его можно понять:

Какие нахуй отношения с животными регламентирует Конституция РФ?! Это же смех и портрет эпохи. А вот совсем уже прекрасно — волонтеры. Вообще волонтерское движение возникает по определению там, где не справляется власть. Поэтому в Конституции оно не прописано ни в какой. Ни в новой, ни в старой, ни в американской. Но мне всё-таки кажется, что художник тонко троллил, нарисовав добровольцев, закапывающих новую Конституцию нахуй:


A reminder: How to stimulate the appetite of a medical leech

The 1996 Ig Nobel Prize for biology was awarded to Anders Barheim and Hogne Sandvik of the University of Bergen, Norway, for their tasty and tasteful report, “Effect of Ale, Garlic, and Soured Cream on the Appetite of Leeches.” Recently, Bradley Allff, writing in Atlas Obscura, looked at the role medical leeches sometimes play in medicine in the USA. […]


Crazy-seeming research, now and then, turns up something true and beautiful

Crazy-seeming research, every now and then, leads to something really, really wonder-filled. In this case, the discovery of something long-predicted (by Einstein) but seemingly impossible to perceive: gravity waves. (HT Maggie Lettvin)


French (near) homonyms – "calembours pourris"

[h/t Stephan Hurtubise]  


Autres temps, autres mœurs


Greedy Cloud’s Hidden Spring Furniture and Garden Décor Items Discovered!

Dear Idea Seeker or Ally of the Idea Seekers, I have great news!  Greedy Cloud has been chased away and Spec and Tra discovered some new spring time house and garden items that he was hiding from everyone. Check them out in my house and garden, or go see Spec, Tra and Skeeter’s houses. Here […]


Well, There's Your Problem

Submitter Denene's mechanic took this photo.


Pandemic Pals!


Infolinks Wants You To Spam For Them (blog post

I recently received an email from Infolinks a contextual affiliate advertiser. It seems they want to expand their service and get more blogs and websites using their service. Now I have no problem with this and have found their services pretty good overall. However how they want to expand is by getting you to spam comments for them.


Star Wars Map Of The Problematique (fan video)

This is a Star Wars tribute video to the original movies using the song map of the problematique by Muse.


A Typical Email Scam To Avoid (Blog Post)

I get scam emails all the time, all claiming that I have untold riches waiting for me. All I need to do is fill out a simple form with either my credit card or social security information or simply send them a cheque to “release my money” It’s hard to imagine that anyone would buy into these scams, but they wouldn’t keep doing them if there wasn’t some poor sucker out there buying into it.


Heat Maps What About Them And Where To Get Them

It doesn’t matter what website you’re looking at, every site online has something that naturally catches your attention. It could be a picture, a graphic, a video, there will be something that naturally stands out and gets your attention. If you’re looking at turning your website into a source of revenue you want your ads or products displayed in such a way that they grab your visitor’s attention. There are two ways you can go about doing this, the wrong way which is to force your ads on people which will drive them away from your site. Or using heat maps to attract your visitors to them without forcing them..........


5 Ways To Make A Fire In An Emergency Without Matches

Knowing how to start a fire without matches is an important skill you need to know. Personally I recommend you never venture into the woods be it a camping or hiking trip without a means to start a fire, such as a magnesium fire starter, or wind and waterproof matches. That being said, in a disaster or emergency situation you might not have access to those emergency supplies you have stored in your bug out bag or emergency survival kit.......................


Dead Island "Feminist Whore" Skill?

The game Dead Island, a game set on a fictional tropical island where you get to kill zombies hasn’t had very much luck with its recent release. Those who’ve purchased the game on Steam downloaded an incorrect build of the game full of bugs and glitches. On top of that most couldn’t connect online to play multiplayer.............


In pictures: Last supermoon of 2020 rises on a world grappling to overcome pandemic - DAWN.com

  1. In pictures: Last supermoon of 2020 rises on a world grappling to overcome pandemic  DAWN.com
  2. May's flower moon lights up the sky around the globe  ABC News
  3. Hurry up: Last chance to see a supermoon this year  Euronews
  4. Last supermoon of the year, Photos News & Top Stories  The Straits Times
  5. Stunning supermoon lights up New Zealand's skies overnight  New Zealand Herald
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Daredevil 'Mad Mike' Hughes dies in crash of his homemade rocket in California

"Mad Mike" Hughes, a self-styled explorer and daredevil bent on proving that the earth is flat was killed over the weekend when his homemade rocket crashed in the California desert over the weekend.


A Simple Weekend Embroidery Finish

An idea has been bubbling around in my brain for a while. And since this past weekend was a perfect …


Jacobean Sea Embroidery Project: Troubleshooting the Stem

Oh golly. I really wanted to show off some serious stitching today. But in fact, I ran into one of …


How to Iron Everyday Usable Embroidered Goods

You can iron your embroidery. I do it all the time! But I hear from a lot of people who …


The Stem & a Fill on Jacobean Sea – Stitching Progress

I’m pretty excited to get back to stitching this morning! I love developing an embroidery project and seeing how my …


This Remixed Church Sermon Became an Instant Thanksgiving Classic

What's your grandma cooking for Thanksgiving? These lucky people are dancing, parodying and rapping about all the delicious potential for tasty holiday foods.


Don’t be shallow. A tale of subsurface microplastics and the processes that transport them.

One thing you should know about me is that I am from New York and I am half Italian. That means when I like something,…


The lingering and extreme impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the deep sea

From the darkness emerges a boot. An old leather, steel-toed, work boot. It shouldn’t be there resting on the seafloor nearly two kilometers deep. I’m…