ri Be Yay Do Crimes By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Sun, 07 Jul 2024 17:47:38 -0300 Yay has the worst poker face(s) in history Full Article
ri A Minor Diplomatic Crisis By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 22:33:10 -0300 I'm gonna be at Gencon this August! I'll have some books and stuff and will be doing sketches and complimenting your pet photos. SEE YOU THERE??? Full Article
ri A Trick Of The Light By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 22:14:20 -0300 Hi Cosmo Full Article
ri They're A Serif Sort Of Person By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 23:28:34 -0300 Full Article
ri The Rise Of Darkness By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Wed, 02 Oct 2024 22:01:46 -0300 DARK EMMETT Full Article
ri Anh Is The Problematic Friend By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 22:08:42 -0300 who even invited her Full Article
ri Other Kinds Of Inheritance By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:18:18 -0300 and if she was a catgirl she'd be a necro-nepo-neko-baby Full Article
ri Tricky Dick By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 21:26:32 -0300 RICHARD Full Article
ri Designated Driver By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 22:48:35 -0400 Full Article
ri little free libraries should have beer By www.toothpastefordinner.com Published On :: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 05:00:00 EST Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: little free libraries should have beerThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article comic
ri the fucker has arrived By www.toothpastefordinner.com Published On :: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 05:00:00 EST Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: the fucker has arrivedThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article comic
ri shouldnt be worried By www.toothpastefordinner.com Published On :: Mon, 04 Dec 2023 05:00:00 EST Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: shouldnt be worriedThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article comic
ri climate change grilling season By www.toothpastefordinner.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 05:00:00 EDT Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: climate change grilling seasonThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article comic
ri casu marzu hybrid By www.toothpastefordinner.com Published On :: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 05:00:00 EDT Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: casu marzu hybridThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article comic
ri bring back the long s By www.toothpastefordinner.com Published On :: Mon, 09 Sep 2024 05:00:00 EDT Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: bring back the long sThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article comic
ri Yer mind’s playing them shifty tricks again. By thisisindexed.com Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:23:41 +0000 The post Yer mind’s playing them shifty tricks again. appeared first on Indexed. Full Article booze consumption monsters
ri Jesus Christ. By thisisindexed.com Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 16:25:21 +0000 The post Jesus Christ. appeared first on Indexed. Full Article consumption politics
ri #1548; Spring Forth, My Creation By wondermark.com Published On :: Tue, 21 May 2024 15:04:00 +0000 Full Article Comic craft internet marketing technology the culture
ri #1549; A Bargain at Any Price By wondermark.com Published On :: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:26:23 +0000 Full Article Comic commerce internet schemes
ri #1550; Spring Forth, My Creation (Part 2) By wondermark.com Published On :: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 19:41:21 +0000 Continued from Part 1 Full Article Comic craft internet marketing
ri #1551; Spring Forth, My Creation (Part 3) By wondermark.com Published On :: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:01:46 +0000 This storyline began with Part 1. Full Article Comic craft internet schemes
ri 'As the breadwinner, you hold all the leverage': Husband refuses to spend $2,000 on wedding gift for wife's friend, wife tallies up his recreational finances By cheezburger.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 13:00:00 -0800 It seems that both parties are at fault here. On the one hand, you have the Redditor, who is the breadwinner of the family. He recently brought home a bonus of $3,000, a bonus that his wife wanted to be mostly used to pay for a wedding gift for her friend. Now, this friend frequently extends financial generosity to the Redditor's wife when they socialize together. It makes logical sense that the wife would want to pay her friend back for all the meals and financial assistance her friend provided to her over the years during difficult times. However, spending $2K out of your husband's $3K bonus on a necklace does not seem like the kind of idea her husband would be happy with. Naturally, this started a heated argument between the two spouses.This conflict led to the wife tallying up all her husband's expenses on recreational activities, such as hobbies or the two cars he owns. Clearly, he is not the most generous spouse either, especially since his wife still needs help with her personal finances from her friend. Keep scrolling below to see what people had to say to this guy in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a 40-year-old who was passed over for a promotion in favor of a younger coworker. Full Article aita bonus friends wife gift husband wedding reddit thread Reddit money
ri 'Not a single person ever paid me back': Man loans friends over $18,000, friends avoid repaying him for years By cheezburger.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 14:00:00 -0800 This person is lending out way too much money to their friends! There's only so much you can do for your friends before you're officially the one being taken advantage of. After all, friendship is supposed to be a give-and-take. You laugh together and cry together. You listen to their troubles and they listen to yours. If it's not reciprocal, it can leave one or both of you with conflicting feelings. You might start to wonder why you're always the one who has to pay the bill at the end of a meal because your friend keeps insisting they've fallen on hard times. Or in this person's case, you might accidentally loan your friends thousands of dollars over time, leaving you with an entire friend group who owes you big.This person, u/mastagoose, has learned the hard way that they need to be cautious when mixing money with friendship. There's that common rule that states that if you're going to loan someone money, just give it as a gift, and don't expect to get it back. That way, there won't be any hard feelings when you notice your friend wearing a new outfit or buying an expensive meal, knowing that they haven't paid you back. This guy not only hasn't forgotten about their numerous loans to friends, but they made a list about it, and the people of the internet were not exactly kind to them. Instead, they were repeatedly told that they should stop lending people money ASAP. Maybe they'll take the internet's advice! Up next, read about one 22-year-old employee who "decided to start including the Chairman/CEO…on all emails" in order to get their coworkers to reply to their emails. Full Article friendship list friends loan mildly infuriating payment money
ri After being denied a raise, employee resigns and accepts job at rival company, boss rejects the resignation and offers a 50% raise instead: ‘I couldn't refuse’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 06:00:00 -0800 When you know you are a valued employee, one your company cannot afford to lose, you have a lot of leverage when negotiating benefits and pay. The problem is, unless you actually threaten to quit, companies will not be in a rush to give you more than they think you deserve, which is usually much less than what you do deserve. So employees threaten to quit, and some manage to get what they want from their current company, and some end up actually quitting and getting a better deal somewhere else.The employee in this Reddit story (OP, original poster) got the best of both worlds, since they already had another job lining up when they handed in their resignation letter. Their boss, who previously refused to give OP a raise, decided to reject the resignation and offer OP exactly what they wanted, which meant OP now had two offers, and a big decision to make.Scroll down to read how the story ends. After you are done, click here for a story of a food company that refused to listen to their QAs' advice, and launched a terrible new sauce nobody wanted. Full Article boss workplace-stories employee manager job tales-from-the-workplace reddit story pay overworked-employees workplace paycheck Reddit company funny money resignation
ri 'The manager [said], "You really want to burn this bridge?" I said, "Yes"': 20+ Employees who quit their jobs as fast as possible By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 08:00:00 -0800 There's no need to double down on a bad bet, especially when your career is on the line. Although it can be a letdown to try and start a new job only to leave immediately, it's better than staying somewhere you hate for years only to regret it each day. Some workplaces have working conditions that are completely unacceptable, and a lot of folks cited that as their reasons for leaving. For example, one person found themself working in a propane tank factory, but they realized they were working in the second-hottest room possible. They were stationed right next to a kiln room, and the room they were in was often at 130 degrees! They rightfully refused to return to that job. Other people were dealing with some really incompetent management situations. As one worker shared, their management at a small retail shop barely bothered to train them, and they spent their entire second day on the job alone. This was the deciding factor for that person, and they called it quits. At least some of the people who shared their stories moved onto way better jobs after learning from these bad ones. After that, read about this job candidate who chose the wrong interviewer to lie to, because at the job he claimed to work at, "Nobody knew him." Full Article boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers quit interviews workplace quitting
ri 'She has a temper [...] I hate her': 16-year-old girl refuses to tutor her terrible 15-year old sister despite parents' threats of punishment By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 09:00:00 -0800 We're often taught that we have an obligation to love our family and that "blood is thicker than water." While this is overly simplistic, I think it remains true that we should try harder to make things work with our family than we would with other random people. We should seek to resolve issues that reasonably can be resolved with a higher obligation than we would with friends and acquaintances. But even with family, there is a point where cutting ties becomes the only option.Still, these sisters may come to find they grow closer as they grow older and as whatever chip this younger sister has on her shoulder subsides and she matures—or they may never come to find common ground, with old deep cuts festering and becoming impossible to resolve and move past. But, for now, it's hard to say that the older sister is wrong for not wanting to help her sister out. Siblings are going to fight, but there's a point where things go way too far, and the parents desperately need to intervene. Perhaps the parents would be better off just hiring a tutor to help her with the subjects she's falling behind in. Full Article childcare teens family drama aita kids sibling rivalry sisters teenagers siblings moms family feud parenting dad family sister reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS
ri Prying Karen criticizes a baby-faced 20-year-old mom at the store and lectures her about 'teen pregnancy,' the mom snaps and teaches her a lesson of her own: ‘I made her regret it’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 10:00:00 -0800 Moms are usually an infinite pit of mercy, grace, and patience, but when a new mom is just released from the hospital post-birth and some old bat at the store decides to give her a hard time about her precious tiny human, the gloves might come off a little.Perhaps a mother's grace is earned throughout their child's life. Untrained in the ways of well-grounded motherhood, this 20-year-old mom, u/Feathers137 the original poster (OP) of this story, was in the grocery store trying to buy some formula for her newborn when an older woman came over to her. Expecting the older lady to coo over her new baby–as many older folks do–she smiled and allowed her to approach, but what this uncouth Karen said in return shocked everyone standing in Aisle 18. Quite frankly, if anyone said this sort of comment to me (unprompted) in public, I think I'd need to be escorted out of the premises by security to avoid some sort of physical altercation. But maybe that's because I don't possess that uber-top-secret mom patience potion yet… So when OP encountered the rudest, most shamelessly abrasive woman in the world who was fixated on forcing her beliefs on a new mom in the dairy section, she dropped an epic comeback that made this Karen cry over spilled milk. Full Article groceries karens baby mother motherhood moms karen-stories karens in the wild young newborn Reddit mom karen grocery store
ri 'A masterclass in how not to get hired': 18-year-old writes unflattering pitch for themself on social media job page By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 12:00:00 -0800 This person is young and aspirational, but their methods of finding a new job could use some fine-tuning. Creating your very first resume is both intimidating and kind of embarrassing. Because you have zero job experience, you have to write about the clubs you participated in school, or your hobbies where you have leadership qualities, or even just the classes you're currently taking. None of that life experience is going to wow a hiring manager. But that's why kids start small, picking up jobs at fast food chains or clothing stores and working for minimum wage. This 18-year-old had a different idea of how they think their first jobs should go. They wrote in to a Facebook group for job offerings with an interesting paragraph about their own experience. Instead of highlighting their best attributes, they insisted on avoiding jobs where they have to work with customers (even though they claim to be outgoing in the same breath). The internet found this all very funny, and had some notes for this kid about better ways to find a job. Up next, have a laugh at some employees who got fired after getting petty with their most entitled customers, like one who informed a customer that, "If I have to talk to you again, you have to sit in time-out for 10 minutes." Full Article teens workplace-stories jobs job teenagers work facebook hiring posts workplace
ri 'Hang up the phone, Karen': Entitled couple brake-checks catering delivery vehicle, blames the driver and tries to get free catering out of it By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 13:00:00 -0800 It's always shocking when people who are so clearly in the wrong forcibly double down on their behavior. Of course, that kind of entitlement among the Karens and Kevins of the world comes as no surprise, and yet to see this kind of audacity unfold in real-time is still a sight to behold.Here, we have an entitled couple that brake-checked a catering delivery vehicle. The driver reported the incident to his supervisor, and the camera footage that was captured clearly showed that the couple was at fault. And yet, the couple willingly called up the catering service to accuse the driver of wrongdoing, threatening to call the policy and sue the company unless they got free catering for an upcoming event they were hosting. Thankfully, the supervisor did not fall for this entitled behavior and proceeded to show them the footage that was captured. Let's just say that Karen and Kevin quickly hung up after the evidence presented itself.For more stories like this, check out this post about an entitled boss whose behavior caused their new hire to quit immediately. Full Article cars driver car accident entitled people karma couples entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people
ri 'Leaving was the best thing I did': Employer of 3 years hires new employee at $30k higher than experienced worker, they quit By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 16:00:00 -0800 It's no secret that a lot of employers in as many industries allocate more budget to hiring than they do to staff retention. This is a bit silly when you consider that large organizations will go on to spend tens of thousands of dollars on recruiting, onboarding, and training processes—in addition to value lost due to lost time and productivity of vacant roles. Though some of this cost is silent or not immediately apparent on the books and, in contrast, the idea of approving even half that money in the upfront cost of giving a raise is daunting. While this is an organizational flaw that often occurs, there are, of course, more intentional reasons why employers choose not to give their workers even deserved raises.Whatever the reason or cause, unfortunately, this ends up with a turnover of the most experienced staff who are frustrated at their own lack of advancement and pay that is falling behind the market rate, discovering that new hires are being paid more than them despite their experience and contribution.That's what this worker in a "niche" field discovered had happened when they learned that their employer of 3 years had hired a new hire at $30k more than they were currently earning. Frustrated, they found a new job as fast as possible. Full Article workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work i quit quit employees overworked-employees workplace quitting employment in the workplace
ri Cousin tries to guilt-trip woman into giving up family heirloom their grandma personally left to her in her will, woman refuses but family is divided: ‘She hoped I’d keep it safe’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 06:00:00 -0800 When a family member we hold near and dear to our hearts passes on to the next life, everything they leave behind holds astronomically more sentimental value—especially those who had special bonds with this family member. We can only hope that this family member can live on in the life they lived with and without us, and the items they pass down to us stick with us for as long as we are here, too.That's the thing about passing on—this event really makes certain individuals show their true colors. Family members who have been nice to you all of your life now turn sour. Others creep out of the woodwork and assume they were grandma's favorite (which means they get everything she left in the will, despite her last wishes.) It's baffling that some folks use somber life events like this to gain something instead of grieving, going so far as to try and rip family heirlooms away from those who have the legal right to keep them.The woman in this story is dealing with an entitled cousin who, despite not having a close, personal relationship with their grandmother, automatically assumes she is entitled to a necklace grandma left behind. Their grandmother personally gave the woman this necklace in hopes that she'd "treasure" it, and also wrote it into her will before she left them. Their family is divided, though it doesn't make sense as to why. Going against someone's last wishes in order to "keep the peace" is an entitlement that knows no bounds. Full Article family drama heirloom entitlement drama grandma reddit story family feud will grandmas entitled people karma divorce entitled family subreddit reddit thread r-entitled Reddit cousins entitled people cousin
ri 'This is the first time I have ever asked to have some time off': 22-year-old babysitter gets denied vacation time for her sister's wedding, boss tries to guilt trip babysitter into skipping it By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 08:00:00 -0800 This kind of boss is just the worst, as this flustered nanny can tell you. Taking time off at your job can be awkward at times, especially if you're close friends with your boss. You might feel obligated to tell them everything you're planning to do with this time off. This person certainly did, but they at least had a great reason for requesting a few days off. U/Nannyneedabreak writes that as a babysitter for two kids, ages 6 and 8, she gave her boss a generous warning that she'd be gone for a few days. She gave this boss an incredible seven months of notice that she would be out of town for just four days! That's way more generous than most employees would be. This woman shared that she also reminded her boss about that important date at least once per month. Still her, boss insisted she cancel the trip when the date got close. Come on, lady, there are other babysitters in the world! Just ask for a reference to someone else, and let this woman go to her sister's once in a lifetime event. Up next, this non-HOA homeowner is refusing to take down their holiday lights, and told the HOA member to "just get off my property… I've just had enough." Full Article boss aita babysitter kids time off wedding Horrible Bosses weekend family sister weddings
ri Man is left jobless when scorned ex-employee refuses to hire him after receiving the same treatment 9 months prior: ‘HE is now redundant’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 10:00:00 -0800 Nothing feels worse than being "made redundant" at your company after spending years being the best employee you could be. You did everything right! An employee that was always on time, always got tasks done in a timely manner, and never caused a ruckus in the office. Sometimes, there's no rhyme or reason to being made redundant. It's not a reflection of your work ethic, but rather, the very DNA of the corporate machine. Churn in, churn out.When you finally go to apply for another position, you're surprised to see one of your ex-colleagues at that specific company. Hoping this would work in your favor, you complete the interview with high hopes. Instead of putting in a good word about you, your ex-colleague decides to tell the interviewer that you had "asked too many questions" at your previous workplace. Isn't curiosity what most employers want? Well, 9 months later, you see someone very familiar waiting to be interviewed at your new company. Your mouth turns upward into a small when you realize it's the same ex-colleague who refused to hire you. Sweet karma. Full Article terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers askreddit reddit story horrible-management entitled people karma workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread red flag job interview interview entitled people toxic-work-environment
ri Sneaky landlord enters residence without tenant's approval and steals some items, demands another month's rent after tenants accuse him: ‘What are our rights?’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 13:00:00 -0800 Just like landlords, tenants have rights. When a conniving landlord decides that they are above the law and impede on your rights as a tenant, there landlord can't expect you to keep quiet.When something seems fishy, it likely is. Always trust your intuition, but even more so, trust the evidence you have and do something with it. The more power that landlords have, the more they're willing to do whatever it takes to pull a fast one on you and every other tenant they have in the future.The tenant in this story is moving out of their unit and it is their last month paying rent. They noticed their cleaning supplies were gone from their apartment, in addition to two set of blinds and a shelf they had installed in their closet for storage purposes. They first thought their neighbor might've taken their belongings, but they noticed their landlord posted an advertisement of their unit and they had never approved of him coming in and taking photos to post on apartment-seeking websites. When they confront him, instead of fessing up, he demands they pay another month's rent. Scroll to read. Full Article landlord entitlement stealing tenants tenant landlords askreddit apartments reddit story entitled subreddit reddit thread r-entitled Reddit theft entitled people apartment
ri '[I] asked for a 15k raise': Hybrid employee pressured to come into the office 5 days a week, employee refuses to give in without his promised promotion By cheezburger.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 05:00:00 -0800 Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to stand up for what you were hired for in the first place. If your boss tries to impose new rules and regulations, new responsibilities, and new expectations that were not expressly written in your initial contract, then you are well within your right to advocate for yourself. That means advocating for a raise or promotion if you feel compelled to do so. It can also mean enforcing what's currently written in your contract if you do not wish to accept the new changes. Be prepared to receive some pushback, of course, but again, you have some leverage here.This hybrid employee was hired with the expectation that he could spend two days working remotely, which was convenient for his family and young kid. When his boss suddenly decided to adjust those expectations and demand that he come into the office five days a week, the employee stood his ground and said he would only do so if he were granted a 15k raise. This led to a difficult negotiation process, but folks like us are proud of the original poster (OP) for not backing down. For more stories like this, check out this post about a company that tried to steal a job candidate's idea. Full Article workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit company job interview interview toxic-work-environment
ri Candidate gets rejected from a job they perfectly qualify for, they reapply with a new email account and immediately get moved up in the hiring process: ‘It was even the same recruiter’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 07:00:00 -0800 Who didn't experience the frustration of getting email after email of rejection from countless jobs you thought you'd be perfect for? If you never experienced that, then congratulations! You are one in a million. If you do know what we're talking about, our question to you is – After how many rejections did you acknowledge that maybe the problem is you and something should change? 50? 100? 1000? Plus, what does one should change to actually make a difference?The person in this Reddit story came up with an interesting tactic after getting rejected from a job for which they were perfectly qualified. After several more similar rejections that made no sense to OP (original poster), they decided to open a new email account and reapply for jobs using the same exact resume. This tactic proved successful when they were immediately moved up to the next step in the hiring process for that initial perfect job.Keep scrolling to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of an employee who overheard their boss talking about major workplace changes, and then confronted him about it. Full Article boss recruiter workplace-stories employee manager job hiring manager candidates tales-from-the-workplace reddit story hiring workplace Reddit company interview funny
ri 'I didn't even think it was possible to get fired at orientation': 20+ Employees who were stunned to be fired for their big mistakes By cheezburger.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:00:00 -0800 In case you've never considered it before, yes, you can get fired at your job orientation. It probably makes things easier for the hiring team. Why bother hiring a person who can't even make it through the first few days of the gig?Some people get hired at a job, but they make it clear from day one that they're just utterly uninterested in doing work for even a minute. One guy chose to only work from 10 AM-12 PM each day, which is iconic of him, and I wish him all the best. Another woman became notorious for her habit of refusing to work, and only riding the office tricycle all day! It's pretty startling that some people make it so blatantly obvious how little they want to work. Have some subtlety! Just do what a lot of higher-ups do and work half a day, grab a long lunch with your coworkers, then claim you're taking a phone meeting and leave at 3 PM. How hard could it be to get away with that? Keep scrolling to read some of the funniest stories about coworkers getting fired early on. After that, read the tale of the babysitter who ate about $25 of a $90 cake, and the woman she babysat for (her own aunt!) wants to be repaid ASAP. Full Article opinion getting fired ask reddit firing story firing fired funny stories fired story laid off askreddit fired on spot funny got fired opinions
ri Woman calls out her emotionally manipulative mother for calling her ungrateful during Thanksgiving meltdown: 'Mom, you really need to stop playing the victim' By cheezburger.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 09:00:00 -0800 Hosting family events is no small thing. Letting people into your intimate space who you have a close and (possibly) troubled history with, resulting from problematic relationship dynamics, presents all sorts of problems. It's basically like opening a Pandora's box of sorts of complex family trauma. Usually, the problematic ones will be rogue cousins or uncles who you just don't see eye to eye with, but occasionally, it will be your own problematic parents.This woman found herself at a breaking point with her emotionally manipulative mother, who she says has a severe victim complex. While she was hosting the family's (Canadian) Thanksgiving, her mother's passive-aggressive jousting prompted her to strike back, countering her mother's monologue about parental sacrifice with her own attacks, calling out her mother's behavior. This, of course, put a damper on festivities, with some members of the family siding with the woman and others siding with her mother. Full Article family drama families thanksgiving mother sibling rivalry siblings daughters family feud motherdaughter family daughter holidays
ri 28-year-old employee flirts with supposedly single 40-year-old coworker, turns out she's been married for 16 years: 'She was lying about being single' By cheezburger.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 11:00:00 -0800 Here is another example of why one should never try to form a romantic attachment with a coworker. It never works out for a plethora of potential reasons. In this instance, however, the reasons had less to do with the professional side of things and more to do with this lying coworker's personal life.The Redditor described how their close friend, a 28-year-old male employee at their company, had been engaging in continuous flirtations with his 40-year-old female coworker, who had led everyone in the office to believe that she was single. These weren't assumptions; she was actively advertising her single lifestyle to anyone who would listen. The younger employee even took her out on several dates, and the two seemed to be keeping their romantic lives and their professional lives separate.Unfortunately for the younger guy, he and the Redditor discovered that she had been hiding her marriage of over 16 years. When the employee decided to get even with his coworker, things went south very quickly and HR ended up getting involved. Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about a company that tried to steal a job candidate's idea. Full Article terrible coworkers aita work stories work coworkers husband reddit thread Reddit adultery
ri High school English teacher docks 99 points from a student's grade by cleverly proving they used AI to write their assignment: ‘We both knew what they did’ By cheezburger.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 06:00:00 -0800 It seems like the only way to prevent cheating in an age where we all have little computers in our pockets is to completely isolate a person, give them a pencil and some paper, and unleash their class assignment. But since we don't exist in a vacuum and high school classes have upwards of 30+ kids per 45-minute class period, you've got to be like this teacher in our next story, who was far more clever than that. Being a teacher in 2024 is probably one of the most challenging jobs. Teachers are overworked, under-appreciated, and likely underpaid for their version of professional cat-wrangling. Not only are the kids feral, but they're becoming far more witty to cut corners in class. However, wiley, lazy, and arrogant teenagers make the perfect target for a well-laid trap in the form of a hyper-specific creative writing assignment. Keep scrolling to read the satisfying tale of a cheater getting exposed for their lies and thrown to the wolves simply because they were too entitled to attempt their school assignment. Full Article worker professor student thread manager job work clever working teachers teacher ai supervisor workplace story Reddit classic writing
ri Stage mom of 16-year-old divorces husband via email, CC's his entire family and friend group: '[He's] unable to adapt to any change' By cheezburger.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 08:00:00 -0800 There's divorce, and then there's burning every bridge you've ever built! This stage mom of a 16-year-old is sharing her story about what happened when she and her husband decided to call it quits via email, and it is a messy story. I suppose every divorce is messy in its own way. Some couples face cheating allegations, with one partner losing trust in their spouse. Others realize they're just not compatible anymore, and have different life goals. And of course, it's always more complicated when family is involved, whether that's having a bunch of kids or having parents who live at home (or both). It's not like you can totally keep the public out of the loop when you divorce your spouse. You'll have to pack up everything you own and move, sign legal documents, and face big life changes. Still, the way this stage mom went about it had people on the r/AITAH subreddit calling her out for her behavior. Check out the full story below and see if you side with her or her husband. Up next, read about these employees who got fired almost as soon as they started the job, like one dude who refused to wear safety gear, telling the supervisor "no" to his face! Full Article family drama aita email dancer family feud aunt uncle in laws family dance daughter
ri Stepmother admonishes 16-year-old for taking her necklace away from 1-year-old sister, leading to public meltdown: 'She started lecturing me' By cheezburger.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:00:00 -0800 Learning boundaries is important, even if it means being disappointed—not everything is always going to go your way. Sure, when you're one year old, something you were interested in suddenly disappearing might be the worst thing that's ever happened to you, but it's important to learn that lesson now because once you're older, learning that same lesson gets a lot more inappropriate and embarrassing. There's a big difference between a 12-year-old throwing a public tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted and a one-year-old crying for the same reason.With parenting, there's a delicate balance to be struck between giving kids the best childhood possible and making sure they learn the right lessons. One day, that kid is going to be an adult. Never being disappointed by anything during their development as a kid is going to lead to them becoming a spoilt teen and then a full-grown, entitled person. And at some point, it's going to be too late to set them on the right path without serious self-evaluation. As commenters have noted here, the teen is the real parent in this situation… and the stepmother's response hints at a possibly unnecessarily hostile attitude toward her stepdaughter. Full Article Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children
ri Stepsisters hide 18-year-old's passport so she would miss the family vacation and take care of the kids, father retaliates by cancelling the whole trip: 'I was livid' By cheezburger.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 11:00:00 -0800 There is a lot of irresponsible parenting in this story. First, let's start with the stepsisters in question. This is a pair of 25 and 28-year-old single moms who were so reliant on the Redditor's 18-year-old daughter to babysit their kids that they couldn't possibly get a real babysitter to take care of them. So when it came time for a family vacation, the stepsisters tried to convince the Redditor's daughter to stay behind, despite the fact that she wanted to partake in some much-deserved time off as well.Then, there's the Redditor's wife, who tried to defend her fully-grown daughters for trying to sabotage the 18-year-old's ability to join the family on the trip. These ladies stole her passport, leaving the 18-year-old and her father scrambling just hours before their flight departure. Tension was so high between all the members of the family that the Redditor decided to cancel the entire trip. Looks like his stepdaughters would have to take care of their own kids for a change.Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a Thanksgiving meltdown. Full Article family drama aita stepsisters family stepdad reddit thread Reddit Father
ri 'What a grinchy thing to do': Woman surprises grandmother with incorrectly labelled gift card after "joking" about it By cheezburger.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 14:00:00 -0800 The entire family is giving this woman the side-eye after she did something strange during a gift exchange. Instead of getting an individual present for every member of your family, some families choose to do Secret Santa gift exchanges. It's a good way to add some fun to the typical present exchange. Everyone is assigned a family member to gift a nice present to in secret. Then, when the present is opened, the person usually finds out who gave it to them. It's a sweet tradition that allows each person to be really thoughtful about their present without breaking the bank. After all, it can be way easier to give one $50 present to one person rather than 10 or 15 individual gifts to everyone in the family. This person is being called out for acting a bit stingy. If she was having financial trouble, maybe she should've quietly talked to the Secret Santa organizer. Instead, money troubles or not, she's making a bad impression on everyone else, and commenters agreed that what she did was kind of tacky. Up next, this neighbor decided that she had an issue with one family's boat: it was in view, so she decided it had to be moved ASAP. Full Article family drama aita gifts presents Secret Santa grandma gift family feud in laws family grandparents cheap
ri Wildberries говорит о сотнях продавцов, решивших добровольно отказаться от компенсации за товар, уничтоженный пожаром By roem.ru Published On :: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 06:32:20 +0000 Торговая площадка разослала продавцам электронные письма, в котором уведомила их о возможности добровольно отказаться от компенсации за сгоревший в середине января 2024 г. на складе в Шушарах товар.. Full Article Текучка WildBerries