orm Delaware Board of Pardons Reforms Support Second Chances By news.delaware.gov Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 20:10:57 +0000 Under Lt. Governor Hall-Long’s leadership, efficiencies to the Board of Pardons have significantly reduced wait times, streamlined processes and ultimately help Delawareans achieve stability in all aspects of life DOVER, Del. – More Delawareans have been recommended for and been granted a pardon or commutation during the past eight years than at any point […] Full Article Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long News Office of the Lieutenant Governor
orm DOJ secures prison time for former trooper By news.delaware.gov Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 17:11:44 +0000 A Delaware State Trooper has been sentenced for multiple felony convictions, including Delaware’s first-ever use of a new Deprivation of Civil Rights statute passed by lawmakers last year, for brutally assaulting a 15-year-old victim and fracturing his orbital socket in response to an apparent prank. On October 15, 2024, Walters, 30, was sentenced to one […] Full Article Department of Justice Press Releases
orm Housing Assistance Applicants Should Update Information On Public Housing Waitlists By Nov. 22 By news.delaware.gov Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 16:08:47 +0000 Delaware's five public housing authorities (PHA) and AffordableHousing.com have partnered to simplify the housing assistance application process. Applicants will soon be able to submit and manage waiting list applications for all participating PHAs through a single, centralized platform. Full Article Delaware State Housing Authority
orm AG Jennings resuspends financial advisor for illegally accessing former clients’ account information By news.delaware.gov Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 17:27:27 +0000 Attorney General Kathy Jennings has secured a six-month suspension from a former Delaware investment adviser for viewing current financial account information of former Delaware clients while unregistered. The Investor Protection Unit (the “Unit”), the state securities regulator for Delaware, received a complaint from a former client of Robert Brandon Prettyman, an unregistered investment advisor that the Unit had previously suspended for making false statements […] Full Article Department of Justice Press Releases
orm DNREC Reopens Castle Trail Along C&D Canal Following Repairs to Storm-Damaged Section By news.delaware.gov Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 19:00:58 +0000 DNREC announced that the Michael N. Castle Trail along the C&D Canal has been reopened at the South Lums Parking Area following repairs to a section of the trail damaged in March by storms. Full Article Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Division of Fish and Wildlife Featured Posts News Accessibility Michael N. Castle Trail outdoors and recreation repairs South Lums Parking Area storm-related damage
orm DNREC to Host Nov. 14 Webinar about Storm Water Management and Living Shorelines By news.delaware.gov Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 14:00:04 +0000 DNREC, in conjunction with the Delaware Living Shorelines Committee, will host a free webinar Thursday, Nov. 14 about nature-based stormwater management and living shoreline projects. Full Article Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Division of Watershed Stewardship Featured Posts News climate change resiliency DNREC Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program living shorelines nature-based projects stormwater management
orm Rule 1008 (Formerly Rule 19.1) Bottle Clubs - Licensing and Operation By regulations.delaware.gov Published On :: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:37:59 EDT DEPARTMENT OF STATE: Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner Full Article final
orm Rule 702 (formerly Rule 51.1) A Rule Requiring the Biennial Renewal of Supplier's Licenses By regulations.delaware.gov Published On :: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:37:59 EDT DEPARTMENT OF STATE: Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner Full Article final
orm Rule 701 (Formerly Rule 51) A Rule Requiring the Biennial Renewal of Wholesale, Retail, and Annual Gathering Licenses By regulations.delaware.gov Published On :: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:37:59 EDT DEPARTMENT OF STATE: Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner Full Article final
orm 601 (Formerly Rule 35.1) Gathering Licenses By regulations.delaware.gov Published On :: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:37:59 EDT DEPARTMENT OF STATE: Office of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner Full Article final
orm Six takeaways from working on Madrid’s digital transformation efforts By blogs.sas.com Published On :: Tue, 24 Aug 2021 15:00:28 +0000 During lockdowns across Europe and beyond, we all moved our lives online. We worked remotely and had meetings via Teams or Zoom. We also socialised and shopped online. For many people, this was familiar territory. For others, it opened up a whole new world—and highlighted significant problems with the ‘old [...] The post Six takeaways from working on Madrid’s digital transformation efforts appeared first on Government Data Connection. Full Article Uncategorized analytics digital transformation internet of things local government MAD4GOOD quality of life smart cities
orm Smart City Heidelberg: SAS Hackathon complements city's digital transformation journey By blogs.sas.com Published On :: Tue, 24 May 2022 13:42:07 +0000 The city of Heidelberg, Germany is known for its romantic cityscape, which attracts tourists from all over the world. It also has the youngest population in Germany, thanks largely to the many students at one of Europe's oldest and largest universities. Perhaps less well known is that Heidelberg is twinned [...] The post Smart City Heidelberg: SAS Hackathon complements city's digital transformation journey appeared first on Government Data Connection. Full Article Uncategorized analytics climate digital transformation hackathon innovation internet of things SAS Hackathon smart cities Stories of the SAS Hackathon
orm The New Normal of Fraud By blogs.sas.com Published On :: Tue, 07 May 2024 15:00:09 +0000 When we think of something “new”, we tend to picture something clean, shiny, or efficient. The new normal of fraud only checks one of those boxes, and unfortunately, that’s “efficient.” Today, scams and cyber attacks are persistent, and part of a larger ecosystem of phishing and hacking attacks by both [...] The post The New Normal of Fraud appeared first on Government Data Connection. Full Article Uncategorized cyber-attack data breach fraud fraud life cycle generative ai payment integrity
orm Programming the formulas for an ANOVA in SAS By blogs.sas.com Published On :: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 09:28:31 +0000 In practice, there is no need to remember textbook formulas for the ANOVA test because all modern statistical software will perform the test for you. In SAS, the ANOVA procedure is designed to handle balanced designs (the same number of observations in each group) whereas the GLM procedure can handle [...] The post Programming the formulas for an ANOVA in SAS appeared first on The DO Loop. Full Article Uncategorized Data Analysis SAS Programming
orm EV Ultimo launches platform in the Electric Vehicles ecosystem By evultimo.com Published On :: EV Ultimo launches platform to assist brands, buyers, stakeholders in the Electric Vehicles ecosystem Full Article
orm Former Company Director to Appear in Court for Allegedly Defrauding a Pensioner By allafrica.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 10:30:43 GMT [SAPS] - A former company Director (57) is expected to appear in the Thabamoopo Magistrates Court in Lebowakgomo on 11 November 2024 for allegedly defrauding a pensioner an amount of R378 000.00 in the name of business. Full Article Legal and Judicial Affairs South Africa Southern Africa
orm How to allow hand-made waveform plot into Viva from Assembler? By community.cadence.com Published On :: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 10:58:38 GMT Hi! I've made some 1-point waveform "markers" that I want to overlay in my plots to aid visualization (with the added advantage, w.r.t. normal Viva markers, that they update location automatically upon refreshing simulation data). For example, the plot below shows an spectrum along with two of these markers, which I create with the function "singlePointWave", and the Assembler output definitions also as shown below. The problem is: as currently created and defined, Assembler is unable to plot these elements. I can send their expressions to the calculator and plotting works from there, BUT ONLY after first enabling the "Allow Any Units" in the target Viva subwindow. Thus, I suspect Assembler is failing to plot my markers because they "lack" other information like axes units and so on. How could I add whatever is missing, so that these markers can plot automatically from Assembler? Thanks in advance for any help! Jorge. P.S. I also don't know why, but nothing works without those "ymax()" in the output definitions--I suspect they are somehow converting the arguments to the right data type expected by singlePointWave(). Ideas how to fix that are also welcome! ^^ procedure( singlePointWave(xVal yVal) let( (xVect yVect wave) xVect = drCreateVec('double list(xVal)); yVect = drCreateVec('double list(yVal)); wave = drCreateWaveform(xVect yVect); );); Full Article
orm Performing a net trace in a CDL file By community.cadence.com Published On :: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 10:25:39 GMT Hi, I am looking to perform a net trace in a CDL file. There is a net at a lower level and would like to know the net it is connected to at the top level. Please let me know if there is a way to analyze the CDL file to perform this net trace. Thanks, Mallikarjun. Full Article
orm Destructive form of "cons" - efficiently prepending an item to a procedure's argument which is a list By community.cadence.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 18:20:40 GMT Hello, I was looking to destructively and efficiently modify a list that was passed in as an argument to a procedure, by prepending an item to the list. I noticed that cons lets you do this efficiently, but the operation is non-destructive. Hence this wouldn't work if you are trying to modify a function's list parameter in place. Here is an example of trying to add "0" to the front of a list: procedure( attempt_to_prepend_list(l elem) l = cons(elem l) ) a = list(1 2 3) ==> (1 2 3)attempt_to_prepend_list(a 0)==> (0 1 2 3)a==> (1 2 3) As we can see, the original list is not prepended. Here is a function though which achieves the desired result while being efficient. Namely, the following function does not create any new lists and only uses fast methods like cons, rplacd, and rplaca procedure( prepend_list(l elem) ; cons(car(l) cdr(l)) results in a new list with the car(l) duplicated ; we then replace the cdr of l so that we are now pointing to this new list rplacd(l cons(car(l) cdr(l))) ; we replace the previously duplicated car(l) with the element we want rplaca(l elem) ) a = list(1 2 3) ==> (1 2 3)prepend_list(a 0)==> (0 1 2 3)a==> (0 1 2 3) This works for me, but I find it surprising there is no built-in function to do this. Am I perhaps overlooking something in the documentation? I know that tconc is an efficient and destructive way to append items to the end of a list, but there isn't an equivalent for the front of the list? Full Article
orm In Simvision, how do I change the waveform font size of the signal names? By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 09:01:44 GMT Hi Cadence, I use simvision 20.09-s007 but my computer screen resolution is very high. As a result, the texts are too small. In ~/.simvision/Xdefaults I changed that number to 16, from 12. But the signal names in the waveform traces don't reflect the change. Simvision*Font: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Other .font changes seem to reflect on the simvision correctly, except the signal names. How do I fix that? I dont mind a single variable to change all the texts fonts to 16. Thank you! PS: I found the answer with another post. I change Preference/Waveform/Display/Signal Height. Full Article
orm Request information on Tools By community.cadence.com Published On :: Wed, 02 Aug 2023 05:48:04 GMT We are looking for suitable tools that could be used for RTL design, IP-XACT based integration (third party IP) and RTL design verification ( SV / UVM based methodology). Request to share details on the different Cadence tools that is most suitable for these activities. Full Article
orm Conformal LEC can't finish at analyze abort step. How do I proceed? By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 07 Aug 2023 02:19:35 GMT Hi Cadence & forumers, I am running a conformal LEC with a flattened netlist against RTL. The run hang for 5 days at the "analyze abort" step which is automatically launched by the compare. The netlist is flattened at some levels so hierarchical flow which I tried didn't help much. The flattened/highly optimized netlist is from customer and the ultimate goal. How shall I proceed now? On the a side note, a test run with a hierarchical netlist from a simple DC "compile -map_effort medium" command finished after 1 day or so. Thank you! // Command: vpx compare -verbose -ABORT_Print -NONEQ_Print -TIMEstamp// Starting multithreaded comparison ... Comparing 241112 points in parallel. // Multithreading Overhead: 38% Gates: 8501606/6168138// Multithreaded processing completed. ================================================================================Compared points PO DFF DLAT BBOX CUT Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Equivalent 1025 241638 30 75 21 242789 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abort 0 124 0 0 0 124 ================================================================================Compare results of instance/output/pin equivalences and/or sequential merge ================================================================================Compared points DFF Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Equivalent 204 204 ================================================================================// Warning: 512 DFFs/DLATs have 1 disabled clock port: skipped data cone comparison// Resolving aborts by analyze abort... Full Article
orm Detailed waveform dumping for selected waveform By community.cadence.com Published On :: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 15:54:14 GMT I'm currently trying to explore the verilog simulation option in cadence. One thing that comes to my mind that if there exists a way in cadence workflow to dump selected register/wire's waveform during the simulation. Are there any additional tools needed apart from xcelium, is there a tutorial or specific training course for this aspect. I glance through Xcelium Simulator Course Version 22.09, but it seems not having related context. I know in Synopsys's workflow, it can be realized using verdi & fsdb in the command line as follows: if (inst.CTRL_STATE==STATE_START_TO_DUMP) $fsdbDumpvars(0, inst_1.reg_0); end Thanks in advance! Full Article
orm Regarding the loading of waveform signals in the waveform windown using the tcl command By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:26:52 GMT Hello, I am trying to load some of the signals of the design saved in the signals.svwf to the waveform windown via the tcl file, I am using the following commands but nothing works, Can you please help -submit waveform loadsignals -using "Waveform 2" FB1.svwf but it gives me the below error -submit waveform new -reuse -name Waveforms Full Article
orm Conformal CEC checking By community.cadence.com Published On :: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 21:04:55 GMT Below is showing my Master.v ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ///////ALUmodule ALU ( input [31:0] A,B, input[3:0] alu_control, output reg [31:0] alu_result, output reg zero_flag); always @(*) begin // Operating based on control input case(alu_control) 4'b0001: alu_result = A+B; 4'b0010: alu_result = A-B; 4'b0011: alu_result = A*B; 4'b0100: alu_result = A|B; 4'b0101: alu_result = A&B; 4'b0110: alu_result = A^B; 4'b0111: alu_result = ~B; 4'b1000: alu_result = A<<B; 4'b1001: alu_result = A>>B; 4'b1010: begin if(A<B) alu_result = 1; else alu_result = 0; end default: alu_result = A+B; endcase // Setting Zero_flag if ALU_result is zero if (alu_result) zero_flag = 1'b1; else zero_flag = 1'b0; endendmodule/////CONTROL UNIT/* Control unit controls takes opcode, funct7, funct3 of the instruction code to determineand control regwrite in IFU, alu control in ALU to execute proper instruction*//* Control unit controls takes opcode, funct7, funct3 of the instruction code to determineand control regwrite in IFU, alu control in ALU to execute proper instruction*/module CONTROL( input [4:0] opcode, output reg [3:0] alu_control, output reg regwrite_control,memread_control,memwrite_control); always @(opcode) begin case(opcode) 5'b00001: begin alu_control=4'b0001; //add regwrite_control=1; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=0; end 5'b00010: begin alu_control=4'b0010; ///sub regwrite_control=1; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=0; end 5'b00011: begin alu_control=4'b0011; //mul regwrite_control=0; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=1; end 5'b00100: begin alu_control=4'b0100; ///OR regwrite_control=0; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=1; end 5'b00101: begin alu_control=4'b0101; ///AND regwrite_control=1; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=0; end 5'b00110: begin alu_control=4'b0110; ///XOR regwrite_control=0; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=1; end 5'b00111: begin alu_control=4'b0111; ///NOT regwrite_control=0; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=1; end 5'b01000: begin alu_control=4'b1000; //SL regwrite_control=1; memread_control=1; memwrite_control=0; end 5'b11001: begin alu_control=4'b1001; //SR regwrite_control=1; memread_control=1; memwrite_control=0; end 5'b01010: begin alu_control=4'b1010; //COMPARE regwrite_control=1; memread_control=1; memwrite_control=0; end //5'b11010: begin ALU_control=4'b0000; //SW //regwrite_control=1; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=0; //end //5'b01010: begin ALU_control=4'bxxxx; //LW //regwrite_control=0; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=1; //end default : begin alu_control = 4'b0001; regwrite_control=1; memread_control=0; memwrite_control=0; end endcase endendmodule//////DATA MEMORYmodule Data_Mem(input clock, rd_mem_enable, wr_mem_enable,input [11:0] address,input [31:0] datawrite_to_mem,output reg [31:0] dataread_from_mem );reg [31:0] Data_Memory[8:0];initial begin Data_Memory[0] = 32'hFFFFFFFF; Data_Memory[1] = 32'h00000001; Data_Memory[2] = 32'h00000005; Data_Memory[3] = 32'h00000003; Data_Memory[4] = 32'h00000004; Data_Memory[5] = 32'h00000000; Data_Memory[6] = 32'hFFFFFFFF; Data_Memory[7] = 32'h00000000; //Data_Memory[8] = 32'h00000008; //Data_Memory[9] = 32'h00000009; //Data_Memory[10] = 32'h0000000A; //Data_Memory[11] = 32'h0000000B; //Data_Memory[12] = 32'h0000000C; //Data_Memory[13] = 32'h0000000D; //Data_Memory[14] = 32'h0000000E; //Data_Memory[15] = 32'h0000000F; //Data_Memory[16] = 32'h00000010; //Data_Memory[17] = 32'h00000011; //Data_Memory[18] = 32'h00000012; //Data_Memory[19] = 32'h00000013; //Data_Memory[20] = 32'h00000014; //Data_Memory[21] = 32'h00000015; //Data_Memory[22] = 32'h00000016; //Data_Memory[23] = 32'h00000017; //Data_Memory[24] = 32'h00000018; //Data_Memory[25] = 32'h00000019; //Data_Memory[26] = 32'h0000001A; //Data_Memory[27] = 32'h0000001B; //Data_Memory[28] = 32'h0000001C; //Data_Memory[29] = 32'h0000001D; //Data_Memory[30] = 32'h0000001E; Data_Memory[31] = 32'h0000001F; end always@(posedge clock) begin if(wr_mem_enable) begin Data_Memory[address] <= datawrite_to_mem; end else if(rd_mem_enable) begin dataread_from_mem <= Data_Memory[address]; end else begin dataread_from_mem <= 32'h00000000; end endendmodule /////INST MEM/* */module INST_MEM( input [31:0] PC, input reset, output [31:0] Instruction_Code); reg [7:0] Memory [43:0]; // Byte addressable memory with 32 locations assign Instruction_Code = {Memory[PC+3],Memory[PC+2],Memory[PC+1],Memory[PC]}; initial begin // Setting 32-bit instruction: add t1, s0,s1 => 0x00940333 Memory[3] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[2] = 8'b0000_0001; Memory[1] = 8'b0111_1100; Memory[0] = 8'b0000_0001; // Setting 32-bit instruction: sub t2, s2, s3 => 0x413903b3 Memory[7] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[6] = 8'b0000_0110; Memory[5] = 8'b1000_1111; Memory[4] = 8'b1110_0010; // Setting 32-bit instruction: mul t0, s4, s5 => 0x035a02b3 Memory[11] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[10] = 8'b0000_0101; Memory[9] = 8'b0111_1100; Memory[8] = 8'b0000_0011; // Setting 32-bit instruction: or t3, s6, s7 => 0x017b4e33 Memory[15] = 8'b1111_1111; Memory[14] = 8'b1111_0100; Memory[13] = 8'b1010_0000; Memory[12] = 8'b1010_0100; // Setting 32-bit instruction: and Memory[19] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[18] = 8'b0010_1001; Memory[17] = 8'b0001_1101; Memory[16] = 8'b0010_0101; // Setting 32-bit instruction: xor Memory[23] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[22] = 8'b0001_1000; Memory[21] = 8'b0000_1101; Memory[20] = 8'b0110_0110; // Setting 32-bit instruction: not Memory[27] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[26] = 8'b0010_1001; Memory[25] = 8'b0011_1101; Memory[24] = 8'b1100_0111; // Setting 32-bit instruction: shift left Memory[31] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[30] = 8'b0101_0111; Memory[29] = 8'b1100_0110; Memory[28] = 8'b0000_1000; // Setting 32-bit instruction: shift right Memory[35] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[34] = 8'b0110_1010; Memory[33] = 8'b1101_0010; Memory[32] = 8'b0111_1001; /// Setting 32-bit instruction: Campare Memory[39] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[38] = 8'b0111_1010; Memory[37] = 8'b1101_0010; Memory[36] = 8'b0110_1010; /// Setting 32-bit instruction: Memory[43] = 8'b0000_0000; Memory[42] = 8'b0111_0111; Memory[41] = 8'b1101_0010; Memory[40] = 8'b0111_0010; end endmodule//IFU/*The instruction fetch unit has clock and reset pins as input and 32-bit instruction code as output.Internally the block has Instruction Memory, Program Counter(P.C) and an adder to increment counter by 4, on every positive clock edge.*/module IFU( input clock,reset, output [31:0] Instruction_Code);reg [31:0] PC = 32'b0; // 32-bit program counter is initialized to zero always @(posedge clock, posedge reset) begin if(reset == 1) //If reset is one, clear the program counter PC <= 0; else PC <= PC+4; // Increment program counter on positive clock edge end // Initializing the instruction memory block INST_MEM instr_mem(.PC(PC),.reset(reset),.Instruction_Code(Instruction_Code));endmodule///MUXmodule Mux_2X1 ( input mem_rd_select, // rd_mem_enable input wire [31:0] dataread_from_mem, regdata2, output reg [31:0] mux_out);always @(mem_rd_select or dataread_from_mem or regdata2) begin if (mem_rd_select == 1) mux_out <= dataread_from_mem ; else mux_out <= regdata2; endendmodule//DFlipFlopmodule DFlipFlop(D,clock,Q);input D; // Data input input clock; // clock input output reg Q; // output Q always @(posedge clock) begin Q <= D; end endmodule ///DATA pathmodule DATAPATH( input [4:0]Read_reg_add1, input [4:0]Read_reg_add2, input [4:0]Reg_write_add, input [3:0]Alu_control, input [11:0]Address, input Wr_reg_enable,Wr_mem_enable,Rd_mem_enable, input clock, input reset, output OUTPUT ); // Declaring internal wires that carry data wire zero_flag; wire [31:0]Dataread_from_mem; wire [31:0]read_data1; wire [31:0]read_data2; wire [31:0]Mux_out; wire [31:0]Alu_result; //wire [31:0]datawrite_to_reg; // Instantiating the register file REG_FILE reg_file_module(.reg_read_add1(Read_reg_add1),.reg_read_add2(Read_reg_add2),.reg_write_add(Reg_write_add),.datawrite_to_reg(Alu_result),.read_data1(read_data1),.read_data2(read_data2),.wr_reg_enable(Wr_reg_enable),.clock(clock),.reset(reset)); // Instanting ALU ALU alu_module(.A(read_data1), .B(Mux_out), .alu_control(Alu_control), .alu_result(Alu_result), .zero_flag(zero_flag)); //Mux Mux_2X1 mux(.mem_rd_select(Rd_mem_enable),.dataread_from_mem(Dataread_from_mem),.regdata2(read_data2),.mux_out(Mux_out)); //Data Memory Data_Mem DM(.clock(clock),.rd_mem_enable(Rd_mem_enable),.wr_mem_enable(Wr_mem_enable),.address(Address),.datawrite_to_mem(Alu_result),.dataread_from_mem(Dataread_from_mem)); // Dflipflop DFlipFlop DF (.D(zero_flag), .Q(OUTPUT),.clock(clock));endmodule/*A register file can read two registers and write in to one register. The RISC V register file contains total of 32 registers each of size 32-bit. Hence 5-bits are used to specify the register numbers that are to be read or written. *//*Register Read: Register file always outputs the contents of the register corresponding to read register numbers specified. Reading a register is not dependent on any other signals.Register Write: Register writes are controlled by a control signal RegWrite. Additionally the register file has a clock signal. The write should happen if RegWrite signal is made 1 and if there is positive edge of clock. */module REG_FILE( input [4:0] reg_read_add1, input [4:0] reg_read_add2, input [4:0] reg_write_add, input [31:0] datawrite_to_reg, output [31:0] read_data1, output [31:0] read_data2, input wr_reg_enable, input clock, input reset); reg [31:0] reg_memory [31:0]; // 32 memory locations each 32 bits wide initial begin reg_memory[0] = 32'h00000000; reg_memory[1] = 32'hFFFFFFFF; reg_memory[2] = 32'h00000002; reg_memory[3] = 32'hFFFFFFFF; reg_memory[4] = 32'h00000004; reg_memory[5] = 32'h01010101; reg_memory[6] = 32'h00000006; reg_memory[7] = 32'h00000000; reg_memory[8] = 32'h10101010; reg_memory[9] = 32'h00000009; reg_memory[10] = 32'h0000000A; reg_memory[11] = 32'h0000000B; reg_memory[12] = 32'h0000000C; reg_memory[13] = 32'h0000000D; reg_memory[14] = 32'h0000000E; reg_memory[15] = 32'h0000000F; reg_memory[16] = 32'h00000010; reg_memory[17] = 32'h00000011; reg_memory[18] = 32'h00000012; reg_memory[19] = 32'h00000013; reg_memory[20] = 32'h00000014; reg_memory[21] = 32'h00000015; //reg_memory[22] = 32'h00000016; //reg_memory[23] = 32'h00000017; //reg_memory[24] = 32'h00000018; //reg_memory[25] = 32'h00000019; //reg_memory[26] = 32'h0000001A; //reg_memory[27] = 32'h0000001B; //reg_memory[28] = 32'h0000001C; //reg_memory[29] = 32'h0000001D; //reg_memory[30] = 32'h0000001E; reg_memory[31] = 32'hFFFFFFFF; end // The register file will always output the vaules corresponding to read register numbers // It is independent of any other signal assign read_data1 = reg_memory[reg_read_add1]; assign read_data2 = reg_memory[reg_read_add2]; // If clock edge is positive and regwrite is 1, we write data to specified register always @(posedge clock) begin if (wr_reg_enable) begin reg_memory[reg_write_add] = datawrite_to_reg; end else reg_memory[reg_write_add] = 32'h00000000; endendmodule/////PROCESSORmodule PROCESSOR( input clock, input reset, output Output); wire [31:0] instruction_Code; wire [3:0] ALu_control; wire WR_reg_enable; wire WR_mem_enable; wire RD_mem_enable; IFU IFU_module(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .Instruction_Code(instruction_Code)); CONTROL control_module(.opcode(instruction_Code[4:0]),.alu_control(ALu_control),.regwrite_control(WR_reg_enable),.memread_control(RD_mem_enable),.memwrite_control(WR_mem_enable)); DATAPATH datapath_module(.Wr_mem_enable(WR_mem_enable),.Rd_mem_enable(RD_mem_enable),.Read_reg_add1(instruction_Code[9:5]),.Read_reg_add2(instruction_Code[14:10]),.Reg_write_add(instruction_Code[19:15]),.Address(instruction_Code[31:20]),.Alu_control(ALu_control),.Wr_reg_enable(WR_reg_enable), .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .OUTPUT(Output));endmodule**********************************************************************************************************************************************************Below is my Synthesis.tcl file for genus synthesis ******************** set_attribute lib_search_path "/home/sameer23185/Desktop/VDF_PROJECT/lib"set_attribute hdl_search_path "/home/sameer23185/Desktop/VDF_PROJECT"set_attribute library "/home/sameer23185/Desktop/VDF_PROJECT/lib/90/fast.lib"read_hdl Master.velaborateread_sdc Min_area.sdcset_attribute hdl_preserve_unused_register trueset_attribute delete_unloaded_seqs falseset_attribute optimize_constant_0_flops falseset_attribute optimize_constant_1_flops falseset_attribute optimize_constant_latches falseset_attribute optimize_constant_feedback_seqs false#set_attribute prune_unsued_logic falsesynthesize -to_mapped -effort mediumwrite_hdl > report/HDL_min_Netlist.vwrite_sdc > report/constraints.sdc write_script > report/synthesis.greport_timing > report/synthesis_timing_report.repreport_power > report/synthesis_power_report.repreport_gates > report/synthesis_cell_report.repreport_area > report/synthesis_area_report.repgui_show **********************************************WHEN I COMPARING MY GOLDEN.V WITH HDL_min_Netlist.v during conformal , I got these non-equivalent point for every reg memory and for every data memory. I don't know what to do with these non-equivalent point. I've been stuck here for the past four days. Please help me in this and how can I remove this non- equivalent point , since I am new to this I really don't know what to do. Full Article
orm how to tell conformal to ignore certain combination of input By community.cadence.com Published On :: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 10:35:38 GMT hi How can I tell the LEC tool to ignore a combination of Primary input bus in both Golden and revised. For example in both Golden and revised there is input [3:0] data_in I want LEC not to check the case that data_in[3:0] == 4'b1000 Full Article
orm Coalesce Xcelium Apps to Maximize Performance by 10X and Catch More Bugs By community.cadence.com Published On :: Tue, 02 Aug 2022 04:30:00 GMT Xcelium Simulator has been in the industry for years and is the leading high-performance simulation platform. As designs are getting more and more complex and verification is taking longer than ever, the need of the hour is plug-and-play apps that ar...(read more) Full Article performance SoC apps xcelium simulation verification
orm JEDEC UFS 4.0 for Highest Flash Performance By community.cadence.com Published On :: Thu, 11 Aug 2022 12:30:00 GMT Speed increase requirements keep on flowing by in all the domains surrounding us. The same applies to memory storage too. Earlier mobile devices used eMMC based flash storage, which was a significantly slower technology. With increased SoC processing speed, pairing it with slow eMMC storage was becoming a bottleneck. That is when modern storage technology Universal Flash Storage (UFS) started to gain popularity. UFS is a simple and high-performance mass storage device with a serial interface. It is primarily used in mobile systems between host processing and mass storage memory devices. Another important reason for the usage of UFS in mobile systems like smartphones and tablets is minimum power consumption. To achieve the highest performance and most power-efficient data transport, JEDEC UFS works in collaboration with industry-leading specifications from the MIPI® Alliance to form its Interconnect Layer. MIPI UniPro is used as a transport layer, and MIPI MPHY is used as a physical layer with the serial DpDn interface. UFS 4.0 specification is the latest specification from JEDEC, which leverages UniPro 2.0 and MPHY 5.0 specification standards to achieve the following major improvements: Enables up to 4200 Mbps read/write traffic with MPHY 5.0, allowing 23.29 Gbps data rate. High Speed Link Startup, along with Out of Order Data Transfer and BARRIER Command, were introduced to improve system latencies. Data security is enhanced with Advanced RPMB. Advance RPMB also uses the EHS field of the header, which reduces the number of commands required compared to normal RPMB, increasing the bandwidth. Enhanced Device Error History was introduced to ease system integration. File Based Optimization (FBO) was introduced for performance enhancement. Along with many major enhancements, UFS 4.0 also maintains backward compatibility with UFS 3.0 and UFS 3.1. JEDEC has just announced the UFS 4.0 specification release, quoting Cadence support as a constant contributor in the JEDEC UFS Task Group, actively participating in these specifications development. With the availability of the Cadence Verification IP for JEDEC UFS 4.0, MIPI MPHY 5.0 and MIPI UniPro 2.0, early adopters can start working with the provisional specification immediately, ensuring compliance with the standard and achieving the fastest path to IP and SoC verification closure. More information on Cadence VIP is available at the Cadence VIP Website. Yeshavanth B N Full Article Verification IP Memory UniPro MIPI Alliance IoT VIP JEDEC UFS storage MPHY
orm OrCAD X – The Anytime Anywhere PCB Design Platform By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 10:08:00 GMT OrCAD X is the next-generation integrated PCB design platform. It brings to you a powerful cloud-enabled design solution that includes design and library data management integrated with the proven PCB design and analysis product portfolio of Cad...(read more) Full Article PCB OrCAD X Capture innovation PSpiceA/D PSPICE Layout PCB design OrCAD X Presto OrCAD X Constraints simulation Schematic
orm How to execute APD+ embedded function in my form? By community.cadence.com Published On :: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:34:57 GMT Hello, SKILL experts. I'm studying SKILL language to build some useful function in APD+. Now, I want to execute 'Import Sub-drawing' function in new form. But I cannot find how to do execute APD+ embedded function in a field of new form. Has anyone experienced this or idea to solve this problem? Full Article
orm Maximizing Display Performance with Display Stream Compression (DSC) By community.cadence.com Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 12:50:00 GMT Display Stream Compression (DSC) is a lossless or near-lossless image compression standard developed by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) for reducing the bandwidth required to transmit high-resolution video and images. DSC compresses video streams in real-time, allowing for higher resolutions, refresh rates, and color depths while minimizing the data load on transmission interfaces such as DisplayPort, HDMI, and embedded display interfaces. Why Is DSC Needed? In the ever-evolving landscape of display technology, the pursuit of higher resolutions and better visual quality is relentless. As display capabilities advance, so do the challenges of managing the immense amounts of data required to drive these high-performance screens. This is where DSC steps in. DSC is designed to address the challenges of transmitting ultra-high-definition content without sacrificing quality or performance. As displays grow in resolution and capability, the amount of data they need to transmit increases exponentially. DSC addresses these issues by compressing video streams in real-time, significantly reducing the bandwidth needed while preserving image quality. DSC Use in End-to-end System DSC Key Features Encoding tools: Modified Median-Adaptive Prediction (MMAP) Block Prediction (BP) Midpoint Prediction (MPP) Indexed color history (ICH) Entropy coding using delta size unit-variable length coding (DSU-VLC) The DSC bitstream and decoding process are designed to facilitate the decoding of 3 pixels/clock in practical hardware decoder implementations. Hardware encoder implementations are possible at 1 pixel/clock. DSC uses an intra-frame, line-based coding algorithm, which results in very low latency for encoding and decoding. DSC encoding algorithm Compression can be done to a fractional bpp. The compressed bits per pixel ranges from 6 to 63.9375. For validation/compliance certification of DSC compression and decompression engines, cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs) are used to verify the correctness of the bitstream and the reconstructed image. DSC supports more color bit depths, including 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 bpc. DSC supports RGB and YCbCr input format, supporting 4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:2:0 sampling. Maximum decompressor-supported bits/pixel values are as listed in the Maximum Allowed Bit Rate column in the table below DP DSC Source device shall program the bit rate within the range of Minimum Allowed Bit Rate column in the table: Summary Display Stream Compression (DSC) is a technology used in DisplayPort to enable higher resolutions and refresh rates while maintaining high image quality. It works by compressing the video data transmitted from the source to the display, effectively reducing the bandwidth required. DSC uses a visually lossless algorithm, meaning that the compression is designed to be imperceptible to the human eye, preserving the fidelity of the image. This technology allows for smoother, more detailed visuals at higher resolutions, such as 4K or 8K, without requiring a significant increase in data bandwidth. More Information Cadence has a very mature Verification IP solution. Verification over many different configurations can be used with DisplayPort 2.1 and DisplayPort 1.4 designs, so you can choose the best version for your specific needs. The DisplayPort VIP provides a full-stack solution for Sink and Source devices with a comprehensive coverage model, protocol checkers, and an extensive test suite. More details are available on the DisplayPort Verification IP product page, Simulation VIP pages. If you have any queries, feel free to contact us at talk_to_vip_expert@cadence.com Full Article resolution DisplayPort Display Stream Compression lossless
orm Jasper Formal Fundamentals 2403 Course for Starting Formal Verification By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 09:16:00 GMT The course "Jasper Formal Fundamentals v24.03" introduces formal analysis to those who want to use formal analysis for design or verification. To optimally benefit from this course, you must already have sufficient knowledge of the System Verilog assertions to be capable of writing properties for formal verification. Hence, this training provides a module on formal analysis to help cover this essential background. In this course, you will learn how to code efficient SVA Properties for formal analysis, understand formal complexity and how to overcome it, and learn the basics of formal coverage. After completing this course, you will be able to: Define reusable, functionally correct SVA properties that are efficient for formal tools. These shall use abstract auxiliary code to simplify descriptions, make code maintenance easier, reduce debug time, and reduce tool-proof runtime. Set up, run, and analyze results from formal analysis. Identify designs upon which formal is likely to be successful while understanding formal complexity issues and how to identify and overcome them. Use a systematic property development process to approach a completely new verification problem. Understand the basics of formal coverage. The most recently updated release includes new modules on: "Basic complexity handling" which discusses the complexity in formal and how to identify and handle them. "Complexity reduction methods” which discusses the complexity reduction methods and which is suitable for which type of complexity problem. “Coverage in formal” which discusses the basics of coverage in formal verification and how coverage can be used in formal. Take this course to learn the basics of formal verification. What's Next? You can check out the complete training: Jasper Formal Fundamentals. There is a free online version of the training available 24/7 for all customers with a Cadence Learning and Support Portal account. If you are interested in an instructor-led version of the training, please contact Cadence Training. And don't forget to obtain your digital badge after completing the training! You can also check Jasper University page for more materials on formal analysis and Jasper apps. Related Trainings Jasper Formal Expert Training Course | Cadence Verilog Language and Application Training Course | Cadence SystemVerilog for Design and Verification Training Course | Cadence SystemVerilog Assertions Training Course | Cadence Related Training Bytes Jasper Formal Property Verification (FPV) App: Basic Usage Demo (Video) Jasper Formal Methodology playlist Related Training Blogs It’s the Digital Era; Why Not Showcase Your Brand Through a Digital Badge! Training Insights: Introducing the C++ Course for All Your C++ Learning Needs! Training Insights: Reaching Your Verification Closure Using Verisium Manager Training Insights - Free Online Courses on Cadence Learning and Support Portal Full Article Jasper Formal Fundamentals FPV Formal Analysis formal Jasper Jasper Apps Formal verification verification
orm Solutions to Maximize Data Center Performance Featured at OCP Global Summit 2024 By community.cadence.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 00:21:00 GMT The demand for higher compute performance, energy efficiency, and faster time-to-market drove the conversations at this year's Open Compute Project (OCP) Global Summit in San Jose, California. It was the scene of showcasing groundbreaking innovations, expert-led sessions, and networking opportunities to drive the future of data center technology. For those who didn't get to attend or stop by our booth, here's a recap of Cadence's comprehensive solutions that enable next-generation compute technology, AI data center design, analysis, and optimization. Optimized Data Center Design and Operations As the data center community increasingly faces demands for enhanced efficiency, thermal management, sustainability, and performance optimization, data center operators, IT managers, and executives are looking for solutions to these challenges. At the Cadence booth, attendees explored the Cadence Reality Digital Twin Platform and Celsius EC Solver. These technologies are pivotal in achieving high-performance standards for AI data centers, providing advanced digital twin modeling capabilities that redefine next-generation data center design and operation. The Celsius EC Solver demonstration showed how it solves challenging thermal and electronics cooling management problems with precision and speed. CadenceCONNECT: Take the Heat Out of Your AI Data Center Cadence hosted a networking reception on October 16 titled "Take the Heat Out of Your AI Data Center." In today's AI era, managing the heat generated by high-density computing environments is more critical than ever. This reception offered insights into current and emerging data center technologies, digital twin cooling strategies that deliver energy-saving operations, and a chance to engage with industry leaders, Cadence experts, and peers to explore the latest cooling, AI, and GPU acceleration advancements. Here's a recap: Researcher, author, and entrepreneur Dr. Jon Koomey highlighted the inefficiency of data centers in his talk "The Rise of Zombie Data Centers," noting that 20-30% of their capacity is stranded and unused. He advocated for organizational changes and technological solutions like digital twins to reduce wasted energy and improve computational effectiveness as AI deployments increase. In "A New Millennium in Multiphysics System Analysis," Cadence Corporate VP Ben Gu explained the company's significant strides in multiphysics system analysis, evolving from chip simulation to a broader application of computational software for simulating various physical systems, including entire data centers. He noted that the latest Cadence venture, a digital twin platform for data center optimization, opened the opportunity to use simulation technology to optimize the efficiency of data centers. Senior Software Engineering Group Director Albert Zeng highlighted the Cadence Reality DC suite's ability to transform data center operations through simulation, emphasizing its multi-phase engine for optimal thermal performance and the integration of AI capabilities for enhanced design and management. A panel discussion titled "Turning AI Factory Blueprints into Reality at the Speed of Light" featured industry experts from NVIDIA, Norman Wright Precision Environmental and Power, NV5, Switch Data Centers, and Cadence, who explored the evolving requirements and multidimensional challenges of AI factories, emphasizing the need for collaboration across the supply chain to achieve high-performing and sustainable data centers. Watch the highlights. Transforming Designs from Chips to Data Centers The OCP Global Summit 2024 has reaffirmed its status as a pivotal event for data center professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Cadence's contributions, from groundbreaking digital twin technologies to innovative cooling strategies, have shed light on the path forward for efficient, sustainable data centers. For data center professionals, IT managers, and engineers, the insights gained at this summit are invaluable in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the burgeoning AI era. Partnering with Arm Arm Total Design Cadence is a member of the Arm Total Design program. At an invitation-only special Arm event, Cadence's VP of Research and Development, Lokesh Korlipara, delivered a presentation focusing on data center challenges and design solutions with Arm Neoverse Compute Subsystem (CSS). The session highlighted: Efficient integration of Arm Neoverse CSS into system on chips (SoCs) with pre-integrated connectivity IP Performance analysis and verification of the Neoverse CSS integration into the SoC through Cadence's System VIP verification suite and automated testbench creation, enhancing both quality and productivity Jumpstarting designs through Cadence's collaboration with Arm for 3D-IC system planning, chiplets, and interposers Design Services readiness and global scale to support and/or deliver the most demanding Arm Neoverse CSS-based SoC design projects Cadence Supports Arm CSS in Arm Booth During the event, Cadence conducted a demo in the Arm booth that showcased the Cadence System VIP verification suite. The demo highlighted automated testbench creation and performance analysis for integrating the Arm CSS into SoCs while enhancing verification quality and productivity. Summary Cadence offers data center solutions for designing everything from the compute and networking chips to the board, racks, data centers, and campuses. Stay connected with Cadence and other industry leaders to continue exploring the innovations set to redefine the future of data centers. Learn More Cadence Joins Arm Total Design Cadence Arm-Based Solutions Cadence Reality Digital Twin Platform Full Article
orm Using oscillograph waveform file CSV as the Pspice simulation signal source By community.cadence.com Published On :: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 06:28:04 GMT hi, I save the waveform file of the oscilloscope as CSV file format. Now, I need to use this waveform file as the source of the low-pass filter . I searched and read the PSPICE help documents, and did not find any methods. How to realize it? Are there any reference documents or examples? Thanks! Full Article
orm Formal Verification Approach for I2C Slave By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 15:31:30 GMT Hello, I am new in formal verification and I have a concept question about how to verify an I2C Slave block. I think the response should be valid for any serial interface which needs to receive information for several clocks before making an action. The the protocol description is the following: I have a serial clock (SCL), Serial Data Input (SDI) and Serial Data Output (SDO), all are ports of the I2C Slave block. The protocol looks like this: The first byte which is received by the slave consists in 7bits of sensor address and the 8th bit is the command 0/1 Write/Read. After the first 8 bits, the slave sends an ACK (SDO = 1 for 1 clock) if the sensor address is correct. Lets consider only this case, where I want to verify that the slave responds with an ACK if the sensor address is correct. The only solution I found so far was to use the internal buffer from the block which saves the received bits during 8 clocks. The signal is called shift_s. I also needed to use internal chip state (state_s) and an internal counter (shift_count_s). Instead of doing an direct check of the SDO(sdo_o) depending on SDI (sdi_d_i), I used the internal shift_s register. My question is if my approach is the correct one or there is a possibility to write the verification at a blackbox level. Below you have the 2 properties: first checks connection from SDI to internal buffer, the second checks the connection between internal buffer and output. property prop_i2c_sdi_store; @(posedge sclk_n_i) $past(i2c_bl.state_s == `STATE_RECEIVE_I2C_ADDR) |-> i2c_bl.shift_s == byte'({ $past(i2c_bl.shift_s), $past(sdi_d_i)}); endproperty APF_I2C_CHECK_SDI_STORE: assert property(prop_i2c_sdi_store); property prop_i2c_sensor_addr(sens_addr_sel, sens_addr); @(posedge sclk_n_i) (i2c_bl.state_s == `STATE_RECEIVE_I2C_ADDR) && (i2c_addr_i == sens_addr_sel) && (i2c_bl.shift_count_s == 7) ##1 (i2c_bl.shift_s inside {sens_addr, sens_addr+1}) |-> sdo_o; endproperty APF_I2C_CHECK_SENSOR_ADDR0: assert property(prop_i2c_sensor_addr(0, `I2C_SENSOR_ADDRESS_A0)); APF_I2C_CHECK_SENSOR_ADDR1: assert property(prop_i2c_sensor_addr(1, `I2C_SENSOR_ADDRESS_A1)); APF_I2C_CHECK_SENSOR_ADDR2: assert property(prop_i2c_sensor_addr(2, `I2C_SENSOR_ADDRESS_A2)); APF_I2C_CHECK_SENSOR_ADDR3: assert property(prop_i2c_sensor_addr(3, `I2C_SENSOR_ADDRESS_A3)); PS: i2c_addr_i is address selection for the slave (there are 4 configurable sensor addresses, but this is not important for the case). Thank you! Full Article
orm Issue With Loudness Normalization By community.cadence.com Published On :: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:19:15 GMT Hello everyone. In recent days, I'm having a weird problem with sound output on my Windows 10 PC. In fact, I can't control the loudness of it. So is there any possibility of PCB of sound card being damaged? Full Article
orm Transient Simulation waveform abnormal By community.cadence.com Published On :: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 14:23:52 GMT Hello Everybody Recently, I want to design a high output Power Amplifier at 2.4GHz using TSMC 1P6M CMOS Bulk Process. I use its nmos_rf_25_6t transistor model to determine the approximate mosfet size I use the most common Common-Source Differential Amplifier topology with neutralizing capacitor to improve its stability and power gain performance Because I want to output large power, the size of mosfet is very large, the gate width is about 2mm, when I perform harmonic balance analysis, everything is alright, the OP1dB is about 28dBm (0.63Watt) But When I perform Transient simulation, the magnitude of voltage and current waveform at the saturation point is too small, for voltgae, Vpeaking is about 50mV, for current, Ipeaking is about 5mA I assume some reasons: the bsim4 model is not complete/ the virtuoso version is wrong (My virtuoso version is IC6.1.7-64b.500.21)/the spectre version is wrong (spectre version is 15.1.0 32bit)/the MMSIM version is wrong/Transient Simulation setting is wrong (the algorithm is select gear2only, but when I select other, like: trap, the results have no difference), the maxstep I set 5ps, minstep I set 2ps to improve simulation speed, I think this step is much smaller than the fundamental period (1/2.4e9≈416ps) I have no idea how to solve this problem, please help me! Thank you very very much! Full Article
orm Tagging uvm_errors in waveform file for post-processing By community.cadence.com Published On :: Thu, 08 Feb 2024 11:45:04 GMT Hi, Do anyone know if it's possible in simvision waveform viewer to see a timestamp of where uvm_errors/$errors occurred in a simulation via post-processing? Cheers, Antonio Full Article
orm Xcelium: dump coverage information in the middle of a simulation By community.cadence.com Published On :: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:25:15 GMT Hi, I'm using the xcelium simulator to simulate a testbench, in which I first stimulate my design to do something (part "A") and then do a direct follow-up test on the design (part "B"). I need two things from this testbench: the results of the test (part "B", passed/failed) and coverage information, but the coverage information should only include part A and explicitly not part B. I could do the following: run the testbench with part A and B, get the "passed/failed" result of the test and then follow up another simulator run with another testbench, that only includes part A and get the coverage information from that simulation run. Is there a way to force xcelium to give me the coverage information of only a part of the simulation? Ideally, I would like to write the verilog code of my testbench to look something like this: do A dump coverage information do B But maybe there is another way to tell xcelium to consider only part of the testbench for the coverage information. I did have a look at the manual, but was not able to find something useful for this problem. Any ideas? Full Article
orm Using "add net constraints" command in Conformal By community.cadence.com Published On :: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:37:14 GMT Hi I have tried using "add net constraints" command to place one-cold constraints on a tristate enable bus. In the command line we need to specify the "net pathname" on which the constraints are to be enforced. The bus here is 20-bit. How should the net pathname be specified to make this 20-bit bus signals one_hot or one_cold. The bus was declared as follows: ten_bus [19:0] The command I used was add net constraints one_hot /ren_bus[19] What would the above command mean? Should we not specify all the nets' pathnames on the bus? Is it sufficient to specify the pathname of one net on the bus? I could not get much info regarding the functionality of this command. I would be obliged if anyone can throw some light. Thanks Prasad. Originally posted in cdnusers.org by anssprasad Full Article
orm Transient Simulation waveform abnormal By community.cadence.com Published On :: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 14:37:09 GMT Hello Everybody Recently, I want to design a high output Power Amplifier at 2.4GHz using TSMC 1P6M CMOS Bulk Process. I use its nmos_rf_25_6t transistor model to determine the approximate mosfet size I use the most common Common-Source Differential Amplifier topology with neutralizing capacitor to improve its stability and power gain performance Because I want to output large power, the size of mosfet is very large, the gate width is about 2mm, when I perform harmonic balance analysis, everything is alright, the OP1dB is about 28dBm (0.63Watt) But When I perform Transient simulation, the magnitude of voltage and current waveform at the saturation point is too small, for voltgae, Vpeaking is about 50mV, for current, Ipeaking is about 5mA I assume some reasons: the bsim4 model is not complete/ the virtuoso version is wrong (My virtuoso version is IC6.1.7-64b.500.21)/the spectre version is wrong (spectre version is 15.1.0 32bit)/the MMSIM version is wrong/Transient Simulation setting is wrong (the algorithm is select gear2only, but when I select other, like: trap, the results have no difference), the maxstep I set 5ps, minstep I set 2ps to improve simulation speed, I think this step is much smaller than the fundamental period (1/2.4e9≈416ps) I have no idea how to solve this problem, please help me! Thank you very very much! Full Article
orm How to perform the reflection and crosstalk using the OrCAD X Professional By community.cadence.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 14:39:08 GMT Dear Community, I have created a PCB layout with multiple high-speed nets, I want to check the SI like how signals are reflected and taken to each other. I have the OrCAD X Professional, how to check the reflection and crosstalk using the OrCAD X Professional software version 24.1. I want to create a topology flow to the PCB layout and perform the reflection and crosstalk. Regards, Rohit Rohan Full Article
orm How to perform the EMI / EMC analysis on the PCB layout By community.cadence.com Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 14:44:43 GMT Hai Community, I have a PCB board which has multiple high speed nets and I want to perform the EMI and EMC checking. Which Cadence tool should I use for checking the EMI and EMC coupling? Regards, Rohit Rohan Full Article
orm Optimizing PCB design for thermal performance By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:53:57 GMT Optimizing PCB thermal performance is essential in today’s high-density designs, as it ensures stability, prolongs component life, and prevents potential thermal issues. One of the first steps to achieving this is with strategic component placement. Positioning high-power components—such as regulators, power transistors, or processors—away from heat-sensitive parts can prevent thermal interference, and placing them near the edges of the PCB often helps dissipate heat more effectively. It’s also beneficial to group components by their heat generation, creating dedicated thermal zones that can manage localized heating and reduce impact on other areas of the board. Using thermal vias is another effective technique. By placing thermal vias under components like BGAs or power ICs, heat can be transferred from the surface to internal layers or ground planes. Increasing the size and number of these vias, or using thicker plating, enhances heat conductivity and helps manage heat more evenly across layers in multilayer boards. Increasing copper thickness on the PCB also has a major impact. Opting for thicker copper layers (e.g., 2 oz or even 3 oz copper) significantly boosts the heat dissipation capabilities of power planes and traces, especially in high-current areas. Large copper planes, such as dedicated ground or power planes, are equally effective in spreading heat efficiently. Adding thermal pads directly beneath heat-generating components improves this heat distribution. Thermal relief pads help regulate heat flow for through-hole components by controlling heat transfer, which reduces thermal stress during soldering and prevents excessive heat spread to nearby sensitive areas. Performing thermal analysis with software tools like Celsius can be invaluable, as it allows you to simulate and model heat distribution, spot potential thermal issues, and refine your design before finalizing it. Using heat sinks and thermal pads provides a direct way to draw heat from high-power components. Heat sinks can be attached with thermal adhesives, screws, or clamps, while thermal interface materials (TIMs), such as thermal pads or conductive adhesives, further reduce thermal resistance, enhancing heat-transfer efficiency. Optimizing the PCB layer stackup is also a key factor. Dedicated ground and power layers improve heat conduction across the PCB, enabling heat transfer between layers, particularly in high-density and multilayer PCBs. In designs with high power requirements, active cooling options like fans, blowers, or heat pipes can be essential, helping to direct airflow across the PCB and further improving heat dissipation. Adding ventilation slots around hot zones and considering passive cooling paths enhance natural airflow, making the design more thermally efficient. By combining several of these techniques, you can create a PCB that handles heat effectively, resulting in a robust, long-lasting, and reliable product. Let us know if you’ve had any challenges with thermal management in your designs—I’d be glad to discuss further! Full Article
orm All EVs Need the Midas Functional Safety Platform By community.cadence.com Published On :: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 05:00:00 GMT A more appropriate title for this blog could be “All Vehicles with ADAS Need the Midas Functional Safety Platform”. EVs tend to have advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) because they’re newer, but not all vehicles with ADAS are EVs! Certifying Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is a multifaceted process involving rigorous testing, validation, and regulatory compliance to ensure safety and reliability. As ADAS technologies become increasingly sophisticated, the certification process is evolving to meet these challenges. The ISO26262 standard provides the requirements to be met to attain safety certification for digital designs. One of the key aspects of ADAS certification is functional safety. This includes: Ensuring the system operates as intended under all conditions, including failures. Adherence to standards like ISO26262. Rigorous testing to identify potential hazards and mitigate risks. The Midas Safety Platform provides early-phase exploration of functional safety architectures and leverages native chip design data to perform accurate safety analysis efficiently. The platform is a unified solution available across Cadence products, and with its modular architecture, it supports both embedded and standalone usage with the Cadence flow. After extracting the design information, an output Midas database file contains the isolated DUT and provides the design components and their fault tolerances to various tools in the flow. Conformal can easily verify design transformations that include necessary components like TMR for safety. In these videos, we explore how to create reports for both Transient and Permanent faults. Creating Detailed FMEDA in Midas (Video) Creating Architectural FMEDA in Midas (Video) Also, read this blog post for additional motivation: What Is Zonal Architecture? And Why Is it Upending the Automotive Supply Chain? What Next? Join the Midas Safety Platform Introduction and the Functional Safety Implementation and Verification with Midas trainings and learn more about: Setting up and defining the USF file Using the Midas Safety Platform to create functional safety reports, and Midas integration with the Genus Synthesis Solution, Innovus Implementation System, and Conformal Equivalence Checker tools to implement functional safety The online class is free for all Cadence customers with a Cadence Learning and Support Portal account. If you don’t have a Cadence Support account, go to Registration Help or Register Now and complete the requested information. For instructor-led training sessions "Live" or "Blended" please contact Cadence Training. Please don't forget to obtain your Digital Badge after completing the training. Add your free digital badge to your email signature or any social media and networking platform to show your qualities and build trust, making you and your projects even more successful. If you want to make sure you are always the first to know about anything new in training, then you can use the SUBSCRIBE button on the landing page to sign up for our regular training newsletters. Full Article conformal Genus functional safety midas Digital Implementation Innovus
orm Conformal ECO Designer By community.cadence.com Published On :: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 05:21:00 GMT Conformal ECO Designer enables you to implement RTL engineering change orders (ECOs) for pre- and post-mask layout and offers early ECO prototyping capabilities for driving critical project decisions. Conformal ECO compares two designs and generates a functional patch that implements the changes between the two designs. One major criterion for determining patch quality is whether the patch can meet timing closure. To determine this, you typically need to run the time-consuming process of incremental synthesis and place-and-route. Instead, Conformal can analyze path logic depth changes before and after ECO patch generation. This provides a faster way to evaluate timing impact in patch generation stages. After the patch is created and applied, it is passed to Genus to optimize the patch. During patch optimization, you can choose to do many things like: Keeping constants in the patch Allowing tie cell inversion Specifying tie cell types Preserve DFF cells and cell types in the patch Preserve all cells and nets in the patch Preserve clock buffer cell in the patch Turn on/off sequential constant and sequential merge in patch optimization Allowing phase mapping for DFFs Map to spare cells Force fix DRC before timing What's Next? Join the Conformal ECO course to: Explore the many options and capabilities of Conformal ECO Use Conformal Engineering Change Order (ECO) for flat and hierarchical designs Generate a functional ECO patch, apply it to a design, optimize it, and map it to a specified technology Run a hierarchical design through ECO and run a comparison to prove the ECO is equivalent Run a postmask ECO using Conformal ECO GXL Make sure you have experience with Conformal Equivalence Checker or completed the Conformal Equivalence Checking course before taking this course. The online class is free for all Cadence customers with a Cadence Learning and Support Portal account. If you don’t have a Cadence Support account, go to Registration Help or Register Now and complete the requested information. For instructor-led training sessions "Live" or "Blended" please contact Cadence Training. Please don't forget to obtain your Digital Badge after completing the training. Add your free digital badge to your email signature or any social media and networking platform to show your qualities and build trust, making you and your projects even more successful. Full Article Conformal ECO Designer conformal RTL design
orm Greenfield FDI Performance Index 2019: Serbia storms to top By master-7rqtwti-2nwxk3tn3ebiq.eu-2.platformsh.site Published On :: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:08:37 +0100 Research by fDi Intelligence reveals which countries receive more than their ‘expected share’ of FDI. Full Article
orm Top fDi Performers 2019 By master-7rqtwti-2nwxk3tn3ebiq.eu-2.platformsh.site Published On :: Mon, 09 Dec 2019 08:42:06 +0000 A look at the results of fDi’s rankings throughout 2019 finds that Singapore and New York dominated the year’s league tables, followed by Shanghai, Tokyo and London Full Article
orm Kenya Treasury chief ramps up reforms to grow investment By master-7rqtwti-2nwxk3tn3ebiq.eu-2.platformsh.site Published On :: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 13:24:07 +0000 Kenya’s cabinet secretary for the national treasury and planning, Ukur Yatani, discusses the country’s agenda of fiscal reforms and the importance of constructing an east-west Africa highway. Full Article
orm Mayor outlines Warsaw's winning formula By master-7rqtwti-2nwxk3tn3ebiq.eu-2.platformsh.site Published On :: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 13:12:30 +0000 Warsaw already offers a skilled workforce and has improved its infrastructure – now it must focus on climate change and reducing congestion, mayor Rafał Trzaskowski tells fDi. Full Article