
command line version of generating layout tree file


im looking for a command line version of generating layout tree file.

from layout view we can do it by Edit->Hierarchy->Tree or using shift+T.

i have been using and big fan of the sch hier tree skill code solution from following article for a while now.

i need the command line version to include in my perl / bash script.

i did try to modified the sch version by changing some possible relevant information of sch to lay but getting no where.

im not very good at skill code but willing to give a shot if anyone can point out some direction.



SproutWorks Layout 6

I have just uploaded version 6 of the SproutWorks layout. This layout has a "grassy hills" theme that I think looks more pleasant. I will be adding more to this layout as I develop new features and graphics. I am also working on reorganizing my code. The code base is about 30,000 lines, and needs some better management tools. I have started to organize all the scripts, and have also been working on a PHP/AJAX project manager application. It will help me keep track of all my websites my keeping all the code synchronized.


Revolutionising facility layout: a case study of dynamic facility layout in cable production

In the competitive landscape of globalised markets, businesses must prioritise cost reduction for sustained competitiveness. This study delves into the dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP) within a cable production company in Kerala, emphasising adaptability to changing production demands. Addressing material handling costs and rearrangement expenses, the research evaluates the efficacy of the current static layout and explores the benefits of transitioning to a dynamic layout. The case study reveals potential cost savings through the strategic restructuring of machine arrangements. The innovative machine learning-based genetic algorithm (ML-GA) integrates machine learning algorithms, genetic algorithms, and a local search method, offering a cutting-edge solution to dynamic facility layout challenges. By considering demand variability and relocation costs, the study provides insights for informed decision-making, emphasising the significance of material flow patterns. This research contributes to enhancing efficiency and profitability, providing practical implications for businesses navigating the complexities of modern manufacturing.


Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis of Building Layouts


Leica Geosystems Unveils New Product Lineup Reimagining Digital Construction Layout

Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced on Sept. 12 the launch of the new Leica iCON trades solution, which pairs the Leica iCON iCS20 and Leica iCON iCS50 sensors with industry-tailored construction layout workflows. The new solution complements the industry-leading Leica iCON build portfolio.


How to Start a Diagonal Herringbone Layout

Scott walks us through how to find the starting point for a diagonal herringbone layout and how to keep the tile in line.


Evaluating mixed reality technology for architectural design and construction layout

Mixed reality (MR) technology has attracted increasing interest in the architecture and construction industry since the commercial availability of head-mounted MR devices in 2016. With its ability of overlaying digital building models in real construction sites, building owners, architects, engineers, and contractors have quickly recognized the value of MR technology in on-site architectural...


Follow established piping layouts to prevent reverse thermosiphoning

Flow direction is crucial in hydronic systems. Most designs have a fixed flow direction, but there are situations where reversals can occur. It's important to address these proactively to ensure smooth operations.


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Determining the Dimensions and Layout of Spiral Staircases

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Plugin: Responsive WordPress Grid Layout Plugin

Grid Layout Shock is the most complete responsive WordPress grid layout plugin. You can select between 8 box styles preloaded to costumize your own grid layout. You can select the components that you want to show, if you want to show the title, the image, the excerpt of the text or neither, you can do […]


Fluid Breakout Layout with CSS Grid

So you're building a site and you've got a nice containing element around your content — but wait! Not all the content is the same width! That nice, neat tube of content is not so much a straight tube as a pile of different sized bricks.

It's a common layout problem, but how do we account for these 'breakout' widths in the layout? There's a couple ways we could go about it:

  • Encapsulate each component and set widths and margins. (Works fine if you have full control but can be fiddly).
  • Force the component out of the containing element with negative margins. (Works fine if there's only a little deviation).
  • Use CSS Grid to build a fluid universal grid! (????).

That last one is what we'll be exploring: how to use CSS Grid definitions to allow for consistent component sizing across all breakpoints — no media queries required!

This is a technique that's based on Ryan Mulligan's 'Layout Breakouts' which is based on Josh Comeau's 'Full-Bleed Layout' and is especially useful when creating a fully fluid layout. This also pairs well with fluid type techniques resulting in layouts that TRULY scale with the viewport size.

Setting Up the Grid #

Here's the layout we're going to be building:

If we break apart the design, we've got 4 possible widths for components:

  • Full-Width
  • Feature
  • Popout
  • Content

We've also go some special side-anchored elements that 'stick' to one of the screen edges but also honor the other element widths. We'll come back to these later on.

Now that we've categorized the widths, lets start drawing column edges and defining areas:

  1. Left margin / Full-Width
  2. Left Feature
  3. Left Popout
  4. Center Content
  5. Right Popout
  6. Right Feature
  7. Right margin / Full-Width

That's a lot of columns!

Yet on mobile, we only need 3 columns, just left margin (1), center content (4), and right margin (7). We want some of these intermediate columns to disappear!

Fortunately, CSS Grid gives us some powerful tools to create the measurements needed—yes, even for the disappearing columns! We won't even have to write any media queries for this one. We can make just ONE definition that works at all sizes.

We'll store our measurements as CSS variables for easy use later on:

:root {
  --gap: clamp(1rem, 4vw, 2rem);
  --full: minmax(var(--gap), 1fr);
  --feature: minmax(0, 12vw);
  --popout: minmax(0, 2rem);
  --content: min(clamp(30rem, 52vw, 60rem), 100% - var(--gap) * 2);

Let's break these down.

--gap: clamp(1rem, 4vw, 2rem);

gap will be our side margin, allowing it to stretch up to 2rem at max, with a preferred width of 4vw, but never going below 1rem.

--full: minmax(var(--gap), 1fr);

We're going to use the minmax() function for these next three measurements to say: "If there's room in the CSS Grid, you can expand out to here but then don't go smaller than the minimum".

The full area is going to expand from left edge to right edge (remember we have to split the areas to allow for the other columns) and will double as our margin, so we'll pop in our gap value as our minimum and tell it that it can expand up to 1fr, or basically as much space as the rest of the grid will allow it.

--feature: minmax(0, 12vw);
--popout: minmax(0, 2rem);

The feature and popout both have a minimum value of 0. This is what powers our disappearing columns! As other areas of the grid expand, these will collapse when there's no longer any room for them, essentially taking up no space.

--content: min(clamp(30rem, 52vw, 60rem), 100% - var(--gap) * 2);

And then finally, our content area is our most complex measurement. It's saying, take the minimum value of either:

  1. A fluid measurement that can be 30-60rem (with the help of clamp())
  2. OR full width minus our gap value (but doubled for both left and right values).

These measurements can be changed to fit the needs of your layout. Specifically the feature and popout maximum values and the first content value. For example, our use of vw for the feature means it will fluidly expand out as the screen grows whereas the popout will remain only 2rem larger on each side than the content column.

Now we can assemble these measurements in a CSS grid column definition. We'll name our column edges with [custom-ident] and use the -start and -end endings to help make assignment easier later on.

.grid-breakout {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: [full-start] var(--full)
    [feature-start] var(--feature)
    [popout-start] var(--popout)
    [content-start] var(--content) [content-end]
    var(--popout) [popout-end]
    var(--feature) [feature-end]
    var(--full) [full-end];

The definition is complex, but if we visualize the start and end lines of our columns as well as the measurements, it looks like this:

You can see we have our middle content column, our disappearing feature and popout columns, and finally our full columns that double as our margin.

To finish off the definitions, we need to create column assignments. Because we named our columns with custom identifiers and specified the start and stop lines, we don't have to fiddle with grid numbers. We can assign them directly like:

.full {
  grid-column: full;

.feature {
  grid-column: feature;

.popout {
  grid-column: popout;

.content {
  grid-column: content;

And if we want to create a default assignment for elements in the grid (which is especially useful if you don't have full control over the markup) you can create one like this:

.grid-breakout > * {
  grid-column: content;

Now you can attach any of these classes to components in your grid and have them snap to the width you want.

Watch the screen capture below as the grid scales down. You can see the feature and popout columns disappearing as everything transitions to a mobile width, and then expands back up.

You can see a demo of the base setup here:

Nesting Grids #

Now let's go back to our header element. You can see that though the header is full-width, we actually want its inner content to honor the feature width.

Fortunately, because of the flexible nature of this grid definition, we can repeat the definition and then continue using the same column names on the inner structure. Because our grid only goes one layer deep we're free to replicate as much as we need or even break out and use different layout methods for the component interiors.

<main class="grid-breakout">
  <section class="full grid-breakout">
     <div class="feature">
        <!-- inner content -->

You can see it in action here:

Anchoring Left and Right #

Remember those side-anchored components? This is where we need to get a little tricky to line everything up.

Going back to our diagram, we want an element to span MOST of the way across the page, but end at the opposite feature edge. We can reuse our column definitions for the first part.

.feature-left {
  grid-template-columns: full-start / feature-end;

Great! That gives us exactly what we want... except for when we try to nest the grids.

Our original grid definition assumes that our content, while different widths, is centered in the window. We have to rethink our inner grid definition a little bit.

We're shaving off one end of the grid, specifically a full definition. So two things need to happen:

  1. We need to adjust our content width to now account for only having one gap.
  2. We need our new grid end to stop at the edge of the feature column.

We can achieve this with a new measurement and a new grid definition:

:root {
  /* previous definitions... */
  --content-inset: min(clamp(30rem, 52vw, 60rem), 100% - var(--gap));

.grid-breakout-feature-left {
  display: grid;
    [full-start] var(--full)
    [feature-start] var(--feature)
    [popout-start] var(--popout)
    [content-start] var(--content-inset) [content-end]
    var(--popout) [popout-end]
    var(--feature) [feature-end full-end];

We've replaced the inner content measurement with the new value and combined the feature and full ends with the final line of the template column definition:

[feature-end full-end]

This will allow redefinition inside the new side-anchored component. You will notice that you'll need to supply your own padding for the inner as they no longer have that final margin to prevent it from reaching the new grid edge.

<main class="grid-breakout">
  <section class="feature-left grid-breakout-feature-left">
    <div class="feature">
      <!-- inner content -->

If you want to reverse this to be anchored to the right, you can flip the grid definition, moving the double start to the top like:

.grid-breakout-feature-right {
  display: grid;
    [full-start feature-start] var(--feature)
    [popout-start] var(--popout)
    [content-start] var(--content-inset) [content-end]
    var(--popout) [popout-end]
    var(--feature) [feature-end]
    var(--full) [full-end];

You can see a demo of the side-anchored component here:

But What About Tailwind! #

We love using Tailwind at Viget as a Team Accelerator™, and it's straightforward to implement these measurements and definitions in your Tailwind config.

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
import plugin from "tailwindcss/plugin";

export default {
  // the rest of your other definitions
  theme: {
    // the rest of your theme definitions
    extend: {
      gridColumn: {
        content: "content",
        popout: "popout",
        feature: "feature",
        full: "full",
        "feature-left": "full-start / feature-end",
      gridTemplateColumns: {
        breakout: `[full-start] var(--full)
            [feature-start] var(--feature)
            [popout-start] var(--popout)
            [content-start] var(--content) [content-end]
            var(--popout) [popout-end]
            var(--feature) [feature-end]
            var(--full) [full-end]`,
        "breakout-feature-left": `[full-start] var(--full)
            [feature-start] var(--feature)
            [popout-start] var(--popout)
            [content-start] var(--content-inset) [content-end]
            var(--popout) [popout-end]
            var(--feature) [feature-end full-end];`,
  plugins: [
    plugin(function ({ addBase }) {
        ":root": {
          // grid sizing variables
          "--gap": "clamp(1rem, 4vw, 2rem)",
          "--full": "minmax(var(--gap), 1fr)",
          "--content": "min(clamp(30rem, 52vw, 60rem), 100% - var(--gap) * 2)",
          "--popout": "minmax(0, 2rem)",
          "--feature": "minmax(0, 12vw)",
          "--content-inset": "min(clamp(30rem, 52vw, 60rem), 100% - var(--gap))",
        // force unspecified content blocks into 'content' grid
        ".grid-cols-breakout > *": {
          "grid-column": "content",

Everything is effectively the same, but you'll call your grid classes like grid-cols-breakout to set the grid, and your columns like col-feature per Tailwind naming conventions.

Forwards to a Fluid Future! #

And there you have it! A media-query-less fluid breakout layout defined with CSS grid!

While the setup is more complicated at first glance, I've found that the more fluid your layout rules are, the FEWER rules you have to write overall! Especially when paired with fluid type, dynamic viewport units, and all the amazing features that are landing in CSS — it's truly a fluid future!

  • Code
  • Front-end Engineering


Moana : the story of the movie in comics / manuscript adaptation, Alesandro Ferrari ; layouts, Alberto Zanon, Giada Perissinotto ; pencil/inking, Veronica Di Lorenzo, Luca Bertelè ; colors, Massimo Rocca [and four others].

"Sail the Pacific Islands in search of destiny and the demigod Maui in this retelling of Disney Moana. Moana is a spirited teenager who loves the ocean, yet she is forbidden to travel beyond the reef that surrounds her island home of Motunui. But she feels called to something more, and wants to discover who she was meant to be. When darkness begins to consume the island, and nature is out of balance, Moana knows the solution lies beyond the safety of the reef. Following the messages of her ancestors, and with encouragement from the ocean itself, Moana sails into the open sea to find the demigod Maui and right a wrong from his past. Together they face rough waters, monstrous creatures, and the unknown, in a mission to stop the darkness from spreading, and restore life to the islands! Become a master wayfinder in this action-packed story as Moana's love for the sea turns her into a hero among her people, the gods, and the ocean." -- Provided by publisher


Antares Vision Introduces Label & Print Layout Quality Control System

AV Print Inspector offers whole-label inspection, including image matching, code reading and color detection, at speeds up to 80 meters/minute.


RFIC Layout Engineer

El Segundo, CA United States - Job Description At Boeing, we innovate and collaborate to make the world a better place. From the seabed to outer space, you can contribute to work that matters with a company where diversity, equity and inclusion are shared values. We’re committed to fostering an... View


Nice blog layout: The github plugin my coworkers asked me not to write. Posted on 2024-11-11


src layout vs flat layout - Python Packaging User Guide


Problem Notes for SAS®9 - 46544: Store layout view has some areas displayed with black fill rather than gray in SAS&reg; Retail Space Management

In SAS Retail Space Management, it should be possible to click on any location object, then Show Properties, and change the location fill color. This can be done on the gray-filled objects. However, w


2016 FLAP Canada Bird Layout


Complex Layouts using the SG Procedures

The Graph Template Language (GTL) is a powerful tool for creating a wide range of graphic displays. One feature GTL has is the ability to combine independent plots together into one paneled display. The SG procedures have some limited capabilities in this area; but in this post, I am going [...]

The post Complex Layouts using the SG Procedures appeared first on Graphically Speaking.


Is there a skill command for "Assign Layout Instance terminals"?

Is there a skill command for "Assign Layout Instance terminals", this form appears when i click on define device correspondence and Bind the devices.


Problem Statement : i have a schematic with a couple of transistor symbols and and i alos have a corresponding layout view with respective layout transistors but they all are inside a pCell(created by me) i.e layout transistor called inside a custom Pcell. Now i have multiple symbols in schematic view and a single instance(pCell) in layout view. 
Is there a way how i can bind these schematic symbols with layout symbols inside the pCell(custom)? Even if i have to use cph commands i'm fine with it. need help here.

The idea here is to establish XL connectivity between the schematic symbols and corresponding layout transistors(inside the pCell).




Coordinates(bBoxes) of all the shapes(layers) in a layout view

Hello Community,

Is there any simple way how i can get the coordinates of all the shapes in a layout view?

Currently i'm flattening the layout, getting all the lpps from CV and using setof to get all the shapes of a layer and looping through them to get the coordinates.

Is there a way to do it without having to flatten the layout view and shapes merged or any other elegant way to do it if we flatten it?

Also, dbWriteSkill doesn't give output how i desired




Virtuoso Fluid Guard Ring Layout error "do_something=nil"


When I draw a Fluid Guard Ring in Virtuoso, the layout is not visible, and instead, "do_something=nil" appears.

When I check the details with Q, it shows the same information as a regular NFGR guard ring, and Ctrl+F also displays the instance name, just like with a regular NFGR. 

Additionally, the Pcells of Fluid Guard Rings from previous projects appear broken. 

The version I’m currently using is not different from the one used in the past. Even when I access the same version as the one used during the project, the Pcells still appear broken.

These two issues are occurring, and I’m not sure what to check. I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist me in resolving this issue.


Reinstalling the PDK resolved the issue!

I’m not exactly sure what the problem was, but I suspect there might have been an internal issue with permissions or the PDK path.


Cross-probe between layout veiw and schematic view

Hi there

I am trying to make cross-probe btw layout and schematic view.

so when I execute the code in schematic using bindkey, the code will raise the layout view (hiRaiseWindow)

and then I want to descend to the same hierarchy as schematic. (geSelectFig, leHiEditInPlace)

But looks like current cellview still stays at schematic view.

I got this error msg, and when I print current cell view name at where I got this msg, it replys schematic.

*Error* geSelectFig: argument #1 should be a database object (type template = "d") - nil

is there any way to change the current cellview to layout view?

I also added this code, but didn't work.

geGetEditCellView(geGetCellViewWindow(cvId)) ;cvId is layout view

I don't want to close the schematic view, just want to move the focus or make geSelectFig works.

Thanks in advance.


μWaveRiders: Setting Up a Successful AWR Design Environment Design - Layout and Component Libraries

When starting a new design, it's important to take the time to consider design recommendations that prevent problems that can arise later in the design cycle. This two-part compilation of guidelines for starting a new design is the result of years of Cadence AWR Design Environment platform Support experience with designs. Pre-design decisions for user interface, simulation, layout, and library configuration lay the groundwork for a successful and efficient AWR design. This blog, part 2, covers the layout and component library considerations designers should note prior to starting a design.(read more)


Knowledge Booster Training Bytes - The Close Connection Between Schematics and Their Layouts in Microwave Office

Microwave Office is Cadence’s tool-of-choice for RF and microwave designers designing everything from III-V 5G chips, to RF systems in board and package technologies. These types of designs require close interaction between the schematic and its layout. A new Training Byte demonstrates how the schematic-layout connections is built into Microwave Office.(read more)


Instance of standard cell does not have layout?


I have synthesized a verilog code. When performing the pnr in innovus it is showing the error "Instance g5891__718 (similar for other) of the cell AND2_X6 has no physical library or has wrong dimension  values (<=0). Check your design setup to make sure the physical library is loaded in and attribute specified in library are correct.

When importing synthesized netlist in virtuoso then it says " Module AND2_X6, instantiated in the top module decoder, is not defined. Therefore the top module decoder will be imported as functional."

Please help what's going on here? 


Migrating from files Orcad Layout 16.2

I have managed to convert our old schematic and PCD file to from Layout 16.2 to 17.4

I have exported the footprints and moved them to the correct lib directory. 

I get no DRC errors and I can build a new netlist file. The problem is I can't get the PCB editor to update using the new netlist and get the following error:

I cannot figure out how to fix the Name is too long error. 

(                                                                     )
(    Allegro Netrev Import Logic                                      )
(                                                                     )
(    Drawing          : 70055R2.brd                                   )
(    Software Version : 17.4S023                                      )
(    Date/Time        : Tue Dec 14 18:54:25 2021                      )
(                                                                     )

------ Directives ------------

Ripup etch:                  Yes
Ripup delete first segment:  No
Ripup retain bondwire:       No
Ripup symbols:               IfSame
Missing symbol has error:    No
DRC update:                  Yes
Schematic directory:         'C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2'
Design Directory:            'C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2'
Old design name:             'C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/70055R2.brd'
New design name:             'C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/70055R2.brd'

CmdLine: netrev -$ -i C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2 -x -u -t -y 2 -h -z -q netrev_constraint_report.xml C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/#Taaaaae57776.tmp

------ Preparing to read pst files ------

Starting to read C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/pstchip.dat 
   Finished reading C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/pstchip.dat (00:00:00.02)
Starting to read C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/pstxprt.dat 
   Finished reading C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/pstxprt.dat (00:00:00.00)
Starting to read C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/pstxnet.dat 
   Finished reading C:/AFS/70055 PCB Test 2/pstxnet.dat (00:00:00.00)

------ Oversights/Warnings/Errors ------

#1   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'SW DPDT_9_SWITCH_OTTO_ALT_SW DPDT': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'SW DPDT_9_SWITCH_OTTO_ALT_SW DP' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#2   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'SW DPDT_10_SWITCH_OTTO_LIGHTS_SW DPDT': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'SW DPDT_10_SWITCH_OTTO_LIGHTS_S' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#3   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'SW DPDT_7_SWITCH_OTTO_ALT_SW DPDT': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'SW DPDT_7_SWITCH_OTTO_ALT_SW DP' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#4   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'SW DPDT_3_SWITCH_OTTO_MASTER_SW DPDT': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'SW DPDT_3_SWITCH_OTTO_MASTER_SW' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#5   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'SW DPDT_6_SWITCH_OTTO_LIGHTS_SW DPDT': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'SW DPDT_6_SWITCH_OTTO_LIGHTS_SW' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#6   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'SW DPDT_3_SWITCH_OTTO_MASTER_DPDT': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'SW DPDT_3_SWITCH_OTTO_MASTER_DP' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#7   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'CONNECTOR DB15_DSUBVPTM15_CONNECTOR DB15': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'CONNECTOR DB15_DSUBVPTM15_CONNE' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#8   ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected.

ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device 'CONNECTOR DB9_DSUBVPTM9_CONNECTOR DB9': 'Name is too long.'.

ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device 'CONNECTOR DB9_DSUBVPTM9_CONNECT' has library errors. Unable to transfer to Allegro.

#9   ERROR(SPMHNI-175): Netrev error detected.

ERROR(SPMHDB-195): Error processing 'M6': Text line is outside of the extents..

------ Library Paths ------



------ Summary Statistics ------

#10  Run stopped because errors were detected

netrev run on Dec 14 18:54:25 2021
   DESIGN NAME : '70055R2'
   PACKAGING ON Nov  2 2021 14:32:04

   COMPILE 'logic'
   NET_NAME_CHARS '#%&()*+-./:=>?@[]^_`|'
   SUPPRESS   20

 10 errors detected
 No oversight detected
 No warning detected

cpu time      0:00:27
elapsed time  0:00:00


Display Resource Editor: Different Colors for Schematic and Layout Axis


In the environment I'm currently working, axes are shown for schematic, symbol, and layout views.For schematics and symbols, I'd prefer a dim gray, such that the axes are just visible but not dominant. For the layout, I'd prefer a brighter color. Is there a way to realize this? So far when I change the color of the 'axis' layer in the display resource editor, the axes in all three views get changed together:

Thanks very much for your input!


Force virtuoso (Layout XL) to NOT create warning markers in design


I have a rather strange question - is there a way to tell layout XL to NOT place the error/warning markers on a design when I open a cell?  I do a lot of my layout by using arrays from placed instances and create mosaics that completely ignore the metadata that Layout XL uses with its bindings with schematic (and instances get deleted etc. but I do like using it to generate all my pins etc.) and it's just really annoying when I open a design that I know is LVS clean and since the connectivity metadata is all screwed up (because I did not use it to actually complete the layout) I have a design that's just blinking at me at every gate, source and drain.  I typically delete them at the high level heirarchically but the second I go in and modify something and come back up it places all of them again.  I know that if I flatten all the p cells it goes away but sometimes it's nice to have that piece of metadata but that's about it.  Is there a way to "break" the features of XL like this?  I realize what a weird question this is but it's becoming more of an issue since we moved to IC 23 from IC 6 where there is no longer a layout L that I can use free from these annoyances that can't use any of the connectivity metadata.




How to perform the EMI / EMC analysis on the PCB layout

Hai Community,

I have a PCB board which has multiple high speed nets and I want to perform the EMI and EMC checking.

Which Cadence tool should I use for checking the EMI and EMC coupling?


Rohit Rohan


Fixing Cumulative Layout Shift Problems on DavidWalshBlog

Over 50 thousand developers visit DavidWalshBlog every month from around the world to learn JavaScript tricks and fix problems in their code. Unfortunately, some of them have a slow experience on the site. David tracks the performance of his Core Web Vitals and overall performance with Request Metrics. Recently, we noticed that his CLS performance […]

The post Fixing Cumulative Layout Shift Problems on DavidWalshBlog appeared first on David Walsh Blog.


Airport Expert Creates the Ideal Layout for LaGuardia Airport

HOK's Peter Ruggiero redesigns airports for a living. As an airport architect, Peter helped put together the plan to improve New York's most notorious airport, LaGuardia Airport. So what actually goes into optimizing the design of an airport terminal? Peter guides us through all the aspects of design that are incorporated into modern airports.


Restaurant Architect Creates the Ideal Outdoor Dining Layout for New York City

Retail architect Sterling Plenert designs restaurants, and his job got quite a bit more challenging when tasked with designing eateries with COVID restrictions. Sterling explains what the restrictions are and how he designs restaurants within those guidelines. He also looks towards the future of NYC dining and envisions a version of New York with permanent outdoor eating. We'd also like to acknowledge the other members of the CallisonRTKL team who envisioned how outdoor dining will change New York: Tyler Blazer, Jim Browning, Laura Camejo, Sahil Dagli, Lee Hagen, Erin Langan, Nikita Malviya, Renée Schoonbeek, and Gloria Serra Coch


Intra-layout buses: A novel way to boost public transport in Bengaluru

The city’s HSR Layout has pioneered a unique feeder bus service with nearly 5,000 people using it every day. Can it be replicated elsewhere in the city?


Left Half and Right Half Layout – Many Different Ways

Imagine a scenario where you need to split a layout in half. Basically two equal height columns are needed inside of a container. Each side takes up exactly half of the container. Like many things in CSS, there are a number of ways to go about this.

Left Half and Right Half Layout – Many Different Ways originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.


Cooked unapproved layouts


Fluid layout with all columns reaching footer

A fluid layout with max/min width, header/footer and multiple percentage columns ALL reaching the footer using NO images.


3 column layout with 7 variations

A set of 7 variations on the 3 column equal height theme. All full width with header and footer, a mixture of fixed and percentage column widths and no images.


CSS play responsive layout with animated repositioning

A responsive layout with animated repositioning of elements. For all the latest browsers.


CSSplay - CSS Flexbox Layout

A CSS responsive layout using the latest 'Flexbox' styling with header, three columns and sticky footer.


CSSplay - Basic Flexbox Layout

Back to the very basic code and style to produce a 'sticky holy grail' layout.


CSSplay - Responsive 'curtains' layout

A responsive 'curtains' layout using a litle javascript. Working in all browsers and OS including IE7+ and Android


CSSplay - Responsive 'curtains' layout version 2

A second responsive 'curtains' layout using a litle javascript, this time working in the opposite direction. Suitable all browsers and OS including IE7+, Android and windows 8 smartphones


CSSplay - CSS only responsive 'Blinds' layout

A CSS ONLY responsive 'curtains' layout using NO javascript. Suitable all the latest browser versions and OS, including tablets, touch screens and smartphones


CSSplay - Responsive 'Slanty' layout

A CSS and jQuery responsive single page website with 'slanty' partitions, suitable for all modern browsers and OS


CSSplay - Responsive 'Wavy' layout

A CSS and jQuery responsive single page website with 'wavy' partitions, suitable for all modern browsers and OS


CSSplay - Responsive 'viewport' layout

An experimental CSS responsive single page website using 'viewport', suitable for all modern browsers and OS (buggy in Opera and fails in Safari PC


CSSplay - Responsive experimental 'viewport' layout

A second experimental CSS responsive single page website using 'viewport', suitable for all modern browsers and OS (fails in Safari PC)