
Sandra Ortiz, involucrada en corrupción de UNGRD, denuncia posible atentado en su contra

La exconsejera para las Regiones, denunció ante la Fiscalía lo que puede ser un intento de atentado contra su vida.


“Tenemos centros de refugios habilitados para colombianos en el Líbano”: embajador Ostos

Edwin Ostos, embajador de Colombia en el Líbano, habló en 6AM, sobre cuál es la ayuda que han recibido por parte del Gobierno de ese país


EXCLUSIVO: ¿Cuál es la verdad detrás de la pérdida de bienes que Mancuso entregó a la justicia y no aparecen?

Mancuso aclaró la relación entre Álvaro Uribe y el paramilitarismo en COlombia


Hemos encontrado muy buena respuesta para construir una reforma política: Mininterior

En Caracol Radio estuvo Juan Fernando Cristo, ministro del Interior, y se refirió a la reforma política y a la perspectiva del Gobierno sobre el Consejo Nacional Electoral


Mientras hay pausa del cese al fuego, hubo 26 muertos entre ELN y Fuerza Pública: Cepeda

El senador Iván Cepeda, habló en 6AM de qué puede venir para este grupo criminal y sobre las cifras fallecidas en los enfrentamientos 


Estables y recuperándose se encuentran menores accidentados en La Mesa: Gober Cundinamarca

Jorge Emilio Rey confirmó que los menores se encuentran en recuperación, tras el accidente en el que 5 jóvenes perdieron la vida 


Miguel Del Río estará preocupado por denuncias que hicimos en su contra: abogado de Uribe

Jaime Granados, abogado de Álvaro Uribe Vélez, habló en 6AM sobre qué detonó el abogado Miguel Ángel del Río en medio de la audiencia preparatoria contra su defendido


No va a entrar en vigencia sin Ley de Competencias: senador Ávila sobre reforma a SGP

El senador Ariel Ávila, estuvo en 6AM, para abordar cómo será la transición y en qué consisten los 7 acuerdos que destaparon el camino para la reforma al Sistema General de Participaciones.


“Cuando entras a los pueblos ves demasiada tristeza”: colombiano en desastres de Valencia

Daniel Baliz, colombiano en Valencia, habló en 6AM sobre cómo avanzan los días de los habitantes de esta región tras la emergencia por las inundaciones


DIAN detecta 27 mil establecimientos que no entregan factura electrónica en Colombia

En 6AM de Caracol Radio se conectó Cecilia Rico Torres, Directora de Gestión de Impuestos de la DIAN, quien habló sobre la importancia de la factura electrónica y por qué hay más de 27.000 establecimientos sin facturación electrónica en sus operaciones


With Democratic Senator Jon Tester's loss in Montana, Republicans take full control

Montana not only went enthusiastically for Trump for a third time, but took the last statewide seat held by a Democrat. Senator Jon Tester's defeat caps a years-long quest to erase purple from Montana's map.


The Secret to Success at Community Health Centres - Transcript

Full Text Transcript

  • Radio/White Coat/ Black Art


Award-winning poet Raymond Antrobus on hearing, seeing and grieving through verse

The British Jamaican author of poetry collection The Perseverance met with Eleanor Wachtel back in 2019 to discuss race, identity and his experience growing up deaf.

  • Radio/Writers & Company


Decentralized web movement imagines 'a web with many winners' that puts community first

Mai Ishikawa Sutton and Alicia Urquidi Díaz discuss the vision behind the movement known as DWeb, and how the decentralized web combines the community aspect of the '90s online experience with today's equity and accessibility principles.


Why the classic Canadian novel Bear remains controversial — and relevant

Marian Engel’s Bear is one of Canada’s most controversial novels. But experts say it’s also one of the most daring and enduring.


The invisible shoes of Stutthof concentration camp

In 2015, the poet-musician Grzegorz Kwiatkowski made a strange discovery at the site of the former Stutthof concentration camp in Poland — something he calls 'a carpet of abandoned shoes.' But these were more than shoes: they're both artifacts and symbols of the Holocaust — as well as a flashpoint of nationalist denialism and historical amnesia.


Mary Riter Hamilton, Canada's 1st female battlefield artist, helped the country 'grieve mass loss'

In 1919, Canadian artist Mary Riter Hamilton embarked on a solo mission to paint the World War One battlefields of France and Belgium. A century later, documentary maker Alisa Siegel speaks to the artist's biographer, historians, and art historians to resuscitate Mary Riter Hamilton's art, life, and legacy.


Space Dimension Controller - Welcome to Mikrosector-50

A stars-bound journey away from the drudgery of everyday ordinariness.


Lesley Garrett - A North Country Lass

The charismatic singer tackles Britain’s folk song tradition for St George’s Day.


Bootgate explained: How Ron DeSantis’s alleged cowboy boot hidden heels became a campaign controversy


Our mistake was to think we lived in a better country than we do | Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian


GitHub - hyperlight-dev/hyperlight: Hyperlight is a lightweight Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) designed to be embedded within applications. It enables safe execution of untrusted code within micro virtual machines with very low latency and minimal overhead

via GitHub Public Timeline Feed https://ift.tt/EHbhjky


A Friendly Introduction to Container Queries


Introduction - Mergiraf


La justicia rechaza amnistiar al independentista condenado por una protesta contra el sindicato de Jusapol | Noticias de Cataluña | EL PAÍS

La Audiencia de Barcelona condenó al activista Marcel Vivet a cinco años de cárcel por golpear a un policía y el TSJC rebajó la pena a un año y medio La Audiencia de Barcelona ha rechazado amnistiar al independentista Marcel Vivet, con una condena ya extinguida por golpear a un mosso d’esqu via Pocket


Ciutat Vella trata de blindarse contra los monocultivos comerciales que la asolan

El gobierno del alcalde Jaume Collboni está trazando un muy complicado plan para blindar el distrito de Ciutat Vella contra los monocultivos comerciales. via Pocket


La ONU avala el filme catalán de animación ‘Mariposas negras’ contra el cambio climático

Después de una larga investigación, el documentalista David Baute llega a una conclusión. “A estas alturas ya no podemos ir con muchos paños calientes”, dice. via Pocket


La vaga de lloguers, una eina sense encaix legal que alguns experts veuen viable com a litigi contra fons d’inversió

“O s’abaixen els preus, o vaga de lloguers”. Aquesta és la consigna que han llançat les organitzacions en defensa de l’habitatge en els últims mesos. via Pocket


Jury awards Abu Ghraib detainees $42 million, holds contractor responsible


Kid Rock and Nickelback To Rock The Country With Lynyrd Skynyrd and More

Kid Rock and Nickelback have announced that they will be rocking the country next spring and summer with a new touring festival


JERRY CANTRELL Is Also Pissed That Nobody Gets Paid Decent Streaming Royalties

It's no secret that Spotify pays total garbage when it comes to royalties. Apple Music certainly does better by artists, but still – both combined aren't putting a roof over […]


DARKO Invites Fans To Contribute Guest Vocals To Their Upcoming EP

Darko – the duo featuring producer Josh Miller (ex-Spite, ex-Emmure) and vocalist Tom Barber (Chelsea Grin, ex-Lorna Shore) – is plotting the release of their new EP Deathmask, Pt. 3 […]


Opinion: Initiatives 50 and 108 are “reckless” efforts to control property taxes

Two reckless initiatives headed for the November ballot, 50 and 108, would gut the resources needed to pay firefighters, recruit and retain volunteers, buy equipment, and respond quickly when you call.


Critics blast regulators over Colorado’s first use of new environmental justice law in fuel-storage controversy

For people living near a gasoline storage facility in Commerce City, the company’s decision to cancel its expansion near an elementary school was an environmental victory.


Ella Hagen, already a three-sport individual state champion, adds another trophy by dominating Class 4A state cross country meet

Ella Hagen won her second Class 4A cross country crown on Saturday at the Norris Penrose Event Center.


State cross country: Aiden Le Roux, Addison Ritzenhein are fastest boy and girl in Colorado after setting course records

Aiden Le Roux and Addison Ritzenhein both set all-classification course records at the Norris Penrose Event Center.


Antron Brown, first Black drag racing champion, insists he’s still got plenty left in the tank: “I’m halfway through”

As a child, Antron Brown’s trips to Old Bridge Township Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey, were a source of inspiration.


Dentro de los apartamentos de Aurora que se hicieron famosos por las afirmaciones de ocupación de pandillas, los residentes se preguntan qué sigue

Los representantes de CBZ Management han creado una campaña pública para culpar los problemas del complejos de apartamentos de Aurora a las actividades recientes de las pandillas.


How much has Colorado’s wolf reintroduction cost?

Costs have remained under the amount appropriated to the program by state lawmakers, but are almost twice the amount estimated to the voters who elected to reintroduce the native species.


Reintroduced Colorado wolf likely died after fight with another wolf, federal wildlife officials say

One of Colorado's reintroduced wolves likely died of wounds it suffered during a fight with another wolf, federal officials announced Thursday.


Paige: Denver Broncos find themselves in yet another quarterback controversy

For the sake of this argument, the dueling quarterbacks will be Mark Sanchez, the man of journey, vs. Paxton Lynch, the rookie of potential.  Sides have been taken. Who you got, Broncos fans?


Kiszla: Coach Sean Payton is now on the clock in Broncos Country, where we’re all out of patience for losing

If the Broncos flushed Russell Wilson and beaucoup bucks after only 30 starts in a Denver uniform, how long does Sean Payton get to prove that his let-’em-eat-cake approach wins football games?


Kickin it with Kiz Podcast: What Bill Belichick, Nick Saban exits say about what Sean Payton has to do in Broncos Country

In the latest edition of the Kickin' it with Kiz podcast, sports columnist Mark Kiszla reflects on a pair of coaching legends calling it quits in the same week.


Sony’s Access controller for the PlayStation aims to make gaming easier for people with disabilities

Playing video games has long been a challenge for many people with disabilities, since the traditional controllers for the PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo can be difficult or even impossible to maneuver when a person has limited mobility. Losing the ability to play doesn’t just mean the loss of a favorite pastime — it can also exacerbate social isolation for a community that already experiences it at far higher rates than the general population. Sony’s new Access Controller, developed with input from accessibility consultants, aims to change that.


Keeler: CU Buffs, Travis Hunter overcome trashy Texas Tech fans, Big 12 refs, tortillas to control College Football Playoff destiny

Is that a tortilla in your pocket, Travis Hunter? Or are you just happy for CU?


Syracuse University Gives Kevin Richardson Of The Central

He makes history at Syracuse University.