
Kh?rijite Ab? Mu?ammad al-Maqdis?: Takf?r of Shaykh ?Abd al-?Az?z Ibn B?z, Shaykh Mu?ammad Bin ??li? Bin ?Uthaym?n and Saud? Scholars


Kh?rijite Ab? Mu?ammad Al-Maqdis?: Absolution in Takf?r on the Issue of Obedience to Scholars and Rulers


New York law: Public school districts must have workplace violence prevention plans

Albany, NY — Public school districts in New York will be required to develop and implement workplace violence prevention programs, under a new state law set to go into effect Jan 4.


For school bus drivers: Free videos on rail crossing safety

Washington — In an effort to help school bus drivers make safe choices at railroad crossings, a rail safety education group has released a series of free training videos.


WIFI Scholarship Program Empowers Women in the Flooring Industry

Women in the Floorcovering Industry (WIFI) is accepting applications for its second round of scholarships until July 10, 2024.


Mohawk's Tree-Planting Initiative Takes Root at Georgia Elementary School

In a joint effort to promote environmental stewardship and community involvement, Mohawk is teaming up with One Tree Planted, Food Well Alliance and local retail partners to break ground on a new orchard at Tara Elementary School in Morrow, Georgia. 


FCICA Announces Bruce Newbrough CIM Scholarship Winner

FCICA awarded the first Bruce Newbrough Memorial Scholarship for 2017 to Mike Ellena from Hiller Commercial Floors in Rochester, Minn.


Do neighbourhood characteristics matter in understanding school children's active lifestyles? A cross-region multi-city comparison of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Hong Kong.

Children's Geographies; 08/01/2021
(AN 152310094); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


The rhythmicity of daily travel: young children's mobility practices along the mobile preschool route.

Children's Geographies; 10/01/2021
(AN 152966700); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Creating an ethos for learning: classroom seating and pedagogical use of space at a Chinese suburban middle school.

Children's Geographies; 04/01/2022
(AN 155952639); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Childhood prism research: an approach for enabling unique childhood studies contributions within the wider scholarly field.

Children's Geographies; 06/01/2022
(AN 156867993); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


From childhood studies to childism: reconstructing the scholarly and social imaginations.

Children's Geographies; 06/01/2022
(AN 156867992); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Introduction: Modernity, Schooling and Childhood in India: Trajectories of Exclusion.

Children's Geographies; 12/01/2022
(AN 160715515); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


The right to the school: urban schooling, place-based education, and youth agency at the intersection of gentrification.

Children's Geographies; 08/01/2023
(AN 167303420); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Navigating dis/ableist school playgrounds and toilets with geographic maturity: stories of young people with dwarfism from their secondary education.

Children's Geographies; 08/01/2023
(AN 167303406); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Lived Democracy in Education: Young Citizens' Democratic Lives in Kindergarten, School and Higher Education: edited by Rune Herheim, Tobias Werler, and Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, London and New York, Routledge, 2021, 191 pp., £120.00 (hardback), ISBN 9

Children's Geographies; 10/01/2023
(AN 173035621); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Modelling geographic access and school catchment areas across public primary schools to support subnational planning in Kenya.

Children's Geographies; 10/01/2023
(AN 173035616); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Geographies of school-related gender-based violence: children's visual accounts of school toilets.

Children's Geographies; 12/01/2023
(AN 174964053); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Reconfiguring school learning spaces: students' and teachers' voices on well-being.

Children's Geographies; 02/01/2024
(AN 175911767); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier