
Increasing the power of engagement and creators on YouTube

An overview of the new ways brands can stand out and make valuable connections on YouTube, including on Shorts and with creators.


Jeep Forward Control

После окончания войны дела компании Willys шли неважно, главный товар бренда резко перестал быть бестселлером. Чтобы удержаться наплаву компания начала экспериментировать и выпустила несколько новых моделей для гражданского использования.

В начале 1955 года избранная группа руководителей Willys Motors, Inc. приняла решение спроектировать новый джип — легкий грузовик непривычной компоновки, который дополнит линейку Willys. Разработка Jeep Forward Control началась в середине 1955 года.

Автомобиль создавался на узлах и агрегатах автомобиля CJ–5 ( Civilian Jeep — гражданская версия известного армейского Willys MD), что обеспечивало быструю и дешевую разработку, а так же преемственный дизайн передней части автомобиля.

Все автомобили Jeep Forward Control продавались только с кузовом пикап, по–нашему «головастик». Willys не предлагал модели с двойной кабиной или фургоны на гражданском рынке.

Еще раз — Willys не предлагал Jeep Forward Control с двойной кабиной или фургоны на гражданском рынке.

Хотя, такие проекты разрабатывались с 1957 года.

Фото 1957 год, кузов "вагонной компоновки" только проектируется, тогда как Буханка уже во всю испытывается.

1958 год, все ещё проект

Прототип 1958 года. УАЗ–450 уже серийно производится

В рекламном проспекте 1961 года этого типа кузова нет

Jeep Forward Control не достиг своих целевых показателей продаж и в начале 1960–х годов Kaiser–Jeep решила, что военная версия может помочь увеличить производство. У компании уже было много военных контрактов и USMC был заинтересован в эффективном пикапе и фургоне.

По заказу армии США и корпуса морской пехоты Willys разработала вариант машины с двойной кабиной и кузовом типа фургон. Все они были построены в 1964–65 годах. Было четыре версии — пикап M676, M677 с двойной кабиной и M678–679 Van/Ambulance.

Полное наименование фургона, которым пытаются упрекать УАЗ Буханку — 1964 Kaiser Jeep Forward Control M–679 FC–170. К тому времени УАЗ–450 с кузовом фургон серийно выпускался 6 лет!

1964 Kaiser Jeep Forward Control M–679 FC–170

Еще раз — Jeep Forward Control с кузовом фургон появились только в 1964 году и производился только для армии.

Возможно, конструкция Forward Control опередила свое время: к тому моменту, когда Kaiser отказался от модели Forward Control в 1965 году, все автопроизводители «Большой тройки» пробовали пикапы и фургоны с выдвинутой вперед кабиной. Но Forward Control не подходил рынка США, который всегда предпочитал стиль, основанный на мощности и скорости, стилю, основанному на эффективности. Forward Control больше походил на европейский автомобиль. Напомню, что к тому моменту на пик успеха вышел Volkswagen Transporter Type 1 – небольшой заднемоторной фургон вагонной компоновки, который производился с 1950 года. То, что Willys не предлагал модели с двойной кабиной и фургоны/минивены на гражданском рынке, можно считать большой ошибкой компании.

При желании можно и "хиппимобиль" подтянуть под Буханку

Начало проектирования:
УАЗ–450 – 1954 год
Jeep Forward Control – 1955 год

База модели:
ГАЗ–450 – ГАЗ–69
Jeep Forward Control – Willys MB

Первый прототип:
УАЗ–450 – 1955 год
Jeep Forward Control – 1956 год

Серийное производство:
Jeep Forward Control – 1956 год
УАЗ–450 – 1958 год
Jeep Forward Control crew–cab / van – 1964 год

Можно с уверенность говорить, что обе машины вполне самобытны, имеют существенные конструктивные различия и не копируют друг друга ни в чем. УАЗ был раньше разработан, но послевоенная ситуация в стране не позволила быстро наладить серийное производство. Компания Willys, заработавшая капитал и развившая производство за время войны, справилась с задачей гораздо быстрее. Поэтому, отдавая первенство в начале серийного производства компании Willys, за УАЗом можно застолбить выпуск первого в мире полноприводного фургона и микроавтобуса вагонной компоновки.

И теперь, когда кто–то вам скажет, что Буханку скопировали с Jeep Forward Control, смело шлите его на… на этот пост.

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Tom Cruise Love Story: टॉम का लव Mission Impossible? तीन 'हसीनाओं' ने 'Cruise' को डूबोया! झेला ट्रिपल तलाक

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do I have any option to not submit IT proof as still I haven't done my investment?
Please can I get some suggestion or legal opinion . I can contact if any one can guide me.


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Let’s Discuss This Cover Makeover: Immortals After Dark

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Libraries, Pride & Prejudice, and More


Waiting for my eyes to adapt to the darkness

I have changed my routine lately. I no longer read the news. There were a few blogs I read regularly, a couple of political YouTube channels I frequented, a podcast or two I’d listen to on walks. No more. I just can’t bear current events. I’m looking for distraction, and oh, what’s this? A movie […]

  • Miscellaneous and Meta


Woman Late to Work Hears Strange Sounds Coming from the Dumpster, Discovers Abandoned Itty Bitty Tuxedo Kitten and Instantly Becomes Her Cat Mom

We love a good dumpster kitten glow up story. Why is it that dumpster kittens are always the most loving?? Usually, they start all spicy and are hissing away, but the second you get them out of the trash and wrapped up in a warm blanket, they just melt into your arms. That's what happened with this tuxedo girl.

A woman was late to work as a dishwasher and realized she wore uncomfortable pants. So, she went back out to her car to see if se had any shorts. That's when she started hearing strange noises from the dumpster. It's like the universe made sure she would be there in the right place at the right time. She immediately fell in love with the little fluff ball and took her home. She is now the kitten's pawrent and bestie, they are already inseparable. The kitten got the clear from the vet and is now living her best life. See the wholesomeness below!


25 Zany Feline Funnies for Hardworking Hoomans Who’re Starting to Lose the Plot

Well we have made it to the middle of the week, but that does not mean that we have done so with any semblance of sanity left. After many mindless meetings, plenty of pointless PowerPoints and what feels like billions of beat downs from your boss, there is no rational hooman who would not be fraying at the edges. And while the temptation might be to try and claw your way out of the deepening madness like a cat trying to desperately climb out of a wet bathtub, we believe it is time to lean in and embrace the madness. Which is why we made this list of zany feline funnies for hardworking hoomans who are starting to (or have completely) lose the plot.

From the derpy cat who has a penchant for staring at ice cubes in order to study thermodynamics, to the clawminal kitten who has very quickly caught on to the power of pizza, to the antithesis of Tom and Jerry in the form of the orange cat and his chipmunk best friend.


24 Furious Feline Pawsts for Overtired Office Workers Who Want to Scream at Their Boss

At a certain point of pressure, things begin to crack. There is no stopping it, it is simply a law of nature. And us hoomans are not exempt from this natural law both on a physical level and a mental level. Which is something you are likely experiencing with the aid of your belligerent boss and all of their dumb demands. The pressure is immense and keeps you up at night with worry. But all that pressure has to go somewhere, lest it explodes in your chest. So we went ahead and made this list of furious feline pawsts for overtired office workers who want to scream at their boss.

From the cracked cat who has been broken by the pressure that has been placed upon it and is now bouncing around the bathtub, to the calloused kitten who knows that life is hard, but is determined to be harder, to the buff feline who would 100% take down any boss that looks at him the wrong way.


'Does anyone else have an overly clingy orange?': Proud Owners Of Adorable Orange Brain Cells Show Off Their Velcro Cats

What is personal space anyway? Personally, as the proud mother to a beautiful tuxedo boy and calico girl, I'm not too familiar with this concept, and I am totally okay with that. Cats are like humans in that they are each their own fully developed characters with unique personality traits and tendencies. However, there are some traits that tend to present themselves in many cats, maybe even most! 

One such trait is being a velcro cat, ie an extremely clingy feline who adores their human caretakers and needs to be physically close to them at all times. Today we are featuring an adorable series of orange cats who are so clingy and close to their humans, that some humans might even suspect them of trying to steal brain cells to accommodate for a lack of their own. Go ahead and enjoy all of this wholesome, velcro goodness. Cheers! 


A Hissterical Helping of Cool Cat Snaps Creating Christmas Morning Meowgic With Huggable Holiday Hilariousness

Ah, the meowliday season. The smell of turkeys in the oven, the cozy warmth of the fireplace, and our cats actually wanting to snuggle with us because there's a chill in the air (little do they know that we keep the thermostat low for this very specific purrrpose). These last two months of the year are filled with feline festivities, purrfect presents, and meowliday cheer. Even though we're still more than a month away from Christmas, we wanted to give you an early present, one that keeps on giving no matter what state you're reading this in: hissterical cat snaps.

These silly snaps may remind you of the meowgic you feel when opening up presents on Christmas morning. But who needs Christmas to enjoy huggable holiday hilariousness? At I Can Has Cheezburger, we think that you should be feline pawsitively pleasant every day, so get on your comfiest jammies and run downstairs faster than a cat with zoomies to open up these cool cat snaps (giggle all meowrning long).


'You didn't sign up to be a hotel': Free-spirit couple with 5 and 7-year-old kids sells their home to take "extended vacation," begs brother for help

If you suddenly showed up at your sibling's home and asked to live with them for 10 months, it would make things awkward, that's for certain. You can't just ask someone to live with them for that long without having a big discussion about what it would mean for you both. And this woman isn't just asking her brother to stay there alone… she wants to bring her entire family, including her two young children. 

While we always want to be there for the family members we adore, living with someone is a whole other ball game. This guy has his own home that he's spent a decade paying off. Now suddenly, his younger sister is begging to move in with him because of her own ill-fated adventures. She was living the dream: she sold her family's home in order to travel full-time. While many of us dream of doing things like that, there's a reason most people can't. It's just too expensive to maintain. The sister found this out within just two months of her perma-vacation… but should her brother really be expected to house his sister just because she intentionally chose to give up her house? Check out the full story below and see if you agree with commenters telling this guy to avoid housing her and possibly even cut her off. 

Up next, read about the drama that one stage mom started when she decided to divorce her long-distance husband over email, while also CC'ing his entire family, friend group, and workplace.


'Don't be THAT person!': 15+ public library stories where entitled Karens, parents, and kids ruined everyone else's experience

Going to one's local public library should be a pleasant experience. Unfortunately, as is the case with any public setting, one's experience can be profoundly affected by the actions and behavior of random strangers. You could be in a movie theater, a coffee shop, or the post office and find similar entitled behavior from Karens, parents, and kids that has the potential to ruin your day. Let's take a moment to assess the myriad of ways in which the same phenomenon can occur in public libraries.

First, there's the strange people who sit next to you despite there being plenty of space for them to sit elsewhere. Then, there's the mess a group of kids may leave at a communal table. And, of course, there is the junk food that fully grown adults refuse to clean up after they are finished. This is the kind of entitlement that makes picking up a book feel like a Sisyphean endeavor. 

Keep scrolling below for this collection of mildly infuriating library moments. For more content like this, check out these frustrating movie theater fails.


'I'm not allowed to talk about turtles anymore': 20+ Employees who had HR step in for the silliest reasons

Doing human resources work isn't always serious. Sometimes, it can be very funny, as the people of the internet will tell you!  

Though they're sometimes known as the company boogeyman, the human resources department is sometimes needed to step in and sort out employee relations. They have a broad range of job duties, from managing an office to hiring and firing to mediating employee disputes. This can result in some awkwardness at times. As these HR professionals can tell you, it can be very awkward to try and figure out which employee is the one stinking up the office with their BO or talking to an employee about wearing appropriate office attire. 

Still, these HR professionals managed to make the best out of their situations. U/sgy0003 asked people to share the "most ridiculous/hilarious complaints you ever received," and more than 2,700 people replied with their funniest tales. One person had to deal with an executive assistant who claimed her high heels prevented her from walking to the copier. Another got in trouble for their drawing of a stingray! You can check out all of these very silly tales down below. 

Up next, read about what happened when this 15-year-old called out her Grandmother for constantly missing her school concerts, leaving the whole family reeling. 


16-year-old abandoned on birthday weekend to study for school while parents take 13-year-old brother on vacation: 'It wasn't right of her parents to exclude her'

Focusing on your kids' schooling and future is important, but it's easy to lose sight of the little things and moments along the way that are also important. Failing to nurture their unique skills and interests may cost them the chance to do something that they feel is fulfilling and rewarding and what they deem to be the success of their own lives. Also, pushing them too hard to be successful may be counterproductive and drive them into burnout, which takes years to recover from. Plus, we've spent the last 20 years pushing our kids into STEM degrees with a singular focus on success, and now some fields are so oversaturated it's impossible for new graduates to get jobs in the fields they have studied anyway without the proper networking and connections.

Besides, there's nothing like accidentally giving your kid a traumatic memory on their birthday that they're going to remember for the rest of their life. And this uncle drew the ire of his sister and brother-in-law when he pointed out to his 16-year-old niece that he didn't agree at all with her parent's decision to abandon her on her birthday.


Exclusive: Ohayocon Convention Reveals New Senior Leadership Team (Updated)

Stephen (Fluffy) Baker to be new Convention Director following staff changes from past year


Interstella 5555: The 5tory Of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem 4K Remastered Film Streams Trailer

Tickets now available for one-night screening on December 12


Candyman, Transformers Actor Tony Todd Dies at 69

Voiced The Faillen in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Dreadwing in Transformers Prime


Bandai Namco Filmworks Releases 2nd Aura Battler Dunbine 'Experimental Video' With New Theme Song by MindaRyn

MindaRyn performs "Remaining Story" theme song, specifically written for video


FLOSS Weekly Episode 809: Pi4J – Stable and Boring on the Raspberry Pi

This week, Jonathan Bennett and David Ruggles chat with Frank Delporte about Pi4J, the friendly Java libraries for the Raspberry Pi, that expose GPIO, SPI, I2C and other IO interfaces. …read more


Fans can attend the red carpet for The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim World Premiere in London on Dec 3

On Tuesday December 3, London's iconic Leicester Square will host the World Premiere of the feature-length anime The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim ahead of the general film's release on December 13 (note: some locations, such as Japan, are actually getting it a little later).

There will be a slew of cast and crew from the film in attendance: Brian Cox, Gaia Wise, and Laurence Ubong Williams, as well as director Kenji Kamiyama, producers Philippa Boyens, Jason DeMarco, and Joseph Chou, and singer Paris Paloma. Carlos Laloli, Peter Jackson, Ken Kamis, Sam Register, Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou will also be there.

Warner Bros. says it will be setting setting up a an area for a "limited number of fans to watch the red carpet arrivals". Warner Bros. also say they are setting up a ballot, and are taking applications for double passes.

Applications will close at 23:59 GMT Wednesday 20th November and winners will be drawn at random.

  • Click here to apply for access to the GENERAL ACCESS FAN AREA
  • Click here to apply for access to the ACCESSIBLE FAN AREA

In addition, there will be a live stream of the red carpet with details to be announced soon. Stay tuned, I guess!

Source: Warner Bros.


Now With More Air!

Though frankly, those things are so huge that we're probably better off not drinking as much as advertised.


I'll Have to Ramble for a Second While I Think Up an Answer

"Class, what do you think?" is just a clever way to buy time.


Can't Tell if Epileptic, or Awesome Dancer


Brady issues warning over football regulator plans

The government's proposed new football regulator would create a "closed shop" of top sides, West Ham United vice chair Karren Brady warns peers as the Football Governance Bill is debated in Parliament.


Bahrain activists criticise UK over King Hamad's honorary knighthood

Bahrain rejects as "baseless" a letter from three activists accusing it of mistreating detainees.


Snap Sri Lankan election poses test for new leader

President Dissanayake is seeking a majority to push through reforms to help the debt-ridden nation.