
Elsevier: Challenges and Trends to Watch in 2020 (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post comes from Trygve Anderson, Vice President of Commercial Pharmacy at Elsevier.

Trygve discusses trends and challenges to watch in 2020, including drug pricing transparency, the approval and interchangeability of biosimilars, and stakeholder access to timely and accurate data.

Learn more about Elsevier’s information analytics capabilities from its video: Evaluating Drug Data Yields Business Value.

Read on for Trygve’s insights.
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Insurers + PBMs + Specialty Pharmacies + Providers: Will Vertical Consolidation Disrupt Drug Channels in 2020? (rerun)

This week, I’m rerunning some popular posts while I prepare for this Friday’s video webinar: Industry Update and COVID-19 Impact: PBMs & Payers.

Life was very different when I originally published today’s article. 2020 is not turning out to be quite what any of us expected. However, the pandemic has exposed some intriguing pros and cons of vertical consolidation. Click here to see the original post and comments from December 2019.

The largest insurers, PBMs, and specialty pharmacies have now combined into vertically-integrated organizations. As I explain below, these companies have also been rapidly integrating with healthcare providers.

I also provide an updated look at these companies and highlight strategies that they are using—or could use—to control the channel. I believe that these insurer / PBM / specialty pharmacy / provider organizations are poised to restructure U.S. drug channels by exerting greater control over patient access, sites of care/dispensing, and pricing.

If they can effectively coordinate their sprawling business operations, they will pose a substantial threat of disruption to the existing commercial strategies of pharma companies.

Will they succeed by better managing care and costs, or merely by extracting higher profits from our convoluted system?
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Why Part D Plans Prefer High List Price Drugs That Raise Costs for Seniors (rerun)

This week, I’m rerunning some popular posts while I prepare for this Friday’s video webinar: Industry Update and COVID-19 Impact: PBMs & Payers.

Part D reform has faded from the policy debate. This rerun explains why it is still needed. FYI, this is my favorite article from 2020 (so far).

Click here to see the original post and comments from January 2020.

Our high-list-price/high-rebate system remains a fundamental source of warped incentives and cascading problems within the Medicare Part D program.

For proof, check out the previously unpublished data below on market share for products that treat hepatitis C. Despite manufacturers offering products with lower list prices, Medicare Part D plans have rejected the therapeutically identical but lower-priced versions of these drugs.

List prices significantly affect seniors’ out of-pocket costs, so Part D plans are needlessly costing many of them thousands of dollars. The federal government's Medicare spending is also unnecessarily higher.

Anyone concerned about drug prices should pay close attention to this situation. Part D plans and seniors who don’t need specialty medications are benefiting, while seniors who need treatment with specialty medications are ripped off. Just another day inside the gross-to-net bubble!
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Express Scripts vs. CVS Health: Five Lessons From the 2020 Formulary Exclusions and Some Thoughts on Patient Impact (rerun)

This week, I’m rerunning some popular posts while I prepare for this Friday’s video webinar: Industry Update and COVID-19 Impact: PBMs & Payers.

Today's rerun highlights one of the most effective tactics that PBMs have developed to extract deeper discounts from brand-name drug makers. COVID-19 seems likely shift the U.S. payer mix away from commercial health plans. Expect even tighter formulary management and more restrictions as PBMs work even harder to cut costs for their plan sponsor clients.

Click here to see the original post and comments from January 2020.

For 2020, the two largest pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs)—Express Scripts and the Caremark business of CVS Health—have again increased the number of drugs they have excluded from their standard formularies. The 2020 formulary exclusion lists are available below for your downloading pleasure.

Below, I highlight my key takeaways from the 2020 lists:
  • The number of exclusions
  • Management of specialty drugs
  • Indication-based formularies
  • The slow adoption of biosimilars
  • The PBMs’ patient-unfriendly exclusions in the hepatitis C category
Formulary exclusions have emerged as a powerful tool for PBMs to gain additional negotiating leverage against manufacturers. The prospect of exclusion leads manufacturers to offer deeper rebates to avoid being cut from the formulary. Exclusions are therefore a key factor behind falling brand-name net drug prices.

Read on for a look at this year’s exclusions along with some closing thoughts on what exclusions mean for patients.
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Comets Prevent Ether from Accumulating in Space

Originally published in January 1859



Government Watchdog Chides FEMA for Lax Flood Enforcement

The agency fell well short of its goal of evaluating local flood control efforts every five years



'Breakthrough' COVID-19 Tests Are Currently Cheap, Fast--and Not Very Accurate

Antigen-based assays could be used in the home, but critics say their error rates are still an issue



To Prevent the Next Pandemic, End Unequal Access to Natural Resources

Safeguarding public health requires rethinking our relationship to the environment and the inequities that drive its destruction



Heat and Humidity Are Already Reaching the Limits of Human Tolerance

Events with extreme temperatures and humidity are occurring twice as often now as they were 40 years ago



Believable Extraterrestrials

The 100th anniversary of astronomy’s “Great Debate” prompts thoughts on the hunt for life in the universe



Majority of Americans Open to Clinical Trial Participation If Recommended by a Doctor, New Study Finds

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) applauds Research!America for a recently released survey on the public’s perception of clinical trials....


ACRO Urges Modernization of the R&D Tax Credit

WASHINGTON – November 14, 2017 – As the Senate begins debate on a tax reform bill, the clinical research industry hopes that...


John Ratliff of Covance Elected 2018 ACRO Chairman

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) is pleased to announce that its Board of Directors has elected John Ratliff, CEO of Covance Drug...


ACRO Opposes Fatally-Flawed Right-To-Try Legislation

In May of 2017 the Board of Directors of the Association of Clinical Research Organizations, which represents the world’s leading clinical research...


ACRO testifies before IRS and Treasury Department on proposed Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) regulation

On Monday, March 25, 2019 ACRO provided testimony at a public hearing held by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Treasury Department...


Advancing the Adoption of Risk-Based Monitoring Strategies in Clinical Trials

On July 17, 2019, under cooperative agreement with the FDA, the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy (Duke Margolis) held a public workshop. The event, titled Improving the Implementation of Risk-Based Monitoring Approaches of Clinical Investigations, aimed to identify opportunities to improve Risk Based Monitoring (RBM) implementation and solicit stakeholder input on the challenges, barriers, and enablers that impact the successful adoption of RBM.


A Consistent Approach to Risk Based Quality Management: Collaboration is Key

Developing, executing and overseeing clinical trials is a complex process. Yet it is essential to gain reliable evidence from clinical trials to...


Bayer launches pre-filled syringe to administer eye medication Eylea™ in Europe (for specialized target groups only)


Bayer donates 8 million chloroquine tablets to the German Federal Government

Additional donations of chloroquine sent to governments in numerous other countries / Various clinical and preclinical studies investigate the efficacy and adverse effects in COVID-19 infections / Bayer plans considerable expansion of production capacities in the event that the efficacy of chloroquine is proven for COVID-19


Bayer partners with Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) on global clinical research evaluating COVID-19 treatments

Investigation of combination therapies including Bayer’s chloroquine and interferon beta-1b to foster much needed solutions for patients in fight against coronavirus pandemic / Bayer Canada to make CAD 1.5 million (approximately 1 million euros) financial commitment and to supply products in support of the research / Plans to include more than 60 contributing research locations involving 6.000 patients


We'll find a treatment for coronavirus – but drug companies will decide who gets it

Pharmaceutical giants will bury treatments in a thicket of patents, making them unaffordable to the world’s poorest

How will the Covid-19 pandemic end? According to conventional wisdom, the crisis may ease in a few months, when some of the antiviral medicines on trial succeed. In a few years’ time, when a vaccine becomes available, we may eradicate the virus altogether.

Yet it’s unlikely that this is how the pandemic will actually play out. Although there is every indication that treatments for coronavirus may soon emerge, the mere fact of their existence is no guarantee that people will be able to access them. In fact, Covid-19 is more likely to end in the same way that every pandemic ends: treatments and vaccines will be buried in a thicket of patents – and pharmaceutical companies will ultimately make the decisions about who lives and who dies.

Related: The race to find a coronavirus treatment has one major obstacle: big pharma | Ara Darzi

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The world needs a coronavirus vaccine. But it will take time | Patrick Vallance

Any vaccine has to work, but it also has to be safe. Making it happen is one of the government’s biggest priorities

• Patrick Vallance is the UK government chief scientific adviser

Covid-19 has made fundamental and long-lasting changes to the way we live our lives, not just in the UK, but across the world.

As we continue with social-distancing measures and deal with the most immediate issue of reducing the number of cases to protect the NHS and save lives, and keeping R, which is the average infection rate per person, below one, we also need to progress ways to tackle the disease in the longer term.

The vaccines taskforce will be working in lockstep with the public and private sector

Related: New UK taskforce to help develop and roll out coronavirus vaccine

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The hunt for a coronavirus vaccine – a perilous and uncertain path

The pressing need to find a solution to the pandemic means risks and shortcuts may have to be taken

The stakes could hardly be higher; the prize still tantalisingly out of reach. It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of many millions of people rests on the discovery of a vaccine for Covid-19 – the only sure escape route from the pandemic.

Yet the optimism that accompanied the launch of Oxford University’s human trials this week has to be put in context, and the hurdles facing the scientists need to be understood.

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We're desperate for a coronavirus cure, but at what cost to the human guinea pigs? | Kenan Malik

Big drugs companies have long favoured outsourcing clinical trials to poor countries with lax regulations to cut costs and maximise profit

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Last week, in Oxford, the first volunteers in the first European human trial were injected with a potential coronavirus vaccine. At the same time, Pakistan’s National Institute of Health received an offer from the Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinopharm International Corp to take part in a trial of another potential coronavirus vaccine.

Related: Africa's Covid-19 research must be tailored to its realities – by its own scientists | Monique Wasunna

In India, many poor people were recruited to HIV trials without knowing that they were taking part in experiments

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World's stock markets soar on coronavirus treatment hopes

Investors shrug off US growth gloom after promising data from remdesivir drug trial

Shares have soared on the world’s stock markets after investors shrugged off a deep slump in the US economy and pinned their hopes on a possible breakthrough in treatment for Covid-19.

Despite news that the longest expansion in US history came to an abrupt end in the first three months of 2020, financial markets were buoyed by an update from the American biopharma company Gilead Sciences on its experimental drug remdesivir.

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AstraZeneca success should prompt review of takeover rules | Nils Pratley

Firm’s recent success could have been very different had it been bought out by Pfizer in 2014

It’s perhaps not surprising that the worth of healthcare companies should emerge during a global pandemic, but we should offer thanks for the UK’s big pharma twins – AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline.

The former, with its share price at all-time high, is now jostling with Shell and Unilever for the title of biggest company in the FTSE 100 index. Successful research bets, especially on cancer drugs, have transformed Astra.

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European Medicines Agency’s review of Picato finds its risks outweigh its benefits

The European Medicines Agency’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has confirmed that the risks from using Picato are too high to end its suspension.


FDA urges close monitoring of COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine

The FDA has released a safety communication reiterating the need for doctors to closely monitor COVID-19 patients who are treated with either hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine.


‘Excess deaths’ in England among the highest in Europe

English excess deaths from the coronavirus are comparable to the worst hit countries in Europe, according to a Sky News analysis.


Researchers studying heartburn drug as potential coronavirus treatment

Researchers in America have been studying famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepcid, as a potential treatment for COVID-19.


Sanofi's Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine secures FDA approval in patients aged two and up

Sanofi’s MedQuadfi Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine has scored FDA approval for the prevention of invasive meningococcal disease, becoming the first and only product available in the US for this indication in patients of at least two years old.


Reinventing the value equation

There is a duty to ensure access to innovative treatments for patients with unmet need, but a health service gatekeeper must commit to efficient use of limited resources. Matt Fellows looks at how real-world evidence could be the key to reassessing how we determine the value of these drugs and ensure their swift availability.


South Korean researchers start testing pancreatitis drug in COVID-19 patients

The South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety have approved a local trial to evaluate nafamostat’s effectiveness in COVID-19 patients.


NICE backtracks to approve Janssen's Stelara in ulcerative colitis

NICE has recommended Janssen’s Stelara (ustekinumab) for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC), a move which rows back on the Institute’s decision to reject the drug last year.


Nearly half of Americans believe COVID-19 was created in a lab, according to a new survey

Almost half of Americans believe that the coronavirus was created in a lab, according to an April survey of 6,300 people.


Australia calls for investigation into China’s coronavirus response

Scott Morrison, the Australian Prime Minister, has called for an investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus, as Australia becomes one of China’s most vocal critics of its response to the pandemic.


Arizona GOP lawmakers and AAPS say hydroxychloroquine has 90% chance of helping COVID-19 patients, but data is not based on clinical trials

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) wrote a letter to Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey urging the wider use of hydroxychloroquine, based on data they have collected.


Two studies reveal "positive" data for Gilead's remdesivir in hospitalised COVID-19 patients

The first findings of two new studies have been revealed detailing the efficacy of Gilead’s antiviral therapy remdesivir in the treatment of patients hospitalised with COVID-19.


More than half of US states will relax lockdowns by the end of the week

Nearly half of US states will have their ‘stay-at-home’ orders expire this week, paving the way for much of the US to relax its lockdowns.


Vertex's Kalydeco seizes EU CHMP recommendation for Kalydeco in R117H+ cystic fibrosis

The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has given its recommendation for the approval of Kalydeco for the treatment of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis in a new indication, Vertex has revealed.


Positive CHMP opinion for BMS and Acceleron's Reblozyl in transfusion-dependent anaemia sub-populations

Bristol Myers Squibb and Acceleron Pharma’s Reblozyl (luspatercept) has secured a positivr opinion from the European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) for use in the treatment of transfusion-dependent anaemia in two adult patient populations.


Mike Pompeo says there is evidence COVID-19 was made in a lab, despite US intelligence saying it occurred naturally

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that there is evidence the COVID-19 coronavirus was created in a lab, despite US intelligence officials stating it probably occurred naturally.


UK testing experimental treatment for use in COVID-19 patients

British scientists are testing an experimental drug to help some of society’s most vulnerable fight off the COVID-19 coronavirus.


FDA approves emergency use of Gilead's remdesivir for hospitalised COVID-19 patients

Gilead’s antiviral therapy remdesivir has shown tentatively promising efficacy in the race to find an effective treatment for COVID-19, one of the only therapies to do so at this early stage of the pandemic. Now, the FDA has invoked its Emergency Use Authorization powers to approve the drug for the treatment of patients hospitalised with the novel coronavirus.


Working Life Interview: Kim Stratton, CEO, Orphazyme

"Every professional faces challenges. As a woman in industry, particularly in leadership, it adds another dimension to those challenges in how you present yourself."


MHRA launches new pharmacovigilance reporting platform for COVID-19 treatments

A new online reporting site has been launched by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) to track potential side-effects arising from the use of any therapies used to treat COVID-19, in a bid to build a knowledge base around safe treatment of the pandemic disease.


Scientists in Kenya discover microbe that could stop transmission of malaria

Researchers studying malaria in Kenya have discovered a microbe that blocks transmission of malaria from mosquitoes which could pave the way to eradicating the disease.


Jonathan Freve joins Galecto as Chief Financial Officer

The biotech company Galecto Inc have appointed Jonathan Freve as its Chief Financial Officer, and in his role he will lead financial operations including overseeing investor relations and fundraising efforts.  

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  • Manufacturing and Production


Ousted chief of BARDA says Trump administration ignored COVID-19 warnings

Ousted Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Dr Rick Bright, alleges the Trump administration ignored warnings about the severity of the coronavirus.


South Korea says Ebola drug remdesivir may not be suitable for all coronavirus patients

South Korea says that remdesivir, traditionally used in treating Ebola, may not be effective enough in treating COVID-19 patients.