
Rising demand for PPE products provides huge opportunity for domestic exporters: AEPC

The council had recently organised a webinar on 'Manufacturing of PPE Products under Medical Textiles', which saw about 2,000 participants, mainly apparel exporters from across the country.


Toonz Retail expects 30% of turnover from overseas

Toonz has signed a deal with Tariq Albassami Group for opening 10 stores in the Gulf region in the next one year.


Grooming products flying off E-commerce shelves

Demand for razors, epilators, trimmers and hair colour soars on ecomm platforms during the lockdown


How Nykaa has changed the way beauty products are added to the cart in India

It was a trend investment banker Falguni Nayar was betting on when set up Nykaa to sell everything in the cosmetic and wellness category. Today she has around 750 professionals across different divisions.


Five Facts About: Our first Scotswoman of the Year Bessie Johnston

Five facts about...Bessie Johnston


Letters of the day: No more benefits for Glasgow drug addicts

Use the bins


Homeless Isolation Shelter In Colorado Springs Expects Coronavirus Testing Uptick

The isolation shelter at the Colorado Springs City Auditorium for people experiencing homelessness and COVID-19 symptoms has seen around 30 people since opening April 5. At this time, it's unknown if they were positive for the new coronavirus. Jennifer Mariano, director of homeless programs with Community Health Partnership , said the location recently received COVID-19 testing supplies, and will begin testing people this week.


Shortening The Distance: Walsenburg Historian Reflects On The Great Depression And Today’s Pandemic

With all that's going on in the world right now, we wondered what life experience and family history might be able to tell us. As part of KRCC's Shortening the Distance project, producer Shanna Lewis got in touch with historian Carolyn Newman. She's 88 years old and has lived in the same house in Walsenburg for 60 years.


IPR's Rob Dillard Reflects On More Than Two Decades Of Radio

For the past 20 years, Iowa Public Radio’s Rob Dillard has been working hard to keep Iowans informed and share some of Iowa’s unique voices.


Lack Of Traffic Acclerates Iowa Downtown Projects

A lack of pedestrians and reduced vehicle traffic is allowing construction projects in several downtown areas around the state to move more quickly. In Iowa City, Public Works Director Ron Knoche said his crews are able to tackle a maintenance project on one of the few river bridges in the district. “We were able to move forward with that project a little sooner and it was a full closure of Burlington Street, so it was something that we were dreading but because of campus being cancelled and the local school districts being closed, it really opened that window up for us to be able to do that project,” said Knoche. Knoche admitted his job these days is quote “100 percent” easier. He said the street will open to limited traffic next Friday. In Cedar Falls, workers are using the lack of pedestrians to make substantial progress on a project to replace decades-old bricks in front of businesses in the area known as the Parkade. City Communications Specialist Amanda Huisman explained it’s


Former Congressman Jim Leach Reflects On A Time Of Crisis

On this episode of River to River , host Ben Kieffer is joined by former congressman Jim Leach, best known for his 30 years representing Iowa in Washington. Leach, who is also on faculty at the University of Iowa, offers his reflections on the COVID-19 crisis in the context of his latest course, titled “What is Precedented and Unprecedented in Contemporary Politics.”


Terry Bradshaw predicts NFL games will 'go on' even with 'empty stands' during coronavirus

Fox NFL Sunday co-host Terry Bradshaw predicted on Saturday that despite the coronavirus outbreak, the NFL would continue to hold games.

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  • Fox News
  • Sam Dorman


Issues Of The Environment: Chemical Impacts In Fighting The Spread Of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has lead to major changes for homes and businesses, including more frequent use of chemicals and disinfectants. While they do help, some can be dangerous to human health and the environment. Professor John Meeker , senior associate dean for research at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, spoke with WEMU's David Fair about how best to safely use these products on "Issues of the Environment."


The Rippling Effects of China’s One-Child Policy

Nanfu Wang grew up under China’s one-child policy and never questioned it. “You don’t know that it’s something initiated and implemented by the authority,” she tells The New Yorker’s Jiayang Fan. “It’s a normal part of everything. Just like water exists, or air.” But when Wang became pregnant she started to understand the magnitude of the law—and the suffering that it caused. Wang’s documentary, “One Child Nation,” explores the effects of one of the largest social experiments in history. She uncovers stories of confusion and trauma, in Chinese society at large and within her own family. After Wang’s uncle had a daughter, his family forced him to abandon her at a local market so that he and his wife could try for a son. “He stood there, across the street, watching to see if somebody would come and take the baby,” Wang tells Fan. “He wanted to bring her home, but his mom threatened to commit suicide. . . . He felt so torn. There was no right decision.” 


HBO’s “Our Boys,” a Brutally Truthful Depiction of the Effects of Hate Crime

In 2014, a pair of crimes shocked Israelis and Palestinians. The first was the abduction and murder of three Israeli boys by a Hamas-linked group. Then there was an act of reprisal—the torture, burning, and murder of a Palestinian teen-ager named Mohammed Abu Khdeir—by Israeli right-wing extremists. Even by the standards of this conflict, the killings were shocking. 

“Our Boys,” a co-production of HBO and the Israeli Keshet Studios, examines the forces that led to Abu Khdeir’s killing. It is not for the faint of heart, David Remnick says, but the series is as complex and deep a portrayal of the conflict as he has ever seen. Remnick spoke with two of the creators: Hagai Levi, an Israeli Jew, and Tawfiq Abu Wael, a Palestinian living in Israel. Abu Wael tells Remnick why he resisted pressure from activists not to participate in an Israeli production. 


Facts vs. Fiction in the Impeachment Proceedings Against Donald Trump

This week, after two months of questioning seventeen former and current State Department and White House officials, the House Intelligence Committee released its report on the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. What has the country learned with certainty about how the Administration tried to strong-arm the new President of Ukraine, and about the fictional counter-narrative being spun by the Republican Party? Susan B. Glasser joins Dorothy Wickenden to discuss the strengths and weaknesses in the Democrats’ case for the impeachment of the President.


The Ripple Effects of a Pandemic

For most of us, the speed and intensity of the coronavirus pandemic has come as a shock. But not for Lawrence Wright. A staff writer and the author of nonfiction books about Scientology and Al Qaeda, Wright recently wrote a novel—yet to be published—called “The End of October,” about the spread of a novel virus that eerily resembles the outbreak of COVID-19. Wright looked to illnesses of the past to try to understand their enduring consequences, and he mapped those ripple effects onto our contemporary circumstances. “The End of October” is a work of fiction and firmly in the thriller genre, but what he imagined in it turns out to be eerily close to what we are experiencing now. “I read the paper and I feel like I’m reading another chapter of my own book,” he tells David Remnick.  


Lawrence Wright’s “The End of October” is due out in April. 


Issues Of The Environment: Chemical Impacts In Fighting The Spread Of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has lead to major changes for homes and businesses, including more frequent use of chemicals and disinfectants. While they do help, some can be dangerous to human health and the environment. Professor John Meeker , senior associate dean for research at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, spoke with WEMU's David Fair about how best to safely use these products on "Issues of the Environment."


Coronavirus Crisis Statement from Amazing Facts

Dear friends of Amazing Facts International,

We are living in unprecedented times.

The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically transformed how we live and do business; of course, we are all being urged to isolate ourselves to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The state of California, in which Amazing Facts operates, is also now in a virtual lock-down, enforcing “shelter-in-place,” and non-essential businesses are closing everywhere.

With this in mind, we wanted to update our friends on how Amazing Facts is responding to the crisis.

While we are adhering to local, state, and national recommendations and ordinances, we want you to know that we are still actively spreading the gospel … without spreading germs!

Of course, Amazing Facts has been asked to restrict our onsite operations, and we are complying. For the foreseeable future, most of our team will be safely working from home so that our mission can continue.

Fortunately, Amazing Facts is a media ministry that operates two TV networks, so we are exempt from many statewide restrictions that require complete closure. This means that we are still able to do our work with a minimized crew at our headquarters to continue basic operations—including shipping Bible studies and witnessing resources.

However, the office building is closed to the public for their safety. Please do not make plans to visit until the all-clear is given.

The good news is that Amazing Facts is still broadcasting present truth!

  • Our YouTube sermons and websites have many thousands of visitors every day, searching for Bible answers in these extraordinary times.
  • Amazing Facts TV (aftv.org) and our recorded programs on partner networks are still reaching millions around the globe
  • Over 200 radio stations are broadcasting God’s truth across our nation.

That means that although many people are now home-bound, Amazing Facts is still reaching their hearts with truth-filled lessons, including through our online and mail-based Bible School programs.

And while Pastor Doug is not able to travel, he is still preaching around the world, presenting new messages each week that will continue to be broadcast online globally. We will still be broadcasting our Sabbath School Study Hour and worship services every Sabbath—with a slimmed-down crew, right from our new office worship room.[PQ-HERE] 

These trying times are loaded with gospel opportunity as people are looking for answers. This is a prime time for us to pray and move forward with the last-day work, proclaiming the hope of Jesus’ soon return.

Please pray for Amazing Facts and for God’s protective hand to be over our ongoing work of evangelism. And pray for our fellow citizens, especially those traumatized by this crisis.

His message is our mission!


Amazing Facts Streaming Hits Record Highs

This past weekend, more than 400,000 viewers tuned in to watch Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International and senior pastor of Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church, present several live programs, including Sabbath School and worship services, setting a stunning new record in total viewership.

Because the novel coronavirus is spread through human contact, governments have asked churches and other houses of worship to suspend in-person meetings for the time being. Thus, an uptick in online viewing was expected following the many “shelter-in-place” orders across the United States, Canada, and other countries.

This presented a unique opportunity for Amazing Facts and Granite Bay Church. A 2019 survey of pastors by LifeWay Research showed that only 22 percent livestreamed their services. While that number likely grew this past weekend, Granite Bay services have been broadcast via the Internet and Amazing Facts TV to viewers around the world long before the start of this pandemic. When restrictions on public meetings were put in place, the ministry was ready to respond—and the results were extraordinary!

Said Pastor Doug, “The massive viewership numbers for our Sabbath services are gratifying considering the circumstances. Much of our online viewership was also on Sunday morning, meaning we reached a Christian audience not fully aware of the three angels’ messages. We’re grateful for the visitors, and we thank God for this opportunity of sharing His message online.”

From March 27 to 29, three programs were broadcast on Facebook, YouTube, Amazing Facts TV (aftv.org), and other online venues. A small crew shot the programs from the W.O.R.D. Center campus, the new headquarters for Amazing Facts and the future site of the Granite Bay church.


On Friday night, Pastor Doug and Pastor Jëan Ross, vice president of evangelism at Amazing Facts, hosted a special program called Prophecy and the Pandemic: Is There a Connection?, which attracted 138,000 views. On Saturday morning, Sabbath School Study Hour saw 54,000 viewers, and the weekly Sabbath worship service 430,000. As each view could have also represented an entire household tuning in, the Word of God may have reached countless more!

This time of crisis is a vital time for spreading the gospel, and Amazing Facts International is dedicated to doing just that. Thank you for your support during this difficult but profound time for God’s work! Your continued support is much appreciated.

Prophecy and the Pandemic: Is There a Connection?



An Amazing Facts Revival Series

** Watch the archives here. **


• Pastor Doug Batchelor will present a 10-day revival and reformation series

• From Friday, April 10 to Saturday, April 18 | 7:00pm to 8:00pm PT

• Sabbath morning presentations (April 11 and 18) at 11:00am

• Sunday night (April 12) special Bible Answers Live program

• Text the word "revive2020" to 40544 for event notifications

• Watch on AFTV, Facebook, YouTube, Roku and more! (See story below for links.)

• Topics include prayer, Bible study, repentance, confession, consecration, fasting, and more

• Free resource offers throughout the series

Hello, friends!

If there was ever a time we needed deep heart-searching revival, it’s now! The worldwide pandemic reminds us that we are nearing the return of Christ. Let’s not put off the spiritual preparation we will all need as we face Earth's final events. 

We are reminded, “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should` be our first work.” That's why this Friday, April 10, at 7:00pm Pacific, I’ll be starting an online revival series that covers vital topics such as prayer, Bible study, confession, the Holy Spirit, self-denial, and more. You can find links to watch these programs below!

As thousands are sobered by these momentous times and search for spiritual answers, especially during this Easter and Passover season, let’s invite our friends and neighbors to join us in a time of forsaking sin and rededicating our lives to Christ.

Not only is our world at war with a deadly virus, but each of us has a personal battle against the forces of evil—we need to support one another to keep God's people spiritually strong and healthy! Here's how you can watch:







Or view on AFTV on Roku or Satellite

Please invite your friends and neighbors to watch this special revival series. And pray for the health and safety of the millions impacted by the coronavirus pandemic—and that these difficult days will turn many hearts toward heaven.

Be sure to forward this webpage to all those the Holy Spirit prompts you to contact! And don't forget to text the word revive2020 to 40544 for event update notifications.

Praying for a revival of true godliness,

Pastor Doug

P.S. Can you help Amazing Facts present this series to searching hearts? If so, please donate here!

Schedule (Watch the archives here)

Friday, April 10, 2020 – The Thief on the Cross 

Saturday AM, April 11, 2020 – Real Repentance 

Saturday PM, April 11, 2020 – Sincere Confession

Sunday, April 12, 2020 – Receiving and Sharing Forgiveness

Monday, April 13, 2020 – They Found the Book

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – Mountain Moving Faith

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 – Our Crucial Need for the Holy Spirit

Thursday, April 16, 2020 – The Priority of Prayer

Friday, April 17, 2020 – A Body of Believers

Saturday AM, April 18, 2020 – Walking with the Lord

** Free offers will be available throughout the program via text messaging. For those outside USA, or for those who are unable to text, the links to the daily offers will be posted daily on this news post. **


Friday, April 10, 2020 – Kingdoms in Time

Friday, April 10, 2020 – Twelve Steps to Revival

Friday, April 10, 2020 – Three Steps to Heaven

Saturday, April 11, 2020 – Tips for Resisting Temptation

Saturday, April 11, 2020 – Is It Easier to Be Saved or Lost?

Sunday, April 12, 2020 – The High Cost of the Cross

Monday, April 13, 2020 – The Ultimate Resource

Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – Who Do You Think You Are?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 – Holy Spirit: The Need

Thursday, April 16, 2020 – Teach Us To Pray

Friday, April 17, 2020 – The Search for the True Church

Saturday, April 18, 2020 – The Surrender of Self


Amazing Facts Reaches Hearts in India

With 1.4 billion people, making it one of the world’s most populous nations, India is hearing the full and everlasting gospel being faithfully proclaimed daily, thanks to the gifts of precious supporters like you, who make the work of Amazing Facts International possible.

Our frontline work in India is being conducted by a dedicated team whose members must remain anonymous to continue their work. India is a vast nation with a large population, making the opportunity to preach great, but religious prejudice against Christianity and open public evangelism requires special discretion, especially when reporting on the ministry’s day-to-day outreach efforts.

A careless step could create overwhelming disruptions for our workers at a crucial time, as it has done for other Christian ministries in the nation in recent years.

However, despite an outright ban on open evangelism in many parts of India, Amazing Facts television messages still air on seven Christian television channels across the nation—in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Plans are now underway to add a Bengali-language broadcast and to reach Muslim areas of India and neighboring Bangladesh. Also in the works is reaching those who speak Nepali. Moreover, our work in India will help us reach the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, whose language is Dzongkha.

There has been an encouraging response: 320 Bible Study Guides have been mailed out by our team, and the first lessons completed by seekers of Bible truth are now coming in. The 27 lessons in our Bible School course will also soon be converted into a digital format for use on mobile devices. At the same time, the Amazing Adventure Bible Guides, designed for children, have also been distributed with a positive reception.

Changing Lives

Most gratifying are the personal testimonies of those reached by the message. During the first three months of 2020, we received 252 requests for free literature. One man from Punjab expressed gratitude for the Christian resources he received, saying that since the deaths of his wife and their only son during the past two years, he was cut off from his relatives and contemplated suicide. But with the new hope he received from our broadcasts, he felt God still had a plan for his life. This man is now distributing Amazing Facts literature to his neighbors.

And a woman in her 70s is going to Christian pastors in her area and urging them to read Amazing Facts literature so that they, too, can understand and share the three angels’ messages with others. She considers this task her biggest goal in the remaining years of her life.

Thanks to the labor of a small, dedicated team of workers, Amazing Facts International is bringing the good news of Jesus and His soon return to many important centers in India and neighboring lands. But there is much more difficult work to be done. That’s why we are so grateful for your prayer support and gifts. Because of you, a co-laborer and part of our ministry family, we’re able to reach this crucial corner of the world!


How To Nab Suspects While Social Distancing? Indian Police Try Giant Tongs

For police, the new coronavirus poses a dilemma: How do you apprehend a suspect in the era of social distancing? In India, they've come up with a way to lengthen the long arms of the law: giant tongs. In what looks more like a scene from a cops-and-robbers cartoon, this week police in the northern city of Chandigarh tweeted a video of an officer demonstrating how to use a 6-foot pole with a two-pronged claw at the end to detain a suspect. The officer, wearing a surgical mask, clamps the device around a man's waist and forces him into a pickup truck. "We call it a 'social distancing clamp' or a 'lockdown-breaker catcher,' " head constable Gurdeep Singh told NPR by phone from Chandigarh Police headquarters. "This is especially used in instances where we suspect that someone has the coronavirus and they are not cooperating with us." Chandigarh, the joint capital of the Indian states of Haryana and Punjab, has been declared a containment zone , with a high concentration of COVID-19 cases.


SangMister Music Looking for Acts for Development, Management and Production Opportunities

SangMister is looking for bands and artists for development, management and production opportunities. (in genres- rock, indie, alternative, pop, electronica, acoustic, classical)

SangMister Music was formed in May 2017 by James Sanger and Paul Inder Kilmister as an artist development, management and music production company. The new company will be looking for international bands and artists both established and emerging to manage, develop and produce.

SangMister Music benefits from the experience of two 25 year plus veterans of the music industry, James and Paul have between them worked on more than a hundred million records sold and know a large percentage of the past and current music industry.

Paul Inder Kilmister has been a pop, rock and roll enigma, from birth. The son of John Lennon's first girlfriend, Patricia Inder and Lemmy Kilmister from legendary British rock band Motörhead. Paul has been with music all his life... So far in his career Paul has vibed with a vast and wide collection of established music luminaries including:
Paul Rodgers (Free, Bad Company, Queen), Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), John Bonham (Led Zeppelin), Peter Grant (Led Zeppelin), Mutt Lange (AC/DC, The Cars, Def Leppard, Shania Twain, Billy Ocean), Sophie Barker (Zero 7, Sia), Julian Lennon, Nigel Kennedy, Chris Difford (Squeeze), Marti Pellow (WetWetWet), Marcella Detroit (Shakespeare’s Sister), Joey Tempest (Europe), Phill Brown (Traffic, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Cat Stevens, Bob Marley, Talk Talk), Zak Starkey (The Who, Oasis, Johnny Marr), Wayne Hussey (The Mission), Youth (Killing Joke, The Orb, The Verve), Zoe, Banararama, Alex Patterson (The Orb, KLF), William Henshall (Londonbeat), Tim Bran (Dreadzone, London Grammar), Pete Waterman (Stock, Aitken & Waterman, Kylie Minogue, Rick Astley, Steps, Jason Donovan), Chuck Zwicky (Prince, Andy Summers), Billy Steinberg (Madonna, Whitney Houston, Cyndi Lauper, The Bangles, The Divinyls, Belinda Carlysle, The Pretenders, Chaka Khan, Celine Dion, Atomic Kitten, Roy Orbison, Mel C, The Veronicas, Tina Turner, Girls Aloud), David Kershenbaum (Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, Duran Duran, Joe Jackson, Bryan Adams, Supertramp, Cat Stevens, Elkie Brooks, Tori Amos), Matt Sorum (Guns’n’Roses, Velvet Revolver), Steve Vai (Frank Zappa, Whitesnake, David Lee Roth, Mary J. Blige, Ozzy Osbourne), Bob Kulick (KISS, W.A.S.P., Meatloaf, Michael Bolton, Motörhead, Diana Ross), Slash (Guns’n’Roses, Velvet Revolver), Zakk Wylde (Ozzy Osbourne, Black Label Society), Billy Idol, Steve Jones (Sex Pistols) and Billy Duffy (The Cult)…and many more.

James Sanger is credited with over 67 million record sales worldwide as an artist, an artist developer, song-writer, producer, programmer, engineer, instrumentalist or mixer. His work has won 4 Brit awards, 18 Grammys ,2 Ivor Novello, 17 Top 10 Albums, 11 Top 5 Albums and 5 Top 5 singles so far…
James' client list includes:
U2, Madonna, Dido, Phil Collins, Manic Street Preachers, Kylie Minogue, Mel C, Brian Eno, Keane, Sinead O'Connor, The Cardigans, Roxy Music, Bryan Ferry, Alex James (Blur), The Pet Shop Boys, Joe Satriani, Siobhan Donaghy, Bryan Adams, KD Lang, Annie Lennox, The Cure, Faithless, Jimmy Somerville, Mummy Troll, Suede, Lorien, S Club 7, Mytown, Sheena Easton, The Appletons, Liam Howlett (Prodigy), Liam Gallagher (Oasis), The Cooper Temple Clause, A1, Ultra, Lene Marlin, Kym Marsh (Hear’say), Joey Tempest (Europe), Chris Difford (Squeeze), Billy Steinberg, Rick Knowels, Squeezebox, Noa, Boy George (Culture Club), Rob Dougan …and many more.

- James Sanger & Paul Inder Kilmister / SangMister

Deal Type: Development, Management and Production
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Exclusive
Compensation: Negotiable
Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Genres: Rock, indie, alternative, pop, electronica, acoustic, classical


New artist development projects, artists or bands

I'm looking for new artist development, production, mixing and re-mixing projects for the new year ... If you have any serious recommendations get in touch.

I love making records, if you are innovative, musically different and interesting please send me a demo!

Indie pop, ambient, electro. (not rap or country)

As a Writer / producer / programmer James is credited with 60 million record sales worldwide. His work having also won 3 Brit awards, 18 Grammys and 2 Ivor Novello awards since 2001.

Not only has James worked for some of the most respected and established artists of this generation, but he has also helped establish the ‘sound’ and ‘sonic identities’ of major league acts. Defining their outputs well after his musical interventions.

James's client list includes: ‘U2’, ‘Madonna,’ ‘Dido,’ ‘Phil Collins’, ‘Manic Street Preachers’, ‘Kylie Minogue,’ 'Mel C', ‘Brian Eno’, ‘Keane’, 'Sinead O'Connor', 'Bryan Ferry', 'Alex James from Blur',' Pet Shop Boys', 'Joe Satriani ', 'Annie Lennox', 'The Cure' Siobhan Donaghy ...and many more!

- James Sanger / Vibey Developments

Deal Type: Artist Development
Decision Maker: I'm the final decision maker
Deal Structure: Non-Exclusive
Compensation: $100K+
Song Quality: Rough Mixes, Fully mastered, Broadcast ready
Similar Sounding Artists: something new!


Episode 0x0E: Open Source Projects and Corporate Entanglement

This episode is a recording of Richard Fontana's talk, Open Source Projects and Corporate Entanglement from the 2011 Linux Collaboration Summit, with some commentary from Bradley and Karen on the talk.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:34)

Segment 1 (03:48)

Segment 2 (48:25)

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


White House Rejects C.D.C.’s Coronavirus Reopening Plan

Detailed guidelines for reopening drafted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were blocked from publication after Trump administration officials labeled them “overly prescriptive.”


Turn leads into Prospects using Mailchimp

A question I sometimes get asked in my Mailchimp classes is how Mailchimp may be used in the sales funnel. Mailchimp can be used effectively in various parts of the sales funnel and in this video I show how prospects may be differentiated from leads in a Mailchimp Audience. In summary, email marketing is an […]

This article appeared first at ❤ OrganicWeb - Mailchimp training, consulting & integration experts.


Analysis: Projecting the top Pac-12 prospects in the 2021 NFL draft

Oregon produced the top pick from the Pac-12 in the 2020 NFL Draft and is the heavy favorite to produce the Pac-12’s top pick in the 2021 NFL Draft.


Spain’s army predicts 2 more waves of coronavirus

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Spain’s army expects there to be two more outbreaks of the new coronavirus, according to an internal report seen by The Associated Press. The army report predicts “two more waves of the epidemic” and that Spain will take “between a year and a year-and-a-half to return to normality.” The document was […]


Gov. Inslee connected personal contacts with Washington state officials in hunt for coronavirus supplies

Amid a national frenzy to buy medical supplies for use in the COVID-19 outbreak, Washington state suspended competitive bidding and recruited help from the private sector. Gov. Inslee connected personal contacts with state buyers.


MLB employees — from players to execs — become the subjects of a huge coronavirus study

MLB employees, from players to stadium workers to executives, are participating this week in a 10,000-person study aimed at understanding how many people in various parts of the United States have been infected with the coronavirus.


Researchers: Some pet products touted as CBD don’t have any

Companies have unleashed hundreds of CBD pet health products accompanied by glowing customer testimonials claiming the cannabis derivative produced calmer, quieter and pain-free dogs and cats. But some of these products are all bark and no bite. “You’d be astounded by the analysis we’ve seen of products on the shelf with virtually no CBD in […]


Reader’s Lens | Seattle skyline reflects onto Elliott Bay during a stunning sunrise

As always, a big “thank you” to our front-line workers for their selfless, tireless service — and, in this instance, for sharing a hopeful image of the Seattle skyline, shot from West Seattle on a recent morning.


Photos from May 7, 2020, as coronavirus affects people around the world

Explore the news of the day with these images from our country and around the world.


Inslee allows some construction projects to reopen with safety rules to protect against the coronavirus

Inslee's 30-point plan calls for keeping workers 6 feet apart at all times and making sure contractors provide protective equipment like masks, gloves and goggles, if needed.


Real-estate world wracked by coronavirus impacts as corporate giants, mom-and-pop firms struggle to pay rent

Zumiez withholds rent for 718 stores. Small restaurants bargain with landlords. Deals to buy properties are called off. The ripple effects of the coronavirus crisis are shaking the commercial real-estate industry.


Analysis: Projecting the top Pac-12 prospects in the 2021 NFL draft

Oregon produced the top pick from the Pac-12 in the 2020 NFL Draft and is the heavy favorite to produce the Pac-12’s top pick in the 2021 NFL Draft.


Reader’s Lens | Seattle skyline reflects onto Elliott Bay during a stunning sunrise

As always, a big “thank you” to our front-line workers for their selfless, tireless service — and, in this instance, for sharing a hopeful image of the Seattle skyline, shot from West Seattle on a recent morning.


Photos from May 7, 2020, as coronavirus affects people around the world

Explore the news of the day with these images from our country and around the world.


Storm selects Latvian guard Kitija Laksa with 11th pick in WNBA draft

The Storm selected Kitija Laksa with its first-round pick in the WNBA draft Friday. The shooting guard from Latvia played three years at South Florida but missed her 2018-19 season due to a knee injury.


Walla Walla County retracts claim about ‘coronavirus parties,’ says they never occurred

“We have discovered that there were not intentional COVID parties. Just innocent endeavors,” says the director of the county's Department of Community Health.


Connections come together in the whole-house remodel of a 1958 Tacoma home that retains and respects its midcentury roots 

THERE ARE FAMILY HOMES … and then there is Mark and Gayle’s beautifully remodeled home in Tacoma’s Proctor District — which could have turned out much, much differently, if not for the way several unrelated family connections came into play: — Right up until the couple bought it, this was Gloria’s house — designed and […]


The Backstory: Why don’t people know all these great products came from Seattle?

NO CITY OR region gets to choose what it’s best known for. That, alas, typically is an artifice assembled over time, often by scribes, compilers of baseless listicles, guidebook authors, societal observers and other self-appointed pundits, usually from far-afield havens of misinformation (such as the East Coast). Those depictions of place — for current purposes, […]

  • Pacific NW Magazine


Try this gift list: Commonly used products should have made Seattle famous, but didn’t

IT BEGAN HUMBLY, as a small seed, nearly three decades ago, in the mind of a local wood and metal patternmaker. The germ of Jeff Carnevali’s idea — a round, elastomeric rubber ball, surrounded by a spring-loaded, double-armed metal clamp to form a grippy, orbital socket capable of mounting countless devices to solid surfaces — […]

  • Pacific NW Magazine


Bezos, Musk win contracts for spacecraft to land NASA astronauts on moon

Boeing, typically among NASA's key contractors but whose space program has experienced setbacks and delays, submitted a bid but was not selected.


Facts about novel coronavirus and how to prevent COVID-19

Cut through the misinformation with this visual guide to the new coronavirus, how it spreads, how COVID-19 affects the body, and how to protect yourself and others.


Reader’s Lens | Seattle skyline reflects onto Elliott Bay during a stunning sunrise

As always, a big “thank you” to our front-line workers for their selfless, tireless service — and, in this instance, for sharing a hopeful image of the Seattle skyline, shot from West Seattle on a recent morning.


As they brace for budget strain, Washington state school districts will receive some coronavirus aid

State officials are now deciding how best to spend the money this summer, which is part of a $2.2 trillion aid package approved by Congress through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) last month.


Steve Shulman, ‘heartbeat of Leschi,’ dies from effects of coronavirus disease

Steve Shulman, longtime grocer and community figure at Leschi Market along Lake Washington in Seattle, died Wednesday night from the effects of COVID-19, his family says. “We all mourn the passing of this generous man who has been a pillar of the Leschi community and beyond for many years,” his nephew Yousef Shulman, co-owner of […]