
Basic Black: After the Storm... Beverly Scott and the MBTA

February 13, 2015 Back to back storms in as little as two weeks dropped record amounts of snow on New England. The capacity of the MBTA’s equipment was put to the test, but the system buckled under the weight of the weather. In the face of widespread train delays and mounting criticism, MBTA General Manager Beverly Scott responded with a fiery press conference that’s not likely to be forgotten anytime soon. The day after her press conference, Scott submitted her letter of resignation. We’ll take a look at her tenure and immediate task at hand to get the trains back to normal.

Later in the show, as the Bay State Banner celebrates 50 years of reporting the news of New England’s communities of color, we discuss the continuing evolution of journalists of color.

- Latoyia Edwards, Anchor, NECN
- Phillip Martin, Senior Reporter, WGBH News
- Kim McLarin, Assistant Professor of Writing, Literature and Publishing, Emerson College
- Yawu Miller, Senior Editor, The Bay State Banner
- Akilah Johnson, Reporter, The Boston Globe


New sensors to monitor storm surge on bridges

New sensors to monitor storm surge on bridges



Pista de cinco días de la incertidumbre publicado en Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:49:03 GMT

Probabilidades de la velocidad del viento publicado en Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:22:46 GMT



Publicado en 400 AM EST Thu Nov 14 2024

WTNT54 KNHC 140849

Depresión Tropical Diecinueve Discusión Número 3
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL  AL192024
400 AM EST jueves 14 de noviembre de 2024

La presentación del sistema por satélite ha ido mejorando
gradualmente. Las últimas estimaciones de intensidad subjetiva de
TAFB y SAB son T-2.0/30 kt. Basado en las estimaciones subjetivas de
Dvorak y la mejora en la estructura convectiva observada en las
imágenes de satélite, el sistema se actualiza a una depresión
tropical. Esto se ve respaldado por los datos del scatterómetro del
Indian Oceansat, que muestra una circulación bien definida. La
intensidad se establece en 30 kt según las estimaciones de Dvorak.

La Depresión Tropical Diecinueve se ha estado moviendo más rápido,
justo al sur del oeste, o 265/14 kt, aunque hoy debería comenzar a
disminuir la velocidad. Una cresta de nivel medio centrada al norte
de la depresión sobre el Estrecho de Florida debe mantenerla en
dirección oeste hasta el viernes, tomando el sistema cerca de la
costa norte del este de Honduras y, posiblemente, tierra adentro.
Después de eso, se espera que la cresta se rompa, y los modelos
coinciden en que el ciclón serpenteará en corrientes débiles hasta
el viernes hasta el fin de semana. Se espera que este movimiento
lento provoque que el sistema produzca fuertes lluvias en la misma
región, lo que probablemente provocará inundaciones que amenazan la
vida en zonas de América Central. Para principios de la próxima
semana, las perforaciones de crestas deben restablecerse sobre
Florida y el este del Golfo de México, lo que debería provocar que
el sistema se mueva hacia el noroeste a través de Belice y la
Península de Yucatán. Se hicieron muy pocos cambios en los primeros
3 días del pronóstico de trayectoria. Más allá del día 3, se ha
producido un notable cambio hacia el oeste en la guía de
trayectoria. El pronóstico del CNH está un poco al oeste del
pronóstico anterior más allá del día 3, pero no tan al oeste como la
mayor parte de la guía del último modelo.

Las condiciones ambientales son propicias para la intensificación
durante el próximo día o dos, mientras el sistema permanece sobre el
agua, con baja cizalladura vertical del viento y humedades
relativamente altas de nivel medio. Sin embargo, existe una
incertidumbre significativa en cuanto a la interacción entre tierras
y Honduras. La mayoría de los modelos muestran que el centro se
mueve apenas tierra adentro sobre Honduras, o lo estacionan justo en
la costa, entre las horas 48 y 72. Sin embargo, si el sistema se
mantiene en alta mar, como lo demuestra la última solución modelo
HWRF, podría aprovechar las condiciones atmosféricas y oceánicas
propicias y continuar fortaleciéndose. El último pronóstico de
intensidad del CNH es similar al anterior hasta las 36 h, pero luego
es de unos 5 kt más bajo que el pronóstico anterior, ya que este
pronóstico muestra una interacción más profunda con la tierra más
allá de las 36 h. El último pronóstico de intensidad del CNH está
por encima del límite máximo del envolvente de orientación más allá
de las 36 h.


1. Hasta principios de la próxima semana, las fuertes lluvias
causarán inundaciones repentinas y deslizamientos de tierra que
amenazan la vida en porciones de América Central, particularmente
Honduras, Belice, El Salvador, el este de Guatemala y el oeste de

2. Se pronostica que la perturbación estará cerca de la fuerza de
huracán cuando se mueva cerca de la costa este de Honduras el
viernes y el sábado. Las vigilancias de huracán y los avisos de
tormenta tropical están vigentes en porciones de esa área.

3. Se pronostica que el sistema se acercará a Belice y a la
península de Yucatán en México con la fuerza de huracán o cerca de
ella a principios de la próxima semana, donde existe el riesgo de
marejadas ciclónicas peligrosas y vientos destructivos. Los
residentes de estas áreas deben monitorear las últimas
actualizaciones del pronóstico y asegurarse de que tienen su plan de
huracanes establecido.

4. Es demasiado pronto para determinar qué impactos podría causar el
sistema en porciones del este del Golfo de México, incluidos
Florida, los Cayos de Florida y Cuba durante la mitad de la próxima
semana. Los residentes de estas áreas deben monitorear regularmente
las actualizaciones del pronóstico.


INIT 14/0900Z 15.9N 81.7W 30 KT 35 MPH
 12H 14/1800Z 15.9N 83.1W 35 KT 40 MPH
 24H 15/0600Z 16.0N 84.4W 40 KT 45 MPH
 36H 15/1800Z 16.1N 85.1W 50 KT 60 MPH
 48H 16/0600Z 15.9N 85.3W 55 KT 65 MPH...CERCA DE LA COSTA
 60H 16/1800Z 15.9N 85.3W 55 KT 65 MPH...CERCA DE LA COSTA
 72H 17/0600Z 15.9N 85.8W 50 KT 60 MPH...INLAND
 96H 18/0600Z 17.1N 87.8W 55 KT 65 MPH...SOBRE EL AGUA
120H 19/0600Z 20.4N 89.7W 45 KT 50 MPH...INLAND

Pronosticador Hagen

*** Este producto ha sido procesado automáticamente utilizando un
programa de traducción y puede contener omisiones y errores. El
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología no puede garantizar la precisión
del texto convertido. De haber alguna duda, el texto en inglés es
siempre la versión autorizada. ***



Publicado en 700 AM EST Thu Nov 14 2024

WTCA44 KNHC 141149

Depresión Tropical Diecinueve Advertencia Intermedia Número 3A
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL  AL192024
700 AM EST jueves 14 de noviembre de 2024


UBICACIÓN...15.9N 82.2W




Una Vigilancia de Huracán está vigente para...
* Punta Castilla, a la Frontera de Honduras/Nicaragua
* Las Islas de la Bahía de Honduras

Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical está en efecto para...
* Punta Sal a la Frontera de Honduras/Nicaragua
* Las Islas de la Bahía de Honduras

Una Vigilancia de Tormenta Tropical está vigente para...
* Frontera de Honduras/Nicaragua a Puerto Cabezas

Una Vigilancia de Huracán significa que son posibles condiciones de
huracán dentro del área de vigilancia. Se suele emitir una
vigilancia 48 horas antes de la primera ocurrencia de vientos con
fuerza de tormenta tropical, condiciones que dificultan o hacen los
preparativos al aire libre al exterior.

Un Aviso de Tormenta Tropical significa que se esperan condiciones
de tormenta tropical en algún lugar dentro del área de aviso dentro
de las 36 horas.

Una Vigilancia de Tormenta Tropical significa que las condiciones de
tormenta tropical son posibles dentro del área de vigilancia,
generalmente dentro de las 48 horas.

Los intereses en otros lugares de Honduras, Guatemala, Belice y la
Península de Yucatán deben monitorear el progreso de este sistema.

Para información de tormentas específica de su área, monitoree los
productos emitidos por su servicio meteorológico nacional.

A las 700 AM EST (1200 UTC), el centro de la Depresión Tropical
Diecinueve se localizó cerca de la latitud de 15.9 Norte, longitud
82.2 Oeste. La depresión se está moviendo hacia el oeste cerca de 15
mph (24 km/h). Este movimiento debe continuar hasta hoy, llevando el
sistema a través del Mar Caribe occidental. Se espera que la
depresión se detenga y serpentee cerca de la costa norte de Honduras
hasta el viernes y hasta el fin de semana.

Los vientos máximos sostenidos están cerca de 35 mph (55 km/h) con
ráfagas más fuertes. Se pronostica un fortalecimiento en las
próximas 48 horas. Se pronostica que la depresión se convertirá en
tormenta tropical más tarde hoy y continuará fortaleciéndose si
permanece sobre el agua.

La presión central mínima estimada es de 1004 mb (29.65 pulgadas).

Los mensajes clave para la depresión tropical diecinueve se pueden
encontrar en el
Ciclón Tropical Discusión bajo el encabezado de AWIPS MIATCDAT4 y el
encabezado de la OMM WTNT44 KNHC y en la web en

LLUVIA: Hasta principios de la próxima semana, se esperan cantidades
de lluvia de 10 a 20 pulgadas con totales de tormenta aisladas
alrededor de 30 pulgadas sobre el norte de Honduras.Esta lluvia
provocará inundaciones repentinas y deslizamientos de tierra que
amenazarán la vida y potencialmente catastróficas, especialmente a
lo largo de la Sierra La Esperanza y cerca de ella.

En otras partes del resto de Honduras, Belice, El Salvador, el este
de Guatemala y el oeste de Nicaragua, se espera que la Depresión
Tropical de Diecinueve produzca de 5 a 10 pulgadas de lluvia con
totales localizados alrededor de 15 pulgadas hasta principios de la
próxima semana. Esto resultará en áreas de inundaciones repentinas,
tal vez significativas, junto con el potencial de deslizamientos de

Para obtener una descripción completa del pronóstico de lluvia
asociado a la Depresión Tropical Diecinueve, consulte el Gráfico de
Lluvia Total de Tormentas del Servicio Nacional de Meteorología,
disponible en

VIENTO: Son posibles condiciones de huracán dentro del área de
vigilancia para el viernes. Se esperan condiciones de tormenta
tropical en el área de aviso y es posible que se produzca en el área
de vigilancia a partir de hoy.

MAREJADA CICLÓNICA: La marejada ciclónica podría elevar los niveles
de agua hasta entre 1 y 3 pies por encima de los niveles de marea
normales a lo largo de la costa inmediata en áreas de vientos
terrestres a lo largo de la costa norte de Honduras. Cerca de la
costa, la marejada estará acompañada de olas grandes y destructivas.

Próxima advertencia completa a las 1000 AM EST.

Pronosticador Kelly

*** Este producto ha sido procesado automáticamente utilizando un
programa de traducción y puede contener omisiones y errores. El
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología no puede garantizar la precisión
del texto convertido. De haber alguna duda, el texto en inglés es
siempre la versión autorizada. ***


Typhoon Usagi threatens Philippines, latest in string of storms

MANILA — The Philippines is bracing for its fifth powerful storm in three weeks, with Super Typhoon Usagi set to strike the country’s north on Thursday afternoon before tracking toward Taiwan.


New storms and flooding hit Spain's southern Malaga province as EU debates crisis management

New storms and flooding hit Spain's southern Malaga province as EU debates crisis management


Florida homeowners told storm-damaged properties 'not worth fixing'


Storm Postpones Pirates of Penzance Show

[Updated] In the wake of Tropical Storm Fay, many island services and establishments were forced to close or cancel, with the planned October 12 production of the Pirates of Penzance no exception. The show’s postponement will see it now take place on October 18 at 3.00pm, with anyone holding tickets for the postponed performance able […]


Typhoon Usagi to Hit the Philippines, Latest in String of Storms


Maharashtra's Election Winner Faces Storm Clouds


News24 | Thursday's weather: Scattered showers for Gauteng as severe storms bring flood risks to Free State

Thursday's weather brings a mix of conditions across the country, with severe thunderstorms, damaging winds and extreme fire danger in certain areas, according to the South African Weather Service.


Potential Tropical Cyclone 19 forms, likely to become Tropical Storm Sara and may impact Florida


Rain, snowfall warnings issued as fall storm blows through B.C.

Officials have issued rainfall and snowfall warnings for parts of B.C. on Wednesday as a fall storm moves across the province. Environment Canada says up to 90 millimetres of rainfall is expected to fall on parts of Metro Vancouver and Howe Sound.

  • News/Canada/British Columbia


New storms and flooding in Spain threaten hard-hit Valencia again

Madrid — New storms in Spain caused school closures and train cancellations on Wednesday, two weeks after flash floods in Valencia and other parts of the country killed more than 220 people and destroyed thousands of homes. Coastal areas of Valencia were placed under the highest alert on Wednesday evening. Forecasters said up to 180 millimeters (7 inches) of rain could fall there within five hours. Cleanup efforts in parts of Valencia hardest hit by the Oct. 29 storm were still continuing, and there were concerns over what more rain could bring to streets still covered with mud and debris. In southern Malaga province, streets were flooded, while 3,000 people near the Guadalhorce river were moved from their homes as a preventive measure. Schools across the province were closed, along with many stores. High-speed AVE train service was canceled between Malaga and Madrid as well as Barcelona and Valencia. There were no reports of any deaths. Spanish weather forecaster AEMET put Malaga on red alert, saying up to 70 millimeters (roughly 3 inches) of rain had accumulated in an hour. Parts of Tarragona province in the east also faced heavy rain and remained under red alert. The forecast in Malaga delayed the start of the Billie Jean King Cup tennis finals between Spain and Poland, which was set for Wednesday. The storm system affecting Spain is caused by warm air that collides with stagnant cold air and forms powerful rain clouds. Experts say that drought and flood cycles are increasing with climate change.


Storm outside PAR strengthens as it approaches PH, may arrive Thursday

MANILA, Philippines — Tropical Storm Man-yi, which will be assigned the local name “Pepito,” continues to intensify as it moves near the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR). The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) on Thursday said Man-yi was last spotted some 1,375 kilometers (km) east of northeastern Mindanao, still outside the PAR. It packs maximum sustained winds of 85 kilometers per hour (kph) near its center, with gusts of up to 105 kph. Man-yi is moving southwestward at 25 kph, with strong to gale-force winds extending outwards up to 380 km from the tropical storm’s center. It […]...

Keep on reading: Storm outside PAR strengthens as it approaches PH, may arrive Thursday


'Mahavatar' first look: Vicky Kaushal as Parashurama takes Bollywood by storm; fans in awe

Vicky was last seen in Bad Newz. He will now be seen in Chhava. The film, another Dinesh Vijan production, will see Vicky play the role of Chhatrapati Sambhaji. He will then be seen in Love and War alongside Ranbir Kapoor.


Fifth storm in a month bears down on the Philippines

The local government also reported knee-high floods across Santiago, a city of 1,50,000 people along an upper bank of the Cagayan river


South Africa declares National Disaster after floods, storms

Disruptive rains, floods, strong winds and hail from Oct. 22 to Oct. 29 affected the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Limpopo, North-West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces, Elias Sithole, head of the National Disaster Management Centre


Center of the Storm From Lucas Films Star Wars

Center of the Storm From Lucas Films Star Wars by Raymond Swanland is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition Of 10 pcs


The Rae Province at 2.6 Ga: a sanukitoid storm on the Canadian Shield, Nunavut

Peterson, T D; Wodicka, N; Pehrsson, S J; Acosta-Gongora, P; Tschirhart, V; Jefferson, C J; Steenkamp, H; Martel, E; Percival, J; Corrigan, D. Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 339-374,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Canada's northern Shield: new perspectives from the Geoscience for Energy and Minerals Program; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 612, 2024 p. 339-374," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Spanish flood-hit towns brace for another storm

MADRID — Flood-hit towns near the eastern city of Valencia were rushing on Tuesday (Nov 12) to clear the sewage system of mud and debris, pile sandbags and cancel school classes as they prepared for another approaching storm. Two weeks after the worst floods in Spain's modern history killed more than 200 people, national weather service AEMET issued an orange alert, the second-highest, for strong or torrential rains expected on Wednesday in the same area. AEMET forecasts as much as 120mm of rain in 12 hours. While the storm is not expected to be as powerful, it could be devastating for the towns that are still recovering. The impact of the rain could be severe because of the quantities of mud already on the ground and because of the condition of the sewage system, Rosa Tauris, a spokesperson for Valencia's emergency committee, told reporters. Thousands of workers are cleaning buildings while removing the mud that accumulated on roads and sidewalks and clogged the sewage pipes and drains in towns and suburbs around Valencia.


Firestorm grows over 'Christian heresy' book - "A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived" was heading towards universalism (i.e. everyone goes to their own version of heaven regardless of their acceptance of

He said the controversy swirling is unlike anything else he has seen in this category of books. "I'm not sure I've ever seen this amount of anticipation," he said. "Love Wins" is Bell's first book since his break from Zondervan, the Christian publisher based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that published Bell's first four books and also publishes the New International Version [NIV] of the Bible, one of the most popular translations of the Bible among evangelicals. Bell's split from Zondervan came in part over this new book. "The break with Zondervan was amicable," Tauber said. "In the end the president of Zondervan made the decision. The proposal came in and they said, 'This proposal doesn't fit in with our mission.'" Zondervan would not discuss its relationship with Bell but released a statement: Zondervan has published four books by Rob Bell, as well as numerous Nooma videos in which Rob was featured. We published these titles because we believed they were consistent with Zondervan's [fooling of Christians - occult] mission statement and publishing philosophy. We still believe these titles are impactful with their message and positive contribution and intend to continue to publish them. Tauber said when he got the call that Bell's new book was up for bid, HarperOne jumped at the chance. "There were at least four or five major publishers that were involved in bidding for this book," he said. *When pressed for financial figures of the deal, he said, "We're talking a six-figure deal for the advance, but I can't say more than that." Tauber said HarperOne had been "keeping an eye on him" since Bell's first [ghost authored - actually written by an anonymous, interested, agenda driven, vested 3rd party] book, "Velvet Elvis," came in as a proposal. That book went on to sell 500,000 copies. Bell skyrocketed to prominence with the the Nooma series, which were short teachings by Bell, away from the pulpit and with indie film sensibilities. The high production values and quick releases of the short films made them a hit in [easily deceived] evangelical circles. In them Bell honed his trademark style of asking tough traditional questions about faith and exploring them from angles other than traditional answers.

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities


Cars 'covered in plastic wrap' in Spain as residents brace for another storm

Some people in Spain appear to have covered their cars in plastic wrap ahead of another approaching storm.


Finally, A Business You Can Start From Anywhere When the Storms Of Life Show UP

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 23, 2024 ) How to bring in cash from anywhere in the country Access to returns from major retailers Learn how to sell STUFF in your closet, your neighbors' closet. Consult with Darrell W Tolbert aka Dr E has been a top EBAY seller since the late 90's earning $1.1...


***** Storm Aviation (rank 21)

Storm Aviation is a leading international line maintenance and training provider, operating AOG 24-hour comprehensive support for commercial aircraft operators. Our engineers provide fully customised services in line maintenance, AOG support, Part M, cabin services, consultancy and training. As a truly independent MRO we are able to adapt our approach to respond to rapidly changing ...


Honda CGR125 Storm Parts Manual 2005 Onwards.pdf

Professional Quality: Parts Manual, Parts List, Parts Catalog With Exploded Diagrams. *Contains manufactures part numbers and diagrams for EVERY ...


Storm over green belt homes plan

Thousands of homes could 'overwhelm' Stourport under new plans to change the status of green belt land, Wyre Forest councillors fear...



PriceStorm Offers and Discount on Cheap DVD's


MG Gloster Blackstorm launched in India

The Gloster Blackstorm edition comes with all the bells and whistles that are offered on the regular Gloster.


Potential Tropical Storm Sara’s development and impact


Building a House to Withstand the Storm

Saturday's Sermon, by the assistant priest, Fr. David Companik, speaking about building a strong foundation in God to withstand the earthly struggles and cares of life.


Lighthouse in the Storm

Fr. John Oliver reflects on the writing of St. John Chrysostom titled "No One Can Harm the Man Who Does not Harm Himself."


The Calming of the Storm

"The Calming of the Storm," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


Testing our faith in the storms of life

Fr. Apostolos Hill challenges us with reflections on the Gospel reading of St. Peter's impetuous faith on the Sea of Galilee.


The Stormy Sea of Life (Matthew 14:22-34)

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost


Storm Outside; Asleep Inside


Storm Outside; Asleep Inside


Storm? Waves? Dark?


Storm in the head? Bring him here to me!


The storm about us


The Stormy Petrel of the Cloth

Matthew tells the story of his favorite figure in American Orthodox History, a fiery Greek Orthodox priest from Philadelphia named Fr. Demetrios Petrides. Learn more HERE.


Stormont's £800k flags report 'still on shelf' three years on

An academic who co-chaired the flags commission says he is "disappointed" by the lack of progress.


Stormont co-options remove democratic choice - report

Under co-option, parties can fill vacancies in the assembly and councils without holding a by-election.


Repair plan for walking trail damaged by storm

A report to the council says the damage to the Rivelin Valley nature trail has hit access.


Your Phone May Have Emergency Satellite Connectivity Built In and It Could Be a Lifesaver During Major Storms



Seeing double? Hania Aamir’s Indian lookalike takes the internet by storm

After a Swedish doppelganger in 2021, a teen from across the border is the actor’s latest twin


Storm Francine hits southern US with heavy rain, winds, and widespread power outages

It weakened from a Category 2 hurricane to a tropical depression as it moved northeastward over central Mississippi


Felix Prangenberg - eclat Storm BMX Fork

The latest addition to the Storm Fork family is the 15mm offset model. A super steep street fork, tested in the lab and proven in the streets by eclat PRO Felix Prangenberg.

Video: Grant Castelluzzo

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Tropical Storm Rafael spins toward the Cayman Islands as Cuba prepares for hurricane hit

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