
Rooftop Units Incorporate Tech for Safety, Efficiency, Remote Monitoring

Commercial rooftop units feature a host of intelligent solutions to improve efficiency and ease of service/installation.


The Impact of Adding or Removing Water from Air

We often humidify and dehumidify as part of our work, but let’s take a different look at what happens when we do that.


Why Remote Startup for Variable Frequency Drives is Essential

Selecting a VFD that features remote startup can decrease the number of individuals needed onsite and provide valuable safety benefits.


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Episode 9: Remoting Pt.1 and Listener Feedback

This Episode as well as the next one take a look at remoting infrastructures such as CORBA, .NET Remoting or Webservices. In this first part we will take a look at why remote communication is necessary in the first place, what remoting middleware can do for you as well as which other middleware technologies exist in addition to OO-RPC systems, such as messaging middleware. Finally, we conclude with a brief overview of what the broker pattern can do for us in the context of remoting middleware.


Episode 10: Remoting Pt. 2

This is the second part of the remoting infrastructures discussion started in Episode 9. We take a look at how remoting infrastructures such as CORBA, .NET Remoting or Web Services work internally. This includes the low level details of the transport layer, marshalling, client proxies as well as interceptors and asynchronous communication. At the end, Michael will explain how all this relates to CORBA and Markus will map the concepts to .NET remoting. We don't have additional links in these show notes since all the relevant links had been posted for Episode 9 already.


SE-Radio Episode 326 Dmitry Jeremov and Svetlana Isakova on the Kotlin Programming Language

Dmitry Jeremov and Svetlana Isakova speak to Matthew Farwell about the Kotlin programming language.


423: Ryan Singer on Remote Work

Ryan Singer, Head of Strategy at Basecamp discusses the mindset and culture behind a successful remote work for engineers. Akshay spoke with Ryan about communication, collaboration and cultural aspects of working remotely.


Auxiliary DC power system used for fault detection, trip coils and remote operation

The auxiliary DC control power system is considered the most crucial element of a protection, control, and monitoring system. The failure of the direct current (DC) control power can result in the inability of fault detection devices to identify faults,... Read more

The post Auxiliary DC power system used for fault detection, trip coils and remote operation appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Terremoto oggi Udine

Un sisma di magnitudo 32 con epicentro a nei dintorni di Torreano di Cividale in provincia di Udine ha destato. Scossa di terremoto in provincia di Udine in Friuli da magnitudo tra 32 alle ore 21 17 minuti e 22 secondi di stasera.

Gemona Del Friuli Una Ricostruzione Riuscita Gemonaturismo

Una scossa di terremoto fa tremare il Friuli Venezia Giulia.

. TERREMOTO in provincia di UDINE in FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA a Moimacco. Un terremoto avvertito nella città di Trieste potrebbe avere epicentro al di fuori del Friuli. Ecco tutti i dettagliata.

TERREMOTO in provincia di UDINE in FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA a Moggio Udinese. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo. Lepicentro è stato individuato nei dintorni.

Scossa di terremoto in provincia di Udine in Friuli da magnitudo tra 32 alle ore 21 17 minuti e 22 secondi di stasera. TERREMOTO OGGI A CATANZARO E A UDINE. TUTTI I DETTAGLI INGV.

Terremoto oggi in Friuli scossa di magnitudo 32 con epicentro a Torreano vicino a Udine. Superenalotto Lotto e 10eLotto estrazione di oggi 1. Si è trattato di un sisma lieve di magnitudo 18 gradi sulla scala Richter registrato alle ore 338 e avente.

Seconde le rilevazioni della. In questa pagina sono mostrati i terremoti con epicentro in Friuli-Venezia-Giulia e zone limitrofe. Evento sismico del 10 Agosto.

Evento sismico del 06 Settembre. Il sisma è stato avvertito anche a Vicenza grande spavento. A cura di Gabriella Mazzeo.

Terremoto a Udine. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 34 è stata registrata alle 312 nel nordest del Friuli Venezia Giulia in provincia di Udine. Il centro sismologico del Friuli Venezia Giulia ha registrato una scossa di terremoto di 29 alle 2117 a pochi chilometri da Torreano in provincia di Udine.

Terremoto oggi a Forni di Sopra provincia di Udine. Terremoto a Udine in Friuli scossa di magnitudo 3. Terremoto Udine oggi scossa di magnitudo 34.

Una scossa di magnitudo 32 è stata registrata alle 2117 in Friuli con epicentro nei pressi di Torreano nel cividalese. A breve altri dettagli. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 34 è stata registrata alle 312 nel nordest del Friuli Venezia Giulia in provincia di Udine.

La scossa è stata registrata alle ore 1353 dalla Sala Sismica INGV-Roma magnitudo 30Il sisma è avvenuto a 4 chilometri dal. È stato registrato un terremoto di magnitudo 32 nella zona di Torreano di Cividale nei pressi di Udine in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Origine del sisma avvertito distintamente dalla popolazione a 8 chilometri di profondità.

Terremoto a UdineUna scossa di magnitudo compresa tra 30 e 35 è stata registrata alle 21 17 minuti e 22 secondi di stasera. La scossa avvenuta a. Avvertito in diverse aree.

Evento sismico del 01 Novembre 2022. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 32 è stata registrata a Torreano Udine in Friuli-Venezia Giulia alle 2117 di martedì 1 novembre. Evento sismico del 15 Febbraio.

Secondo lIngv si è verificata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 34 alle ore 312 di oggi in quel della regione Friuli. Il terremoto il cui ipocentro è stato individuato a circa 8 chilometri di profondità nel sottosuolo. Ecco QUI i DETTAGLI.

Evento sismico del 28-03. TERREMOTO in provincia di UDINE in FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA a Resiutta. TERREMOTO nella zona di Udine UD con STIMA PROVVISORIA Magnitudo tra 29 e 34.

Terremoto in provincia di Udine in Friuli Venezia Giulia a Torreano. Terremoto oggi a Udine di magnitudo M 38 sulla scala Richter. Ecco qui i dettagli.

Secondo i rilevamenti dellIstituto nazionale di.

Terremoto In Provincia Di Udine Scossa Di Magnitudo 3 2 A Torreano

Terremoto Oggi A Udine Epicentro A Lusevera Dati E Mappe

Terremoto La Terra Trema In Friuli Venezia Giulia Scossa Avvertita Anche Nel Bellunese Il Dolomiti

Terremoto A Tolmezzo In Provincia Di Udine Scossa Di Magnitudo 3 5 Corriere It

Terremoto Friuli Venezia Giulia Notizie E Approfondimenti Meteoweb

Terremoto In Friuli Epicentro A Forni Di Sotto In Provincia Di Udine

Scossa Di Terremoto In Friuli Il Friuli

Terremoto In Bosnia Avvertito Lungo La Costa In Fvg Friuli V G Ansa It

Terremoto A Udine Scossa Di Magnitudo 3 4 Avvertita In Tutta La Provincia

Terremoto Udine Oggi Scossa In Friuli Di Magnitudo 3 3 Epicentro Vicino Resiutta

Terremoto Notizie Su Udinetoday

Terremoto In Friuli Scossa Di Magnitudo 3 0 In Provincia Di Udine Open

Terremoto Friuli Nel 1976 Il Sisma Che Devasto La Regione Video Ilmeteo It

Udine Due Libri Su Cosa Ha Rappresentato Il Terremoto Del Friuli

Terremoto Oggi Udine 16 Giugno 2019 Scossa Magnitudo Epicentro


Terremoto A Udine Di 3 3 Magnitudo Avvertito Chiaramente Anche A Pordenone E Gemona Del Friuli

Terremoti Scossa Di Magnitudo 3 4 In Provincia Di Udine

Terremoto A Udine


Why Choose Hydroxyls to Remove Smoke Odors?

Safe for use in occupied spaces, hydroxyls neutralize odors, mold, and bacteria without damaging materials, making them essential for restoration professionals.


How To Apply Fire Cleaning Principles: The Chemistry of Smoke and Soot Removal

Discover the chemistry of fire cleaning with this in-depth guide. Learn how solvents, chemical reactions and other scientific principles can transform soot-stained surfaces.


Estimating Premorbid Intelligence: Abstracts -

Abstracts from the Journal of Clinical Psychology, Journal of Clinical Experimental Neuropsychology, and other journals about estimating premorbid intelligence.


Estimating Premorbid Intelligence: Regression Equations -

Regression equations for estimating premorbid intelligence.


Self-Cleaning, Maintenance-Free Ionizers for Static Electricity Removal

The DTY-ELF14HC Multi-Function, Self-Cleaning Ionizer is designed for easy and efficient static electricity removal.


Remote, Real-Time Service and Training

JLS View uses virtual, mixed reality to connect customers with support needs.


NAB Show Main Stage Session Uncovers 'How to Win an Oscar' with a Fully Remote Creative Team

Washington, D.C. -- The 2023 NAB Show will host an intimate conversation with the creative team behind the Academy Award-winning animated short film, "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse," on Sunday, April 16 at 2:00 p.m. on the Main Stage, open to all attendees. "How to Win an Oscar With a Fully Remote Creative Team" will feature visual artists for the production, which first aired in December 2022, on the BBC, to more than seven million live viewers.


Kaya Weers at JavaOne Las Vegas on Remote Pair Programming

In this conversation Oracle's Jim Grisanzio talks with Java developer Kaya Weers at JavaOne Las Vegas 2022 on remote pair programming from the IDE. Kaya also talked about her experiences at JavaOne and as a speaker at community events around the world this year.

Kaya Weers, Java Developer

Jim Grisanzio, Java Developer Relations


REIT Remodels Office Space to Be Post-Pandemic Friendly


SEC Consult SA-20241023-0 :: Authenticated Remote Code Execution in Multiple Xerox printers (CVE-2024-6333)

Posted by SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab via Fulldisclosure on Oct 28

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20241023-0 >
title: Authenticated Remote Code Execution
product: Multiple Xerox printers
(EC80xx, AltaLink, VersaLink, WorkCentre)
 vulnerable version: see vulnerable versions below
fixed version: see solution section below
CVE number: CVE-2024-6333...


RECURSO EXTREMO, de David Morrell (Atlántida)

Recurso extremo
Autor: David Morrell (1943-)
Título original: Desperate measures (1994)
Traducción: Cristina Piña
Cubierta: Pablo J. Rey (adap.)
Editor: Editorial Atlántida (Buenos Aires)
Edición: 1ª ed.
Fecha de edición: 1995-05
Descripción física: 342 p.; 15x23,5 cm.: tela con sobrecubierta
Serie: HC-BS: hard cover - best seller
ISBN: 978-950-08-1406-5 (950-08-1406-4)
Estructura: 7 partes con varios capítulos cada una, epílogo
Información sobre impresión:
Esta edición se terminó de imprimir en el mes de mayo de 1995 en los talleres gráficos de la Companhia Melhoramentos de São Paulo
Rua Tito 479, São Paulo, Brazil.
Información de contracubierta:
Matt Pittman, quien una vez fuera un famoso periodista, ha quedado destruido por una tragedia personal abrumadora y prepara su propio suicidio.
Súbitamente, recibe una llamada telefónica de un redactor del periódico donde ha trabajado los últimos años —y que ahora está a punto de cerrar—, que le encarga un último favor: escribir el obituario de un hombre que todavía no ha muerto.
Arrancado del borde de la muerte y lanzado a lo inesperado, Matt se encuentra acusado de matar al mismo hombre sobre el cual iba a escribir. Ahora se aferra a la vida que poco antes deseaba abandonar, y se convierte en un fugitivo tanto de la policía como de los auténticos asesinos.
Mientras corre para desentrañar la historia más peligrosa de su carrera, Matt busca la redención en el profundo amor por Jill Warren, que se convierte en su cómplice en la carrera para sobrevivir. Matt se ve inmerso en una conspiración de ancianos intermediarios del poder, de influencia letal en Estados Unidos y en el mundo entero.
“Morrell es un maestro de la novela de acción. Una vez más cautiva a sus innumerables seguidores con una trama de alto voltaje.”
—Publishers Weekly
Información de solapas:
En la línea de La hermandad de la rosa y Múltiple identidad este libro es, hasta el momento, la combinación más acertada de suspenso psicológico y acción de alto voltaje.
Morrell monta la historia de un hombre común que debe recurrir a su instinto y astucia para superar la amenaza más aterradora que Estados Unidos —o un hombre solo— haya enfrentado jamás. Suspenso inquietante en la historia de conspiración internacional más peligrosa que jamás trazara el autor.
David Morrell es uno de los novelistas norteamericanos más leídos y apreciados por los amantes de las historias de suspenso y acción. Es profesor de literatura de la Universidad de Iowa y miembro honorario vitalicio de la Asociación de Operaciones Especiales.
Además de Primera Sangre (Rambo), es autor de grandes éxitos como La hermandad de la rosa, La quinta profecía, Rambo II y Rambo III, llevados al cine y protagonizados por estrellas de primer orden. Su libro anterior Múltiple Identidad fue publicado en esta misma colección por Editorial Atlántida. En la actualidad vive en Santa Fe, Nuevo México (E.E.U.U.).


Tradecraft: Jamie Bell Joins Clancy Adaptation WITHOUT REMORSE

It looks like this time, Paramount's decades-held hopes of making a movie out of Tom Clancy's epic saga Without Remorse are really going to happen! Last month, Variety reported that Jamie Bell will join the previously announced Michael B. Jordan (playing frequent Clancy hero John Clark) in the movie from director Stefano Sollima (helmer of the very Clancy-esque Sicario: Day of the Soldado). Bell will play a familiar character from the Tom Clancy universe, CIA Deputy Director of Operations Robert Ritter. Henry Czerny memorably essayed the role in 1994's Clear and Present Danger, in which Willem Dafoe played Clark.

Today, several more actors joined the cast, making this Without Remorse more and more of a reality! (Forgive my incredulity. It's just hard to believe this movie is finally happening after literally decades of development!) Deadline reports that Luke Mitchell (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Jacob Scipio (Bad Boys For Life), Cam Gigandet (Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden), Jack Kesy (12 Strong), and Todd Lasance (Spartacus) are all signing on as members of Clark's SEAL team. Nearly all of them have played special forces operators before. Additionally, Jodie Turner-Smith (The Last Ship, The Neon Demon) has been cast as a potential love interest for Jordan.

According to the trade, "Without Remorse is the origin story of John Clark, played by Jordan, a Navy SEAL-turned-CIA ops officer, who seeks revenge after his girlfriend is killed by a Baltimore drug lord." That sounds more or less like the novel, so if this capsule summary comes from the studio (and not just a Deadline writer Wikipedia-ing the book), then perhaps we can expect a fairly faithful adaptation. What I'm guessing we won't get is a period piece. I doubt Clark will serve in Vietnam in this version; I suspect they'll make it contemporary. (This was the plan back when Tom Hardy was supposed to play Clark in a series intended to cross over with Chris Pine's intended Jack Ryan franchise.) Paramount are very eager to launch a new film franchise with this movie, already eyeing Clancy's Rainbow Six as a follow-up. Also unclear is whether there will be any crossover with Amazon's Jack Ryan TV series, which hails from the same producers. The Clark character has been kept out of that series so far because of the percolating film franchise, but that doesn't necessarily preclude a cameo from John Krasinski in Without Remorse....

Without Remorse is slated to open September 18, 2020.


FSTP-ACC-RemPart - Guidelines for supporting remote participation in meetings for all

FSTP-ACC-RemPart - Guidelines for supporting remote participation in meetings for all


FSTP-ACC-RCS - Overview of remote captioning services

FSTP-ACC-RCS - Overview of remote captioning services


FSTP-ACC-RCS - Overview of remote captioning services

FSTP-ACC-RCS - Overview of remote captioning services


FSTP-ACC.WebVRI - Guideline on web-based remote sign language interpretation or video remote interpretation (VRI) system <font color="#FF0000">[Superseded]</font>

FSTP-ACC.WebVRI - Guideline on web-based remote sign language interpretation or video remote interpretation (VRI) system [Superseded]


FSTP.ACC-WebVRI - Guideline on web-based remote sign language interpretation or video remote interpretation (VRI) system

FSTP.ACC-WebVRI - Guideline on web-based remote sign language interpretation or video remote interpretation (VRI) system


[ Q.3056 (12/19) ] - Signalling procedures of the probes to be used for remote testing of network parameters

Signalling procedures of the probes to be used for remote testing of network parameters


Power Home Remodeling Announces Subsidized Child Care for Employees

Power Home Remodeling, a national full-service exterior home remodeler, is expanding its benefits offerings to subsidize childcare for employees and their families; the benefit will offset the cost of child care by 40%, providing employees up to $5,000 annually for child care costs.


Exterior Point Home Remodeling Sponsors Breast Cancer Walk

See why the owner of Exterior Point Home Remodeling in New Jersey got the entire company involved in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 


Las lágrimas por Militao no alteran a Ancelotti: "¿El mercado? Lo hicimos bien el año pasado y lo haremos este"

El central sufre una rotura en el cruzado y causará baja durante nueve meses. Sobre el césped, Vinicius no pudo evitar el llanto por su amigo, el cuarto madridista con una grave lesión de rodilla. Leer


El Supremo rebaja una de las condenas contra el ex presidente de Invercaria tras la reforma del delito de malversación que se aprobó para el procés

Se trata de la tercera condena firme en una de las macrocausas de la corrupción de los gobiernos socialistas en Andalucía Leer


¿Por qué queremos tanto a Rafa Nadal?

La forma de identificarse con España, la resistencia frente a la adversidad, el respeto por rivales como Federer y su imagen familiar le hicieron ser el español más querido. El acuerdo con Arabia empaña el compendio de valores que representa Leer


El Ayuntamiento de Madrid cierra un acuerdo "histórico" para remodelar AZCA


  • Artículos Carlos Guisasola
  • José Luis Martínez-Almeida


"Expectación total" en la Asamblea de Madrid ante el 'paseíllo' de Begoña Gómez: "Exigiremos que sea coherente con la transparencia"

El PP y Vox buscan "poner luz" sobre los negocios de la esposa del presidente del Gobierno y aclarar hasta qué punto "nacieron" en los despachos de Moncloa Leer

  • Política
  • Comunidad de Madrid
  • PP
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Begoña Gómez Fernández
  • Artículos Vicente Coll


Teresa Ribera llega al examen del Parlamento Europeo con tres querellas en el Supremo por la inacción de su ministerio ante la DANA

La Sala de lo Penal debe resolver sobre la admisión de los escritos de Vox, Iustitia Europa y Manos Limpias contra la responsable de Transición Ecológica, candidata a comisaria de Competencia Leer


La batalla por las presidencias de las dos Salas clave del Supremo se aviva por la regla de la paridad en el CGPJ

Martínez Arrieta y Ferrer se disputan la Sala II mientras Teso y Lucas la Tercera Leer


El fiscal general pide al Supremo que cite a Miguel Ángel Rodríguez en la causa por presunta revelación de secretos

El jefe de gabinete de Ayudo reacciona en redes sociales ante el paso dado por el fiscal general del Estado: "Si me llamas a declarar vas a ir pá'lante!!!" Leer

  • Álvaro García Ortiz
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Alberto González Amador


Sumar alienta las manifestaciones por la vivienda para forzar al PSOE a actuar: "Soplaremos esas brasas"

Las protestas desatan la competencia entre el partido de Yolanda Díaz y Podemos por capitalizar en votos la frustración de los 'nuevos indignados' Leer


Un Tribunal Supremo con hipermayoría conservadora durante décadas

Crecen las súplicas a la jueza Sotomayor para que se retire y Joe Biden pueda reemplazarla antes de la toma de posesión de Donald Trump Leer

  • Artículos Pablo R. Suanzes


En la frontera entre Israel y Líbano: "No permitiremos un 7-O desde el sur del Líbano"

"La destrucción de casas convertidas en bases de terror no es gratuita y tiene como objetivo evitar que desde allí ataquen a nuestros ciudadano", cuenta un oficial Leer


Steve Bannon: "En el movimiento Maga somos inflexibles, queremos recortar la financiación de Ucrania al 100%"

Entrevista a Steve Bannon, ex estratega presidencial de Trump: "Con Donald, la Maga es fuerte: nos encargaremos de la seguridad nacional y la política exterior" Leer


La ceremonia de inauguración de los JJOO de París consigue un 38,1% de cuota de pantalla en RTVE

La 1 registró una audiencia media de 2,4 millones, según el informe elaborado por Barlovento Comunicación, con datos de Kantar Leer


Cantar 'Venceremos' en Estambul

La izquierda turca celebra el 1 de Mayo en la plaza de Taksim en Estambul, todo una demostración de fuera - y alegría - en la precampaña electoral. Hubo 38.500 policías en alguna parte, pero ningún incidente. En lugar de buscar enfrentamientos, los turcos cantan "Venceremos".


¿Seremos capaces de adaptarnos?


Una gran multitud sale a la calle en Valencia y grita: "Barreremos a Mazón como al barro"

130.000 valencianos se lanzaron a la calle para exigir responsabilidades al presidente de la Generalitat por la gestión de la DANA. Escasas referencias a Pedro Sánchez Leer


Service members in remote areas missing out on transition benefits

DoD's Transition Assistance Program aims to prepare service members for life outside the military. But for members whose final duty station is small or rural, the benefits of TAP are fairly limited.

The post Service members in remote areas missing out on transition benefits first appeared on Federal News Network.