
Direct Line remortgage

Direct Line has launched a remortgage package a two year fixed rate tracker mortgage will offer a rate of 4.79 per cent. Direct Line believes that people looking for a remortgage face in a dilemma about whether to take on...


Microsoft Removes Teams from 365

This spring Microsoft "gave in" to the EU and other governmental regulators and began unbundling Microsoft Teams from Windows 11 and Microsoft 365 plans.


LaserAway Hair Removal Coupon

Book a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with one of our specialists to learn more about our dermatology services


LG представила webOS 6.0 и новый пульт Magic Remote 2020 года


Remote Password Recovery 1.2.7

Remote Password Recovery is a remote computers password auditing program and security test tool, it retrieves passwords for software products saved on local or remote network computers. The software recovers Internet Download Manager, FFFTP, FileZilla, WinProxy, FAR ftp, Easy Web Cam, Web Drive, Core FTP, Ipswitch IMail, Ipswitch Messenger, Ipswitch Messenger Server passwords. With this software you will be able to find and recover a lost or forgotten passwords, save and keep an up-to-date backup of all your software passwords in a central location. Remote Password Recovery retrieves passwords from network computers and helps network administrators to examine the security of their networks by executing an audit of saved software passwords. By exposing insecure passwords, Remote Password Recovery demonstrates how secure a network is under remote password stealth attack. Remote Password Recovery is a must have tool for network administrators and designed for corporate network password audit. You can save retrieved passwords as Tab Delimited Txt File (.txt), Excel Workbook (.xls), CSV Comma Delimited (.csv), Access Database (.mdb), Web Page (.html) or XML Data (.xml) file, Print or Copy to Clipboard.


How I Remotely Podcast

Over the last five-plus years of my podcast, I have turned down a number of interview offers with artists who were not able to meet face to face. I know a lot of folks who do great podcasts remotely, and I have even done a few (relatively okay) ones myself. But there is really no replacement for being able to do an interview face to face. So much nuance is lost amongst the cloud compression algorithms.

complete article


Spyware and Adware Remover, FREE Scan!

SpyWare Remover will scan your PC Absolutely FREE and let you know if you have any files that are infecting your PC!

  • Computing & Internet -- Network Administration


SpyWare Nuker: Adware and Spyware Removal

Malware, adware, spyware, trackware, thiefware, and Big Brotherware detection and removal utility with multilanguage support.

  • Computing & Internet -- Browsers


Does Remote Work Really Work For Employers? Spotify Thinks It Does

COVID-19 caused a lot of changes in the workspace over the past few years, especially when it comes to remote work. Many companies had no choice but to allow employees who didn’t absolutely need to be physically present in the office to work from home. While this is something...

The post Does Remote Work Really Work For Employers? Spotify Thinks It Does appeared first on Home with the Kids Blog.


Remote Job Hunting 101: Strategies for Success

Remote job hunting has become increasingly popular, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote jobs provide flexibility and work-life balance that is hard to achieve with traditional jobs. However, finding remote jobs can be challenging. This article will provide updated tips for finding remote jobs. Focus On Your Goals What...

The post Remote Job Hunting 101: Strategies for Success appeared first on Home with the Kids Blog.


Preparing for Remote Job Interviews: Tips and Strategies

Remote job interviews are becoming more common as the trend towards remote work continues to gain traction. If you’re looking for a remote job, you must prepare for your remote job interviews just as you would for in-person interviews. Remote job interviews may occur over the phone, video conference,...

The post Preparing for Remote Job Interviews: Tips and Strategies appeared first on Home with the Kids Blog.


1-800-Got-Junk - $10 off Junk Removal Services

$10 off Junk Removal Services


How to Add and Remove Files to RecordForAll

In this tutorial, we will be going over how to add and remove files from the list.

The first step is to run the program, so, find the icon on your desktop and double click on it.

If you're using the trial version, you'll see this prompt.

How to Add and Remove Files to RecordForAll


Optimize and Speed Up Windows by Removing Unnecessary Preinstalled Apps

PC manufacturers often load new computers with extra software, or "bloatware," which can bog down system performance. Clearing out these unwanted apps can free up storage space and boost speed.


Tracking design in remote regions

At the 47th Cycle of World Architecture Community Awards, three of the 10 winning projects are from India

  • Homes and gardens


WordPress Dashboard: Removing Unwanted Widgets

Your website’s command center, the WordPress dashboard, arrives with several widgets that enhance functionality. However, not all of these may be beneficial for every user. As plugins introduce more widgets over time, your dashboard may start to feel crowded and …


When God Removes the Gift

Fr Joseph preaches at St Joseph/Houston to nine men in black on the Third Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of the Cross -- and the Quarantine. (On this particular Sunday, the temple chairs have all been removed to facilitate scaffolding/icon installation.)


Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Novel Solution for Removing Dangerous Microplastics from Water


Fourth Sunday of Lent and St. John Climacus: Following the Foremost Forerunner

This week we read the epistle through the lenses of St. John Chrysostom, St. John Climacus, the book of Genesis and Isaiah’s portrait of the Suffering Servant. Here we are given the hope to continue following our great forerunner Jesus. The gospel reading adds to this the importance of faith, prayer and fasting, as we set our faces towards the cross.


St. Vladimir's 2018 Commencement Ceremony

The 2018 Commencement at St. Vladimir's Seminary, held May 19, was truly a blessed occasion. In addition to graduating 20 students from the Class of 2018, the seminary also awarded honorary doctorates to three distinguished figures for their contributions to the Orthodox Church: composer Mitered Archpriest Sergei Glagolev, Dr. David Bradshaw, chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Kentucky, and Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, seminary trustee emeritus and former ExxonMobile executive. Hear the Commencement Exercises in their entirety, which included remarks from His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the Commencement Address from Dr. Bradshaw.


St. Vladimir's 2019 Commencement Ceremony

At its Commencement Ceremonies Saturday, May 18, 2019 St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) conferred degrees upon twenty-two graduates, including fourteen Master of Divinity, three Master of Arts, and five Master of Theology students. The Seminary also awarded two honorary doctorates, one to His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East (Syriac Orthodox Church) and longtime Seminary Trustee Alex Machaskee. Hear the Commencement Exercises in their entirety, which included remarks from His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the Commencement Address from Orthodox Church in America Chancellor Archpriest Alexander Rentel.


The 37th Fr. Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture & Mid-Year Commencement Ceremony

St. Vladimir’s Seminary celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA)’s autocephaly Thursday, January 30, 2020. A full-day of events culminated with a passionate, heartfelt 37th Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture delivered by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael (Dahulich). Hear his lecture, "The Gift of Autocephaly," the Mid-Year Commencement Ceremony, and a final reflection from His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon.


Que Queremos Mas?

Padre Nicholas nos pregunta que queremos más, la carne, o la comida espiritual para siempre. Lucas 14:16-24 Fr. Nicholas asks up what we want more, meat, or spiritual food for forever. Luke 14:16-24


Por El Poder De Cristo Entraremos En El Paraíso

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo Cristo conquistó el Paríso para nosotros. Father Nicholas preached on how Christ conquered Paradise for us.


Regret, Remorse, Repentance

Fr. Apostolos shares the difference between these three words, and calls us to the latter.


The 19 best gift ideas for the remote worker in your life

It’s 2024, and chances are you know at least one person who works remotely in some fashion. While the WFH life has its perks — nobody likes a long commute — it certainly comes with its own set of challenges, from lacking pro-level equipment to dealing with household disturbances. If you’re looking to give a gift to someone who spends much of their time in their home office, we’ve rounded up a few techy gift ideas that should make their days a little more delightful, or at least easier to manage.

Check out the rest of our gift ideas here.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at


Orthodoxy in Remote Alaska

Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. Nicholai Isaac, a priest serving in rural Alaska, about the Yukon Deanery Orthodox Church Conference that will be held August 19-21 at St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church in Lower Kalskag.


Students expelled, removed from St. Augustine High School after ‘brutal attack’


Scot gets dream job as lighthouse keeper on remote Australian island

Sandy Duthie's "dream job" involves solitude, a 160-year history, and a colony of little penguins.


Stormont co-options remove democratic choice - report

Under co-option, parties can fill vacancies in the assembly and councils without holding a by-election.


Egremont poppy boy

Royal Guards fan 6 year old Frank Gates is preparing for Remembrance Day.


L'intérêt pour l'actu remonte mais la méfiance est toujours là

Regain d'intérêt pour l'actualité, méfiance toujours vive, place croissante des réseaux sociaux: ce sont quelques-uns des enseignements du baromètre annuel sur la confiance des Français dans les médias publié lundi par le journal La Croix.

. Actu: le rebond

Fait marquant de ce baromètre réalisé depuis 1987: le regain d'intérêt pour l'actualité. 76% des sondés (1.500 majeurs interrogés par internet ou téléphone selon la méthode des quotas) disent la suivre "avec un grand intérêt", contre 62% l'an passé.

"C'est le cinquième plus haut niveau en 35 ans", a souligné Jean-Christophe Ploquin, rédacteur en chef de La Croix, lors d'une conférence de presse. Cette proportion est cependant moindre chez les moins de 35 ans (66%).

En outre, quatre sondés sur dix disent s'intéresser davantage à l'actu qu'il y a quelques années. Cela coïncide avec "une actualité riche en 2022" (Ukraine, présidentielle en France...) après la période du Covid, a commenté Guillaume Caline, de l'institut Kantar Public, qui réalise ce baromètre.

C'est toutefois à nuancer par le fait qu'un sondé sur cinq (21%) s'y intéresse moins qu'avant, et même un sur trois (33%) chez les moins de 35 ans.

Et la moitié des sondés (51%) ressent "souvent de la lassitude" envers l'actualité, la fameuse "fatigue informationnelle" pointée par plusieurs études récemment.

. Trop ou pas assez ?

Le Mondial de football au Qatar (pour 48% des sondés), la mort de la reine d'Angleterre (43%) et la pénurie de carburant (40%): voilà les trois sujets dont les médias ont trop parlé en 2022.

A l'inverse, 51% jugent que les médias n'ont pas assez parlé du débat sur la fin de vie. Selon M. Caline, cela montre "l'intérêt des Français pour les sujets susceptibles de les toucher directement".

Le traitement de la guerre en Ukraine suscite des avis partagés: 41% pensent que les médias en ont parlé au juste niveau et 38% qu'ils en ont trop parlé.

. La télé centrale

Journaux télé, radio, chaînes info, sites internet, quotidiens papier, réseaux sociaux: chaque jour, les Français utilisent en moyenne près de 4 canaux pour s'informer.

Mais, dans cette "multiplicité des sources d'info", la télé "garde une place centrale", selon M. Caline. Ainsi, les JT sont le canal que les sondés privilégient pour s'informer au quotidien, quel que soit l'âge (35% sur l'ensemble du panel).

Chez les 18-24 ans, les réseaux sociaux arrivent deuxièmes, alors que cette place est occupée par les chaînes info dans toutes les autres classes d'âge.

. Méfiance, toujours

Même si le jugement est moins sévère que l'an dernier, la perte de confiance reste une tendance de fond. Plus de la moitié des sondés (54%) pense que, "la plupart du temps, il faut se méfier de ce que disent les médias sur les grands sujets d'actualité".

Pour autant, "ce réflexe de méfiance" existe surtout quand on considère les médias "de manière globale", en tant qu'"institution", a pondéré M. Caline: "Pris isolément, c'est bien moins négatif".

Ainsi, parmi les sondés qui s'informent via les JT, 73% leur font confiance. Cette proportion est aussi de 73% pour la radio, 66% pour les quotidiens nationaux mais seulement 46% pour les émissions d'actualité et de divertissement à la télé et 40% pour les influenceurs.

Par ailleurs, l'image des journalistes reste dégradée: 59% des sondés pensent qu'ils ne résistent pas aux pressions politiques et 56% à celles de l'argent.

. Jeunes et réseaux

Les réseaux sociaux "ont fait leur trou" comme source d'information, "notamment chez les plus jeunes", a noté M. Ploquin. Toutes générations confondues, 35% des sondés les utilisent quotidiennement dans ce but.

Paradoxalement, seuls 36% de ceux qui s'informent sur les réseaux leur font confiance.

Et le rapport à cette source d'information met en évidence "un fort clivage générationnel", selon M. Caline.

Ainsi, après 35 ans, 6 sondés sur 10 pensent que la diffusion sur les réseaux d'informations par "des personnes qui ne sont pas des médias ou des journalistes" est une mauvaise chose.

Une proportion qui s'inverse chez les plus jeunes: la moitié des moins de 35 ans juge au contraire que c'est une bonne chose.


COVID-19 Pandemic and the Use of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) Platforms: Lessons From a Nigerian University

Aim/Purpose: This study examines the use of the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) platform by undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, during the COVID-19 pandemic using the constructs of the UTAUT2 model. Five constructs of the UTAUT2 model were adopted to investigate the use of the ERT platform by undergraduates of the university. Background: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak disrupted academic activities in educational institutions, leading to an unprecedented school closure globally. In response to the pandemic, higher educational institutions adopted different initiatives aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted flow of their teaching and learning activities. However, there is little research on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates in Nigerian universities. Methodology: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 334 undergraduates at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, while a questionnaire was used to collect data from 271 students. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and regression analysis. Contribution: The study contributes to understanding ERT use in the educational institutions of Nigeria – Africa’s most populous country. Furthermore, the study adds to the existing body of knowledge on how the UTAUT2 Model could explain the use of information technologies in different settings. Findings: Findings revealed that there was a positive significant relationship between habit, hedonic motivation, price value, and social influence on the use of ERT platforms by undergraduates. Hedonic motivation strongly predicted the use of ERT platforms by most undergraduates. Recommendations for Practitioners: As a provisional intervention in times of emergencies, the user interface, navigation, customization, and other aesthetic features of ERT platforms should be more appealing and enjoyable to ensure their optimum utilization by students. Recommendation for Researchers: More qualitative research is required on users’ satisfaction, concerns, and support systems for ERT platforms in educational institutions. Future studies could consider the use of ERT by students in different countries and contexts such as students participating in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and the English for Speakers of other languages (ESOL) programs. Impact on Society: As society faces increased uncertainties of the next global pandemic, this article reiterates the crucial roles of information technology in enriching teaching and learning activities in educational institutions. Future Research: Future research should focus on how different technology theories and models could explain the use of ERT platforms at different educational institutions in other geographical settings and contexts.


Remote Method Invocation and Mobil Agent: A Comparative Analysis


Predicting Suitable Areas for Growing Cassava Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques: A Study in Nakhon-Phanom Thailand

Aim/Purpose: Although cassava is one of the crops that can be grown during the dry season in Northeastern Thailand, most farmers in the region do not know whether the crop can grow in their specific areas because the available agriculture planning guideline provides only a generic list of dry-season crops that can be grown in the whole region. The purpose of this research is to develop a predictive model that can be used to predict suitable areas for growing cassava in Northeastern Thailand during the dry season. Background: This paper develops a decision support system that can be used by farmers to assist them determine if cassava can be successfully grown in their specific areas. Methodology: This study uses satellite imagery and data on land characteristics to develop a machine learning model for predicting suitable areas for growing cassava in Thailand’s Nakhon-Phanom province. Contribution: This research contributes to the body of knowledge by developing a novel model for predicting suitable areas for growing cassava. Findings: This study identified elevation and Ferric Acrisols (Af) soil as the two most important features for predicting the best-suited areas for growing cassava in Nakhon-Phanom province, Thailand. The two-class boosted decision tree algorithm performs best when compared with other algorithms. The model achieved an accuracy of .886, and .746 F1-score. Recommendations for Practitioners: Farmers and agricultural extension agents will use the decision support system developed in this study to identify specific areas that are suitable for growing cassava in Nakhon-Phanom province, Thailand Recommendation for Researchers: To improve the predictive accuracy of the model developed in this study, more land and crop characteristics data should be incorporated during model development. The ground truth data for areas growing cassava should also be collected for a longer period to provide a more accurate sample of the areas that are suitable for cassava growing. Impact on Society: The use of machine learning for the development of new farming systems will enable farmers to produce more food throughout the year to feed the world’s growing population. Future Research: Further studies should be carried out to map other suitable areas for growing dry-season crops and to develop decision support systems for those crops.


Pedagogical Training During the COVID-19 Epidemic and Its Two Tracks: Remote and Face-To-Face

Aim/Purpose. The study aimed to examine the remote and face-to-face experience of pedagogical training in kindergarten after the third COVID-19 closure in Israel. Background. The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 changed the training system, and preservice teachers were required to have their practical experience in the kindergartens both remotely and face-to-face. They had to adapt to the new requirements of teacher training programs and receive professional coaching and support from the pedagogical instructor remotely. Methodology. The sample comprised 26 early childhood preservice teachers, who received academic training that includes proficiency in digital technology. The data were collected through feedback that they wrote themselves during the training period and analyzed in the interpretive approach. Contribution. The contribution of the present study is that it examines the pedagogical coaching from the perspective of preservice teachers in a kindergarten during the COVID-19 epidemic, which forced a transition from face-to-face to remote pedagogical training, then back to face-to-face pedagogical instruction. To the best of my knowledge, no such study has been carried out to date, which makes it unique. Findings. The main findings indicate the dissatisfaction of most preservice kindergarten teachers with the remote pedagogical training (about 85%) at the physical, emotional, technological, and pedagogical levels, and the satisfaction of most preservice kindergarten teachers with face-to-face pedagogical training (about 92%) at the physical, emotional, and pedagogical levels. The main conclusion is that technology is a potential barrier in training, and that preservice kindergarten teachers need a pedagogical instructor present at a professional face-to-face meeting. Recommendations for Practitioners. The findings of the study show how important in-person learning and engagement is for everyone especially for Preservice teachers’ and may be helpful for pedagogical coaching teams. Recommendations for Researchers. Preservice teachers’ awareness of the pedagogical coaching experiences could persuade the coaching teams to avoid potential difficulties, increase emotional support, and refine the use of technology to make it a closer substitute for frontal communication. Impact on Society. Face-to-face training based on interpersonal relationship, allows to develop better during the training period.


Data Lost, Decisions Made: Teachers in Routine and Emergency Remote Teaching

Aim/Purpose: This study explored teachers’ data-driven decision-making processes during routine and emergency remote teaching, as experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Background: Decision-making is essential in teaching, with informed decisions promoting student learning and teachers’ professional development most effectively. However, obstacles to the use of data have been identified in many studies. Methodology: Using a qualitative methodology (N=20), we studied how teachers make decisions, what data is available, and what data they would like to have to improve their decision-making. We used an inductive approach (bottom-up), utilizing teachers’ statements related to decision-making as the unit of analysis. Contribution: Our findings shed an important light on teachers’ Data-Driven Decision-Making (DDDM), highlighting the differences between routine and Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Findings: Overall, we found that teachers make teaching decisions in three main areas: pedagogy, discipline-related issues, and appearance and behavior. They shift between making decisions based on data and making decisions based on intuition. Academic-related decisions are the most prominent in routine teaching, and during ERT, they were almost the only area in which teachers’ decisions were made. Teachers reported collecting data about students’ academic achievements and emotional state and considered the organizational culture, consultation with colleagues, and parents’ involvement before decision-making. Recommendations for Practitioners: Promote a culture of data-driven decision-making across the education system; Make diverse and rich data of different types accessible to teachers; Increase professional and emotional support for teachers. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers have the potential to expand the scope of this study by conducting research using other methodologies and in different countries. Impact on Society: This study highlights the importance of teachers’ data-driven decision-making in improving teaching practices and promoting students’ achievement. Future Research: Additional research is required to examine data-driven decision-making in diverse circumstances.


Automatic pectoral muscles and artefacts removal in mammogram images for improved breast cancer diagnosis

Breast cancer is leading cause of mortality among women compared to other types of cancers. Hence, early breast cancer diagnosis is crucial to the success of treatment. Various pathological and imaging tests are available for the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, it may introduce errors during detection and interpretation, leading to false-negative and false-positive results due to lack of pre-processing of it. To overcome this issue, we proposed a effective image pre-processing technique-based on Otsu's thresholding and single-seeded region growing (SSRG) to remove artefacts and segment the pectoral muscle from breast mammograms. To validate the proposed method, a publicly available MIAS dataset was utilised. The experimental finding showed that proposed technique improved 18% breast cancer detection accuracy compared to existing methods. The proposed methodology works efficiently for artefact removal and pectoral segmentation at different shapes and nonlinear patterns.


Are soap-free cleansers effective for the removal of coronovirus during hand washing?

There is currently no specific study published that addresses this specific question. 

However, there is a wealth of data from various studies on washing with soap (with or without antibacterial agents) on other microbes to suggest that the act of washing with soap and water is an effective measure to reduce contamination and aid infection prevention strategies to stay well.

Of notable mention, one study evaluated the efficacy of soap and water versus alcohol-based hand-rub preparations against live H1N1 influenza virus on the hands of human volunteers. It found that both methods were highly effective in reducing influenza A virus on human hands. In the study, the soap used was with a non-medicated liquid soap (pH-balanced, with emollient and moisturiser, but not containing sodium lauryl sulfate, instead contains other surfactants), which was found to be effective in reducing viral load from the hands after washing for 40 seconds.

Using soap to wash hands is more effective than using water alone, and is postulated because the surfactants in soap lift soil and microbes from skin, and people tend to scrub hands more thoroughly when using soap, which further removes germs.

Thus from the above information, it would be expected that use of such cleansers should still work, esp. for selective individuals with eczema or sensitive dry hands, where frequent hand-washing may increase existing irritation and compromise the skin barrier. The WHO 20-second hand washing technique should be used regardless of the type of soap for effective cleaning.


Mattel removes thousands of ‘Wicked’ dolls off shelves after finding porn website mistakenly printed on packaging

TOY manufacturer Mattel have removed thousands of its ‘Wicked’-branded dolls off the shelves after discovering a x-rated printing error on the packaging.

The dolls were made in collaboration with the movie adaptation of the award-winning musical ‘Wicked’, fashioned after the characters.

CNBC reported that the website link printed on the dolls’ packaging lead to a pornographic website instead of the ‘Wicked’ movie adaptation’s official website.

Quoting Mattel’s apology statement, the company stated it was “aware” of a misprint on the doll’s packaging, mainly sold in US, intended to direct consumers to the movie’s landing page.

ALSO READ: M’sian netizens mock local uni for spelling ‘exercise’ as ‘eksesais’ in congratulatory post

“We deeply regret this unfortunate error and are taking immediate action to remedy this. Parents are advised that the misprinted, incorrect website is not appropriate for children,” Mattel was quoted as saying.

The company also advised consumers who have already purchased the dolls with the misprint to throw away the packaging or “obsure”, as quoted, the website link.

Following the misprint revelation, several online retailers across the US have pulled the dolls off their shelves as of Monday (Nov 11).

However, it is unclear if the toy manufacturing company will release the dolls with the correct print details or provide stickers to cover the mistakenly printed link.

ALSO READ: ‘Rail My Life’: KTM’s free ride campaign poster leaves netizens amused at mistaken wording


Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Requesting removal of content from our index



Imran Khan defends K-P CM, urges PTI to remove 'cowards' who apologised for Gandapur

PTI's founding leader reiterates claims of betrayal by the establishment, state negotiations are now off the table.


Saudi couple exchanges vows in underwater wedding ceremony

The picture shows couple tying knot under water. — Saudi Ajel Newspaper

Beneath the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea in Jeddah, Hasan Abu Ola and Yasmine Daftardar tied the knot in an underwater wedding ceremony.

The Muslim couple got married in a dazzling view filled with...


Biden, Trump and Harris stand together in 9/11 memorial ceremonies

From New York to Pennsylvania, solemn ceremonies mark the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks


Google Asked to Remove 10 Billion “Pirate” Search Results

Rightsholders have asked Google to remove more than 10 billion 'copyright infringing' URLs from its search results. The search engine doesn't celebrate the milestone in any way, but the takedown notices document intriguing shifts in volume over time, as well as shifting takedown interests.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.


Aima Baig to perform at Champions One-Day Cup opening ceremony

Aima Baig’s performance will add glamour to the Champions One-Day Cup, which starts today at Iqbal Stadium.