
18th Century Sculpture Bought For Rs 540 Could Sell For Over Rs 2.68 Crore

A marble bust bought for £5 (around Rs 540) and long used as a doorstop may soon fetch over £2.5 million (Rs 2.68 crore).


LG Unveils Stretchable Display With 50 Percent Rate of Elongation

LG Display, a subsidiary of the South Korea-based conglomerate focused on display technology, unveiled a new stretchable display that can expand by 50 percent of its original size. The company introduced the new stretchable display panel last week at LG Science Park in Seoul during a meeting of more than 100 South Korean industry, academia, and research stakeholders.


Reliance Jio True 5G Network Extends Battery Life by Up to 40 Percent, Claims Official

Reliance Jio’s True 5G network can improve the smartphone’s battery life by up to 40 percent, a company official highlighted during the company’s earnings call for the second quarter (Q2) of FY25. The telecommunications provider leverages a standalone (SA) architecture along with other technical features for its 5G services in India and assigns the spectrum bandwidth as per the application.


Indian Researchers Develop Energy-Efficient Method to Create Glass, Could Improve Efficiency of Data Centres

Scientists from IISc, University of Pennsylvania, and MIT reveal a breakthrough with indium selenide that transforms crystalline structures to glass using significantly less energy. By passing a continuous electric current, the crystalline material experiences a “shock” that converts it to glass. The low energy requirement could help lower power needs for data storage devices, potentially advancing phase-change memory in computers and mobile devices. This research opens a pathway for integrating this memory tech on CMOS platforms.


Update On Recent Insurer and Third-Party Data Breaches

More than 37,500 Delaware agents, policyholders, beneficiaries impacted Following the receipt of additional data breach reports from insurers, including those related to the breach of the MOVEit file transfer services system used by third-party vendors, the Delaware Department of Insurance is updating this consumer alert and will be updating the online posting as information is […]


Centre Bans 'Dark Patterns' On E-Commerce Platforms; Notifies Guidelines

In order to protect consumers' interest, the government has banned use of "dark patterns" on e-commerce platforms which intend to deceive customers or manipulate their choices.


18th Century Sculpture Bought For Rs 540 Could Sell For Over Rs 2.68 Crore

A marble bust bought for £5 (around Rs 540) and long used as a doorstop may soon fetch over £2.5 million (Rs 2.68 crore).


Call center open for JobLink users impacted by data breach

WILMINGTON – A call center has been set up to provide assistance to impacted users of Delaware Job Link whose personal information may have been part of a data breach of the American JobLink (AJL) Alliance website two weeks ago. Any past user of the Delaware JobLink website can access the call center by dialing […]

  • Department of Labor


DOL Employment and Training Hudson Center Operation Temporarily Relocating to Pencader

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 30, 2017 Newark, DE – Due to construction activity at the site, the Delaware Department of Labor, Division of Employment and Training office has temporarily closed its Hudson State Service Center and relocated the operation to the agency’s Pencader Corporate Center. Effective June 1 and until further notice, the team from […]


DOL Employment and Training Hudson Center Reopens

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 30, 2017 Newark, DE – The Delaware Department of Labor, Division of Employment and Training is reopening its operation at the Hudson State Service Center after construction work there caused it to temporarily relocate last month. On Monday, June 19, Employment and Training services will resume at the Hudson Center office located […]

  • Department of Labor


DART to Make Improvements Based on Rider Feedback from Recent Community Conversations

WILMINGTON, Del. – After reviewing customer feedback from three Community Conversations in Wilmington and Newark last week, DART will make a series of improvements. The recent Community Conversations offered DART riders, and the general public, the opportunity to provide feedback and share their experiences since DART’s service changes in mid-December. “The Community Conversations were intended […]


Tubman Bicentennial Tours at Blackbird State Forest

Delaware's Urban and Community Forestry Program is sponsoring “Harriet Tubman Bicentennial Underground Railroad Experience Walking Tours” at Blackbird State Forest to celebrate Harriet Tubman’s unique connection to Blackbird State Forest and commemorate the bicentennial of her birth in 2022. The tours will take place on Sunday, March 20 at 2 p.m. and on Saturday, April 2 at 2 p.m. at Blackbird State Forest, 502 Blackbird Forest Road, Smyrna, 19977. There is no cost to the public, but space is limited and advance registration is required.

  • Department of Agriculture
  • Forest Service
  • Urban and Community Forestry


Governor Carney Honors Four Century Farm Families, 2022 Marks 35th Year of Delaware Century Farm Program

Governor Carney, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Nikko Brady, and state legislators honored four Delaware farm families for their commitment to keeping farmland within the family for 100 years.


2,075 Seedlings Planted for the Harriet Tubman Bicentennial Tree Planting

On September 17, over 100 volunteers planted 2,075 trees at the Blackbird State Forest for the Harriet Tubman Bicentennial Tree Planting. This initiative will provide scenic beauty, enhance wildlife habitat, fight invasive species, and improve water quality in the critical Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This tree planting was part of a broader program to commemorate the 200th birthday year of Harriet Tubman in 1822 and part of International Underground Railroad Month.


Delaware Inducts Three Farm Families into Century Farm Program

Governor Carney, Secretary of Agriculture Scuse, and state legislators inducted three Delaware farm families into the Century Farm Program, honoring them for their commitment to keeping farmland within the family for 100 years. Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse also took the opportunity to announce a new program related to long-term ownership of family farms.


State of Delaware Partners with FEMA to Open COVID-19 Testing Center

Testing available by appointment at www.ineedacovid19test.com DOVER, DE (JAN. 14, 2022) – The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) and the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) announced today that the State of Delaware is partnering with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to open a free COVID-19 drive-thru testing site from Jan. 17 to Feb. […]


Covid-19 Cases Decline In Last Month; DPH Shares Summary Of Most Recent CDC Updates

   DOVER, DE (Aug. 19, 2022) – The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) reports that the 7-day average of new positive COVID-19 cases has declined since the previous monthly update in July. However, COVID-19 is still circulating in the community, and at higher levels in some counties. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Community Levels data tracker, which was last […]


Delaware Contributes Youth Overdose Death Data for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Report

DOVER, DE (Jan. 3, 2023) – Through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS), Delaware was recently among 47 states to contribute data to the CDC’s Dec. 16, 2022, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, titled “Drug Overdose Deaths Among Persons Aged 10-19 Years – United States, July 2019-December 2021.” The Division of Public Health (DPH) utilizes SUDORS to track available trends and characteristics of […]


DPH Announces Closure Of COVID-19 Call Centers on Jan. 31

DOVER, DE (Jan. 27, 2023) –   The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) is announcing the closure of the COVID-19 call center and the vaccine call center due to a low volume of calls. The Call Centers’ last day of operation will be Tuesday, January 31.  Delawareans may still access critical COVID-19 information on the website at […]


DPH Announces ‘ArtAddiction’ Awards Ceremony in Partnership with Latin American Community Center

The Latin American Community Center (LACC) presents a unique art contest and invites participants to explore addiction through artistic expression. ArtAddiction, a juried art competition hosted by the LACC’s Prevention Promoters Program, seeks to explore addiction, recovery, and mental health through artistic expression. This year’s theme, “Change IS A Process,” has categories that include painting, drawing, […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Division of Public Health
  • DE Division of Public Health
  • Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
  • Delaware Division of Public Health


DPH Hosts Family Assistance Center Emergency Response Full-Scale Exercise

The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) hosted a Family Assistance Center (FAC) Full-Scale Exercise on Thursday, April 18, in Frankford. The exercise simulated a traffic collision with multiple coach buses and numerous injuries and fatalities. It was held to test the readiness and response capabilities of state agencies and the community. DPH collaborated with […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Division of Public Health
  • News
  • Delaware Division of Forensic Sciences
  • Delaware Division of Public Health
  • Delaware Emergency Management Agency
  • delaware state police
  • Division of Social Services
  • Family Assistance Center
  • Josette Manning
  • Steven Blessing
  • Victim Services


Using centrality metrics to detect illicit financial flows

Detecting illicit financial flows require much more than using traditional business methods. At this point, using centrality metrics in investigation and analytical models will provide wider detection approaches.

Using centrality metrics to detect illicit financial flows was published on SAS Users.


NEWS FROM FEMA: FEMA and Delaware Officials Opening COVID-19 Vaccination Center in Dover 

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Tuesday shared the following news from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Health and Human Services (HHS), Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), and Dover International  Speedway (DIS) have partnered to open a […]

  • Delaware Emergency Management Agency
  • Division of Public Health
  • Governor John Carney
  • Office of the Governor
  • Coronavirus
  • COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Delaware Division of Public Health
  • DEMA
  • governor
  • Governor Carney


Delaware Judiciary and Capitol Police Partner to Bring Facility Dog to the Leonard Williams Justice Center

The Delaware Judiciary welcomed its first “facility” or comfort dog to the Leonard L. Williams Justice Center in partnership with the Delaware Capitol Police.


Bloom Energy Officially Celebrates New Manufacturing Center

Bloom Energy officially celebrated its new manufacturing center in Newark and says it will be hiring more than 100 new workers in the coming months in jobs ranging from welders to production control technicians to electric/electronic engineers.

  • Delaware Economic Development Office (2013-2017)
  • Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017)
  • Office of the Governor
  • jobs
  • ResponsibleGovernment
  • University of Delaware


Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc. Distribution Center Coming to Newark

  New Castle, Del. – Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc. is expected to expand its extensive United States’ logistics network upon the closing set for May 20, 2017 for the site of the former AstroPower building, currently owned by Christina School District, located at 300 Executive Drive, Pencader Industrial Park in New Castle with […]


Jason Schaffer promoted to Deputy Warden at James T. Vaughn Correctional Center

Smyrna, DE – The Delaware Department of Correction (DOC) announced today that James T. Vaughn Correctional Center (JTVCC) Security Superintendent Major Jason Schaffer has been promoted to Deputy Warden of JTVCC. The promotion is effective immediately. Schaffer’s promotion fills the vacancy created when then-Deputy Warden Philip Parker was promoted in March to Warden of Howard […]


DNREC Invites Youngsters to Enjoy ‘Small Fry Adventures’ at Aquatic Resources Education Center

DNREC encourages families with children 4 to 7 to enjoy exciting “Small Fry Adventures,” a free program about tidal salt marsh and the critters that live there, being held this summer at the Aquatic Resources Education Center near Smyrna.

  • Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
  • Division of Fish and Wildlife
  • News
  • Aquatic Resources Education Center
  • children
  • education
  • fish
  • outdoors and recreation
  • Small Fry Adventures


Grants to Support Community Learning Centers

Seven sites will benefit from 21st Century Community Learning Center grants to establish or expand community learning centers that provide students with enrichment opportunities when school is not in session. 


Governor Carney, Federal Delegation, General Assembly and Community Celebrate Investments in Kingswood Community Center

Groundbreaking ceremony touted $56 million for early education, senior care, and community programs   WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney joined U.S. Senator Tom Carper, State Senator Darius Brown, State Representative Stephanie T. Bolden, other elected officials, and community members at a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Kingswood Community Center.   Kingswood Community Center, managed by […]

  • Governor John Carney
  • News
  • Office of the Governor


Delaware Department of Agriculture Issues Warning on Recent Sales of Backyard Poultry and Equipment

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is warning backyard flock owners who may have recently purchased poultry, fowl, and poultry equipment from an individual in Hartly, Delaware, selling through online marketplaces and local venues within the past 45 days.


DSHA Launches Landlord Incentive Program to Expand Housing Opportunities for Voucher Holders

Dover, Del. September XX, 2024 – The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) is excited to announce the launch of its new Landlord Incentive Program, designed to enhance housing opportunities for individuals and families holding Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV). The Delaware State Housing Authority’s HCV program provides housing subsidies to eligible low-income individuals and […]

  • Delaware State Housing Authority
  • Landlord Incentive Program


Jimmy Carter Turns 100 - 1st Ever US President To Reach Century Mark

Jimmy Carter celebrated his 100th birthday on Tuesday - the first ever US president to reach the century mark and another extraordinary milestone for the one-time peanut farmer who found his way to the White House.


DDR5 12.8Gbps MRDIMM IP: Powering the Future of AI, HPC, and Data Centers

The demand for higher-performance computing is greater than ever. Cutting-edge applications in artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and databases require high-speed memory systems to handle the ever-increasing volumes and complexities of data. Advancements in cloud computing and machine virtualization are stretching the limits of current capabilities. AI applications hosted in the cloud rely on fast access and reduced latency in memory systems, which is amplified by an increasing number of CPU and GPU cores.

Introducing the DDR5 Multiplexed Rank DIMM (MRDIMM), the next-generation memory module technology designed to meet the needs of high-performance computing (HPC) and AI in cloud applications. By leveraging existing DDR5 DRAM memory devices, MRDIMM modules not only double the DRAM data rate but also maintain the RAS capabilities of the industry-proven RDIMM modules, setting a new precedent for memory module performance.

Let’s compare RDIMM and MRDIMM modules using the same DRAM parts. Today, high-speed production DDR5 RDIMM modules run at 5600Mbps. Those modules use DDR5 DRAM parts, which also run at 5600Mbps. An MRDIMM module using the same DDR5 5600Mbps DRAM parts will run at a blazing 11.2Gbps.

One key metric for best-in-class performance, low bit error rate (BER), and ease of adoption is the eye diagram. The eye diagram illustrates at-speed system margin and accurately represents DDR system quality when captured with a pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS)-like pattern. The diagram below illustrates Cadence’s 3nm silicon write eye diagram for DDR5 MRDIMM IP running at 12.8Gbps.

Cadence 3nm DDR5 MRDIMM 12.8Gbps test chip write eye diagram, design kit is available today

The eye diagram is captured using a PRBS-like pattern, incorporating a package and system board representative of a typical MRDIMM channel. Using PRBS-like patterns is crucial for capturing accurate eye diagrams. Repetitive clock-like data patterns create deceptively “open eyes” that do not reflect the real system performance. Effects like intersymbol interference, simultaneous switching, reflections, and crosstalk are not accurately reflected in the eye diagrams for parallel interfaces like DDR using non-random data streams. Relying on improperly captured eye diagrams inevitably leads to a significantly worse real system BER than conveyed by that eye diagram.

Doubling the DDR5 RDIMM data rate is challenging. Achieving high performance while optimizing for area and power requires multiple design techniques. Feed-forward equalization (FFE), decision feedback equalization (DFE), continuous-time linear equalization (CTLE), and T-coils are required to reach 12.8Gbps MRDIMM data rates in multi-channel systems. Building a production-worthy 12.8Gbps DDR5 MRDIMM IP requires engineering expertise that comes from many generations of memory interface design and production experience. Cadence has developed this expertise through multiple DDR5/4, LPDDR5X/5, and GDDR6 designs in different technology nodes and foundries. For instance, Cadence’s GDDR6 IP is available in three foundries and ten process nodes, with mass production at speeds exceeding 22Gbps.

For your next project, consider DDR5 12.8Gbps MRDIMM, a technology that not only doubles the bandwidth of DDR5 RDIMM but also promises rapid proliferation into next-generation AI, data center, HPC, and enterprise applications. With its cutting-edge capabilities, the Cadence DDR5 12.8Gbps MRDIMM IP is ready to power the future of computing.


Allegro X APD - Tip of the week: Wondering how to set two adjacent layers as conductor layers! Then this post should help you.

By default, a dielectric must separate each pair of conductor layers in the cross-section of a design. In rare cases, this does not represent the real, manufactured substrate.

If your design requires you to have conductor layers that are not separated by a dielectric (such as, for half-etch designs), there is a variable that needs to be set in Allegro X APD. You must set this by enabling the variable icp_allow_adjacent_conductors. This entry, and its location in the User Preferences Editor, are shown in the following image.

The Objects on adjacent conductor layers do not electrically connect together, automatically. A via must be used to establish the inter-layer connections.

When enabling this option, it is recommended to exercise caution because excluding dielectric layers from your cross-section can lead to inaccurate calculations, including the calculations for signal integrity and via heights. It is important that your cross-section accurately reflect the finished product to ensure the most accurate results possible. Any dielectric layers present in the manufactured part need to be in the cross-section for accurate extraction, 3D viewing, and so on.

Let us know your comments on the various designs that would require adjacent conductor layers.


Ascent: Training Insights: DE-HDL Libraries in Allegro X System Capture

Allegro X System Capture offers a complete ecosystem for library development. This post introduces the latest DE-HDL Library Development using System Capture course in which you learn how to create different library objects. As a librarian, you often work with numerous libraries. Your tasks include creating or modifying symbols for libraries. To use Allegro X System Capture to create a library, you can follow the steps in the following flowchart: Let’s go through each step in detail. Setting the CDS_SITE Variable Before you start library development for a new project, set the CDS_SITE system environment variable. This step is required to access libraries and other configuration files. Creating a Project in Allegro X System Capture The next step is to create a project in Allegro X System Capture. Adding a Library to the Project Symbol development consists of creating symbol graphics, electrical data, and properties used by different tools in the PCB design flow. To add a library to a project, first create a library in the Libraries pane of the Project e xplorer. Creating Library Symbols The library development process supports the creation of various types of symbols. Creating a Symbol with Multiple Views You can generate multiple views of the same symbol using the Duplicate command. For example, a discrete symbol, such as a resistor, can have multiple views, as shown in the following image: Creating a Split Symbol For advanced designs, you often need to create library symbols and break them into multiple sections to support the design process. When a symbol shows all the logical pins in the physical package, it is called a single-section or flat symbol. Many large ICs have several pins and the symbols need to fit on a single schematic page. One workaround is to use vector pin names on a symbol to reduce its size, although manufacturers prefer schematics that show each pin. You can divide these high-pin count devices into smaller pieces, where each piece is a separate version of the part. Such parts are referred to as split parts or multi-section symbols. For multi-section symbols, you can create two types of split parts—symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical Split Symbols A symmetrical split symbol has only one symbol graphic, which holds two or more identical logic symbols, each with its own unique physical pin numbers. You can create a symmetrical split symbol using the Duplicate Section icon in the canvas window. Each symbol section contains the same set of pins but different pin numbers, as shown in the following image: Asymmetrical Split Symbols An asymmetrical split symbol is a symbol whose physical package contains one or more unique schematic symbols. You can create an asymmetrical split symbol by clicking the New Section icon in the canvas window. Asymmetrical symbols have a unique set of logical pins, as shown in the following image: Creating Symbols Using the Spreadsheet Interface To simplify the development of large symbols, Allegro X System Capture has a Spreadsheet Interface . You can copy from a spreadsheet into the interface. This saves time and helps minimize errors introduced by manual entry. In conclusion, the DE-HDL library development using Allegro X System Capture course involves several critical steps and supports various symbol creation techniques. This course helps librarians create and modify symbols effortlessly and deepens their understanding of library development within Allegro X System Capture. To learn more about this topic, enroll in the DE-HDL Library Development using Allegro X System Capture course on the Cadence Support portal . Click the training byte link now or visit Cadence Support and search for training bytes under Video Library. If you find the post useful and want to delve deeper into training details, enroll in the following online training course for lab instructions and a downloadable design: DE-HDL Library Development using Allegro X System Capture (Online). You can become Cadence Certified once you complete the course. Cadence Training Services now offers free Digital Badges for all popular online training courses. These badges indicate proficiency in a certain technology or skill and give you a way to validate your expertise to managers and potential employers. You can add the digital badge to your email signature or any social media channels, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, to highlight your expertise. To find out more, see the blog post Take a Cadence Masterclass and Get a Badge . You might also be interested in the training Learning Map that guides you through recommended course flows as well as tool experience and knowledge-level training modules. To find information on how to get an account on the Cadence Learning and Support portal, see here . SUBSCRIBE to the Cadence training newsletter to be updated about upcoming training, webinars, and much more. If you have any questions about courses, schedules, online training, blended/virtual live training, or public, or onsite live training, reach out to us at Cadence Training .


Solutions to Maximize Data Center Performance Featured at OCP Global Summit 2024

The demand for higher compute performance, energy efficiency, and faster time-to-market drove the conversations at this year's Open Compute Project (OCP) Global Summit in San Jose, California. It was the scene of showcasing groundbreaking innovations, expert-led sessions, and networking opportunities to drive the future of data center technology. For those who didn't get to attend or stop by our booth, here's a recap of Cadence's comprehensive solutions that enable next-generation compute technology, AI data center design, analysis, and optimization. Optimized Data Center Design and Operations As the data center community increasingly faces demands for enhanced efficiency, thermal management, sustainability, and performance optimization, data center operators, IT managers, and executives are looking for solutions to these challenges. At the Cadence booth, attendees explored the Cadence Reality Digital Twin Platform and Celsius EC Solver. These technologies are pivotal in achieving high-performance standards for AI data centers, providing advanced digital twin modeling capabilities that redefine next-generation data center design and operation. The Celsius EC Solver demonstration showed how it solves challenging thermal and electronics cooling management problems with precision and speed. CadenceCONNECT: Take the Heat Out of Your AI Data Center Cadence hosted a networking reception on October 16 titled "Take the Heat Out of Your AI Data Center." In today's AI era, managing the heat generated by high-density computing environments is more critical than ever. This reception offered insights into current and emerging data center technologies, digital twin cooling strategies that deliver energy-saving operations, and a chance to engage with industry leaders, Cadence experts, and peers to explore the latest cooling, AI, and GPU acceleration advancements. Here's a recap: Researcher, author, and entrepreneur Dr. Jon Koomey highlighted the inefficiency of data centers in his talk "The Rise of Zombie Data Centers," noting that 20-30% of their capacity is stranded and unused. He advocated for organizational changes and technological solutions like digital twins to reduce wasted energy and improve computational effectiveness as AI deployments increase. In "A New Millennium in Multiphysics System Analysis," Cadence Corporate VP Ben Gu explained the company's significant strides in multiphysics system analysis, evolving from chip simulation to a broader application of computational software for simulating various physical systems, including entire data centers. He noted that the latest Cadence venture, a digital twin platform for data center optimization, opened the opportunity to use simulation technology to optimize the efficiency of data centers. Senior Software Engineering Group Director Albert Zeng highlighted the Cadence Reality DC suite's ability to transform data center operations through simulation, emphasizing its multi-phase engine for optimal thermal performance and the integration of AI capabilities for enhanced design and management. A panel discussion titled "Turning AI Factory Blueprints into Reality at the Speed of Light" featured industry experts from NVIDIA, Norman Wright Precision Environmental and Power, NV5, Switch Data Centers, and Cadence, who explored the evolving requirements and multidimensional challenges of AI factories, emphasizing the need for collaboration across the supply chain to achieve high-performing and sustainable data centers. Watch the highlights. Transforming Designs from Chips to Data Centers The OCP Global Summit 2024 has reaffirmed its status as a pivotal event for data center professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Cadence's contributions, from groundbreaking digital twin technologies to innovative cooling strategies, have shed light on the path forward for efficient, sustainable data centers. For data center professionals, IT managers, and engineers, the insights gained at this summit are invaluable in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the burgeoning AI era. Partnering with Arm Arm Total Design Cadence is a member of the Arm Total Design program. At an invitation-only special Arm event, Cadence's VP of Research and Development, Lokesh Korlipara, delivered a presentation focusing on data center challenges and design solutions with Arm Neoverse Compute Subsystem (CSS). The session highlighted: Efficient integration of Arm Neoverse CSS into system on chips (SoCs) with pre-integrated connectivity IP Performance analysis and verification of the Neoverse CSS integration into the SoC through Cadence's System VIP verification suite and automated testbench creation, enhancing both quality and productivity Jumpstarting designs through Cadence's collaboration with Arm for 3D-IC system planning, chiplets, and interposers Design Services readiness and global scale to support and/or deliver the most demanding Arm Neoverse CSS-based SoC design projects Cadence Supports Arm CSS in Arm Booth During the event, Cadence conducted a demo in the Arm booth that showcased the Cadence System VIP verification suite. The demo highlighted automated testbench creation and performance analysis for integrating the Arm CSS into SoCs while enhancing verification quality and productivity. Summary Cadence offers data center solutions for designing everything from the compute and networking chips to the board, racks, data centers, and campuses. Stay connected with Cadence and other industry leaders to continue exploring the innovations set to redefine the future of data centers. Learn More Cadence Joins Arm Total Design Cadence Arm-Based Solutions Cadence Reality Digital Twin Platform


Prevent routing on adjacent layers without affecting pour


I have a sensitive trace on layer 2 and I would like to prevent any routing along or across it on adjacent layers (L1 and L3).

My idea was to use a route keepout shape on L1 and L3, however that also removed the ground pour on those layers and I would like to keep the ground pour.

Can I get around this somehow or should I use something else than route keepout?




Frankfurt (Oder) looks to get the incentives mix right

The federal state of Brandenburg is committed to ensuring investors are welcomed into Frankfurt (Oder) through a string of generous incentives.


New PwC delivery centre to meet Australian demand for cyber services

Australia’s demand for cyber services has prompted PwC Australia to open a new onshore delivery centre in Adelaide, South Australia.


Insight – The impact of recent South American free trade agreements on Australian agriculture

Recent South American free trade agreements will have implications for Australian agricultural exports.


Insight – Key drivers of recent global vegetable oil and cereal price volatility

This article examines the key drivers of price volatility for vegetable oils and cereals, and the implications for Australian exporters.


LG has a stretchable display that can expand by 50 percent

LG has unveiled a stretchable display that can expand up to 50 percent.


Aussie food and beverage front and centre at Fijian trade show

Australian food and beverage were a hit at HOTEC, Fiji's premium tourism and hospitality trade event.

  • Latest from Austrade


Data centre operator NEXTDC announces major investment in Malaysian digital economy

Australian data centre operator NEXTDC Limited is building its first overseas facility in Malaysia.

  • Latest from Austrade


East-West Center to Launch #galswithLEI Global Webinar Series

East-West Center to Launch #galswithLEI Global Webinar Series East-West Center to Launch #galswithLEI Global Webinar Series

News Release


News Release



East-West Center and Hawai'i Green Growth Local 2030 Hub Sign Cooperative Agreement

East-West Center and Hawai'i Green Growth Local 2030 Hub Sign Cooperative Agreement East-West Center and Hawai'i Green Growth Local 2030 Hub Sign Cooperative Agreement

News Release


News Release
