
Hoy incrementan precios de alimentos que no han podido ingresar a Bogotá: minAgricultura

En el programa 6AM de Caracol Radio, Martha Carvajalino, la ministra de Agricultura, hizo hincapié en cuáles son los departamentos más afectados con incrementos en el precio de alimentos 


2 millones de personas podrían estar en riesgo de perder el subsidio de gas: Gasnova

En 6AM habló Alejandro Martínez, presidente de Gasnova, sobre el riesgo de que familias de estratos 1 y 2 puedan perder el subsidio de gas en 2025


Hezbolá tiene mucho poder, la situación es crítica: embajador de Colombia en Líbano

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Edwin Ostos, embajador de Colombia en Líbano, para hablar sobre cuál es la situación en Líbano tras los bombardeos de Israel y el balance de fallecidos y heridos.


A Fondo con Juan Carlos Echeverry: ¿Cuáles podrían ser las consecuencias del fracaso del recaudo de impuestos en Colombia?

La Dian volvió a fracasar en el recaudo de impuestos


Estamos en alerta y seguimos en crisis, no podemos relajarnos: Acueducto por racionamiento

En Caracol Radio estuvo Natasha Avendaño, gerente de la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá, conversando sobre la situación actual del suministro de agua en la capital.


“No podemos ceder ante chantajes y coerciones de los grupos armados”: Laura Sarabia

La directora del Dapre, estuvo en ‘6AM Hoy por Hoy’, abordó el balance de la visita del gobierno Petro en El Plateado.


¿Cómo podría afectar a Colombia la gobernabilidad de Trump? Ariel Ávila responde

Ariel Ávila, senador, habló sobre en qué ámbitos podría la gobernabilidad de Donald Trump afectaría a Colombia


How I Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts can be listened to virtually anywhere and at any time, which is probably why they have become so popular. By the very nature of their flexible listening options podcast listeners will undoubtedly have their own podcast listening habits and I’m certainly no exception.

The post How I Listen to Podcasts appeared first on Richard Farrar.


Podcast Skype Interview Guidelines for Guests

Using Skype to conduct interviews with guests for your podcast is fairly easy but potential inexperience of your guests can lead to sub-optimal audio quality. The following simple tips can significantly improve the audio quality of such an interview ensuring that you and your guest come across at your very best in the final podcast.

The post Podcast Skype Interview Guidelines for Guests appeared first on Richard Farrar.


Top Podcast Directories to Submit Your Podcast

Podcasts are increasing in popularity but if no one knows about your podcast then you're unlikely to get many downloads. To increase traffic to your podcast people have to be able to find it and the easiest way of achieving this is by submitting your podcast to a selection of key podcast directories.

The post Top Podcast Directories to Submit Your Podcast appeared first on Richard Farrar.


OpenShift AI podcast 2024-Jan-19


Is your next outdoor misadventure fit for a podcast episode?

"One of the common themes in our survival stories is that it's almost never just one thing that goes wrong,” shared Peter Frick-Wright, host of the Outside Podcast.


Kickin it with Kiz Podcast: What Bill Belichick, Nick Saban exits say about what Sean Payton has to do in Broncos Country

In the latest edition of the Kickin' it with Kiz podcast, sports columnist Mark Kiszla reflects on a pair of coaching legends calling it quits in the same week.


Aeziah Divine Eyes Regular Podium Finishes

[Written by Stephen Wright] Bermudian motorcycle racer Aeziah Divine hopes to become a perennial podium contender as he targets a top-three finish in the FAB-Racing Minibike British Championship this season. Divine, 12, is confident he can mix it with the best riders in the MK50 class as he builds towards the opening race of the campaign […]


Divine Helps Bermudian Team Reach Podium

[Written by Stephen Wright] A part Bermudian-owned motorcycle racing team featuring two local riders ended their season on the podium in the recent final round of the Freetech Endurance Championship at the Circuito de Andalucia in Almería in Spain. Team CSR #43’s line-up included Bermudians John Cook, the team co-owner, and teenage guest rider Aeziah […]


Scott Barnes Targets Podium In Pro Tour

[Written by Stephen Wright] Karting driver Scott Barnes aims to build on his promising start to the Skusa Pro Tour when he races in the SpringNationals at the Motorsports Country Club of Cincinnati this week. Barnes, who competes in the Shifter Masters class, won the pre-final and final in the opening round and the pre-final […]


Barnes Reaches SKUSA Pro Tour Podium Twice

Scott Barnes continued competing on the SKUSA Pro Tour as races in the Spring Nationals at the Motorsports Country Club of Cincinnati got underway. Competing in the Master Shifter Sponsored by Fury Motorsport/GP USA Class Qualifiers, Barnes clocked the 5th fastest time of 54.164 which came on his fourth lap. Barnes made the podium in […]


Scott Barnes Happy With Two Podiums

[Written by Stephen Wright] Karting driver Scott Barnes enjoyed a “double podium” weekend in the Skusa Pro Tour Spring Nationals at the Motorsports Country Club of Cincinnati in Ohio at the weekend. The Bermudian, who competes in the Shifter Masters class, entered rounds three and four of the series leading the standings after a successful […]


Scott Barnes Eyeing Podiums In Cincinnati

[Written by Stephen Wright] Karting driver Scott Barnes will look to return to top form when he races in the third round of the Stars Championship Series, the Clash at the Club, in Cincinnati, Ohio, this weekend. Barnes, who competes in the Shifter Masters and ROK classes, knows he needs some impressive displays at the […]


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 310: GOALS & Geofencing

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: a factual clarification about the procedure to get a Massachusetts Non-Resident License to Carry; a 4th Amendment case that went in the favor of liberty; a vehicular assault that was stopped by a … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 311: Machine Guns For Every Owl

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss court cases involving: machine guns being ruled as bearable arms; California required to issue Non-Resident Carry permits; another challenge to the Maryland assault weapons ban. David brings us an interview with Jan Wolbrecht … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 312: Knives are also Arms

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: a 5th Circuit ruling that marijuana use can’t preclude gun ownership; switchblades now being legal in Massachusetts; Hawaii relaxing their laws on blade and impact weapons; a Hawaiian gun buyback with some dubious … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 313: We Need to Address Mental Health

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: the journal of the Covenant school shooter; a school shooting in Georgia, and not only was the shooter arrested, but so was his father; the Ninth Circuit has stuck down some, but not … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 314: Shots, Lies, and Tongue Suppressors

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: bodycam video of the Georgia shooter and his father being interviewed last year, and it might surprise you; a defensive shooting at a pro-Israel demonstration in Newton, MA where the defender was arrested … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 315: We Have Show Notes For a Reason

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: a minor but important change to Massachusetts’ new training requirements; the goofiness of the SKS used by the would-be Trump assassin; the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals being petitioned to stop treating the … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 316: Sinister Segments

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: a declaration that suspended the 2nd Amendment in a Florida city during Hurricane Helene; a police chief in Massachusetts who was reprimanded for speaking out against an unconstitutional law; Brandon Herrera’s re-creation of … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 317: What If Scaramanga Used a Golden Retro AR-15?

In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: Gov. Maura Healey signing the emergency preamble to the new Massachusetts gun law, and its details are insane; SCOTUS hearing a case on “Ghost Guns” in Garland v. VanDerStok; 2023’s FBI Crime Statistics,  and … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 318: BS in the Front, Party in the Back

Weer’d, Weer’d, Weer’d. It’s all about Weer’d this episode. In This Episode Erin and Weer’d discuss: the new NRA Executive Vice President’s disturbing (cat) skeleton in his closet; Tim Walz going “hunting”, and the questions it raises about his knowledge … Continue reading


Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 319: There is no Weer’d, only DODD!

Weer’d is feeling sick after his colonoscopy, but Erin, David, and Oddball have come to the  rescue with an ACP Round Table. In This Episode We discuss: gun manufacturers handing over purchaser information taken from warranty cards to political groups; … Continue reading


Vlci jsou přemnožení. Jak dál s ochranou hospodářských zvířat před nimi?

V konkurenci s výší škod působených na lesních i polních pozemcích přemnoženou zvěří zůstává v pozadí další z narůstajících problémů naší krajiny – totiž škody působené v ČR se úspěšně množícími vlky. Vlci přitom působí škody především chovatelům hospodářských zvířat, hlavně pak ovcí, koz a skotu. Jednou z výzev do budoucnosti je tak mimo jiné přijmout rozumná pravidla regulující stavy vlčí populace.


Trump a podivný sen libertariánských miliardářů o vlastních královstvích

Během předvolební kampaně Donalda Trumpa se pozornost soustředila především na jeho kontroverzní výroky a soudní stíhání. Daleko zajímavější pohled ale skýtá volební program zveřejněný na Trumpových osobních stránkách. Nejenže napovídá, kdo za jeho kampaní stál, ale také, po čem šedé eminence v jejím pozadí touží. Pokud se například naplní sliby vizionářské sekce Kvantový skok, mohou v USA brzy vzniknout samosprávné městské mikrostáty ovládané autoritářskými miliardáři. V programu Donalda Trumpa pro ně existuje hezké jméno Freedom Cities – Města svobody.


Řízení investičního rizika v podmínkách tržní volatility

Investování je umění kombinovat znalosti, strategii a intuici, abychom dosáhli zisku. Každé investiční rozhodnutí však nese riziko a jeho řízení je klíčovým prvkem pro dlouhodobý úspěch na trhu. Zejména v době zvýšené volatility, kdy jsou finanční trhy náchylné k náhlým výkyvům, je schopnost řídit riziko prioritou. Dokonce i zkušení investoři mohou čelit výzvám, které mohou negativně ovlivnit jejich portfolia, pokud nevyužijí správné techniky ochrany kapitálu.


Startuje nový newsletter a web 11am.cz Výběr těch nejpodstatnějších trendů a událostí pro rozhodování. Vede ho Lenka Zlámalová

Svět je zahlcený informacemi. Skutečná výzva je výběr těch nejpodstatnějších, které opravdu ovlivňují rozhodování. Ukazují trendy a směr. A jejich jasné, stručné, analytické podání. Přesně to vám chceme v novém newsletteru a webu 11am nabídnout. Startujeme dnes, 11. 11. 2024 přesně v 11 hodin. Na www.11am.cz za předplatné 1 111 korun měsíčně.


Fištejn: Na Ukrajině neprobíhá konflikt etnický, ale civilizační. Proruský separatismus je neopodstatněný

Aby byla vzpoura povýšena na revoluci, musí nejdříve zvítězit. Extremista, který ve svém boji uspěl, se může stát bojovníkem za svobodu – aspoň pro dějepravu vlastního národa. Základním problémem každé definice je, že se politické pojmosloví zpravidla nepoužívá ve svém normativním významu. Ještě donedávna se výstižně vtipkovalo, že rozdíl mezi demokracií obecně a demokracií socialistickou je zhruba stejný jako mezi křeslem a elektrickým křeslem.


Apple выпустила новую прошивку для AirPods Pro 2 и AirPods 4

Apple обновила прошивку для AirPods 4 и AirPods Pro 2 с разъёмами Lightning и USB-C. Номер сборки для AirPods 4 — 7B20, для AirPods Pro 2 — 7B21. Все модели наушников ранее работали на прошивке 7B19. Apple заявляет, что в этих обновлениях были исправлены ошибки и внесены улучшения. Более подробную информацию компания не раскрыла. AirPods...


Kuo: Apple Planning Smart Home Camera and New AirPods With More Health Features

In a blog post today, Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo revealed two new products that Apple apparently plans to release in a few years from now, including a smart home camera and updated AirPods with more health management features.

Kuo said mass production of Apple's smart home camera is scheduled to begin in 2026, and the company apparently aims to sell tens of millions of them over the long term. He said the camera will have wireless connectivity, and deep integration with Apple Intelligence and Siri, but he did not mention any other specific features.

Previous rumors have indicated that Apple is planning to release a smart home display, but that device is expected to launch as early as 2025, so it seems like the 2026 camera that Kuo has mentioned here is a different product.

As for the AirPods, Kuo simply said that future models of the earbuds will have "more health management features" like the Apple Watch, and that Chinese manufacturer Goertek will serve as the primary supplier of a 2026 AirPods model. The new smart home camera will also be assembled by Goertek, according to the analyst.

We previously reported that Apple's upcoming Powerbeats Pro 2 will offer heart rate monitoring during workouts, and perhaps that feature will extend to AirPods in the future. In addition, health-focused sensors that could allow for features like body temperature measuring have been rumored for AirPods in the past.

Related Roundup: AirPods 4
Buyer's Guide: AirPods (Buy Now)
Related Forum: AirPods

This article, "Kuo: Apple Planning Smart Home Camera and New AirPods With More Health Features" first appeared on MacRumors.com

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Powerbeats Pro 2 Leak Hints at Useful Health Feature Coming to AirPods

Apple plans to add more health-related features to future AirPods models, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, and the upcoming Powerbeats Pro 2 might offer a hint.

We previously reported that the Powerbeats Pro 2 will offer heart rate monitoring during workouts, and perhaps that feature will extend to AirPods in the future. Based on our iOS 18 code findings, you will be able to connect the Powerbeats Pro 2 to gym equipment like a treadmill to measure heart rate, and the data will be visible in the Health app and other supported apps on the iPhone. Apple previously announced that the Powerbeats Pro 2 will be released in 2025, and AirPods Pro 3 are also rumored to launch next year.

Heart rate monitoring has in fact been rumored for the AirPods Pro multiple times, but the feature has yet to come to fruition. With the feature now seemingly ready for Powerbeats Pro 2, though, it could finally come to AirPods too.

AirPods are also rumored to gain body temperature sensing in the future, after the Apple Watch Series 8 and newer gained a wrist temperature feature.

Related Roundups: AirPods 4, AirPods Pro
Related Forum: AirPods

This article, "Powerbeats Pro 2 Leak Hints at Useful Health Feature Coming to AirPods" first appeared on MacRumors.com

Discuss this article in our forums


National Geographic Launches World Atlas App for iPhone & iPod Touch!

Now Available!

Easy-to-use, feature packed, and containing the world’s best maps, the National Geographic World Atlas enables you to browse, search, and zoom detailed maps of the globe.

Unlike other atlas applications, the National Geographic World Atlas utilizes our highest resolution, “press-ready” images, providing you the same rich detail, accuracy, and artistic beauty found in our award-winning wall maps and bound atlases.

The National Geographic World Atlas contains 7 different levels of National Geographic cartography, plus through our unique partnership with Microsoft, 7 bonus levels of Microsoft Bing maps enabling you to zoom in close enough to see your home! Learn more...

Now available in the iTunes App Store! Click here to buy now...

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Now available in the iTunes App Store! Click here to buy now...


Gillings makes World Cup podium

British number one Zoe Gillings is "over the moon" with World Cup podium in Valmalenco.


16.2: Can We Just Buy Out J.K. Rowling? (Reaction Pod)

The internet went crazy today when a rumor seemed to break through about the always-destined Harry Potter television show — specifically that while no series is actually in the works, WB is now officially shopping for writers and pitches for an HBO Max event. We did a quick-and-dirty reaction pod with our three hosts and our good friend Proma Khosla, a longtime LeakyCon staffer and Mashable entertainment reporter, to break down the news, what it means for the franchise, and what the fandom does now. 

Basically, we decided the fandom just needs to get a trillion dollars together and buy the franchise from JKR. 

You can follow Proma on Twitter at @promawhatup  and read her Mashable articles here!


Don't forget to follow us on @pottercast on Twitter and @pottercastpod on Instagram!

Join our patreon! patreon.com/pottercast - Now, you can also join our Discord community there!

You can also buy PotterCast-related merch at mischiefmerch.com!


Arsenal Women Arsecast Episode 81: Conti Cup Winners Celebration Pod

On this episode of the Arsenal Women Arsecast, Tim is joined by Max Radwan from the Pot Shot Podcast to discuss Arsenal’s Conti Cup Final win over Chelsea. Tim and Max talk about the line up choices, the performances of Victoria Pelova and Emily Fox, match winning moments from Manu Zinsberger and Stina Blackstenius, Emma Hayes’ comments about Jonas Eidevall post-match, the celebratory scenes between the players and supporters and whether this victory can be a launchpad for a better campaign next season.

You can follow Max on Twitter Max_Rads and subscribe to his Arsenal Women newsletter here :: You can follow Tim on Twitter @Stillmanator

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


PODCAST! Arseblog & ArsenalVision - live at Ally Pally 2024

This episode is the audio only version of our live podcast with our friends from ArsenalVision. It was recorded live at Ally Pally Theatre on Saturday May 18th, the day before the final game of the season – so the discussion reflects that.

You can see a video version on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/UYlUR0pkqSo

Get extra bonus content and help support Arseblog by becoming an Arseblog Member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/arseblog

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


01 – The Internet Musician – Podcast Launch and Describing Your Music

Welcome to the first episode of the Internet Musician Podcast! Show notes for Episode #1: Subscribe to the Internet Musician Podcast with iTunes: The first episode of The Internet Musician Podcast, hosted by indie artist and internet music marketing junkie Brian Hartzog (http://www.brianhartzog.net).  In this introductory episode, Brian introduces himself, his indie music credentials and […]

  • Podcast
  • describe your music
  • internet music promotion
  • music marketing podcast
  • promotion your music on the internet
  • The Internet Musician Podcast


Hear Tom on The Software Engineering Daily Podcast


If you've ever googled a CS or programming question, you likely found an answer (or many) on Stack Overflow. Founded in 2008 and named after a common computing error, Stack Overflow empowers the world to develop technology through collective knowledge. More than 100 million people visit Stack Overflow every month making it one of the 50 most-visited websites in the world. Stack Overflow's products include its market-leading knowledge sharing and collaboration platform, Stack Overflow for Teams, in addition to Stack Overflow Reach & Relevance, which is focused on advertising.

Stack Overflow for Teams is a knowledge sharing and collaboration solution that developers and managers already know and trust. It's for companies who need to increase productivity, decrease cycle times, accelerate time to market, and protect institutional knowledge. In this episode we talk with Tom Limoncelli, a manager at Stack Overflow, author, and tech advocate.

Listen to the podcast by clicking here!