
Cantar 'Venceremos' en Estambul

La izquierda turca celebra el 1 de Mayo en la plaza de Taksim en Estambul, todo una demostración de fuera - y alegría - en la precampaña electoral. Hubo 38.500 policías en alguna parte, pero ningún incidente. En lugar de buscar enfrentamientos, los turcos cantan "Venceremos".


Salvemos Las Ventas

La programación del verano se cierra de mes en mes en una plaza de temporada. En bloques como los estíos pre-apocalípticos de Barcelona. La imagen de los tendidos se empieza a asemejar desde hace demasiado tiempo.


El trono del rey del crimen: "Hemos llegado al máximo nivel de true crime que hay en el mundo"

Cuatro impactantes sucesos acontecidos en España revelan todos sus secretos y voces en los nuevos episodios de Luz en la oscuridad, el programa de Carles Porta, el genio del true crime, en Movistar Plus+ Leer


Comemos mucho más que comida


¡Rescatemos la transparencia!


¿Seremos capaces de adaptarnos?


A bordo de una barca con los pescadores arruinados que buscan cadáveres en La Albufera: "Hemos encontrado muchas cosas que jamás se han visto por estas aguas"

Han pasado de pescar anguila y pasear turistas a buscar desaparecidos en el lago del Parque Natural Leer


Una gran multitud sale a la calle en Valencia y grita: "Barreremos a Mazón como al barro"

130.000 valencianos se lanzaron a la calle para exigir responsabilidades al presidente de la Generalitat por la gestión de la DANA. Escasas referencias a Pedro Sánchez Leer


El ministro Planas a los agricultores afectados por la DANA: "Tenemos la voluntad de que no se abandone ni una hectárea de cosechas"

Las explotaciones agrarias y ganaderas afectadas podrán beneficiarse de ayudas directas por 200 millones. La Generalitat destina 20 millones a reparar los accesos a explotaciones agrarias Leer


Both Republicans and Democrats criticize President over handling of ISIS threat

Pamela Falk, CBS News Foreign Affairs Analyst, discusses the latest with the US response to ISIS and how the rest of the world is reacting.


Zimbabwe: Govt Has Nothing to Do With Demolitions, Says Minister

[New Zimbabwe] GOVERNMENT has distanced itself from the recent demolitions in Ridgeview, Belvedere saying it has ordered the Harare City Council to stop bulldozing houses built illegally in the capital.


Service members in remote areas missing out on transition benefits

DoD's Transition Assistance Program aims to prepare service members for life outside the military. But for members whose final duty station is small or rural, the benefits of TAP are fairly limited.

The post Service members in remote areas missing out on transition benefits first appeared on Federal News Network.


New LYDIA Voice Demo App includes unique 100% voice control and multilanguage recognition features

The advantages of 100% voice-controlled picking processes can now be tried out on any Android smartphone with the release of a new, expanded version of the LYDIA Voice Demo App, now available free-of-charge from the Google Play store. 


Avoiding planning pandemonium in a pandemic: How can you forecast in the new normal?

During the pandemic, the foundations on which retailers, brands and Consumer Products companies rely to determine trade volumes, pricing and promotions have been shaken and, in some cases, broken.


FedRAMP draft memo elicits optimism, but more details needed

Six federal and industry experts praised OMB’s revamped cloud security memo for leaning in on automation and modernizing the Joint Authorization Board concept.

The post FedRAMP draft memo elicits optimism, but more details needed first appeared on Federal News Network.


Datalogic launches new Memor 30/35 Family PDA

Datalogic, provider of automatic data capture solutions, has launched its Memor 30 and 35 flagship mobile computers. The Memor 30/35 is designed to expedite operations with a superior scanning performance in all environments.


Datalogic Memor 30/35 achieves rugged Certification under Android Enterprise Recommended (AER) Program

Datalogic, the global provider of automatic data capture and industrial automation solutions, has announced that the Memor 30/35 has been officially certified as a rugged device under the prestigious Android Enterprise Recommended (AER) program, meeting and surpassing key standards set by Android.


OMB’s new memo details new requirements for buying AI technology

The Office of Management and Budget told agencies in a new memo to proactively manage AI risks, promote a competitive market and manage business processes.

The post OMB’s new memo details new requirements for buying AI technology first appeared on Federal News Network.


Cost pool considerations for remote and multi-state employees

Labor shortages and the desires of employees for a more balanced life are opening the door, now more than ever, for fully remote work options. This can potentially lead to a team of multi-state workers.

The post Cost pool considerations for remote and multi-state employees first appeared on Federal News Network.


Democrats promise an ‘orderly process’ to replace Biden. Harris is favored, but questions remain

President Joe Biden giving up his reelection bid and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris makes her the prohibitive favorite to be nominee in November.

The post Democrats promise an ‘orderly process’ to replace Biden. Harris is favored, but questions remain first appeared on Federal News Network.


Tea with the Taliban to coffee at Waffle House: The importance of veterans in defending American democracy

Virtually every city or town, no matter the size, has existing local programs where veterans can make a difference.

The post Tea with the Taliban to coffee at Waffle House: The importance of veterans in defending American democracy first appeared on Federal News Network.


Trump team vulnerable to cyber threats by not signing transition memos, experts warn

Transition experts say cooperating with GSA is critical to ensure the Trump administration has the cybersecurity resources necessary to protect sensitive data.

The post Trump team vulnerable to cyber threats by not signing transition memos, experts warn first appeared on Federal News Network.


Friday fun: How the Gillette Labs x Razer "gamer" razor brought back some memories

Zach stumbled on a Gillette x Razer razor recently, bringing back memories of the Heated Razor review and a close shave for his boss. #gillette #razer #philips

  • Weird and Quirky Tech


Twitter tests 'soft block' feature to remove unwanted followers as part of moves to improve privacy

Twitter tests 'soft block' feature to remove unwanted followers as part of moves to improve privacy


We need to remove emissions at a major scale: Is carbon capture the answer?

We need to remove emissions at a major scale: Is carbon capture the answer?


Alexei Navalny's posthumous memoir released in Germany

Alexei Navalny's posthumous memoir released in Germany


NO COMMENT: Hundreds demonstrate in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for release of hostages in Gaza

NO COMMENT: Hundreds demonstrate in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for release of hostages in Gaza


The Hunt For The Laws Of Physics Behind Memory And Thought

The massive networks of neurons in our brains produce complex behaviors, like actions and thought. Now physicists want to understand the laws that govern this emergent phenomena.


The Surprising Accuracy of Memory

Our memories are more reliable than experts predicted


Brain Stimulation's Complex Emotional Effects

Mapping the emotional responses to deep brain stimulation


Meet Algol, the Demon Star

Meet Algol, a "winking" eclipsing binary star that glares out from the constellation Perseus.

The post Meet Algol, the Demon Star appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

  • Astronomy & Observing News
  • Celestial Objects to Observe
  • Meet the Stars
  • Night Sky Sights
  • Observing
  • Algol


A matter of memory : photography as object in the digital age /

Library - Art Library, Location - OSIZ, Call number - FOLIO TR183 .M38 2016


The destruction of memory /

Library - Art Library, Location - LIB, Call number - Video record 43522 DVD


Biotechnology of Extremophiles: Advances and Challenges

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Darío Jaramillo Agudelo memorias de un ausente

Location: Main Media Collection - Video record 42430 DVD


Haemu = Haemoo

Location: Main Media Collection - Video record 42354 DVD


Understanding Emotions in Early Europe REMAINDER

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Media, memory, and human rights in Chile

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Membrane technologies for water treatment : removal of toxic trace elements with emphasis on arsenic, fluoride and uranium

Location: Engineering Library- TD442.5.M4586 2016


Geology along the South Loop Road, Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park,

Location: Sciences Library Library- QE149.E37 no.4 1973


Remove “External” tag from Outlook Message List

I see an “External” tag in front of the From field for pretty much all of my messages in the Message List.

How can I remove it?


2000: USA, Illinois, Chicago: Assyrian Genocide Memorial

2000: USA, Illinois, Chicago: Assyrian Genocide Memorial


1840: Removal of More Artifacts from Nineveh

1840: Removal of More Artifacts from Nineveh

  • 1800-1899 A.D. Assyrian History


NFC Tools and NFC Tasks demo

A demo of NFC Tools and NFC Tasks to add texts and tasks to NFC tags.
NFC tags are available as keychains, credit card sized cards, stickers and other things.
Many are available on Amazon or on eBay.

Audio File: 


Destine Literare, August 2013: In Memory of Ninos Aho

Destine Literare, August 2013: In Memory of Ninos Aho

  • Assyrian Fine Arts Network


Democracy Forward: People's Guide to Project 2025

Democracy Forward: People's Guide to Project 2025

  • United States Government Information


Assyrian Democratic Movement - ADM, Zowaa - visit NSW Parlia...

Assyrian Democratic Movement - ADM, Zowaa - visit NSW Parliament in Sydney, Australia

  • Assyrian Government Network


Assyrian Memorial Day in Australia - حفل تأبيني بمناسبة يوم ...

Assyrian Memorial Day in Australia - حفل تأبيني بمناسبة يوم الشهيد الآشوري


Despite what most Democrats say, the US is worth fighting for

A recent poll showed that large numbers of Democrats and young people would rather flee the United States than “stay and fight” if the nation were attacked. This alarming revelation has caused many to criticize Democrats, but the bigger focus should be on why they are wrong.