

What's with all the good drummers dying? We kick things off discussing the sad news. Noa discussed locking herself out...

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  • Metal Injection Livecast



What an eventful edition of the Metal Injection Livecast! We kick things off talking about the new Dave Mustaine memoir...

The post METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #553 - Full On Lip appeared first on Metal Injection.

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We kick things off talking about the Rage Against the Machine reunion. We then discuss the summer touring season and...

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  • Metal Injection Livecast


Modern Website Deliverables

You’re hiring a web designer or providing web design services, what’s included in a normal project? In other words, what are the deliverables, and the use of a membership website builder could be essential for this. Let’s start by defining what a deliverable is. Wikipedia defines a deliverable as: …a tangible or intangible good or […]

The post Modern Website Deliverables appeared first on Psychology of Web Design | 3.7 Blog.


Ramit Sethi: Money + Other Ways to Live Rich

Ditch the idea of yourself as a starving artist. Throw away the notion that you’re doomed to be another poor creative soul. My long time pal Ramit Sethi is back on the show to remind us we need to get back on track to building and living a rich life. And believe me, that doesn’t have to mean cutting back the lattes. Ramit has been on the show a few times, but if you haven’t caught up yet, let me fill you in. Ramit Sethi is the author of the NYT bestseller “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and writes for over 500,000 monthly readers on his website, It’s one of my favorite go-to finance resources covering psychology, personal finance, careers, and entrepreneurship. No one has single-handedly given me better insight into the business side of art, than Ramit. Ramit has updated & expanded 2nd edition of his book and joined me for a LIVE studio conversation on money confessions. In this episode we get into: A rich life isn’t only about save money, it’s about defining & prioritizing the things you love the most. It’s one thing to manage our own personal finances but navigating that with […]

The post Ramit Sethi: Money + Other Ways to Live Rich appeared first on Chase Jarvis Photography.


Markdown Comes Alive! Part 1, Basic Editor

In my last post, I covered what LiveView is at a high level. In this series, we’re going to dive deeper and implement a LiveView powered Markdown editor called Frampton. This series assumes you have some familiarity with Phoenix and Elixir, including having them set up locally. Check out Elizabeth’s three-part series on getting started with Phoenix for a refresher.

This series has a companion repository published on GitHub. Get started by cloning it down and switching to the starter branch. You can see the completed application on master. Our goal today is to make a Markdown editor, which allows a user to enter Markdown text on a page and see it rendered as HTML next to it in real-time. We’ll make use of LiveView for the interaction and the Earmark package for rendering Markdown. The starter branch provides some styles and installs LiveView.

Rendering Markdown

Let’s set aside the LiveView portion and start with our data structures and the functions that operate on them. To begin, a Post will have a body, which holds the rendered HTML string, and title. A string of markdown can be turned into HTML by calling Post.render(post, markdown). I think that just about covers it!

First, let’s define our struct in lib/frampton/post.ex:

defmodule Frampton.Post do
  defstruct body: "", title: ""

  def render(%__MODULE{} = post, markdown) do
    # Fill me in!

Now the failing test (in test/frampton/post_test.exs):

describe "render/2" do
  test "returns our post with the body set" do
    markdown = "# Hello world!"                                                                                                                 
    assert Post.render(%Post{}, markdown) == {:ok, %Post{body: "<h1>Hello World</h1>

Our render method will just be a wrapper around Earmark.as_html!/2 that puts the result into the body of the post. Add {:earmark, "~> 1.4.3"} to your deps in mix.exs, run mix deps.get and fill out render function:

def render(%__MODULE{} = post, markdown) do
  html = Earmark.as_html!(markdown)
  {:ok, Map.put(post, :body, html)}

Our test should now pass, and we can render posts! [Note: we’re using the as_html! method, which prints error messages instead of passing them back to the user. A smarter version of this would handle any errors and show them to the user. I leave that as an exercise for the reader…] Time to play around with this in an IEx prompt (run iex -S mix in your terminal):

iex(1)> alias Frampton.Post
iex(2)> post = %Post{}
%Frampton.Post{body: "", title: ""}
iex(3)> {:ok, updated_post} = Post.render(post, "# Hello world!")
{:ok, %Frampton.Post{body: "<h1>Hello world!</h1>
", title: ""}}
iex(4)> updated_post
%Frampton.Post{body: "<h1>Hello world!</h1>
", title: ""}

Great! That’s exactly what we’d expect. You can find the final code for this in the render_post branch.

LiveView Editor

Now for the fun part: Editing this live!

First, we’ll need a route for the editor to live at: /editor sounds good to me. LiveViews can be rendered from a controller, or directly in the router. We don’t have any initial state, so let's go straight from a router.

First, let's put up a minimal test. In test/frampton_web/live/editor_live_test.exs:

defmodule FramptonWeb.EditorLiveTest do
  use FramptonWeb.ConnCase
  import Phoenix.LiveViewTest

  test "the editor renders" do
    conn = get(build_conn(), "/editor")
    assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "data-test="editor""

This test doesn’t do much yet, but notice that it isn’t live view specific. Our first render is just the same as any other controller test we’d write. The page’s content is there right from the beginning, without the need to parse JavaScript or make API calls back to the server. Nice.

To make that test pass, add a route to lib/frampton_web/router.ex. First, we import the LiveView code, then we render our Editor:

import Phoenix.LiveView.Router
# … Code skipped ...
# Inside of `scope "/"`:
live "/editor", EditorLive

Now place a minimal EditorLive module, in lib/frampton_web/live/editor_live.ex:

defmodule FramptonWeb.EditorLive do
  use Phoenix.LiveView

  def render(assigns) do
      <div data-test=”editor”>
        <h1>Hello world!</h1>

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, socket}

And we have a passing test suite! The ~L sigil designates that LiveView should track changes to the content inside. We could keep all of our markup in this render/1 method, but let’s break it out into its own template for demonstration purposes.

Move the contents of render into lib/frampton_web/templates/editor/show.html.leex, and replace EditorLive.render/1 with this one liner: def render(assigns), do: FramptonWeb.EditorView.render("show.html", assigns). And finally, make an EditorView module in lib/frampton_web/views/editor_view.ex:

defmodule FramptonWeb.EditorView do
  use FramptonWeb, :view
  import Phoenix.LiveView

Our test should now be passing, and we’ve got a nicely separated out template, view and “live” server. We can keep markup in the template, helper functions in the view, and reactive code on the server. Now let’s move forward to actually render some posts!

Handling User Input

We’ve got four tasks to accomplish before we are done:

  1. Take markdown input from the textarea
  2. Send that input to the LiveServer
  3. Turn that raw markdown into HTML
  4. Return the rendered HTML to the page.

Event binding

To start with, we need to annotate our textarea with an event binding. This tells the liveview.js framework to forward DOM events to the server, using our liveview channel. Open up lib/frampton_web/templates/editor/show.html.leex and annotate our textarea:

<textarea phx-keyup="render_post"></textarea>

This names the event (render_post) and sends it on each keyup. Let’s crack open our web inspector and look at the web socket traffic. Using Chrome, open the developer tools, navigate to the network tab and click WS. In development you’ll see two socket connections: one is Phoenix LiveReload, which polls your filesystem and reloads pages appropriately. The second one is our LiveView connection. If you let it sit for a while, you’ll see that it's emitting a “heartbeat” call. If your server is running, you’ll see that it responds with an “ok” message. This lets LiveView clients know when they've lost connection to the server and respond appropriately.

Now, type some text and watch as it sends down each keystroke. However, you’ll also notice that the server responds with a “phx_error” message and wipes out our entered text. That's because our server doesn’t know how to handle the event yet and is throwing an error. Let's fix that next.

Event handling

We’ll catch the event in our EditorLive module. The LiveView behavior defines a handle_event/3 callback that we need to implement. Open up lib/frampton_web/live/editor_live.ex and key in a basic implementation that lets us catch events:

def handle_event("render_post", params, socket) do

  {:noreply, socket}

The first argument is the name we gave to our event in the template, the second is the data from that event, and finally the socket we’re currently talking through. Give it a try, typing in a few characters. Look at your running server and you should see a stream of events that look something like this:

There’s our keystrokes! Next, let’s pull out that value and use it to render HTML.

Rendering Markdown

Lets adjust our handle_event to pattern match out the value of the textarea:

def handle_event("render_post", %{"value" => raw}, socket) do

Now that we’ve got the raw markdown string, turning it into HTML is easy thanks to the work we did earlier in our Post module. Fill out the body of the function like this:

{:ok, post} = Post.render(%Post{}, raw)

If you type into the textarea you should see output that looks something like this:

Perfect! Lastly, it’s time to send that rendered html back to the page.

Returning HTML to the page

In a LiveView template, we can identify bits of dynamic data that will change over time. When they change, LiveView will compare what has changed and send over a diff. In our case, the dynamic content is the post body.

Open up show.html.leex again and modify it like so:

<div class="rendered-output">
  <%= @post.body %>

Refresh the page and see:


The @post variable will only be available after we put it into the socket’s assigns. Let’s initialize it with a blank post. Open editor_live.ex and modify our mount/3 function:

def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  post = %Post{}
  {:ok, assign(socket, post: post)}

In the future, we could retrieve this from some kind of storage, but for now, let's just create a new one each time the page refreshes. Finally, we need to update the Post struct with user input. Update our event handler like this:

def handle_event("render_post", %{"value" => raw}, %{assigns: %{post: post}} = socket) do
  {:ok, post} = Post.render(post, raw)
  {:noreply, assign(socket, post: post)

Let's load up http://localhost:4000/editor and see it in action.

Nope, that's not quite right! Phoenix won’t render this as HTML because it’s unsafe user input. We can get around this (very good and useful) security feature by wrapping our content in a raw/1 call. We don’t have a database and user processes are isolated from each other by Elixir. The worst thing a malicious user could do would be crash their own session, which doesn’t bother me one bit.

Check the edit_posts branch for the final version.


That’s a good place to stop for today. We’ve accomplished a lot! We’ve got a dynamically rendering editor that takes user input, processes it and updates the page. And we haven’t written any JavaScript, which means we don’t have to maintain or update any JavaScript. Our server code is built on the rock-solid foundation of the BEAM virtual machine, giving us a great deal of confidence in its reliability and resilience.

In the next post, we’ll tackle making a shared editor, allowing multiple users to edit the same post. This project will highlight Elixir’s concurrency capabilities and demonstrate how LiveView builds on them to enable some incredible user experiences.

  • Code
  • Back-end Engineering


Meet SmashingConf Live: Our New Interactive Online Conference

In these strange times when everything is connected, it’s too easy to feel lonely and detached. Yes, everybody is just one message away, but there is always something in the way — deadlines to meet, Slack messages to reply, or urgent PRs to review. Connections need time and space to grow, just like learning, and conferences are a great way to find that time and that space. In fact, with SmashingConfs, we’ve always been trying to create such friendly and inclusive spaces.


Checking Qualitative Liveness Properties of Replicated Systems with Stochastic Scheduling. (arXiv:2005.03555v1 [cs.LO])

We present a sound and complete method for the verification of qualitative liveness properties of replicated systems under stochastic scheduling. These are systems consisting of a finite-state program, executed by an unknown number of indistinguishable agents, where the next agent to make a move is determined by the result of a random experiment. We show that if a property of such a system holds, then there is always a witness in the shape of a Presburger stage graph: a finite graph whose nodes are Presburger-definable sets of configurations. Due to the high complexity of the verification problem (non-elementary), we introduce an incomplete procedure for the construction of Presburger stage graphs, and implement it on top of an SMT solver. The procedure makes extensive use of the theory of well-quasi-orders, and of the structural theory of Petri nets and vector addition systems. We apply our results to a set of benchmarks, in particular to a large collection of population protocols, a model of distributed computation extensively studied by the distributed computing community.


[CANCELED] Blues-rock guitar giant Joe Bonamassa brings his incendiary live show to Spokane

Thirty years into his distinguished career as one of the world's great guitar players, Joe Bonamassa is still finding new ways to showcase his skills, explore new sounds and stretch his artistic horizons.…


Coronavirus concerns have put our live music scene on hold. What do we do now?

On any other week, you can rely on the Inlander for information on live shows happening in Spokane and North Idaho, and to read about the artists and music festivals that we think are worth your time.…


Musicians are posting live streams and personal concerts to make your self-isolation a bit more tuneful

Celebrities: They're just like us! Along with everyone else, famous people are self-isolating at home, and some of them have taken to social media to alleviate the stress of the outside world. We don't need to tell you that events everywhere are canceled, so a few big-time musicians are putting on personal concerts for their fans and followers, and a lot of them — save for that cringe-inducing, star-studded cover of "Imagine" that was going around yesterday — are actually pretty good.…


New music and live streams for your self-isolation pleasure, and ways to support the local music scene

Welcome to the quarantine.…


In lieu of in-person performances, musicians are using social media and live streams to connect with fans

Ask any working musician why they play live, why they lug their equipment to and from bars and restaurants and wine-tasting rooms week after week, and they'll point to the same nebulous thing: It's the connection with an audience.…


The way we work, live and play has changed dramatically. It will change again

This is what it feels like to live during an historic event.…

  • Comment/Columns & Letters


Live stream the University of Idaho's short film festival on Friday evening

Every spring, audiences in Moscow are typically congregating for the Kino Short Film Festival, an evening of shorts made by the University of Idaho's senior film students. Things being as they are, the Kenworthy Theater won't be open for this year's event, but the U of I will be streaming a virtual version this Friday, May 8, at 6 pm.…

  • Film/Film News


CONCERT REVIEW: Tool's same ol' sound still bursts to creative new highs live at Spokane Arena

Tool's music is not only not for everyone, it's such a challenging polyglot of oft-derided musical styles that it risks not being for anyone. And yet, the quartet's blend of prog-rock, art-rock, metal and performance art has become a genre unto itself over the course of 30 years, and it's a genre that has proved remarkably commercial.…

  • Music/Music News


Biodegradable lipids for the delivery of active agents

The present invention relates to a cationic lipid having one or more biodegradable groups located in the mid- or distal section of a lipidic moiety (e.g., a hydrophobic chain) of the cationic lipid. These cationic lipids may be incorporated into a lipid particle for delivering an active agent, such as a nucleic acid. The invention also relates to lipid particles comprising a neutral lipid, a lipid capable of reducing aggregation, a cationic lipid of the present invention, and optionally, a sterol. The lipid particle may further include a therapeutic agent such as a nucleic acid.


Nanoparticles for drug delivery to the central nervous system

The present disclosure relates to compositions and methods for producing nanoparticles to provide relatively more rapid delivery of such particles across the blood-brain barrier. The nanoparticles may be formed from bis-quaternary pyridinium-aldoxime salts that may also be of a specific polymorphic structure and which may be formed in either hydrophobic or hydrophilic type liquid media. In addition, the nanoparticle for transport across the blood-brain barrier may comprise a polymeric resin encapsulating a bis-quaternary pyridinium-2-aldoxime salt.


Low molecular weight cationic lipids for oligonucleotide delivery

The instant invention provides for novel cationic lipids that can be used in combination with other lipid components such as cholesterol and PEG-lipids to form lipid nanoparticles with oligonucleotides. It is an object of the instant invention to provide a cationic lipid scaffold that demonstrates enhanced efficacy along with lower liver toxicity as a result of lower lipid levels in the liver. The present invention employs low molecular weight cationic lipids with one short lipid chain to enhance the efficiency and tolerability of in vivo delivery of siRNA.


Aqueous delivery system for low surface energy structures

An aqueous delivery system is described including at least one surfactant and at least one water insoluble wetting agent. Further described are low surface energy substrates, such as microporous polytetrafluoroethylene, coated with such an aqueous solution so as to impart a change in at least one surface characteristic compared to the surface characteristics of the uncoated low surface energy substrate.


Fragrance delivery

A substrate such as a fabric may be provided with a fragrance during washing or rinsing process by the addition to the wash water of a free-flowing solid fragrance-providing composition that comprises a fragrance deposited on a particulate carrier along with a water soluble salt of an alkali metal or an alkaline earth metal.


Long-lasting fragrance delivery system

Long-lasting fragrance delivery systems and uses of the systems to provide fragrance-emitting articles with a long-lasting fragrance are disclosed herein. The long-lasting fragrance delivery systems include an emulsion of silicone-based polyurethane, fragrance, and a carrier.


Facilitating context delivery during communication sessions

An approach is disclosed that facilitates context delivery during communication sessions. The approach may be implemented in a computer infrastructure having computer executable code tangibly embodied on a computer readable storage medium having programming instructions operable to: render at least one service to a user device through a communication session; collect information of the communication session; and send the information of the communication session to a service provider when a call is setup between the user device and the service provider. The service provider renders the information of the communication session for viewing by the service provider.


System, method, and device for delivering communications and storing and delivering data

A system, method, and device includes a platform data storage that stores a wrap that secures an executable controller and executable sensors. The wrap is verified, optionally through a downloaded authentication driver. After verifying the wrap, the wrap is opened and a sister of the executable controller is installed into the platform memory to cooperate with the executable controller. Additionally or alternatively, the authentication driver may cooperate with the executable controller. The executable controller allows the platform processor to access data secured in a vault and/or verify the platform to create a connection to a connection server.


Low molecular weight cationic lipids for oligonucleotide delivery

The instant invention provides for novel cationic lipids that can be used in combination with other lipid components such as cholesterol and PEG-lipids to form lipid nanoparticles with oligonucleotides. It is an object of the instant invention to provide a cationic lipid scaffold that demonstrates enhanced efficacy along with lower liver toxicity as a result of lower lipid levels in the liver. The present invention employs low molecular weight cationic lipids comprising at least one short lipid chain to enhance the efficiency and tolerability of in vivo delivery of siRNA.


Aryl ketone compounds and compositions for delivering active agents

The present invention provides aryl ketone compounds and compositions containing them which facilitate the delivery of active agents. The aryl ketone compounds have the formula or a salt thereof, where n=1 to 9, and R1 to R5 are independently hydrogen, C1 to C4 alkyl, C1 to C4 alkoxy, C2 to C4 alkenyl, halogen, hydroxyl, —NH—C(O)—CH3, or —O—C6H5.


Near infrared fluorogen and fluorescent activating proteins for in vivo imaging and live-cell biosensing

Tissue slices and whole organisms offer substantial challenges to fluorescence imaging. Autofluorescence and absorption via intrinsic chromophores, such as flavins, melanin, and hemoglobins, confound and degrade output from all fluorescent tags. An “optical window,” farther red than most autofluorescence sources and in a region of low hemoglobin and water absorbance, lies between 650 and 900 nm. This valley of relative optical clarity is an attractive target for fluorescence-based studies within tissues, intact organs, and living organisms. Novel fluorescent tags were developed herein, based upon a genetically targeted fluorogen activating protein and cognate fluorogenic dye that yields emission with a peak at 733 nm exclusively when complexed as a “fluoromodule”. This tool improves substantially over previously described far-red/NIR fluorescent proteins in terms of brightness, wavelength, and flexibility by leveraging the flexibility of synthetic chemistry to produce novel chromophores.


Meso-sized capsules useful for the delivery of agricultural chemicals

Disclosed herein are mesocapsules that include agriculturally active ingredients. These mesocapsules are comprised of a polyurea shell and include hydrophilic groups on their surfaces and have a volume-average diameter of about 500 nm or less and some of them have a volume-average diameter on the order of about 300 nm or less. These mesocapsules are suited for delivering active ingredients that are not very soluble in water. Methods for making these mesocapsules include interfacial polycondensation reactions carried out in the presence of surfactants and other methods in which all or most of the surfactant is replaced by adding amino acids to the aqueous phase of the interfacial reaction mixture before forming the final emulsion.


Device and method for delivering mechanically released cells from liposuction aspirates

A lipoaspirate collection device to aid in the collection and processing of human tissue and fluid obtained during liposuction for use in point-of-care cell therapy. The collection device includes a collection body and a collection cap. The collection cap may have a fluid port, a lipoaspirate port, a vacuum port, and a relief valve. Within the central cavity of the collection device, a cone shaped may be positioned such that the apex of the cone is positioned underneath the lipoaspirate inlet through which the lipoaspirate fluid and tissue are introduced.


Converting content prior to delivery

A method of managing content format conversion for transmission of converted content to a mobile device includes retrieving initial content, which includes video content, having a first format over a data communications network. The retrieved initial content is analyzed based on an identification of data delivery parameters relating to potential delivery of converted content and a determination is made as to whether or not the data delivery parameters meet predetermined criteria. The format of the initial content is converted to a second format only in response to a determination that the data delivery parameters meet the predetermined criteria. The converted content forms a message body of a message. A conversion management system configured to manage content format conversion for transmission of converted content to a mobile device, and a computer program for performing the method, are also provided.


Toolholder assembly with internal coolant delivery system

A toolholder assembly includes a toolholder body having a coolant passage and a cutting insert seated within a recess of the body. The cutting insert includes an insert orifice extending between a top face and a bottom face that aligns with the coolant passage. A lock pin includes a lock pin orifice that aligns with and is in fluid communication with the coolant passage of the body. The lock pin orifice has an outlet port to allow the fluid to flow through the lock pin orifice and exit through the outlet port. A lock pin ring includes a coolant port in fluid communication with the outlet port of the lock pin to effectively discharge cooling fluid in the direction of a cutting area of the cutting insert.


Cyclodextrin-based polymers for therapeutics delivery

The present invention relates to novel compositions of therapeutic cyclodextrin containing polymeric compounds designed as a carrier for small molecule therapeutics delivery and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. These cyclodextrin-containing polymers improve drug stability and solubility, and reduce toxicity of the small molecule therapeutic when used in vivo. Furthermore, by selecting from a variety of linker groups and targeting ligands the polymers present methods for controlled delivery of the therapeutic agents. The invention also relates to methods of treating subjects with the therapeutic compositions described herein. The invention further relates to methods for conducting pharmaceutical business comprising manufacturing, licensing, or distributing kits containing or relating to the polymeric compounds described herein.


Cyclodextrin-based polymers for therapeutics delivery

The present invention relates to novel compositions of therapeutic cyclodextrin containing polymeric compounds designed as a carrier for small molecule therapeutics delivery and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. These cyclodextrin-containing polymers improve drug stability and solubility, and reduce toxicity of the small molecule therapeutic when used in vivo. Furthermore, by selecting from a variety of linker groups and targeting ligands the polymers present methods for controlled delivery of the therapeutic agents. The invention also relates to methods of treating subjects with the therapeutic compositions described herein. The invention further relates to methods for conducting pharmaceutical business comprising manufacturing, licensing, or distributing kits containing or relating to the polymeric compounds described herein.


Handle control system for a stent delivery system

A control system for controlling movement of a medical device delivery system, a stent delivery system and a method for controlling movement of a medical device delivery system are provided. The control system includes a rotatable gear operably connected to a first movable member and a second movable member movable by the rotatable gear. The first movable member is operably connected to the first shaft and the second movable member operably connected to the second shaft. The first movable member moves the first shaft and the second movable member moves the second shaft to change a position of the first shaft relative to the second shaft and to change a configuration of a medical device operably connected to the first shaft and the second shaft.


Endoprosthesis delivery system

Endoprothesis delivery systems and methods for making an using the same. An example medical endoprosthesis delivery system may include an inner member. An outer member may at least partially surround the inner member. The inner member and the outer member may be configured so that an implantable medical endoprosthesis can be disposed therebetween. A coupling device may be coupled to a portion of the outer member so that, when there is substantially no slack in the coupling device, as the coupling device moves in a proximal direction the portion of the outer member moves in the proximal direction. An adjustable stop may be coupled to the coupling device so that, when there is slack in the coupling device, as the adjustable stop is moved in the proximal direction, the amount of slack in the coupling device can be reduced.


Device and method for delivering a vascular device

A device and method for delivering a vascular device to a target site is provided that maintains a proximal portion of the vascular device within a tubular sleeve by positioning a stop of an inner member at a distal opening of the tubular sleeve to block the opening. Once the stop has been moved distally via movement of the inner member to clear the opening, a band of increased thickness on the inner member can urge the proximal portion of the vascular device out of the tubular sleeve to deploy the vascular device. The vascular device may be recaptured within a delivery sheath prior to the full deployment of the proximal portion of the vascular device from the tubular sleeve by re-positioning the stop at the distal opening to hold the vascular device within the tubular sleeve as the delivery device is retracted with respect to the delivery sheath.


Ocular implant delivery assemblies with distal caps

Ocular implant delivery assemblies are provided which include a cannula having a lumen extending therethrough, a proximal end, a proximal end opening, a distal end, a distal end opening, and a lumen extending through the cannula. A cap is provided having a closed distal end, being in contact with the outer wall of the cannula, and covering the distal end and the distal end opening of the cannula, the cap being structured to allow the distal end and the distal end opening of the cannula to pass through the cap as the cannula is passed into an eye. An ocular implant is located in the lumen. The implant may be sealed in the cannula without the addition of a liquid carrier or it may be contained in a liquid carrier medium in the cannula. The implant may be made up of a number of microparticles having different compositions or different forms. The assembly also includes a sleeve located on the proximal end of the cannula and suitable for coupling the assembly to a syringe containing a pushing gel.


Stent delivery system with pusher assembly

A pusher assembly for a stent delivery device includes a distal end of an elongate member and a stent-engaging member having proximal and distal ends. The proximal end of the stent-engaging member is mechanically coupled to the distal end of the inner member by a connector, or the proximal end of the stent-engaging member is at least partially inside the distal end of the elongate inner member. The stent-engaging member includes a portion that radially outwardly extends towards the distal end of the stent-engaging member, or the stent-engaging member includes a portion that radially outwardly extends towards the distal end of the stent-engaging member. The stent-engaging member is configured to move a stent when distally advanced and configured to not move a stent when proximally retracted. A stent delivery device includes an elongate outer member, an elongate inner member coaxially positioned within the outer member, and the pusher assembly.


Advertisement delivery engine

A method includes receiving first information identifying profile information associated with a customer, habit information associated with the customer's television viewing habits, or Internet usage information associated with the customer. The method also includes receiving preference information from the customer, wherein the preference information identifies advertisements or types of advertisements that the customer would like to view or would not like to view. The method further includes identifying advertisements based on the received first information and the received preference information, inserting, by a service provider, the identified advertisements in a television programming data stream and providing the identified advertisements to the customer.


Advertisement delivering system based on digital television system and mobile communication device

A digital television system is connected to a mobile computing and communication device through an ad hoc communication link. A program broadcasted by the television system includes a plurality frames delivered in a sequential manner. A user can freeze a frame by employing the mobile device. The frame can then be transmitted to the mobile device and be redisplayed on the mobile device. The redisplayed frame includes visible symbols pointing to displayed items associated with advertising messages. The frame can also be stored in a photograph folder for the user to view the frame and associated advertising messages in a later time.


Device and method for processing carcasses of livestock

The present invention relates to a device for processing carcasses of livestock such as cattle, pigs and sheep, comprising: at least two dressing tools for performing a dressing process on livestock carcasses, and a robot arm carrying the dressing tool. The invention also relates to a method for processing carcasses of livestock using such a device.


Virtual Aggregation Processor for incorporating reverse path feedback into content delivered on a forward path

The Virtual Aggregation Processor enables end user devices to share a common wireless forward path of a multicast communication architecture in which the forward path delivered content is dynamically changed or modified based on a real-time, near-real-time, or delay-time basis via aggregated reverse path feedback from at least one of a plurality of end user devices. The Virtual Aggregation Processor periodically or continuously aggregates the feedback input received via the reverse path (having wired and/or wireless connectivity), modifies the forward path multi-media content, and delivers this dynamically modified multi-media content to the then connected population of end user devices via a wireless forward path multicast in a repetitive closed loop fashion.


Systems, methods and articles to facilitate delivery of sets or packets of playing cards

A system and method may provide sets or packets of playing cards for forming part or all of a hand of playing cards. Each set or packet may be formed before starting to form another set or packet. Sets or packets may be formed in respective playing card receiving compartments. The playing cards may be withdrawn from a plurality of playing card receiving compartments of an intermediary playing card receiver in random or pseudo-random fashion, which may, or may not, be based at least in part on the selected payout or house odds and/or house advantage.


System and method for event-driven live migration of multi-process applications

A system, method, and computer readable medium for asynchronous live migration of applications between two or more servers. The computer readable medium includes computer-executable instructions for execution by a processing system. Primary applications runs on primary hosts and one or more replicated instances of each primary application run on one or more backup hosts. Asynchronous live migration is provided through a combination of process replication, logging, barrier synchronization, checkpointing, reliable messaging and message playback. The live migration is transparent to the application and requires no modification to the application, operating system, networking stack or libraries.


Toothbrush having oral care fluid delivery

A fluid dispensing toothbrush (100). In one aspect, the toothbrush comprises a body (105) having a reservoir (135) containing an oral care fluid (136) therein, the oral care fluid being delivered to an applicator (132) via capillary action. The toothbrush comprises an actuator (130) for moving either the applicator and/or the reservoir between different positions.


Wireless base station and method for emergency information delivery

In a wireless base station, a specific information receiver receives specific information delivered from a higher-level device to a wireless terminal. A specific information deliverer delivers the specific information to the wireless terminal via multiple physical channels activated in a wireless base station. Where a common channel via which information is periodically broadcast to multiple wireless terminals and a shared channel of which available radio resources are allocated to wireless terminals to transmit voice data and the like to the terminals are activated in the wireless base station, for example, the specific information deliverer can deliver the specific information using the common channel if the wireless terminal is in a standby state, and can deliver the specific information using the shared channel if the wireless terminal is in a communicating state.


Instruments for delivering transfascial sutures and methods of transfascial suturing

An instrument for delivering a suture transfascially may include a handle, a shaft extending from the handle, and at least one needle that is moveable to an extended position beyond the end of the shaft. A suture may be delivered transfascially with the instrument. The instrument may include a suture catch associated with each needle for retaining and releasing a suture segment. A shield may be provided to shield the sharp end of each needle when it is moved to the extended position. A method of delivering a transfascial suture may include inserting an instrument into an abdominal cavity and deploying, from within the abdominal cavity, each needle through a soft tissue repair patch and then through at least part of the abdominal wall. A suture or suture segment may be advanced across the fascia with the at least one needle.


Tissue fixation delivery apparatus

A device for deploying a tissue fixation apparatus of the type including first and second tissue anchors coupled together by an adjustable suture assembly. The device comprises a handle mechanism and a needle cartridge assembly releasably coupled to the handle mechanism. The needle cartridge assembly includes a needle cannula with a side opening through which a tissue anchor can be loaded into an internal chamber of the needle cannula. A push rod is disposed in the needle cannula and is operable between an extended position in which the push rod prevents the tissue anchor from entering the chamber through the side opening, and a retracted configuration in which the tissue anchor can be pushed into the chamber under the action of a resilient band positioned over the side opening.


Percutaneous nephrostomy plug delivery device

A device for delivering a percutaneous nephrostomy plug is provided. The device comprises a tubular member configured for insertion into a biological body. The device further comprises a handle coupled to a proximal end of the tubular member. The handle comprises a pusher element, an actuation element, and a transmission. The pusher element is disposed within the tubular member, and is configured to deliver a plug through a distal end of the tubular member. The transmission is coupled to the tubular member and the actuation element, and the transmission is configured to cause a retraction of the tubular member relative to the pusher element in response to a depression of the actuation element. A first depression of the actuation element toward the tubular member urges a partial exposure of the plug. A second depression of the actuation element urges a further exposure of the plug.


Apparatus and method of seamless switching between a live DTV decoding and a PVR playback

Methods and apparatus for switching between a live video decoding and a recorded playback in a digital video and recording system. A received video data stream is transmitted to a first-in first-out video decoder buffer without first looping the video data stream through a playback buffer. The video data stream is transmitted from the video decoder buffer to a video decoder. If a “pause” command is received, the video data stream is transmitted to a first-in first-out playback buffer, while continuing to transmit the video data stream to the video decoder buffer. Transmission of the video data stream to the video decoder buffer is halted when the video decoder buffer fills up. The last byte of the video data stream that was transmitted to the video decoder buffer is marked. If a “play” command is received, the video data stored in the video decoder buffer is transmitted to the video decoder. The video data stored in the playback buffer is transmitted to the video decoder buffer starting at a point immediately after the data element that was marked previously.