
Inflection Point: Why Rosie the Riveter is "Not my icon” - Betty Reid Soskin, National Park Service

For the past decade 96-year-old Betty Reid Soskin has served as the nation’s oldest Park Ranger


Why You Should NOT Publish Audio Podcasts on YouTube – TAP332

Many podcasting tools offer the ability to automatically crosspost your audio podcast to YouTube. Here are eleven reasons I think you shouldn't do that.


Why We Retired Our Podcast Network

Did you know I once directed a podcast network? I retired it in spring 2019, and here are some lesson I hope can help you. The network's history I founded Noodle Mix Network (originally called “Noodle.mx Network,” but always pronounced the same) with the launch of The Audacity to Podcast in June 2010. My goal...


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the 2020 Presidential Race and Why We Should Break up Homeland Security

It’s hard to recall a newly elected freshman representative to Congress who has made a bigger impact than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her primary victory for New York’s Fourteenth District seat—as a young woman of color beating out a long-established white male incumbent—was big news, and Ocasio-Cortez has been generating headlines almost daily ever since. Practically the day she took her seat in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez became the hero of the left wing of the Democrats and a favored villain of Fox News and the right. She battled Nancy Pelosi to make the Green New Deal a priority, and has been involved with a movement to launch primary challenges against centrist or right-leaning Democrats. Like Bernie Sanders, she embraces the label of democratic socialism and supports free college education for all Americans. She has called for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. She joined David Remnick in the New Yorker Radio Hour studio on July 5th, just after her trip to the border to examine migrant-detention facilities. Remnick and Ocasio-Cortez spoke about why she courted controversy by referring to some facilities as “concentration camps”; why she thinks the Department of Homeland Security is irredeemable; and whether Joe Biden is qualified to be President, given his comments about colleagues who supported forms of segregation. “Issues of race and gender are not extra-credit points in being a good Democrat,” she says. “They are a core part of the ... competencies that a President needs. . . . Where are you on understanding the people that live in this country?”


Why We Underestimated COVID-19

Even as the scale of the coronavirus outbreak was becoming apparent, spring breakers flooded the beaches of Florida and New Yorkers continued to congregate in parks. Despite the warnings of politicians and health-care professionals, many people failed to treat the coronavirus pandemic as a serious threat. Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize-winning expert on human behavior, told Maria Konnikova that the problem isn’t just that the threat posed by COVID-19 is hard to grasp, it’s that public officials haven’t done enough to explain the threat. “There should be clear guidelines and clear instructions. We all ought to know whether we should open our Amazon packages outside the door or bring them in,” Kahneman said. “It’s not a decision individuals should consider making on the basis of what they know, because they don’t know enough to make it.”


Why Is Interpretation Needed?

'If we approach and interpret the Bible wrongly, we will likely come to false conclusions, not just in the understanding of salvation but in everything else that the Bible teaches.'


Why Is Interpretation Needed?

'If we approach and interpret the Bible wrongly, we will likely come to false conclusions, not just in the understanding of salvation but in everything else that the Bible teaches.'

  • How to Interpret Scripture


Why Is The Fed Sending Billions Of Dollars All Over The World?

Editor's note: This is an excerpt of Planet Money 's newsletter. You can sign up here . US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP via Getty Images As the global economy shuts down, the U.S. Federal Reserve has begun sending billions of dollars to central banks all over the world. Last month, it opened up 14 " swap lines " to nations such as Australia, Japan, Mexico, and Norway. A "swap line" is like an emergency pipeline of dollars to countries that need them. The dollars are "swapped," i.e., traded for the other country's currency. The Fed has also started allowing around 170 foreign central banks that hold U.S. Treasury bonds to temporarily exchange them for dollars. Sending billions of dollars abroad in the middle of a historic economic crisis might seem crazy: As America's economy crumbles, why are we moving our precious dollars *out* of the country? The answer has to do with the Fed's unique position in the global economy. Dollars are the lynchpin


Why Remote Work Sucks, According To Science

Editor's note: This is an excerpt of Planet Money 's newsletter. You can sign up here . The Planet Money team on GoToMeeting with a goat (Listen to our recent episode, " Making It Work ") Planet Money Like a decent chunk of the American workforce, Planet Money is now working remotely. Every morning, we have an all-staff video conference on GoToMeeting. We use Slack for conversations. We record in closets and use Dropbox to transfer the files. We're making the best of it — we're happy to have the work — but no one really loves it. Since the birth of the personal computer, futurists have been predicting the death of the office. If we can chat over video and instantly exchange messages and files, they figured, why would we endure stressful commutes in fossil-fuel-burning vehicles just to sit side by side in brick-and-mortar buildings? I mean, we're mostly staring at screens there anyway. But the office has proven more stubbornly useful than we had imagined. Between 2005 and 2015, despite


9 Reasons Why You Need To Learn Ableton Live Right Now

If you’re anything like me, this self-isolating lark has you climbing the walls more than Peter Parker after too many espressos. That’s why we’re lucky that the good folks at Ableton have decided to make their flagship Ableton Live 10 software free for anyone who takes their trial, not for the usual month but for three … Continued The post 9 Reasons Why You Need To Learn...


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  • Features & Opinion
  • News & Editorial
  • ableton
  • Ableton free trial
  • Ableton Live 10
  • dance music formula
  • DJ/producer tips
  • Music production training


CARES Act Oversight: How It Works And Why It Is Necessary

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit AILSA CHANG, HOST: When the CARES Act passed more than a month ago, we ran out of adjectives to describe it. Enormous didn't quite cover it. The relief package came in at over $2 trillion. Speedy felt like an undersell. The package passed in record time. And sweeping just sounded like a cliche, even if the legislation did help millions of people. But those three factors - the enormity, the speed and scope of the bill - are why Congress created an oversight panel to keep track of where the money is going. Bharat Ramamurti is one of five members to serve on the Congressional Oversight Committee. He's also managing director of the Corporate Power program at the Roosevelt Institute and a former economic adviser to Elizabeth Warren. Welcome. BHARAT RAMAMURTI: Thank you. CHANG: So what is it specifically that you are overseeing? - because it's not everything in the CARES Act, right? RAMAMURTI: That's right. So part of the CARES Act was a $500 billion


Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Why Is The Justice Department Dropping The Charges?

Why is the government seeking to drop charges against Michael Flynn even though he pleaded guilty — in two admissions in court — to committing the crime at issue? The short answers: The Justice Department is giving him a break. And Flynn has played his cards well. The long answer: It's a long story. The deal Flynn admitted to lying to the FBI about conversations he had had with Russia's then-ambassador to the United States as he and the rest of President-elect Donald Trump's camp waited in the wings early in 2017. That case appeared clear. But the former Army lieutenant general also had been involved with other enterprises that might have resulted in more charges — including undisclosed foreign lobbying — and his deal with prosecutors swept that off the table. It also apparently avoided prospective charges for Flynn's son. Flynn and his attorneys considered the deal to be the least bad way out of the jam. "My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the special counsel's office


A man walks down the street He says, Why am I soft in the middle now?...

Hello everyone! We're the Clark family. Colt (the Dad) is a professional musician and Aubree (me, the Mom behind the camera) is a photographer. Together we home school our three children (even when we're not in the middle of a pandemic). :) We're keeping busy during our time at home by


Why Is Interpretation Needed? (Lesson #6)

'If we approach and interpret the Bible wrongly, we will likely come to false conclusions, not just in the understanding of salvation but in everything else that the Bible teaches.'


How vs. Why Knowledge

Because we know “how” things work sometimes we think we understand “why” these things work as they do, and that can be a problem. In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the difference between “how” vs. “why” knowledge, and why it’s important to recognize...


Why Talk About Happiness?

Listen back to Two Guys on Your Head recorded live at The Cactus Cafe in Austin, Texas for a Views and Brews, as KUT’s Rebecca McInroy talks with Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke about the psychology of happiness. Many people chase after goals that seem to them important and promising—getting into the right...


Why We Want To Predict The Future (Kind Of)

Predictions about the future can make us feel good, but only to a certain extent. In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman, and Dr. Bob Duke discuss the psychology behind why and what we want to know when it comes to what’s coming up.


Why It’s So Hard Not To Touch Your Face

The CDC is recommending that to avoid spreading the Coronavirus we wash our hands often and don’t touch our face. However, when it comes to habits like touching our faces, just stopping cold turkey is harder than we might think. On this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk...


Episode 0x0F: Why Samba Switched to GPLv3

This episode is a recording of Jeremy Allison's talk, Why Samba Switched to GPLv3 from the 2011 Linux Collaboration Summit, with some commentary from Bradley and Karen on the talk.

Show Notes:

Ironically (or perhaps appropriately), Bradley was at Samba XP with Jeremy the day this show was released. So, there he wasn't able to get show notes together in detail for this show.

However, Jeremy's slides from the talk are available (in PDF), and also ODP format. So, you can follow along with it in the talk.

Also, you may be interested to read Bradley live-dent'd Jeremy's talk, so the discussion there might be useful to read as well.

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


0x47: Why Are You a Software Freedom Zealot?

Bradley and Karen discuss why software freedom as a political, social and moral issue is important to each of them personally.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:36)

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


0x49: Why Free Software Phone Doesn't Exist

Bradley and Karen discuss the talk, Why the free software phone doesn't exist by Aaron Williamson given at FOSDEM 2013 on Sunday 3 February 2013.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:37)

Bradley and Karen introduce the talk.

Segment 1 (04:06)

Aaron's slides area available.

Segment 2 (56:41)

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


0x51: Why Licenses Requiring Use of Trademarks are Non-Free

Bradley and Karen play and discuss Pam Chestek's talk entitled Why Licenses Requiring Use of Trademarks are Non-Free that she gave on Sunday 2 February 2014 at FOSDEM 2014.

Show Notes:

Segment 0 (00:00:34)

Segment 1 (00:13:26)

Pam Chestek gives a talk entitled Why Licenses Requiring Use of Trademarks are Non-Free. You can watch the video instead of listening to our audio and follow along with Pam's slides.

Segment 2 (01:00:37)

Send feedback and comments on the cast to <oggcast@faif.us>. You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on on Twitter and and FaiF on Twitter.

Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums.

The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


Best of “Higher Ed:” Why The College Major May Matter Less Than We’ve Always Thought

This episode was originally published on Oct. 12, 2018. Choosing a major is a rite of passage for higher education students, and it can feel like a – dare we say it –major decision with lifelong implications. In this episode of KUT’s podcast “Higher Ed,” Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton...


Higher Ed: Holding On Tight Is Easier Than Letting Go. Why We Need To Learn How To Do Both Well.

As Dr. Ed Burger prepares to leave Southwestern University to become President and Chief Executive Officer of St. David’s Foundation in Austin, Texas, he and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton discuss the art of letting go, as they wrap up the KUT podcast “Higher Ed.” Ed says “letting go” in the workplace starts with a pretty straightforward...


Banned ? Why ?

Thanks Jan ! Yeah I understand how you may have seen it, regarding your work too. I still feel welcomed here, no worries !


Why would my temperature be consistently high for weeks?

Asking for friend: Normally my temperature tends to run a little low: 97.8-98.3 is typical. For the past two months, my temperature has been consistently around 99.5, about a degree and half above what is normal for me. What would cause that?

I have a couple of long term, chronic health problems but no new symptoms that make me think I have a current infection. Blood tests taken shortly after this started were normal. Is this my new normal? Is there something I should ask my doctor to check out?


Why the Seattle Sounders game March 7 went on despite coronavirus emergency

As virus fears grew, public officials and sports execs debated health risks — and PR messages — but let 33,000 into a March 7 Sounders match. At what cost?


Why Harry and Meghan moved to Frogmore Cottage and now will repay the cost of renovations

Prince Harry and wife Meghan have agreed to give up their royal titles and repay several million in housing expenses, stirring up another sensation in Britain. It wasn’t so long ago that some in the United Kingdom were upset about the renovations of the residence in question: Frogmore Cottage. On Saturday, Buckingham Palace announced the […]


The Backstory: Why don’t people know all these great products came from Seattle?

NO CITY OR region gets to choose what it’s best known for. That, alas, typically is an artifice assembled over time, often by scribes, compilers of baseless listicles, guidebook authors, societal observers and other self-appointed pundits, usually from far-afield havens of misinformation (such as the East Coast). Those depictions of place — for current purposes, […]

  • Pacific NW Magazine


Here’s why some people in Washington are protesting the coronavirus shutdown

Plenty of people don't like how government is controlling their lives. Polls show they are not the majority, but the reasons for their protests go beyond the images that often grab attention.


Here’s why Marshawn Lynch’s possible return to the Seahawks shouldn’t happen this time

You could dream about Lynch coming back to the Seahawks, as he revealed Monday that the two sides are discussing, and this time leading them back to the Super Bowl. Or, you could make the case I’m going to make: Leave well enough alone.


Why are birds and seals starving in a Bering Sea full of fish?

The animal die-offs offer the world a stark example of the perils of rising ocean temperatures, which already are upending parts of the Bering Sea ecosystem as climate change — driven by greenhouse-gas pollution — unfolds in Alaska at a breakneck pace.


Why journalists at The Inlander didn’t jump for joy when a federal loan saved their jobs

Journalists at The Inlander, Spokane's alt-weekly, surprised their boss when they learned a federal loan would put their newsroom back together. Here's why.


One-and-none: Why Washington has struggled to make the NCAA tournament with star freshmen

No team has been worse with one-and-done players than UW, which has had the most of any school without reaching the NCAA tournament with one on the team.


Why we make endorsements, and what we ask candidates

Opinion pages cover controversy and that includes making recommendations for election candidates. Here’s what the editorial board is asking them in interviews.


Why no Seattle Times editorial saying we are not enemies of the people? We prove that every day

Here is why The Seattle Times editorial board did not join other newspapers in denouncing President Donald Trump's attacks on the free press.


Here’s why Marshawn Lynch’s possible return to the Seahawks shouldn’t happen this time

You could dream about Lynch coming back to the Seahawks, as he revealed Monday that the two sides are discussing, and this time leading them back to the Super Bowl. Or, you could make the case I’m going to make: Leave well enough alone.


Why JobKeeper could wrap up early

The federal government’s wage subsidy scheme may be wound back before its promised six month life span.


Why it’s time to ditch how we measure employment

Somewhere between 9.5 per cent and 44 per cent of the entire workforce is now really jobless as a result of the government-mandated lockdowns of the economy.


'This century is crucial': Why the U.K.'s astronomer royal says humanity is at a critical crossroads

This week on Spark, we speak with Martin Rees, the U.K.’s astronomer royal and author of On The Future: Prospects for Humanity, about the challenges humanity will face in the future, and how we might harness technology to tackle them.


Why fungi could be the future of environmentally sustainable building materials

As the construction industry struggles to deal with its impact on the climate, a new crop of people with big ideas are looking for alternative materials to build with. Phil Ayres, an architect and associate professor of architecture in Copenhagen, says the future of building materials isn't high tech polymers or special light metals but mushrooms.  


Why the mayor of Albuquerque didn't like Breaking Bad

The Emmy Award-winning television series Breaking Bad put Albuquerque on the map. But for less-than-desirable reasons.

  • Radio/Under the Influence


Why it's hard to find a Burger King in Australia

Companies often change valuable brand names when expanding to other countries. Sometimes the reason is a language issue. But other times, the reasons are far more interesting.

  • Radio/Under the Influence


Why does a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic give rise to conspiracy theories?

The Dose and Dr. Brian Goldman separate fact from fiction regarding the rumour that COVID-19 spread to humans after it escaped from a lab in China.


Five reasons why modern art seduces — and confounds — us

We’re dazzled, and sometimes frazzled, by our encounters with contemporary art. Marc Mayer, former director of the National Gallery of Canada, draws back the curtain to show what’s behind the art that can be so fascinating and yet so confusing.


Why the next fortnight is so important in the coronavirus battle

On today's show: * What's going on with school openings? * How important is Vitamin D and what role could it play in COVID-19 infections? * Could low blood oxygen be used as a way to see if someone has COVID-19? And Norman has some information from a yet-to-be-published paper about why some South Korean recovered patients seem to be testing positive again for COVID-19.


Why might coronavirus become more "gentle" in time?

On today's episode: * When does it turn from a blip in cases into a second wave? * What should I do if someone needs CPR? * Why might SARS-COV-2 turn into a more "gentle" virus? * Is the virus blood type specific? And Norman has a very interesting piece of research from France. The research found a patient who had the SARS-COV-2 virus in December - a month before the country's first reported case. And the patient had no travel history to China.


When It Drops: Why Alex Dyson wanted to write a novel