
Alexander King Chen Debuts SS20 Collection in New York to Express Concerns for Climate Change

Since losing both of his parents in 2019, Chen embarks on a journey to give back and to use his designs to artistically express his vision and social conscience.


A Sports Brand Gymnastics Fantastic Announced a New Collection of Leotards

A famous trademark of sports goods for people of all ages has launched a new collection for the next year. It includes marvelous competition dresses for figure skating and comfortable gymnastic shorts.


For the First Time in Europe, Veilkini Fashion Show the Latest Collection of Full Cover Swimsuit

For the first time in Europe ,Veilkini show there latest collection of full cover swimsuit during the Amsterdam Modest Fashion Week ,The modest fashion week was held in Amsterdam during the period from 14/12 - 16/12.


Robert Graham Fans Join to Start a Facebook Page for Robert Graham Clothing Collectors

New Page Designed for Fans of the Iconic Designer to Share Favorite Pieces and eBay Finds


Smart&Sexy Supports Female Voters With Empowering Collection

Celebrated intimates company Smart&Sexy has created a collection of panties to empower women to get to the polls in 2020.


Facebook Group for Robert Graham Clothing Collectors Grows to More Than 500 Members in First Month

Group Adds Special Closet Sale and Wish List Days to Make Buying and Selling RG Items Easier


Poets&QuantsTM Launches New Exclusive Sponsored Partner Publisher Hub with the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois

Poets&Quants Partner Publisher Hub takes a deep dive into all business offerings from Gies


College Students Store Your Car Here for the Summer

Dallas Car Storage Wants to Help You


Car Storage Space in Fort Worth: 5 Questions Every Collector Car Owner Should Ask Before Leasing

Collector Car Storage


Italian Car Collector, Luca Caputo Commissions Beverly Hills Designer, Victoria Napolitano to Bring Glamour to His Palace

The American fashion designer Victoria Napolitano will collaborate with Luca Caputo, a talented Italian with a passion for restoring classic cars and motorbikes.


New And Notable: Strategic Collaboration In Public & Non-Profit, Managing Public Sector Projects, Government Contracting

This week, we highlight three new titles from the ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy.

Market disruptions, climate change, and health pandemics lead the growing list of challenges faced by today’s leaders. These issues, along with countless others that do not make the daily news, require novel thinking and collaborative action to find workable solutions. However, many administrators stumble into collaboration without a strategic orientation.

Using a practitioner-oriented style, Strategic Collaboration In Public And Non-Profit Administration: A Practice-Based Approach To Solving Shared Problems provides guidance on how to collaborate more effectively, with less frustration and better results.

Linking collaboration theory to effective practice, this book offers essential advice that fosters shared understanding, creative answers, and transformation results through strategic collaborative action. With an emphasis on application, it uses scenarios, real-world cases, tables, figures, tools, and checklists to highlight key points.

The appendix includes supplemental resources such as collaboration operating guidelines, a meeting checklist, and a collaboration literature review to help public and nonprofit managers successfully convene, administer, and lead collaboration. The book presents a framework for engaging in collaboration in a way that stretches current thinking and advances public service practice.

A guidebook through the minefield of government contracting and procurement, Government Contracting: Promises and Perils describes the dangerous practices commonly applied in the development and management of government contracts and provides advice for avoiding the sort of errors that might compromise their ability to protect the public interest.

It includes strategies for increasing profits for government contractors, rather than incurring burdensome costs, through compliance with government mandated subcontracting and financial management systems.

Drawing from his in-depth investigation of government agencies across the country, the author examines present-day scenarios that regularly lead public servants and government committees to manage contracts with tools that are less than optimal and to select contractors that may not be the best qualified. He then delineates practical processes, contracting documents, and contract management tools to mitigate detrimental outcomes and alternative approaches to supplant the imperfect methodologies.

The author includes a CD-ROM with the book that provides a number of practical tools that you can apply as well as examples of contracts and templates that are the best he discovered during his research. The book also outlines an approach for performing advance contract planning, conducting contract negotiations, and administering contracts useful when planning for the management of the contracting process throughout the contracting cycle, negotiating a contract that protects the interest of all contracting parties, and ensuring successful contractor performance.

Filling a gap in project management literature, Managing Public Sector Projects: A Strategic Framework for Success in an Era of Downsized Government supplies managers and administrators—at all levels of government—with expert guidance on all aspects of public sector project management.

From properly allocating risks in drafting contracts to dealing with downsized staffs and privatized services, this book clearly explains the technical concepts and the political issues involved.

In line with the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and the PMBOK® (Project Management Body of Knowledge), David S. Kassel establishes a framework those in the public sector can follow to ensure the success of their public projects and programs. He supplies more than 30 real-life examples to illustrate the concepts behind the framework—including reconstruction projects in Iraq, the Big Dig project in Boston, local sewer system and library construction projects, and software technology.

This authoritative resource provides strategic recommendations for effective planning, execution, and maintenance of public projects. It also:

  • Highlights the differences between managing projects in the public sector versus the private sector
  • Explains how to scrutinize costs, performance claims, and the backgrounds of prospective contractors
  • Presents key safeguards that should be included in all contracts with contractors, consultants, suppliers, and other service providers
  • Details the basics of project cost estimation, design and scheduling, and how to hold contractors responsible for meeting established project standards

In an age of downsized government and in the face of a general distrust of public service, this book is a dependable guide for avoiding management practices that are common to projects that fail and for adopting the practices common to projects that succeed in terms of cost, schedule, and quality.


Metro Library's Digital Documents Collection: What You Need To Know About "Anytime, Anywhere" Access

The Metro Transportation Library has begun collecting, cataloging and providing access to “digital” documents via our online catalog. These important resources have been produced and disseminated in electronic format – rather than being released “on paper.”

Up until now, we had been providing access to plenty of digitized documents - those which were scanned to provide electronic portability for resource sharing.

Some of our print documents (books, reports, etc.) had digital versions published along with print copies, and we had linked to those in our online catalog. Other items that were published in print were scanned to create a PDF document, allowing them to be emailed or easily accessed in other ways. For example, our collection of historic L.A. transit plans offers numerous full-text digital documents.

In both cases, the digital documents supplemented the original print versions. They appear in our online catalog just as a book does, but with links to a URL that opens the PDF document for that title.

However, more and more information is being “born digital” -- published electronically, as opposed to in print format. Rather than printing these items out to add to our collection, we are cataloging the electronic version to conserve resources and provide better access and more options for our users.

We wanted to share with you some of the many benefits of growing our digital documents collection and why it is important to capture these “born digital” documents for posterity.

Digital documents do not take up valuable space. We save paper (and time, and ink) by not printing out electronic documents. We save additional resources by not binding, labeling and barcoding printed documents, as well as other physical processing. Cataloging the electronic version provides all the content directly to our users in a direct, cost-efficient manner.

Digital documents do not get lost or stolen. The Dorothy Peyton Gray Transportation Library & Archive has its own server space to host digital documents in our digital libraries. We have created organized directories to facilitate sharing resources in a timely manner. By storing the documents electronically on our own servers, they are easily located and safeguarded from disappearing from the collection. There are numerous ways books, reports and other print documents can disappear from a collection: theft, mis-shelving, loss, never returned after checkout, or sustaining damage that hinders their use. Electronic access does not pose these problems.

Digital documents can serve multiple users simultaneously. While there is something to be said for the experience of curling up in bed with a great book, that book can only be experienced by one person at a time. Libraries are embracing eBooks because they reduce or eliminate the wait time for popular titles.

Likewise, our digital documents collection will accommodate multiple users at the same time. For example, when lengthy environmental impact reports (EIRs) are released to the public for review and comment, we now provide the user with the ability to consume this information at the same time as others, as well as at the time and place of his or her choosing.

Digital documents are findable as well as searchable. These resources are located the same way as other material formats in our collection. Our users will find relevant digital documents when searching the online catalog, although we do not currently have the ability to limit search results to only digital documents.

However, once a digital document is found, the user can open the link to the PDF and execute a keyword search within the document for the information they want.

Users can quickly locate specific data or text with a few keystrokes from home or their mobile device, as opposed to making a request of the Metro Library, having staff search for and locate a print document, scanning or sending the document to the user, and the user then searching through it for the information they need.

Like online news stories that disappear all too quickly, some resources that should persist forever often go away before they can be accessed. References to them often last longer than the access provided by the producer, leading users to waste time trying to track down something that no longer exists.

Transit advocacy groups go by the wayside, organizations merge with others, while other entities change their Internet domain names -- all these scenarios cause users to waste time searching for vanished resources, or search for URL links to desired documents that cannot be found.

Creating a lasting home for these items and making them permanently accessible meets these challenges. By cataloging electronic resources that fit our collection profile, we not only provide access to them, but preserve them as well.

As one of the premier transportation research collections in the country, we want to grow our collection to remain responsive to Metro’s ambitious mobility agenda moving forward. We can achieve this without using up more physical space or many of the costs associated with print documents.

Finally, we are mindful that more and more users will be accessing our collection via mobile devices in the coming years. New smartphones, e-readers and iPads allow students, researchers, historians, and anyone interested in transportation information the ability to access us however they like.

These devices will continue to provide users with greater amounts of information, more quickly, and in more customizable fashion, where they want and need it. Our growing digital documents collection helps us prepare for these for 24/7 access needs: anytime, anywhere.


Pixar and Collective Creativity

Ed Catmull, cofounder of Pixar and president of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios.


The Right Way to Collaborate (If You Must)

Morten Hansen, professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information and author of "Collaboration."


The Economics of Mass Collaboration

Don Tapscott, chairman of nGenera Insight and coauthor of "Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World."


What Leaders Need to Know About Collaboration

Morten Hansen, professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information and author of "Collaboration."


Designing Spaces for Creative Collaboration

Scott Doorley and Scott Witthoft, co-directors of the Environments Collaborative at the Stanford University and authors of "Make Space."


The Secret History of White-Collar Offices

Nikil Saval, editor at n+1, on how gender, politics, and unions have affected the American workplace since the Civil War.


Fixing the College Grad Hiring Process

Sanjeev Agrawal, Collegefeed cofounder and CEO, explains what recruiters, new graduates, and college career centers need to do differently.


Signs You’re Secretly Annoying Your Colleagues

Muriel Maignan Wilkins, coauthor of "Own the Room," on the flaws everyone's too polite to point out.


Yo-Yo Ma on Successful Creative Collaboration

The acclaimed cellist explains how he chooses and works with partners and shares advice on honing one's talent.


Excessive Collaboration

Rob Cross, professor at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce, explains how work became an exhausting marathon of group projects. He's the coauthor of the HBR article "Collaborative Overload."


Collaborating Better Across Silos

Harvard Law School lecturer Heidi K. Gardner discusses how firms gain a competitive edge when specialists collaborate across functional boundaries. But it’s often difficult, expensive, and messy. The former McKinsey consultant is the author of the new book, “Smart Collaboration: How Professionals and Their Firms Succeed by Breaking Down Silos.”


Bill Clinton and James Patterson on Collaboration and Cybersecurity

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and author James Patterson discuss their new novel, The President is Missing, in which a fictional president fights a cybersecurity attack amid intense political dysfunction. The coauthors share their lessons for collaborating across disparate skillsets — “clarity on the objective” and “don’t be afraid to admit what you don’t know.” They also talk about their research into cybersecurity threats and how realistic their thriller scenario could be.


Managing Someone Who’s Too Collaborative

Rebecca Shambaugh, a leadership coach, says being too collaborative can actually hold you back at work. Instead of showing how well you build consensus and work with others, it can look like indecision or failure to prioritize. She explains what to do if you over-collaborate, how to manage someone who does, and offers some advice for women — whose bosses are more likely to see them as overly consensus-driven. Shambaugh is the author of the books "It's Not a Glass Ceiling, It's a Sticky Floor" and "Make Room For Her."


Stopping White-Collar Crime at Your Company

Eugene Soltes, associate professor at Harvard Business School, studies white-collar crime and has even interviewed convicts behind bars. While most people think of high-profile scandals like Enron, he says every sizable organization has lapses in integrity. He shares practical tools for managers to identify pockets of ethical violations to prevent them from ballooning into serious reputational and financial damage. Soltes is the author of the HBR article “Where Is Your Company Most Prone to Lapses in Integrity?”


Fine Art Collection of Dixie Cup Mastermind is Centerpiece of Myers' Feb. 10 Auction

Collection's European and Asian antiques have remained in private hands for 60+ years


GiftWorksPlus Expands Line of Custom Frames to Include Chrome Collection

GiftWorksPlus is proud to introduce a new product line of custom picture frames: the chrome collection.


Uniwatches With New Endeavors and a Bigger Collection of Branded Watches

Uniwatches launch their official YouTube channel with video reviews of timepieces and expand their collection of Nixon and Hugo Boss watches.


Microsoft Teams: An All-in-One Collaboration Tool for Your Business

Microsoft recently introduced the Teams application into the Office 365 product stack as a replacement for Skype for Business. While Teams is a replacement for Skype’s meetings and messaging, Microsoft expanded the tool, adding even more capabilities to help businesses… Read More

The post Microsoft Teams: An All-in-One Collaboration Tool for Your Business appeared first on Anders CPAs.


Recorded Webinar Series: Collaborate from Home with Microsoft Teams

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, Anders CPAs + Advisors is offering a FREE 2-part recorded webinar series to help jumpstart your company’s remote work efforts using Microsoft Teams.
Webinar 1 – Intro to Work from Home (WFH) Collaboration with Microsoft… Read More

The post Recorded Webinar Series: Collaborate from Home with Microsoft Teams appeared first on Anders CPAs.


Collaboration and Strategic Startup Advice: the Perfect Fit for Babyation

The Situation Samantha Rudolph and her husband, Jared, received an Arch Grant in 2015 to take their company, Babyation, founded on their proprietary redesign of an improved breast pump, to the next level. Fantastically, a cadre of vendors comes with the award—St. Louis companies that volunteer their time and talents to help startups navigate everything...

The post Collaboration and Strategic Startup Advice: the Perfect Fit for Babyation appeared first on Anders CPA.


College sports won't return this fall if colleges don't reopen: NCAA president

Scott Halleran/Getty Images

  • College sports won't return this fall if colleges remain closed, the NCAA president Mark Emmert said in an interview May 8. 
  • While if, how, and when schools reopen remains to be seen and will surely vary across campuses, the goal is keeping students, including student-athletes, safe. 
  • It will be a "very unusual school year," Emmert said, and the NCAA will need to adapt accordingly.  
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

No one knows for sure what college campuses will look like in fall 2020, but it's clear students won't be kicking off their higher education in large auditoriums for convocation, initiating brothers at fraternity parties, or flirting with dormmates in mess hall buffet lines. 

Now, there's a good chance many won't be cheering for their sports teams — even remotely — either, NCAA presient Mark Emmert said in an interview with NCAA's college basketball correspondent Andy Katz May 8.  

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Pathologists debunk 13 coronavirus myths

See Also:


New collaboration targets medical research

Analysis of a secure, cloud-based electronic health records dataset of more than 30,000 patients will help uncover hidden trends that will lead to new treatment strategies


HTC VIVE and The Wild collaborate with adidas to revamp design and storytelling process

The sports brand enhanced its workflow with collaborative virtual reality


Semantic Scholar and OpenAthens collaborate to provide access to academic research

Enabling the new login gives access to full text content


Verint Community Cloud powers collaborative online community

National non-profit expedited the launch of an online early childhood development community in wake of COVID-19 pandemic?


Cognizant snaps up Collaborative Solutions

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Take user privacy seriously, don't collect data without consent: Xiaomi

Xiaomi India Managing Director said that the company does not collect any user data that the user has not explicitly given permission or consent to. He added that in the browser's incognito mode, all user data is completely encrypted and anonymised. He also pointed out that all Mi Browser and Mi Cloud data of Indian users is stored locally in AWS servers in India.


GST collections fall below Rs 1 lakh cr-mark, March revenues stand at Rs 97,597 cr

GST collections fall below Rs 1 lakh cr-mark, March revenues stand at Rs 97,597 cr


MSME sector on verge of collapse: Gadkari

The minister said the position of MSMEs was "worst" as they were now engaged in a "battle for their survival".


Top IT trends to embark on a decade of openness and collaboration

As we enter the new decade, the question really is how businesses adopt new capabilities that will help them be agile, customer centric, innovative and cost sensitive at the same time.


SCCM Pod-74 PCCM: The Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network

Douglas Willson, MD, discusses an article he published in the July 2006 issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, "The Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network." Dr. Willson is medical director of the pediatric intensive care unit at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center and the chairman of the Steering Committee for the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network. (Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006; 7:301)


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GST collection at Rs 1.03 lakh cr in December

GST collection at Rs 1.03 lakh cr in December


Friends, Colleagues, Leaders Remember Suiter As Dedicated Public Servant

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Lameness Research And Prevention Tips With Dr. Judith Koenig Of The Ontario Veterinary College

Lameness is a huge focus for Dr. Judith Koenig as a clinician, researcher and instructor at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). Koenig is also a rider with a keen interest in helping grass roots riders and upcoming high-performance athletes. In this video, Dr. Koenig explains her current research endeavoring to heal tendon injuries faster and […]

The post Lameness Research And Prevention Tips With Dr. Judith Koenig Of The Ontario Veterinary College appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report.


BuzzFeed News: Grubhub Collected Record Fees From Restaurants Struggling To Stay Alive During The Pandemic

BuzzFeed News: Grubhub Collected Record Fees From Restaurants Struggling To Stay Alive During The Pandemic. “Restaurant owners have long complained that fees charged by ordering platforms like Grubhub, often ranging from 15% to 30%, make orders less profitable, and sometimes unprofitable — but businesses have no choice but to use them if they want to … Continue reading BuzzFeed News: Grubhub Collected Record Fees From Restaurants Struggling To Stay Alive During The Pandemic


Updated Imperial College coronavirus model, including estimated effects on transmissibility of lockdown, social distancing, etc.

Seth Flaxman et al. have an updated version of their model of coronavirus progression. Flaxman writes: Countries with successful control strategies (for example, Greece) never got above small numbers thanks to early, drastic action. Or put another way: if we did China and showed % of population infected (or death rate), we’d erroneously conclude that […]