why Why brands increasingly need ideas that are powerful, resonant and resilient By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-02-22T11:08:53+05:30 In the chaotic, competitively Darwinian, undifferentiated market, the role of marketing is more powerful than ever before, provided that it is done right! Full Article
why Digital tax: Why India's approach to taxing Google, Facebook needs to align with international approach By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-03-09T10:52:15+05:30 As more and more people participate in the digital economy, there is a need for countries to develop a framework to regulate and to get a 'fair' share of taxes from the revenues generated by such businesses. Full Article
why Time for reinvention: Why HR is the new Marketing By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-07-13T11:34:17+05:30 The People function is now all about the 4 Ps. If it was “customer is the king” earlier, today it is all about “talent” being the most important thing for an organization. Full Article
why Getting more done: Why task management is the key to managing time By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-08-24T10:54:49+05:30 Task management is superior to time management as it provides the required flexibility, personalisation and customisation. Full Article
why Yes Bank moratorium: RBI Board Member explains why it took so much time By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-03-06T13:48:18+05:30 Yes Bank moratorium: RBI Board Member explains why it took so much time Full Article
why Why Udacity wants employees to remix Taylor Swift, do one-armed push-ups, or play 'Rock Band' blindfolded By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2015-09-04T15:27:24+05:30 Over the past few years, the company has had meditation sessions, K-pop dance routines, and puppy tricks punctuate its weekly, Wednesday-afternoon meeting. Full Article
why Zoom, Xoom, Züm: Why does every startup sound fast now? By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-09T10:26:16+05:30 Startups are supposed to be very, very fast. They “move fast and break things,” they “hire fast, fire fast,” and they certainly fail fast. They have a magazine: Fast Company. They have a diet: intermittent fasting. Full Article
why Financial Forecasting: Why it is still about being roughly right than precisely wrong By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-06-26T12:01:24+05:30 Paradoxically and fatally, just when risk of a downturn is at its highest, optimism also ends up peaking! So be careful with your forecasts; and even more careful with the forecasts of others. Full Article
why Family finance: Why Sharma will reach his financial goals with ease By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-27T06:30:00+05:30 Financial Planner Pankaaj Maalde suggests that Sharma build an emergency fund of Rs 5.1 lakh, which is equal to six months’ expenses, and a medical buffer of Rs 10 lakh for his mother. Here's what his financial goals include. Full Article
why Why you should keep financial assets organised and listed while you are alive By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-27T06:30:00+05:30 We can do a lot without spending money, and money well spent can do a lot. Let your money help you and those around you live better. Rather than lying meaninglessly in expired bonds, unaccessed PPF accounts, unused vases and unworn dresses. Full Article
why Why children of H-1B workers may now have to leave America By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2017-10-22T12:08:28+05:30 The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services receives about 1,00,000 green card applications from high-skilled applicants of Indian origin every year. Full Article
why Credit risk funds underperform liquid funds. Why you should stay away from the category? By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-08T10:25:42+05:30 Credit risk funds have always been vulnerable to its investments of up to 65% (and more) in the lower-rated instruments. To earn higher returns than the rest of the debt categories, the fund manager buys high-yielding, low credit quality bonds. Full Article
why Why you need to supplement 'indemnity' health covers with 'defined-benefit' health insurance plans By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2016-04-29T15:51:57+05:30 For complete protection from rising medical costs, one needs both indemnity as well as defined-benefit type of health plans. Full Article
why Why your identity should be more than your day job By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-02-03T06:30:00+05:30 Psychology says your identity is the way you define your uniqueness through your past, present and future. Full Article
why Why Visakhapatnam gas leak should set off alarm bells By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-09T23:00:00+05:30 Report suggest the plant operated between 1997 -2019 without valid environment clearances. Full Article
why Traders are baffled why the futures market is pricing in negative rates By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-09T12:42:34+05:30 However, record-low yields are pointing to an undercurrent of worry in the market. Full Article
why Why Papad's popularity in Indian cuisine won't fade away By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-05-04T23:00:00+05:30 We may no longer dry papads at home in summer, but this uniquely Indian product deserves to be celebrated. Full Article
why Why do chefs in India continue to serve imitations By economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-11-30T23:00:00+05:30 Why do chefs in India continue to serve so much pastiche on the plate while pretending it is original work? One reason is that audiences lap it up. Full Article
why Inside The Paulick Report: Why You Should Join the Twitters By www.paulickreport.com Published On :: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 08:03:59 +0000 By @brad_cummings Social Networking and Social Media have quickly become pop culture phrases. Since the advent of Facebook and Twitter several years after that, these sites have evolved. Facebook has moved from a niche destination for 20-somethings and younger to beacons of society where those in their Golden Years are now navigating on a regular […] The post Inside The Paulick Report: Why You Should Join the Twitters appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report. Full Article Inside The Paulick Report Brad Cummings social media twitter
why Shanklin: ‘Why Seth Hancock is Going Against His Own Best Business Interests’ By www.paulickreport.com Published On :: Mon, 13 May 2013 18:34:44 +0000 The Hancock family's Claiborne Farm has had a long and successful association with both the Phipps and Janney families. Countless champions and Grade 1 winners that have been bred by the Phippses and Janneys were born and raised at Claiborne. That friendship will be put to the test on Saturday when Departing, owned in partnership […] The post Shanklin: ‘Why Seth Hancock is Going Against His Own Best Business Interests’ appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report. Full Article Best of the Blogs Triple Crown Adele Dilschneider Claiborne Farm departing Horse Racing Ogden Mills Phipps orb Seth Hancock stuart janney III thoroughbred
why ThoroEdge: ‘Why Does the Belmont Keep Getting Slower?’ By www.paulickreport.com Published On :: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:10:04 +0000 In a new post on the ThoroEdge Equine Performance website, Bill Pressey wonders if winning the Belmont Stakes in a time of 2:30+ is now the “new normal”. In the article, Pressey studies the figures and times of the Belmont over several decades. Not only have the winning times gotten slower, they are the equivalent […] The post ThoroEdge: ‘Why Does the Belmont Keep Getting Slower?’ appeared first on Horse Racing News | Paulick Report. Full Article Best of the Blogs Triple Crown affirmed belmont stakes Horse Racing palace malice seattle slew secretariat thoroughbred Thunder Gulch Union Rags
why Why are Minnesota's pro sports teams named after the state and not a city? By www.startribune.com Published On :: 2020-05-08T22:42:39+00:00 While most pro teams are named after the cities they are based in, each of Minnesota's six teams uses the state name — the Twins, Vikings, Wild, Timberwolves, Lynx and United. Blame the Twin Cities. Full Article
why Why Sweden refused to impose a lockdown By www.startribune.com Published On :: 2020-05-07T22:57:19+00:00 My country's rules are based on trust — both on the part of citizens and officials. But I know this doesn't work for every society. Full Article
why New York coronavirus antibody study: Why I had nothing to say to the press on this one. By statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu Published On :: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 03:09:12 +0000 The following came in the email: I’m a reporter for **, and am looking for comment on the stats Gov Cuomo just released. Would you be available for a 10-minute phone conversation? Please let me know. Thanks so much, and here’s the info: Here is the relevant part: In New York City, about 21 percent, […] Full Article Public Health
why “So the real scandal is: Why did anyone ever listen to this guy?” By statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 13:27:50 +0000 John Fund writes: [Imperial College epidemiologist Neil] Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. He also predicted that up to 150,000 people could die. There were fewer than 200 deaths. . . . In 2002, Ferguson predicted that […] Full Article Zombies
why Why a red hot small-business relief program has gone stone cold By www.startribune.com Published On :: 2020-05-09T16:22:45+00:00 After snapping up more than $500 billion in emergency loans in just three weeks, small-business owners have lost interest in the federal Paycheck Protection Program. Minnesota business owners are among those who may give back a chunk of their forgivable loans. Full Article
why Why One-Third of the Top 10 Million Websites Choose WordPress? By www.noupe.com Published On :: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:35:22 +0000 Did you know that WordPress CMS powers around 26% of all the websites? This CMS has always been a favourite among the web-savvy users and start-ups because of its simple yet powerful features. If you have plans to start a small business website using any CMS platform, then WordPress is worth choosing because it comes... Full Article WordPress WordPress Development
why Why JobKeeper could wrap up early By www.geelongadvertiser.com.au Published On :: The federal government’s wage subsidy scheme may be wound back before its promised six month life span. Full Article
why Why it’s time to ditch how we measure employment By www.geelongadvertiser.com.au Published On :: Somewhere between 9.5 per cent and 44 per cent of the entire workforce is now really jobless as a result of the government-mandated lockdowns of the economy. Full Article
why I ordered Five Guys takeaway - here's why I won't again in a hurry By www.getsurrey.co.uk Published On :: Sun, 03 May 2020 05:30:00 GMT The popular burger chain has reopened its Guildford branch but is it worth ordering for delivery? Full Article What's On
why Why McDonald's is only reopening restaurants in the south - for now By www.chroniclelive.co.uk Published On :: Wed, 6 May 2020 11:31:53 +0000 McDonald's will reopen 15 restaurants in the south of England next week - but none in the North East Full Article What's On
why Ameobi on why Longstaff deal should be 'top priority' for NUFC By www.chroniclelive.co.uk Published On :: Fri, 8 May 2020 13:50:53 +0000 The former striker is now a fully-fledged member of the back-room team and wants Longstaff "locked down" to a new contract Full Article Sport
why What is cognitive load and why does it matter in web and interface design? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:25:28 +0000 Successful design manages cognitive load. Cognitive load is a technical term for “mental effort,” more specifically it’s the total amount of mental effort required for a given task. Completing any task requires some level of mental effort. This includes learning new information, analyzing stimuli, and working with short and long-term memory. Mental energy which has […] The post What is cognitive load and why does it matter in web and interface design? appeared first on Psychology of Web Design | 3.7 Blog. Full Article Psychology of Design User Experience Web Design
why Why Your Website Doesn’t Generate Leads (and how to fix it) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:58:01 +0000 You’re homepage is beautifully designed. It’s clear all the ways you can help. You’ve articulated why someone should hire you. You’ve validated your claims through case studies and testimonials, yet… You’re not getting the volume of leads you need. Sure they trickle in every month, but it’s not enough to grow your business. What are […] The post Why Your Website Doesn’t Generate Leads (and how to fix it) appeared first on Psychology of Web Design | 3.7 Blog. Full Article Psychology of Design Web Design
why Why personas are antiquated (and what you should use instead) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 15:00:00 +0000 Personas are antiquated… this coming from someone who has relied on and written about them for years. For years at 3.7 Designs, we’ve created personas during the design discovery phase. I recently realized that the traditional marketing persona is no longer a relevant practice. The keyword here is “traditional.” At 3.7 we’ve adopted a practice […] The post Why personas are antiquated (and what you should use instead) appeared first on Psychology of Web Design | 3.7 Blog. Full Article Psychology of Design Strategy and Planning User Experience Web Design
why Why Employees Are Your Greatest Asset in Preventing Phishing Attacks – [Infographic] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 08:32:48 +0000 Phishing attacks are on the rise and have more than doubled from 2013-2018. In 2018, 64% of businesses experienced a phishing attack – costing nearly $2 million per incident. 1 in 3 consumers will stop supporting a business after they’ve undergone a security breach, and 74% of hackers say they’re rarely impressed by an organization’s... Full Article Infographics Inspiration
why Why Using WordPress Addons Will Benefit Your Business Website By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 20:32:14 +0000 Using WordPress for a business website is one of the best choices you can make as a business. It’s easy to get a site online and configured with a theme in under an hour. This is why WordPress now powers 35 percent of the websites on the internet. If you’re new to WordPress and don’t know why using WordPress plugins is helpful, this post will help. Below are seven benefits your business website will see when using plugins from the WordPress ecosystem. 1. Communicate With Customers It’s hard to run a business if your customers have no way to get The post Why Using WordPress Addons Will Benefit Your Business Website appeared first on Photoshop Lady. Full Article Uncategorized
why Rise Marketing Co: Why WooCommerce Is Our Go-To Solution By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 05 Mar 2020 15:00:00 +0000 Rise, a high-end web design agency, uses WooCommerce as their go-to eCommerce solution. See how it helped them grow and why they won’t use anything else. The post Rise Marketing Co: Why WooCommerce Is Our Go-To Solution appeared first on WooCommerce. Full Article Blog
why Why Customer Communication is Crucial in Times of Uncertainty By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 15:00:00 +0000 During COVID-19, you might be tempted to stay silent. But your customers need to hear from you! Learn how to craft the right message with the right tone. The post Why Customer Communication is Crucial in Times of Uncertainty appeared first on WooCommerce. Full Article Blog
why Why universal basic health care is both a moral and economic imperative By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 07:03:33 PDT Several hundred cars were parked outside a food bank in San Antonio on Good Friday — the food bank fed 10,000 people that day. Such scenes, increasingly common across the nation and evocative... Full Article Guest Columnist
why I hate recurring payments…so why do I sell my software with ’em? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 23:38:31 +0000 It’s simple—I don’t like recurring payments. And I don’t know about you, but with most recurring payments, I feel anxiety around this need to “get my money’s worth.” In other words, I often feel like I under-utilize the product and thus overpay to some extent. So why do I sell my software under a recurring […] Full Article Philosophy
why Iowa’s health care system is not overwhelmed. Why is our economy still closed? By www.thegazette.com Published On :: Tue, 5 May 2020 14:42:29 -0400 In response to the coronavirus, Americans were told by their federal and state governments to shut down their businesses, stop going to church, work, school or out to eat, travel only when necessary and hunker down at home. Originally, Americans were led to believe this was for a two- or three-week period, in order to flatten the curve and not overwhelm our health care system.At seven weeks and counting, with staggering economic loss that will leave families and thousands of small businesses and farmers with profound devastation, the question must be asked, are we trying to flatten the curve or flatten our country?The initial models that pointed to staggering loss of life from the coronavirus have proved wildly inaccurate. As of May 2, the CDC placed the number of deaths in the U.S. from the virus at 66,746. While all loss of life is deeply regrettable, these numbers cannot be considered in a vacuum. For perspective, deaths from pneumonia in the U.S. during the same period were 64,382, with average yearly deaths from influenza in the same range.The original goal of closing much of the U.S. economy and staying at home was to flatten the curve of new coronavirus cases so that our hospital systems would not be overwhelmed. Hospitals built by the Army Corps of Engineers to handle the increased volume have mostly been taken down. Except for a few spots in the U.S. the health care system was not overwhelmed. As the medical models of casualties from the coronavirus continue to be adjusted down, it is clear the curve has been flattened, so why do we continue to stay closed and worsen the economic devastation that tunnel vision has thus far kept many of our leaders from acknowledging?Many health experts say 80 percent of Americans will get the coronavirus and experience only mild symptoms. The curve has been flattened. Our health care system is not overwhelmed. Why is our economy, for the most part, still closed?A University of Washington study recently revised the projected number of deaths from the coronavirus in Iowa from 1,367 to a much lower estimate of 365. While all loss of life is horrific, we must also consider the devastation being done to our economy, our families and our way of life by actions taken to combat the coronavirus.It must be noted that 578 Iowans died from the flu and pneumonia in 2017, a greater number than are likely to pass away from the coronavirus. We also know that many who die from the virus are elderly with underlying health conditions, increasing the likelihood that any serious illness could result in their death. Are draconian government restrictions in response to the coronavirus still needed and economically sustainable? The data shows that the answers to both questions is no. We are no longer flattening the curve; we are flattening our state and nation.We have seen the medical data. What has been less visible in news conferences and in the overall reporting of the coronavirus and our response to it, are the economic and human costs of what we are doing:• 30 million Americans are out of work and the number grows daily.• Dairy farmers are pouring out milk they have no market for.• Pork producers are euthanizing hogs they have no market for.• According to a study by Iowa State University, the losses to Iowa Agriculture are at a staggering $6.7 billion and growing, with the largest losses in pork production and ethanol.• In Iowa, the economic loss for corn is estimated to be $788 million, $213 million for soybean and $34 million for cattle.• The Iowa Restaurant Association estimates that between 10 & 25% of Iowa’s restaurants will not reopen.• Iowa’s public universities are predicting a $187 million loss.• Iowa is spending $200 million or more per month on unemployment claims, with over 171,000 Iowans unemployed.• 29 percent of the U.S. economy is frozen as a result of government action, with U.S. economic output down 29 percent.• U.S. unemployment could soon hit 47 million.• Losses to U.S. tourism are predicted to top $910 billion.• Retirement plans for millions of Americans are being decimated, with recent reports projecting the average 401(k) loss at 19 percent.• Drug and alcohol addiction and relapse are increasing.• Testing for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease are being delayed, which could lead to increasing health problems and life-threatening illnesses in the future.• Economic damage to rural hospitals could lead to hospital closures and less access to health care in some areas.• Warnings of a possible meat shortage in the U.S. have been issued by executives of Farmland and Tyson, with reports that the food supply chain is under stress. Several grocery store chains are now limiting meat purchases and some national restaurant chains are no longer offering certain meat products on their menus. Higher meat prices are almost certain in the months to come.• Huge U.S. debt increases unlike anything seen since World War II, to the tune of over $3 trillion and counting, are adding to the already monstrous $22 trillion in U.S. debt. This does not bode well for our children or future economic stability.The list of consequences goes on and on, and behind each of the statistics is a family struggling to survive, a father and mother fearful of how they will care for their children, a small-business owner seeing their dreams and hard work destroyed overnight by draconian government mandates, a restaurant owner deciding never to reopen, a dairy farmer throwing in the towel and a business owner postponing indefinitely plans for expanding.Behind these numbers is an economy greatly impacted by the government response to the coronavirus, with implications for our economic well-being profound and long lasting. Expansion projects delayed, business closures, layoffs and contraction for many businesses will likely keep unemployment numbers high and depress economic expansion for an unknown amount of time.Let us be clear, it grows worse every day we remain closed.Steve Holt represents District 18 in the Iowa House. Full Article Guest Columnist
why Porter: Why the board needs a woman of color By www.thegazette.com Published On :: Wed, 6 May 2020 14:24:48 -0400 I am absolutely thrilled that the Johnson County Board of Supervisors finally has both a person of color and a female majority on the board. Why? Because women make decisions and guide communities in totally different ways than men do. Women have a unique ability to communicate with those who need to be heard and to understand multiple sides of any argument. Because our entire community needs to be represented on our Board of Supervisors. In Johnson County we have a vibrant, diverse, exciting community with the potential to come together to improve the lives of all our citizens and our community. Because by including representatives from our entire community on our governing boards, those voices have the potential to be heard, and acted upon. This is the best way for us to hear the voices of all our diverse community. Yes, there are more voices to be heard and future elections will make that difference. We have come a long way from the times when every board member was a white male. Let’s keep going!Because in Johnson County we purport ourselves to be a liberal, inclusive and vibrant community. We are most vibrant when all of us come together, honor each other, listen to each other, work together for common goals and have fun together. Because that is the kind of community I long to live in. A community where every voice and concern is heard and people work toward solutions together, not from the top down, but from inclusivity, listening, understanding and taking action together. Because change is most effective when it comes the roots up, not from the top down. Women and people of color have more experience and success working in this way.Because men want to fix things and people of color and women are more adept at changing things by listening to the voices of concern.I am enthusiastically looking forward to working with everybody as a member of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors.Royceann Porter is a candidate in the Democratic primary for Johnson County Board of Supervisors. Full Article Guest Columnist
why Why universal basic health care is both a moral and economic imperative By www.thegazette.com Published On :: Thu, 7 May 2020 10:03:33 -0400 Several hundred cars were parked outside a food bank in San Antonio on Good Friday — the food bank fed 10,000 people that day. Such scenes, increasingly common across the nation and evocative of loaves and fish, reflect the cruel facts about the wealthiest nation in the world: 80 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and 100 percent of Americans were unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. People are hungry due to macroeconomic and environmental factors, not because they did something wrong. Although everyone is at risk in this pandemic, the risk is not shared equally across socioeconomic classes. Universal basic health care could resolve this disparity and many of the moral and economic aspects associated with the pandemic.Increases in the total output of the economy, or the gross domestic product (GDP), disproportionately benefit the wealthy. From 1980 to 2020, the GDP increased by 79 percent. Over that same time, the after-tax income of the top 0.01 percent of earners increased by 420 percent, while the after-tax income of the middle 40 percent of earners increased by only 50 percent, and by a measly 20 percent for the bottom 50 percent of earners. At present, the top 0.1 percent of earners have the same total net worth as the bottom 85 percent. Such income inequality produces poverty, which is much more common in the U.S. than in other developed countries. Currently 43 million Americans, or 12.7 percent of the population, live in poverty. At the same time, 30 million Americans are uninsured and many more are underinsured with poorly designed insurance plans. The estimated total of uninsured and underinsured Americans exceeds 80 million. In addition, most of the 600,000 homeless people and 11 million immigrants in the U.S. lack health care coverage. Immigrants represent an especially vulnerable population, since many do not speak English and cannot report hazardous or unsafe work conditions. Furthermore, many immigrants avoid care due to fear of deportation even if they entered the country through legal channels.Most people in poverty and many in the middle class obtain coverage from federal programs. On a national level, Medicaid is effectively a middle-class program and covers those living in poverty, 30 percent of adults and 60 percent of children with disabilities as well as about 67 percent of people in nursing homes. In Iowa, 37 percent of children and 48 percent of nursing home residents use Medicaid. Medicaid also finances up to 20 percent of the care provided in rural hospitals. Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Hospital Insurance Program (CHIP) together cover over 40 percent of Americans. In addition to facilitating care, health care policy must also address the “social determinants of health,” since the conditions in which people live, work, and play dictate up to 80 percent of their health risks and outcomes. This means that health care reform requires programs in all facets of society. Winston Churchill first conceptualized such an idea in the early 20th century as a tool to prevent the expansion of socialism, arguing that inequality could persist indefinitely without social safety nets. Since that time most developed countries have implemented such social programs, but not the US.All developed countries except the U.S. provide some type of universal basic health care for their residents. Universal basic health care refers to a system that provides all people with certain essential benefits, such as emergency services (including maternity), inpatient hospital and physician care, outpatient services, laboratory and radiology services, treatment of mental illness and substance abuse, preventive health services (including vaccinations), rehabilitation, and medications. Providing access to these benefits, along with primary care, dramatically improves the health of the community without imposing concerns regarding payment. Perhaps not coincidentally, the U.S. reports a lower life expectancy and higher rates of infant mortality, suicide and homicide compared to other developed countries. Countries such as Canada, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, and Japan all produce better health care outcomes than the U.S. at a much lower cost. In fact the U.S. spends about twice the percentage of its GDP on health care compared to these countries. With that being said, the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), which facilitated a decrease in the rate of the uninsured in the U.S. from 20 percent to 12 percent, also decreased the percentage of the GDP spent on health care from 20.2 percent to 17.9 percent in just 10 years. For this reason, most economists agree that universal basic health care would not cost more than the current system, and many would also argue that the total costs of the health care system cannot be further reduced unless everyone has access to basic care.Achieving successful universal basic health care requires a serious long-term commitment from the federal government — contributing to Medicaid and financing its expansion are not enough. It requires courage from our elected leaders. The ACA took several important steps toward this goal by guaranteeing coverage for preexisting conditions, banishing lifetime maximums for essential services, and mandating individual coverage for everyone, though Congress repealed this final provision in 2017. At present, the ACA requires refinement and a public option, thereby preserving private and employer-based plans for those who want them.Without universal basic health care the people living at the margins of society have no assurances that they will have access to basic health care services, especially during times of pandemic. Access to food and medications is less reliable, large families live together in small spaces, and public transportation facilitates frequent exposure to others. Childhood diseases such as asthma, chronic diseases such as diabetes, and diseases related to smoking such as COPD and cancer are all likely to worsen. Quarantine protocols also exacerbate the mental health crisis, further increasing rates of domestic violence, child abuse, substance abuse, depression, and suicide. In the last six weeks over 30 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits, and as people become unemployed, many will lose health insurance. Access to basic health care without economic or legal consequences would greatly enhance all aspects of pandemic management and response, from tracing contacts and quarantining carriers to administering tests and reinforcing supply chains. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected minorities and the impoverished in both mortality and livelihood. Universal basic health care helps these vulnerable populations the most, and by reducing their risk it reduces the risk for everyone. In this way, universal basic health care supports the best interests of all Americans. Like a living wage, universal basic health care aligns with the Christian tradition of social justice and is a moral and economic imperative for all Americans. Nurses, doctors, and other health care providers often observe a sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots when seeing patients. The homeless, the hungry, the unemployed, the working poor, the uninsured; people without families, patients with no visitors, those who live alone or lack support systems; refugees and immigrants — all of these people deserve the fairness and dignity provided by universal basic health care and programs which improve the social determinants of their health. The ACA moved U.S. toward this goal, but now it requires refinement and a public option. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the urgency of this imperative by demonstrating how universal basic health care could decrease the risks to those less fortunate, thus significantly decreasing the risks to everyone. James M. Levett, MD, serves on the board of Linn County Public Health and is a practicing cardiothoracic surgeon with Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa. Pramod Dwivedi, MS, DrPH (c), is the health director of Linn County Public Health. Full Article Guest Columnist
why 5 Reasons Why Should Hire a Web Design Company (Now!) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 19:32:02 +0000 Wondering why you should hire a web design company? If so, click here for five reasons why you should hire a web design company now! More Full Article Web Design
why Why it’s a Bad Idea to Over-Customize Client Website Templates By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 17:33:10 +0000 Web clients love custom designs. Enough unique changes can turn a pre-made template into a beautiful, original site design. While there’s nothing wrong with tweaking a website for your clients, customization can be taken too far. Granting excessive requests can put your projects into overtime and drive you mad. If you want to avoid […] More Full Article Web Design
why Why's it so hard to get the cool stuff approved? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0500 The classic adage is “good design speaks for itself.” Which would mean that if something’s as good of an idea as you think it is, a client will instantly see that it’s good too, right? Here at Viget, we’re always working with new and different clients. Each with their own challenges and sensibilities. But after ten years of client work, I can’t help but notice a pattern emerge when we’re trying to get approval on especially cool, unconventional parts of a design. So let’s break down some of those patterns to hopefully better understand why clients hesitate, and what strategies we’ve been using lately to help get the work we’re excited about approved.Imagine this: the parallax homepage with elements that move around in surprising ways or a unique navigation menu that conceptually reinforces a site’s message. The way the content cards on a page will, like, be literal cards that will shuffle and move around. Basically, any design that feels like an exciting, novel challenge, will need the client to “get it.” And that often turns out to be the biggest challenge of all. There are plenty of practical reasons cool designs get shot down. A client is usually more than one stakeholder, and more than the team of people you’re working with directly. On any project, there’s an amount of telephone you end up playing. Or, there’s always the classic foes: budgets and deadlines. Any idea should fit in those predetermined constraints. But as a project goes along, budgets and deadlines find a way to get tighter than you planned. But innovative designs and interactions can seem especially scary for clients to approve. There’s three fears that often pop up on projects:The fear of change. Maybe the client expected something simple, a light refresh. Something that doesn’t challenge their design expectations or require more time and effort to understand. And on our side, maybe we didn’t sufficiently ease them into our way of thinking and open them up to why we think something bigger and bolder is the right solution for them. Baby steps, y’all. The fear of the unknown. Or, less dramatically, a lack of understanding of the medium. In the past, we have struggled with how to present an interactive, animated design to a client before it’s actually built. Looking at a site that does something conceptually similar as an example can be tough. It’s asking a lot of a client’s imagination to show them a site about boots that has a cool spinning animation and get meaningful feedback about how a spinning animation would work on their site about after-school tutoring. Or maybe we’ve created static designs, then talked around what we envision happening. Again, what seems so clear in our minds as professionals entrenched in this stuff every day can be tough for someone outside the tech world to clearly understand. The fear of losing control. We’re all about learning from past mistakes. So lets say, after dealing with that fear of the unknown on a project, next time you go in the opposite direction. You invest time up front creating something polished. Maybe you even get the developer to build a prototype that moves and looks like the real thing. You’ve taken all the vague mystery out of the process, so a client will be thrilled, right? Surprise, probably not! Most clients are working with you because they want to conquer the noble quest that is their redesign together. When we jump straight to showing something that looks polished, even if it’s not really, it can feel like we jumped ahead without keeping them involved. Like we took away their input. They can also feel demotivated to give good, meaningful feedback on a polished prototype because it looks “done.”So what to do? Lately we have found low-fidelity prototypes to be a great tool for combating these fears and better communicating our ideas. What are low-fidelity prototypes?Low fidelity prototypes are a tool that designers can create quickly to illustrate an idea, without sinking time into making it pixel-perfect. Some recent examples of prototypes we've created include a clickable Figma or Invision prototype put together with Whimsical wireframes: A rough animation created in Principle illustrating less programatic animation: And even creating an animated storyboard in Photoshop: They’re rough enough that there’s no way they could be confused for a final product. But customized so that a client can immediately understand what they’re looking at and what they need to respond to. Low-fidelity prototypes hit a sweet spot that addresses those client fears head on. That fear of change? A lo-fi prototype starts rough and small, so it can ease a client into a dramatic change without overwhelming them. It’s just a first step. It gives them time to react and warm up to something that’ll ultimately be a big change.It also cuts out the fear of the unknown. Seeing something moving around, even if it’s rough, can be so much more clear than talking ourselves in circles about how we think it will move, and hoping the client can imagine it. The feature is no longer an enigma cloaked in mystery and big talk, but something tangible they can point at and ask concrete questions about.And finally, a lo-fi prototype doesn’t threaten a client’s sense of control. Low-fidelity means it’s clearly still a work in progress! It’s just an early step in the creative process, and therefore communicates that we’re still in the middle of that process together. There’s still plenty of room for their ideas and feedback. Lo-fi prototypes: client-tested, internal team-approvedThere are a lot of reasons to love lo-fi prototypes internally, too! They’re quick and easy. We can whip up multiple ideas within a few hours, without sinking the time into getting our hearts set on any one thing. In an agency setting especially, time is limited, so the faster we can get an idea out of our own heads, the better.They’re great to share with developers. Ideally, the whole team is working together simultaneously, collaborating every step of the way. Realistically, a developer often doesn’t have time during a project’s early design phase. Lo-fi prototypes are concrete enough that a developer can quickly tell if building an idea will be within scope. It helps us catch impractical ideas early and helps us all collaborate to create something that’s both cool and feasible. Stay tuned for posts in the near future diving into some of our favorite processes for creating lo-fi prototypes! Full Article Design & Content
why A Viget Glossary: What We Mean and Why it Matters - Part 1 By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 Viget has helped organizations design and develop award-winning websites and digital products for 20 years. In that time, we’ve been lucky to create long-term relationships with clients like Puma, the World Wildlife Fund, and Privia Health, and, throughout our time working together, we’ve come to understand each others’ unique terminology. But that isn’t always the case when we begin work with new clients, and in a constantly-evolving industry, we know that new terminology appears almost daily and organizations have unique definitions for deliverables and processes. Kicking off a project always initiates a flurry of activity. There are contracts to sign, team members to introduce, and new platforms to learn. It’s an exciting time, and we know clients are anxious to get underway. Amidst all the activity, though, there is a need to define and create a shared lexicon to ensure both teams understand the project deliverables and process that will take us from kickoff to launch. Below, we’ve rounded up a few terms for each of our disciplines that often require additional explanation. Note: our definitions of these terms may differ slightly from the industry standard, but highlight our interpretation and use of them on a daily basis. User ExperienceResearchIn UX, there is a proliferation of terms that are often used interchangeably and mean almost-but-subtly-not the same thing. Viget uses the term research to specifically mean user research — learning more about the users of our products, particularly how they think and behave — in order to make stronger recommendations and better designs. This can be accomplished through different methodologies, depending on the needs of the project, and can include moderated usability testing, stakeholder interviews, audience research, surveys, and more. Learn more about the subtleties of UX research vocabulary in our post on “Speaking the Same Language About Research”.WireframesWe use wireframes to show the priority and organization of content on the screen, to give a sense of what elements will get a stronger visual treatment, and to detail how users will get to other parts of the site. Wireframes are a key component of website design — think of them as the skeleton or blueprint of a page — but we know that clients often feel uninspired after reviewing pages built with gray boxes. In fact, we’ve even written about how to improve wireframe presentations. We remind clients that visual designers will step in later to add polish through color, graphics, and typography, but agreeing on the foundation of the page is an important and necessary first step. PrototypesDuring the design process, it’s helpful for us to show clients how certain pieces of functionality or animations will work once the site is developed. We can mimic interactivity or test a technical proof of concept by using a clickable prototype, relying on tools like Figma, Invision, or Principle. Our prototypes can be used to illustrate a concept to internal stakeholders, but shouldn’t be seen as a final approach. Often, these concepts will require additional work to prepare them for developer handoff, which means that prototypes quickly become outdated. Read more about how and when we use prototypes. Navigation Testing (Treejack Testing)Following an information architecture presentation, we will sometimes recommend that clients conduct navigation testing. When testing, we present a participant with the proposed navigation and ask them to perform specific tasks in order to see if they will be able to locate the information specified within the site’s new organization. These tests generally focus on two aspects of the navigation: the structure of the navigation system itself, and the language used within the system. Treejack is an online navigation testing tool that we like to employ when conducting navigation tests, so we’ll often interchange the terms “navigation testing” with “treejack testing”.Learn more about Viget’s approach to user experience and research. Full Article Strategy Process
why A Viget Glossary: What We Mean and Why It Matters - Part 2 By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:09:00 -0400 In my last post, I defined terms used by our UX team that are often confused or have multiple meanings across the industry. Today, I’ll share our definitions for processes and deliverables used by our design and strategy teams. Creative Brand Strategy In our experience, we’ve found that the term brand strategy is used to cover a myriad of processes, documents, and deliverables. To us, a brand strategy defines how an organization communicates who they are, what they do and why in a clear and compelling way. Over the years, we’ve developed an approach to brand strategy work that emphasizes rigorous research, hands-on collaboration, and the definition of problems and goals. We work with clients to align on a brand strategy concept and, depending on the client and their goals, our final deliverables can range to include strategy definition, audience-specific messaging, identity details, brand elements, applications, and more. Take a look at the brand strategy work we’ve done for Fiscalnote, Swiftdine, and Armstrong Tire. Content Strategy A content strategy goes far beyond the words on a website or in an app. A strong content strategy dictates the substance, structure, and governance of the information an organization uses to communicate to its audience. It guides creating, organizing, and maintaining content so that companies can communicate who they are, what they do, and why efficiently and effectively. We’ve worked with organizations like the Washington Speakers Bureau, The Nature Conservancy, the NFL Players Association, and the Wildlife Conservation Society to refine and enhance their content strategies. Still confused about the difference between brand and content strategy? Check out our flowchart. Style Guide vs. Brand Guidelines We often find the depth or fidelity of brand guidelines and style guides can vary greatly, and the terms can often be confused. When we create brand guidelines, they tend to be large documents that include in-depth recommendations about how a company should communicate their brand. Sections like “promise”, “vision”, “mission”, “values”, “tone”, etc. accompany details about how the brand’s logo, colors and fonts should be used in a variety of scenarios. Style guides, on the other hand, are typically pared down documents that contain specific guidance for organizations’ logos, colors and fonts, and don’t always include usage examples. Design System One question we get from clients often during a redesign or rebrand is, “How can I make sure people across my organization are adhering to our new designs?” This is where a design system comes into play. Design systems can range from the basic — e.g., a systematic approach to creating shared components for a single website — all the way to the complex —e.g., architecting a cross-product design system that can scale to accommodate hundreds of different products within a company. By assembling elements like color, typography, imagery, messaging, voice and tone, and interaction patterns in a central repository, organizations are able to scale products and marketing confidently and efficiently. When a design system is translated into code, we refer to that as a parts kit, which helps enforce consistency and improve workflow. Comps or Mocks When reviewing RFPs or going through the nitty-gritty of contracts with clients, we often see the terms mocks or comps used interchangeably to refer to the static design of pages or screens. Internally, we think of a mock-up as a static image file that illustrates proof-of-concept, just a step beyond a wireframe. A comp represents a design that is “high fidelity” and closer to what the final website will look like, though importantly, is not an exact replica. This is likely what clients will share with internal stakeholders to get approval on the website direction and what our front-end developers will use to begin building-out the site (in other words, converting the static design files into dynamic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code). If you're interested in joining our team of creative thinkers and visual storytellers who bring these concepts to life for our clients, we’re hiring in Washington, D.C. Durham, Boulder and Chattanooga. Tune in next week as we decipher the terms we use most often when talking about development. Full Article Strategy Process
why Unsolved Zoom Mysteries: Why We Have to Say “You’re Muted” So Much By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 09:36:00 -0400 Video conference tools are an indispensable part of the Plague Times. Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and their compatriots are keeping us close and connected in a physically distanced world. As tech-savvy folks with years of cross-office collaboration, we’ve laughed at the sketches and memes about vidconf mishaps. We practice good Zoomiquette, including muting ourselves when we’re not talking. Yet even we can’t escape one vidconf pitfall. (There but for the grace of Zoom go I.) On nearly every vidconf, someone starts to talk, and then someone else says: “Oop, you’re muted.” And, inevitably: “Oop, you’re still muted.” That’s right: we’re trying to follow Zoomiquette by muting, but then we forget or struggle to unmute when we do want to talk. In this post, I’ll share my theories for why the You’re Muted Problems are so pervasive, using Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom as examples. Spoiler alert: While I hope this will help you be more mindful of the problem, I can’t offer a good solution. It still happens to me. All. The. Time. Skip the why and go straight to the vidconf app keyboard shortcuts you should memorize right now. Why we don't realize we’re muted before talking Why does this keep happening?!? Simply put: UX and design decisions make it harder to remember that you’re muted before you start to talk. Here’s a common scenario: You haven’t talked for a bit, so you haven’t interacted with the Zoom screen for a few seconds. Then you start to talk — and that’s when someone tells you, “You’re muted.” We forget so easily in these scenarios because when our mouse has been idle for a few seconds, the apps hide or downplay the UI elements that tell us we’re muted. Zoom and Teams are the worst offenders: Zoom hides both the toolbar with the main in-app controls (the big mute button) and the mute status indicator on your video pane thumbnail.Teams hides the toolbar, and doesn't show a mute status indicator on your video thumbnail in the first place. Meet is only slightly better: Meet hides the toolbar, and shows only a small mute status icon in your video thumbnail. Even when our mouse is active, the apps’ subtle approach to muted state UI can make it easy to forget that we’re muted: Teams is the worst offender: The mute button is an icon rather than words.The muted-state icon's styling could be confused with unmuted state: Teams does not follow the common pattern of using red to denote muted state.The mute button is not differentiated in visual hierarchy from all the other controls.As mentioned above, Teams never shows a secondary mute status indicator. Zoom is a bit better, but still makes it pretty easy to forget that you’re muted: Pros:Zoom is the only app to use words on the mute button, in this case to denote the button action (rather than the muted state).The muted-state icon’s styling (red line) is less likely to be confused with the unmuted-state icon.Cons:The mute button’s placement (bottom left corner of the page) is easy to overlook.The mute button is not differentiated in visual hierarchy from the other toolbar buttons — and Zoom has a lot of toolbar buttons, especially when logged in as host.The secondary mute status indicator is a small icon.The mute button’s muted-state icon is styled slightly differently from the secondary mute status indicator. Potential Cons:While words denote the button action, only an icon denotes the muted state. Meet is probably the clearest of the three apps, but still has pitfalls: Pros:The mute button is visually prominent in the UI: It’s clearly differentiated in the visual hierarchy relative to other controls (styled as a primary button); is a large button; and is placed closer to the center of the controls bar.The muted-state icon’s styling (red fill) is less likely to be confused with the unmuted-state icon.Cons:Uses only an icon rather than words to denote the muted state.Unrelated Con:While the mute button is visually prominent, it’s also placed next to the hang-up button. So in Meet’s active state you might be less likely to forget you’re muted … but more likely to accidentally hang up when trying to unmute. 😬 I know modern app design leans toward minimalism. There’s often good rationale to use icons rather than words, or to de-emphasize controls and indicators when not in use. But again: This happens on basically every call! Often multiple times per call!! And we’re supposed to be tech-savvy!!! Imagine what it’s like for the tens of millions of vidconf newbs. I would argue that “knowing your muted state” has turned out to be a major vidconf user need. At this point, it’s certainly worth rethinking UX patterns for. Why we keep unsuccessfully unmuting once we realize we’re muted So we can blame the You’re Muted Problem on UX and design. But what causes the You’re Still Muted Problem? Once we know we’re muted, why do we sometimes fail to unmute before talking again? This one is more complicated — and definitely more speculative. To start making sense of this scenario, here’s the sequence I’m guessing most commonly plays out (I did this a couple times before I became aware of it): The crucial part is when the person tries to unmute by pressing the keyboard Volume On/Off key. If that’s in fact what’s happening (again, this is just a hypothesis), I’m guessing they did that because when someone says “You’re muted” or “I can’t hear you,” our subconscious thought process is: “Oh, Audio is Off. Press the keyboard key that I usually press when I want to change Audio Off to Audio On.” There are two traps in this reflexive thought process: First, the keyboard volume keys control the speaker volume, not the microphone volume. (More specifically, they control the system sound output settings, rather than the system sound input settings or the vidconf app’s sound input settings.)In fact, there isn’t a keyboard key to control the microphone volume. You can’t unmute your mic via a dedicated keyboard key, the way that you can turn the speaker volume on/off via a keyboard key while watching a movie or listening to music. Second, I think we reflexively press the keyboard key anyway because our mental model of the keyboard audio keys is just: Audio. Not microphone vs. speaker. This fuzzy mental model makes sense: There’s only one set of keyboard keys related to audio, so why would I think to distinguish between microphone and speaker? So my best guess is hardware design causes the You’re Still Muted Problem. After all, keyboard designs are from a pre-Zoom era, when the average person rarely used the computer’s microphone.If that is the cause, one potential solution is for hardware manufacturers to start including dedicated keys to control microphone volume: Video conference keyboard shortcuts you should memorize right now Let me know if you have other theories for the You’re Still Muted Problem! In the meantime, the best alternative is to learn all of the vidconf app keyboard shortcuts for muting/unmuting: MeetMac: Command(⌘) + DWindows: Control + DTeamsMac: Command(⌘) + Shift + MWindows: Ctrl + Shift + MZoomMac: Command(⌘) + Shift + AWindows: Alt + AHold Spacebar: Temporarily unmute Other vidconf apps not included in my analysis: Cisco Webex MeetingsMac: Ctrl + Alt + MWindows: Ctrl + Shift + M GoToMeeting Mac: No keyboard shortcut? Windows: Ctrl + Alt + A Bonus protip from Jackson Fox: If you use multiple vidconf apps, pick a keyboard shortcut that you like and manually change each app’s mute/unmute shortcut to that. Then you only have to remember one shortcut! Full Article Process User Experience