
'Order to repay my carer allowance dehumanised me'

Carers reveal the stress of the DWP informing them they have been overpaid in benefits.


6 tips to help you save big for Halloween

  Halloween may be the time for frightful fun and eerie excitement, but the costs of costumes, decorations, and sweets can quickly turn from treat to trick. Thankfully, celebrating the […]

The post 6 tips to help you save big for Halloween appeared first on ShinyShiny.


Fallows steps down as Aston Martin’s technical director | Formula 1

Dan Fallows is stepping down as Aston Martin's technical director, two-and-a-half years after taking over the role.


Listen to a spooky Halloween electronic music show tonight – that obvs features me

If you are home alone tonight on Halloween and fancy something spooky and electronic to listen to, please allow me to direct you to the annual Homebrew Electronica horrorthon! Promising “spooky bangers, creepy electronica and twisted soundscapes for Halloween night”,...


Online allocation of teaching resources for ideological and political courses in colleges and universities based on differential search algorithm

In order to improve the classification accuracy and online allocation accuracy of teaching resources and shorten the allocation time, this paper proposes a new online allocation method of college ideological and political curriculum teaching resources based on differential search algorithm. Firstly, the feedback parameter model of teaching resources cleaning is constructed to complete the cleaning of teaching resources. Secondly, according to the results of anti-interference consideration, the linear feature extraction of ideological and political curriculum teaching resources is carried out. Finally, the online allocation objective function of teaching resources for ideological and political courses is constructed, and the differential search algorithm is used to optimise the objective function to complete the online allocation of resources. The experimental results show that this method can accurately classify the teaching resources of ideological and political courses, and can shorten the allocation time, with the highest allocation accuracy of 97%.


Will a Black Hole Eventually Swallow Earth?” Fifth Graders' Interest in Questions from a Textbook, an Open Educational Resource and Other Students' Questions

Can questions sent to Open-Educational-Resource (OER) websites such as Ask-An-Expert serve as indicators for students’ interest in science? This issue was examined using an online questionnaire which included an equal number of questions about the topics “space” and “nutrition” randomly selected from three different sources: a 5th-grade science textbook, the “Ask-An-Expert” website, and questions collected from other students in the same age group. A sample of 113 5th-graders from two elementary schools were asked to rate their interest level in finding out the answer to these questions without knowledge of their source. Significant differences in students’ interest level were found between questions: textbook questions were ranked lowest for both subjects, and questions from the open-resource were ranked high. This finding suggests that questions sent to an open-resource could be used as an indicator of students’ interest in science. In addition, the high correlation of interests expressed by students from the two schools may point to a potential generalization of the findings. This study contributes by highlighting OER as a new and promising indicator of student interest, which may help bring “student voices” into mainstream science teaching to increase student interest in science.


A fuzzy-probabilistic bi-objective mathematical model for integrated order allocation, production planning, and inventory management

An optimisation-based decision-making support is proposed in this study in the form of fuzzy-probabilistic programming, which can be used to solve integrated order allocation, production planning, and inventory management problems in fuzzy and probabilistic uncertain environments. The problem was modelled in an uncertain mathematical optimisation model with two objectives: maximising the expectation of production volume and minimising the expectation of total operational cost subject to demand and other constraints. The model belongs to fuzzy-probabilistic bi-objective integer linear programming, and the generalised reduced gradient method combined with the branch-and-bound algorithm was utilised to solve the derived model. Numerical simulations were performed to illustrate how the optimal decision was formulated. The results showed that the proposed decision-making support was successful in providing the optimal decision with the maximum expectation of the production volume and minimum expectation of the total operational cost. Therefore, the approach can be implemented by decision-makers in manufacturing companies.


NI teachers unions ballot members on strike

The pay dispute could also spread to include the Northern Ireland Civil Service.


Should You Allow Your Auto Insurance To Monitor Your Driving?

The number of drivers who let their insurance monitor their driving has more than doubled in less than a decade! While many drivers were once skeptical of the practice, the benefits are becoming more and more appealing as people make the switch to usage-based insurance. And as car insurance rates continue to climb, even more […]

The post Should You Allow Your Auto Insurance To Monitor Your Driving? appeared first on Clark Howard.


Irish crowd waits hours for Halloween parade, only to find it was fake

A representational image showing people wearing costumes during a Halloween parade. — AFP/File

DUBLIN: In a rather intriguing yet disturbing revelation, a Pakistan-based artificial intelligence-powered website has been found to be behind a hoax Halloween parade in Dublin that led to...


Meghan Markle to put an end to cold war with Royal family: ‘Needs to swallow pride'

Meghan Markle to put an end to cold war with Royal family: ‘Needs to swallow pride’

Meghan Markle has realized that in order to build a reputation in the US, she needs to rebuild relationships with the members of the Royal family.

According to Closer Magazine, the...


BTM Halloween-Jam #3

At the 27th October 2018, the BTM Halloween-Jam will take place the third time in a row at the Rolling Bonez e.V. Freiberg Skatepark. The contest will be splitted in 3 groups. The Contest fees are for Group A: 5€ - Group B: 4€ - Kids (U12) 2€ a part from that every one who's dressed up for Halloween must only pay half. Everyone got 2 runs inlcuding 1 best trick. Food, drinks and music will be provided, so just come over and have a good time.

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

BTM Halloween-Jam #3

27th of October 2018

Skatehalle Freiberg
Fuchsmühlenweg 13
09599 Freiberg

More infos on Facebook.


Robin Kachfi - Halloween 2018 Video

Robin Kachfi filmed together with Michael Lorenz a really rad Halloween Video, which you can watch now at Robin's Youtube Channel. You definitely shouldn't miss this!

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Robin Kachfi

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NCAA lifts eligibility ban in allowing Canadian Hockey League players to compete at U.S. colleges

The NCAA Division I Council on Thursday approved a rule allowing players with Canadian Hockey League experience to compete at U.S. colleges starting next season, a landmark decision that has the potential of shaking up the NHL's two largest sources of developmental talent.


Future of school choice unclear after state ballot defeats

Voters in Colorado, Kentucky and Nebraska on Tuesday rejected school choice ballot measures that would have let parents spend state education dollars on private and public charter schools.


Halloween History And Christian Life

Christian Halloween History explains what Halloween is, where the customs came from, why it involves the dead, and whether Christians should participate. Be ready to be startled by some of the answers.


Nationals decline Joey Gallo's $8 million option for $2.5 million buyout

Joey Gallo's $8 million mutual option was declined by the Washington Nationals on Sunday, making the first baseman/outfielder a free agent.


Vatican, Microsoft create AI-generated St. Peter's Basilica to allow virtual visits, log damage

The Vatican and Microsoft on Monday unveiled a digital twin of St. Peter's Basilica that uses artificial intelligence to explore one of the world's most important monument's while helping the Holy See manage visitor flows and identify conservation problems.


Indipendenza, la Catalogna allo scontro finale con Madrid

di Luca Veronese
Con un atto finale di sfida, la Catalogna sta per approvare la legge sul referendum per l’indipendenza che si terrà il primo di ottobre. A meno di un mese dalla data fissata per la consultazione popolare, il voto del Parlamento catalano porta così lo scontro con lo Stato spagnolo oltre il punto di non ritorno. Il provvedimento sul referendum che dovrebbe essere approvato a maggioranza dai partiti separatisti entro oggi, di fatto segna già una secessione tra la Catalogna e le leggi dello Stato spagnolo: la nuova legge si pone infatti, in caso di conflitto, sopra ogni altra normativa, regionale e statale. Immediata la reazione del premier nazionale, Mariano Rajoy che mantenendo la linea dura - «Il referendum non si farà!» - ha chiesto alla Corte Costituzionale di bloccare la legge e ha chiamato in causa la magistratura perché verifichi le responsabilità penali della presidente del Parlamento Catalano, Carme Forcadell, che ha autorizzato la presentazione e la discussione in assemblea.

Il presidente della Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, assieme agli alleati separatisti catalani, sta mantenendo le promesse fatte al momento della sua elezione, nel gennaio del 2016, guardando al percorso verso l’autonomia della regione più ricca del Paese: «Non ci sono alternative per l’indipendenza: referendum, o referendum!», disse, passando sopra ogni possibilità di mediazione con il governo nazionale di Mariano Rajoy.

L’ostruzionismo dell’opposizione in Parlamento - formata dai Popolari e dai rappresentanti di Ciudadanos - sta rallentando l’approvazione della legge ma già questa sera stessa, per anticipare la stroncatura della Corte Costituzionale, Puigdemont dovrebbe riuscire a firmare il decreto di convocazione, che dovrebbe essere controfirmato da tutti i ministri del governo catalano, per diluire le responsabilità di fronte a possibili processi. Non ci sono dubbi sulla successiva e immediata sentenza della Corte Costituzionale spagnola che si esprimerà contro la legge come già accaduto negli scorsi anni per tutti i tentativi della Catalogna di arrivare alla consultazione per vie legalmente riconosciute, dalla Spagna e dalla comunità internazionale.

Il premier Rajoy ha già ordinato all’Avvocatura dello Stato di «interporre un incidente di esecuzione di sentenza» davanti alla Corte Costituzionale per tentare di impedire che il Parlamento catalano discuta e adotti la legge di convocazione del referendum. Rajoy ha anche chiesto alla Consulta di determinare la responsabilità penale della presidente del Parlament, Carme Forcadell, che ha autorizzato l’esame della legge.

La procura spagnola ha annunciato che denuncerà la stessa Forcadell per «disobbedienza» all’Alta Corte di Madrid che ha vietato ogni iniziativa verso l’indipendenza.

Puigdemont, assieme ai suoi alleati, a partire dalla Sinistra Repubblicana di Oriol Junqueras, da domani dovrà scegliere se obbedire alla legge spagnola, e fermare la macchina del referendum: ma sembra improbabile, giunti a questo punto, che gli indipendentisti si tirino indietro. Oppure se diventare «fuori legge», almeno per la Spagna, seguendo la nuova «legalità catalana»

«Si è già a un punto di non ritorno», avverte l’analista Inaki Gabilondo. La frattura tra Barcellona e Madrid è già profondissima. Di fronte alla determinazione catalana, a Rajoy potrebbe non restare altra scelta che l’articolo 155 della Costituzione, che consente al governo nazionale di sospendere e destituire Puigdemont e l’autonomia catalana. Ma davvero la Spagna può arrivare a recintare i seggi, sequestrare le urne o azzerare con la forza le istituzioni catalane? Non si rischierebbe di tornare indietro di mezzo secolo rievocando i fantasmi del franchismo? Rajoy, alla guida di un governo di minoranza a Madrid, non ha probabilmente nemmeno la forza politica per farlo. Con i Socialisti e Podemos che hanno più volte chiesto di aprire un tavolo per un negoziato sull’autonomia della regione.

La Diada, la festa nazionale della Comunità autonoma catalana, che ogni 11 settembre porta nelle strade della regione milioni di cittadini, si è già trasformata in una nuova prova di forza di Barcellona contro la Spagna.



Gallon Drunk - The Road Gets Darker From Here

Seventh album of darkly rockin’ blues from Londoners channelling spirits of New Orleans.


Balloon Art: A New Twist on Child Evangelism

When Dan Bellamy was preparing for a missions trip to Jamaica during his senior year of high school, he was introduced to the art of balloon sculpting. He was only going to pick up a few tricks from his instructor (a professional clown), but soon the student surpassed the teacher and a new interest and eventual career in ministry was born. "I had no expectations of making it more than a hobby during college or long after college. You know, it crossed my mind during seminary, but I never really...


38 - How to Discipline Your Team ... is spanking still allowed?

Today we talk through that terrible, horrible, uncomfortable word; Discipline. How do you effectively correct or discipline your team when/if it’s needed? Should it really come down to that? Oh boy.

James and Dustin dig deep into the realities of this topic within our worship teams and how to make sure we are the best we can be.


The Worship Podcast is powered by All About Worship in partnership with WeAreWorship. This episode also features Song Capture.

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Government confirms where £350m of dormant asset funds will be allocated

The government has earmarked four areas for spending until 2028


Court order allows DOL claim for enterprise-wide abatement to move forward

Washington – In what OSHA is calling a “precedent-setting” decision, a judge has determined that the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission may have the authority to order enterprise-wide abatements of hazards.


Coalition to OSHA: Don’t allow union reps at inspections of non-union workplaces

Washington – A coalition of industry groups has called for OSHA to withdraw a recent letter of interpretation stating that workers at a non-union workplace may designate someone affiliated with a union as their representative during OSHA “walkaround” inspections.


Proposed rule would allow drones to fly at night, over people

Washington — The Department of Transportation intends to seek comment on separate advance notices of proposed rulemaking on the safe operation and integration of drones, including a measure that would allow civilians to operate drones at night and over populated areas without a waiver, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao announced Jan. 14.


New tool allows employers to calculate cost of motor vehicle crashes

Vienna, VA — Motor vehicle crashes cost U.S. employers up to $47.4 billion annually in direct expenses, according to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, which has developed a calculator to help organizations determine their own costs.


FMCSA pilot program would allow CMV drivers to pause hours of service for rest break

Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is seeking public comment on a proposed pilot program that would allow commercial motor vehicle operators one rest break of up to three consecutive hours but no less than 30 minutes during every 14-hour on-duty period.


Should states be allowed to make their own rules for truckers’ meal and rest breaks?

Washington — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is asking for comments on petitions seeking to restore California’s and Washington state’s rules on meal and rest breaks for commercial truck and bus drivers.


Design issue could allow Positive Train Control systems to be disabled, FRA warns

Washington — The Federal Railroad Administration has issued a safety advisory to railroads and rail employees regarding a recently identified interface design issue that relates to how Positive Train Control systems interface with locomotive and cab car braking systems.


Sterilization process allows for safe reuse of N95 respirators, researchers say

Durham, NC — In an effort to preserve the supply of N95 filtering facepiece respirators used by health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers at Duke Health say they have successfully tested a decontamination process that allows the masks to be reused safely.


OSHA allowing all employers to suspend annual respirator fit testing

Washington — OSHA is extending its temporary leniency on annual respirator fit testing to all covered employers, not only those in the health care industry.


OSHA allowing reuse of decontaminated N95 respirators

Washington — In effort to preserve the supply of N95 filtering facepiece respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic, OSHA is permitting the reuse of respirators that undergo certain decontamination processes, according to an April 24 temporary enforcement memo.


USDA announces criteria for allowing poultry processors to operate at faster line speeds

Washington — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service will allow poultry-processing plants to increase line speeds if they meet certain criteria, even as critics claim the move will expose workers to injuries and was made without public input.


USDA pilot program to allow faster line speeds at some pork-processing facilities

Washington — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety Inspection Service, in collaboration with OSHA, will allow select pork-processing facilities – on a trial basis – to operate at increased line speeds for up to one year while gathering data that “measures the impact of line speed on workers.”


App allows confined-space tracking on farms

Richmond, British Columbia – Agricultural employers can keep track of confined spaces on their properties with a new mobile application from WorkSafeBC.


Interim policy allows limited use of pre-2012-compliant hazcom labels

Washington – An OSHA interim policy issued May 29 allows limited continued use of hazard communication labels that are not yet in compliance with the revised Hazard Communication Standard released in 2012.


Eagle Eye 911 Camera Allow Instant Access for First Responders to Security Cameras

Eagle Eye Networks has launched Eagle Eye 911 Camera Sharing, a technology that gives Emergency Communication Center telecommunicators (911 professionals) instant access to security cameras during an emergency.