ice And IBM Settle Patent Lawsuits

IBM today announced it has reached agreement to resolve the patent lawsuit between IBM and The Priceline Group pending in the United States District Court for Delaware. As part of the confidential settlement, the parties will obtain patent cross-licenses to each company’s worldwide patent portfolio.


IBM to Collaborate with Leading Singapore Institutions Using Analytics to Improve the Quality of Water, Transportation and Energy Services in a City

IBM today announced a research collaboratory in Singapore, where researchers from IBM intend to collaborate with scientists and engineers from public agencies in Singapore to improve the quality of its urban services. The focus of this research effort will be to use sensor networks to more effectively model, predict and manage the use of natural and physical infrastructure resources – water, transport and energy.  


IBM Donates More Than 2.5 Million Hours of Volunteer Service to Communities Worldwide as Part of Centennial Day of Service

IBM today announced that as part of its Celebration of Service, designed to allow employees, retirees, clients and business partners to donate their time and expertise during the company's Centennial year, 300,000 IBMers around the world -- close to three quarters of its global workforce -- are volunteering in more than 5,000 projects in 120 countries, meeting civic and societal challenges and serving millions in need.


Auckland University of Technology Re-signs IBM for Five Year IT Network Services Contract

IBM has replaced Auckland University of Technology (AUT)’s core IT network as part of a new five year services contract. The new network, which went live in March, gives AUT great flexibility for deploying equipment to meet the changing needs of the university and enables it to capitalise on future enhancements in technology, such as video and data centres.


Concluyen Programa Corporate Service Corps de IBM

Después de un mes de haber iniciado la consultoría pro-bono de IBM, denominada Corporate Service Corps (CSC), el día de hoy se hizo entrega de los resúmenes ejecutivos a cada uno de los Directores de las organizaciones receptoras de este apoyo: DIF-Dirección de Innovación Guadalajara, Cuerpos de Paz-AIPROMADES, Asociación Nacional de Bancos de Alimentos (BAMX).


IBM invita al canal a hacer de las soluciones “as a service”

La progresiva digitalización de nuestra sociedad está provocando en las empresas la necesidad de transformarse para sacar el máximo partido de este fenómeno. Esta digitalización procede, principalmente, de la popularización de los dispositivos móviles inteligentes, las redes sociales y el Internet de las Cosas, que generan cada día 2,500 millones de gigabytes de datos. Dentro de toda esta información se esconde un inmenso valor para las organizaciones.

  • Services and solutions


IBM Safeguards Mobile Devices at Arrow International

IBM has implemented a cloud-based enterprise mobility management and security solution at Arrow International.


IBM predice: En 5 años, todo podrá aprender

IBM revela cinco innovaciones que cambiarán nuestras vidas en los próximos cinco años.


IBM propose le service de paiement Apple Pay à ses clients e-commerce

IBM (NYSE: IBM) annonce la disponibilité d’Apple Pay pour ses clients sur Internet afin de faciliter et de sécuriser leur paiement sur Safari depuis leur iPhone, iPad ou Mac et ce en un clic.


Euro-Information, groupe Crédit Mutuel, et IBM France s’associent dans l’univers des offres de services innovantes

Dans l’objectif d’une recherche permanente d’innovation et d’anticipation, cette alliance stratégique couvre le co-développement de nouvelles offres commerciales pour l’installation et la maintenance de systèmes informatiques, monétiques et d’objets connectés. Ce domaine représente un potentiel de marché dont la croissance est estimée à 12% par an.


Lignes de Nazca et Intelligence Artificielle : IBM découvre des indices de taille pour résoudre un des plus anciens mystères archéologiques

Cette semaine, des chercheurs d’IBM Research et de l’Université de Yamagata au Japon ont annoncé leur collaboration pour utiliser l’IA d’IBM, couplée à des algorithmes de machine learning et des données géospatiales, afin d’en découvrir davantage à propos de ces mystérieux anciens géoglyphes. Grâce à IBM Power Systems, ce partenariat a déjà abouti à la découverte d’un nouveau géoglyphe à figure humaine avec trois éléments décoratifs sur la tête, le premier grâce à l’IA.


IBM « Social Business » : nouveaux services de conseil et de formation pour saisir les opportunités associées aux réseaux sociaux

IBM (NYSE : IBM) lance de nouveaux programmes, services et partenariats afin d’aider les entreprises à renforcer leurs capacités à utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour se saisir de nouvelles opportunités affaires.

  • Global Business Solutions


Cloud : - IBM apporte de nouveaux services de divertissement à domicile avec la télévision intelligente de Philips - IBM et Vodafone lancent l’initiative Smarter Home

IBM annonce aujourd’hui que son nouveau cloud pour les fabricants d’appareils électroniques fournira à la TV connectée de Philips de nouveaux services internet, afin de proposer une gamme de services plus interactifs à des millions de téléspectateurs dans plus de 30 pays en Europe, mais aussi au Brésil et en Argentine.

  • Global Business Solutions


Mac At Work : IBM dévoile de nouveaux services pour déployer à grande échelle des Macs dans les entreprises via le Cloud

IBM annonce de nouveaux services IT basés sur le Cloud pour aider ses clients à intégrer de façon rapide, facile et sécurisée les Macs au sein de leurs entreprises et dans leurs applications.


IBM Extends Infrastructure Services Relationship With Medicare of Australia for One Year

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced it has signed a one-year extension to its contract with Australian government agency, Medicare, for the provision of IT infrastructure services.

  • Healthcare and Life Sciences


Bendigo and Adelaide Bank adopts next-gen storage systems for customer service growth

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has selected IBM XIV Storage System Gen3 as a key infrastructure component for its ongoing development and delivery of customer-focussed business applications.


IBM Extends Infrastructure Services Deal with Department of Health & Ageing for Four Years

IBM Australia (NYSE: IBM) today announced a four-year extension to its contract with Australian government agency, Department of Health & Ageing, for the provision of IT infrastructure services. The deal includes a variation to the final year of the existing agreement, and has a total value of $109m over five years.


IBM’s Corporate Services Corps Heading to Six Emerging Countries to Spark Socio-Economic Growth

One hundred IBM (NYSE: IBM) employees from 33 countries – including six from Australia and New Zealand – have been selected to participate in the company's new Corporate Service Corps program. The program is part of the Global Citizen's Portfolio initiative announced by CEO Sam Palmisano to develop leadership skills, while addressing socio-economic challenges in emerging markets.

  • Travel & Transportation


Tabcorp bets on IBM for shared services winner

Australia's best known diversified entertainment group, Tabcorp, has successfully completed its move to a shared services model for finance, human resources and procurement with the assistance of IBM Global Business Services.

  • Media & Entertainment


Westpac selects IBM as lead technology services provider under five-year contract

IBM today announced the signing of a new five-year infrastructure services agreement with The Westpac Group, which marks a key step in Westpac’s technology transformation program.

  • Banking and Financial Services


IBM delivers new IBM Cloud Container Service in Australia

IBM has announced the availability of its cloud container service in its Australian data centres, delivered out of Sydney and Melbourne, on IBM Cloud.

  • Banking and Financial Services


IBM injects analytics into data centre consolidation and relocation services

IBM today announced a new analytics-based tool for its data centre consolidation and relocation services which help clients gain up to 50% operational savings from the consolidation of IT assets and data centres.

  • Global Technology Services


IBM positioned as the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Asia Pacific

IBM positioned as the Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services, Asia Pacific

  • Global Technology Services


Telstra wins Best Practice Excellence Award

Telstra Corporation Limited (Telstra) was awarded the 2008 Excellence Award in the ‘Best Practices - Service Provider’ category by the TeleManagement Forum (TM Forum).


Study Reveals Australian Office Workers Stressed by Irrelevant Email Overload

Study Reveals Australian Office Workers Stressed by Irrelevant Email Overload


Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Selects IBM to Secure Australia’s Borders

The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) has implemented an advanced passenger analysis solution with IBM to improve border security.

  • Services and solutions


9.16circus voice style

どうも声のブログで失礼します今日は愛知県刈谷公演でしたザサーカスファイナル刈谷公演でした帰ってきました楽しかったですありがとうございましたちょっとだけご飯食べて寝ると思います異常音 weblog で失礼しましたえっとね 何回何かあったかなそんな今はベッドの上です ベッドの上ですあとはめちゃめちゃ暑かったですねこっちもめちゃめちゃ暑いです愛知県 気温もお続きをみる



2019.10.4 stylevoice

どうもアリゾナジュニアヘビー級俳優100人に一人の逸材青柳塁斗ですこんばんは夜ですねもう時間もないのでサクッとしゃべりますはいとこの子の通り THE CIRCUS FINAL 無事終わりましたありがとうございましたと言うブログは書きましたが一応こちらの声のブログでお伝えいたします皆様ありがとうございました応援ありがとうございましたご来場ありがとうございましたお花見たくさんありがとうございました全て読ませて頂きました全て見させていただきましたプレゼントどうもありがとうございましたありがとうございましたありがとうございましたメッセージありがとうございました色々ありがとうございましたていう感じです夜でしたのでもう皆さん出てください金曜日なんですね続きをみる



In Red & Black Pencil Dress in Alameda for the Launch of Reticence

Recently I had an event in Alameda, CA for the launch of Reticence. Because the cover is quite red, I dug into my closet for an old favorite...

This is a red Jessica Wiggle dress from way back in the day. No longer available. 
I paired it with a little back cardy, black vintage leather gloves, cut jet tassel jewelry, a facinator from Amazon. You can find many items similar to these on this list. 
The shoes are from Shoes of Prey, make your own, a service I adore the idea of but hasn't really worked for me. 

Anyway this was a fun out fit to throw together. And I do mean thrown, I had planned on a different dress but I find I have out grown it and don't like the way it looks with this foundation corset so I went into the chopping pile and I had to scramble for an alternative on the fly. 

The previous night I wore a new eShakti for a launch at Borderlands, with leopard accessories: 

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Reticence Extras: CP3 Straw Hats of the 1890s for Primrose in the Custard Protocol Series by Gail Carriger

Went to the Degas exhibit a little while ago, Fashionable Reader. Here's a retrospective on some of the straw hats of the 1890s that I saw there. These may, or may not, show up on Primrose in the forthcoming Custard Protocol book.

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution

Made me think of Ivy...

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution
Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Gail Carriger's Tour of the New Office + Writing Q&A

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Úroky národní banky jsou téměř na nule. ČNB chce pomoci ekonomice

Bankovní rada České národní banky ve čtvrtek snížila základní úrokovou sazbu o 0,75 procentního bodu na 0,25 procenta. Cílem snižování sazeb je zmírnit dopady šíření koronaviru na ekonomiku. Centrální banka to uvedla v tiskovém prohlášení.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Hranice směrem k Česku otevřeme. Takový je plán, zní z Chorvatska

Istrie patří k nejoblíbenějším částem Chorvatska. Jako skoro všude na světě se tam hoteliérský a restaurační byznys letos v březnu úplně zastavil, což si ještě nedávno nikdo nedokázal představit. Teď se ale blíží oživení. „Ani přinejmenším ale neočekáváme, že zopakujeme výsledky loňského roku,“ říká v rozhovoru šéf turistického sdružení celé oblasti Denis Ivošević.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Kinosálům začaly konkurovat premiéry z gauče. Pozice kin je však silná

Studio Universal na znovuotevření kin nečeká. Premiéru animovaného hitu Trollové: Světové turné pustilo na placených digitálních kanálech. Strategie se vyplatila a hollywoodský gigant zvažuje, že by kinům v budoucnu odepřel jejich exkluzivní právo promítat filmy měsíce před uvedením na jiných platformách.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


"solidarity, equity and social justice"

оказывается, в 2010-м WHO (это те самые люди, которые
придумали карантин против ковида и везде его пропагандируют)
замечательно сели в лужу, объявив свиной грипп пандемией
и проебав на том 18 миллиардов баксов. Но делали это
они не просто так, а под знакомыми лозунгами
"solidarity, equity and social justice". То бишь WHO
это такая коллективная Оказия Кортез, банда ебанутых
SJW, возглавляющая атаку международного капитала на
общественные и личные свободы.

В 2010-м со свиным гриппом у них не
получилось, теперь они пытаются с короной,
и у них все пока получается.

Многие спрашивают, кому нужно это адское
говно, "карантины" и все прочее, и зачем
либеральная общественность так за них цепляется.
А вот за этим, очевидно. Коррупционеры из WHO рвутся
к власти, а пропагандисты за "solidarity, equity
and social justice" (CNN, NYT, Guardian и иже с
ними) им помогают, ибо надеются урвать свой кусок.

Интересно, что в 2010-м в каждом магазине
(я как раз жил в Бразилии) на входе был специальный
рекомендованный WHO против свиного гриппа диспенсер
антисептического геля для рук, а сейчас их нет.
Специально ходил сегодня в аптеку, искал,
но нет антисептического геля и там.

В принципе, если бы кому-то хотелось
бороться с коронавирусом, они бы этим в первую очередь
озаботились, но никак. Очевидно, WHO, под впечатлением прошлого
раза, сама убедила себя, что корона это фейк, и никаких реальных
мер больше не предлагает. С другой стороны, реальных мер WHO
и не надо, пусть эта музыка будет вечной, им так выгоднее.

В общем, чиновник WHO это адский гад,
похуже любого коронавируса.



Mental Health Awareness Month 2020 highlights athletes' experiences, voices

ESPN highlights the stories of athletes, coaches and other sports figures managing their mental health and well-being.


Indian sports ministry to allow open-field practice in phases

Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju said the first priority for this would be given to those who have qualified for the Olympics.


Spain's top athletes jeered on return to practice

Professional and high-performance athletes in Spain were allowed to return to practice, but some were jeered for doing so during the coronavirus pandemic.


Je nárok na stravenku při home office? A co další benefity v době rouškové?

Místo zájezdu nové brýle a namísto pravidelné masáže konzultace s lékařem na dálku. Vládní opatření proti koronaviru změnila také čerpání zaměstnaneckých benefitů. Na rozdíl od výplat je však firmy nekrátí.

  • Finance - Práce a podnikání


Home office v časech pandemie. Na co je nárok a co byste si měli ohlídat

Kvůli koronavirové pandemii pracují z domova tisíce lidí. Home office má však určitý pracovně-právní rámec, což tuší málokdo. Jaká jsou práva a povinnosti zaměstnanců a co musí zaměstnavatel udělat, aby neporušil zákoník práce? Ve spolupráci s právníky Bořivojem Líbalem a Markem Poloni přinášíme praktický servis rad pro zaměstnance a zaměstnavatele.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Máte exekuce? Koronavirus je sice nakonec nezastaví, ale může vám pomoci

Sněmovna schválila návrh zákona o některých opatřeních ke zmírnění dopadů epidemie koronaviru. Jaké úlevy se dočkají dlužníci a jaké jsou podmínky pro zastavení exekuce, vysvětluje právník Adam Stawaritsch.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Akcie i fondy klesají. Změňte portfolio, ať nepřijdete o své investice

Firmy i finanční trhy mají za sebou první letošní kvartál. Bilance obou není z důvodu preventivních vládních opatření proti šíření nákazy covid-19 nikterak růžová. To potvrzuje i Partners index podílových akciových fondů.

  • Finance - Investování


Pedagogové na home office. Jaká jsou pravidla a na co mají nárok

Práci z domova u zaměstnanců soukromých firem nelze jednostranně nařídit, vzniká jen na základě dohody obou stran. U pedagogických pracovníků a zaměstnanců škol však platí trochu jiná pravidla. Ve spolupráci s právníky Bořivojem Líbalem a Markem Polonim přinášíme odpovědi na nejčastější dotazy pedagogů.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Pumpkin Apple Spice Smoothie Bowl ~ Raw Food Recipe

Every year I dread the end of summer, but then fall comes and I think, "No, this is my favorite time of year!" Fall is apples, and pumpkins, and pea soup, and cider mills, and wineries, and music, and being cozy. 


This smoothie bowl doesn't contain any actual pumpkin, but will convince you otherwise!Instead, I've used carrots, which are always available. It will get your day started in a delicious way and give you plenty of energy to enjoy whatever these glorious fall days bring your way!

  • 1 cup carrots, cut into chunks
  • 1 banana, sliced and frozen
  • 1 cup almond milk 
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon allspice
  • pinch nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup chopped dates
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans or other nuts
  • 1 cup chopped apples

  1. In a high powered blender, puree the carrots, banana, and almond milk until very smooth.
  2. Add in the cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg and pulse a few times to blend well.
  3. Pour into a bowl and add the chopped dates, pecans, and apples. A sprinkle of coconut flakes goes well, too!

nutritional information:       calories: 345       fat: 7 gr       carb: 51       pro: 6


A slice of the past, preserved for the future

Did one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done: I cut up my mother’s wedding dress. Now, Mom always *loathed* her wedding dress. Her mother talked her into a waltz length, ballerina-y dress, and she never enjoyed looking at her wedding pictures. She put it in her cedar chest and never looked at it. […]



It was all I could do, when I was reading the Futel Party Line zine, to not just call up their operator and say “I want a free pay phone. In Randolph.” Because, hey, that would be cool. But realistically, someone would have to manage that project. And, if I am being honest, I am […]


Ombudsman office renamed to Ombuds

The office formerly known as the U.S. Grand Lodge Ombudsman has been renamed to Ombuds. The purpose of this office remains as described on the U.S.G.L. Government Contacts page: The office of the U.S. Grand Lodge Ombuds serves as an official liaison between the general membership of O.T.O. within the United States and the various …

Continue reading


Incident At Price Chopper

He’s standing in the dead middle of the meat section at Price Chopper screaming “HOW CAN THERE NOT BE ANY FUCKING STEAK?”  Someone comes out bearing chicken from behind the steel clad gates of the backroom where they cut meat and stage the cases. “Hey, you got any steak back there?” “Steak? No sir. None.” […]