straw hats

Reticence Extras: CP3 Straw Hats of the 1890s for Primrose in the Custard Protocol Series by Gail Carriger

Went to the Degas exhibit a little while ago, Fashionable Reader. Here's a retrospective on some of the straw hats of the 1890s that I saw there. These may, or may not, show up on Primrose in the forthcoming Custard Protocol book.

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution

Made me think of Ivy...

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution
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straw hats

Parade of men in coats, ties, and straw hats carrying signs: Realtors, Our Flowers Never Die, Sunworshippers Every One, No Wonder Lew Brown Is Happy; spectators include boy on crutches, man in tank top [like volleyball player from #457], woman in flowered