
Grime To Shine Power Tour Lets Customers Demo Pressure Washer Cleaning Systems At Local Lowe's Stores, Sponsored By Briggs & Stratton - Briggs POWERflow+ Pressure Washer

Power washing is made even easier with POWERflow+ Technology by Briggs & Stratton. This pressure washer allows you to do deep cleaning, remove mold and mildew and reach second stories.


Holiday Inn Express� Brand Reunites With Actor/Comedian Rob Riggle For Latest Stay Smart� Campaign - Coffee Tasting Commercial

With a Keurig� in every room at Holiday Inn Express� hotels, smart travelers � like actor/comedian Rob Riggle � can get a great cup of coffee with just the push of a button.


Supergoop! Co-Owner Maria Sharapova and Founder & CEO Holly Thaggard Announce the Launch of Project Black Dot - Call to Action: Project Permission

Sunscreen is FDA regulated as an over the counter drug and thus restricted from schools, playgrounds & practice fields. Give your child the right to bring sunscreen to school with a simple permission slip.


New study suggests more than 8 percent of children with cancer have genetic predisposition - Discover Why Children Get Cancer Video

A landmark study helps to explain the genetic roots of cancer risk in children and how this may ultimately change patient care in the future.


November 9, 2024: Must-Play Events At BGG.CON 2024

Steve Jackson Games' friend Nathaniel T. will be hosting several events at BGG.CON 2024, which runs November 13-17 in Dallas, Texas. He will feature a few great titles from our collection, and you can sign up to play!
Wednesday, November 13th at 7:00pm: Learn to Melee the Steve Jackson Way (Event #299)
Thursday, November 14th at 7:00pm: Death Test - The Fantasy Trip (Event #260)
Friday, November 15th at 7:00pm: Death Test II - The Fantasy Trip (SOLD OUT!)
Saturday, November 16th at 1:00pm: Those About to Die, Salute You - The Fantasy Trip Tournament (Event #270)
Sunday, November 17th at 10:00am: Car Wars 6E - Deathrace 2024 (Event #382)
Click here to search the event number and score your tickets before they sell out!
Steve Jackson Games staff will also be in attendance to demo our newest releases, including Munchkin Shadowrun and Car Wars Orange/Purple. Come see us at booth 402!

Michelle Richardson

Warehouse 23 News: Classic Car Wars!

Get on the road, but watch out . . . the right of way goes to the biggest guns! Choose your vehicle – complete with weapons, armor, power plants, suspension, and even body style. Order the Car Wars Pocket Box Bundle 1 now on Warehouse 23, and enjoy classics like Car Wars, Truck Stop, Convoy, and more in the classic Pocket Box format!


Biggest gets bigger: Knight-Swift buying USX for $808 million in huge TL deal

Phoenix-based Knight-Swift Transportation, already the biggest player in the TL market at $4.5 billion revenue last year, is buying Chattanooga, Tenn.-based U.S. Xpress, which ranked ninth in TL revenue last year at $2.2 billion. The deal is valued at $808 million, including assumption of $484 million of debt.


Preserved tracks suggest non-avian dinosaurs used their wings to run

Not all winged dinosaurs were necessarily capable of full flight, but this anatomical feature may have enabled them to travel further by flapping or gliding


20 Snuggly and Silly Cat Memes for Cat Parents Embracing Blanket Season

Take a deep breath, everyone. It's Sunday morning, it's autumn, it's blanket season, our favorite season, and it feels like we have never felt quite so content. No work, no alarm clock, blankets that enwrap us in the best feeling in the world, and our cats beside us, enjoying these blankets just as much as we do. There is not a lot that can make this morning even better, but there is one thing. Because is always one thing that can make our mornings better, and that is, of course, a whole bunch of pawsome cat memes

Staring any morning with a good bunch of cat memes is a good thing for us, but there is something about giggling at cat memes in bed, under those heavy blankets, with our cats, that just… hits different. It hits better. So, we hope that you enjoy these memes, friends, and that you have just as much fun scrolling through them as we did bringing them to you. 


Snuggly Selection of Cute Cats Competing For Cuddles Right Next to Your Face Because Who Needs to Breathe Anyway

We….do not have a snuggly cat. As much as we wish we did (and as much as we tried to make her a snuggly cat), it's just not in the cards for us. We tried luring her to the bed with treats, playing relaxing music, and even holding her there against her will - none of it worked. Maybe our next cat will be a cuddly cat, or, we'll just live vicariously through the lives of strangers on the internet and not be jealous at all of all of their outrageously cute cuddly cats.

Not only are they cuddly, but they appawrently like to cuddle right next to their pawrents' faces because they're just that silly and awwdorable. They probably can't breathe very well at night, but if that was a burden we had to bear, we would bear it with purrfect pride because it would be absolutely worth it. Enjoy this snuggly selection of cute cats competing for cuddles below, we're going to try to lure our cat into bed one more time. Have a great week!


27 Warm & Fuzzy Fall Feline Funnies Overflowing With Autumnal Affection for Snuggling Sweetly in Soft Sweaters

Good meowrning, feline fanatics, and happy Tuesday. A lot of people rant and rave over summer, but us? We love fall and winter. Why? Because it's sweater weather. We love sweaters. We love wearing sweaters, putting sweaters on our cats, snuggling in sweaters, sleeping in sweaters, heck, we would even exercise in sweaters if we could. There is nothing comfier than putting on a fuzzy sweater and burrowing your way under the blanket for ultimate comfort. 

These warm and fuzzy feline funnies are basically cat memes wrapped in soft sweaters. They're full of autumnal affection, heartwarming vibes, and they're purrfect for enjoying when you need to feel extra cozy (and, purrhaps, silly). We thought to ourselves, "how can one improve the purrfection that is cat memes?" - and the answer was simple: add the feeling of throwing on a sweater to them. So that we did. Grab your favorite sweater (cardigans and sweatshirts are also okay) and get ready for a catastrophe of comfort in the form of cat memes. You will be comfy, there is no escaping it.


24 Growling Giggle-Worthy Grumpy Feline Memes to Guarantee That You Have a Purrfectly Terrible Meownday

Ugh, is it really Meownday again? For once in our lives, we don't have anything funny to say about it - this is because we're still half asleep and our brains are back in bed. But, instead of being tucked in underneath our fuzzy blankets, we're in the cold on our way into the office. How else are we supposed to feel except grumpy? The vibes are in the air, and they aren't holiday vibes, nor pawsitive vibes, but curiously cantankerous vibes for all of us grumpy cats today.

Don't talk to us today unless you want to be growled at, grumpiness in the only company we need (and cat memes). Good thing cats are known for being grouchy, especially if you make them do something they don't want to do, so we're embracing our inner feline today and taking inspawration from these growling giggle-worthy funny felines to make sure we have a purrfectly terrible Meownday. Remember, if you expect the worst, you can never be disappointed.


Heartless Owner Returns Cat to Shelter Because She ‘Wanted to Cuddle Them at Night’, Then Her New Hooman Un-Breaks Our Hearts and Shows She’s Living Her Snuggliest Life Now

Look, we have heard stories of cats being returned to shelters. We have heard people say that they felt like they had no choice. The couldn't afford taking care of a cat anymore, they found out they were allergic… there are all kinds of reasons. At least everyone who returns a cat is a heartbroken, at least that's what we thought. We never imagined that someone would do it because the cat they adopted wanted to cuddle with them at nighttime. 

Everyone wants a velcro cat, right? Cuddly cats are the best! Cuddling with your cat is one of the best feelings in the world. The trust they show you, the love, the calmness that being so close to them gives you… there is nothing quite like it. To complain about a cat being too cuddly is like complaining about something being too tasty. It's silly. And ridiculous. And thank goodness that this sweet girl is now in the hands of someone who actually deserves her. 


Sir William Bragg

"The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them."


Rant [1102] "So much for Microblogging..."

Well, after 15 years of using this new fangled "Twitter" thing for microblogging, that's enough of that. Back to normal ranting. (For the record, this is not a rant about twitter, it's about me and the internet over the last thirty... years... oh geeze, it's been that long?) When Twitter was just a new thing, i kinda liked the idea of using it for quick micro blogging (since i was such a slacker about writing rants) so i added two new twitter acc...



Live Blogging the first Presidential debate

7:51: Right wingers are already saying that Biden 1) already knows all the questions and 2) is taking drugs. There are, to my knowledge, no performance enhancing drugs for mental awareness, and *I* know what the questions will be. 7:52: I’m still convinced that Trump will ignore the social distancing rule and immediately come over


A Foggy Night in Mud Bay Town – DORK TOWER 28.10.24

This or any DORK TOWER strip is now available as a signed, high-quality print, from just $25!  CLICK HERE to find out more! HEY! Want to help keep DORK TOWER going? Then consider joining the DORK TOWER Patreon and ENLIST IN THE ARMY OF DORKNESS TODAY! (We have COOKIES!) (And SWAG!) (And GRATITUDE!)



Rajesh is chill


What's Bugging Aurelia

house centipedes are our friends. our creepy, disturbing little friends.


reggae robot

Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: reggae robot

This RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see!


'[He] was on 24/7 call, so unplugging the phone wasn't an option': Tech support guy gets revenge on an angry IT customer by programming the office phone to call him at 2, 3, and 4 AM every night

We learned from a young age that you should be nice to the other kids on the playground. Share the bouncy rubber ball, don't pull a girl's pigtails, and include everyone in your fun games! That's how it should be in the working world–the adult world–because if you make an enemy on the blacktop, you might just get destroyed in the next game of dodgeball. 

This IT customer learned never to mess with their tech support crew after being a total buffoon on the phone. He was known for screaming at the guys who were just trying to help him troubleshoot his modem, but finally, after being placed with the same phone support guy one too many times, he snapped and decided to get some revenge. 

Frankly, I think this guy's sleep schedule became a little more precious to him after he got completely pwned by the dude he was used to screaming at–I guess now it looks like the phone is the only thing screaming at 2 AM… 3 AM… and 4 AM. Do you think he'll be nicer to his next customer service rep after this? You be the judge.


Peggle Replays


BtAF's Classic Literature sequels: Atlas Shrugged 2: One Hour Later


TikTok profits from livestreams of families begging

Children are among those pleading for hours for digital gifts, as the company takes a cut of up to 70%.


India Nature Watch - Smart or foolish? Stink bug eggs laid on Giant wood spider web

Left me pondering


Aintree fences 'should be bigger'

Trainer Malcolm Jefferson believes bigger fences at the Grand National could have saved his horse According to Pete.

gg Netherlands, Russia At Loggerheads Over DTA Revision

Russia's Ministry of Finance has said it is prepared to terminate the Dutch tax agreement if ongoing negotiations fail.

gg Netherlands, Russia At Loggerheads Over DTA Revision

Russia's Ministry of Finance has said it is prepared to terminate the Dutch tax agreement if ongoing negotiations fail.

gg Colombia Enacts Decree To Support Struggling Firms

The Colombian Government has issued Decree 939 of August 19, 2021, which enables the tax agency to revise an assessment for potentially viable companies that are facing insolvency, where doing so may save the company and jobs.


Common Heart Medication, Beta Blockers, May Trigger Depression

A Swedish study has challenged the widespread use of beta-blockers for all heart attack patients. While these medications are commonly prescribed to regulate


The Eggstraordinary Superfood: Health Secrets of Eggs

Highlights: Eggs are a nutrition-packed superfood, containing essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals


Why One Egg a Day Won't Raise Your Cholesterol?

Eating an egg a day is both heart-friendly and safe, with no risk of increasing blood cholesterol.


High Palm Oil Diet Triggers Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Multiple sclerosis foods to avoid Palm oil-rich diet can worsen multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms.


Eggonomics: The Hidden Reality of Egg Donors

White women in the United States are paid up to eight times more for their eggs than Black women, according to data obtained by the author of a new book


Late Menopause: A Hidden Trigger for Asthma Risk

Women who experience menopause later in life face a higher risk of developing asthma, reports a new study. Many studies suggest that entering menopause


Pregnancy Can Trigger Psoriasis in Many Women

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can trigger psoriasis in approximately 10-20% of women, stated health experts (!--ref1--). Psoriasis is


Human Eggs Prefer Some Men's Sperm Over Others: Study

Eggs use chemical signals to choose sperm, revealed new research from Stockholm University and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. Different women's


Going Green: Trading Meat for Veggies Slashes Carbon Footprint

Replacing meat with more medlinkvegetables and fruits/medlink can reduce household grocery medlinkgreenhouse gas emissions/medlink by over a quarter (26%) (!--ref1--).


WHO Suggests 2 New Ways to Quit Tobacco

A combo of medicines and behavioral therapies could be one of the best and safe tobacco cessation treatments, said the World Health Organization (WHO)


Atrial Fibrillation Patients Beware: Smart Watches can Trigger Health Anxiety

Wearable devices like smart watches and health trackers can adversely affect health and increase medlinkanxiety/medlink among patients with irregular heart rhythm.


Diabetes and Tooth Loss Aggravate Cognitive Decline in Older Adults

Diabetes is a known risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia. The hallmark features of diabetes such as high blood sugar, insulin resistance, inflammation,


Treat Aggressive Gum Infections With New Antibiotic-Delivery System

Developing a nonsurgical medlinkdrug delivery system/medlink that will enable the controlled delivery of medlinkantibiotics/medlink that helps


Eggs in Cholesterol Linked to Heart Disease and Death

The number of eggs people consume is linked to increased risk of heart disease and death, stated UMass Lowell nutrition expert who has studied the issue.


New Treatment for Aggressive Prostate Cancer Subtype

Researchers have decoded how mutations in the CDK12 gene ignite prostate cancer and revealed a breakthrough treatment-a powerful degrader that targets


Confronting Aggressive Colon Cancer

Two studies highlight that young adults diagnosed with colon cancer often face more aggressive types and are diagnosed at later stages, to be presented


The hidden crisis of disaster displacement and host community struggles in rural areas of Pakistan

While disaster-induced migration tends to be short-term, slow-onset climate-induced migration may be more permanent and on a larger scale.

The post The hidden crisis of disaster displacement and host community struggles in rural areas of Pakistan first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Mental Effort: A Universal Struggle?

If someone says that thinking hurts, they might be right. Research published by the iAmerican Psychological Association/i indicates that medlinkmental


Misdiagnosis Struggles of Borderline Personality Disorder in Autistic Adults

Researchers conducted a groundbreaking phenomenological study to delve into the experiences of autistic adults who had been misdiagnosed with medlinkBorderline Personality Disorder/medlink.