
Design Principles for Process Driven Architectures - Part 3

A panel of experts discusses the most common questions they get from their clients.


Design Principles for Process Driven Architectures - Part 2

In the design of process-driven architectures, where are organizations getting it wrong? Where are they getting it right? A panel of experts compares notes.


Design Principles for Process Driven Architectures - Part 1

The authors of "Design Principles for Process-driven Architectures Using Oracle BPM and SOA Suite 12c" discuss their book in the context of the current enterprise environment.


Resolution 18 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development Se

Resolution 18 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development Sectors
Resolution 18 - (Rev. Geneva, 2022) - Principles and procedures for the allocation of work to, and strengthening coordination and cooperation among, the ITU Radiocommunication, ITU Telecommunication Standardization and ITU Telecommunication Development Sectors


[ M.3040 (04/19) ] - Principles for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance

Principles for on-site telecommunication smart maintenance


[ M.3010 (02/00) ] - Principles for a telecommunications management network

Principles for a telecommunications management network


DSTR-IoTM2M-Roaming - Roaming aspects of IoT and M2M including any related development and tariff principles

DSTR-IoTM2M-Roaming - Roaming aspects of IoT and M2M including any related development and tariff principles


U4SSC - Guiding principles for artificial intelligence in cities

U4SSC - Guiding principles for artificial intelligence in cities


[ D.198 (05/19) ] - Principles for a unified format of price/tariffs/rates lists used for exchanging telephone traffic

Principles for a unified format of price/tariffs/rates lists used for exchanging telephone traffic


[ D.261 (10/16) ] - Regulatory principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP

Regulatory principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP


[ D.97 (10/16) ] - Methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates

Methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates


[ D.271 (10/16) ] - Charging and accounting principles for NGN

Charging and accounting principles for NGN


[ D.1140/X.1261 (08/20) ] - Policy framework including principles for digital identity infrastructure

Policy framework including principles for digital identity infrastructure


[ D.Sup4 (04/20) ] - ITU-T D.263 - Supplement on Principles for increased adoption and use of mobile financial services (MFSs) through effective consumer protection mechanisms

ITU-T D.263 - Supplement on Principles for increased adoption and use of mobile financial services (MFSs) through effective consumer protection mechanisms


[ D.1041 (05/21) ] - Policy and methodological principles for determining co-location and access charges

Policy and methodological principles for determining co-location and access charges


Teaching Dr. Martin Luther King’s Principles of Nonviolence

Fed Access host Derrick Dortch moderates a wide ranging discussion on the importance of teaching Dr. Martin Luther King’s principles of nonviolence to students in the U.S., and institutionalizing a MLK curricula into schools.

The post Teaching Dr. Martin Luther King’s Principles of Nonviolence first appeared on Federal News Network.


Teaching Dr. Martin Luther King’s principles as an antidote to violence

Dr. Shawn Joseph, director of the Urban Superintendents Academy at Howard University and Dr. Matthew Daniels, founder of the Center for Human Rights and International Affairs at The Institute of World Politics, join host Derrick Dortch on this week's Fed Access to discuss how to use Dr. Martin Luther King’s principles as an antidote to violence around the world.

The post Teaching Dr. Martin Luther King’s principles as an antidote to violence first appeared on Federal News Network.


Cyber leaders aim to embed zero trust principles in systems

As civilian and defense agencies work through the nuances of incorporating zero trust strategies, the question becomes: How can this process be sped up? During this exclusive webinar, moderator Justin Doubleday will discuss tools and techniques accelerating the move to zero trust with agency and industry leaders.

The post Cyber leaders aim to embed zero trust principles in systems first appeared on Federal News Network.


Principles of Performance and Reliability Modeling and Evaluation Essays in Honor of Kishor Trivedi on his 70th Birthday

Location: Electronic Resource- 


Principles of composite material mechanics

Location: Engineering Library- TA418.9.C6G53 2016


Methodology is bullshit: principles for product velocity | SSOReady


Shared Values and Principles in Mediation

For a forthcoming article about law school mediation courses, I developed a list of key values and principles that I think people in our field generally share.  They are about the roles of practitioners – including both mediators and attorneys – when working with clients in mediation.  Faculty can advocate them in any mediation course … Continue reading Shared Values and Principles in Mediation


Principles of electrospray ionization [Biophysical Methods]

Electrospray ionization is today the most widely used ionization technique in chemical and bio-chemical analysis. Interfaced with a mass spectrometer it allows to investigate the molecular composition of liquid samples. With electrospray a large variety of chemical substances can be ionized. There is no limitation in mass which enables even the investigation of large non-covalent protein complexes. Its high ionization efficiency profoundly changed bio-molecular sciences because proteins can be identified and quantified on trace amounts in a high throughput fashion. This review article focusses mainly on the exploration of the underlying ionization mechanism. Some ionization characteristics are discussed which are related to this mechanism. Typical spectra of peptides, proteins and non-covalent complexes are shown and the quantitative character of spectra is highlighted. Finally the possibilities and limitations in measuring the association constant of bivalent non-covalent complexes are described.


Ethical principles, opportunities and constraints in clinical proteomics [Research]

Recent advances in MS-based proteomics have vastly increased the quality and scope of biological information that can be derived from human samples. These advances have rendered current workflows increasingly applicable in biomedical and clinical contexts. As proteomics is poised to take an important role in the clinic, associated ethical responsibilities increase in tandem with the impact on the health, privacy, and well-being of individuals. Here we conducted and report a systematic literature review of ethical issues in clinical proteomics. We add our perspectives from a background of bioethics, the results of our accompanying paper extracting individual-sensitive results from patient samples, and the literature addressing similar issues in genomics. The spectrum of potential issues ranges from patient re-identification to incidental findings of clinical significance. The latter can be divided into actionable and unactionable findings. Some of these have the potential to be employed in discriminatory or privacy-infringing ways. However, incidental findings may also have great positive potential. A plasma proteome profile, for instance, could inform on the general health or disease status of an individual regardless of the narrow diagnostic question that prompted it. We suggest that early discussion of ethical issues in clinical proteomics is important to ensure that eventual regulations reflect the considered judgment of the community as well as to anticipate opportunities and problems that may arise as the technology matures further.


SOLIDWORKS supports Math2Go program to teach students STEM principles and pique engineering interest

Students in grades 3-12 gain hands-on 3D CAD experience designing scale-model remote-controlled cars


University of Dundee students grasp 3D CAD principles with SOLIDWORKS Education Edition

Students design real-world projects such as a moveable floor on a floating hospital in South America using SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD and COSMOS design analysis software


Women in Buddhism Principles of Civility

Women in Buddhism Principles of Civility



Strengthening Capacity for Tailored Immunization Programs Using Adult Learning Principles: A Case Study from Nigeria

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Nigeria has the highest number of children who have not received any vaccines in Africa. The training-of-trainers (TOT) model used to train program managers (PMs) and health care workers (HCWs) is ineffective for adult learning and limits immunization programs’ success. We incorporated adult learning principles (ALPs) in designing and delivering TOT for immunization PMs and HCWs to use data to engage communities for tailored immunization strategies.Methods: Our study was implemented in 3 local government areas (LGAs) of the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. A training curriculum was developed, integrating ALPs and technical and operational content based on best practices in delivering immunization training and the training needs assessment findings. State PMs (n=10), LGA PMs (n=30), and HCWs (n=42) were trained on the human-centered design for tailoring immunization programs (HCD-TIP) approaches using ALPs. We used interviews and surveys with purposively and conveniently sampled PMs and HCWs, respectively, and observations to assess participants’ satisfaction, knowledge and competence, behavior changes, and results. The interviews were analyzed thematically, and surveys were statistically.Results: There was a high level of satisfaction with the training among LGA PMs (100%), state PMs (91%), and HCWs (85%), with significant knowledge and competence improvements post-training (P<.001). The trained participants conducted 2 HCD sessions with 24 undervaccinated communities and co-designed 24 prototype solutions for testing. Results showed increased coverage of the pentavalent vaccine first dose (54%) and third dose (188%) across 12 participating communities. Improved community colaboration, communication skills, and data-driven approaches were the most cited behavior changes in practice.Conclusion: The application of ALPs in training, use of HCD-TIP approaches and tools, and supportive supervision enhanced PMs’ and HCWs’ capacity for tailored interventions. Countries should consider adopting a holistic approach that focuses on using these approaches in immunization programs to strengthen the health system for equitable vaccine coverage.


Principles of PID Controllers

Thanks to their ability to adjust the system’s output accurately and quickly without detailed knowledge about its dynamics, PID control loops stand as a powerful and widely used tool for maintaining a stable and predictable output in a variety of applications. In this paper, we review the fundamental principles and characteristics of these control systems, providing insight into their functioning, tuning strategies, advantages, and trade-offs.

As a result of their integrated architecture, Zurich Instruments’ lock-in amplifiers allow users to make the most of all the advantages of digital PID control loops, so that their operation can be adapted to match the needs of different use cases.


Principles of government and politics in the Middle Ages [Electronic book] / Walter Ullmann.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.


Shooting short-wavelength nonlinear optical materials with targeted balance performances in hydroxyborates through first-principles high-throughput screening

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, 11,7843-7852
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02234C, Research Article
Chenxu Li, Abudukadi Tudi, Huanhuan Cheng, Qingyu Liu, Zhihua Yang, Shilie Pan
High-throughput screening of 222 hydroxyborates identified three as promising short-wavelength ultraviolet nonlinear optical. with phase-matching second harmonic generation capacity extending to the solar blind region (200–280 nm).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Propane dehydrogenation on an extra-framework and framework-embedded metal site within ZSM-5 zeolite from first-principles microkinetic simulations

React. Chem. Eng., 2024, 9,2892-2901
DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00269E, Paper
Yujue Du, Wende Hu, Yunlei Chen, Chuanming Wang, Weimin Yang
The Lewis acid sites in ZSM-5 zeolite involving Co, Ni, and Cu cations were computationally studied on the stability and the PDH catalytic activity.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


First-principles study on the lithiation process of amorphous SiO anode for Li-ion batteries with Bayesian optimization

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26,27561-27566
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP02533D, Paper
Ryoya Shintaku, Tomoyuki Tamura, Shogo Nogami, Masayuki Karasuyama, Takakazu Hirose
Bayesian optimization allows theoretical investigation of the lithiation process of amorphous SiO anode materials for lithium (Li) ion batteries (LIBs).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Optimization of preparation conditions and design of device configurations for Cu3AsS4 solar cells: a combined study of first-principles calculations and SCAPS-1D device simulations

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03392B, Paper
Yi Huang, Changqing Lin, Yang Xue, Bingyuan Huang, Dan Huang
Former studies have investigated the band structure and optoelectronic properties of Cu3AsS4 and suggested that it is a promising photovoltaic (PV) absorber. However, its power conversion efficiency (PCE) from experiments...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Effects of surface oxygen vacancy on CO2 adsorption and its activation towards C2H4 using metal (Cu, Pd, CuPd) cluster-loaded TiO2 catalysts: A first principles study

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03507K, Paper
Sajjad Hussain, Lina Zhang, Zhengzheng Xie, Jianjun Yang, Qiuye Li
The conversion of the highly selective CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) into desired value-added multicarbon compounds, like C2H4, is crucial, but it is mainly constrained by high energy barrier for C-C...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


First-principles study on stability, electronic and optical properties of 2D SbXY (X=Se/Te, Y=I/Br)Janus layers

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP04077E, Paper
Anjana E Sudheer , Amrendra Kumar, Tejaswini G, Muthu Vallinayagam, Matthias Posselt, Matthias Zschornak, Chinnathambi Kamal, D. Murali
Motivated by the exceptional optoelectronic properties of 2D Janus layers (JLs), we explore the properties of group Va antimony-based JLs SbXY (X=Se/Te, Y=I/Br). From the Bader charges, the elec-tric dipole...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Delineates Stability of Non-canonical Adenine Base Pairs: A First-Principles Study

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP02875A, Paper
Nicholas Adu-Effah, Nabanita Saikia
Non-canonical nucleobase pairs differ from canonical Watson-Crick (WC) pairs in their hydrogen bonding patterns. This study uses density functional theory with empirical dispersion correction to examine the stability and electronic...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


First-principles prediction of a direct Z-scheme WSe2/HfS2 van der Waals heterostructure for overall photocatalytic water decomposition

CrystEngComm, 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4CE00267A, Paper
Yan Zhang, Zhi-Bo Qiang, Jian-Xin Ding, Kang-Xin Xie, Li Duan, Lei Ni
The direct Z-scheme heterostructures photocatalyst has been validated as an efficacious approach for addressing the energy source issues and environmental challenges. This manuscript employs the first-principles to scrutinize singular-layer WSe2...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Structural and thermodynamic properties of the Li6PS5Cl solid electrolyte using first-principles calculations

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05159A, Paper
Tarek Ayadi, Maylise Nastar, Fabien Bruneval
We perform static and dynamic ab initio simulations to investigate the structural and the thermodynamic properties of Li6PS5Cl, a solid electrolyte actively considered for solid-state batteries. Our simulations account for...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Library rooted in Gandhian principles turns a boon to book lovers in Andhra Pradesh

Home to over 35,000 books on various subjects, the Sarada Grandhalaya at Anakapalle has been serving society for over eight decades


Why & How to Create Design Team Principles

As your design team grows, it’s important to establish a set of design principles. This keeps the team (+ org) aligned across all functions of design.

For us that includes product design, visual design & design engineering.

Here are our principles at OneSignal & how they came to be…

Read on Medium


Some Principles for Regulating Cyber Risk [electronic journal].


Adhesion, stability, structural and electronic properties of perovskite/BaWO4 heterostructures: first-principles and experimental characterizations

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI00231H, Research Article
Yao Guo, Shiding Zhang, Zhaoyu Zhang, Yuanbin Xue, Jianxin Li, Haixiang Song, Yuhua Wang, Qing Shen
The interfacial behavior and mechanism of the CsPbBr3/BaWO4 and MAPbBr3/BaWO4 heterostructures have been extensively investigated by a combined first-principles and experimental analysis.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Insights into the modulation mechanisms of multiple active sites in a conjugated small molecule towards organic cathode capacity from first-principles

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI00547C, Research Article
Zhaopeng Sun, Hao Tian, Meng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Zhiping Li, Weiwei Huang
The modulation mechanisms of Na+ within the redox-active sites of the two-dimensional conjugated organic small-molecule 3BQ, and their impact on the initial capacity of a 3BQ cathode for Na-ion batteries, were investigated using first-principles calculations.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Principles of computational fluid dynamics [electronic resource] / Pieter Wesseling

Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2009, 2001


Udayavar’s management principles

It was Sri Ramanuja who laid out plans for carrying out temple rituals at Srirangam, Tirumala and Melkote

  • History &amp; Culture


Enhanced catalytic performance of single-atom Cu on Mo2C toward CO2/CO hydrogenation to methanol: a first-principles study

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00703D, Paper
Open Access
Anna Vidal-López, Estefanía Díaz López, Aleix Comas-Vives
First-principles calculations show the crucial role of the Cu/Mo2COx interface in enabling low-energy pathways for CO2/CO hydrogenation to methanol via successive heterolytic H2 cleavages.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Advancing catalysis research through FAIR data principles implemented in a local data infrastructure – a case study of an automated test reactor

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, 14,6186-6197
DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00693C, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Abdulrhman Moshantaf, Michael Wesemann, Simeon Beinlich, Heinz Junkes, Julia Schumann, Baris Alkan, Pierre Kube, Clara Patricia Marshall, Nils Pfister, Annette Trunschke
Digitalisation in experimental catalysis research: we are introducing machine-readable standard operating procedures combined with automated data acquisition, storage and sharing to improve research efficiency and reproducibility.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


First-principles investigation of an efficient non-noble single-atom catalyst Fe1/Ti2CO2 for formaldehyde oxidation

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, 14,6233-6246
DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00809J, Paper
Yongkang Zhang, Yuting Fu, Kaibin Su, Yuhang Wang, Fengping Wang
Indoor formaldehyde (HCHO) removal holds paramount significance for human health, particularly in mild conditions. Fe1/Ti2CO2 is an efficient catalyst that can remove indoor formaldehyde.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry