
Principles of gravitational lensing: light deflection as a probe of astrophysics and cosmology / Arthur B. Congdon, Charles R. Keeton

Online Resource


Modeling and analysis of eclipsing binary stars: the theory and design principles of PHOEBE / Andrej Prša

Online Resource


Flow measurement handbook: industrial designs, operating principles, performance, and applications / Roger C. Baker

Barker Library - TA357.5.M43 B35 2016


Water and wastewater engineering: design principles and practice / Mackenzie L. Davis

Barker Library - TD345.D36 2020


Trace environmental quantitative analysis: principles, techniques, and applications / Paul R. Loconto

Online Resource


Chemistry of environmental systems: fundamental principles and analytical methods / Jeffrey S. Gaffney, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (retired) USA, Nancy A. Marley, Argonne National Laboratory (retired), USA

Dewey Library - TD193.G34 2020


The principles of green and sustainability science Adenike A. Akinsemolu

Online Resource


Surface stability of perovskite oxides under OER operating conditions: A first principles approach

Faraday Discuss., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C9FD00146H, Paper
Abhinav S Raman, Roshan Patel, Aleksandra Vojvodic
The activity-stability conundrum has long been the Achilles' heel in the design of catalysts, in particular, for electrochemical reactions such as water splitting. Here, we use ab-initio thermodynamics to delineate...
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Design by Nature: Using Universal Forms and Principles in Design

New Peachpit Release Shows How to Create Designs that Appeal to a Worldwide Audience


Clinical care of the runner: assessment, biomechanical principles, and injury management / edited by Mark A. Harrast

Online Resource


Concentrating solar power technology : principles, developments and applications / edited by Keith Lovegrove and Wes Stein


Organic, inorganic, and hybrid solar cells : principles and practice / Ching-Fuh Li ... [et al.]


Solar photovoltaic power systems : principles, design and applications / Dr. Sundaravadivelu S, Mr. Suresh R. Norman, Dr. Johnsi Stella I, Dr. Suresh Kumar A

Sundaravadielu, S., author


Design principles and fundamental understanding of biosensors for amyloid-β detection

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0TB00344A, Review Article
Yanxian Zhang, Baiping Ren, Dong Zhang, Yonglan Liu, Mingzhen Zhang, Chao Zhao, Jie Zheng
Aβ as biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) drives the significant research efforts for developing different biosensors with different sensing strategies, materials, and mechanisms for Aβ detection.
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Plumer's principles & practice of intravenous therapy / Sharon M. Weinstein

Weinstein, Sharon


Principles and practice of bioanalysis / [edited by] Richard F. Venn


Principles of pharmacology : the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy / [edited by] David E. Golan ... [et al.]


Principles of pharmacology. Workbook / Susan E. Farrell ; edited by David E. Golan

Farrell, Susan E., 1964-


Pharmacology : principles and practice / edited by Miles Hacker, William Messer, Kenneth Bachmann


Chinese herbal formulas : treatment principles and composition strategies / Yifan Yang ; foreword by Jeremy Ross

Yang, Yifan


Martin's physical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences : physical chemical and biopharmaceutical principles in the pharmaceutical sciences


Principles of pharmacology : the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy / David E. Golan, editor in chief


Brand management : principles and practices / Kirti Dutta

Dutta, Kirti


Principles of internet marketing : new tools and methods for Web developers / Jason I. Miletsky

Miletsky, Jason I


Principles and practice of marketing / Jim Blythe

Blythe, Jim, author


Principles of integrated marketing communications / Lawrence Ang

Ang, Lawrence, author


Principles of marketing / [Gary] Armstrong, [Stewart] Adam, [Sara] Denize, [Philip] Kotler

Armstrong, Gary (Gary M.), author


MKTG 10 : principles of marketing / Lamb + Hair + McDaniel

Lamb, Charles W., author


Computing for biologists: python programming and principles / Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Department of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College, Eliot Bush, Department of Biology, Harvey Mudd College

Hayden Library - QH324.2.L53 2014


Statistical modelling and machine learning principles for bioinformatics techniques, tools, and applications K. G. Srinivasa, G. M. Siddesh, S. R. Manisekhar, editors

Online Resource


Enduring Principles

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Giant optical absorption and ferroelectric polarization of BiCoO2S perovskite oxysulfide by first principles prediction

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00057D, Paper
Lijing Wei, Changliang Li, Jianxin Guo, Li Guan, Yinglong Wang, Baoting Liu
Obtaining an ideal ferroelectric photovoltaic (FE-PV) materials BiCoO2S with a giant absorption coefficient and ferroelectric polarization.
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Functionalization of two-dimensional 1T'-ReS2 with surface ligands for use as a photocatalyst in the hydrogen evolution reaction: a first-principles calculation study

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22,9415-9423
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP01016B, Paper
Jing Pan, Wannian Zhang, Xiaoyong Xu, Jingguo Hu
Surface functionalization with polar ligands to tune band edges of two-dimensional 1T'-ReS2 and enhance its photocatalytic activity for hydrogen production.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Measuring peace: principles, practices, and politics / Richard Caplan

Dewey Library - JZ5538.C37 2019


Scalability rules : 50 principles for scaling Web sites / Martin L. Abbott, Michael T. Fisher

Abbott, Martin L


Techniques and principles in three-dimensional imaging : an introductory approach / [compiled] by Martin Richardson


The principles of beautiful web design / by Jason Beaird & James George

Beaird, Jason, author


Computer graphics : principles and practice / John F. Hughes, Andries van Dam, Morgan McGuire, David F. Sklar, James D. Foley, Steven K. Feiner, Kurt Akeley

Hughes, John F., 1955-


The Power of Networks: Six Principles That Connect Our Lives.

Online Resource


The radicalism of ethnomethodology: an assessment of sources and principles / Martyn Hammersley

Dewey Library - HM481.H36 2018


A first-principles study of the substitutional doping of MgCl2 monolayer for spintronics applications

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01264E, Paper
Igo Torres Lima, Railson Vasconcelos, Ricardo Gargano, Edson Nunes Costa Paura
Based on first-principles calculations, we studied the functionalization of MgCl2 monolayer with nonmetal (NM) and transition-metal (TM) atoms. Our results indicate that energetically it is more favorable to create a...
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The principles of geotourism / Anze Chen, Yunting Lu, Young C.Y. Ng

Chen, Anze, author


Principles and practices of aquatic law / by John R. Fletemeyer with contributors ; edited by Ivonne Schmid

Fletemeyer, John R., author


Principles of international environmental law / Philippe Sands (University College, London) Jacqueline Peel (University of Melbourne) ; with Adriana Fabra (Universitat de Barcelona), Ruth MacKenzie (University of Westminster)

Sands, Philippe, 1960- author


Principles of remedies

Covell, Wayne, author


Principles of federal criminal law / Stephen Odgers SC

Odgers, Stephen


Goode on principles of corporate insolvency law / edited by Kristen van Zwieten


The limits of criminal law : Anglo-German concepts and principles / edited by Matthew Dyson, Benjamin Vogel


Principles of international law / Stephen Hall

Hall, Stephen, 1959- author


Insurance law : doctrines and principles / John Lowry, Philip Rawlings and Rob Merkin

Lowry, John P