
Brownlie's principles of public international law

Crawford, James, 1948- author


Brown & Marriott's ADR principles and practice / Dr Shirley A. Shipman, Benjamin D. Waters, William Wood

Shipman, Shirley, 1957- author


Principles of Australian equity and trusts / Peter Radan,Cameron Stewart

Radan, Peter, author


Principles of administrative law / Peter Cane, Leighton McDonald and Kristen Rundle

Cane, Peter, 1950- author


Photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) systems: principles, design, and applications / Ali H. A. Al-Waeli, Hussein A. Kazem, Miqdam Tariq Chaichan, Kamaruzzaman Sopian

Online Resource


Existence of untypical halogen-involving interactions in crystal packings: a statistical and first-principles study

CrystEngComm, 2020, 22,2756-2765
DOI: 10.1039/C9CE01885A, Paper
Yaser Balmohammadi, Hamid Reza Khavasi, S. Shahab Naghavi
There is a common perception by the scientific community that a halogen-involving interaction forms when the distance between the donor atom and the acceptor atom is less than the sum of their van der Waals (vdW) radii.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Adams and Victor's principles of neurology / Allan H. Ropper, Martin A. Samuels

Ropper, Allan H


Blood science : principles and pathology / Andrew Blann, Nessar Ahmed

Blann, Andrew D., author


Principles of trauma therapy : a guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment / John N. Briere, Catherine Scott, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine

Briere, John, author


MRI basic principles and applications / Brian M. Dale, Mark A. Brown, Richard C. Semelka

Dale, Brian M., author


Computed tomography : physical principles, clinical applications, and quality control / Dr. Euclid Seeram

Seeram, Euclid, author


Sonography : principles and instruments / Frederick W. Kremkau ; with contributions by Flemming Forsberg

Kremkau, Frederick W., author


Proteomics of human body fluids : principles, methods, and applications / edited by Visith Thongboonkerd


Clinical chemistry : principles, techniques, and correlations / [edited by] Michael L. Bishop, MS, MLS (ASCP) (Campus Department Chair, Medical Laboratory Science, Keiser University, Orlando, Florida), Edward P. Fody, MD (Clinical Professor, Department of


Biomedical imaging : principles of radiography, tomography and medical physics / Tim Salditt, Timo Aspelmeier, Sebastian Aeffner

Salditt, Tim, author


Managing community practice [electronic resource] : principles, policies and programmes / edited by Sarah Banks [and three others]


The power of networks : six principles that connect our lives / Christopher G. Brinton and Mung Chiang

Brinton, Christopher G., author


Principles of distributed database systems / M. Tamer Özsu, Patrick Valduriez

Özsu, M. Tamer, 1951- author


Principles of information systems / Ralph M. Stair (Professor Emeritus, Florida State University), George W. Reynolds (Instructor, Strayer University)

Stair, Ralph M., author


Applied electrochemistry : principles, practices and applications / contributors, Bao-Lin Xiao, Ying-Xue Zhao, et al

Xiao, Bao-Lin, author


Principles of nano-optics / Lukas Novotny, University of Rochester, New York, Bert Hecht, Universität Basel, Switzerland

Barker Library - TA418.9.N35 N68 2012


Fundamental principles of engineering nanometrology / Richard Leach

Online Resource


Ecological Mechanics: Principles of Life's Physical Interactions.

Online Resource


Quantum statistical mechanics : equilibrium and non-equilbrium theory from first principles / Phil Attard

Attard, Phil, author


Finite-temperature field theory : principles and applications / Joseph I. Kapusta (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota), Charles Gale (Department of Physics, McGill University)

Kapusta, Joseph I., author


Physics : principles with applications / Douglas C. Giancoli

Giancoli, Douglas C., author


Principles of classical thermodynamics : applied to materials science / Didier de Fontaine (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

De Fontaine, Didier, 1931- author


Infrared and raman spectroscopy : principles and spectral interpretation / Peter J. Larkin

Larkin, Peter (Peter J.), author


Reinventing talent management [electronic resource] : principles and practices for the new world of work / Edward E. Lawler III

Lawler, Edward E., III, author


Inbound organization [electronic resource] : how to build and strengthen your company's future using inbound principles / Dan Tyre, Todd Hockenberry

Tyre, Dan, 1958- author


Statistics : principles and methods / Richard A. Johnson (University Of Wisconsin At Madison), Gouri K. Bhattacharyya

Johnson, Richard A. (Richard Arnold), 1937- author


A game design vocabulary: exploring the foundational principles behind good game design / Anna Anthropy, Naomi Clark

Hayden Library - GV1469.34.A97 A58 2014


The 3-D global spatial data model: principles and applications / Earl F. Burkholder

Online Resource


Prediction of high carrier mobility for a novel two-dimensional semiconductor of BC6N: first principles calculations

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8,5882-5893
DOI: 10.1039/D0TC00549E, Paper
Li-Bin Shi, Mei Yang, Shuo Cao, Qi You, Ya-Jing Zhang, Meng Qi, Kai-Cheng Zhang, Ping Qian
First principles calculations are performed to predict phonon-limited carrier mobility for a novel graphene-like semiconductor with BC6N stoichiometry.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Internet computing: principles of distributed systems and emerging internet-based technologies / Ali Sunyaev

Online Resource


Principles and applications of free space optical communications / edited by Arun K. Majumdar, Zabih Ghassemlooy, and A. Arockia Bazil Raj

Online Resource


Drug design: principles and applications / Abhinav Grover, editor

Online Resource


Principles of pharmacology: the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy / David E. Golan, MD, PhD, editor in chief ; Ehrin J. Armstrong, MD, MSc, April W. Armstrong, MD, MPH, associate editors

Hayden Library - RM301.P65 2017


Nijkamp and Parnham's principles of immunopharmacology / Michael J. Parnham, Frans P. Nijkamp, Adriano G. Rossi, editors

Online Resource


Nervous system drug delivery: principles and practice / edited by Russell R. Lonser, Malisa Sarntinoranont, Krystof Bankiewicz

Online Resource


Principles and practice of botanicals as an integrative therapy / edited by Anne Hume, Katherine Kelly Orr

Online Resource


Basic Principles of Topography by Blagoja Markoski

Online Resource


Understanding GPS/GNSS: Principles and Applications, Third Edition / by Elliott D. Kaplan, Christopher J. Hegarty

Online Resource


The Concise PRINCE2®: Principles and Essential Themes.

Online Resource


Principles and applications of up-converting phosphor technology Ruifu Yang, editor

Online Resource


Thermodynamics: fundamental principles and applications / Antonio Saggion, Rossella Faraldo, Matteo Pierno

Online Resource


Product development: principles and tools for creating desirable and transferable designs / Christopher A. Mattson, Carl D. Sorensen

Online Resource


Micro-electro discharge machining: principles and applications / by Ajay M. Sidpara and Ganesh Malayath

Online Resource


Thermodynamics: basic principles and engineering applications / Alan M. Whitman

Online Resource


Progress in performance management: industry insights and case studies on principles, application tools, and practice / Marc Helmold and Warda Samara

Online Resource