
Drug targeting [electronic resource] : strategies, principles, and applications / edited by G.E. Francis and Cristina Delgado

Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, [2000]


The hologram: principles and techniques / Martin J. Richardson, John D. Wiltshire

Online Resource


The hologram: principles and techniques / Martin J. Richardson, John D. Wiltshire

Online Resource


Nano and quantum optics: an introduction to basic principles and theory / Ulrich Hohenester

Online Resource


Visualizing morphological principles for efficient photocurrent generation in organic non-fullerene acceptor blends

Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, 13,1259-1268
DOI: 10.1039/C9EE03535D, Paper
Wolfgang Köntges, Pavlo Perkhun, Jochen Kammerer, Riva Alkarsifi, Uli Würfel, Olivier Margeat, Christine Videlot-Ackermann, Jean-Jacques Simon, Rasmus R. Schröder, Jörg Ackermann, Martin Pfannmöller
Analytical electron microscopy reveals local molecular arrangements of PBDB-T:ITIC determining performance of current organic solar cells.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Principles of cellular engineering : understanding the biomolecular interface / edited by Michael R. King


Molecular biotechnology : principles and applications of recombinant DNA / Bernard R. Glick and Jack J. Pasternak, Cheryl L. Patten

Glick, Bernard R


Microbial biotechnology : principles and applications / editor, Lee Yuan Kun


3D bioprinting : fundamentals, principles and applications / Ibrahim T. Ozbolat

Ozbolat, Ibrahim Tarik, author


World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects

Howard Bauchner, MD interviews Ramin W. Parsa-Parsi, MD, MPH and Heikki Pälve, MD, PhD about the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects


Principles of field crop production / John H. Martin (Late, of Oregon State University & United States Department of Agriculture), Richard P. Waldren (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), David L. Stamp (Late, of Texas Technological University)

Martin, John H. (John Holmes), 1893- author


Principles of field crop production / edited by Jim Pratley


Weed science : principles and practices / Thomas J. Monaco, Stephen C. Weller, Floyd M. Ashton

Monaco, Thomas J


The handbook of plant biosecurity : principles and practices for the identification, containment and control of organisms that threaten agriculture and the environment globally / Gordon Gordh, Simon McKirdy, editors


Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight Michael R. Barratt, Ellen S. Baker, Sam L. Pool, editors

Online Resource


Tuning the electronic structure of transition metals embedded in nitrogen-doped graphene for electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction: a first-principles study

Nanoscale, 2020, 12,9696-9707
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR00072H, Paper
Xiaonan Zheng, Yuan Yao, Ya Wang, Yang Liu
The Fe/Mn–N–C catalyst is a promising candidate for the NRR as it shows significantly improved NRR catalytic activity and strong selectivity against the HER.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Improving the environment in distance learning courses through the application of aesthetic principles


First-principles studies of energetic materials


First-principles studies of shock-induced phenomena in energetic materials


The accidental practitioner : principles of rational emotive behavior therapy in the works of Kurt Vonnegut


Principles of animal extrapolation / Edward J. Calabrese

Online Resource


Red blood cell substitutes: basic principles and clinical applications / edited by Alan S. Rudolph, Reuven Rabinovici, Giora Z. Feuerstein

Online Resource


Pediatric surgery: general principles and newborn surgery. / Prem Puri, editor

Online Resource


Gender confirmation surgery: principles and techniques for an emerging field / Loren S. Schechter, editor

Online Resource


Integrative and functional medical nutrition therapy: principles and practices / Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko, Leigh Wagner, editors

Online Resource


Tissue engineering: principles, protocols, and practical exercises / Narine Sarvazyan, editor

Online Resource


Organic chemistry : principles and mechanisms / Joel M. Karty, Elon University

Karty, Joel, author


Physical chemistry : principles and applications / Ashok Kumar Srivastava

Srivastava, A. K. (Ashok Kumar), author


Electron magnetic resonance principles / Yuanzhi Xu, Jia Yao

Dewey Library - QC762.X89 2019


Principles of corporate finance / Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen

Rotch Library - HG4026.B667 2017


Islamic insurance products: exploring takaful principles, instruments and structures / Mohd MaʼSum Billah

Online Resource


Principles of corporate finance / Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen, authors

Dewey Library - HG4026.B667 2020


The Essential GAAR Manual: Policies, Principles and Procedures

The Supreme Court of Canada has delivered judgments in two critical cases involving the General Anti-Avoidance Rule. These long-awaited decisions are the most important developments in tax law in the past decade. Are you on the right side of GAAR?

When GAAR was introduced in 1988, it gave Revenue Canada very broad powers to challenge perceived tax avoidance activity. And since its genesis, there have been many justifiable concerns regarding GAAR's impact on tax planning. The bottom line is that GAAR has the power to affect any transaction that has the purpose of eliminating or reducing tax. But there has been little in the way of practical guidance to make informed planning decisions – until now.

The Essential GAAR Manual: Policies, Principles and Procedures is written by Canada's most highly regarded team of experts on GAAR issues at Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP: William I. Innes, LLB, LLM; Patrick J. Boyle, LLB; and Joel Nitikman, LLB, LLM. It was designed with your tax planning practice in mind and includes useful and accessible reference tools that will arm you with the knowledge and insight to inform your clients properly. It answers questions that will affect your tax planning strategies, such as:

  • What's the future of GAAR after Canada Trustco and Mathew?
  • What's a "textual, contextual and purposive" analysis?
  • What does the Supreme Court of Canada mean by requiring that tax measures be "predictable"?
  • What is the future of corporate tax planning?
  • What is the future of family and estate planning?
  • How will commercial tax shelters fare under the "new" GAAR analysis?
  • How does a practitioner cope with the post-Canada Trustco climate?
  • How do you document a transaction that may be probed by GAAR?

The author team goes beyond a descriptive and substantive analysis and provides you with key insights into the practical application of GAAR considerations for your day-to-day practice. As the application evolves, the CRA is likely to invoke GAAR with more frequency.


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Principles of Business Taxation (2014) (U.S.)

The CCH Principles of Business Taxation course approaches the study of taxation from the perspective of the student who will become a business person faced with decisions that are inevitably affected by tax considerations. This perspective leads to a very different coverage in this textbook - coverage that is useful for accounting, finance and general business majors. The new edition focuses on the central concepts that build our tax framework and avoids small exceptions.
Many items that pertain specifically to businesses (for example, inventory valuation issues) usually not discussed in a traditional undergraduate tax textbook are covered in this book. Although so many of the exclusions, deductions, and credits apply equally to individual and corporate taxpayers, this book focuses on the business perspective.
?    PART VI: Taxation of International Transactions

Related Products

Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business (2015) (U.S.)
Federal Tax Practitioner’s Guide (2015) (U.S.)
Federal Tax Study Manual (2014) (U.S)
Federal Taxation Practice and Procedure (11th Edition) (US)
Federal Taxation: Basic Principles (2014)

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Principles of Business Taxation (2013) (U.S.)

Available: March 2012

Approaches the study of taxation from the perspective of the student who will become a business person faced with business decisions that are inevitably affected by tax considerations. This perspective leads to a very different coverage in this textbook. The new edition focuses on the central concepts that build our tax framework and avoids small exceptions and details to ensure that the student can confidently master the critical underpinnings of federal taxation. It abandons minutia that not only affects a very small number of taxpayers, but also tends to change often.

Many items that pertain specifically to businesses (for example, inventory valuation issues) usually not discussed in a traditional undergraduate tax textbook are covered in this book. Although so many of the exclusions, deductions, and credits apply equally to individual and corporate taxpayers, this book focuses on the business perspective. An advantage to this approach is that most of the students who take only one course in taxation will learn how businesses are taxed and, in turn, will have a better appreciation for how taxes affect business decisions.

While the focus is on concepts and how taxes affect business decisions, individual income taxation is not abandoned. After all, many core tax concepts apply to individuals as well as businesses, and this book is not shy in pointing out such application. It also includes a special chapter on individuals (sole proprietorships) and one on pass-through entities that tie together the underlying threads concerned with these taxpayers throughout the text.


Related books:


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Federal Taxation: Basic Principles (2014)

A popular first-level tax course textbook that provides a clear concise explanation of the fundamental tax concepts covering both tax planning and compliance. Basic Principles strikes a perfect balance between the AICPA model curriculum (focusing on business tax) and the demands favored by most teachers (covering the fundamentals and building toward the complex).

Basic Principles covers the core tax concepts and principles, including individual taxation, gross income, deductions, credits, property transactions, accounting methods and periods, deferred compensation, retirement plans, partnerships, corporations, trusts and estates, and tax planning for individuals.

Basic Principles includes 18 Chapters and special support materials at the end of the volume as follows:

1.    Introduction to Federal Taxation and Understanding the Federal Tax Law
2.    Tax Research, Practice and Procedure
3.    Individual Taxation-An Overview
4.    Gross Income
5.    Gross Income-Exclusions
6.    Deductions: General Concepts and Trade or Business Deductions
7.    Deductions: Business/Investment Losses and Passive Activity Losses
8.    Deductions: Itemized Deductions
9.    Tax Credits, Prepayments and Special Methods
10.    Property Transactions: Determination of Basis and Gains and Losses
11.    Property Transactions: Nonrecognition of Gains and Losses
12.    Property Transactions: Treatment of Capital and Section 1231 Assets
13.    Tax Accounting
14.    Deferred Compensation and Education Savings Plans
15.    Tax Planning for Individuals
16.    Partnerships, Corporations and S Corporations
17.    Federal Estate Tax, Federal Gift Tax and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
18.    Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates
-    Appendix
-    Glossary of Tax Terms
-    Finding Lists
-    Table of Cases
-    Topical Index

Related Products

Essentials of Federal Income Taxation for Individuals and Business (2015) (U.S.)
Federal Tax Practitioner’s Guide (2015) (U.S.)
Federal Tax Study Manual (2015) (U.S.)
Federal Taxation Practice and Procedure (11th Edition) (US)If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Federal Taxation: Basic Principles (2013) (U.S.)

Available: April 2012

A popular first-level tax course textbook that provides a clear concise explanation of the fundamental tax concepts covering both tax planning and compliance. Basic Principles strikes a perfect balance between the AICPA model curriculum (focusing on business tax) and the demands favored by most teachers (covering the fundamentals and building toward the complex). The book is also a favorite in distant learning, because of its clarity and direct approach - and it is also used in special programs like CFP courses.

Basic Principles covers the core tax concepts and principles, including individual taxation, gross income, deductions, credits, property transactions, accounting methods and periods, deferred compensation, retirement plans, partnerships, corporations, trusts and estates, and tax planning for individuals.
It is written by an editorial board of tax teachers that includes members who are currently active in the American Accounting Association, American Taxation Association, the National Tax Challenge, CFP education, CPE lectures, CPA preparation and other programs, so you can be assured that the text is allied with real-world educational outcomes.

Basic Principles includes 18 Chapters and special support materials at the end of the volume as follows:

  1. Introduction to Federal Taxation and Understanding the Federal Tax Law
  2. Tax Research, Practice and Procedure
  3. Individual Taxation-An Overview
  4. Gross Income
  5. Gross Income-Exclusions
  6. Deductions: General Concepts and Trade or Business Deductions
  7. Deductions: Business/Investment Losses and Passive Activity Losses
  8. Deductions: Itemized Deductions
  9. Tax Credits, Prepayments and Special Methods
  10. Property Transactions: Determination of Basis and Gains and Losses
  11. Property Transactions: Nonrecognition of Gains and Losses
  12. Property Transactions: Treatment of Capital and Section 1231 Assets
  13. Tax Accounting
  14. Deferred Compensation and Education Savings Plans
  15. Tax Planning for Individuals
  16. Partnerships,Corporations and S Corporations
  17. Federal Estate Tax, Federal Gift Tax and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
  18. Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates
-Glossary of Tax Terms
-Finding Lists
-Table of Cases
-Topical Index

Related books:


Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, Third Edition

Published: October 2011

This coursebook features a case-study and problems approach in which the principles of estate planning are first introduced and then demonstrated through student analysis of short exercises and simulated client situations. A forms supplement on CD is an additional tool for giving students practice with drafting exercises.

Topics covered:

  • Tax Relief
  • Unemployment Insurance Re-authorization
  • Job Creation Act of 2010
  • Same-sex marriage and planning
  • Uniform Probate Code’s 2008 changes dealing with definitions of children
  • Durable powers of attorney and medical care directives, including “persistent vegetative state”
  • Retirement asset tax planning material
  • Trust “decanting”
  • Family offices and private trust companies
  • Pet Trusts

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Discovery: Principles and Practice in Canadian Common Law, 2nd Edition

Published: February 2009

Wouldn't it be great to have a how-to guide in your pocket when navigating the complex discovery process?

Discovery: Principles and Practice in Canadian Common Law, 2nd Edition is the practical manual and legal text in one that describes the current state of the law, guides you through each stage of the process and covers the skills required to execute an effective and smooth discovery.

Topics covered:

  • Privilege
  • Examination practice tips
  • Written interrogatories
  • Preparing a witness
  • Use of discovery at trial
  • Email documentary production case law
  • Privilege issues arising from email production cases
  • The use of e-discovery

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Antitrust Law: An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and Their Application

The authority of Antitrust Law is second to none. It has been cited more than 50 times by both the Supreme Court and FTC and more than 1,000 times by the federal courts. Most recently it was cited by the Supreme Court in Pacific Bell v LinkLine Communications.

No other source gives you all the law to avoid antitrust liability as you plan marketing strategies, develop pricing policies, structure mergers and prove - or defend against - antitrust injury, monopolization, conspiracy and other allegations. It includes real-world examples and in-depth examination of thousands of cases.

In 2008, the USDOJ Antitrust Division presented Hovenkamp with the prestigious John Sherman Award. This annual award is given for outstanding contributions to the field of antitrust law, the protection of American consumers and the preservation of economic liberty.

The latest release includes Volumes 3, 3A and 3B of the Third Edition, which have been revised and greatly expanded.

Table of Contents:

  • Chapter 1: Objectives of the Antitrust Laws
  • Chapter 2: Domain of the Antitrust Laws: Jurisdiction, Immunities, and Exclusion from Coverage
  • Chapter 3: The System of Remedies: Basic Issues
  • Chapter 4: The Economic Basis for Antitrust Policy
  • Chapter 5: Market Power and Market Definition
  • Chapter 6: Monopolization
  • Chapter 7: Monopolization: Particular Exclusionary Practices
  • Chapter 8: Power and the Power-Conduct Relationship in Monopolization and Attempt
  • Chapter 9: Mergers: Generally and Horizontal
  • Chapter 10: Vertical Mergers
  • Chapter 11: Conglomerate Mergers
  • Chapter 12: Partial Acquisitions and Post-Acquisition Evidence
  • Chapter 13: Interlocking Directors
  • Chapter 14: Conspiracy, Horizontal and Vertical
  • Chapter 15: "Rule of Reason" and "Per Se Rule" - General Issues
  • Chapter 16: Vertical Distribution Restraints Limiting Intrabrand Competition
  • Chapter 17: Tying Arrangements
  • Chapter 18: Exclusive Dealing and Related Practices
  • Chapter 19: Horizontal Agreements: An Introduction
  • Chapter 20: Horizontal Agreements Limiting Participants' Output
  • Chapter 21: Horizontal Agreements Facilitating Development, Production, or Distribution
  • Chapter 22: Horizontal Agreements Excluding Rivals
  • Chapter 23: The Robinson-Patman Act
  • Chapter 24: State Antitrust Law: A Brief Introduction
  • Complete Table of Contents
  • Chapter Table of Cases
  • Index


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Handbook of fire and explosion protection engineering principles for oil, gas, chemical, and related facilities / Dennis P. Nolan

Online Resource


Temporary works: principles of design and construction.

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Thomas Jefferson, architect: Palladian models, democratic principles, and the conflict of ideals / Lloyd DeWitt and Corey Piper

Rotch Library - NA737.J4 D49 2019


Olin's Construction: Principles, Materials, and Methods / Leslie H. Simmons

Online Resource


Principles of pathophysiology / Shane Bullock and Majella Hales

Bullock, Shane, author


Working together : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice / editors, Pat Dudgeon, Helen Milroy and Roz Walker ; foreword by Tom Calma


Caring for older people in Australia : principles for nursing practice / edited by Amanda Johnson, Esther Chang


Nations must not ignore principles of existing international law in fight against COVID-19


Covid asks us to heed Gandhian principles of swadeshi, swachhata and sarvodaya