
Is microdosing just hype? Why the psychedelic trend sparks debate among scientists and enthusiasts

Microdosing has been growing in popularity alongside growing cultural acceptance of psychedelics and increased research into their potential as mental health tools. Most psychedelic drugs are illegal according to the federal government, however, so even though microdosing has inched its way into the mainstream lexicon, it simultaneously remains part of an underground culture.


SABATON Announces 2025 European Legendary Tour With An Orchestra

Starting in November 2025.


Seniors, underclassmen battle to a draw at Coors Field in Rockies All-Star/Futures game

For an all-star game, there were tight groups comprised of players both familiar and new to each other.


Gabe Evans widens lead over U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo as ballot counting nears completion in battle for Congress

State Rep. Gabe Evans’ lead over U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo shrank between Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, from 2,529 votes to 1,995.


Weekend Movie Marathon: Martin Lawrence Battles for Love

We're not standing in his way!

  • BET Star Cinema


Stepfather Arrested After Missing Baton Rouge Toddler Found

Toddler's stepfather arrested after her body was found


Baton Rouge Lawmaker Strips R. Kelly Of ‘Key To The City’

The honor was presented to the fallen music icon in 2013.


Royal Bermuda Regiment Hold Battalion Night

Members of the Royal Bermuda Regiment had the opportunity to socialise and collectively recognise the unit’s achievements at a Battalion Night on Thursday. Soldiers who were promoted during the event at Warwick Camp “highlighted how the RBR helps people to develop personally and professionally as they learn new skills.” Lieutenant Colonel Ben Beasley, the Regiment’s […]


Photos & Video: Battery Road Development

The Government unveiled Phase One of the Battery Road Development Project in St. David’s, with the Minister noting that they completion of Phase I comprises 4 units; 3 studios and one 2-Bedroom/1-bath unit. A Government spokesperson said, “Ensuring that Bermudians have access to affordable housing is priority of the Government. It is a pledge in […]


Coast Guard To Help Combat Illegal Fishing

The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Rollin Fritch arrived in Bermuda today as part of the second annual fisheries enforcement operation. A spokesperson said, “U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Rollin Fritch [WPC-1119] arrived in Bermuda today as part of the second annual fisheries enforcement operation in concert with the Bermuda Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Royal Bermuda Regiment, Bermuda […]


Mexican Free-Tailed Bat ‘Visiting’ Bermuda

Bermuda has welcomed an unusual visitor, with a Mexican free-tailed bat spotted on the island, and according to the Bermuda National Trust this is the first time this particular type of bat has been recorded in Bermuda. “The Mexican free-tailed bat has made an appearance in Bermuda for the first time on record,” the BNT said. “Native […]


Photos: Tabata-Ha Karate-Do Kite-Making Event

The Tabata-Ha Shotokan Karate-Do held a kite-making event, resulting in 15 kites crafted and a competition held. A spokesperson said, “The Tabata-Ha Shotokan Karate-Do recently held a kite-making evening. Our aim was to teach the younger generation how to make a traditional Bermuda kite as it is a tradition we must keep alive. “The Independent […]


Kvantová geometrie otevírá dveře mimo prostor i čas. Vědci umí narýsovat pohyb subatomárních částic

Dosud skrytá abstraktní struktura může zjednodušit pochopení toho, co se děje na nejzákladnější rovině reality od kvantové gravitace až po vznik časoprostoru.


Complete List of Animalities in Mortal Kombat

Animalities have returned to Mortal Kombat. Players of the infamous fighting game series can finish a defeated opponent off by transforming into an animal and brutally mauling them death for the first time since 1995's Mortal Kombat 3 with the "Khaos Reigns" update to Mortal Kombat 1.

So, what follows is a list of every Mortal Kombatant's fursonas, basically, from Mortal Kombat 1. Two warnings: In explaining different characters roles, there may be spoilers for the games, and also, extreme, over the top violence and gore is the point of Animalities.

read more


Censorship is antithetical to the scientific method because it requires free speech and open debate and skepticism

Censorship is antithetical to the scientific method because it requires free speech and open debate and skepticism Continue reading


Battle Of The Sexes (who gives more?)

Good fundraisers typically stick with what works in a fund raising campaign choosing not to ask to many questions about why it works. While intuitively, many fundraisers know that women tend to make more donations in a given campaign or series of campaigns and perhaps if the fundraiser is intuitive enough, that men who give, generally tend to give higher amounts overall.

It’s not always easy to understand why this is so, and therefore for a fundraiser to take full advantage of this information.

Many studies have been done on philanthropy; fewer have been done on telephone fund raising, however the research on this subject is not insignificant. Two studies that we will highlight here at onfundraising are one commissioned by the Share Group Inc on fund raising and direct mail campaigns, and the other is “The Effects of Race, Gender, and Marital Status on Giving and Volunteering in Indiana” as published in the Nonprofit and voluntary Sector Quartley, in 2006 while report focuses on Indiana, much of the reporting is general in nature and therefore suitable for this post. The study’s main purpose was to examine whether factors like race, age, education or marital status make a difference to philanthropy of volunteering.

Both studies are available on line, and are linked to at the bottom of this article.

In 2006, Share Group. Inc, of Massachusetts participated in a comprehensive study on donor characteristics .Among other things this study quantifies some of the major difference between male and female donors; something that many people knew intuitively but lacked the hard data to validate. The study also measured donor contributions by age, and gave some general insights into what age group is the most supportive of charitable organizations.

According to the study, when contacted, women are more likely to support a charity campaign than men.

This data corresponds with past studies on philanthropic giving, but is limited to telephone fund raising The data indicates the women generally are more likely to donate to fund raising efforts and are also more likely to leave bequests to charitable organizations. The research indicates that woman as a whole are more likely to donate than men are.

However, the study found that based on the statistical evidence, men who do give to a campaign are likely to make larger contributions than female donors. This information as well is corroborated by independent research.

The study observes that the optimal donor age is fifty years old. Contributions tend to dwindle as donors reach retirement age. Donors ages sixty five to seventy five were most receptive to and renewal of support campaigns.

Interestingly for fund raisers, the study found that female callers secure pledges less often than male callers, but the average size of the pledges female fundraisers secure is larger than their male counterparts.

In general, women according to the research in both studies, are more likely give a larger contribution than they have previously given (upgrade). Men who could be convinced to upgrade generally upgraded at higher percentage versus female donors.

Breaking down the data further showed that when it comes to the actual giving of money, single women give twice as much as single men. These results are consistent with what has been published in the past. Furthermore, single women are more likely than men to give to a variety of charities and philanthropic efforts. A not so surprising finding was that married men also were 2-3 times more likely to give as much as single men or single women. However, the amount of money donated by single men was found to be far greater than that of married couples.

When the race factor is assessed for donation, there is little or no difference. Whites, Blacks and other minorities are no more or less likely to give relative to each other. The one obvious finding is that donations are significantly increased when the donor is educated, earns a higher income, and is older. This finding was again observed in all ethnic groups.

The Indiana study also looked at another aspect of giving-volunteering. The results are not much different to the philanthropic study. Again, single females are more likely to volunteer their time when compared to single men. Infact single females are more likely to volunteer for many more hours (>146 per year) than single men. The one surprising finding is that there is no difference in volunteering between married couples and single individuals when it comes to volunteering. It would be expected that married couples would have less time due to their familial obligations but this is not so.

Race did not reveal any differences in volunteering- Blacks, Whites and other minorities were just as likely to volunteer.

Volunteering was found to decrease when the levels of income and education were low. In fact, there was a sharp drop in volunteering levels for those with less than a high school education relative to the general population, and this was seen across all age groups.

However, increased income did not correlate with the numbers of hours volunteered. Individuals with low income were just as likely to volunteer for longer durations of time and vice versa.

The one curious observation from the study is that when individuals were asked if they had volunteered in the past, women were more likely to recall this act. Minorities could not recall if they had volunteered. Why someone can’t remember a dignified act like volunteering is a mystery- perhaps an error in how the questionnaire was set up or comprehension difficulty. The writers of the Indiana study surmised that often minorities do volunteer work without formally characterizing it as such.

Most of the results of these studies are also supported by many previous national surveys which have also found that education and higher income are the strongest and most consistent predictors of philanthropic activity.

Why single women volunteer more is not fully understood but it is speculated that because single women have less social and financial means, they compensate this by giving more of their time as volunteers while at the same time establishing their social networks.

These studies provide some insight into differences in donors by sex, marital status, race and income. Both men and women are motivated to give to charity for different reasons therefore when communicating with donors, fundraisers are advised to take this into effect and structure their solicitations accordingly.

We can take from these studies the fact that most Americans do give to charity in one way or another. Fund raisers can best serve the causes they work for buy understanding the broad characteristics of donors and structuring their donation requests accordingly.


The Battle of the Five Armies at Partizan.

well...what a bloody marvellous couple of days I've just had. Taking all my figures to a show for the first time was a little nerve racking, but the effort really paid off. I had an excellent time and met some great new friends too in the process.
The board and mountain were excellent too, crafted by the talented James Morris. I had never deployed my whole army in one go before, so what better time to do it than on a set up like this. Everything seemed to come together perfectly.
I started my battle with the orcs at the bottom of the hill advancing across the mountain river. However, due to my terrible dice rolling and the luck of the Elves, I was cut and shot to pieces. It wasn't long before my tattered ranks were tumbling back through the freezing water. The Elves just had time to redress their lines before another dark wave of Goblin folk arrived.
I love the walled up gate that James made, the little gaps in the stonework were perfect. It really reminded me of one of Alan Lees illustrations. Also a very clever use of silver fabric for the river...very effective!

The Eagles arrived later in the game and swept the Goblins from the mountain sides. The game was masterfully run by David Hunter, who made sure the flo was just right.
My Eagles looked very realistic on the slopes of the mountain too, better than I had hoped for. The extra poses were well worth collecting over the last ten years. The flying ones on stands were a very recent purchase and they really stood out.
The game in full flo, it drew a big crowd and it was great to talk figures with people. A lot of people wanted to know where I got my Orcs from and of course the answer was...everywhere. Also the amount of plastic model kits used was very hard to calculate. Just about every Dark age and Fantasy box set all mashed up and mixed together.

I love my Wood elves after lovingly creating each one individually and got a huge buzz from seeing them in action. I didn't really care they were cutting my forces to ribbons, just seeing them used in anger was enough for me.
Hordes of Goblins still plagued the mountainside, their numbers were too much even for the Eagles.
Thorin was cut down by Bolg's bodyguard as he tried to cut through their great shields. Bard of Laketown too, fell to the hacking Goblin blades. Dain of the Iron hills was holding his own but was badly wounded. At last it seemed like the Free people's luck had run out. 
Then with a roar like a thunderclap Beorn burst onto the scene. He tore through the Goblin ranks and made his way to Bolg. Approaching the rear of Bolg's bodyguard he shattered their formation.

It was at this point the Orc's morale was lost and the game was called. The rules were James' new Midguard ones and were perfect for this Dark age epic clash of men and monsters.

I had a great couple of days and it was a real treat to get out and do something exciting like this. To my amazement I didn't suffer any spear snaps of breakages and everything survived intacted. I was expecting a few casualties and had even taken a little repair kit but didn't need it.

Dain's Iron hills Dwarves push the Goblins from the ridge, supported by a group of Lake men.
An earlier shot of the swirl of battle.
The nine Black riders with their Dark lord 
My beloved Silvan elves holding their own against ravaging wolf packs.

I said it once, I'll say it again, what a bloody marvellous couple of days!

 I'm sure I'll have some more pictures soon to post on here of the day...

  • lord Of The Rings
  • lord Of The Rings.
  • War games


The Battle of the Five Armies

 Here's a shot of James Morris' Lonely mountain with the only missing element...thousands of blood drinking bats. 

  • lord Of The Rings
  • lord Of The Rings.


USC football placed on 1 year of probation, fined for coaching staff violations

Southern California’s football program has been fined $50,000 and placed on probation for one year by the NCAA because of multiple violations of coaching staff rules over two seasons


The Untouched Picture of Kim Jong-Un Started a Supreme Photoshop Battle

North Korea released a smiling picture of Kim Jong-Un and were VERY specific about pointing out the fact that the image was untouched. Obviously the first thing the internet did when they got a hold of the image was to touch it up a bit. The results were glorious.


Top Memes And Reactions To Last Night's Democratic Presidential Debate

Why do politics always make for the best meme material? We'll just let the politicians speak for themselves. 

In case you missed last night's democratic presidential debate, then we'll give you a little run down: Cory Booker accused Joe Biden of being high, Amy Klobuchar claimed she raised a crap-load of money from her ex-boyfriends, and Biden made an, uh, brain-dead comment about domestic violence. 

Scroll down to watch some of the highlights and view some of the internet's reactions!


Roundup Of Democratic Debate Memes That Roast Last Night's Total Freak Show

Last night's democratic debate in Nevada got pretty damn spicy to say the least. So much so that many are calling it the most entertaining debate of the election cycle so far. Pete spoke Spanish, Warren (and every other candidate, for that matter) came out swinging against Bloomberg, and many, many other things that warranted a monumental cringe fest. 

So please enjoy the following roast-y memes from the night and you can watch a more in-depth recap of it here!


Best Memes From Last Night's Audience-Free Democratic Debate

Last night Americans tuned in to watch the audience-free live democratic debate between remaining candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Topics of discussion included the Green New Deal, Donald Trump, and of course, the COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch the debate here to decide for yourself who won, and click here for more political memes!


China's CATL pushes beyond batteries into power grids, EV platforms

Robin Zeng, the billionaire founder of CATL , aims to reinvent the world’s largest battery maker as a green-energy provider and to slash the cost of developing electric vehicles, upending the economics of the industry that has powered its growth.


China battery giant CATL would build US plant if Trump allows it

CATL , the world's top battery maker, will consider building a U.S. plant if President-elect Donald Trump opens the door to Chinese investment in the electric-vehicle supply chain, the company's founder and chairman, Robin Zeng, told Reuters.


Exclusive-Chinese giant CATL pushes beyond batteries into power grids, EV platforms

Robin Zeng, the billionaire founder of CATL, aims to reinvent the world’s largest battery maker as a green-energy provider and to slash the cost of developing electric vehicles, upending the economics of the industry that has powered its growth. Zeng told Reuters in an interview that he expects…


Exclusive-China battery giant CATL would build US plant if Trump allows it

In This Article: NINGDE, China (Reuters) - CATL, the world's top battery maker, will consider building a U.S. plant if President-elect Donald Trump opens the door to Chinese investment in the electric-vehicle supply chain, the company's founder and chairman, Robin Zeng, told Reuters. "Originally,…


Polish parliament debates making Christmas Eve a public holiday

Chances of the bill being passed this year are not high.


China battery giant CATL would build US plant if Trump allows it, chairman says

China battery giant CATL would build US plant if Trump allows it, chairman says Trump wants to block Chinese EV, battery imports but open to US plants with American workers Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL), the world’s top battery maker, will consider building a US plant if president-elect…


Tesla's Chinese Battery Supplier CATL 'Open Minded' About US Expansion If Trump Welcomes Chinese Investments

Amid the evolving landscape of U.S.-China trade relations, CATL, one of the world’s largest battery manufacturer, has expressed interest in establishing a manufacturing plant in the United States. What Happened: Robin Zeng, the founder and chairman of CATL, shared this perspective in a recent…


Gomi speakers are made from recycled e-bike batteries

Gomi has revolutionized the electronics industry by tackling the persistent problem of proper disposal at the end of a product's life. Unlike many other speaker companies, Gomi adopts a circular approach that enhances product longevity and significantly reduces pre and post-consumer waste.[...]


An idea for a home that combats high flood risk

Between two ponds in Southampton, New York, you will find one home that looks different from all the rest. The location of Tamsen House posed a lot of environmental challenges and this design by Fernando Fisbein Architect truly rose to the occasion.[...]


Vampire bats have a really strange way of getting energy, scientists discover after putting them on treadmills

Vampire bats rely on amino acids from their blood diet to fuel their exercise, scientists discovered after observing the animals on tiny treadmills.


How eavesdropping viruses battle it out to infect us

While we primarily think of viruses as targeting their attacks against us, they are also in constant competition with each other.


The Battle for the Ballot: The County Line and the Future of Elections in New Jersey

Join us for a conversation with two of the nation’s leading election scholars about the county line, preserving free and fair elections in New Jersey, and the future of elections in the United States.


How iron-air batteries could fill gaps in renewable energy

Rust Belt cities could be the perfect place to develop this renewable energy solution.


Music from the battlefield: Ukrainian activist, music promoter graces Israel's international fest.

Zakharov tends to the sunny side of life, and he is a major mover and shaker on the Ukrainian cultural scene, with a definite accent on artistic vehicles that seek to cultivate a better world for all


12 of the best Christmas markets in the UK, from Bath to Edinburgh

The most Christmassy tree-topping festivities for trinkets, bratwursts and all things mulled this winter


Trials for rapid-charging battery trains under way by Great Western Railway

The trains could be charged in a matter of minutes before setting off on their journeys


Cận vệ Chủ tịch nước Lương Cường bị bắt với cáo buộc lạm dụng tình dục trong chuyến thăm Chile

Tòa án tại Chile đã ra phán quyết rằng một thành viên trong phái đoàn của Chủ tịch nước Lương Cường phải rời khỏi Chile và không được phép nhập cảnh trở lại trong ít nhất hai năm sau khi bị cáo buộc lạm dụng tình dục.