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How and why should healthcare providers ask patients if they have PTSD?


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AJ Jacobs: Can You Live Fully by the Constitution in 2024?

In this episode, New York Times bestselling author, A.J. Jacobs shares his fascinating approach to interpreting America’s foundational document in his latest book, “The Year of Living Constitutionally: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Constitution’s Original Meaning”. An acclaimed journalist known for his unorthodox social experiments, A.J.’s work blends memoir, science, humor and a dash of self-help. In our conversation, A.J. takes us on a hilarious yet insightful journey into his attempt to understand the Constitution by living as closely as possible to its original meaning. We delve into his personal experiences, the larger debate about how the Constitution should be interpreted, and the Constitution’s relevance in today’s world. Some highlights we explore: Learn more about A.J. Jacobs’ unique experiments Tips on how to generate creative ideas and how to choose the right ones Learn more about what living 18th-century life is like in modern times How to apply the constitution, two-party system, and founding fathers into this experimental life What A.J. learned from leading this experimental life and his thoughts post-experiment And more… Enjoy! FOLLOW A.J. JACOBS: Facebook | twitter | website Listen to the Podcast Subscribe  

The post AJ Jacobs: Can You Live Fully by the Constitution in 2024? first appeared on Chase Jarvis.

The post AJ Jacobs: Can You Live Fully by the Constitution in 2024? appeared first on Chase Jarvis.


Finding Meaningful Work is Harder Than You Think

Finding meaningful work is a complex journey that requires self-reflection, authentic connections, and emotional resilience. Dr. Tessa West provides valuable insights and practical steps to help you navigate this challenging path and achieve long-term career fulfillment.

The post Finding Meaningful Work is Harder Than You Think first appeared on Chase Jarvis.

The post Finding Meaningful Work is Harder Than You Think appeared first on Chase Jarvis.


Hustle Culture: The Silent Killer of Ambition

Hustle culture is a trap. Learn how it's sabotaging your success and why rest is the ultimate key to unlocking your true potential.

The post Hustle Culture: The Silent Killer of Ambition first appeared on Chase Jarvis.

The post Hustle Culture: The Silent Killer of Ambition appeared first on Chase Jarvis.


What Happens When You Add Mindful Moments to Your Day?

In this episode, I sit down with Prentis Hemphill to explore the real meaning of healing—not as a destination, but as an ongoing process of restoring safety, belonging, and dignity in our lives. We dive into the importance of community, especially post-pandemic, and how reconnecting with our bodies through mindful practices can lead to true transformation. Prentis shares their journey, the questions that drive their work, and practical tips to help us all heal in a world that often feels disconnected. Some highlights we explore: Healing as an ongoing process, not a final destination The power of community and connection in healing Practical ways to integrate mindful moments into your daily life And more! Enjoy! FOLLOW PRENTIS HEMPHILL: instagram | patreon | website Listen to the Podcast Subscribe

The post What Happens When You Add Mindful Moments to Your Day? first appeared on Chase Jarvis.

The post What Happens When You Add Mindful Moments to Your Day? appeared first on Chase Jarvis.


Data Cuisine Workshop Barcelona: The results

The Data Cuisine Workshop Barcelona was fantastic, we had a really great time. Big thanks to my collaborators Dr. Susanne Jaschko and Sebastian Velilla, thanks to Jose Luis de Vicente and Olga Subiros for bringing us over, and last but not least for our great participants for the crazy dish ideas they came up with! […]


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The post Cross-Platform Development: Coding for Online Gaming on Multiple Devices first appeared on CSS Reset.


Important Changes to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) Effective from 1 July 2024

The Australian government is making a significant update to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), reflecting its ongoing commitment to maintaining fair wages and conditions for skilled migrants. From 1 July 2024, the TSMIT will increase from $70,000 to $73,150. This change is part of the broader initiatives announced during the Jobs and Skills […]

The post Important Changes to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) Effective from 1 July 2024 appeared first on Australian Visa Experts.


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The post No longer an Underdog, Sony cameras and lenses win multiple categories at TIPA 2022 World Awards appeared first on Alphatracks.


Handling Spelling Mistakes with Postgres Full Text Search

Background #

Postgres Full Text Search (FTS) is a great way to implement site search on a website running Postgres already, without requiring additional infrastructure.

On a recent engagement with a client, we were deciding between Postgres FTS and ElasticSearch. Ultimately we chose FTS because we could spin it up without having to add extra infrastructure, as we would with ElasticSearch.

Since the project was written in Ruby on Rails, we were able to use the excellent PgSearch gem to implement FTS in ActiveRecord.

Multisearch #

As we wanted a general site search, we needed to utilize multisearch. Multisearch combines multiple ActiveRecord models into one search 'document' table that you can search against. For example, if a user searches for some search term, and the search is configured for multisearch, then every single model that we mark as multisearchable will be searched for that term at the same time. See here for more detail.

Search Features #

PgSearch allows for different search features, tsearch, trigram, and dmetaphone. The default is tsearch, which uses the built-in Postgres Full Text Search.

This was great for our use case, since it also comes with highlighting, a feature that was required. The highlighting is from a field returned by Postgres FTS, where it returns the text around the search term for context and bolds the search terms.

Spelling Mistakes #

Unfortunately, tsearch does not handle misspelled words. However, as I mentioned before, PgSearch allows for other search features!

And trigram is a feature that can be installed via a Postgres extension (pg_trgm) that does just that.

Trigram #

  • The idea behind trigram search is to split pieces of text into sets of three-letter segments, and compare the sets to one another
  • If two trigram sets are similar enough, we assume there was a spelling mistake, and return the document with the correctly-spelled term.
  • As a quick example (ignoring whitespace): Consider the word Viget. Viget would make trigrams:
[vig, ige, get]
  • Now, consider our evil twin agency, Qiget. They would make trigrams
[qig, ige, get]
  • The two trigram sets match very closely, with only one of the trigrams not being the same. Thus, if we were to compare these with pg_trgm, we could reasonably tell that anyone typing 'Qiget' must have been actually looking for 'Viget', and just misspelled it.

Working Trigram into our existing solution #

PgSearch allows us to use multiple search features at once, so we can use tsearch and trigram side by side. Note that we cannot just replace tsearch with trigram due to needing some features in tsearch that are exclusive to it. Here is what an example configuration might look like.

PgSearch.multisearch_options = {
  using: {
    tsearch: {
      prefix: true,
      highlight: {
        MaxFragments: 1
    trigram: { 
      only: [:content]

Trigram (and timelines) causing issues #

While it was easy to slot Trigram into our multisearch, it caused a pretty serious performance hit. We were seeing 50x-75x slower searches with both features combined than with just tsearch. We needed to find a way to balance performance with handling misspellings

At the point that handling misspellings became prioritized, the entire search feature was almost fully QA'd and about ready to go out. There wasn't much time left in the budget to find a good solution for the issue.

This thread from the PgSearch repo sums it up pretty well – there were multiple other users that were/are having similar issues as we were. The top-rated comment in this thread is someone mentioning that the solution was to just use ElasticSearch ('top-rated' is doing a lot of heavy lifting. It did have the most likes...at two). We needed to find some sort of middle ground solution that we could act on quickly.

Postgres Documentation saves the day #

In the docs for the Trigram Postgres extension, the writers give an idea for using Trigram in conjunction with Full Text Search. The general idea is to create a separate words table that has a Trigram index on it.

Something like this worked for us. Note that we added an additional step with a temporary table. This was to allow us to filter out words that included non-alphabet characters.

execute <<-SQL
  -- Need to make a temp table so we can remove non-alphabet characters like websites
    SELECT word FROM ts_stat('SELECT to_tsvector(''simple'', content) FROM pg_search_documents');

  CREATE TABLE pg_search_words (
    word text

  INSERT INTO pg_search_words (word)
    SELECT word
    FROM temp_words
    WHERE word ~ '^[a-zA-Z]+$';
  CREATE INDEX pg_words_idx ON pg_search_words USING GIN (word gin_trgm_ops);
  DROP TABLE temp_words;

This words table is therefore populated with every unique word that exists in your search content table. For us, this table was pretty large.

result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_search_words").first['count']
puts result.first['count']
# => 1118644

Keeping the words table up-to-date #

As mentioned in the docs, this table is separate from your search table. Therefore, it needs to be either periodically regenerated or at least have any new words added to search content also added to this table.

One way to achieve this is with a trigger, which adds all new words (still filtering out non-alphabet characters) that are inserted into the documents table to the words table

create_trigger("pg_search_documents_after_insert_update_row_tr", generated: true, compatibility: 1)
  .after(:insert, :update) do
    CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_words AS
      SELECT word FROM ts_stat('SELECT to_tsvector(''simple'', ' || quote_literal(NEW.content) || ')');

    INSERT INTO pg_search_words (word)
      SELECT word
      FROM temp_words
      WHERE word ~ '^[a-zA-Z]+$';

    DROP TABLE temp_words;


Note that this does not handle records being deleted from the table – that would need to be something separate.

How we used the words table #

Assuming for simplicity the user's search term is a single word, if the search returns no results, we compare the search term's trigram set to the trigram index on the words table, and return the closest match.

Then, we'd show the closest match in a "Did you mean {correctly-spelled word}?" that hyperlinks to a search of the correctly-spelled word

Given more time, I would have liked to explore options to speed up the combined FTS and Trigram search. I'm certain we could have improved on the performance issues, but I can't say for sure that we could have gotten the search time down to a reasonable amount.

A future enhancement that would be pretty simple is to automatically search for that correctly-spelled word, removing the prompt to click the link. We could also change the text to something like "Showing results for {correctly-spelled word}".

Ultimately, I think with the situation at hand, we made the right call implementing Trigram this way. The search is just as fast as before, and now in the case of misspellings, a user just has to follow the link to the correctly-spelled word and they will see the results they wanted very quickly.


What is a Headless CMS and When Should I Use One?

When starting a new project, decision makers are faced with the dilemma of choosing a content management system (CMS). Sometimes, it’s not that simple and they must choose whether to go with a traditional CMS or a headless CMS. Both offer unique benefits and cater to different needs, making it crucial to understand when each makes sense for your project. Let’s take a look at some considerations that can help you make the right decision.

What is a Traditional CMS?

Traditional CMS’s – like Craft CMS, WordPress, and Drupal – offer a pre-packaged solution for content creation, management, and delivery. They include powerful interfaces with content editing capabilities and templating out of the box, enabling you to create sites with ease. A traditional CMS can be monolithic because the back-end and front-end are tightly coupled. Using a traditional CMS typically means you are using all of the tools included to achieve your goal.

What is a Headless CMS?

A Headless CMS is like a Traditional CMS in that it includes content creation and management tools. But it differs in the fact that the back-end content management system is decoupled from the front-end (presentation layer), allowing developers to use any technology stack they prefer for building the front-end of the site. The back-end acts as an API with its only purpose being to serve content from the database. There are CMS options like ContentfulPayload, and Strapi that are built to be headless. Popular traditional CMS’s like Craft CMS and WordPress also offer headless variants.

The Restaurant Analogy

Let’s simplify things a bit more and look at the decision using an analogy; a restaurant.

Traditional Restaurant (Traditional CMS)

Imagine a restaurant where the kitchen and dining room are connected. The chefs cook the food, and the waitstaff serve it directly to the customers in the same building. This setup means that everything is closely integrated, and the kitchen (back-end) is tightly coupled to the dining experience (front-end). Picture a scenario where the restaurant decides to change from table service to buffet style. The food now needs to be prepared in advance and delivered to the front of house in a different way, potentially even requiring new equipment. The restaurant needs to be reconfigured to not only accommodate the buffet but also to interface with the kitchen differently. Because the restaurant and kitchen are coupled, both sides would require work in order to accommodate a shift in strategy. 

Ghost Kitchen (Headless CMS)

Now, think of a ghost (or cloud) kitchen where food is prepared centrally but can be delivered to various locations or dining experiences. The kitchen (back-end) focuses solely on cooking (content creation and management) and doesn't worry about where the food is served. Instead, the meals (content) can be delivered to different endpoints like food trucks, home deliveries, or partner restaurants (or in our case websites, mobile apps, etc.). This separation allows more flexibility in how and where the content is delivered without changing the core cooking process. If a new experience requires new equipment or processes, the kitchen can be expanded without affecting the front-end experience.

When to Use a Headless CMS

Omni-Channel Content Delivery 

If you consistently need to deliver content across multiple platforms (websites, mobile apps, IoT devices), a headless CMS is ideal because it can serve the same content through APIs to any front-end. The front-end can be swapped out without any need for development to the back-end.

Scalability and Flexibility

If you want the ability to keep your content management system up-to-date independently of the presentation layer, a headless CMS can allow for more agile and scalable development. This could be especially useful if you anticipate needing to redesign or update parts of the front-end frequently without affecting the back-end content.

Front-end Framework Preferences

Maybe your team has developers who are very proficient in a particular JavaScript framework, like Next.js, SvelteKit, or Astro. The time needed to learn a new templating language could push you past your deadline. Maybe you have some cool interactive interface in mind? A headless CMS can provide the raw content for your developers to build highly custom, tailor-made front-ends in whatever language or framework they please.


Going headless can offer security advantages due to its decoupled nature. By communicating via API to the front-end, data access can be controlled more granularly. Because the back-end is only responsible for content management and delivery, fewer plugins are typically used which means a smaller chance of vulnerabilities due to third-party software.

Hosting & Infrastructure

A cloud-based headless CMS offers additional advantages over a self-hosted headless CMS. It can simplify maintenance and operating costs since the cloud provider is responsible for updates and security of the platform. Cloud-based solutions like Strapi Cloud often come with integrated security features, automatic backups, and disaster recovery options.

Which will you choose?

While the flexibility and security a headless CMS offers may be great benefits, it may not be necessary for every project and could even introduce complexity. It’s important to consider the long-term purpose of the project and who will be responsible for maintaining it as well as authoring content. If your primary focus is on managing and delivering content in a structured manner with rapid development, a traditional CMS can be an excellent choice. But if you feel any of the examples I’ve laid out above align with your project’s requirements then a headless CMS may be right for you! 

Whatever route you take, remember that both Craft CMS and WordPress can be used in traditional or headless applications and are a fine choice either way! Now you know the differences between a traditional and headless CMS, and an informed decision can be made. If you have more questions or a project you think could benefit from a traditional or headless CMS, we’d love to help!


The Keys to Successful Concept Testing: Planning

Concept testing is a research method that explores how a user perceives or interacts with a new idea. It usually takes place early in a project, and involves putting ideas into the “real world” to see how users will react to them.

Not every project needs to include concept testing, but it can make your solutions more user-centered. Involving users in the design process leads to products, sites, and experiences that are more aligned with user wants and needs — and ultimately more successful.

Concept testing is most useful when exploring ideas that are novel, complex, or risky. It can also help your team:

  • Generate more purposeful, user-centered ideas.
  • Identify which ideas provide the greatest value to users. 
  • Prioritize the most promising idea(s), saving time and money.
  • Evaluate any significant changes you make along the way.

I’ll cover how we use concept testing at Viget to help our clients gain clarity and develop user-centered solutions. 

This article will be part of a three-part series focused on concept testing. First, we’ll focus on planning out your concept testing. 

Form a clear plan

A successful concept test has a well-defined plan at its foundation from the start. At Viget, we work with clients to define what you want to learn, and who you want to learn from. 

Let’s imagine that you and your team are redesigning an online food delivery platform, and you have some new concepts that you want to test to see if they resonate with users.   

Focus on what you want to learn.

Start by defining research objectives. Think of these objectives as your north stars that will guide you and your team. You’ll use these for initial alignment, and then to frame what the prototype needs to do, and what feedback you really need.

You can create a strong set of objectives by asking:

  • What initially sparked the motivation to test?
  • Where do you have the most uncertainty about your concept?
  • What are the key things you need to know through testing?

Teams usually have a lot of questions, and feel pressure to answer all of them at once. Resist the pressure! Instead, focus on the most pressing and critical — it will allow you to dive deeper into the most important areas in a session. Otherwise, you may not have the depth you need to move forward when you finish the testing.

Let’s say you've developed new solutions that span the whole user journey of online food delivery. You could spend a whole research session asking questions that cover all that breadth, but you would get much more depth by focusing on one particular moment in the journey, like the online ordering experience.

Think about who you want to talk to (and be holistic).

If you aren’t intentional about who you test with, you can end up with feedback that may not be applicable. Ideally, you’re talking to existing customers or people who would use the website or product in the future. Look at behaviors, like whether they’ve used a competitor, or hold specific sentiments, when recruiting participants. Perhaps you’re trying to expand your audience for your new food delivery app, so you may want to talk to people who cook at home frequently as well. 

Don’t forget to think holistically. Consider every person who might interact with this solution, from beginning to end, and who might be affected by it. For your new app, you'll want to test with the diner, but your solutions may also affect the restaurant host/hostess, cooks and cashier’s workflows for example. So you may need to capture their perspectives. 

Opinions aren’t strong evidence.

You may gravitate towards seeking preferences or opinions about your concepts (i.e., “which concept is better?”). But rather than focusing on which concept users like most, it’s more important to uncover user behavior. Preference-centric concept testing won’t teach you about how someone might actually interact with this concept. 

For instance, you’ll learn much more about which new concepts for online food ordering are most beneficial to users if you ask about how they might use it in a scenario. Or even better, you actually have them interact with each one.   

Questions like the ones below will give you stronger indications of user behavior:

  • When was the last time you used [the competitor]?
  • How might this concept fit into your day to day?
  • How would you accomplish this task with the concept?

Avoid asking questions like “Which concept is better?” or “which one do you prefer?” Instead ask why one concept has advantages or disadvantages over another for a user, or how they actually envision it in their daily life. 

Even if the focus of the test is on preference (as is the case for branding or marketing research) it’s still helpful to dive deeper into what a user feels the design is communicating to them and why that prompts a specific reaction.

These key strategies that I’ve covered should get you a jump-start for successfully planning out your first concept test.

In the next article in the series, I'll dive into prototyping.


The Keys to Successful Concept Testing: Prototyping

This is part two of a three-part series on how to successfully conduct concept testing with users, focused on prototyping. Check out part one (planning) to learn more.

Prototype your concepts

Once a well-aligned research plan has been crafted, it’s time to create a prototype (or multiple) based on your concept. There are a plethora of ways you can create prototypes that communicate your concepts to users; I’ll cover strategies that will help spark meaningful reactions and conversation.

Provide context to ground your concept

We humans as a whole are poor predictors of our own future behaviors, so it’s really important that your concept testing simulates the future experience you’re trying to test. Ideally, you want to ground your concepts, so a participant can envision it in their own day-to-day. One of the best ways to do this is by building in context, whether into the prototype itself or in the way you actually test out the concepts.

You can ground a participant in what they would actually do by: 

  • Adding small contextual details into the prototype (e.g. the participant’s name or location). 
  • Providing the participant with a realistic scenario to frame the prototypes
  • Designing a certain scenario into the actual prototype (e.g. error messages appear in).  
  • Conducting the test in the actual or simulated environment where it will be used. 

Grounding a participant can make a difference in how someone interacts with your prototype. Let’s imagine you and your team are redesigning a part of an online food delivery platform for restaurants, specifically the parts that hosts and cashiers use. When you put your concept to the test, you can ground participants by “simulating” a lunch rush atmosphere (distractions, loud noises, etc).

Build real-ish prototypes

It might sound counterintuitive but you don’t need high-fidelity prototypes for concept testing. While high-fidelity prototypes may best simulate the future experience, that level of fidelity may not be feasible for a few reasons: 

  • You don’t have the time to create something at that level of detail or complexity before testing.
  • You don’t have the details fleshed out yet.
  • You want your users to help define these details with you. 

Low to mid-fidelity (or as I like to call “real-ish”) prototypes can still get you to the insights you need and even have some unexpected benefits. It’s easier for research participants to focus on overarching concepts when interacting with low-fidelity prototypes. Higher fidelity prototypes tend to invoke feedback hyper-focused on the details. With lower-fidelity, research participants are more likely to provide critical feedback on ideas, since they don’t seem as “final.” You can also leave out certain details in a low-fidelity concept, which allows you to brainstorm with participants.

Again, crafting context is a large part of building out an idea that starts to feel “real” enough for a user to invoke a response. Some examples of real-ish prototypes with just enough context include: 

  • Setting the stage with realistic scenarios for how and when research participants would reach out to an AI chat bot in a therapy app.
  • Creating initial wireframes for a ride-sharing app that research participants test out in a simulated car ride experience, to understand what info is most helpful at each moment on the ride.
  • Sending research participants “updates” on their food delivery order, to learn what participants might want to know about their order’s progress. 

Be selective about which concepts to show

You may have several concepts (or variations on a single concept) that you want to prototype out, and test through research. They may all feel exciting and important, but showing too many in one session can leave a research participant with decision fatigue. Even if you need to test multiple concepts to move forward, you don’t want to show every single one you’ve come up with.

Instead, you’ll want to be selective. One way to help you decide which concepts are best to test is by mapping them out on a matrix.

Let’s imagine again you and your team have generated multiple concepts for your food delivery app that aim to tempt users to order takeout more frequently. Perhaps some concepts focus on individualized recommendations, while other concepts show social trends. First, create a matrix that has extreme aspects of the concepts on each end and place them where you think they might belong. 

Then, ask yourself a few questions: 

  • Are there two concepts that are too similar to each other? 
  • Is this concept playing it too safe?

These kinds of concepts may not give you useful feedback because they’re not distinct enough or they’re too neutral over all. Instead, you’ll want to select concepts that are on the edges of your extremes. Those concepts will allow you to learn much more about your users and how they might interact with your concepts in the future.

These tips will help you craft prototypes that research participants can more easily and accurately react to. 

To end this series, I’ll discuss how to prepare for the actual testing in my next article.


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Chooch’s Branding Embraces Authenticity Through Playful Imperfection

Chooch’s Branding Embraces Authenticity Through Playful Imperfection


Discover how amStudio’s branding and visual identity of Chooch captures authentic, handmade aesthetics for fashion accessories.

Chooch, formerly known as Flat Fifteen, has redefined its brand to better reflect its founder Francesca Kappo’s evolving vision. With the guidance of amStudio, this rebrand has transformed the brand’s identity from a broad handmade focus to one that is solely centered around fashion accessories. Chooch stands out with its playful name, unique backstory, and brand elements that weave together storytelling, imperfection, and tactile aesthetics.

The Meaning Behind “Chooch”

The rebranding from Flat Fifteen to Chooch came as Francesca Kappo shifted her focus. The name “Chooch” is personal, rooted in a nickname given to Francesca by her uncle. He also played a foundational role in the brand’s beginnings, supplying her first batch of deadstock fabrics from his 1990s fashion label. These fabrics continue to be a vital part of Chooch’s accessory designs today, emphasizing the brand’s commitment to sustainability and storytelling.

The name itself is more than just a rebranding—it’s a celebration of heritage and identity. Short, memorable, and fun to say, “Chooch” captures the playful spirit of the brand. As Alam Mohammed, founder of amStudio, notes, the name’s flexibility in pronunciation makes it a warm, approachable identity that consumers can connect with personally. This idea carried over to the logo design, where the doubled O’s have a playful, imperfect alignment, mirroring the brand’s handmade ethos.

Playful Imperfection: The Brand Identity

Alam Mohammed and his team at amStudio developed a brand identity for Chooch that prioritizes authenticity. Hand-painted illustrations are central to this, appearing across the brand’s packaging, website, and social media. This choice keeps the look grounded, tactile, and relatable, evoking the feel of handmade fashion. By maintaining this aesthetic, the brand sets itself apart in a market often dominated by hyper-polished digital imagery.

The branding extends beyond static visuals. Chooch’s social media and marketing leverage stop-motion animations, adding a dynamic yet still homemade feel. This use of motion emphasizes the brand’s accessible nature, where every element ties back to the concept of imperfection being perfectly beautiful. The stop-motion clips give life to the fashion accessories, highlighting the fun and creativity behind each product.

Chooch’s narrative goes deeper than playful design. By continuing to use deadstock fabrics, Francesca Kappo honors her roots and commits to a more sustainable future. The tactile branding elements mirror this philosophy, creating a seamless experience from the physical product to the digital space. The history of the materials and the personal touch behind the brand make each accessory more than just a fashion statement—they become a story in themselves.

The rebranding also came with strategic moves to elevate Chooch’s market presence. The bags are now featured at the Victoria and Albert Museum’s shop as part of the first-ever Naomi Campbell exhibition. This collaboration has not only introduced the brand to a wider audience but also solidified its standing as a contemporary, fashion-forward label. The exhibition has boosted Chooch’s brand awareness and increased its social media following, translating to more sales and a growing fan base.

The Chooch rebrand exemplifies a growing trend: the embrace of imperfection in design. By favoring hand-drawn illustrations, irregular alignments, and a conversational tone, amStudio has given the brand an inviting, human feel. This approach rejects the overly polished and instead celebrates the beauty of the handmade. It’s a move that resonates well in today’s world, where consumers value authenticity and transparency.

Chooch’s rebranding is a masterclass in how thoughtful design can reflect a brand’s core values. From its name rooted in personal history to its playful logo and tactile illustrations, Chooch stays true to its story. Alam Mohammed and the amStudio team have created a brand identity that isn’t just about looking good—it’s about feeling real, celebrating imperfections, and staying connected to tradition. As Chooch grows, its story continues to inspire, reminding us that the imperfect is often the most perfect of all.

Branding and visual identity artifacts


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