idi Collaboration on the gridiron: an interview with Fred Bowen and James Ransome By Published On :: Thu, 05 Nov 2020 13:30 EST Sports are important to young people on many levels. When participating, they experience teamwork, self-discipline, following rules, and just plain fun. Often, children see role models in professional athletes. But professional sports can provide an introduction to history, depicting the times in which they are played. Also like the world we live in, games have evolved over time to respond to events and social changes. Full Article
idi SoftBank is Nvidia's first Blackwell chips customer. Here's what they're going to be used for. By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 05:39:51 +0000 The collaboration comes amid skyrocketing demand for Nvidia chips, as companies scramble to secure supplies. Full Article Tech AI nvidia softbank chips japan
idi Amazon readies new AI chip to compete with Nvidia By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 12:56:28 +0000 Nvidia might have some serious competition in the AI chip space coming. Amazon is now seeking to bring its own… Continue reading Amazon readies new AI chip to compete with Nvidia The post Amazon readies new AI chip to compete with Nvidia appeared first on ReadWrite. Full Article Big Tech Technology Amazon ChatGPT Nvidia
idi INTERNal Stupidity: Pentagon Interns Post Pic of Chinese Plane on Veteran’s Day By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 23:15:42 +0000 The following article, INTERNal Stupidity: Pentagon Interns Post Pic of Chinese Plane on Veteran’s Day, was first published on Conservative Firing Line. A knock-off Chinese plane similar to the US F-35 was inadvertently posted by the F-35 JPO (Joint Program Office) on Veteran’s Day. Somebody needs to help this administration figure out some basics …oh wait, a new administration is coming in January. Good. The JPO Strike Force account had no clue what they did until an … Continue reading INTERNal Stupidity: Pentagon Interns Post Pic of Chinese Plane on Veteran’s Day ... Full Article Opinion Chinese plane F-35 Fighter jet Joint Program Office Joint Strike Force
idi Instapaper 4: Deciding to Read By Published On :: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 19:37:45 +0000 Introducing Instapaper 4.0 for iPad and iPhone The lede here is that my pal, Marco, has just released the stellar new 4.0 version of his Instapaper suite. This is fantastic news, and–as if you needed one more of Marco’s beta testers to say so–I do sincerely hope you’ll mark the occasion (and support his hard work) by purchasing the Instapaper iOS app(s). I promise you’ll be treating yourself to a massive update to an already excellent product. Now, it’s fortunate and appropriate that you’ll be hearing this advice at length from a lot of people this week. Because, if it’s not already obvious, Marco’s little app (and its associated services) enjoys a rabid fanbase of sundry paragraph cultists who are as eager as I am to spread the word; and, yes, we do want you to join the Reading Nerd cult. But, I also want to mark the occasion by adding a few thoughts on exactly what Instapaper has done, and continues to do, for me. (As you may already know, I’m a big Marco fan.) Thing is, I want to tell you how Marco has made a magical machine for people who have decided to read. Long-Time Fan For years, Instapaper has been one of the best made, most used, and most beloved apps in my iOS ecosystem. It’s always lived on my iPhone’s home page, and, as you can surmise, that’s because I use Instapaper a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Specifically, I use Instapaper a lot because it helps me do four things extremely well. Four things that work together to make my life a little better. In that typically annoying mixed order I can’t seem to stop doing, here goes. 2. Deciding WHEN to read Second, and most obviously, I use Instapaper maybe five to ten times a day to catch up on my reading. Which is great. This is what Instapaper is actually for, right? You read stuff. Long articles, smaller features, short books, big piles of documentation, and really just anything that I would like to read…later. More saliently, these are things that I have decided to read. This decision part’s important, but more on that in a couple minutes. But, how does all this “stuff” I’ve decided to read get in to Instapaper? 1. Deciding WHAT to read See, this is the really important first part. Because as much as I use Instapaper for all manner of reading, its use as an ephemeral destination for mostly ephemeral content wouldn’t be nearly so useful if I didn’t have so many ways to collect all that stuff. So, that flexibility in collecting material is where I end up using some form of Instapaper dozens of times each day. Examples? I have a bookmarklet for adding items to Instapaper in 4 browsers on 7 devices. I have (and use the hell out of) the “Send to Instapaper” services that are built in to everything from Google Reader to Reeder to Flipboard to Instacast to Tweetbot to Zite to you name it. I can automate in or out of Instapaper with If This Then That, I can email items directly to Instapaper–hell, I can even just copy a URL from iOS Safari, and paste it directly into the motherscratching Instapaper app. Suffice it to say, there are many ways to get “stuff” into Instapaper. E.g.: But, that banner dump only tells part of the story. Yes, a big part of this is about ubiquity and ease-of-use. But, the practical result is that all those little entrees to Instapaper are available to me everywhere I might need them, and they each represent a single little click that silently adds an item of “stuff” to my Instapaper pile. Each button is one more simple opportunity for me to decide to read. 3. Deciding WHERE to read Now, the third part of this magic is less immediately obvious, not least because the reading experience of the Instapaper iOS apps is, for my own purposes, perfect. But, there’s more. Because, all that support for getting stuff into Instapaper is mirrored by an endless number of ways to get stuff back out. To, in fact, read. That thing I decided to read is now everywhere. However I ended up deciding to read something, seconds after that *click*, the real magic starts happening, and–through whatever inscrutable black art and transmogrification is happening inside the fearsome celestial engine Marco has made–that decision to read is expressed in the most elegant of results and in a startlingly broad variety of convenient places. It’s readable on a website; it’s readable on an iPhone, and 2 iPads; it’s readable on a Kindle 3; it’s readable on the crazy number of apps and services that display Instapaper items. And, it’s even preserved for posterity in my private Pinboard archive. So, for practical purposes, this stuff that I’ve decided to read can now go whooshing through a network of customized tubes, and gently land practically anywhere that well-formed bits may reside. 4. Just…Deciding to Read I know most of you know these things. I know you’re familiar with the many “Features and Benefits” of Instapaper. And, I even know that most of you reading this are probably already using Instapaper–perhaps even to read this very article. So, the point here is not simply that Instapaper is flexible, idiot-proof, and sanity-savingly redundant. Although it is all those things and many more. The point is that my life always gets better when I decide to read things–and then actually read those things I decided to read. This is not a trivial point. We’re all busy, and we’re all bombarded with 10,000 potential calls on our attention every day. Some days, we handle that better than others. Some days, we don’t handle it all. All I know, is that, throughout my life, deciding to read has made that life better. It made my life better at 7 with Henry Huggins. It made my life better at 16 with Slaughterhouse-Five. It made my life better at 20 with Absalom, Absalom!. And, it made my life way better at 25 with A Confederacy of Dunces (cf.). And, now, for the past few years–following over a decade during which I read way more href tags than actual prose paragraphs–my life has gotten better, in part, due to Instapaper. I’ve finally gotten my hands around this “too much stuff” issue, at least insofar as it relates to words of theoretical interest. Now, I know where it goes. It goes into Instapaper. Because, now? Yeah. Twenty-some years after a college career sucking down over 1,000 pages a week, I am finally returning to reading a lot more. Because, I am deciding to read a lot more. Instapaper means there’s no excuse for not reading a lot more. Period. How about you? What Are YOU Deciding? When you’re in line at the ATM or the professional sporting event, what do you do? If you’re like a lot of people, you hit your mobile device like a pigeon on a goddamned pellet. Then, you decide what happens. You can decide to throw birds at pigs. You can decide to check in on which strangers are pretending to like you today. You may even decide to see what you would look like if you were really fat. Thing is, you could also decide to read. Just for a couple minutes. Maybe more. Maybe less. Who knows. It’s your decision. A Nudge Towards “Better” But, if you have followed the circuitous skeins of yarn comprising this little sweater you’ve been reading, it comes down to this: If you’ve decided that you want to read, Marco’s app will really help you. He’s removed any phony barriers you’ve built about “not having time” or “not having it with you” or “not knowing where to put it.” There are no excuses, apart from the superficial animated ones you’ve constructed out of cartoon birds. As for me? In the last week alone, I decided to read a lot of things in Instapaper. A small sampling: I decided to read about an American family’s educational experiment in Russia. I decided to read about what Heidegger means by Being-in-the-World. I decided to read about why toasters are so bad. I decided to read about responsive web design. I decided to read about why Charlie Kaufman wrote Being John Malkovich. I decided to read about how Open Data could make San Francisco Public Transportation better. I decided to read about how John Siracusa remembers Steve Jobs. I decided, and then I read. I read, and I read. So, thanks, Marco. You’ve made my life better by making it easier to decide to read. Then, you made it way easier to do the actual reading. And, to you–the kind readers-of-prose-paragraphs who were inexplicably patient enough to decide to read this long article–please consider supporting Marco’s work. Please get an account at Instapaper and, if you have an iOS dingus, please do buy the Instapaper app. In addition to having exquisite taste in app icons and a lovely speaking voice, Marco’s just a very good human. And, good humans more than deserve our support. Buy Instapaper 4.0 by Marco Arment. ”Instapaper 4: Deciding to Read” was written by Merlin Mann for and was originally posted on October 17, 2011. Except as noted, it's ©2010 Merlin Mann and licensed for reuse under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. "Why a footer?" Full Article Decision-Making Instapaper Marco Arment reading
idi Demonic & Damned to Ridiculously Redeemed! (Eph.2:1-10) By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 10:45:49 +0000 We all know that *one* guy who acts like he's doing the world a favor just by showing up. The post Demonic & Damned to Ridiculously Redeemed! (Eph.2:1-10) appeared first on Clash Daily. Full Article Doug's Columns
idi A Multidimensional Chromatography Technology for In-depth Phosphoproteome Analysis By Published On :: 2008-07-01 Claudio P. AlbuquerqueJul 1, 2008; 7:1389-1396Research Full Article
idi Thematic review series: The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis The oxidation hypothesis of atherogenesis: the role of oxidized phospholipids and HDL By Published On :: 2004-06-01 Mohamad NavabJun 1, 2004; 45:993-1007Thematic Reviews Full Article
idi Normal high density lipoprotein inhibits three steps in the formation of mildly oxidized low density lipoprotein: steps 2 and 3 By Published On :: 2000-09-01 Mohamad NavabSep 1, 2000; 41:1495-1508Articles Full Article
idi Normal high density lipoprotein inhibits three steps in the formation of mildly oxidized low density lipoprotein: step 1 By Published On :: 2000-09-01 Mohamad NavabSep 1, 2000; 41:1481-1494Articles Full Article
idi Explicit calculations for Sono’s multidimensional sieve of ????₂-numbers By Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:01 EDT Daniel A. Goldston, Apoorva Panidapu and Jordan Schettler Math. Comp. 93 (), 2943-2958. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
idi Rigidity for inscribed radius estimate of asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifold By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:05 EST Xiaoshang Jin Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (), 5327-5337. Abstract, references and article information Full Article
idi Peptidoglycan analysis reveals that synergistic deacetylase activity in vegetative Clostridium difficile impacts the host response [Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices] By Published On :: 2020-12-04T00:06:06-08:00 Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic and spore-forming bacterium responsible for 15–25% of postantibiotic diarrhea and 95% of pseudomembranous colitis. Peptidoglycan is a crucial element of the bacterial cell wall that is exposed to the host, making it an important target for the innate immune system. The C. difficile peptidoglycan is largely N-deacetylated on its glucosamine (93% of muropeptides) through the activity of enzymes known as N-deacetylases, and this N-deacetylation modulates host–pathogen interactions, such as resistance to the bacteriolytic activity of lysozyme, virulence, and host innate immune responses. C. difficile genome analysis showed that 12 genes potentially encode N-deacetylases; however, which of these N-deacetylases are involved in peptidoglycan N-deacetylation remains unknown. Here, we report the enzymes responsible for peptidoglycan N-deacetylation and their respective regulation. Through peptidoglycan analysis of several mutants, we found that the N-deacetylases PdaV and PgdA act in synergy. Together they are responsible for the high level of peptidoglycan N-deacetylation in C. difficile and the consequent resistance to lysozyme. We also characterized a third enzyme, PgdB, as a glucosamine N-deacetylase. However, its impact on N-deacetylation and lysozyme resistance is limited, and its physiological role remains to be dissected. Finally, given the influence of peptidoglycan N-deacetylation on host defense against pathogens, we investigated the virulence and colonization ability of the mutants. Unlike what has been shown in other pathogenic bacteria, a lack of N-deacetylation in C. difficile is not linked to a decrease in virulence. Full Article
idi The structure of a family 110 glycoside hydrolase provides insight into the hydrolysis of {alpha}-1,3-galactosidic linkages in {lambda}-carrageenan and blood group antigens [Enzymology] By Published On :: 2020-12-25T00:06:31-08:00 α-Linked galactose is a common carbohydrate motif in nature that is processed by a variety of glycoside hydrolases from different families. Terminal Galα1–3Gal motifs are found as a defining feature of different blood group and tissue antigens, as well as the building block of the marine algal galactan λ-carrageenan. The blood group B antigen and linear α-Gal epitope can be processed by glycoside hydrolases in family GH110, whereas the presence of genes encoding GH110 enzymes in polysaccharide utilization loci from marine bacteria suggests a role in processing λ-carrageenan. However, the structure–function relationships underpinning the α-1,3-galactosidase activity within family GH110 remain unknown. Here we focus on a GH110 enzyme (PdGH110B) from the carrageenolytic marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas distincta U2A. We showed that the enzyme was active on Galα1–3Gal but not the blood group B antigen. X-ray crystal structures in complex with galactose and unhydrolyzed Galα1–3Gal revealed the parallel β-helix fold of the enzyme and the structural basis of its inverting catalytic mechanism. Moreover, an examination of the active site reveals likely adaptations that allow accommodation of fucose in blood group B active GH110 enzymes or, in the case of PdGH110, accommodation of the sulfate groups found on λ-carrageenan. Overall, this work provides insight into the first member of a predominantly marine clade of GH110 enzymes while also illuminating the structural basis of α-1,3-galactoside processing by the family as a whole. Full Article
idi Structural and biochemical characteristics of two Staphylococcus epidermidis RNase J paralogs RNase J1 and RNase J2 [Protein Structure and Folding] By Published On :: 2020-12-04T00:06:06-08:00 RNase J enzymes are metallohydrolases that are involved in RNA maturation and RNA recycling, govern gene expression in bacteria, and catalyze both exonuclease and endonuclease activity. The catalytic activity of RNase J is regulated by multiple mechanisms which include oligomerization, conformational changes to aid substrate recognition, and the metal cofactor at the active site. However, little is known of how RNase J paralogs differ in expression and activity. Here we describe structural and biochemical features of two Staphylococcus epidermidis RNase J paralogs, RNase J1 and RNase J2. RNase J1 is a homodimer with exonuclease activity aided by two metal cofactors at the active site. RNase J2, on the other hand, has endonuclease activity and one metal ion at the active site and is predominantly a monomer. We note that the expression levels of these enzymes vary across Staphylococcal strains. Together, these observations suggest that multiple interacting RNase J paralogs could provide a strategy for functional improvisation utilizing differences in intracellular concentration, quaternary structure, and distinct active site architecture despite overall structural similarity. Full Article
idi Snapshots during the catalytic cycle of a histidine acid phytase reveal an induced-fit structural mechanism [Protein Structure and Folding] By Published On :: 2020-12-18T00:06:18-08:00 Highly engineered phytases, which sequentially hydrolyze the hexakisphosphate ester of inositol known as phytic acid, are routinely added to the feeds of monogastric animals to improve phosphate bioavailability. New phytases are sought as starting points to further optimize the rate and extent of dephosphorylation of phytate in the animal digestive tract. Multiple inositol polyphosphate phosphatases (MINPPs) are clade 2 histidine phosphatases (HP2P) able to carry out the stepwise hydrolysis of phytate. MINPPs are not restricted by a strong positional specificity making them attractive targets for development as feed enzymes. Here, we describe the characterization of a MINPP from the Gram-positive bacterium Bifidobacterium longum (BlMINPP). BlMINPP has a typical HP2P-fold but, unusually, possesses a large α-domain polypeptide insertion relative to other MINPPs. This insertion, termed the U-loop, spans the active site and contributes to substrate specificity pockets underpopulated in other HP2Ps. Mutagenesis of U-loop residues reveals its contribution to enzyme kinetics and thermostability. Moreover, four crystal structures of the protein along the catalytic cycle capture, for the first time in an HP2P, a large ligand-driven α-domain motion essential to allow substrate access to the active site. This motion recruits residues both downstream of a molecular hinge and on the U-loop to participate in specificity subsites, and mutagenesis identified a mobile lysine residue as a key determinant of positional specificity of the enzyme. Taken together, these data provide important new insights to the factors determining stability, substrate recognition, and the structural mechanism of hydrolysis in this industrially important group of enzymes. Full Article
idi Novel Proteomic Profiling of Epididymal Extracellular Vesicles in the Domestic Cat Reveals Proteins Related to Sequential Sperm Maturation with Differences Observed between Normospermic and Teratospermic Individuals By Published On :: 2020-12-01 Tricia RowlisonDec 1, 2020; 19:2090-2103Research Full Article
idi Predominant phosphorylation patterns in Neisseria meningitidis lipid A determined by top-down MS/MS [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-11-01T00:05:43-07:00 Among the virulence factors in Neisseria infections, a major inducer of inflammatory cytokines is the lipooligosaccharide (LOS). The activation of NF-B via extracellular binding of LOS or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the toll-like receptor 4 and its coreceptor, MD-2, results in production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that initiate adaptive immune responses. LOS can also be absorbed by cells and activate intracellular inflammasomes, causing the release of inflammatory cytokines and pyroptosis. Studies of LOS and LPS have shown that their inflammatory potential is highly dependent on lipid A phosphorylation and acylation, but little is known on the location and pattern of these posttranslational modifications. Herein, we report on the localization of phosphoryl groups on phosphorylated meningococcal lipid A, which has two to three phosphate and zero to two phosphoethanolamine substituents. Intact LOS with symmetrical hexa-acylated and asymmetrical penta-acylated lipid A moieties was subjected to high-resolution ion mobility spectrometry MALDI-TOF MS. LOS molecular ions readily underwent in-source decay to give fragments of the oligosaccharide and lipid A formed by cleavage of the ketosidic linkage, which enabled performing MS/MS (pseudo-MS3). The resulting spectra revealed several patterns of phosphoryl substitution on lipid A, with certain species predominating. The extent of phosphoryl substitution, particularly phosphoethanolaminylation, on the 4'-hydroxyl was greater than that on the 1-hydroxyl. The heretofore unrecognized phosphorylation patterns of lipid A of meningococcal LOS that we detected are likely determinants of both pathogenicity and the ability of the bacteria to evade the innate immune system. Full Article
idi pH-dependent pyridoxine transport by SLC19A2 and SLC19A3: Implications for absorption in acidic microclimates [Metabolism] By Published On :: 2020-12-11T00:06:20-08:00 SLC19A2 and SLC19A3, also known as thiamine transporters (THTR) 1 and 2, respectively, transport the positively charged thiamine (vitamin B1) into cells to enable its efficient utilization. SLC19A2 and SLC19A3 are also known to transport structurally unrelated cationic drugs, such as metformin, but whether this charge selectivity extends to other molecules, such as pyridoxine (vitamin B6), is unknown. We tested this possibility using Madin-Darby canine kidney II (MDCKII) cells and human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells for transfection experiments, and also using Caco-2 cells as human intestinal epithelial model cells. The stable expression of SLC19A2 and SLC19A3 in MDCKII cells (as well as their transient expression in HEK293 cells) led to a significant induction in pyridoxine uptake at pH 5.5 compared with control cells. The induced uptake was pH-dependent, favoring acidic conditions over neutral to basic conditions, and protonophore-sensitive. It was saturable as a function of pyridoxine concentration, with an apparent Km of 37.8 and 18.5 μm, for SLC19A2 and SLC19A3, respectively, and inhibited by the pyridoxine analogs pyridoxal and pyridoxamine as well as thiamine. We also found that silencing the endogenous SLC19A3, but not SLC19A2, of Caco-2 cells with gene-specific siRNAs lead to a significant reduction in carrier-mediated pyridoxine uptake. These results show that SLC19A2 and SLC19A3 are capable of recognizing/transporting pyridoxine, favoring acidic conditions for operation, and suggest a possible role for these transporters in pyridoxine transport mainly in tissues with an acidic environment like the small intestine, which has an acidic surface microclimate. Full Article
idi Novel Proteomic Profiling of Epididymal Extracellular Vesicles in the Domestic Cat Reveals Proteins Related to Sequential Sperm Maturation with Differences Observed between Normospermic and Teratospermic Individuals [Research] By Published On :: 2020-12-01T00:05:33-08:00 Extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by the epididymal epithelium transfer to spermatozoa key proteins that are essential in promoting motility and subsequent fertilization success. Using the domestic cat model, the objectives were to (1) characterize and compare protein content of EVs between segments of the epididymis, and (2) compare EV protein compositions between normo- and teratospermic individuals (producing >60% of abnormal spermatozoa). Epididymal EVs from adult cats were isolated and assessed via liquid chromatography tandem MS. Both male types shared 3008 proteins in total, with 98 and 20 EV proteins unique to normospermic and teratospermic males, respectively. Expression levels of several proteins changed between epididymal segments in both male types. Several proteins in both groups were related to sperm motility (e.g. hexokinase 1, adenylate kinase isoenzyme) and zona pellucida or oolemma binding (e.g. disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain proteins, zona binding proteins 1 and 2). Interestingly, seven cauda-derived EV proteins trended downward in teratospermic compared with normospermic males, which may relate to poor sperm quality. Collective results revealed, for the first time, EV proteins related to sequential sperm maturation with differences observed between normospermic and teratospermic individuals. Full Article
idi Subsidies and Sustainable Agriculture: Mapping the Policy Landscape By Published On :: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 18:36:21 +0000 Subsidies and Sustainable Agriculture: Mapping the Policy Landscape Research paper sysadmin 10 December 2019 Agricultural subsidies shape production and consumption patterns, with potentially significant effects on poverty, nutrition and other sustainability concerns. This paper maps the different types of support provided by governments to the agricultural sector, and highlights some of the complex political economy dynamics that underpin the relevant policies. — Aerial view of a wheat field on 24 May 2019 in Linyi, Shandong Province of China. Photo: Getty Images. Summary Agricultural subsidies, a mainstay of government policy, have a large part in shaping production and consumption patterns, with potentially significant effects as regards poverty, food security, nutrition, and other sustainability concerns such as climate change, land use practices and biodiversity. There are multiple types of direct and indirect support provided by governments to various actors in the agricultural sector; and in terms of political economy, there are complex dynamics underpinning the policies that sustain these subsidies. Overall, subsidies targeting producers have the most significant effect on production, and the greater trade-distorting effect. These subsidies promote domestic production and discourage imports, leading to overproduction that is largely disposed of on the international market, with the help of export subsidies. This can tend to intensify negative environmental agricultural practices, such as cultivating marginal land, unsustainable types of intensification, or incentivizing excessive pesticide and fertilizer use. On the other hand, producer subsidies that are not tied to output of a specific commodity (i.e. delinked) have far fewer distorting impacts and could help to deliver sustainable outcomes. For example, this type of subsidies can require crop diversification or be linked to conservation of permanent grassland. Subsidies that enable transfers to consumers, for example through food stamp programmes, also serve to delink production from consumption, can foster healthier diets, can play an important role in delivering food accessibility and security among low-income groups, and can represent one of the less trade-distorting subsidies. If subsidies are to be reformed to help promote healthier diets and encourage more sustainable production, it is essential to understand not only the type and amount of support that key countries provide, but also the domestic dynamics that can shape such policies. While price support, input subsidies or investment aids remain the central pillars of programmes in large developing countries such as Brazil, China or India, other economies – notably including the EU and Japan – focus on direct payments, support for general services and set-aside schemes, as well as significant border protection. The US, for its part, has tended to focus on subsidized insurance schemes and food programmes for poorer consumers. If subsidies are to deliver policy objectives, their design and implementation should delink production from consumption. For example, consumer subsidies designed to deliver nutrition and food security, or payments for environmental services to enable more environmentally friendly production systems, could prove to be the most effective, least trade-distorting means of achieving more sustainable and equitable agricultural production. The political economy of food means that the removal of subsidies is often highly sensitive, and tends to be met with significant resistance. However, reform that delinks support from production through a gradual transition process could ultimately prove successful in delivering effective subsidy schemes. Effective subsidy schemes must by design be truly result- and performance-based, supported by robust and objective indicators. At the same time, engaging multiple actors along key commodity value chains – including leading importing and exporting countries, traders and transporters – could lead to the development of international, commodity-specific arrangements that are able to deliver effective nutrition and sustainability goals. Subsidies and Sustainable Ag - Mapping the Policy Landscape FINAL-compressed (PDF) Full Article
idi Supermicro Introduces JBOF Storage Platform Powered by NVIDIA BlueField-3 for Scalable AI and HPC By Published On :: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 15:04:21 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 — Supermicro, Inc. is launching a new optimized storage system for high performance AI training, inference and HPC workloads. This JBOF (Just a Bunch […] The post Supermicro Introduces JBOF Storage Platform Powered by NVIDIA BlueField-3 for Scalable AI and HPC appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi Accelerating GPU Based Applications with NVIDIA Validated Magnum IO GPUDirect Storage and Pavilion By Published On :: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 19:21:40 +0000 What can be achieved using applications such as AI/ML, Deep Learning, and Big Data Analytics has been revolutionized by Magnum IO GPUDirect Storage’s capabilities. Agencies have invested in these solutions […] The post Accelerating GPU Based Applications with NVIDIA Validated Magnum IO GPUDirect Storage and Pavilion appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi NVIDIA Ethernet Networking Accelerates xAI’s Colossus AI Supercomputer By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 15:47:57 +0000 Oct. 29, 2024 — NVIDIA has announced that xAI’s Colossus supercomputer cluster comprising 100,000 NVIDIA Hopper GPUs in Memphis, Tennessee, achieved this massive scale by using the NVIDIA Spectrum-X Ethernet […] The post NVIDIA Ethernet Networking Accelerates xAI’s Colossus AI Supercomputer appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi MLPerf Training 4.0 – Nvidia Still King; Power and LLM Fine Tuning Added By Published On :: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:02:06 +0000 There are really two stories packaged in the most recent MLPerf Training 4.0 results, released today. The first, of course, is the results. Nvidia (currently king of accelerated computing) wins […] The post MLPerf Training 4.0 – Nvidia Still King; Power and LLM Fine Tuning Added appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article Features MLCommons MLPerf Nvidia
idi Rackspace Expands Spot Platform with On-Demand NVIDIA GPU-as-a-Service for AI Workloads By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:56:41 +0000 SAN ANTONIO, Nov. 5, 2024 — Rackspace Technology has announced the expansion of Rackspace Spot with a new geographic location and an on-demand GPU-as-a-Service powered by NVIDIA. The expansion comes […] The post Rackspace Expands Spot Platform with On-Demand NVIDIA GPU-as-a-Service for AI Workloads appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi Role Reversal: Google Teases Nvidia’s Blackwell as It Softens TPU Rivalry By Published On :: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 23:00:13 +0000 Customers now have access to Google’s homegrown hardware — its Axion CPU and latest Trillium TPU — in its Cloud service. At the same time, Google gave customers a teaser […] The post Role Reversal: Google Teases Nvidia’s Blackwell as It Softens TPU Rivalry appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article Features axion BF16 Blackwell H200 slurm Titanium TPU Trillium
idi CMG Targets Faster Simulation Solutions with NVIDIA for Enhanced Reservoir Modeling By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:28:42 +0000 CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 5, 2024 — Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG) has announced it is collaborating with NVIDIA to further develop and optimize CMG subsurface simulation solutions for increased speed, […] The post CMG Targets Faster Simulation Solutions with NVIDIA for Enhanced Reservoir Modeling appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi DeepL to Debut Nvidia DGX SuperPOD with DGX GB200 Systems in Europe By Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 13:21:40 +0000 COLOGNE, Germany, Nov. 1, 2024 — DeepL has announced it will be among the first to commercially deploy the Nvidia DGX SuperPOD with DGX GB200 systems. The Nvidia DGX SuperPOD, […] The post DeepL to Debut Nvidia DGX SuperPOD with DGX GB200 Systems in Europe appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi Like Nvidia, Google’s Moat Draws Interest from DOJ By Published On :: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 23:00:56 +0000 A “moat” is a common term associated with Nvidia and its proprietary products that lock customers into their hardware and software. Another moat breakdown should have them concerned. The U.S. […] The post Like Nvidia, Google’s Moat Draws Interest from DOJ appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article Short Takes Android Chrome DOC monopoly Play
idi Nvidia, Google to Speak About RISC-V Use at Annual Summit By Published On :: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 15:02:28 +0000 Nvidia will discuss how it uses the RISC-V architecture at the RISC-V Summit from October 22 to 24. The GPU maker has used the RISC-V CPU architecture in its GPU […] The post Nvidia, Google to Speak About RISC-V Use at Annual Summit appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article Short Takes RISC-V TPU
idi NVIDIA Announces Earth Climate Digital Twin By Published On :: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:56:26 +0000 SAN JOSE, Calif., March 20, 2024 — To accelerate efforts to combat the $140 billion in economic losses due to extreme weather brought on by climate change, NVIDIA this week […] The post NVIDIA Announces Earth Climate Digital Twin appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi Ansys Enables 3D Multiphysics Visualization of Next-Gen 3D-IC Designs with NVIDIA Omniverse By Published On :: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:47:48 +0000 PITTSBURGH, June 19, 2024 — Ansys today announced that it is adopting NVIDIA Omniverse application programming interfaces (APIs) to offer 3D-IC designers valuable insights from Ansys’ physics solver results through […] The post Ansys Enables 3D Multiphysics Visualization of Next-Gen 3D-IC Designs with NVIDIA Omniverse appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
idi Nvidia briefly unseats Apple as world’s most valuable company By Published On :: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 16:17:09 -0400 Chip-maker Nvidia on Friday briefly became the world's most valuable company after surpassing Apple in total market value, but Apple regained its top position by the close of trading. Full Article
idi 10 Practical Tips for Avoiding Winter Weight Gain By Published On :: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 00:44:06 +0000 This is for my kiwi readers – it’s freezing here at the moment! I got the idea to write this from an interview I did for the NZ Herald about weight gain during winter. 1. Eat at regular times, that are not too far apart. It will help you learn to recognize that if you […] The post 10 Practical Tips for Avoiding Winter Weight Gain appeared first on Dr Alice Boyes. Full Article Uncategorized Exercise Healthy Eating
idi Riding to Freedom By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 In the spring of 1961, black and white civil rights activists rode buses to protest the segregationist policies of the Deep South Script and narration: Marian Holmes Photos courtesy of Corbis, Getty Images and Library of Congress Audio clips courtesy of Smithsonian Folkways ( Full Article
idi Archaeologists in Petra Discover Secret Tomb Hiding Beneath a Mysterious Structure Featured in 'Indiana Jones' By Published On :: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 20:11:35 +0000 The recent excavation beneath the Treasury has revealed 12 complete human skeletons and a trove of grave goods dating back 2,000 years Full Article
idi Amateur Historian Discovers Lost Story by 'Dracula' Author Bram Stoker Hiding in Plain Sight at a Dublin Library By Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 15:56:43 +0000 History forgot about "Gibbet Hill" for more than a century—until a fan of the Gothic horror writer stumbled upon the haunting tale at the National Library of Ireland Full Article
idi 'Found' Dataset Reveals Lost Maya City Full of Pyramids and Plazas, Hiding in Plain Sight Beneath a Mexican Forest By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 18:01:52 +0000 By analyzing an old lidar survey, researchers found evidence of more than 6,500 ancient structures in a previously unexplored area of Campeche Full Article
idi Is a Charlottetown business group's call to remove rent controls 'ridiculous' or necessary? By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:14:39 EST Some business owners in Charlottetown have made suggestions for increasing the city’s housing supply, but not everyone is happy with their recommendations when it comes to rental properties. Full Article News/Canada/PEI
idi Holistic Liquidity Measures During Covid-19 By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 16:05:00 -0500 Full Article News Press Release Economic Events Equity Index FX Interest Rates CME Group
idi Boeing Subsidiary Uses SolidWorks to Expand 2D-to-3D Conversion Business By Published On :: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:00:00 -0500 3D CAD Software’s Superior Data Translation Capabilities Support Growth of Tech Publishing and Engineering Services Full Article
idi Deciding What to Teach? Here's How By Published On :: Wed, 05 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000 To make up for lost time, instructional leaders will need to streamline curricula and offer "just-in-time" support. These steps can help. Full Article Classroom+management
idi Woskob Family Gallery to host immersive rope-braiding workshop By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:02:20 -0500 The Woskob Family Gallery will host “Hands-on History: The Experience of Braiding a Lost Inca Rope” from Nov. 15-17, where participants will learn ancient braiding techniques and contribute to the reconstruction of a centuries-old Incan rope. The workshop will be open to the public each day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and participants are encouraged to dedicate at least one hour to the workshop. Full Article
idi Good tidings of gingerbread men By Published On :: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 23:50:52 +0000 Radio conversation about gingerbread cookies gives OM worker in the Arabian Peninsula a chance to share the true story of Christmas with local friends. Full Article
idi Colliding worlds By Published On :: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 12:22:22 +0000 An OMer encounters a French woman who converted to Islam but misunderstands both Islam and the Christian faith. Full Article
idi “Veni vidi vici” at TeenStreet 2016 By Published On :: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 12:34:57 +0000 Summary of TeenStreet 2016 in Oldenburg, Germany Full Article
idi DOJ Secures Conviction Against Recidivist Sex Offender By Published On :: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 15:10:13 +0000 A Magnolia man has pleaded guilty to two counts of Unlawful Sexual Conduct Against a Child and two counts of Human Trafficking a Minor. George Curtis, 31, was arrested following an investigation that found that he, while serving as the photographer for an illicit photoshoot prearranged on social media, repeatedly made unwanted sexual contact with […] Full Article Criminal Division Department of Justice Press Releases
idi NVIDIA RTX 3080 Graphics Card Review By Published On :: 2023-09-22T13:09:00+05:30 Read the in depth Review of NVIDIA RTX 3080 Graphics Card PC Components. Know detailed info about NVIDIA RTX 3080 Graphics Card configuration, design and performance quality along with pros & cons, Digit rating, verdict based on user opinions/feedback. Full Article PC Components
idi NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Graphics Card Review By Published On :: 2023-09-22T13:09:00+05:30 Read the in depth Review of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Graphics Card PC Components. Know detailed info about NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Graphics Card configuration, design and performance quality along with pros & cons, Digit rating, verdict based on user opinions/feedback. Full Article PC Components