
How to improve the science-policy interface: have your say in EKLIPSE's questionnaire

EKLIPSE is an EU-funded project that aims to develop a mechanism for supporting better informed decisions about our environment based on the best available knowledge. This short video (4 minute) explains the EKLIPSE process and you can find out more about our science-policy activities on the EKLIPSE website. The project now invites you to describe your views on how to improve the science-policy interface related to biodiversity and ecosystem services and potential ways in which you, or your background organization, would like to contribute to the EKLIPSE mechanism.

Have your say here!


Symposium: Nature and Governance – Biodiversity Data, Science, and the Policy Interface

The EU BON project which is coordinated by the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin/Germany has started on 1 December and will continue for 4.5 years. The EU BON Kickoff Meeting will be held in Berlin from 13 to 15 February 2013.
With respect to EU BON’s objectives the International Symposium "Nature and Governance – Biodiversity Data, Science, and the Policy Interface" will be held prior to the EU BON Kickoff Meeting from 11 to 12 February in Berlin with high-ranking speakers. You are most welcome to attend the Symposium.
The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is pleased to host this international symposium and will bring together high-ranking speakers and guests from worldwide to talk and discuss about these
Major Topics:
- What (data) policy needs
- The future of biodiversity information: new ways for generating, managing, and integrating biodiversity data
- How new approaches / models can link scales and disciplines
- Broadening the base and opening up: new ways to engage the public and stakeholders in biodiversity monitoring and assessments
- Résumé / conclusions
For more details, please have a look at the programme page.
The 1st day of the Symposium and the reception will be held "under the dinosaurs" in the central exhibition hall of the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin.
The 2nd day will be held in the Seminaris Conference Center in the quiet south-west of Berlin. The closing of the Symposium will be celebrated as "Come together & Ice-Breaker for EU BON Kickoff Meeting" in the nearby beautiful Large Green House of the Botanic Garden Berlin.
If you want to take part, please register at the registration page.



Ecology at the interface: 13th European Ecological Federation (EEF) & 25th Italian Society of Ecology’s (S.It.E.) joint conference

The 13th European Ecological Federation (EEF) and 25th Italian Society of Ecology’s (S.It.E.) joint conference will take place in Rome from 21st - 25th September 2015.  

"Ecology at the Interface" focuses on interactions at all biological levels, from membrane exchanges to food web dynamics, in addition to physical ecotones, from deep sediment-bottom water to land-atmosphere, and disciplinary ecotones linking ecology to sociology, economics, law, technology and other fields of knowledge concerning daily human life.

For 5 full days the conference expects about 1500 participants from all over Europe, proposing a rich programme articulated in a number of plenary and contributed sessions, symposia, workshops andround tables.      

Deadlines for symposia and workshop proposals and abstract submission are available here and the first circular here.  

The proposed venue is the Congress Centre of Rome - EUR.

You can download the full brochure here.

For more information visit the official conference website.


Als Terroristin verfolgt

Tamara Carrasco setzt sich für unabhängiges Katalonien ein. Sie wurde verhaftet und sitzt seit Monaten im Hausarrest

Gegen die spanische Zentralgewalt: Demonstration vor einem Abstimmungslokal während des Unabhängigkeitsreferendums am 1. Oktober 2017 in Sant Julià de Ramis


Foto: Albert Gea/REUTERS 



Von Krystyna Schreiber, Barcelona

Am Morgen des 10. April 2018 wird die 35jährige Sozialarbeiterin Tamara Carrasco y García durch lautes Klopfen an der Wohnungstür geweckt. Als sie öffnet, stehen draußen ein Dutzend Beamte der spanischen paramilitärischen Guardia Civil in Tarnfarbenuniformen und mit Maschinengewehren. Sie haben einen Durchsuchungsbefehl gegen sie und einen Haftbefehl wegen des Verdachts auf Rebellion, Aufruhr und Zugehörigkeit zu einer terroristischen Organisation. Tamara ist sich keiner Schuld bewusst: »Mehr als einen Strafzettel oder einer Anzeige wegen Ungehorsam habe ich nie riskiert«, erzählt sie im Gespräch mit junge Welt in einer kleinen Bücherei im Zentrum ihres Heimatortes Viladecans, einem Städtchen unweit der katalanischen Metropole Barcelona.

Die Guardia Civil durchsucht die 70 Quadratmeter große Wohnung vier Stunden lang. Die Beamten beschlagnahmen eine gelbe Trillerpfeife, ein Plakat mit der Aufschrift »Freiheit und Demokratie«, ein Foto des inhaftierten Vorsitzenden der Kulturvereinigung Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, ein kaputtes Handy sowie einen Speicherstick. Tamara steht am Fenster und hört, wie die Medien vor ihrem Haus über sie berichten. »Die Journalisten waren zur gleichen Zeit wie die Polizei da und wussten mehr Details als ich.« Wie die meisten Spanier ihres Alters ist Tamara mit den Fernsehübertragungen der Festnahmen mutmaßlicher ETA-Terroristen aufgewachsen. Als die Guardia Civil sie fragt, ob sie beim Verlassen des Hauses ihr Gesicht verdecken wolle, lehnt sie ab. Sie will nicht das von damals bekannte Bild liefern. Noch heute hat sie das Blitzlichtgewitter vor Augen, als sie über den Platz vor ihrem Haus abgeführt wird. Sie ist überzeugt, dass man ihre Festnahme für die Medien inszeniert hat.

Tamara wird nach Madrid gebracht und verbringt dort zwei Tage in einer fünf Quadrameter großen Zelle. Nach den spanischen Sonderbestimmungen bei Verfahren wegen Terrorismusverdachts darf sie keinen Anwalt sprechen. Tamara schweigt. Dennoch wird sie zum Verhör gezwungen. Der einzige Anruf, den sie machen darf, richtet sich an Freunde, nicht die Familie. Tamara ist für ein unabhängiges Katalonien, ihr Vater für die Einheit Spaniens. Oft kracht es deshalb bei Familienfeiern. Zurück in ihrer Zelle sagt sich Tamara immer wieder: »Ich habe nichts Schlechtes getan, ich bin eine starke Frau.« In dem Moment hat sie Angst. »Nur jemand, der in so einer Zelle eingeschlossen ist, kann das nachvollziehen.«

Fingierte Anklage

Am dritten Tag wird sie in Handschellen dem Richter der Audiencia Nacional, einem Sondergericht für besonders schwere Straftaten, vorgeführt. Dort trifft sie ihren Anwalt, den die Eltern organisiert haben. Vor Gericht beantwortet sie nur seine Fragen. Als der Staatsanwalt die Anschuldigungen verliest, erkennt sich Tamara nicht wieder. Sie habe einen Anschlag auf die Kaserne der Guardia Civil in Barcelona geplant. Später stellt sich heraus, dass sich der Vorwurf auf ein Bild von Google Maps stützt, das sie sich als Wegbeschreibung zu einer Demonstration ausgedruckt hatte. Sie wird als Koordinatorin der »Komitees zur Verteidigung der Republik« (CDR) bezeichnet, die als terroristische Organisationen dargestellt werden, und soll sich der Anstiftung zu Straftaten, zum Beispiel zur Blockade von Autobahnen am Osterwochenende, schuldig gemacht haben. »Wer etwas über die CDR weiß, kennt ihre horizontale Struktur. Es gibt keine Koordinatoren«, erklärt Tamara jW gegenüber.

Im Dokument der Staatsanwaltschaft taucht auch Adrià Carrasco auf, der am gleichen Tag wie Tamara verhaftet werden sollte, aber flüchten konnte und sich nach Belgien absetzte. »Die Guardia Civil ging wegen des gleichen Nachnamens davon aus, dass wir miteinander verwandt wären, dabei kennen wir uns gar nicht«, erzählt Tamara. Der Verteidigung platzt der Kragen. Das sei ein politischer Prozess ohne juristische Grundlage, schimpft ihr Anwalt. Der Staatsanwalt droht ihm daraufhin mit einer Klage wegen Befangenheit. Als der Schlagabtausch zwischen den Juristen aus dem Ruder läuft, beendet der Richter die Anhörung. Eine Viertelstunde danach ist Tamara gegen Auflagen auf freiem Fuß.

Erst später wird ihr bewusst, was diese Vorschriften für sie bedeuten. Tamara darf Viladecans nur verlassen, um zu ihrer Arbeitsstelle in Barcelona zu fahren, und sie muss sich wöchentlich beim Ortsgericht melden. Die Guardia Civil überwacht sie. Nach wenigen Wochen lässt sich Tamara krankschreiben, der psychologische Druck ist zu hoch. Ihre Familie und viele Freunde wohnen in anderen Orten und kommen sie besuchen. Als sich ihre Mutter ein Bein bricht und nicht zu ihrer Tochter fahren kann, beantragt Tamara, sie besuchen zu dürfen. Der Antrag wird abgelehnt.

Anfangs hat die Repression gegen Tamara auch auf die CDR einschüchternde Wirkung. Im gesamten Gebiet des Baix Llobregat, in dem Viladecans liegt, finden keine Aktionen mehr statt. Die Aktivisten haben Angst und wollen der Anklage keine Argumente gegen Tamara und Adrià liefern. »Es ist wie eine Welle, die sich nicht nur gegen dich richtet, sondern sich auf dein gesamtes Umfeld ausbreitet. Bis vor kurzem wurde ich sehr streng bewacht – und damit alle, die mich umgeben«, erklärt Tamara.

Kein Gericht zuständig

Anfang November entscheidet der Richter, dass es gegen Tamara keine Belege für Rebellion, Terrorismus und Aufruhr gibt. Dennoch wird der Hausarrest nicht aufgehoben. Anwalt Benet Salelles erläutert im Telefongespräch die absurde Situation: »Es gibt eine endgültige juristische Entscheidung. Die Audiencia Nacional sagt, dass sie nicht zuständig ist, weil sie keine Indizien für die Anschuldigungen sieht. Damit geht der Fall an die allgemeine Justiz. Das heißt, der Fall wird dem Gericht übergeben, in dessen Einzugsbereich die untersuchten Vorfälle stattgefunden haben. Aber man weiß nicht, welche Taten meiner Mandantin vorgeworfen werden.« Da ihr keine konkreten Taten zugeordnet werden konnten, schickte die Audiencia Nacional den Fall gleichzeitig an die Gerichte in vier Bezirken: Lleida, Girona, Barcelona und Tarragona. »Tamara lebt in keinem der vier, es ist der totale Unsinn«, formuliert ihr Anwalt sein Unverständnis. Es werde wahrscheinlich Monate dauern, bis sich ein Gericht für zuständig erklärt und dann eventuell den inzwischen achtmonatigen Hausarrest gegen sie aufhebt.

Ihr Anwalt glaubt, dass hinter dieser Situation eine klare Absicht steckt. »Wir kennen das Phänomen der CDR, und wir denken, dass man das Konzept des Terrorismus nicht auf sie anwenden kann. Sie sind Ausdruck des friedlichen Widerstands. Aber der Staat will ein Bild aufrechterhalten, das in den 1990er Jahren im Baskenland gewirkt hat und stellt Parallelen her, die nicht der Wirklichkeit entsprechen. Wenn Politiker und Juristen die CDR mit Kale borroka (gewalttätige Straßenaktionen von Anhängern der baskischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung; jW) vergleichen, mischen sie bewusst Konzepte. Ich glaube, dass es sich hierbei um eine Operation des Staates handelt, mit der versucht wird, die Realität in Katalonien zu ändern.«

Aus Tamaras Sicht hat ihre Situation auch Positives bewirkt. Früher lagen Tochter und Vater ideologisch weit auseinander. Inzwischen zweifelt ihre Familie am System. »Mein Vater ist weiterhin für Spanien, aber er versteht jetzt, warum ich tue, was ich tue«, sagt Tamara fast stolz. Viele Bewohner ihres Orts Viladecans seien eher dafür, alles in Spanien so zu lassen, wie es ist. Doch sie erhält von allen Seiten Unterstützung. »Viele Nachbarn, die prospanisch eingestellt sind, habe mir ihre Solidarität bekundet, denn sie wissen, dass ich keiner Fliege etwas zuleide tue.«

Inzwischen würden immer mehr Menschen verstehen, dass es nicht nur um die Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens geht, sondern um die Grundrechte. »Wenn man ein Störfaktor ist, wird das Maulkorbgesetz angewendet«, kritisiert Tamara. Aus Angst zu Hause zu bleiben ist für sie aber keine Option. Sie will jetzt erst recht kämpfen: »Es ist eine Frage meiner Würde.« Und sie ist wütend. »Drei Tage lang war ich die meistgehasste Person Spaniens. Ich habe mehr als 300 Morddrohungen auf meinem Handy erhalten. Ich wurde zu einer öffentlichen Person gemacht. Adrià musste ins Exil gehen. Wir hatten keinen Gerichtsprozess, um uns verteidigen zu können.« Und sie glaubt, dass die Repression Katalonien der Unabhängigkeit möglicherweise näherbringen könnte. Das erste, was sie in einem unabhängigen Katalonien ändern würde, sei das Strafrecht. »Wenn wir eine Republik gründen, müssen wir sicherstellen, dass keinem Menschen das widerfährt, was mir passiert.«


Surface Temperatures at the Continental Scale: Tracking Changes with Remote Sensing at Unprecedented Detail


Initial population trends from a 5-year butterfly monitoring scheme


CLIMBER: Climatic niche characteristics of the butterflies in Europe


Assessing impacts of land abandonment on Mediterranean biodiversity using indicators based on bird and butterfly monitoring data


A regionally informed abundance index for supporting integrative analyses across butterfly monitoring schemes


Guidelines for Standardised Global Butterfly Monitoring


Evaluating the reliability of species distribution models with an indirect measure of bird reproductive performance


Anthropogenic stress alters community concordance at the river-riparian interface


Rob Gronkowski discussed why ending up with Bill Belichick, Patriots was ‘perfect fit’

"He's the one who took my game to a whole new level," Gronkowski said of Belichick, adding that he thinks his former coach will be "unbelievable" as a television analyst.

The post Rob Gronkowski discussed why ending up with Bill Belichick, Patriots was ‘perfect fit’ appeared first on Boston.com.


On the Waterfront

Levi Draheim, 10, is suing the US government over climate change with 20 other young people.

Also: fishermen in Greenland are doing better than ever, and that’s in part thanks to climate change; instead of fighting global competition, Alaska's wild salmon industry (reluctantly) embraces it; a researcher imagines what the US would look like if sea levels were to rise by two meters; solar power entrepreneurs come to Puerto Rico; plus what it’s like to fly in a plane when most of the passengers are pets.

(Image: Levi Draheim, 10, lives in Satellite Beach, Florida. Credit: PRI’s The World)


The Powerful Act of Honoring Your Seniors

I recently took on a new position leading worship in a small church on the outskirts of Nashville. They are good people and there are a lot of great things happening in those church walls. However, they are feeling the same stress that many of our churches feel today, and that is staying relevant with our ever changing culture in music worship and not leaving our senior population in the background feeling marginalized.  Let’s be honest, if it were not for their lives, traditions and heritage we would not be in those walls today. So what is the answer for young worship leaders today trying to navigate this tug of war? One word. Love. You have to love your senior people.

I worked for 13 years in a health and wellness center spending much of my days working alongside senior adult participants. One of the most important things I learned in that job was that when an older adult begins to lose their independence, they often begin to lose hope. And when people lose hope, they often grasp onto anything that is known and trusted in their lives. Change is difficult and people naturally want what is familiar. But I also found as I validated their giftedness and encouraged them to reach out to the people around them, they were willing to rise to the challenge and hope would begin to return in their lives. 

My fellow worship leader friends, can I encourage you to validate your people? Honor your seniors with a genuine love and respect. You will be amazed at the things that you will learn from them!

My current worship leading position is part time and I don’t have the luxury of spending hours in the office for drop in appointments and lunch dates. So, this week I hosted a luncheon for around 50 seniors who attend our church so that I could get to know them a little bit and let them hear from my heart. I sent them an invitation stating that I wanted to meet with them and explain to them why they are the most important key to growth in our local church.  Let me say right off, we never once discussed music worship in the church. Maybe someday...but not this day.

Instead, I validated them with a message that I have shared before. Here’s the message.

“You are valuable.”

Isaiah 46:4 - "Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.’

“This was a promise to the people of Israel.  But our God is the same God that spoke those words to His people. We are also His people. I believe today that God MADE you, he will SUSTAIN you EVEN TO YOUR OLD AGE.  Why would God do this? Why would He make this promise to us if our lives are no longer valuable here on earth? You may be retired from a job...but God has not retired you!”

I shared with them Hebrews 12:7 - “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” I went on to tell them this.    

“Your history and heritage in Jesus is unlike anyone else’s. No one else can effect the world around you like you can. The lessons you have been taught and the hardships you have faced have made you who you are. And hopefully, we have all learned to allow those life lessons draw us closer to Christ and to become more like Him.”

We then dove into this scripture:

Eph. 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

I reminded them that “God still has work for you to do... work that He has prepared in advance for you! That’s exciting! He has specific assignments just for you!!!!”

I went on to explain “God Assignments” as a way of life to listen to the Spirit throughout your day and be willing to act on His assignments when He speaks. Perhaps it will be paying for someone’s gas or spending time with a teen in the church. I challenged them to be faithful to ask the Lord daily and be willing to share with each other what God is doing in their midst. I asked them to speak out their faith because a younger generation is starving and thirsty to know that God is real. Young people can see fake a mile away and they are not interested in just “doing church.” I reminded them that no one else in these walls can testify to the reality of God in their lives the way they could.

I left them with this challenge:

“Young people hunger to know God...but they can detect fake and they don’t like it. How can YOU help them to see the reality of God? You can offer them love and acceptance.  You can invest in them. You can offer God Talk. God talk is sharing what God is doing in your life TODAY... answered prayer, sharing hope, sharing the Joy of the Lord.

Let’s face it...when you and I are gone... when Jesus takes us home... the future of this church remains in the hands of those coming after us. And if we don’t foster right relationship, testimony and genuine love of God with the younger generation, this church will not grow...it will die.  It’s a heavy assignment. But I believe it is the assignment God is calling us to step into.”

We closed with this scripture and very few dry eyes in the room. The Spirit of God was near and there was a new sense of awareness that we are called with a purpose...even to our old age.

John 13:34-35

 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

When the Spirit leads and we have another luncheon (as they have already requested that we do this again!) we will begin to discuss the importance of letting change happen in our music so that the same message of God is delivered in a relevant way that younger generations can understand. But not this day...this day was all about love. 

Submitted by: Shelly Head
Worship Pastor at Gallatin Church of the Nazarene


The Perfect Easter Set List

*** SPOILER ALERT! You will not find that list here, but you will find what hopefully will be some thought-provoking tips on putting yours together and even some resources to help in the process.

For the worship leader, one of the year’s highlights but most difficult tasks is that of putting together the set list for Easter weekend. We’d venture to say that most start thinking about it as soon as they get on the other side of the current year’s celebration. We keep a running list of possible songs and then as soon as Christmas is over we hit the ground running mulling over every possible combination of titles. But there are so many moving parts and components to consider that it’s just not as easy as whipping out the 5 most popular songs from that year. Some of the things we have to think about are:

  • The personality of the worshippers in your church
    • Are they more expressive or more subdued? This question is very important. If you lead a more passionate, charismatic congregation, you definitely want to allow them plenty of opportunities to worship freely, but you also want to pick songs that will draw them to a place of introspection and contemplation. For the more reflective and meditative crowds, you don’t want to make them so uncomfortable that you lose them by doing a bunch of high energy songs, but you also want to get them out of their comfort zones to celebrate in a way that challenges them a little.
  • The prominent age and demographic of your people
    • If you serve at an older church whose majority is made up of those from the more “experienced” generations, you may find that they respond more to the older hymns but are open to one or two newer songs. Whereas, if you are leading a group of those not raised in the church, songs of more than about five years old may not resonate. 
  • The theme of the weekend
    • This may seem like a no brainer given that it’s Easter, but your pastor may be approaching the weekend from a very specific perspective (i.e. love, grace, salvation, etc . . .). So you will want to choose songs that draw the people’s minds and hearts to that particular idea.
  • Those first-timers or twice-a-yearers (not a Webster-approved word, but I’m working on it)
    • Obviously we are not going to let this piece take the wheel of decision-making too much, but it does need to be considered. One way to accomplish this is to make sure there are at least a couple of songs that are well-known enough that they may have heard it, or are easy to catch onto by someone who is brand new to it.
  • The number of new songs
    • In that same vein, a good general rule of thumb is to not introduce more than one or two new songs per week, and the same goes for Easter. There are few things that will bum churchgoers out more than arriving Easter Sunday only to do a bunch of songs they’ve never heard before. So make sure you’ve started introducing any newer songs you want to incorporate well before that weekend and maybe just save that one zinger for the actual celebration.
  • The level of difficulty
    • Unless you’re hiring in a bunch of professionals, the skill level of your band is going to be the same on Easter weekend as it is the rest of the year. So don’t pick a bunch of songs they aren’t going to be able to pull off, simply because they’re “perfect for Easter Sunday”. If there’s a song that you just HAVE to do and it’s more challenging than your normal roster, consider introducing it to your band months in advance and working it until they’ve got it, or create an arrangement of it that is less complex.

There are plenty of other things to take into consideration as you prepare for this special weekend in the life of the Church, but these are some of the more common ones. We’d love to hear other things that influence your process in the comments.

Let’s talk actual songs now. For those of you who don’t have a lot of time on your hands to research, we’ve compiled a handful of lists that might help get your creative juices flowing with regard to the right set list for your church body’s Easter services. These lists are by no means exhaustive and we’re 100% confident there are songs out there that we’ve missed. Again, we’d love for you to put more ideas in the comments. Our hope and prayer is that, as Easter quickly approaches, God would put the songs on your hearts that will stir and move His people to life-changing encounters with His Presence, and that your own hearts would be filled to overflowing as you prepare to lead the Church. 

Top 10 Brand New Songs
(These are all songs that have been released since last Easter)

  1. Worthy Of Your Name – Passion https://youtu.be/fcedMbopknM
  2. The Cross Has The Final Word – Cody Carnes https://youtu.be/n0TAnT6Leec
  3. Oh The Power – Kari Jobe https://youtu.be/u3Dtnaie4KY
  4. What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong Worship https://youtu.be/r5L6QlAH3L4
  5. Lion and the Lamb – Bethel Music https://youtu.be/C9ujBoud26k
  6. Exalted Over All – Vertical Church Band https://youtu.be/HqnRj1N4blA
  7. God Most High – All About Worship https://youtu.be/6oZzZIaLrEA
  8. This Is My Inheritance – All Sons and Daughters https://youtu.be/yBH8FLgtzHs
  9. Miracles – Jesus Culture https://youtu.be/S-auXYdMSGM
  10. Your Love Awakens Me – Phil Wickham https://youtu.be/VIMh6lS6VjE 

Top 20 Fairly Recent Songs
(These are all songs that were released between Easters of 2012 and 2016)

  1. Resurrecting – Elevation Worship
  2. Forever – Kari Jobe
  3. Praise The King – Corey Voss
  4. O Praise (The Only One) – Michael Farren
  5. My Victory – David Crowder
  6. Salvation’s Tide – Passion
  7. Great Are You Lord – All Sons and Daughters
  8. The Wondrous Cross – Christy Nockels
  9. This I Believe (The Creed) – Hillsong Worship
  10. Break Every Chain – Jesus Culture
  11. Lamb of God – Vertical Church Band
  12. Because He Lives (Amen) – Matt Maher
  13. Hallelujah For The Cross – Newsboys
  14. How Can It Be – Lauren Daigle
  15. Grace To Grace – Hillsong Worship
  16. Jesus, Only Jesus – Matt Redman
  17. No Longer Slaves – Bethel Music
  18. Come As You Are – David Crowder
  19. For The Cross – Bethel Music
  20. O Come To The Altar – Elevation Worship

Top 10 Older Songs
(These are all songs released between 2000 and 2011)

  1. Revelation Song – Gateway Worship
  2. Your Great Name – Natalie Grant
  3. Forever Reign – Hillsong
  4. Mighty To Save – Hillsong
  5. Worthy Is The Lamb – Hillsong
  6. Hosanna – Paul Baloche
  7. Hosanna (King Of Glory ) – Hillsong United
  8. Happy Day – Tim Hughes
  9. How Great Is Our God – Chris Tomlin
  10. One Thing Remains – Bethel 

Top 10 Hymns
(These are all songs that are rebooted hymns or newer songs that have that hymn-like feel, regardless of age)

  1. Jesus Paid It All – Passion
  2. Turn Your Eyes (Jesus Won) – 121 Community Church
  3. The Wonderful Cross – Chris Tomlin
  4. All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name – Paul Baloche
  5. Cornerstone – Hillsong
  6. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) – Chris Tomlin
  7. How Marvelous (I Stand Amazed) – Passion
  8. How Deep The Father’s Love For Us – Stuart Townend
  9. In Christ Alone – Stuart Townend
  10. Crown Him (Majesty) – Chris Tomlin w/Kari Jobe

* Note that the content of these lists are in no particular order and are merely suggestions based on research done through a variety of music resources, online surveys, chart rankings, and probably a pinch of personal preferences.


Worshipping Waterfalls: The Evolution of Belief

Jane Goodall has seen wild chimpanzees dance and bristle with excitement around roaring waterfalls — and she thinks it’s an experience of awe and wonder — and possibly a precursor to animistic religion. 

But can we ever know why our ancient human ancestors developed spiritual beliefs? Can evolutionary science uncover the roots of religion?  

At some point our ancestors went from admiring waterfalls to worshipping them - and all kinds of spirits and gods. They developed sacred rituals and turned stones into totems. And then came the Battle of the Gods. 

This was produced in partnership with the Center for Humans and Nature, an organization that brings together scholars from a diversity of disciplines to think creatively about our relationships with nature and each other. What do you think evolution can tell us about love and morality? Share your thoughts at humansandnature.org. This episode was made possible through the support of the John Templeton Foundation.

Original Air Date: May 14, 2017


Jane Goodall — Laura Kehoe — Frans de Waal — Barbara King — Ara Norenzayan — Jeff Schloss — Andrew Newberg

Interviews In This Hour: 

Do Chimpanzees Have Spiritual Experiences? — How 'Big Gods' Transformed Human History — An Evolutionary Biologist Searches for God — What Bliss Looks Like In Your Brain — Are Morals a Part of Our Evolution?

Further Reading:

Center for Humans and Nature

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Specialized Performance Gypsum Panels for Single-family Homes

There's value in using specialized gypsum panels for a home. But the benefits don’t stop there.


Glass Mat Gypsum Sheathing in Residential Construction: A High-Performance, Code-Compliant Alternative to Traditional Materials

Glass mat gypsum sheathing is common for commercial uses but rarer in residential construction


Elevating Building Performance

The role of polyisocyanurate insulation in high-performance systems.


Picture Perfect

Reinforcement products used to renovate a tarnished gem of a movie theater. 


Chemistry: A Major Driver of Building Performance

Advances in chemistry make more sustainable building envelopes.


Makita’s High-Performance Gloves are Engineered for Comfort and Protection

From comfort, fit and dexterity to protection and durability features for harsh job site conditions, each high-performance glove from Makita meets the needs of the most demanding professional.


S-4200 Panels – Perfect for Recording Studios and More

With their impressive blend of sound absorption and sound diffusion, S-4200 Panels from Sound Seal are perfect for recording studios, auditoriums, performance halls and more. Get to know more about them by visiting Sound Seal’s website and reviewing available materials.


Introducing Black Gridstone Ceiling Panels: Elevating Commercial Ceilings with Durability and Performance

New black Gridstone Gypsum Ceiling Panels raise the bar for spaces that demand both style and durability. Perfect for restaurants, hotels and other commercial interiors, the black panels combine striking aesthetic appeal with the practical benefits of straightforward installation and low maintenance.


Peter Cardy: Public speaking is just a performance


Protecting construction, surface mining workers from silica dust: CPWR publishes new resources

Silver Spring, MD — Three new resources from CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training are intended to help prevent silica exposure among construction and surface mining workers who operate mobile equipment in enclosed cabs.


High Performance Cladding System

Outsulation X is a high performance cladding system that serves as a single source for the air- and water-resistive barrier, continuous insulation and appealing finished appearance of the exterior wall.


BCA Architects Selected to Design Performing Arts Center

After a comprehensive selection process, BCA Architects was selected to design the new 400-seat performing arts center for Pioneer Valley High School.


CertainTeed Secures Third-Party Verification of Ceiling Panels’ Environmental Performance

UL Environment has certified a pair of new Environmental Product Declarations for CertainTeed’s Symphony mineral fiber and VOC Compliant Symphony fiberglass ceiling panels.


New Metal-Clad Apartment Complex Brings Public Access to Riverfront

From eyesore to public amenity – that’s the journey an unusual site has taken alongside St. Paul, Minnesota’s Mississippi riverfront as just one element in the city’s efforts to turn a former industrial area into a new center for housing and outdoor recreation.


OSHA’s rule on walking/working surfaces under OMB review

Washington – After more than two decades in development, OSHA’s final rule on walking/working surfaces to address slips, trips and falls is under White House review.


Walking/working surfaces rule will be finalized before January, David Michaels says

Anaheim, CA – OSHA’s final rule on walking/working surfaces to address slips, trips and falls in the workplace soon could be a reality, agency administrator David Michaels said Tuesday during a roundtable discussion at the 2016 NSC Congress & Expo.


More than 3 out of 5 safety pros perform duties outside their expertise, survey finds

Aurora, CO — Occupational safety and health professionals are in need of expanded continuing education training and resources, say researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health after results of a recent survey show that more than 3 out of 5 are required to perform duties outside their primary area of expertise.


RF radiation monitor

The RadMan 2 device provides instantaneous and reliable indication of the impermissibly high levels of exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The shaped frequency response of the personal monitor ensures the correct alarm threshold is automatically set for the entire frequency range. The device includes sensors for the E field (electric) and H field (magnetic), and the higher value of either will trigger an alarm and be displayed as a percentage of the applicable upper limit. The unit has three alarm indicators, ultrabright flashing LED and loud audible. It also vibrates.


Oil and gas performance suite

An integrated solution that automates and digitizes oil and gas operations “from the well head to the control room,” the Upstream Production Performance Suite can help eliminate unplanned downtime, prevent failures and recover autonomously from known failures.


Environmentally Friendly Work Surfaces

An environmentally friendly work surface option for control room consoles, called Marmoleum from Winsted Corporation, is made of natural and sustainable raw materials, which emit no volatile organic compounds and are completely biodegradable.


Leviton OmniTouch 7 Wins Human Interface Product of the Year at Consumer Electronics Show

 Leviton announced its OmniTouch 7 touchscreen was recognized by the Consumer Electronics Association's TechHome Division with the 2014 Mark of Excellence (MOE) Award of Human Interface of Product of the Year.  


ATRI ranks states for trucking safety and enforcement performance

Arlington, VA – Maryland tops a list of states that show “superior safety and enforcement performance” regarding commercial motor vehicles, according to the American Transportation Research Institute.


MSHA extends until 2022 comment period for RFI on coal dust rule study

Washington — The Mine Safety and Health Administration is extending to July 2022 the deadline for comment on a Request for Information concerning a retrospective study of the agency’s respirable coal mine dust rule.