low Intangible assets and the productivity slowdown By www.inderscience.com Published On :: 2024-09-02T23:20:50-05:00 Over recent decades, advanced economies have been characterised by reduced rates of productivity. In this article, we advance the hypothesis that one of the potential causes of this trend might be the new knowledge capitalisation practices. Capitalisation of intangible assets is justified by the limited exhaustibility of knowledge, which implies its slow obsolescence, and hence, having the potential of being capitalised to reflect its prolonged period of contribution to productivity. However, the capitalisation of an increasing proportion of the assets that initially were accounted for as labour or intermediate inputs is having a direct effect on increasing capital and theoretical output and reducing total factor productivity (TFP). Our empirical analysis based on US-listed firms shows that the capitalisation of knowledge strongly reduces both the levels of TFP, and because of its fast increase in the last two decades, its rates of growth. Full Article
low Concept–based Analysis of Java Programming Errors among Low, Average and High Achieving Novice Programmers By Published On :: 2019-05-22 Aim/Purpose: The study examined types of errors made by novice programmers in different Java concepts with students of different ability levels in programming as well as the perceived causes of such errors. Background: To improve code writing and debugging skills, efforts have been made to taxonomize programming errors and their causes. However, most of the studies employed omnibus approaches, i.e. without consideration of different programing concepts and ability levels of the trainee programmers. Such concepts and ability specific errors identification and classifications are needed to advance appropriate intervention strategy. Methodology: A sequential exploratory mixed method design was adopted. The sample was an intact class of 124 Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate students grouped into three achievement levels based on first semester performance in a Java programming course. The submitted codes in the course of second semester exercises were analyzed for possible errors, categorized and grouped across achievement level. The resulting data were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as Pearson product correlation coefficient. Qualitative analyses through interviews and focused group discussion (FGD) were also employed to identify reasons for the committed errors. Contribution:The study provides a useful concept-based and achievement level specific error log for the teaching of Java programming for beginners. Findings: The results identified 598 errors with Missing symbols (33%) and Invalid symbols (12%) constituting the highest and least committed errors respec-tively. Method and Classes concept houses the highest number of errors (36%) followed by Other Object Concepts (34%), Decision Making (29%), and Looping (10%). Similar error types were found across ability levels. A significant relationship was found between missing symbols and each of Invalid symbols and Inappropriate Naming. Errors made in Methods and Classes were also found to significantly predict that of Other Object concepts. Recommendations for Practitioners: To promote better classroom practice in the teaching of Java programming, findings for the study suggests instructions to students should be based on achievement level. In addition to this, learning Java programming should be done with an unintelligent editor. Recommendations for Researchers: Research could examine logic or semantic errors among novice programmers as the errors analyzed in this study focus mainly on syntactic ones. Impact on Society: The digital age is code-driven, thus error analysis in programming instruction will enhance programming ability, which will ultimately transform novice programmers into experts, particularly in developing countries where most of the software in use is imported. Future Research: Researchers could look beyond novice or beginner programmers as codes written by intermediate or even advanced programmers are still not often completely error free. Full Article
low Can artificial intelligence replace whistle-blowers in the business sector? By www.inderscience.com Published On :: 2020-02-07T23:20:50-05:00 The major technological developments have changed the traditional way of doing business. These developments have facilitated whistle-blowing. Access to data is easier and faster and communicating with the public can be done in seconds. Another development is the artificial intelligence (AI) which enters the business workplace in different forms challenging the traditional working relations. The combination of these concepts gives the idea of artificial whistle-blowing or robot whistle-blowing. The concept is that a machine should conceive and report relevant wrongdoing avoiding the traditional model of whistle-blowing where the employee is the person who should report. This concept, yet unexplored, presents interesting positive and negative aspects. The purpose of this contribution is to present the idea of artificial whistle-blowing and its advantages and disadvantages for the business sector. As a conclusion, this paper suggests that the concept of artificial whistle-blowing needs still to be researched and an optimal solution, for the time being, is to permit artificial whistle-blowing as a helping tool for the employees to detect wrongdoings but report them themselves. Full Article
low Beyond The Low Hanging Fruit: Data Services and Archiving at the University of New Mexico By jodi-ojs-tdl.tdl.org Published On :: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 00:00:00 -0600 Open data is becoming increasingly important in research. While individual researchers are slowlybecoming aware of the value, funding agencies are taking the lead by requiring data be made available, and also by requiring data management plans to ensure the data is available in a useable form. Some journals also require that data be made available. However, in most cases, “available upon request” is considered sufficient. We describe a number of historical examples of data use and discovery, then describe two current test cases at the University of New Mexico. The lessons learned suggest that an instituional data services program needs to not only facilitate fulfilling the mandates of granting agencies but to realize the true value of open data. Librarians and institutional archives should actively collaborate with their researchers. We should also work to find ways to make open data enhance a researchers career. In the long run, better quality data and metadata will result if researchers are engaged and willing participants in the dissemination of their data. Full Article Articles open data curation e-science repositories data Digital Repositories Information Management Scholarly Communication
low The Roles of Challenge and Skill in the Flow Experiences of Web Users By Published On :: Full Article
low Workflows without Engines: Modeling for Today’s Heterogeneous Information Systems By Published On :: Full Article
low Highs and Lows of Implementing a Management Strategy Eliminating ‘Free Passengers’ in Group Projects By Published On :: Full Article
low Highs and Lows of Organizational Decision Making and the Relationship to Collaboration and Technology Tools By Published On :: Full Article
low Double-Buffer Traffic Shaper Modelling for Multimedia Applications in Slow Speed Network By Published On :: Full Article
low Interest in ICT Studies and Careers: Perspectives of Secondary School Female Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds By Published On :: Full Article
low Examining a Flow-Usage Model to Understand MultiMedia-Based Learning By Published On :: Full Article
low Will a Black Hole Eventually Swallow Earth?” Fifth Graders' Interest in Questions from a Textbook, an Open Educational Resource and Other Students' Questions By Published On :: 2015-12-14 Can questions sent to Open-Educational-Resource (OER) websites such as Ask-An-Expert serve as indicators for students’ interest in science? This issue was examined using an online questionnaire which included an equal number of questions about the topics “space” and “nutrition” randomly selected from three different sources: a 5th-grade science textbook, the “Ask-An-Expert” website, and questions collected from other students in the same age group. A sample of 113 5th-graders from two elementary schools were asked to rate their interest level in finding out the answer to these questions without knowledge of their source. Significant differences in students’ interest level were found between questions: textbook questions were ranked lowest for both subjects, and questions from the open-resource were ranked high. This finding suggests that questions sent to an open-resource could be used as an indicator of students’ interest in science. In addition, the high correlation of interests expressed by students from the two schools may point to a potential generalization of the findings. This study contributes by highlighting OER as a new and promising indicator of student interest, which may help bring “student voices” into mainstream science teaching to increase student interest in science. Full Article
low Closing the Digital Divide in Low-Income Urban Communities: A Domestication Approach By Published On :: 2017-11-25 Aim/Purpose: Significant urban digital divide exists in Nairobi County where low income households lack digital literacy skills and do not have access to the internet. The study was undertaken as an intervention, designed to close the digital divide among low income households in Nairobi by introducing internet access using the domestication framework. Background: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have the potential to help reduce social inequality and have been hailed as critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). Skills in use of ICTs have also become a prerequisite for almost all forms of employment and in accessing government services, hence, the need for digital inclusion for all. Methodology: In this research study, I employed a mixed methods approach to investigate the problem. This was achieved through a preliminary survey to collect data on the existence of urban digital divide in Nairobi and a contextual analysis of the internet domestication process among the eighteen selected case studies. Contribution: While there have been many studies on digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world, within the African continent, among genders and between rural and urban areas at national levels, there are few studies exploring urban digital divide and especially among the marginalized communities living in the low-income urban areas. Findings: Successful domestication of internet and related technologies was achieved among the selected households, and the households appreciated the benefits of having and using the internet for the first time. A number of factors that impede use of internet among the marginalized communities in Nairobi were also identified. Recommendations for Practitioners: In the study, I found that use of differentiated costs internet services targeting specific demographic groups is possible and that use of such a service could help the marginalized urban communities’ access the internet. Therefore, ISPs should offer special internet access packages for the low-income households. Recommendation for Researchers: In this research study, I found that the urban digital divide in Nairobi is an indication of social economic development problems. Therefore, researchers should carryout studies involving multipronged strategies to address the growing digital divide among the marginalized urban communities. Impact on Society: The absence of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) inclusion policy is a huge setback to the achievement of the SDGs in Kenya. Digital inclusion policies prioritizing digital literacy training, universal internet access and to elucidate the social-economic benefits of internet access for all Kenyans should be developed. Future Research: Future studies should explore ways of providing affordable mass internet access solutions among the residents of low-income communities and in eliminating the persistence urban digital divide in Kenya. Full Article
low Plagiarism Management: Challenges, Procedure, and Workflow Automation By Published On :: 2018-11-24 Aim/Purpose: This paper presents some of the issues that academia faces in both the detection of plagiarism and the aftermath. The focus is on the latter, how academics and educational institutions around the world can address the challenges that follow the identification of an incident. The scope is to identify the need for and describe specific strategies to efficiently manage plagiarism incidents. Background: Plagiarism is possibly one of the major academic misconduct offences. Yet, only a portion of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) appear to have well developed policies and procedures aimed at dealing with this issue or to follow these when required. Students who plagiarize and are not caught pose challenges for academia. Students who are caught pose equal challenges. Methodology: Following a literature review that identifies and describes the extent and the seriousness of the problem, procedures and strategies to address the issue are recommended, based on the literature and best practices. Contribution: The paper alerts academics regarding the need for the establishment of rigorous and standardized procedures to address the challenges that follow the identification of a plagiarism incident. It then describes how to streamline the process to improve consistency and reduce the errors and the effort required by academic staff. Recommendations for Practitioners: To ensure that what is expected to happen takes place, HEIs should structure the process of managing suspected plagiarism cases. Operationalization, workflow automation, diagrams that map the processes involved, clear in-formation and examples to support and help academics make informed and consistent decisions, templates to communicate with the offenders, and data-bases to record incidents for future reference are strongly recommended. Future research: This paper provides a good basis for further research that will examine the plagiarism policy, the procedures, and the outcome of employing the procedures within the faculties of a single HEI, or an empirical comparison of these across a group of HEIs. Impact on Society: Considering its potential consequences, educational institutions should strive to prevent, detect, and deter plagiarism – and any type of student misconduct. Inaction can be harmful, as it is likely that some students will not gain the appropriate knowledge that their chosen profession requires, which could put in danger both their wellbeing and the people they will later serve in their careers. Full Article
low Students’ Approaches to E-Learning: Analyzing Credit/Noncredit and High/Low Performers By Published On :: 2018-10-18 Aim/Purpose: This study examines differences in credit and noncredit users’ learning and usage of the Plant Sciences E-Library (PASSEL, http://passel.unl.edu), a large international, open-source multidisciplinary learning object repository. Background: Advances in online education are helping educators to meet the needs of formal academic credit students, as well as informal noncredit learners. Since online learning attracts learners with a wide variety of backgrounds and intentions, it is important understand learner behavior so that instructional resources can be designed to meet the diversity of learner motivations and needs. Methodology: This research uses both descriptive statistics and cluster analysis. The descriptive statistics address the research question of how credit learners differ from noncredit learners in using an international e-library of learning objects. Cluster analysis identifies high and low credit/noncredit students based on their quiz scores and follow-up descriptive statistics to (a) differentiate their usage patterns and (b) help describe possible learning approaches (deep, surface, and strategic). Contribution: This research is unique in its use of objective, web-tracking data and its novel use of clustering and descriptive analytic approaches to compare credit and noncredit learners’ online behavior of the same educational materials. It is also one of the first to begin to identify learning approaches of the noncredit learner. Findings: Results showed that credit users scored higher on quizzes and spent more time on the online quizzes and lessons than did noncredit learners, suggesting their academic orientation. Similarly, high credit scorers spent more time on individual lessons and quizzes than did the low scorers. The most striking difference among noncredit learners was in session times, with the low scorers spending more time in a session, suggesting more browsing behavior. Results were used to develop learner profiles for the four groups (high/low quiz scorers x credit/noncredit). Recommendations for Practitioners: These results provide preliminary insight for instructors or instructional designers. For example, low scoring credit students are spending a reasonable amount of time on a lesson but still score low on the quiz. Results suggest that they may need more online scaffolding or auto-generated guidance, such as the availability of relevant animations or the need to review certain parts of a lesson based on questions missed. Recommendation for Researchers: The study showed the value of objective, web-tracking data and novel use of clustering and descriptive analytic approaches to compare different types of learners. One conclusion of the study was that this web-tracking data be combined with student self-report data to provide more validation of results. Another conclusion was that demographic data from noncredit learners could be instrumental in further refining learning approaches for noncredit learners. Impact on Society: Learning object repositories, online courses, blended courses, and MOOCs often provide learners the option of moving freely among educational content, choosing not only topics of interest but also formats of material they feel will advance their learning. Since online learning is becoming more prolific and attracts learners with a wide variety of backgrounds and intentions, these results show the importance of understanding learner behavior so that e-learning instructional resources can be designed to meet the diversity of learner motivations and needs. Future Research: Future research should combine web-tracking data with student self-report to provide more validation of results. In addition, collection of demographic data and disaggregation of noncredit student usage motivations would help further refining learning approaches for this growing population of online users. Full Article
low Informing Citizens in a Highly Restrictive Environment Using Low-Budget Multimedia Communications: A Serbian Case Study By Published On :: Full Article
low Flow-Based Provenance By Published On :: 2017-02-15 Aim/Purpose: With information almost effortlessly created and spontaneously available, current progress in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has led to the complication that information must be scrutinized for trustworthiness and provenance. Information systems must become provenance-aware to be satisfactory in accountability, reproducibility, and trustworthiness of data. Background: Multiple models for abstract representation of provenance have been proposed to describe entities, people, and activities involved in producing a piece of data, including the Open Provenance Model (OPM) and the World Wide Web Consortium. These models lack certain concepts necessary for specifying workflows and encoding the provenance of data products used and generated. Methodology: Without loss of generality, the focus of this paper is on OPM depiction of provenance in terms of a directed graph. We have redrawn several case studies in the framework of our proposed model in order to compare and evaluate it against OPM for representing these cases. Contribution: This paper offers an alternative flow-based diagrammatic language that can form a foundation for modeling of provenance. The model described here provides an (abstract) machine-like representation of provenance. Findings: The results suggest a viable alternative in the area of diagrammatic representation for provenance applications. Future Research: Future work will seek to achieve more accurate comparisons with current models in the field. Full Article
low Shifting Paradigms in Information Flow: An Open Science Framework (OSF) for Knowledge Sharing Teams By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: This paper explores the implications of machine-mediated communication on human interaction in cross-disciplinary teams. The authors explore the relationships between Open Science Theory, its contributions to team science, and the opportunities and challenges associated with adopting open science principles. Background: Open Science Theory impacts many aspects of human interaction throughout the scholarly life cycle and can be seen in action through various technologies, which each typically touch only one such aspect. By serving multiple aspects of Open Science Theory at once, the Open Science Framework (OSF) serves as an exemplar technology. As such it illustrates how Open Science Theory can inform and expand cognitive and behavioral dynamics in teams at multiple levels in a single tool. Methodology: This concept paper provides a theoretical rationale for recommendations for exploring the connections between an open science paradigm and the dynamics of team communication. As such theory and evidence have been culled to initiate a synthesis of the nascent literature, current practice and theory. Contribution: This paper aims to illuminate the shared goals between open science and the study of teams by focusing on science team activities (data management, methods, algorithms, and outputs) as focal objects for further combined study. Findings: Team dynamics and characteristics that will affect successful human/machine assisted interactions through mediators of workflow culture, attitudes about ownership of knowledge, readiness to share openly, shifts from group-driven to user-driven functionality, group-organizing to self-organizing structures, and the development of trust as teams regulate between traditional and open science dissemination. Recommendations for Practitioners: Participation in open science practices through machine-assisted technologies in team projects/scholarship should be encouraged. Recommendation for Researchers: The information provided highlights areas in need of further study in team science as well as new primary sources of material in the study of teams utilizing machine-assisted methods in their work. Impact on Society: As researchers take on more complex social problems, new technology and open science practices can complement the work of diverse stakeholders while also providing opportunities to broaden impact and intensify scholarly contributions. Future Research: Future investigation into the cognitive and behavioral research conducted with teams that employ machine-assisted technologies in their workflows would offer researchers the opportunity to understand better the relationships between intelligent machines and science teams’ impacts on their communities as well as the necessary paradigmatic shifts inherent when utilizing these technologies. Full Article
low University-Industry Collaboration in Higher Education: Exploring the Informing Flows Framework in Industrial PhD Education By Published On :: 2020-12-21 Aim/Purpose: The aim is to explore the informing flows framework as interactions within a PhD education practicing a work-integrated learning approach in order to reveal both the perspectives of industrial PhD students and of industry. Background: An under-researched field of university-industry collaboration is explored revealing both the perspectives of industrial PhD students and of industry. Methodology: Qualitative methods were applied including interviews and document studies. In total ten semi-structured interviews in two steps were conducted. The empirical context is a Swedish PhD program in informatics with a specialization in work-integrated learning. Contribution: By broadening the concept of work-integrated learning, this paper contributes empirical results on benefits and challenges in university-industry collaboration focusing on industrial PhD students and industry by applying the informing flows framework. Findings: Findings expose novel insights for industry as well as academia. The industrial PhD students are key stakeholders and embody the informing flows between practice and university and between practice and research. They are spanning boundaries between university and industry generating continuous opportunities for validation and testing of empirical results and models in industry. This may enable increased research quality and short-lag dissemination of research results as well as strengthened organizational legitimacy. Recommendation for Researchers: Academia is recommended to recognize the value of the industrial PhD students’ pre-understanding of the industry context in the spirit of work-integrated learning approach. The conditions for informing flows between research and practice need to continuously be maintained to enable short-term societal impact of research for both academia and industry. For practitioners: This explorative study show that it is vital for practice to recognize that challenges do exist and need to be considered to strengthen industrial PhD pro-grams as well as university-industry collaborations. Additionally, it is of importance to formalize a continuously dissemination of research in the industries. Future Research: Future international and/or transdisciplinary research within this field is encouraged to include larger samples covering other universities and a mix of industrial contexts or comparing industrial PhD students in different phases of their PhD education. Full Article
low TURNING THEIR PAIN TO GAIN: CHARISMATIC LEADER INFLUENCE ON FOLLOWER STRESS APPRAISAL AND JOB PERFORMANCE By amj.aom.org Published On :: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 21:39:32 +0000 We develop and test a theoretical model that explores how individuals appraise different types of stressful job demands and how these cognitive appraisals impact job performance. The model also explores how charismatic leaders influence such appraisal and reaction processes, and by virtue of these effects, how leaders can influence the impact of stressful demands on their followers' job performance. In Study 1 (n = 74 U.S. Marines), our model was largely supported in hierarchical linear modeling analyses. Marines whose leaders were judged by superiors to exhibit charismatic leader behaviors appraised challenge stressors as being more challenging, and were more likely to respond to this appraisal with higher performance. Although charismatic leader behaviors did not influence how hindrance stressors were appraised, they negated the strong negative effect of hindrance appraisals on job performance. In Study 2 (n = 270 U.S. Marines) charismatic leader behaviors were measured through the eyes of the focal Marines, and the interactions found in Study 1 were replicated. Results from multilevel structural equation modeling analyses also indicate that charismatic leader behaviors moderate both the mediating role of challenge appraisals in transmitting the effect of challenge stressors to job performance, and the mediating role of hindrance appraisals in transmitting the effect of hindrance stressors to job performance. Implications of our results to theory and practice are discussed. Keywords: stress, leadership, job performance, multilevel modeling Full Article
low Third Party Employment Branding: Human Capital Inflows and Outflows Following 'Best Places to Work' Certifications By amj.aom.org Published On :: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 14:57:15 +0000 "Best Places to Work" (BPTW) and similar competitions are a proliferating form of third party employment branding. Little is known, however, about how single or repeated third party employment branding occurrences relate to key human capital outcomes. Extending signaling theory by considering signal credibility and comparability, we use archival and survey data from 624 BPTW participants in sixteen competitions across a three-year period to develop and test hypotheses linking BPTW certifications to collective turnover rates and key informant perceptions of applicant pool quality. We find that certifications are associated with lower turnover rates, and in addition, propose competing crystallization and celebrity hypotheses that model turnover trajectories with repeated certifications, finding diminishing marginal turnover reductions across multiple certifications. We also examine company size and industry job opening moderators, finding that as certifications increase, applicant pool quality is (1) higher in smaller companies and (2) higher when job openings are scarcer. Finally, beyond being certified or not, we find supplemental evidence for effects of the specific certification level achieved (e.g., 2nd versus 15th). This investigation advances theory related to collective turnover, applicant pool quality, and employment branding, and is relevant to company decisions about seeking or re-seeking third party certifications. Full Article
low REPUTATION AS A BENEFIT AND A BURDEN? HOW STAKEHOLDERS' ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION AFFECTS THE ROLE OF REPUTATION FOLLOWING A NEGATIVE EVENT By amj.aom.org Published On :: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 15:30:26 +0000 Research about the effects of an organization's general reputation following a negative event remains equivocal: Some studies have found that a high reputation is a benefit because of the stock of social capital and goodwill it generates; others have found it to be a burden because of the greater stakeholder attention and violation of expectations associated with a negative event. We theorize that stakeholders' level of organizational identification helps explain which mechanisms are more dominant. We test our hypotheses on a sample of legislative references associated with NCAA major infractions from 1999-2009. Our results indicate that a high reputation is a burden for an organization when considering low-identification stakeholder support: As the number of legislative references increases, a high-reputation university will receive fewer donations from non-alumni donors than universities without this asset. In contrast, a high reputation is a benefit when considering high-identification stakeholder support: As the number of legislative references increases, a high-reputation university will receive more donations from alumni donors than universities without this asset. However, an exploratory investigation reveals that alumni donations to high-reputation universities decline as the number of legislative references increases, suggesting that the benefit of a high reputation has a limit. Full Article
low Man convicted of rioting tried to blow up a mosque By www.bbc.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:16:26 GMT Simon Beech and another man were jailed in 2011 for trying to blow up a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent. Full Article
low EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight ~ Crazy Low Price After CODE ….$249.99 By www.ammoland.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 13:33:27 +0000 EOTech EFLX Mini Reflex Sight at $249.99 out the door after a coupon code at check out. You save $249.00+ off.... Full Article Gun Deals EOTech Palmetto State Armory Red Dot Sights
low Trump hush money judge delays ruling on immunity following election win By thesun.my Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:05:26 GMT NEW YORK: The judge overseeing Donald Trump’s criminal hush money case has put off ruling on whether the president-elect’s conviction should be thrown out on immunity grounds, enabling prosecutors to weigh next steps following his Nov. 5 election victory.Justice Juan Merchan had been due to rule on Tuesday on Trump’s argument that the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in July that presidents are immune from prosecution involving their official acts meant the New York state case should be dismissed.Instead, Merchan granted a request by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to have until Nov. 19 to consider how to approach the case in light of Trump’s looming inauguration in January 2025, email correspondence made public on Tuesday showed.Trump’s scheduled Nov. 26 sentencing is now widely expected to be postponed.Trump in May became the first U.S. president - former or sitting - convicted of a crime when a jury in Manhattan found him guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a potential sex scandal shortly before his first election win in 2016. Trump, who pleaded not guilty, has vowed to appeal the verdict after sentencing.Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo wrote there were “competing interests” between ensuring a criminal case proceeds as usual and protecting the office of the president.“The People agree that these are unprecedented circumstances,“ Colangelo wrote.Trump is set to be the first felon inaugurated as president after his victory over Vice President Kamala Harris.At issue in the six-week Manhattan trial was a $130,000 payment made by Trump’s then-lawyer Michael Cohen to adult film actress Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about a sexual encounter she said she had with him in 2006 but which he has denied.Trump’s defense lawyer Emil Bove wrote that the case ultimately needed to be dismissed to avoid interfering with Trump’s presidential duties.“The stay, and dismissal, are necessary to avoid unconstitutional impediments to President Trump’s ability to govern,“ Bove wrote.TRUMP FACED FOUR CRIMINAL CASESTrump, 78, is hoping to enter office unencumbered by any of four criminal cases he has faced and which once were thought to have threatened to derail his 2024 candidacy to return to the White House after having served from 2017-2021.The Republican Trump has portrayed the hush money case brought by Bragg, a Democrat, and the three other state and federal criminal indictments brought in 2023 as politically motivated attempts to harm his presidential campaign. He pleaded not guilty in all four cases.“It is now abundantly clear that Americans want an immediate end to the weaponization of our justice system,“ Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement on Tuesday.Special Counsel Jack Smith brought two of the cases against Trump, one involving classified documents he kept after leaving office and the other involving his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss. A Florida-based federal judge in July dismissed the documents case. The Justice Department is now evaluating how to wind down Smith’s election-related case.Trump also faces state criminal charges in Georgia over his bid to reverse his 2020 loss in that state, but the case remains in limbo.The Supreme Court, in a decision arising from one of Smith’s two cases against Trump, decided that presidents are immune from prosecution involving their official acts and that juries cannot be presented evidence of official acts in trials over personal conduct. It marked the first time that the court recognized any degree of presidential immunity from prosecution.In making the case for immunity, Trump’s lawyers said the jury that convicted Trump in the hush money case was shown evidence by prosecutors of his social media posts as president and heard testimony from his former aides about conversations that occurred in the White House during his 2017-2021 term.Bragg’s office countered that the Supreme Court’s ruling has no bearing on the case, which they said concerned “wholly unofficial conduct.” The Supreme Court in its ruling found no immunity for a president’s unofficial acts. Full Article Reuters
low Tesla’s safety design questioned following Toronto crash By thesun.my Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 12:00:15 GMT THE tragic crash of a Tesla Model Y in Toronto in October has raised serious concerns about the accessibility and usability of the car’s electronic door handles during emergencies. The fiery accident claimed the lives of four individuals: Neelraj Gohil (25), his sister Ketaba Gohil (29), Jay Sisodiya, and Digvijay Patel, leaving a sole survivor, a woman in her 20s.The woman’s escape was made possible by Rick Harper, a Canada Post employee, who heroically smashed the car’s window with a metal pole. Harper described the survivor as “desperate to get out,” but unable to open the car’s doors from inside. Tesla vehicles rely on an electronic button to open doors rather than traditional handles, and if the car’s power system fails in a crash, the doors may become inoperable.Concerns About Tesla’s Safety DesignWhile Tesla promotes a “safety-first design” and manual override mechanisms for emergencies, these features are not widely known or intuitive. The manual override involves removing a door panel and pulling a hidden cable — a process that could be difficult or impossible in the chaos and panic of a serious accident.Safety experts and crash investigators have raised concerns that victims may not be aware of the override feature or may lack the presence of mind to locate and use it under duress.The AccidentThe Tesla reportedly crashed into a guardrail at high speed along Lake Shore Boulevard East. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but the crash’s aftermath has drawn attention to Tesla’s safety protocols, particularly in situations involving power failure. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has several ongoing investigations into the Tesla Model Y, ranging from “unexpected brake activation” to “sudden unintended acceleration.”A Heroic Rescue EffortHarper’s quick action saved the survivor, but he was unaware that others were trapped inside due to the dense smoke. “I didn’t know there were other people in there. The smoke was so thick,” he said. It remains unclear if the other passengers also struggled to open the doors.Broader ImplicationsThis tragedy underscores the need for automakers to improve safety features in EVs, especially during power failures. Intuitive and easily accessible escape mechanisms are critical, and greater public awareness of emergency procedures is vital.As investigators work to determine the exact cause of the crash, this incident highlights the balance that must be struck between advanced technology and real-world practicality in automotive safety. Full Article Timothy Prakash
low Following orders By www.philstar.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 This is the cost of following orders, whether blindly or knowingly, in the Philippine National Police: 214 cops faced 352 criminal charges, with 20 still in detention, for carrying out the war on drugs during the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte. Another 195 cops were sacked while 398 face possible dismissal from the PNP over administrative cases. Full Article
low SilverStone FARA 514X High Air Flow Case Review and more @ NT Compatible By www.majorgeeks.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 02:40:24 -0500 ... Full Article
low Should You Allow Your Auto Insurance To Monitor Your Driving? By clark.com Published On :: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 The number of drivers who let their insurance monitor their driving has more than doubled in less than a decade! While many drivers were once skeptical of the practice, the benefits are becoming more and more appealing as people make the switch to usage-based insurance. And as car insurance rates continue to climb, even more […] The post Should You Allow Your Auto Insurance To Monitor Your Driving? appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Car Insurance newsletter
low Follow Clark Howard’s #1 Rule To Travel Cheap By clark.com Published On :: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 14:00:39 +0000 Wondering how to travel cheap? Money expert Clark Howard has a lot of experience and advice to share when it comes to answering this question! The post Follow Clark Howard’s #1 Rule To Travel Cheap appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Travel partner_rss_exclude
low Follow These Tips if an Airline Reschedules Your Flight By clark.com Published On :: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 14:00:00 +0000 Are you holding airline tickets for an upcoming trip? The odds are favorable that you will fly on schedule. However, be aware that the airlines can tweak departure times, flight frequency, and in some cases even swap aircraft models based on customer demand. Monitor Your Flight Status and Know Your Passenger Rights If you’re trying […] The post Follow These Tips if an Airline Reschedules Your Flight appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Travel
low India's August retail inflation stays below 4% for second consecutive month By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 19:23:00 +0500 Soaring vegetable prices undermine expectations for a dovish approach in the upcoming monetary policy meeting Full Article Business
low A sneak peek into Nusrat's lost album 'Chain of Light' and the magic that follows By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Mon, 02 Sep 24 08:41:43 +0500 On Saturday night, a select few from Karachi enjoyed excerpts from the album and an extended trailer of ‘Ustad’ Full Article Music Spotlight
low Malaika Arora shares emotional tribute to father following his death By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 06:11:16 +0500 The actress asks for respect and privacy as her family navigates this difficult period. Full Article Pakistan
low Irish crowd waits hours for Halloween parade, only to find it was fake By www.geo.tv Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 13:38:00 +0500 A representational image showing people wearing costumes during a Halloween parade. — AFP/FileDUBLIN: In a rather intriguing yet disturbing revelation, a Pakistan-based artificial intelligence-powered website has been found to be behind a hoax Halloween parade in Dublin that led to... Full Article
low Streaming Video Prices Rise While Quality Falls, Following Cable TV’s Lead By www.techdirt.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 13:23:02 +0000 Streaming video still provides some meaningful advantages to traditional cable: it’s generally cheaper (assuming you don’t sign up for every service under the sun); customer satisfaction ratings are generally higher; and users have more power to pick and choose and cancel services at a whim. But the party simply isn’t poised to last. Thanks to […] Full Article 1 disney netflix warner bros. discovery competition consumers enshittification prices streaming tv video
low Parents can lower risk of diabetes in children with THIS practice By www.geo.tv Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 11:12:37 +0500 A representational image shows a toddler eating cereal. — UnsplashA groundbreaking study has revealed a simple practice that parents can adopt to protect their children from getting diagnosed with diabetes in later years.According to The Hill, a recent... Full Article
low Jamie Foxx embraces powerful daily mantra following life threatening health crisis By www.geo.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 06:55:21 +0500 Jamie Foxx embraces powerful daily mantra following health crisisJamie Foxx revealed the daily mantra he lives by after surviving a health scare back in April 2023.The Oscar winner took to his official Instagram account on Tuesday, November 12, to share his powerful... Full Article
low Meghan Markle to put an end to cold war with Royal family: ‘Needs to swallow pride' By www.geo.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:02:00 +0500 Meghan Markle to put an end to cold war with Royal family: ‘Needs to swallow pride’Meghan Markle has realized that in order to build a reputation in the US, she needs to rebuild relationships with the members of the Royal family.According to Closer Magazine, the... Full Article
low Contemporary Politics is Much Better Understood Using Maslow Pyramid Than The Economic Left-to-Right Scale By falkvinge.net Published On :: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 18:26:45 +0000 Activism: In the ever-evolving landscape of politics, we often find ourselves confined to the traditional left-right spectrum. This binary view, with its emphasis on economic and social policies, sometimes obscures deeper motivations driving voter behavior and political trends. As a result, we might miss crucial insights that could enhance our understanding of why people vote the way they do, why political movements gain momentum, and why some ideas resonate while others falter. I have found an alternative framework to be far more helpful: the Maslow Pyramid. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, typically illustrated as a pyramid, categorizes human needs into five levels: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow famously hypothesized, that a lower-level need must be satisfied before we start attempting to fulfill the needs of the next level — as an example, while we’re starving and live in fear of being robbed (level one), we’re not so much concerned with having the respect of the community (level four). By examining political trends through this lens, we can gain a richer, more nuanced perspective on what drives societal shifts and voter preferences. Physiological Needs and the Politics of Survival At the base of Maslow’s pyramid are physiological needs: food, water, warmth, and rest — as well as immediate physical safety. In times of economic crisis, political discourse often gravitates towards these fundamental concerns. Populist movements frequently gain traction by promising to address the immediate needs of the people. For instance, during the Great Recession, there was a surge in support for policies focused on job creation, healthcare access, and basic economic security. Politicians who can convincingly address these basic needs often see significant support from constituencies facing hardship just getting from one day to the next without getting beaten, robbed, or starved. Fear of getting to this state (fear of getting robbed on your way to/from work, school, etc.) will also suffice to place oneself at this level. However, if established parties fail to address these concerns, voters will inevitably turn to whomever offers a solution, even if it’s an atrocious one. It’s like choosing Comcast for your Internet connection when no other provider is available—you know the service is subpar, but having some connection is better than none. Similarly, in politics, when mainstream parties neglect the foundational needs of the populace, fringe or extremist parties can gain support by simply acknowledging and addressing these unmet needs — and that is regardless of how flawed their solutions to said problems may be. Safety Needs and the Demand for Stability Moving up the pyramid, once the physical needs are met, then safety needs encompass longer-term personal security, employment, and health. Political rhetoric around law and order, immigration control, and national security taps into these safety concerns. When people feel their safety is threatened, whether by crime, terrorism, or economic instability, they are more likely to support policies and leaders who promise to restore stability and protect them from perceived threats. The post-9/11 era (just after 2001), with its heightened focus on national security, is a prime example of how safety needs can dominate the political agenda. Yet again, if traditional parties fail to provide a sense of security, voters may gravitate towards any party that promises to deliver it, even if their methods are draconian and/or frankly ridiculous. Love and Belonging: The Politics of Identity The middle tier of the pyramid addresses social needs: relationships, friendships, and a sense of belonging. Identity politics, which includes movements advocating for the rights of specific social groups based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and more, finds its roots here. Political movements that foster a sense of community and belonging can galvanize supporters by addressing these intrinsic needs. The LGBPQRST+ rights movement, for instance, not only fights for legal rights but also seeks to create a supportive community for its members. When mainstream parties overlook these social needs, people will seek out any group or party that offers them a sense of belonging, even if that party’s overall agenda is problematic. It’s a matter of seeking connection where it’s available. Esteem: The Quest for Recognition Esteem needs encompass respect, self-esteem, status, and recognition. Political leaders who can validate the contributions and worth of their supporters often build strong, loyal followings. This is evident in political campaigns that emphasize the dignity of work, the importance of patriotism, and the recognition of personal achievements. Policies aimed at rewarding hard work and providing opportunities for personal advancement resonate deeply with voters seeking validation and respect. Self-Actualization: The Pursuit of Fulfillment At the peak of the pyramid is self-actualization — the realization of one’s potential and the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment. Politics at this level involves visionary thinking and appeals to higher ideals. Environmental movements with or without solutions based in reality, space exploration initiatives, and educational reforms often engage this need. Leaders who inspire through their vision of a better future, who challenge citizens to think beyond their immediate concerns and contribute to something greater than themselves, tap into this highest level of human motivation. It’s rather telling that the biggest telltale sign for voters (and media), who are personally at this level of human needs, is that they often and happily paint the political parties and movements answering to level-one and level-two human needs as brutish, uneducated, simpleton and backwards — when in reality, what such name-calling voters who pretend to hold themselves to some sort of higher standard are really doing, is disacknowledging that other people’s most basic needs are simply not being met. Talk about being overprivileged in ivory towers! “Let them eat cake”, anyone? If mainstream political parties neglect to engage voters at this level, people will align with any party that inspires them, even if the broader agenda is not entirely sound. It can be somewhat like signing up for a self-help seminar led by a guy who lives in his mom’s basement because he speaks so passionately about “unlocking your potential.” A Holistic Approach to Political Analysis By applying the Maslow Pyramid to our understanding of political trends, we gain a multi-dimensional view that goes beyond the simplicity of left versus right. This approach allows us to see how different policies and political messages resonate with various segments of the population based on their current needs and aspirations. For instance, a comprehensive healthcare reform policy can address physiological needs by ensuring access to medical care, safety needs by providing financial security, love and belonging by reducing social disparities, esteem by recognizing healthcare as a right, and self-actualization by promoting a healthier society capable of achieving its full potential. It’s further important to realize that an individual voter would vote for completely different parties, even at opposite ends of the traditional spectrum, depending on where they feel the most urgency in their personal needs at the moment, and that this is not a contradiction or uncertainty on policies. In conclusion, the Maslow Pyramid provides a valuable framework for understanding the complex and dynamic nature of political trends. It reminds us that politics is fundamentally about people and their needs. By considering these needs in our political analysis, we can develop more empathetic, effective, and inclusive strategies that resonate deeply with the human condition. And crucially, we must remember that when these needs are ignored, voters will turn to any party that promises to meet them, even if it means accepting a deeply flawed solution. After all, in the absence of better options, you might just end up with Comcast. Full Article Activism Headlines Liberty Old World Quality Legislation
low BMX Autumn Session - Shawn & Robin - Mellowpark Berlin By www.kunstform.org Published On :: 2015-11-12 13:46:15 BMX Autumn Session - Shawn & Robin - Mellowpark Berlin Robin Kachfi & Shawn Hammer spend some time at Mellowpark in Berlin and made this edit for us! Nice autumn mood and chilled vibes out there! Kamera: Robin Kachfi, Meo Kunze & Markus Lange Music: Danny Brown - 25 bucks instrumental Full Article
low BTM Halloween-Jam #3 By www.kunstform.org Published On :: 2018-10-22 22:28:54 At the 27th October 2018, the BTM Halloween-Jam will take place the third time in a row at the Rolling Bonez e.V. Freiberg Skatepark. The contest will be splitted in 3 groups. The Contest fees are for Group A: 5€ - Group B: 4€ - Kids (U12) 2€ a part from that every one who's dressed up for Halloween must only pay half. Everyone got 2 runs inlcuding 1 best trick. Food, drinks and music will be provided, so just come over and have a good time. All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! What: BTM Halloween-Jam #3 When: 27th of October 2018 Where: Skatehalle Freiberg Fuchsmühlenweg 13 09599 Freiberg More infos on Facebook. Full Article
low Robin Kachfi - Halloween 2018 Video By www.kunstform.org Published On :: 2018-11-01 21:03:59 Robin Kachfi filmed together with Michael Lorenz a really rad Halloween Video, which you can watch now at Robin's Youtube Channel. You definitely shouldn't miss this! Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! Video: Robin Kachfi subscribe to our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/kunstformbmxshop Full Article
low Robin Kachfi - Mellowpark Vlog By www.kunstform.org Published On :: 2019-06-08 18:41:38 Our Bro Robin Kachfi has teamed up with Nik Pfeiffer to head to Berlin for the Highway to Hill contest. As you know, a long journey should be enjoyed, so the guys went off a little earlier to be able to search for spots. Apparently, the good is close, so the guys have decided to shred the DIY Parks within the Mellowpark. The video rounds up with a lot fails, so we are quite sure you cannot resist! Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! Video: Robin Kachfi Related links: all Products of kunstform all products of Radio Bikes Robin's YouTube Channel Full Article
low Miguel Smajli - Subrosa Brand Wallflower BMX Video By www.kunstform.org Published On :: 2021-02-05 15:03:58 While completing his apprenticeship at the kunstform BMX shop in Stuttgart, between school, work and producing rap hits, Miguel Smajli found time to film a new video with David Schaller, in which you won't notice that he's been doing anything else but filming for this video. The track, the tricks and the clips flow together seamlessly, watch this and catch some vibes! Have fun with the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team! Video: David Schaller Related links: all products of Subrosa all products of kunstform Full Article
low Oregon a unanimous No. 1 ahead of first playoff rankings, followed by Georgia, Ohio State By www.washingtontimes.com Published On :: Sun, 03 Nov 2024 14:15:04 -0500 Oregon was the unanimous choice for No. 1 in The Associated Press college football poll on Sunday, strengthening its bid for the top spot in the College Football Playoff selection committee's first rankings of the season. Full Article