
Episode 172: Feature-Oriented Software Development with Sven Apel – Pt 1

Sven Apel explains why developing software in a feature-oriented manner is so vital for us as software engineers and why objects are simply not enough.


Episode 173: Feature-Oriented Software Development with Sven Apel – Pt 2

Recording Venue: University of Passau Guest: Sven Apel Host: Stefan In this second episode on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD), Sven Apel gives us an overview of programming language and tool support for FOSD. He introduces the Eclipse-based FeatureIDE which covers important phases of the FOSD process, namely domain implementation as well as configuration and generation. […]


Episode 181: Distributed Scrum with Rini van Solingen

In this episode we talk with Rini van Solingen about scrum and agile software development in distributed settings.


Episode 203: Leslie Lamport on Distributed Systems

Leslie Lamport won a Turing Award in 2013 for his work in distributed and concurrent systems. He also designed the document preparation tool LaTex. Leslie is employed by Microsoft Research, and has recently been working with TLA+, a language that is useful for specifying concurrent systems from a high level. The interview begins with a […]


Episode 229: Flavio Junqueira on Distributed Coordination with Apache ZooKeeper



SE-Radio Episode 241: Kyle Kingsbury on Consensus in Distributed Systems


Camille Fournier on Real-World Distributed Systems

Stefan Tilkov talks to Camille Fournier about the challenges developers face when building distributed systems, whether the can avoid building them at all, and what changes occur once they do.



Donny Nadolny of PagerDuty joins Robert Blumen to tell the story of debugging an issue that PagerDuty encountered when they set up a Zookeeper cluster that spanned across two geographically separated datacenters in different regions.


SE-Radio Episode 285: James Cowling on Dropbox’s Distributed Storage System

James Cowling of Dropbox tells Robert Blumen about their massive migration from Amazon’s S3 to their own distributed storage system.


SE-Radio Episode 337: Ben Sigelman on Distributed Tracing

Ben Sigelman CEO of LightStep and co-author of the OpenTracing standard discusses distributed tracing, a form of event-driven observability for debugging distributed systems, understanding latency outlyers, and delivering "white box" analytics.


Episode 368: Bryan Helmig on Managing Distributed Teams

The use of distributed and remote software teams have grown dramatically in the past five years, presenting new challenges for managers and engineers alike. Bryan Helmig talks about the best practices his company, Zapier, uses to manage remote software...


Episode 377: Heidi Howard on Distributed Consensus

Heidi Howard, a researcher in the field of distributed systems, discusses distributed consensus. Heidi explains when we need it, when we don't need and the algorithms we use to achieve it.


Episode 379: Claire Le Goues on Automated Program Repair

Felienne interviews Claire Le Goues about automatic program repair. Can programs repair themselves and what techniques are involved in that?


Episode 406: Torin Sandall on Distributed Policy Enforcement

Torin Sandall of Styra and Open Policy Agent discussed OPA and policy engines and how they can benefit software projects security and compliance. Host Justin Beyer spoke with Sandall about the benefits of removing authorization logic from your application...


Episode 414: Jens Gustedt on Modern C

Jens Gustedt, author of the Modern C book discusses Modern C, what is legacy C and all aspects of the C programming world with its historic flaws, modern improvements and simple beauty.


Episode 470: L. Peter Deutsch on the Fallacies of Distributed Computing

L Peter Deutsch of Aladdin Enterprises and formerly of Sun Microsystems joined host Jeff Doolittle to discuss the fallacies of distributed computing. Peter retold the history and origin of the fallacies and how they have been addressed over...


Episode 487: Davide Bedin on Dapr Distributed Application Runtime

Davide Bedine, a cloud solution architect at Microsoft and professional Dapr enthusiast joined host Jeff Doolittle to discuss his book, Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET. Dapr, the Distributed Application Runtime, simplifies cloud-native...


Episode 502: Omer Katz on Distributed Task Queues Using Celery

Omer Katz, a software consultant and core contributor to the Celery discusses the Celery task processing framework with host Nikhil Krishna. We discuss in depth, the Celery task processing framework, it's architecture and the underlying messaging...


SE Radio 560: Sugu Sougoumarane on Distributed SQL with Vitess

Sugu Sougoumarane discusses how to face the challenges of horizontally scaling MySQL databases through the Vitess distribution engine and Planetscale, a service built on top of Vitess. The journey began with the growing pains of scale at YouTube around the time of Google’s acquisition of the video service. This episode explores ideas about topology management, sharding, Paxos, connection pooling, and how Vitess handles large transactions while abstracting complexity from the application layer.


SE Radio 578: Ori Mankali on Secrets Management using Distributed Fragments Cryptography

In this episode, Ori Mankali, senior VP of engineering at cloud security startup Akeyless, speaks with SE Radio’s Nikhil Krishna about secrets management and the innovative use of distributed fragment cryptography (DFC). In the context of enterprise IT, 'secrets’ are crucial for authentication in providing access to internal applications and services. Ori describes the unique challenges of managing these sensitive data, particularly given the complexities of doing so on a large scale in substantial organizations. They discuss the necessity for a secure system for managing secrets, highlighting key features such as access policies, audit capabilities, and visualization tools. Ori introduces the concept of distributed fragment cryptography, which boosts security by ensuring that the entire secret is never known to any single entity. The episode explores encryption and decryption and the importance of key rotation, as they consider the challenges and potential solutions in secrets management.


SE Radio 592: Jaxon Repp on Distributed Data Infrastructure

Jaxon Repp of HarperDB speaks with Brijesh Ammanath about distributed data infrastructure, including what it is and why it's important. They discuss the key factors that make distributed data infrastructure attractive, as well as challenges to implementing it. The episode explores the architecture and design principles, the key security considerations, and the transition factors for distributed data Infrastructure. Brought to you by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Software.


SE Radio 625: Jonathan Schneider on Automated Refactoring with OpenRewrite

Jonathan Schneider, the cofounder of Moderne and the creator of OpenRewrite, talks with SE Radio's Gregory Kapfhammer about automated software maintenance. In addition to exploring the design and implementation of OpenRewrite, Schneider explains how the tool can automatically support software maintenance tasks such as framework migration and security fixes for programs implemented in languages like Java. The episode also explores how OpenRewrite uses the lossless semantic tree to support automated refactoring though the use of recipes. Brought to you by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Software magazine.


SE Radio 633: Itamar Friedman on Automated Testing with Generative AI

Itamar Friedman, the CEO and co-founder of CodiumAI, speaks with host Gregory M. Kapfhammer about how to use generative AI techniques to support automated software testing. Their discussion centers around the design and use of Cover-Agent, an open-source implementation of the automated test augmentation tool described in the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) paper entitled “Automated Unit Test Improvement using Large Language Models at Meta“ by Alshahwan et al. The episode explores how large-language models (LLMs) can aid testers by automatically generating test cases that increase the code coverage of an existing testing suite. They also investigate other automated testing topics, including how Cover-Agent compares to different LLM-based tools and the strengths and weaknesses of using LLM-based approaches in software testing.


SE Radio 639: Cody Ebberson on Regulated Industries

Cody Ebberson, CTO of Medplum, joins host Sam Taggart to discuss the constraints that working in regulated industries add to the software development process. They explore some general aspects of developing for regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance, as well as a range of specific considerations that can add complexity and effort. Cody describes how translating regulatory requirements into test specifications and automating those tests can help streamline software development in these regulated environments. 

Brought to you by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Software magazine.


Not What They Expected: Grandparents As Day Care

Expanded federal funding for child care ended Oct. 1, and in many cases, extended families, including grandparents, will shoulder the burden.


United Auto Workers’ Strike Yields Win for “Just Transition”

In bringing electric vehicle battery plants under its national contract, the UAW took a major step toward transitioning away from fossil fuels in a way that protects workers' rights.


Press Pack: Meet the gymnastics summer camp excited for the Olympics

Two Press Packers from Northern Ireland tell Newsround all about their gymnastics club and why they're so excited for the 2024 Paris Games.


How has the world reacted to Donald Trump's election win?

Leaders around the world have started sending their congratulations to Trump.


Anti-Bullying Week: ‘United Against Bullying’

This week is the 19th annual Anti-Bullying Week, an event intended to raise awareness about bullying, and share advice about how children, teachers, parents and schools can all help stop it.


"The disease originated in Britain" not "The disease originated."

  • General Language Discussions


Once Upon A School - TED Prize Winner

I recently watched an inspiring talk given as part of the TED 2008 conference by Dave Eggers, a philanthropist and teacher-at-large (as they describe him). The talk shows ways in which dedicated one-to-one teaching can be provided to pupils who would not normally have access to this sort of personal tuition. What's more, the students seem to lap it up.

The successful and growing network of professionals volunteering their time to shine their light on local students of all ages is only part of the story. His novel approach to teaching and the way he makes learning fun should be an inspiration to all of us.

As Time puts it: "Many writers, having written a first best-seller, might see it as a nice way to start a career. He started a movement instead."


Interested in Taking a MOOC? Try Class Central

Have you been interested in taking a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), but don't know where to find one or how to get started?

Class Central is a free MOOC aggregator that provides links to a wide variety of courses from universities like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc. (offered via Coursera, Udacity, edX, NovoED, and others).

The site allows you to search for MOOCs according to the course name, instructor, subject, start date, length of course, and course provider. Class Central also offers a "MOOC Tracker" service that will send you email notifications when a MOOC that is of interest to you becomes available.

MOOCs are a great idea for your students if your school doesn't offer advanced courses for a particular subject and they are also great resources for instructors and others. Try one and I think you will find out how they can be a benefit to you. I did!


Mastering stability test of power transformer: Differential and Restricted Earth Fault (REF) protection

This technical article discusses the essentials of transformer differential protection and restricted earth fault protection schemes, contrasting the two and elaborating on why the latter is necessary. Furthermore, it reveals the outcomes of stability tests performed on a 502 MVA... Read more

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Low voltage ride through in grid connected hybrid renewable energy systems

Researches so far shows that, by 2020, around 20% of the total energy production worldwide will be generated from renewable energy. But the major problem with the standalone system is that the sources are not continuous. This intermittent nature of... Read more

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In Front Of The Third Electrical Systems Revolution in United States

A dizzying array of new energy technologies are reaching or nearing the marketplace. Newer choices to generate electricity include fuel cells, wind turbines, solar cells and microturbines. Energy storage is approaching practicality, for example through reversible fuel cells and flywheels.... Read more

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Driving Distributed Energy with Smart Networks

The smart network will set up a virtuous cycle for distributed generators and energy storage devices. It will grow the market by opening up more niches where distributed energy is economically competitive. This growth will lead to economies of scale... Read more

The post Driving Distributed Energy with Smart Networks appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


SF6 Gas Monitoring and Alarming Practices in Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Systems

This article provides guidance on how to conduct gas monitoring and explains the various alerts that can be set. The many sorts of defects that might lead to partial discharges are discussed, and various partial discharge measuring techniques are described,... Read more

The post SF6 Gas Monitoring and Alarming Practices in Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Systems appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


First Certificate- Updated Exam Specifications

We are updating our site to incorporate the changes that have been made by the updates to the First Certicate in English (FCE) exam from Cambridge English.


First Woman Elected to Senate (1932)

January 12
Three Branches, One Government
Review the functions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government, as well as how the three branches relate to each other.


Automated, but hackable. Is power grid in your country safe from cyberattacks?

Yes, many of today’s power grids are very sophisticated and automated. Every single event and piece of equipment is tracked, controlled, measured, and protected. But things aren’t as bright as it seems. As we can see, it turns out that... Read more

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Failures, Testing and Protections Associated with Field Winding of a Generator

Generator field winding is an integral part of the generator set which is responsible for generating the magnetic field that induces the stator emf when the rotor rotates. Regulation of current in this winding with the help of an AVR... Read more

The post Failures, Testing and Protections Associated with Field Winding of a Generator appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Africa United Online Resource

Online resource featuring activities based on film stills and clips, suitable for KS3 English & Media, Geography, Citizenship and PSHE.


A detailed checklist for the installation and commissioning of Gas-Insulated Substations (GIS)

Gas-insulated substations (GIS) are critical components of modern electrical power systems, providing efficient and compact solutions for the transmission and distribution of electricity. These substations utilize sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas as an insulating and arc-quenching medium, offering several advantages over... Read more

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Substation Equipment Maintenance: Often Neglected Until Something Big Drops Dead

The aging process starts the moment new substation equipment is put into service; how quickly it happens depends on a number of factors, including the equipment’s use, the environment, the quality of maintenance, and many more. However, things aren’t the... Read more

The post Substation Equipment Maintenance: Often Neglected Until Something Big Drops Dead appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Practical lesson in grounding and bonding of Gas-Insulated Switchgear (GIS)

With the exception of SF6-to-air bushings terminals, all active portions of gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) are contained within grounded enclosures, which means that they are not susceptible to inadvertent contact. This makes gas-insulated switchgear intrinsically safe. In addition, numerous grounding procedures... Read more

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Bringing new life to an old Air-Insulated Substation (AIS)

An increasing number of substations globally are aging, while the construction of new ones is hindered by competitive limitations, rigorous environmental rules, and community acceptance issues. Simultaneously, the demand for electricity is consistently escalating, resulting in increased short circuit levels... Read more

The post Bringing new life to an old Air-Insulated Substation (AIS) appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.