
Green Advocacy vs. Informed Consent

“Green advocacy” is the very opposite of informed consent.


El luchador Conor McGregor afirma que mantuvo sexo "consentido, vigoroso y enérgico" con la mujer que le acusa de violación

En su primera declaración por la demanda civil contra él, Conor Mc Gregor admite que consumió alcohol y cocaína pero asegura que la demandante, al abandonar el hotel, no estaba afectada ni presentaba lesiones Leer


News24 | Legal council refuses request for access to Mpofu complaint records - because he won't give consent

The Legal Practice Council has refused to release records linked to professional misconduct complaints lodged against Dali Mpofu, because the advocate “did not give his consent for sharing his information”.


Consent, touch, looks and gestures: ‘What’s the Film About?’


Consenting to the Devil

Join Michael as he addresses our choices and what we consent to that results in us either growing in holiness and union with Christ, or an unholy union with the devil that leads to our gradual and eventual complete destruction.


Heather harvesting carried out without consent

Farmers say the National Trust has damaged heathland on the Long Mynd.


How Students’ Information Sensitivity, Privacy Trade-Offs, and Stages of Customer Journey Affect Consent to Utilize Personal Data

Aim/Purpose: This study aimed to increase our understanding of how the stages of the customer purchase journey, privacy trade-offs, and information sensitivity of different business service sectors affect consumers’ privacy concerns. Background: The study investigated young consumers’ willingness to provide consent to use their personal data at different phases of the customer journey. This study also examined their readiness to provide consent if they receive personal benefits, and how information sensitivity varied between different individuals and business sectors. Methodology: Data was collected by a quantitative survey (n=309) and analyzed with R using the Bayesian linear mixed effect modeling approach. The sample consisted of university students in Finland, who represented a group of young and digitally native consumers. The questionnaire was designed for this study and included constructs with primarily Likert-scale items. Contribution: The study contributed to data privacy and consent management research in information sensitivity, privacy trade-off, and the customer journey. The study underlined the need for a stronger user experience focus and contextuality. Findings: The results showed that readiness to disclose personal data varied at different phases of the customer journey as privacy concerns did not decrease in a linear fashion throughout the purchase process. Perceived benefits affected the willingness to provide consent for data usage, but concerned consumers would be less trade-off oriented. Self-benefit was the most relevant reason for sharing, while customization was the least. There is a connection between the information sensitivity of different business sector information and privacy concerns. No support for gender differences was found, but age affected benefits and business sector variables. Recommendations for Practitioners: The study recommends approaching consumers’ data privacy concerns from a customer journey perspective while trying to motivate consumers to share their personal data with relevant perceived benefits. The self-benefit was the most relevant benefit for willingness to provide consent, while customization was the least. Recommendation for Researchers: The study shows that individual preference for privacy was a major factor directly and via interaction for all three models. This study also showed that consumers’ subjective decision-making in privacy issues is both a situational and a contextual factor. Impact on Society: This study could encourage policymakers and societies to develop guidelines on how to develop privacy practices and consent management to be more user centric as individuals are increasingly concerned about their online privacy. Future Research: This study encourages examining consumers’ motivational factors to provide digital consent for companies with experimental research settings. This study also calls to explore perceived benefits in all age groups from the perspective of different information in various business sectors. This study shows that privacy concern is a contextual and situational factor.



Questo è il manifesto firmato da 6 premi Nobel e altre 50 personalità come Yoko Ono Lennon, Peter Gabriel, Andrea Camilleri, Éric Cantonà.
Foto: Andrea Camilleri

Una grande maggioranza di catalani ha manifestato, ripetutamente e in diverse forme, il desiderio di esercitare il diritto democratico a votare sul proprio futuro politico.

Questa ferma richiesta di votare discende da una lunga serie di contrasti tra i governi di Catalogna e di Spagna sul grado di autonomia culturale, politica e finanziaria che deve essere garantita ai catalani, nonostante i numerosi tentativi di giungere ad una soluzione accettabile condivisa.
Come dimostrano i precedenti del Québec e della Scozia, il modo migliore di risolvere i legittimi contrasti interni è il ricorso agli strumenti della democrazia.

Impedire ai catalani di votare appare in contrasto con i principi ispiratori delle società democratiche.

Pertanto, rivolgiamo un appello al governo spagnolo e alle altre istituzioni statali, così come alle omologhe istituzioni catalane, a lavorare congiuntamente per far sì che la cittadinanza catalana possa votare sul proprio futuro politico e affinché successivamente, sulla base del risultato, si aprano negoziati secondo il principio di buona fede.


'But, what is a researcher?' Developing a novel ethics resource to support informed consent with young children.

Children's Geographies; 06/01/2024
(AN 178088790); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


Precision Retail launches rewards-based survey plugin to capture consent-based consumer data

The Golden Quarter of retail is approaching. Perfect time for retailers to gather mounds of consumer data. But how to do so compliantly? Two Toronto-based marketing specialists have an answer: Precision Retail, a new venture offering what they believe to be the world's first and only rewards-based post-purchase survey plugin to capture 0PD.


NinaData Announces Registration to IAB Europe's Transparency and Consent Framework

The NinaData buying intent platform is a near real-time contextual data platform for driving in-moment online results for brands. Using purpose-built AI for semantic analysis of content, NinaData builds sustainable data value and insights for brands.


Supreme Court of Puerto Rico Validates Implicit Consent for Arbitration Agreements in the Employment Context

In Aponte Valentín v. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, CC-2018-748,1 the Puerto Rico Supreme Court reinforced the strong public policy favoring arbitration agreements in Puerto Rico, validating continued employment as implicit consent for such agreements.


NAB Statement on Department of Justice Decision on ASCAP and BMI Consent Decrees

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the Department of Justice's decision to take no action on the consent decrees governing the performance royalty organizations ASCAP and BMI, the following statement can be attributed to NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith:


Arbitration Bill Legislative Consent Memorandum: Department of Justice

Room 30, Parliament Buildings

  • Committee for Justice


[ H.830.7 (04/17) ] - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Services interface Part 7: Consent Management: Health & Fitness Service sender

Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Services interface Part 7: Consent Management: Health & Fitness Service sender


[ H.830.8 (04/17) ] - Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Services interface Part 8: Consent Management: Health & Fitness Service receiver

Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Services interface Part 8: Consent Management: Health & Fitness Service receiver


[ C 42 ] Revision 2 - English - Zip file - Proposal to Consent OGC Open GeoSMS for ITU-T Recommendation

Proposal to Consent OGC Open GeoSMS for ITU-T Recommendation
Source: Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Study Questions: Q2/11


Diego Cancino me tocó sin mi consentimiento e intentó besarme: Viviana Vargas

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Viviana Vargas Ávila, funcionaria del Ministerio del Interior, para hablar sobre las denuncias que hizo en contra de Diego Cancino, viceministro de esta cartera, por acoso sexual.


She was sterilized without her consent at 14. Now she wants the practice made a crime

Author and activist Morningstar Mercredi is calling for an end to forced and coerced sterilization, in the hopes that women — especially First Nations, Inuit and Métis women — will never suffer the physical and mental trauma it inflicted upon her.

  • Radio/White Coat/ Black Art


Consent of the Governed

Plato, through the character of Socrates, advances a now classic argument against democracy. When it comes to a matter that requires knowledge and skill, such as a medical issue, it would be foolish to decide by having the ignorant vote …Read more »


Waiver of Informed Consent - proposed changes in the 21st Century Cures Act

Adam Feuerstein points out - and expresses considerable alarm over - an overlooked clause in the 21st Century Cures Act:

In another tweet, he suggests that the act will "decimate" informed consent in drug trials. Subsequent responses and retweets  did nothing to clarify the situation, and if anything tended to spread, rather than address, Feuerstein's confusion.

Below is a quick recap of the current regulatory context and a real-life example of where the new wording may be helpful. In short, though, I think it's safe to say:

  1. Waiving informed consent is not new; it's already permitted under current regs
  2. The standards for obtaining a waiver of consent are stringent
  3. They may, in fact, be too stringent in a small number of situations
  4. The act may, in fact, be helpful in those situations
  5. Feuerstein may, in fact, need to chill out a little bit

(For the purposes of this discussion, I’m talking about drug trials, but I believe the device trial situation is parallel.)

Section 505(i) - the section this act proposes to amend - instructs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to propagate rules regarding clinical research. Subsection 4 addresses informed consent:

…the manufacturer, or the sponsor of the investigation, require[e] that experts using such drugs for investigational purposes certify to such manufacturer or sponsor that they will inform any human beings to whom such drugs, or any controls used in connection therewith, are being administered, or their representatives, that such drugs are being used for investigational purposes and will obtain the consent of such human beings or their representatives, except where it is not feasible or it is contrary to the best interests of such human beings.

[emphasis  mine]

Note that this section already recognizes situations where informed consent may be waived for practical or ethical reasons.

These rules were in fact promulgated under 45 CFR part 46, section 116. The relevant bit – as far as this conversation goes – regards circumstances under which informed consent might be fully or partially waived. Specifically, there are 4 criteria, all of which need to be met:

 (1) The research involves no more than minimal risk to the subjects;
 (2) The waiver or alteration will not adversely affect the rights and welfare of the subjects;
 (3) The research could not practicably be carried out without the waiver or alteration; and
 (4) Whenever appropriate, the subjects will be provided with additional pertinent information after participation.

In practice, this is an especially difficult set of criteria to meet for most studies. Criterion (1) rules out most “conventional” clinical trials, because the hallmarks of those trials (use of an investigational medicine, randomization of treatment, blinding of treatment allocation) are all deemed to be more than “minimal risk”. That leaves observational studies – but even many of these cannot clear the bar of criterion (3).

That word “practicably” is a doozy.

Here’s an all-too-real example from recent personal experience. A drug manufacturer wants to understand physicians’ rationales for performing a certain procedure. It seems – but there is little hard data – that a lot of physicians do not strictly follow guidelines on when to perform the procedure. So we devise a study: whenever the procedure is performed, we ask the physician to complete a quick form categorizing why they made their decision. We also ask him or her to transcribe a few pieces of data from the patient chart.

Even though the patients aren’t personally identifiable, the collection of medical data qualifies this as a clinical trial.

It’s a minimal risk trial, definitely: the trial doesn’t dictate at all what the doctor should do, it just asks him or her to record what they did and why, and supply a bit of medical context for the decision. All told, we estimated 15 minutes of physician time to complete the form.

The IRB monitoring the trial, however, denied our request for a waiver of informed consent, since it was “practicable” (not easy, but possible) to obtain informed consent from the patient.  Informed consent – even with a slimmed-down form – was going to take a minimum of 30 minutes, so the length of the physician’s involvement tripled. In addition, many physicians opted out of the trial because they felt that the informed consent process added unnecessary anxiety and alarm for their patients, and provided no corresponding benefit.

The end result was not surprising: the budget for the trial more than doubled, and enrollment was far below expectations.

Which leads to two questions:

1.       Did the informed consent appreciably help a single patient in the trial? Very arguably, no. Consenting to being “in” the trial made zero difference in the patients’ care, added time to their stay in the clinic, and possibly added to their anxiety.
2.       Was less knowledge collected as a result? Absolutely, yes. The sponsor could have run two studies for the same cost. Instead, they ultimately reduced the power of the trial in order to cut losses.

Bottom line, it appears that the modifications proposed in the 21st Century Cures Act really only targets trials like the one in the example. The language clearly retains criteria 1 and 2 of the current HHS regs, which are the most important from a patient safety perspective, but cuts down the “practicability” requirement, potentially permitting high quality studies to be run with less time and cost.

Ultimately, it looks like a very small, but positive, change to the current rules.

The rest of the act appears to be a mash-up of some very good and some very bad (or at least not fully thought out) ideas. However, this clause should not be cause for alarm.


Consent Sex : എന്താണ് കൺസെന്റ് സെക്സ്? നടൻ വിനായകന്റെ ലൈംഗിക നിലപാട് കൺസെന്റ് സെക്സ് ആണോ?

Actor VInayakan Controversey കേൾക്കുമ്പോൾ വിനായകന്റെ വാക്കുകൾ വിഢുവായിത്തമായിട്ടോ തമാശയായിട്ടോ തോന്നിയേക്കാം. എന്നാൽ ആ വാക്കുകളിൽ ഒളിഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നത് സ്ത്രീ പുരുഷന്റെ ലൈംഗിക ഉപകരണമെന്നുള്ള ക്രൂരമായ സമൂഹിക നിലപാടാണ്.


Centre eyes ‘presumed consent’ for cornea retrieval in hospital deaths

THOTA may be amended to facilitate retrieval of cornea from all Indians who die in hospitals, without family consent. 


Split Announced 'Without My Consent'

'After 18 years of shared history, I believe that such a significant matter should be handled with the grace, respect, and privacy that it deserves.'


Manufacturing consent through selective knowledge

The World Bank's much touted 'knowledge' products are coming out of a flawed process. The bank hires highly paid consultants who are mostly directed through a system of incentives towards arriving at a pre-determined policy consensus. Information and experiences that run counter to the consensus are ignored. Shripad Dharmadhikary on the implications for India.


K'taka govt awaits consent of 6 states to operate trains for stranded people


Decision to relax curfew in Chandigarh gets court's consent


Take user privacy seriously, don't collect data without consent: Xiaomi

Xiaomi India Managing Director said that the company does not collect any user data that the user has not explicitly given permission or consent to. He added that in the browser's incognito mode, all user data is completely encrypted and anonymised. He also pointed out that all Mi Browser and Mi Cloud data of Indian users is stored locally in AWS servers in India.


ClinConsent Launches ClinConsent® 2.4, an eConsent solution for Life Science

Electronic Consent facilitate rapid and easy implement of Informed Consent in Clinical Trials.


Take user privacy seriously, don't collect data without consent: Xiaomi

Xiaomi India Managing Director said that the company does not collect any user data that the user has not explicitly given permission or consent to. He added that in the browser's incognito mode, all user data is completely encrypted and anonymised. He also pointed out that all Mi Browser and Mi Cloud data of Indian users is stored locally in AWS servers in India.


Consent to Medical and Healthcare Treatment Manual


Seattle, Department of Justice ask judge to release police from remaining consent decree oversight

Along with a 2018 ruling by the court that the city had reached full compliance with a 2012 consent decree, the request would dissolve virtually all remaining oversight of the police department regarding its use of force and other issues.


Seattle, Department of Justice ask judge to release police from remaining consent decree oversight

Along with a 2018 ruling by the court that the city had reached full compliance with a 2012 consent decree, the request would dissolve virtually all remaining oversight of the police department regarding its use of force and other issues.


This performer is using circus tricks to teach children about boundaries and consent

Meet the Tasmanian circus performer who's determined to teach kids and adults how flying through the air and hanging upside down can reframe how we think about bodies, boundaries and consent.


Consent of the Governed

Plato, through the character of Socrates, advances a now classic argument against democracy. When it comes to a matter that requires knowledge and skill, such as a medical issue, it would be foolish to decide by having the ignorant vote …


"The information we get can be harmfull"; Informed consent is not a panacea

Providing information to enable informed choices about healthcare sounds immediately appealing to most of us. But Minna Johansson, GP trainee and PhD student at the University of Gothenburg, argues that preventive medicine and expanding disease definitions have changed the ethical premises of informed choice and our good intentions may...


Family Court consent orders and enforcement applications : a “how to” guide for presenting them in an acceptable form / presented by Verity Brown, Registrar FCA.


Silence is consent / Rosemary Winderlich.


COVID-19 numbers from provincial, First Nations data sharing agreement won't be made public without consent

Manitoba health officials have an agreement with First Nations leaders to track and share COVID-19 data, but the public may never know specifics of what the unique agreement yields.

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


Perspectives on Informed Consent Practices for Minimal-Risk Research Involving Foster Youth


Obtaining Consent from Both Parents for Pediatric Research: What Does "Reasonably Available" Mean?

When research involving children is determined to present greater than minimal risk but no potential for direct benefit, permission is required from both parents, unless one is not reasonably available. These requirements are variably understood and applied, and guidance is lacking.

In a study on newborn screening, a sizeable percentage of fathers were not reasonably available, reflecting complexities of parental status and family relations. Guidelines developed in this project may provide tools for researchers and institutions to apply in other contexts. (Read the full article)


Variability in IRBs Regarding Parental Acceptance of Passive Consent

Passive or opt-out consent has been successfully used to recruit subjects in several investigational studies. However, institutional review boards are often inconsistent in their application of federal regulations regarding passive consent.

This study documented the variability among 24 local institutional review boards in their application of federal regulations regarding passive consent and parental acceptance of a passive consent strategy in a multicenter pediatric study. (Read the full article)


Deferred Consent for Randomized Controlled Trials in Emergency Care Settings

Deferral of consent avoids delaying emergency interventions while ensuring consent to ongoing participation and use of data. Deferred consent is particularly important for enabling trials in pediatric settings, where many medicines and devices are unlicensed and untested for use.

Approaches for seeking deferred consent should balance the potential burden of obtaining consent against risk of bias due to outcome-related attrition. Ethics committees could consider approving data use when best efforts to obtain deferred consent are met with no response. (Read the full article)


Scottish Parliament asked to consent to UK’s Emergency Coronavirus Bill

On Tuesday (24 March), MSPs from across the Scottish Parliament will scrutinise the proposed UK-wide Emergency Coronavirus Bill


Karnataka Awaits Consent Of 6 States To Operate Trains For Those Stranded

The Karnataka government is awaiting the approval of 6 out of the 11 states, that it had written for consent, to operate trains for the movement of stranded people.


Critical XSS Vulnerability Patched In WordPress Plugin GDPR Cookie Consent


Aylesbury Estate CPO – The Secretary of State Consents to Judgment

In September 2016 Communities secretary Sajid Javid decided not to confirm a compulsory purchase order (CPO) which underpinned regeneration proposals for the Aylesbury Estate in the London Borough of Southwark (Southwark). The CPO sought to acquire ...