
Hřib: Máme hodně úspěchů, ale nezajímali jsme voliče. O kmotrech v ODS mluvil už Topolánek

Piráti musí přestat řešit vnitřní spory a vrátit se k tomu, co voliče nejvíc zajímá, říká nový předseda strany Zdeněk Hřib v prvním rozhovoru po zvolení v podcastu Padni komu padni. Nejdůležitější je dle něj zlepšit kampaně, aby pirátští voliči přišli k volbám. Bez nich by dle Hřiba ze sněmovny zmizel liberální hlas.


Tragické osudy horolezkyň: Japonku nechali kolegové umrznout, Američanka zemřela s úsměvem na rtech

Sportem ku zdraví, říká se. A k trvalé invaliditě, dodávají jiní. V případě horolezectví to ale může dopadnout mnohem hůř. Všechny ty světově známé vrcholky mají svůj smutný seznam těch, kteří padli při jejich zdolávání. A pochopitelně mezi nimi nechybí ani ženy. Hannelore Schmatz se měla stát první Němkou, která zdolala Mount Everest. Na vrchol se dostala i se svým manželem Gerhardem, jakožto nejstarším pokořitelem hory. Jenže u Everestu je pořádně zrádná i cesta dolů. Hannelore se nakonec stala osudnou.


Realistic goals


Большая распродажа на AliExpress! Мощные скидки на аксессуары UGREEN в честь акции «11.11»

UGREEN объявила о распродаже некоторых своих аксессуаров на AliExpress в ходе ежегодной акции «11.11», которая продлится с 11 по 18 ноября. Компания снизила стоимость 4 популярных девайсов. Указанные ниже цены могут немного отличаться из-за влияния обменного курса. Итак, что предлагают? 1. Смарт-трекер UGREEN SmartTag Это метка, аналогичная AirTag, которая совместима с приложением Локатор. Подключается к...


10 полезных штук на AliExpress с распродажи 11.11. Например, аналог Mac mini на Windows

На AliExpress есть почти всё, что только можно пожелать — и особенно приятно, что к распродаже 11.11 многие товары доступны с внушительными скидками.


Complete List of Animalities in Mortal Kombat

Animalities have returned to Mortal Kombat. Players of the infamous fighting game series can finish a defeated opponent off by transforming into an animal and brutally mauling them death for the first time since 1995's Mortal Kombat 3 with the "Khaos Reigns" update to Mortal Kombat 1.

So, what follows is a list of every Mortal Kombatant's fursonas, basically, from Mortal Kombat 1. Two warnings: In explaining different characters roles, there may be spoilers for the games, and also, extreme, over the top violence and gore is the point of Animalities.

read more


Liberals and their media are attacking absolute equality under the law

Now for the first time in our history, we're witnessing a broad and powerful attack on the principle of equality. Daily, we are told that all people are not in fact created equal. Some were born with moral stain, others were not. Some Americans are guilty, some are innocent. Nothing can change this because it was all determined at birth. All we can do is respond accordingly. Continue reading

  • Accountants CPA Hartford
  • Articles
  • Blood guilt
  • equality is the most important thing we have
  • Is anyone in power defending absolute equality under the law
  • June 18 2020
  • Law Enforcement Reform Bill
  • Liberals and their media are attacking absolute equality under the law
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  • There are two versions of the law
  • There’s a reason racial tension is rising in America – it’s by design
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Antifa Black Lives Matter is a totalitarian political movement to overthrow a capitalistic free market and free society

Elected Republicans, almost all of them, are in no hurry to stop the disorder. They appear to believe what we're watching is a version of the Rodney King riots from 1992. People saw an upsetting video on the internet, they're angry, and that's understandable. But they'll calm down soon, and we can get back to cutting capital gains taxes and sanctioning Bashar al- Assad. That's their view of it. They are wrong. This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. It is not superficial. It is deep and profound. It has vast ambitions. It is insidious; it will grow. Its goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge Western civilization itself. This is an ideological movement. The ideas that fuel it have incubated for decades on college campuses. We paid for all of it, by the way. The rest of us were so thrilled that our kids got into Duke that we decided to ignore what Duke was actually teaching them and are continuing to send big checks. That was a mistake. It was one of the greatest mistakes we've ever made. Continue reading


Antifa and Black Lives Matter are the Democratic Party’s blackshirts and brownshirts to strengthen and protect our totalitarian fascist state

Democratic politicians don't fear the mob. Notice that? Why? Because they don't need to. They control the mob. The mob operates with their permission. These are their foot soldiers. This is their militia. Continue reading


FBI CIA NSA are not only spying on American citizens but also are illegally unmasking their identities to journalists who support our fascist government

FBI CIA NSA are not only spying on American citizens but also are illegally unmasking their identities to journalists who support our fascist government Continue reading


The Healing Process of Remorse and Self-Forgiveness *


Although often confused with guilt and shame, remorse is actually a much higher calibrating "emotion." It's the 21st Century alternative to feeling bad about yourself, and making others around you feel bad too.

It not only feels better and helps you move forward in your life, but it is healing for the Earth... and as we ride the 2012 Transition, Mother Earth needs all the help we can give her!

This article explains how it works, and why you are worthy of forgiveness.


Remorse is a method to heal yourself, and others, after making a mistake.

After all, anything that brings a feeling of remorse is a mistake -- just a mistake. Did you know that's the origin of the word "sin"? "Sin" was an archery term; it means missing the mark. That leaves a lot more possibility for positive growth, doesn't it!

So you don't need to berate yourself for eternity. There is nothing to berate yourself for if you didn't know any better, or if you did the best you could.

And I believe we always do the best we can, with what we have in the moment.

We're not perfect. Sometimes we do things we're not proud of. But, in the moment, that was undoubtedly the best that we could do.

Maybe you gave in to your meaner impulses. If you could have held yourself to a higher ideal in that moment, you would have done so. What would you have to gain, by not?

Maybe you didn't know how to do better. You can only work with what you know.

God does not expect you to know what you do not yet know!

For whatever reason -- fatigue, stress, anxiety, confusion, distraction, etc -- maybe you didn't do the best you hoped for. Maybe it wasn't as good as you could have done another day.

But you obviously did the best you could in that moment.

Why would anyone do less than that?

God doesn't need you to burn in hell for it, not even the hell of your own harsh thoughts. She only wants you to learn from the process, and to use it to grow. That's what remorse is all about.


There are four parts to the process of remorse.

The first part is a pang in your Heart. There is an energy there, call it an emotion if you like, that signals you are not happy with your actions.

From here, many people get derailed into guilt, instead of continuing the process of remorse.

The second part is the most important, the core of remorse...

You accept that you made a mistake. And you make an unemotional, practical assessment of your actions.

When your actions and choices don't live up to your ideals or ethics... you figure out how you could do better, discover what was moving in you (probably subconsciously) that caused that action, and -- here's the critical bit -- resolve to do better next time.

Remorse is calm and determined. Rather than destroying your self-respect, remorse enhances it. It provides you with the opportunity to grow, to live up to your ideals.

It recognises that within you there is a perfect being, capable of the best.

And that there is always another opportunity to try.

Contrast that with shame, which says that you are worthless and hopeless. There's just nowhere good to go, from there!

Remorse doesn't take the mistake personally. It sees an action as wrong, but not you as a person.

Remorse knows that people can't accurately, honestly be judged in terms of "wrong" and "bad."

The next step is always making amends. You must undo the error, to the best of your ability. And apologise, if it won't make things worse.

We must be clear -- this step has nothing to do with being forgiven by another person. Whether they forgive you or not is about them and their process, and is not about you.

To seek someone's forgiveness when they aren't ready to give it can be a further harm.

You fix the mistake if you can. That is the only purpose of this step.

Inherent in this process is self-forgiveness. You see a mistake, you acknowledge it, you figure out what went wrong, you fix it if you can, and you determine to not make that mistake again.

When you've done all that, forgiveness is a lot easier.

You can forgive yourself, because you know you aren't a bad person who intentionally did wrong... and because you are doing your best not to slip up that way in the future.

No one is perfect. No one is expected, by the Divine, not to make mistakes. On the contrary, that's often how we learn and grow.

That's all the Divine wants of you. Not perfection. But learning and growing from your slip-ups.

So you can accept that you did the best you were able to, at the time. And forgive yourself, for being human and humanly fallible.


If you get stuck in guilt, look for the underlying shame. Shame is like Velcro to guilt. It tells you that you deserve to feel terrible guilt, that you are not worthy of forgiveness or compassion or kindness.

But shame LIES.

You are worthy of forgiveness, because you are not a flawed person.You are Divinity tasting life as a mortal individual -- nothing else.

It doesn't matter what your family or coworkers or boss thinks of you. It doesn't matter how you've been treated by others -- that's nothing to do with YOU, that's all about the (human) blindness of others.

You are infinitely worthy and loveable!

And when others can't see that it's only because they haven't realised that they are infinitely worthy and loveable. When people get tied down, in their minds, into one little frail animal body and one small human life, all kinds of such misconceptions arise!

But it's not the truth.

The truth is that you are eternal -- learning and growing and polishing yourself on challenge after challenge, life after life.

The soul that is truly you is infinitely worthy and Divine. The body and mind you think of as you are only a costume that put on for a while, and then point aside, to go home for dinner and a bath, a good rest, to get up and come play again.

So how do you as a mere mortal forgive yourself?

The same way you forgive anyone... With compassion for your human frailty: you really are doing our best with what you have. With perspective: understanding that this life is a playground and schoolroom, and not the life-or-death struggle it seems. With determination to not make the same mistake again.

With Bright Blessings,


Creality’s Black Friday event – Save up to 60% with unbeatable discounts!

NEWS – As the holiday season approaches, Creality is thrilled to launch its biggest-ever Black Friday event! From October 21 to December 3 on the Creality Store and November 21 to December 2 on Amazon, enjoy record-low prices on an extensive range of 3D printers and accessories. Whether you’re a 3D printing enthusiast or a […]


FLSUN T1 Pro Ultra-High Speed 3D printer review – Breathtakingly fast, quiet, and outstanding print quality!

REVIEW – 3D printing is fun and challenging. You can download countless free files from sites like Thingiverse and Printables, Cults 3D, and Thangs, or create your own using Fusion 360 TinkerCAD. It takes time, patience, and a love of tinkering, but it can be great fun. Many 3D printing enthusiasts will agree that incessant […]


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Streaks of fire are about to take over Australian skies during the Leonid meteor shower. Here’s how to see them -

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  2. The Northern Taurid meteor shower could produce fireballs. Here’s how to watch  CNN
  3. Northern Taurid meteor shower hits peak activity this week: When and where to watch  USA TODAY
  4. Leonid Meteor Shower May Put on a Surprise Show This Week  ScienceAlert
  5. Starwatch: Leonid meteor shower returns to skies in November  The Guardian


Germany to hold snap election in February after government's coalition collapse - ABC News

  1. Germany to hold snap election in February after government's coalition collapse  ABC News
  2. The briefcase, the Porsche and the collapse of the German government – podcast  The Guardian
  3. Germany set for snap election following collapse of Olaf Scholz’s coalition  The Conversation
  4. President calls German early election plan 'realistic'  DW (English)


NSW nurses strike heaps wage pressure on Minns government - The Australian Financial Review

  1. NSW nurses strike heaps wage pressure on Minns government  The Australian Financial Review
  2. Hundreds of elective surgeries cancelled as 10,000 nurses and midwives walk off job in NSW  ABC News
  3. Nurses took to the streets after ‘insulting’ pay offer. Next stop, court  Sydney Morning Herald
  4. Almost 700 surgeries cancelled as 12,000 NSW nurses strike for better pay  9News


Elon Musk’s job as Trump’s bureaucracy buster could be just the start - The Australian Financial Review

  1. Elon Musk’s job as Trump’s bureaucracy buster could be just the start  The Australian Financial Review
  2. Elon Musk tapped for ‘government efficiency’ role by Donald Trump  Sydney Morning Herald
  3. Evening News Bulletin 13 November 2024  SBS News
  4. Donald Trump wants Elon Musk to slash regulations as he reveals his role  ABC News


This call is being recorded for quality.

Call center technology is constantly improving. Most modern call-centers record at least some portion of the conversations they initiate. Who listens to these recordings. And what eventually happens to them?

What does this mean for charitable solicitations?

A typical call for me starts something like this;

Me: Hello I'm Henry calling from XXX organization on behalf of the Save the Giant Sequoia Tree foundation. Hows it going today Mr X?

Mr X: Fine, how are you today?

Me; I'm good thanks for asking, not a lot of people do. (this gets a chuckle as often as not, and its true.)

Me: Mr X, I'm going to try to keep things quick today but first I do need to know that this call could be monitored and is recorded for my quality.

Mr X: Ah go ahead the damn government is recording everything we say anyway....

Conversations can go into anywhere from a mild rant against the Bush administration to an all out call for violence made in jest, typical stuff you might hear on The Bill Mahr show. But what the Donor may not realize is that that conversation doesn't necessarily go away, ever.

Ive done fundraising for organizations like the Democratic National Committee, The A.C.L.U and the Human Rights Campaign. At the start of each call we inform donors that their call could be recorded to ensure quality control.

A.C.L.U donors are the most likely to hang up the phone at that point caring too much about their right to privacy to allow themselves to be recorded.

But what about the callers who don't hang up? Ive spoken to extremely opinionated people who
have pulled no punches when it come to their opinion on the current presidential administration, the war on terror, and other highly charged issued.

Politicians have been cursed threats have been made as well as off color jokes.

Could this information be used against a person?

With the warrant-less wiretapping that we know is going on in this country,how smart is it for organizations to save recordings of people?

Donors tend to say anything to an anonymous fundraiser on over the phone. But is it really anonymous. Do the donors have a right to know what becomes of their voice recordings.

I think that call-centers, especially in the fundraising industry, should have a published policy on what they will and will not do with Donor's information, including voice recordings.

Technology and political realities have raced beyond past practices. Its time for call-centers to catch up.

What I can tell you as a professional fundraiser is that.

  • You have the right to end the conversation at any time, although I and your organization wish you wouldn't.
  • You have the right to request more information about where I'm calling from and what my particular call-center will do with any of your information, including recordings of your voice. ( If your the curious type this might be fun to do anyway)
  • The Front-line people who call you, me, have no control over when or why you are called; its all done by computer.
  • The national no call-list has little bearing on non-profits, or their agents, (me). Call-centers that do fundraising have their own internal do-not-call lists; ask to be on it and we are obligated to put you on it. You should also let your charities know, by phone, or in writing, that you don't want to be called, or to have your name sold or traded to other organizations.
  • Reputable fundraisers charge a flat fee per call. Yes or no, we get the same amount for making the call. It doesn't have to be this way however, Some fundraising agents can keep 80% (or more!) of the revenue a solicitation campaign generates. You have the right to know just what those percentages are; if the person you are speaking to doesn't know, ask for a supervisor.
  • Some states also have laws that obligate fundraising groups to send a written copy of this information to any donor that asks, you'll need to contact your attorney general's office to see if your state is one.
  • Last note; Federal law prohibits us from recording your credit card information, this is the one part of the call that isn't recorded.

I hope this quick rundown of the issues stirs some discussion. Ill follow up with more on telephone fundraising in the coming days.


Earthlings as aliens

Looking at life on Earth from another perspective.


Someone’s aliens

Life thrives on Earth, and we even send evidence of our presence out into the Solar System. Is anyone out there looking for us?


Signed and personalized at request!

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11 Animals That Are Donald Trump's Look Alikes

Well...Can't ignore the resemblance


How employers can address increased gender inequality due to Working From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the nature of work as we know it. Between flexible work arrangements, part-time contracts, and side gigs, it’s been difficult to gauge just how many people are working from home as a result. But according to Stanford’s research, 42% of the U.S. labor force was working from home full time […]

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NFPA and ESFI work to reduce fatalities caused by electric shock drowning in pools and at marinas

With summer in full swing, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) are joining forces to remind people about the potential electrical hazards in swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, on board boats and in the waters surrounding boats, marinas and launch ramps.


Creative Commons Launches TAROCH Coalition for Open Access to Cultural Heritage

Creative Commons (CC) is proud to launch the TAROCH Coalition (Towards a Recommendation on Open Cultural Heritage), a collaborative effort to achieve the adoption of a UNESCO standard-setting instrument to improve open access to cultural heritage. We are grateful to the Arcadia Fund for supporting this initiative. Below we share an overview of TAROCH and…

The post Creative Commons Launches TAROCH Coalition for Open Access to Cultural Heritage appeared first on Creative Commons.


Rivian and VW finalize a software development joint venture; VW has invested $1B of its planned up to $5.8B by 2027 in the JV designed to be a 50-50 partnership

Rivian and Volkswagen Group have finalized a multi-billion-dollar joint venture to develop software, paving the way to let the German auto giant leverage the EV startup’s more technical chops in the coming years. Volkswagen will invest up to $5.8 billion by 2027, about 16% more than when the deal…


Likely future German coalition divided on energy, climate

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Dogecoin Trade Goes From Meme to Reality as Donald Trump Confirms D.O.G.E

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Elon Musk wades into Italian political drama over Albanian migrant deal

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Australia plans to ban social media for under 16s — and experts have called it a ‘momentous step’

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Free Sitemap Creation, Validation and Submission

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