
La Ville de Charleroi se déclare "ville antifasciste"

(Belga) Le conseil communal de la Ville de Charleroi a adopté lundi une motion faisant de Charleroi "une ville antifasciste" et consacrant l'existence d'une "coalition antifasciste" composée des partis politiques carolos, des syndicats, d'associations et de membres de la société civile.

Cette "coalition antifasciste" est le fruit de discussions entamées dans un contexte de montée générale des idées d'extrême droite et à la suite des incidents qui sont survenus le 25 janvier 2020 à Charleroi à l'occasion d'une mobilisation d'un front antifasciste contre la tenue dans la métropole d'une réunion d'un nouveau parti d'extrême droite. Ce jour-là, selon les manifestants antifascistes, la police avait fait usage contre eux de sprays, d'autopompes et de coups de matraques même pour les disperser. Ce qui avait provoqué un certain émoi, y compris au sein de la classe politique carolo. La motion donne à la coalition antifasciste quelques objectifs généraux, comme celui "d'empêcher par tous les moyens légaux la diffusion de propos incitant à la haine, au racisme, à l'antisémitisme, au sexisme, à la discrimination relative à l'orientation sexuelle, ouvertement fasciste et xénophobe, sur le territoire de Charleroi" ou celui de relayer l'information "lorsqu'elle concerne un événement susceptible d'inciter à la haine, au racisme, à l'antisémitisme, au sexisme, ouvertement fasciste et xénophobe". (Belga)


Antifa Black Lives Matter is a totalitarian political movement to overthrow a capitalistic free market and free society

Elected Republicans, almost all of them, are in no hurry to stop the disorder. They appear to believe what we're watching is a version of the Rodney King riots from 1992. People saw an upsetting video on the internet, they're angry, and that's understandable. But they'll calm down soon, and we can get back to cutting capital gains taxes and sanctioning Bashar al- Assad. That's their view of it. They are wrong. This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. It is not superficial. It is deep and profound. It has vast ambitions. It is insidious; it will grow. Its goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge Western civilization itself. This is an ideological movement. The ideas that fuel it have incubated for decades on college campuses. We paid for all of it, by the way. The rest of us were so thrilled that our kids got into Duke that we decided to ignore what Duke was actually teaching them and are continuing to send big checks. That was a mistake. It was one of the greatest mistakes we've ever made. Continue reading


Antifa and Black Lives Matter are the Democratic Party’s blackshirts and brownshirts to strengthen and protect our totalitarian fascist state

Democratic politicians don't fear the mob. Notice that? Why? Because they don't need to. They control the mob. The mob operates with their permission. These are their foot soldiers. This is their militia. Continue reading


Berkeley Police Basically MIA At Saturday's Violent Pro-Trump Vs. AntiFa Brawl

Including a photo slideshow. Even at 10 a.m. this past Saturday morning, hours before a throng of anti-fascists and Trump-supporting white nationalists overtook downtown Berkeley’s streets, it was clear that most of the attendees were less interested in speeches, protesting, and free speech — and were mostly there just to tee-off on each other. Before the brawling began, officers stationed themselves at the entrances to downtown's "Peace Park."…

  • News & Opinion/News


Antifa mob descends on Tucker Carlson's house chanting 'we know where you sleep at night'

About 20 activists from far-left group Smash Racism DC gathered outside the Fox News host's house on Wednesday around 6.30pm where they banged on his door and chanting slogans.


No barrier can contain it: Cuban antifascism and the Spanish Civil War / Ariel Mae Lambe

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