
Flock v. US Dep't of Transp.

(United States First Circuit) - In a suit brought a group of drivers who allege that disseminating certain information contained in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) database of inspection history and safety records pertaining to commercial motor vehicle operators, exceeds the agency's statutory mandate under 49 U.S.C. section 31150, which governs the agency's disclosure obligations, the district court's grant of the FMCSA's motion to dismiss is affirmed where: 1) section 31150 was ambiguous as to the agency's authority to include non-serious driver related safety violations in the database; and 2) the agency's interpretation of the statute was entitled to deference and ultimately permissible under Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984).


Bay Point Properties, Inc. v. MS Transportation Co.

(United States Fifth Circuit) - Affirmed. The district court properly dismissed a suit brought by a man whose state court award in a Takings Clause suit against state officials was unsatisfying to him. The State was entitled to sovereign immunity.


Commuter Rail Div. v. Surface Transp. Bd.

(United States DC Circuit) - In a petition for review of the Surface Transportation Board's approval of the acquisition of certain railroads by another railroad, the petition is denied where: 1) one petitioner lacked standing because, if the board's decision were overturned, the construction authorization would not be affected and no new environmental impact statement would be required for the area; and 2) the board did not abuse its discretion in approving the transaction.


Fuller v. Department of Transportation

(California Court of Appeal) - Affirmed. Plaintiff was injured in a head-on traffic accident that he alleged was partially caused by a dangerous road condition. The jury found that a dangerous condition existed but it was not a reasonably foreseeable risk that this kind of incident would occur. The appeals court agreed and affirmed the judgment in favor of the Defendant.


Churchman v. Bay Area Rapid Transit Dist

(California Court of Appeal) - Affirmed. Plaintiff sued Defendant for a slip and fall accident in the BART station on the theory that the train operator owed a heightened duty of care under Civil Code section 2100. The trial court dismissed the action on the grounds that Defendant had no liability for accidents that did not occur on the train. The appeals court agreed also holding that section 2100 does not apply to minor commonplace hazards in a train station.


Fritsch v. Swift Transportation Co. of Arizona, LLC

(United States Ninth Circuit) - Reversed a ruling that the amount in controversy in an employee class action was too low for federal jurisdiction under the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA). An employer that had been sued for allegedly violating wage-hour laws, and that removed the case to federal court under CAFA, argued that the district court erred in remanding the case to state court. On appeal, the Ninth Circuit agreed with the employer that, in assessing the amount in controversy, the district court should have included future attorney fees recoverable by statute or contract. The panel therefore reversed and remanded.



Dynamic Interviews With Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things


Eni US Operating Co., Inc. v. Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling, Inc

(United States Fifth Circuit) - In a contractual dispute between two companies in the oil-drilling business, vacated a bench trial judgment, in part. The contract related to exploratory drilling for offshore oil.


Creating a New Language File for a Theme Translation

Recently, I’ve had a lot of customers asking me about creating a theme translation file for some of my themes. What I always assumed was a straightforward process actually has…

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SiXforNinE Go Trans-dimensional With New 'Counting Stars' Video & Single

SiXforNinE Go Trans-dimensional With New 'Counting Stars' Video & Single


Del Grosso v. Surface Transportation Board

(United States First Circuit) - Rejected a petition for review of a decision of the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB). The basic issue here was whether a local government could regulate certain activities at a rail-to-truck transloading facility. The petitioners, who lived near the facility, argued that the STB did not have exclusive jurisdiction and thus local regulation was permitted. Finding no basis to reverse the STB's ruling regarding the scope of its exclusive jurisdiction, the First Circuit rejected the petition for review.


Narragansett Indian Tribe v. Rhode Island Department of Transportation

(United States First Circuit) - Affirmed the dismissal of an Indian tribe's complaint against federal and Rhode Island agencies concerning a highway bridge reconstruction. The tribe argued, at base, that the state of Rhode Island broke a promise to give the tribe three parcels of land as mitigation for the expected negative impact on historic tribal land of an I-95 bridge replacement project. Agreeing with the district court, the First Circuit held that the tribe's claims were barred by federal sovereign immunity and lack of subject matter jurisdiction.


Amber Rose Transforms Into Feminist Icons for Paper Magazine

Says troubled marriage inspired her to become a feminist.


Video: Mitchell Wins At TransCan In Canada

Bermuda’s Jyire Mitchell raced to victory at the Walton TransCan Grand National Championship Motocross in Canada, winning the Youth 14-29 International/Pro Class. According to the organisers, the TransCan Grand National Championship is a week long festival, which sees over 1,000 motocross riders and their families attend Canada’s most prestigious motocross event. Related Stories Video: New […]

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Photos: Vintage Transportation Museum Opens

A new museum dedicated to showcasing the various modes of transport Bermudians have used throughout the years is now open, with the Vintage Transportation Museum located inside the Bermudiana Arcade in Hamilton. Owner Paul Martins has spent the last 25 years expanding his collection in the hopes that one day he would finally be able to share […]

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Cricket: Club Transfer Window Deadline

The Bermuda Cricket Board advised member clubs and players of the closing of the 1st club transfer window. “Due to Covid-19, there will be no additional late fee charged for the 2nd transfer period. The transfer fee will remain at $100,” the BCB said. “The current Transfer Policy reads as follows: 1. Late Transfer Policies […]

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Collaboration Leads To Recovery Of Transmitter

Thanks to a collaborative effort involving people from the Bahamas, Bermuda and the United States, a turtle satellite transmitter was located, allowing important data on sea turtle migration being safely recovered. “The Bermuda Turtle Project [BTP], a joint project of the Bermuda Zoological Society [BZS] and the Sea Turtle Conservancy [STC], has as its mission […]

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Photos & Video: Air Force Transports Injured Man

A boat transporting the survivors from a fishing vessel that caught fire arrived in Bermuda this morning [June 24], where an injured crew member was disembarked and taken to Bermuda’s airport by ambulance, and then flown by the U.S. Air Force to the U.S. for further treatment. The fishing vessel ‘Pioneer’ caught fire approximately 900 […]

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Budget: Transitional Living Facility To Be Created

A transitional living regime for children who are too old for the care of Child and Family Services will be established which will ensure housing stability, while providing support and guidance, the Government has announced. This was included in the 2020 Budget, with the relevant portion of the Budget Speech stating, “Safeguarding of children is […]

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Minister: Transport Control Department Update

“As of April 01, 2020, legislation will reflect that the only legal licence plates for motor cars will be a white background with black characters,” Minister of Tourism & Transport Zane Desilva said. Speaking in the House of Assembly today [Feb 28] the Minister said, “I rise today to make a short statement to clear […]

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Minister: ‘Transforming Public School Education’

“Plan 2022, the five-year strategic plan and blue-print for our public school system, maps out a specific path for transforming public school education,” Minister of Education Diallo Rabain said. Speaking in the House of Assembly today [March 13], the Minister said, “Under the strategic leadership of the Commissioner of Education, Officers in the Department of […]

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Featured Centennial Paper: Bicycle Transportation Committee

The TRB Standing Technical Committee on Bicycle Transportation has been in existence for about 45 years, founded in 1974 as the Bicycling and Bicycles Committee. We had an early name change to the Committee on Bicycling and Bicycle Facilities shortly after our birth and became the Bicycle Transportation Committee in 1996. The committee's existence closely parallels the history of bicycle transportation research in the United States. Very little was done prior to the mid-1970s, when a surge of interest in...


Featured Centennial Paper - The History of Impaired Driving and the Role of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Transportation

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Committee's Centennial Paper to review what it has accomplished since its inception in the early 1970s, how it has evolved along with the field, and what challenges and opportunities it confronts going forward. To learn more about the history of impaired driving and the Standing Technical Committee on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Transportation (ANB50), check out the Committee's Centennial Paper. As part of TRB's Centennial Celebration, the Technical Activities Council invited al...


Addressing the volume of renewable fuel in transportation fuel

The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Waiver Authority and Modification of Volumes , released by the U.S. Congressional Research Service


Conference on Performance and Data in Transportation Decision Making

The use of performance measures and data is informing transportation decision making.  Transportation Research Circular E-C263: Conference on Performance and Data in Transportation Decision Making summarizes many presentations from the conference, which attracted more than 350 professional transportation planners, consultants, industry experts, and academic researchers, from 42 states and three countries, to Atlanta, Georgia.




TRANSED is the International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Older Adults and People with Disabilities. Transportation Research Circular E-C262: TRANSED 2018 is a sample of current research and practice in the field of accessible transportation for older adults and people with disabilities. The research was presented at TRANSED on November 12-15, 2018, in Taipei, Taiwan.


RFP: Homelessness: A Guide for Public Transportation

TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has issued a request for proposals to develop a guide for public transportation agencies and concerned stakeholders on effective approaches and best practices that are responsive to people who are experiencing homelessness. This project is intended to help public transportation agencies preserve the quality of their services and facilities, while respecting the rights and mobility needs of people experiencing homelessness, including the need for safe plac...


Multimodal transportation investments

Fostering Multimodal Connectivity Newsletter for April 2020 , released by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration


Monash University: World Transit Research Newsletter: April 2020

Bimonthly newsletter released by the Institute of Transport Studies at Monash University


“Tell Us ‘Our’ Story”: What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact?

TRB's “Tell Us ‘Our’ Story" challenge is now looking into the future. What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact? What is your vision for the Transportation Research Board 100 years from now? What are solutions that you have identified as a result of research you learned about through TRB? TRB welcomes all stories: small or large, profound or light-hearted, sobering or humorous. In addition to posting responses to these questions...


Submit a Research Needs Statement about transportation and pandemics

As all aspects of transportation deal with the unfolding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are research needs, gaps, and potential ways to leverage innovation revealing themselves across all modes, systems, and disciplines in transportation. In keeping with the mission of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to provide trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange and research, TRB is issuing an urgent and directed call for Research Needs Statements sp...


Freight transportation in Argentina

Decarbonizing Argentina’s Transport System: Charting the Way Forward , released by the International Transport Forum


Development of Transactional Data Specifications for Demand-Responsive Transportation

Demand-responsive transportation (DRT) can produce benefits — fewer empty seats, lower cost per passenger, less delay for customers — to both passengers and transportation service providers, particularly the public and private nonprofit agencies that finance DRT services with public funds. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Research Report 210: Development of Transactional Data Specifications for Demand-Responsive Transportation presents a transactional data specification for DRT to faci...


2020 Conference on Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technology - Will not be held as scheduled

TRB has been closely monitoring the evolving situation related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our volunteers, sponsors, meeting guests, staff, and the greater community are of utmost importance to us. In light of the current situation, we have decided that the event cannot be held as scheduled. Convened by Transportation Research Board, the Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technology (SETT) Conference was to be held on August 31 – September 2, 2020, at ...


Development and Use of As-Built Plans by State Departments of Transportation

Sixty-eight percent of the states who responded to a survey indicated their agency has a documented process for as-built development. They said handwritten notes were the most commonly used method to capture as-built data (86%), followed by electronic notes (76%), and then photographs (33%). Some states use more than one option to capture as-built data. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Synthesis 548: Development and Use of As-Built Plans by State Departments of Transportation...


Planning for health disasters in the transportation industry

With the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic hitting the transportation industry hard, TRB’s catalog of research on infectious disease and other biological threats to people and transportation systems is crucial in helping to advise transportation professionals. Transportation officials must be prepared to know how to minimize the consequences to their communities. In regards to biothreats, a recent National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report suggests that there are advantages to...


Telework transportation research in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

If you’re fortunate enough to still be working during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you are likely to be doing so from home. Teleworking (or telecommuting) has been suddenly and widely adopted. For example, Arizona DOT reports doubling the number of employees who telework in multiple departments in just two weeks. In conjunction with Texas' disaster declaration related to COVID-19, TxDOT is also requiring its office-based employees to telework beginning March 16. Your workplace is likely making si...


Over 60 People Helped "Tell Us 'Our' Story" in April: What drew you to the transportation community, and what keeps you here?

Susan Heap, the Director of Operations at Ferrovial Services says that "Transportation is meaningful across all societies, for many different reasons. I chose a career that connected me to things that matter to all of us. I stay in this industry because of the variety of people and projects that I get to work with every day. There is always a new challenge to overcome or skill-set to learn." Thank you Susan for participating in TRB's Centennial Celebration. To read the more than 60 responses to April's q...


“Tell Us ‘Our’ Story”: What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact?

TRB's “Tell Us ‘Our’ Story" challenge is now looking into the future. What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact? What is your vision for the Transportation Research Board 100 years from now? What are solutions that you have identified as a result of research you learned about through TRB? TRB welcomes all stories: small or large, profound or light-hearted, sobering or humorous. In addition to posting responses to these questions...


Submit a Research Needs Statement about transportation and pandemics

As all aspects of transportation deal with the unfolding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are research needs, gaps, and potential ways to leverage innovation revealing themselves across all modes, systems, and disciplines in transportation. In keeping with the mission of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to provide trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange and research, TRB is issuing an urgent and directed call for Research Needs Statements sp...


Bridging Transportation Researchers Online Conference: Papers due May 15*

The University of Texas at Austin is hosting Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) Online Conference  on August 11-12, 2020. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. This zero-carbon, zero-cost conference will host multiple Zoom-based tracks to virtually and globally unite transportation engineers, planners, and policymakers to discuss a wide range of transportation research topics and results, including: Multi-modal transportation network and systems Travel demand forecasting, including connecte...


Featured Centennial Paper - TRB’s Role in Transportation Infrastructure Protection and Resilience

Standing Technical Committee on Critical Transportation Infrastructure got its start as the Task Force on Critical Transportation Infrastructure Security tied directly in response to the Presidential Decision Directive 63, Critical Infrastructure Protection (PPD-63). Soon after the task force was established, as a way to bring awareness to this topic, TRB published a special edition of TR News (211): Transportation Security: Protecting the System from Attack and Theft (November-December 2000). The editio...




UC San Diego Health Launches Drone Transport Program with UPS, Matternet

UC San Diego Health launches pilot project using drones to move medical samples, supplies and documents between Jacobs Medical Center, Moores Cancer Center and the Center for Advanced Laboratory Medicine, speeding delivery of services and patient care currently managed through ground transport.


Daily Deal: LingvaNex Translator

Lingvanex Translator was created with the mission to enable people to read, write, and speak different languages anywhere in the world. It can translate text, voice, images, websites, and documents. It works on a wide range of platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and more so you can start translating media in more than 112 languages. It's on sale for $80.

Note: The Techdirt Deals Store is powered and curated by StackCommerce. A portion of all sales from Techdirt Deals helps support Techdirt. The products featured do not reflect endorsements by our editorial team.


Hepatic CEACAM1 expression indicates donor liver quality and prevents early transplantation injury

Although CEACAM1 (CC1) glycoprotein resides at the interface of immune liver injury and metabolic homeostasis, its role in orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) remains elusive. We aimed to determine whether/how CEACAM1 signaling may affect hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) and OLT outcomes. In the mouse, donor liver CC1 null mutation augmented IRI-OLT (CC1-KO→WT) by enhancing ROS expression and HMGB1 translocation during cold storage, data supported by in vitro studies where hepatic flush from CC1-deficient livers enhanced macrophage activation in bone marrow–derived macrophage cultures. Although hepatic CC1 deficiency augmented cold stress–triggered ASK1/p-p38 upregulation, adjunctive ASK1 inhibition alleviated IRI and improved OLT survival by suppressing p-p38 upregulation, ROS induction, and HMGB1 translocation (CC1-KO→WT), whereas ASK1 silencing (siRNA) promoted cytoprotection in cold-stressed and damage-prone CC1-deficient hepatocyte cultures. Consistent with mouse data, CEACAM1 expression in 60 human donor liver biopsies correlated negatively with activation of the ASK1/p-p38 axis, whereas low CC1 levels associated with increased ROS and HMGB1 translocation, enhanced innate and adaptive immune responses, and inferior early OLT function. Notably, reduced donor liver CEACAM1 expression was identified as one of the independent predictors for early allograft dysfunction (EAD) in human OLT patients. Thus, as a checkpoint regulator of IR stress and sterile inflammation, CEACAM1 may be considered as a denominator of donor hepatic tissue quality, and a target for therapeutic modulation in OLT recipients.


CEACAM1 and molecular signaling pathways to expand the liver transplant donor pool

Organ shortage continues to limit the lives of patients who require liver transplantation. While extending criteria for liver organs provides a needed resource, tissue damage from prolonged ischemic injury can result in early allograft dysfunction and consequent rejection. In this issue of the JCI, Nakamura et al. used a mouse transplantation model with prolonged ex vivo cold storage to explore liver graft protection. The authors found that liver grafts with absent carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) exhibited increased ischemia-reperfusion injury inflammation and decreased function in wild-type recipients. The authors went on to correlate CEACAM1 levels with postreperfusion damage in human liver transplant recipients. Notably, this study identified a potential biomarker for liver transplant donor graft quality.


The neonatal microenvironment programs innate γδ T cells through the transcription factor STAT5

IL-17–producing RORγt+ γδ T cells (γδT17 cells) are innate lymphocytes that participate in type 3 immune responses during infection and inflammation. Herein, we show that γδT17 cells rapidly proliferate within neonatal lymph nodes and gut, where, upon entry, they upregulate T-bet and coexpress IL-17, IL-22, and IFN-γ in a STAT3- and retinoic acid–dependent manner. Neonatal expansion was halted in mice conditionally deficient in STAT5, and its loss resulted in γδT17 cell depletion from all adult organs. Hyperactive STAT5 mutant mice showed that the STAT5A homolog had a dominant role over STAT5B in promoting γδT17 cell expansion and downregulating gut-associated T-bet. In contrast, STAT5B preferentially expanded IFN-γ–producing γδ populations, implying a previously unknown differential role of STAT5 gene products in lymphocyte lineage regulation. Importantly, mice lacking γδT17 cells as a result of STAT5 deficiency displayed a profound resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Our data identify that the neonatal microenvironment in combination with STAT5 is critical for post-thymic γδT17 development and tissue-specific imprinting, which is essential for infection and autoimmunity.