trans Phase I trial of donor-derived modified immune cell infusion in kidney transplantation By Published On :: BACKGROUND Preclinical experiments have shown that donor blood cells, modified in vitro by an alkylating agent (modified immune cells [MICs]), induced long-term specific immunosuppression against the allogeneic donor.METHODS In this phase I trial, patients received either 1.5 × 106 MICs per kg BW on day –2 (n = 3, group A), or 1.5 × 108 MICs per kg BW on day –2 (n = 3, group B) or day –7 (n = 4, group C) before living donor kidney transplantation in addition to post-transplantation immunosuppression. The primary outcome measure was the frequency of adverse events (AEs) until day 30 (study phase) with follow-up out to day 360.RESULTS MIC infusions were extremely well tolerated. During the study phase, 10 treated patients experienced a total of 69 AEs that were unlikely to be related or not related to MIC infusion. No donor-specific human leukocyte antigen Abs or rejection episodes were noted, even though the patients received up to 1.3 × 1010 donor mononuclear cells before transplantation. Group C patients with low immunosuppression during follow-up showed no in vitro reactivity against stimulatory donor blood cells on day 360, whereas reactivity against third-party cells was still preserved. Frequencies of CD19+CD24hiCD38hi transitional B lymphocytes (Bregs) increased from a median of 6% before MIC infusion to 20% on day 180, which was 19- and 68-fold higher, respectively, than in 2 independent cohorts of transplanted controls. The majority of Bregs produced the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10. MIC-treated patients showed the Immune Tolerance Network operational tolerance signature.CONCLUSION MIC administration was safe and could be a future tool for the targeted induction of tolerogenic Bregs.TRIAL REGISTRATION EudraCT number: 2014-002086-30; identifier: NCT02560220FUNDING Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology, Berlin, Germany, and TolerogenixX GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany. Full Article
trans Transcriptional and cytopathological hallmarks of FSHD in chronic DUX4-expressing mice By Published On :: Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is caused by loss of repression of the DUX4 gene; however, the DUX4 protein is rare and difficult to detect in human muscle biopsies, and pathological mechanisms are obscure. FSHD is also a chronic disease that progresses slowly over decades. We used the sporadic, low-level, muscle-specific expression of DUX4 enabled by the iDUX4pA-HSA mouse to develop a chronic long-term muscle disease model. After 6 months of extremely low sporadic DUX4 expression, dystrophic muscle presented hallmarks of FSHD histopathology, including muscle degeneration, capillary loss, fibrosis, and atrophy. We investigated the transcriptional profile of whole muscle as well as endothelial cells and fibroadiopogenic progenitors (FAPs). Strikingly, differential gene expression profiles of both whole muscle and, to a lesser extent, FAPs, showed significant overlap with transcriptional profiles of MRI-guided human FSHD muscle biopsies. These results demonstrate a pathophysiological similarity between disease in muscles of iDUX4pA-HSA mice and humans with FSHD, solidifying the value of chronic rare DUX4 expression in mice for modeling pathological mechanisms in FSHD and highlighting the importance FAPs in this disease. Full Article
trans Dysfunctional polycomb transcriptional repression contributes to lamin A/C–dependent muscular dystrophy By Published On :: Lamin A is a component of the inner nuclear membrane that, together with epigenetic factors, organizes the genome in higher order structures required for transcriptional control. Mutations in the lamin A/C gene cause several diseases belonging to the class of laminopathies, including muscular dystrophies. Nevertheless, molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of lamin A–dependent dystrophies are still largely unknown. The polycomb group (PcG) of proteins are epigenetic repressors and lamin A interactors, primarily involved in the maintenance of cell identity. Using a murine model of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD), we show here that lamin A loss deregulated PcG positioning in muscle satellite stem cells, leading to derepression of non–muscle-specific genes and p16INK4a, a senescence driver encoded in the Cdkn2a locus. This aberrant transcriptional program caused impairment in self-renewal, loss of cell identity, and premature exhaustion of the quiescent satellite cell pool. Genetic ablation of the Cdkn2a locus restored muscle stem cell properties in lamin A/C–null dystrophic mice. Our findings establish a direct link between lamin A and PcG epigenetic silencing and indicate that lamin A–dependent muscular dystrophy can be ascribed to intrinsic epigenetic dysfunctions of muscle stem cells. Full Article
trans Moving from transplant as a treatment to transplant as a cure By Published On :: Immunosuppression continues to be a necessary component of transplantation, despite its association with a multitude of adverse effects. Numerous efforts have been made to circumvent the need for immunosuppression by using various techniques to achieve donor hyporesponsiveness. In this issue of the JCI, Morath et al. take this endeavor forward. Prior to transplantation, the researchers infused recipients with donor-modified immune cells and achieved immunologic hyporesponsiveness. This successful phase I trial also provides a possible avenue for achieving transplantation without the requisite immunosuppression. Full Article
trans Donor glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency decreases blood quality for transfusion By Published On :: BACKGROUND Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency decreases the ability of red blood cells (RBCs) to withstand oxidative stress. Refrigerated storage of RBCs induces oxidative stress. We hypothesized that G6PD-deficient donor RBCs would have inferior storage quality for transfusion as compared with G6PD-normal RBCs.METHODS Male volunteers were screened for G6PD deficiency; 27 control and 10 G6PD-deficient volunteers each donated 1 RBC unit. After 42 days of refrigerated storage, autologous 51-chromium 24-hour posttransfusion RBC recovery (PTR) studies were performed. Metabolomics analyses of these RBC units were also performed.RESULTS The mean 24-hour PTR for G6PD-deficient subjects was 78.5% ± 8.4% (mean ± SD), which was significantly lower than that for G6PD-normal RBCs (85.3% ± 3.2%; P = 0.0009). None of the G6PD-normal volunteers (0/27) and 3 G6PD-deficient volunteers (3/10) had PTR results below 75%, a key FDA acceptability criterion for stored donor RBCs. As expected, fresh G6PD-deficient RBCs demonstrated defects in the oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway. During refrigerated storage, G6PD-deficient RBCs demonstrated increased glycolysis, impaired glutathione homeostasis, and increased purine oxidation, as compared with G6PD-normal RBCs. In addition, there were significant correlations between PTR and specific metabolites in these pathways.CONCLUSION Based on current FDA criteria, RBCs from G6PD-deficient donors would not meet the requirements for storage quality. Metabolomics assessment identified markers of PTR and G6PD deficiency (e.g., pyruvate/lactate ratios), along with potential compensatory pathways that could be leveraged to ameliorate the metabolic needs of G6PD-deficient RBCs.TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT04081272.FUNDING The Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant 71590, the National Blood Foundation, NIH grant UL1 TR000040, the Webb-Waring Early Career Award 2017 by the Boettcher Foundation, and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants R01HL14644 and R01HL148151. Full Article
trans Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - February 2020 (Transcript) By Published On :: Mon, 02 Mar 2020 23:26:42 +0000 Video from Thabo Meerkat, transcribed Welcome to another edition of Digging Up Positivity! This episode is dedicated to the many volunteers that make all those amazing conventions and charities possible. But besides them, we are covering some animation news and other (maybe otter?) tidbits! read more Full Article animal behaviour animation charity conventions fursuits Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube
trans The response of Senator Richard Blumenthal to my letter in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 15:14:46 +0000 The response of Senator Richard Blumenthal to my letter in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Ask yourselves how American labor can compete against Vietnamese workers earning on average $0.56 per hour. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles foreign government contributions to the Clinton Foundation Hillary Clinton Senator Bernie Sanders Senator Elizabeth Warren Senator Richard Blumenthal The Clinton Foundation The response of Senator Richard Blumenthal to my letter in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
trans Senator Bernie Sanders speaks out against the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement to the United States Senate May 12 2015 By Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 23:01:25 +0000 The Senate considered H.R. 1314, the legislative vehicle for trade promotion authority reauthorization.?It would give the president broad fast-track authority when negotiating trade agreements and require Congress to consider treaties without an amendment process. Senator Bernie Sanders speaks out against this bill before the Senate on May 12, 2015. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles H.R. 1314 the legislative vehicle for trade promotion authority reauthorization May 12 2015 Senator Bernie Sanders Senator Bernie Sanders speaks out against the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement to the United States Senate May 12 2015 TPA TPP trade promotion authority Trans Pacific Partnership transcript United States Senate video
trans Bernie Sanders calls out Hillary Clinton to announce her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement By Published On :: Sun, 31 May 2015 02:19:28 +0000 Bernie Sanders calls out Hillary Clinton to announce her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement; however, Hillary Clinton refuses to reveal her position, hoping that the agreement will be passed and she won't have to take a position. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders calls out Hillary Clinton to announce her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement Bill Clinton currency manipulation Elizabeth Warren Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton's silence on TPP and Keystone NAFTA President Obama TPP Trans Pacific Partnership
trans Jill Stein interviewed by Ralph Nader September 17 2016. Recording and transcript of interview. By Published On :: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 07:18:37 +0000 This is one of the best interviews on American politics ever to be broadcasted. Ralph Nader and Jill Stein discuss our corrupt government and corrupt media controlled by corporations, and explain how we no longer have a democracy but corporate tyranny. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Bernie Sanders Democratic Party Donald Trump Gary Johnson Green Party Hillary Clinton Hofstra Presidential debate interview transcribed interview transcript interview transcription Jill Stein Jill Stein interviewed by Ralph Nader September 17 2016 Jill Stein interviewed by Ralph Nader September 17 2016. Recording and transcript of interview. KPFK Libertarian Party Ralph Nader Ralph Nader Radio Hour Republican party Steve Skrovan transcript transcription of Jill Stein Ralph Nader interview
trans Chris Hedges argues that corporate commodification of our natural resources and human capital will continue unabated. Transcript and video. By Published On :: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:32:19 +0000 "And you know, we have to stop looking beyond this election cycle and see that this corporate driven ideology, you know, this commodification of the culture, this constant extracting of blood from us as citizens to pay what in essence were private debts of the banks which engaged in casino capitalism, has political consequences. History has taught us that. And Hillary Clinton is only going to further that process." Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Bernie Sanders cabal cannibalization casino capitalism Chris Hedges commodification corporate cabal corporate state Democracy Incorporated Democratic National Committee Donald Trump election rigging global corporate capitalism Hillary Clinton inverted totalitarianism Lee Camp NAFTA neoliberalism power elite privatization proto-fascist Redacted Tonight VIP Sheldon Wolin TPP transcribe transcript transcription Wages of Rebellion
trans Glenn Greenwald Asks “Why Did Saudi Regime & Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation?” Transcript and video. By Published On :: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 18:22:35 +0000 Questions surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation continue to grow. On Sunday, Democratic National Committee interim chairperson Donna Brazile defended Clinton’s meetings as secretary of state with Clinton Foundation donors, saying, "When Republicans meet with their donors, with their supporters, their activists, they call it a meeting. When Democrats do that, they call it a conflict." Donna Brazile’s comments come in response to an Associated Press investigation revealing that while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state, more than half of the private citizens she met with during the reporting period had donated to the Clinton Foundation. The AP investigation comes after a three-year battle to gain access to State Department calendars. The analysis shows that at least 85 of 154 people Hillary Clinton had scheduled phone or in-person meetings with were foundation donors. We speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept. His most recent piece is headlined "Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?" Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Amy Goodman August 29 2016 Bill Clinton Clinton Foundation donors Democracy Now Donna Brazile Glenn Greenwald Glenn Greenwald Asks "Why Did Saudi Regime & Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation?" Glenn Greenwald Asks "Why Did Saudi Regime & Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation?" Transcript and video. Hillary Clinton interview Interview of Glenn Greenwald by Amy Irving Paul Glastris Pay to play Quid pro quo Secretary of State The Clinton Foundation transcript transcript and video video
trans The Brainwashing Of Hillary Voters Is Complete. Transcript of October 20 2016 The Jimmy Dore Show. By Published On :: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 07:27:03 +0000 The Brainwashing Of Hillary Voters Is Complete. Hillary Clinton voters are either getting paid or have been brainwashed into defending her pro-corporate status quo policies. Jimmy Dore breaks it down on his broadcast, October 20, 2016. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles brainwashing Chris Hedges corporate talking-points Democrats discrediting journalists reporting on Wikileaks Donald Trump duopoly George Orwell Green Party Hillary Clinton Independents Jill Stein Jimmy Dore John Oliver October 20 2016 Republicans The Brainwashing Of Hillary Voters Is Complete The Brainwashing Of Hillary Voters Is Complete. Transcript of October 20 2016 The Jimmy Dore Show. The Jimmy Dore Show ThinkProgress third party transcript WikiLeaks
trans Hillary Clinton and the corporate Democrats lost because Donald Trump ran to their left and outflanked them so don’t blame Jill Stein or sexism or racism. Video and transcript. By Published On :: Mon, 05 Dec 2016 22:56:00 +0000 There's got to be a reason for the Democrats to suppose to exist. And the reason the Democrats are supposed to exist is to be an opposition party to the Republicans. If you're in bed with the same people, taking money from the same people, you're no longer an opposition party. There's no reason for you to exist. And guess what? Don't be surprised that people don't vote for you. Continue reading → Full Article Accountants CPA Hartford Articles Aggressive Progressives Al Jazeera Barack Obama Bush Defense Secretary Bush foreign policy Bush tax cuts Chuck Schumer corporate Democrats corporatists Debbie Wasserman-Schultz economics Glass-Steagall Hey Democrats STOP Running Corporatist Candidates Hillary Clinton and the corporate Democrats lost because Donald Trump ran to their left and outflanked them so don't blame Jill Stein or sexism or racism Hillary Clinton and the corporate Democrats lost because Donald Trump ran to their left and outflanked them so don't blame Jill Stein or sexism or racism. Video and transcript. Howard Dean James Comey Jill Stein Jimmy Dore Nancy Pelosi O. J. Simpson President Obama racism right wing sexism Steve Oh The Young Turks third party TPP transcript TYT video
trans IBM & Apple Expand Partnership to Help Transform Medical Research By Published On :: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 09:02:06 GMT IBM today announced its Health Cloud and Watson cognitive computing capabilities will support health data entered by customers in iOS apps using Apple's ResearchKit and HealthKit frameworks. The move, which complements IBM’s new Watson Health business unit, will arm medical researchers with a secure, open data storage solution, as well as access to IBM’s most sophisticated data analytics capabilities. Full Article Smarter Cities
trans ISS Turns to IBM Watson IoT to Transform Management of 25,000 Buildings Worldwide By Published On :: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:52 GMT ISS, ISS A/S, a leading global provider of facility services, has signed a commercial agreement with IBM to use the power of Watson IoT to transform the management of over 25,000 buildings around the world. Full Article Smarter Cities
trans Faurecia Drives Digital Transformation with IBM Cloud By Published On :: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 10:02:29 GMT IBM today announced that Faurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive suppliers, has selected IBM Cloud as a support of a major business transformation designed to accelerate digital manufacturing. Full Article IBM Analytics
trans AOS and IBM developing logistics and transportation solution built on IBM Blockchain and Watson IoT By Published On :: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 01:01:19 GMT IBM and AOS, - a Colombian company specializing in providing business solutions- today announced they are collaborating to create a solution to enhance efficiency in the logistics and transport industry throughout the country, built on IBM Blockchain and Watson IoT on the IBM Cloud. Full Article IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT)
trans IBM Expands Mobile-led Transformation for Enterprises By Published On :: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 04:01:40 GMT IBM today announced an expansion of its mobile portfolio for enterprises as it continues to create analytics-driven and cognitive enabled enterprise iOS apps that enable organizations to accelerate digital reinvention and transform how businesses engage across industries. Full Article IBM MobileFirst
trans IBM Announces Planned Acquisition of Promontory to Transform Regulatory Compliance with Watson By Published On :: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 03:01:01 GMT IBM today announced plans to acquire Promontory Financial Group, a global market-leading risk management and regulatory compliance consulting firm. Upon close, the capabilities of Promontory combined with IBM's deep industry expertise and Watson’s cognitive capabilities will directly address the massive operational effort and manual cost of escalating regulation and risk management requirements. Full Article Global Financing
trans IBM and Box Forge Global Partnership to Transform Work in the Cloud By Published On :: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:01:38 GMT IBM and Box today announced a global partnership that will combine the best-in-class technologies and resources of both companies to transform work in the cloud. Together, the companies plan to integrate their existing products and services and develop new, innovative solutions targeted across industries and professions ranging from medical teams working on complex cases to individuals negotiating consumer loans by mobile phone to engineers and researchers identifying patterns in patents, reports and academic journals. Full Article IBM Social Business
trans M-Industry Transforms Its Mobile Workforce with IBM MobileFirst for iOS By Published On :: Thu, 07 Sep 2017 12:03:48 GMT IBM today announced that M-Industry, one of the world’s largest private label consumer goods company and subsidiary of Switzerland’s largest retailer and supermarket chain, Migros Group, has launched a new IBM designed mobile offering to transform how product promoters work. Full Article Services and solutions
trans IBM Transforms FlashSystem to Help Drive Down the Cost of Data By Published On :: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 12:01:44 GMT IBM today announced sweeping advances in its all-flash storage solutions and software to significantly drive down the costs of data and extend its solutions for hybrid and private cloud environments. Full Article Education
trans IBM to Collaborate with Leading Singapore Institutions Using Analytics to Improve the Quality of Water, Transportation and Energy Services in a City By Published On :: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 10:00:22 GMT IBM today announced a research collaboratory in Singapore, where researchers from IBM intend to collaborate with scientists and engineers from public agencies in Singapore to improve the quality of its urban services. The focus of this research effort will be to use sensor networks to more effectively model, predict and manage the use of natural and physical infrastructure resources – water, transport and energy. Full Article Investors
trans Twitter and IBM Form Global Partnership to Transform Enterprise Decisions By Published On :: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:18:40 GMT Twitter and IBM today announced a landmark partnership that will help transform how businesses and institutions understand their customers, markets and trends – and inform every business decision. The alliance brings together Twitter data that distinctively represents the public pulse of the planet with IBM’s industry-leading cloud-based analytics, customer engagement platforms, and consulting services. Full Article Investors
trans GRUPO FAMSA coloca al cliente en el centro del negocio para impulsar su transformación digital con IBM By Published On :: lun, 29 may 2017 05:13:54 GMT El actual entorno tecnológico impulsa a las empresas a transformar sus modelos de negocio en un escenario en donde, según la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), el 25% de la economía mundial será digital en los próximos cinco años. De esta forma, el uso de nuevas tecnologías se vuelve la pieza clave para asegurar tanto competitividad, como su alto desempeño. Full Article Global Technology Services
trans IBM lanza la primera plataforma cognitiva de servicios para transformar las operaciones de negocios By Published On :: mié, 12 jul 2017 02:19:24 GMT IBM anunció hoy la primera plataforma de servicios basada en IBM Watson y construida en IBM Cloud para aumentar la inteligencia humana y ayudar a mejorar las operaciones de los proveedores de servicios a través de tecnologías cognitivas. Full Article Global Technology Services
trans BBVA lidera la transformación tecnológica de la banca en Latinoamérica y EE.UU. de la mano de IBM By Published On :: vie, 09 mar 2018 11:00:33 GMT El Grupo BBVA acaba de formalizar un acuerdo con IBM para que esta firma asuma la operación y transformación de la infraestructura tecnológica actual de BBVA y el procesamiento de datos en América Latina y EE.UU., actualmente gestionada por su filial ATA en México. Full Article Global Technology Services
trans IBM y Universidad de Guadalajara, Acortan Brecha en Habilidades que Demanda a Profesionales, la Transformación Digital By Published On :: vie, 08 sep 2017 12:14:35 GMT Como parte de su compromiso por contribuir con la tecnología más innovadora a la resolución de los desafíos y retos que enfrenta el mundo, IBM dio a conocer que seleccionó a CUCEA (Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico y Administrativas) de la Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG); a fin de poner en marcha en México la implementación del Programa IBM Skills Academy, con foco en competencias de tecnología de Nube. Full Article Cloud Computing
trans IBM presenta nuevo servicio de nube que da a los negocios la flexibilidad que requiere su transformación By Published On :: mié, 08 nov 2017 07:57:08 GMT IBM anuncia el lanzamiento de IBM Cloud Private, una plataforma de software creada para los clientes que requieren la flexibilidad y capacidad de una nube pública en un ambiente privado. IBM Cloud Private transforma los sistemas de TI (Tecnologías de la Información) en un ambiente de nube flexible para crear un puente hasta las nubes públicas y acelerar el desarrollo de aplicativos. Full Article Cloud Computing
trans IBM Verse, el mail social, combina tecnologías Cloud, Social, Analytics e innovación en diseño para transformar la forma en que trabajamos By Published On :: vie, 21 nov 2014 03:58:49 GMT IBM (NYSE: IBM) reinventa hoy el correo electrónico empresarial con una nueva oferta de colaboración social freemium que utiliza la tecnología de analítica integrada para dar a los empleados una nueva forma de conversar, encontrar a las personas y la información correcta rápidamente, y hacer su trabajo de manera eficiente. IBM Verse es el resultado de una inversión de US$100 millones en diseño e innovación, y reúne las plataformas líderes cloud, analytics, social y de seguridad de la compañía para transformar el futuro del trabajo. Full Article Mobile
trans Westpac NZ Selects IBM to Support Transformation to NZ's Leading Digital Bank By Published On :: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 09:22:55 GMT IBM today announced that Westpac New Zealand, part of one of the world’s largest financial services institutions, has selected IBM’s private cloud technology to support its goal to be New Zealand’s leading digital bank. The new five year agreement is part of an extensive services and technology contract which includes Westpac migrating some of its business critical IT systems into IBM’s state-of-the-art Auckland data centre, enabling enhanced customer service. Full Article Mobile
trans El Tecnológico de Monterrey transforma gestión de talento con solución de tecnología social By Published On :: lun, 27 ago 2018 05:43:49 GMT IBM dio a conocer que el Tecnológico de Monterrey está transformando la gestión del entorno laboral de todas sus unidades de negocios con su solución de gestión de talento, Kenexa. La solución permite a los profesionales de Talento y Cultura (Recursos Humanos) del Tecnológico de Monterrey, tomar decisiones estratégicas a fin de impulsar los resultados de negocio basadas en hechos, es decir, sobre la base del análisis de talento (reporteadores) de su tradicional encuesta de clima organizacional. Full Article All Topics
trans Ilusión, Fiorentina y David's Bridal abren la puerta a la transformación digital en la moda con IBM By Published On :: jue, 15 nov 2018 04:15:52 GMT Diltex -empresa mexicana propietaria de las marcas Ilusión y Fiorentina, socios de Vanity Fair Brands y franquiciatarios de David's Bridal en México- e IBM, anunciaron que la compañía dedicada a la industria de la moda está mejorando la experiencia del cliente y fortaleciendo su producción, distribución y comercialización a través de su transformación digital. Full Article All Topics
trans CEMEX Transformará Digitalmente la Experiencia de sus Clientes a través de Colaboración con IBM By Published On :: vie, 18 nov 2016 07:01:41 GMT CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: CEMEXCPO), una de las compañías de materiales para la industria de la construcción líder en el mundo, e IBM (NYSE: IBM) anunciaron hoy que CEMEX llevará a cabo una importante transformación tecnológica diseñada para optimizar sus operaciones, mejorar notablemente la experiencia de sus clientes y aumentar la eficiencia del negocio. Full Article Business partners
trans Presenta Foro Soluciones para Habilitar la Transformación de la Empresa Digital en la Era Cognitiva By Published On :: jue, 02 mar 2017 10:48:15 GMT Durante la cumbre Business Connect 2017 en la Ciudad de México, IBM presentó a la Transformación Digital como una de las áreas de mayor crecimiento para los negocios en 2017 y mostró cómo las soluciones cognitivas (de analítica avanzada, de nube, de engagement), están transformando la forma en la que trabajamos y vivimos. Full Article Services and solutions
trans Impulsa IBM ejes de cambio para la transformación de las empresas: datos, interacción y nube By Published On :: mar, 16 jun 2015 02:52:55 GMT Las estrategias de negocio con las que organizaciones líderes están transformando su negocio para obtener mayores eficiencias se basan en tecnologías para mejorar el manejo de la información, la interacción con clientes y modelos de negocio en la nube. Estas tecnologías son impulsadas por IBM, reconociendo las necesidades de las compañías mexicanas. Full Article Software
trans IBM Announces Smart Analytics and Transactional Systems to Draw Key Insights from Vast Amounts of Data By Published On :: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 11:43:40 GMT IBM today announced new systems highly-tuned and optimised to help clients more quickly draw insights from vast amounts of data to anticipate emerging business trends, capture new opportunities and avoid risks. These new optimised systems support all environments in a data center, enabling clients to handle higher volumes of transactions and analyse data where it resides. Full Article Global Financing
trans Premian Banorte e IBM apps de estudiantes del Tec de Monterrey que transforman servicios bancarios dirigidos a los jóvenes By Published On :: mar, 29 sep 2015 04:33:08 GMT Tres proyectos que proponen mejorar la interacción y la experiencia de los jóvenes usuarios con servicios bancarios móviles, fueron reconocidos hoy por Banorte, IBM y el Tec de Monterrey como resultado del Reto Banorte en el marco de la Semana i, que la institución educativa llevó a cabo del 21 al 25 de septiembre en todo el país. Full Article Analytics
trans GIG construye con Analítica de IBM la transformación de su negocio By Published On :: lun, 02 may 2016 09:33:10 GMT GIG Desarrollos Inmobiliarios dio a conocer que está utilizando una solución de analítica de datos de IBM para transformar el área de ventas inmobiliarias. La herramienta les ha permitido acelarar hasta 6 veces el tiempo dedicado al procesamiento de datos para el cálculo de comisiones. Full Article Analytics
trans IBM y VON DER HEIDE unen esfuerzos para transformar las iniciativas de recursos humanos en resultados de negocio By Published On :: jue, 21 jul 2016 05:22:52 GMT IBM y VON DER HEIDE, compañía especializada en servicios de consultoría de Recursos Humanos, informan que han firmado una importante alianza para expandir su oferta de servicios de Employee Engagement y HR Analytics en toda América Latina. Por medio de las tecnologías de IBM, esta alianza le permitirá a VON DER HEIDE brindar a sus clientes una oferta de consultoría única en el mercado, para transformar estrategias de talento en resultados de negocio. Full Article Analytics
trans Vodafone New Zealand launches Digital Vodafone 2021 transformation program in collaboration with IBM iX By Published On :: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 06:10:56 GMT Vodafone New Zealand, a leading telecommunications services provider, and IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced a partnership to deliver the Digital Vodafone 2021 program in New Zealand. The vision for Digital Vodafone 2021 is to create the most engaging digital customer experience by adopting agile as a way of working, embracing new technologies and simplifying business models. The program is supported by IBM iX, one of the world’s largest digital agencies and global business design partners. Full Article Cloud Computing
trans IBM et SAP annoncent des projets d’investissements majeurs pour accompagner les clients dans leur transformation numérique By Published On :: jeu., 07 avr. 2016 10:02:02 GMT IBM (NYSE: IBM) et SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) annoncent aujourd’hui des projets communs pour accompagner leurs clients dans la modernisation de leurs systèmes et processus afin d’accélérer leur présence dans l’économie numérique. Les deux compagnies envisagent particulièrement d’innover ensemble pour créer de nouvelles solutions qui augmentent la valeur ajoutée du client en s’appuyant sur des extensions cognitives, des expériences client et utilisateur renforcées ainsi que des fonctionnalités sectorielles. Tout ceci doté de la SAP® Business Suite, du logiciel 4 SAP HANA® (SAP S/4HANA) et disponible sur site et dans le Cloud. Full Article Commerce
trans IBM et Cisco misent sur la puissance d'IBM Watson et de Cisco Spark pour transformer la façon de travailler By Published On :: jeu., 30 juin 2016 03:53:48 GMT Les deux sociétés s'unissent afin de redéfinir le travail quotidien de millions de personnes Full Article Business partners
trans IBM et Hardis Group signent un accord mondial pour transformer la chaîne logistique à l'heure du client connecté By Published On :: ven., 10 oct. 2014 12:43:06 GMT @IBM et Hardis Group signent un accord mondial pour transformer la chaîne logistique à l'heure du #client connecté #smartercommerce Full Article Global Business Solutions
trans Alior Bank transforme l’expérience bancaire pour ses clients grâce à une application IBM pour iPad tirant parti de l'analytique By Published On :: ven., 18 sept. 2015 03:09:58 GMT lior Banque annonce aujourd’hui avoir choisi l’application IBM MobileFirst sur iOS pour apporter une transformation fondamentale à la façon dont les clients en Pologne interagissent avec leur banque. A l’aide d’un iPad, les professionnels des services bancaires pourront fournir une expérience plus dynamique et personnalisée aux clients en tirant avantage de la puissance de l’analyse prédictive, et ce de façon sécurisée, facile, rapide et disponible 24h/24. Full Article Mobile
trans ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IBM, Scentre Group and Westpac Commence Live Pilot for Lygon, A Blockchain-based Platform to Transform the Bank Guarantee Process By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 04:29:32 GMT ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IBM Scentre Group and Westpac have jointly launched a live pilot for Lygon, a new digital platform using blockchain technology to transform the way businesses obtain and manage bank guarantees that are often required as part of a retail property lease. Full Article All Topics
trans IBM brings technology expertise to Australia’s first Smart Transport Research Centre By Published On :: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 11:55:53 GMT IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced it has partnered with academia, government and industry to launch the Smart Transport Research Centre (STRC) based at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), which is being opened today by the Minister for Transport, the honourable Annastacia Palasczuk. IBM will contribute its global consulting expertise and technology in developing smarter traffic solutions to help make Australia’s transportation infrastructure smarter, improve commuter experiences and reduce environmental impact. Full Article Travel & Transportation
trans IBM Watson Health announces Australian-first collaboration with Icon Group to transform oncology care. By Published On :: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 05:25:03 GMT Icon Group first in Australia to adopt world-leading technology as part of its comprehensive cancer care offering Full Article IBM Watson
trans Australian Start-Up Lingmo beats Global Competitors in race to market for AI Translation Earpiece By Published On :: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 05:26:18 GMT Lingmo’s Translate One2One uses IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence technology to translate in natural language. Full Article IBM Watson