Solicito Que Actúe Como Español

La vicepresidente segunda del Gobierno de España y ministra de Trabajo, Yolanda Díaz, ha arremetido contra el Partido Popular por su postura en torno al nombramiento de Teresa Ribera como comisaria europea. Durante una rueda de prensa que tuvo lugar en Toledo, Díaz instó al PP a «por una vez defender a su país», haciendo […]

Artículo publicado en : Solicito Que Actúe Como Español


Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz

Este jueves 14 de noviembre, la Audiencia Provincial de Cuenca acogerá el juicio contra dos trabajadoras sanitarias, R.M.M.R. y Y.B.L., vinculadas al centro de salud de Villares del Saz, quienes están siendo acusadas de falsificar partes médicos para prescribir anabolizantes. Ambas se enfrentan a una solicitud de la Fiscalía que propone cinco años de prisión […]

Artículo publicado en : Dos Sanitarias Enfrentan 5 Años de Cárcel por Falsificación de Recetas en Villares del Saz


Globalcaja Destina 250.000 Euros a Familias de Letur y Mira Afectadas por la DANA a través de Servicios Sociales

En un esfuerzo conjunto para mitigar los efectos devastadores de la reciente DANA que golpeó las localidades de Letur en Albacete y Mira en Cuenca, Globalcaja ha destinado un fondo de 250.000 euros que será gestionado por los Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria de Castilla-La Mancha. Esta ayuda económica será repartida equitativamente entre ambas localidades […]

Artículo publicado en : Globalcaja Destina 250.000 Euros a Familias de Letur y Mira Afectadas por la DANA a través de Servicios Sociales


Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha manifestado su deseo de proponer al gobierno central una agenda clara destinada a mejorar la colaboración institucional con las comunidades autónomas. Este anuncio se realizó durante la firma de convenios con la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y la Universidad de Alcalá, en la que García-Page abordó la […]

Artículo publicado en : Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia


El Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha Resalta el Legado de Manuel Marín en la Construcción Democrática de Europa

Ciudad Real, 12 de noviembre de 2024.- El Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha ha rendido homenaje a Manuel Marín, destacando su papel esencial en la construcción de una Europa democrática y cohesionada. Este reconocimiento fue manifestado por Nazaret Rodrigo, directora general de Asuntos Europeos, durante la presentación del libro ‘Raíz y Rama. Un homenaje a Manuel […]

Artículo publicado en : El Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha Resalta el Legado de Manuel Marín en la Construcción Democrática de Europa


Ciudad Real Se Prepara Para Implementar La Zona De Bajas Emisiones Que Optimizará El Aire Y La Movilidad

El Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Real está reconsiderando el calendario para la implantación de la zona de bajas emisiones (ZBE) en la ciudad. Esta decisión responde a la necesidad de llevar a cabo un exhaustivo estudio jurídico del borrador de la ordenanza elaborada por la Concejalía de Movilidad. El objetivo es evitar «problemas jurídicos» como los […]

Artículo publicado en : Ciudad Real Se Prepara Para Implementar La Zona De Bajas Emisiones Que Optimizará El Aire Y La Movilidad


Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo

En la ciudad de Cuenca, el ambiente está cargado de emoción ante la inminente llegada del Carnaval, uno de los eventos más esperados por la comunidad. El Concejal de Festejos, Alberto Castellano, ha destacado la colaboración entre su departamento y la Asociación Amigos del Carnaval para fortalecer esta celebración anual. «Llevamos ya tiempo trabajando en […]

Artículo publicado en : Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo


Herencia inaugura una nueva pista de pádel de metacrilato con mejoras de seguridad y tecnología

Herencia estrena desde hoy una nueva y modernizada pista de pádel que promete elevar la experiencia de juego y seguridad de los usuarios. Esta nueva instalación se suma a las tres pistas ya existentes en el complejo deportivo local y está diseñada para satisfacer la creciente demanda de los aficionados a esta disciplina. Las obras […]

Artículo publicado en : Herencia inaugura una nueva pista de pádel de metacrilato con mejoras de seguridad y tecnología


Rétention de sûreté: Sarkozy insiste

Le chef de l'Etat a demandé au président de la Cour de cassation de trouver le moyen juridique de contourner la censure du Conseil constitutionnel. Celui-ci a limité l' application immédiate de la loi sur la rétention de sûreté pour les criminels déjà...


Scouting The NBA DFS - Friday, March 25 (Free Preview)

Fantasy Basketball Expert Nate Weitzer will help you cash with your DFS NBA lineups. This is a free preview of his PREMIUM NBA DFS Rundown!


Scouting The NBA DFS - Friday, March 25 (Premium)

There's a huge slate of NBA action tonight and we bring you the top values, plays, and games to target for your DraftKings and FanDuel lineups


NBA DFS Projections - March 25 (Free Preview)

Check out a preview of our daily NBA DFS projections in the forums, part of a new DFS package exclusively created for #FullTimeArmy!


Haftstrafe für Ärztin wegen angeblicher Russland-Kritik - ohne Beweise

Kritik an Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine wird von der russischen Justiz hart bestraft. Nun muss eine Ärztin für Jahre in Haft, weil sie der Ukraine angeblich ein Recht auf Selbstverteidigung zugestand. Beweise dafür gibt es nicht.


Entscheidung über Schweigegeld-Urteil gegen Trump vertagt

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Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Kiew: Russland plant Angriff an Südfront ++

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Panne an Flugzeug verzögert Rückkehr von Habeck aus Lissabon

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Was der Flamingo-Test über die Gesundheit verrät

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Republikaner wollen Führungsposten im US-Kongress besetzen

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Porto für Briefe und Postkarten steigt auf 95 Cent

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Bundestag soll über AfD-Verbotsantrag abstimmen

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Haldenwang tritt von Stelle als Verfassungsschutzpräsident zurück

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Was können Klimakonferenzen überhaupt bewirken?

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Last encore of Sam Jones "UHF" show 9/25, 1 pm

RSU-TV's "Green Country Perspectives with Sam Jones" on the 25th anniversary of the movie "UHF". Circle Cinema showing tonight is sold out, but book signing with Weird Al at 4 pm. Broadcast channel 35.1, Cox 109 or 793.


SortPix XL - Photo Organizing Software 25.0.0

Photo organizing software - SortPix XL


Audio Reader XL / Vorleser XL 25.0.0

Text-to-speech Software Audio Reader XL


Exe Icon Changer 201506252445

Change or extract icon in exe, dll. Replace


LXer: MYiR Tech MYC-LD25X � A compact STM32MP25 system-on-module running Debian 12

Published at LXer: MYiR Tech�s MYC-LD25X is a compact 39x37mm system-on-module built around the STMicro STM32MP25 dual-core Cortex-A35 SoC running at 1.5GHz with a Cortex-M33 core, and an NPU...

  • Syndicated Linux News


Weitere 70 Flüchtlinge kommen in Osterode an

70 Flüchtlinge kamen am Dienstag in zwei Bussen in Osterode an, 100 weitere sollen am heutigen Tag aus Bayern folgen. Das gab Gero Geißlreiter, Erster Kreisrat des Landkreises Osterode am Harz am letzten Mittwochnachmittag in einer Pressekonferenz bekannt. Die Helfer wurden erst am Mittwoch eine halbe Stunde vor eintreffen der Busse ...


GRÜNE fordern vom Bund mehr Unterstützung bei der Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen

Zunehmende Kritik an der Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung kommt jetzt von der Partei BÜNDNIS 90 / Die GRÜNEN. Die Länder und Kommunen könnten die finanziellen Lasten nicht mehr tragen, und die Zuschüsse vom Bund reichten bei Weitem nicht aus. Bisher will der Bund die Länder mit zusätzlich 500 Millionen Euro bei ...


How I delayed at least 25,000 people's journey to work this morning

This is not an exciting story, despite the title. But it’s true. And it happens to dozens of people every day, and is the reason why getting to work in London can sometimes take so long.

First, let me explain that this is not a story of me causing a fire alarm to go off, for anti-terrorist police to close a station for half an hour, or some dramatic incident that has left TfL seeking an ASBO against me.

This is a story that starts with a strap of a backpack. This strap, in fact:

This morning I caught a tube from Baron’s Court on the District Line heading East. Normally I change at South Kensington for a Circle Line to Moorgate, or hop off at Mansion House and walk up to the office through the City. This morning I had decided to stay on the District line until Blackfriars, and change there for a Circle line. It’s a man’s perogative, etc.

The tube this morning was very busy. During the Olympics it has on the whole been very quiet, but this morning it was the normal 8:15-8:45am peak time crush. I was stood right next to the door at the very front of the train, crushed in by about 20 other souls attempting to share the exact same square foot I was stood on.

At Victoria, as is often the way for the District Line, a lot of hustling and bustling went on as people fought their way out to the platform, and others tried to struggle onto the train. After around a minute, the doors closed.

Except for the one next to me. Looking down, it was jammed on my bag strap.

Swearing, I attempted to free it. It was jammed solid because the hydraulic pressure of the door was pushing against it, but not with sufficient force for the door to close. The guy next to me tried to help. The guy on the platform waiting for the next train also tried to help. Neither of us could free it. Moving it simply led to the door moving along a bit, keeping the strap jammed.

Then the sound of hydraulics releasing was heard, all the doors on the train went to open, and the driver climbed out of the cab. The release of pressure had allowed me to unjam the strap, and recover it into the train. The driver confirmed we were all fine, climbed back into the cab, closed the doors, and off we went.

I apologised to those around me for delaying their journey, even though the total delay was perhaps 60-90 seconds.

Then realised everybody else on the train was delayed, too.

Then a thought about queuing theory and a little knowledge about how loaded that line is with train traffic at that time of the morning hit me: I had delayed tens of thousands of people.

Let me explain how I worked this out.

The District Line is composed of rather large gauge trains. I estimate that conservatively, each train is capable of shifting 2,000 people during peak times. There were certainly at least 2,000 people on my train this morning. Yes, they are only 6 carriages each, but each is certainly capable of holding nearly 350 people, and frequently does. I’m prepared to revise my numbers down if shown evidence.

In addition, the District Line platforms are not just used by the District Line. They’re also used by the Circle line between Gloucester Road and Tower Hill.

A glance at any “passenger information display” on a platform along this part of the network during rush hour will tell you the mean time between trains is 1 minute. There are close to 60 trains an hour going along that piece of track during rush hour.

Because my train was delayed for over a minute, this must have caused the train behind it to be given a red signal. This in turn would have caused the train behind that to be given a red signal, and so on. This buffer effect would be dampened beyond Gloucester Road going West, because the Circle and District lines diverge, giving more time for the red signals to switch to green, meaning scheduled trains would not have to stop in an unscheduled manner.

However, there would have been at least - I think - 5 trains affected by this delay in addition to my own. So we’re now up to 12,000 people in total delayed by my bag strap jamming a door.

It gets worse.

I changed at Blackfriars to a Circle line train. I got off the train I had delayed, waited 60 seconds on the platform and got on the Circle line train immediately following it, obviously now delayed. Cautiously making sure my bag was far from any doors, I boarded aware this train was now at least 2 minutes late against schedule.

Satisfied at the figure I had come up with of around 12,000 delayed passengers, I had assumed I had done no more damage, until we got to Aldgate.

The tube system has a tendency to expect passengers always want to be moving all of the time. Any delay of more than a minute or two at a station is always explained via an announcement. As we sat at Aldgate, the driver announced we were being “regulated” by a red signal. Looking out of the window, I could see an East-bound Metropolitan line train crossing our tracks to head across to East London.

That’s when it hit me. We were “out of position”. The train was a couple of minutes late, and so the guys running the switching had decided to give priority to the Metropolitan Line train, and we were held for approximately 4-5 minutes.

Whilst this part of the Circle line between Aldgate and Tower Hill was not as busy as the District/Circle line Tower Hill back West, a 4 minute delay was enough to ensure that the train behind us was going to be red signalled waiting for us to clear the platform.

That would be enough for the train behind that to be stopped.

And that would be enough for the train behind that to be stopped, which would probably be on the shared part of the network. That would be enough to cascade across the whole part of that line back to Gloucester Road, causing delays to perhaps 12 trains in total.

By now the numbers per carriage were down a little as we were close to the end of peak, but there was probably at least 1,000 people per train out there. Rounding up for the few more probably still around the Victoria area, and we’re up to 25,000 people.

There’s obviously some fudging here - people boarding trains at the “correct time” for them, did not realise the train they were getting was in fact the one after the one they had expected, and they did not suffer any delay. But I also suspect that this effect wasn’t dampened until after the peak ended at around 9:30am, and there were people who boarded their trains at 8:30am or before still out there (it can take 60 minutes easily to get from the “end” of a line into central London), whose journey had taken at least a few minutes longer than normal.

I doubt many noticed. I doubt anybody cares.

But it did make me think about how queueing theory applies to real world problems, and how when TfL moan about people keeping coats, bags and belongings clear of the doors, or jamming the doors to squeeze on rather than wait 6 more minutes for the next train, that they might have a point.

If you cause a train to be delayed, you are not simply inconveniencing the dozen or so people glaring at you in your vicinity. Or the people on the rest of the train who would glare at you if they could. But in fact, you have a cascade effect down the rest of the network. Tens of thousands of people delayed, because you didn’t want to wait 5 minutes. Or because you didn’t keep an eye on your belongings near the door.

I’ll certainly be more careful in future.

The next time I’m sat waiting for a signal to clear or am told that we are “being regulated”, I’ll wonder about whose bag or foot was to blame, and how the numbers of people flowing through London make butterflies flapping their wings on the network capable of huge cascading effects on transport infrastructure.


Registro en Buscadores - ¿Manual o Automático?

El registro en los principales buscadores debe ser manual, de forma tal que se puedan cumplir todos los requisitos de la forma más óptima, lo cual con una herramienta automática seria difícil de lograr. Además ya en varios no es posible la inclusión automática pues uno de los pasos del formulario a llenar solicita la escritura de una cadena alfanumérica que se muestra en forma de imagen ruidosa la cual ...


WordPress 4.0 Türkçe Yapma

WordPress 4.0 öncesi versiyonlarda, ingilizce wordpress’i türkçe yapmak için alttaki adımları takip etmeniz yeterli oluyordu: WordPress Türkçe paketini indirip. Bu paketten, wp-content/languages/tr_TR.mo dosyasını, mevcut kurulumunuzun altına kopyalıyordunuz. İngilizce WordPress kurulumunda, […]

The post WordPress 4.0 Türkçe Yapma first appeared on Amerikada Birgün.


Emailleriniz SPAM’e düşmesin – DKIM – SPF ve DMARC Ayarları

Müşterileriniz devamlı emaillerinizin spam yada junk dizinlerine düştüğünü söylüyorsa, okumaya devam edin. Email göndermek için yapmanız gereken tekşey SMTP protokolünün dilinden anlayan bir program kullanmanız, yani bir PHP, Perl hatta […]

The post Emailleriniz SPAM’e düşmesin – DKIM – SPF ve DMARC Ayarları first appeared on Amerikada Birgün.


2009 Honda CBX250 from South Africa

A bike really to enjoy and have fun with


2009 Kawasaki KLX250SM from United States of America

Would buy again!


Honda CGR1251SH CGR1252SH Parts Manual 20005 Onwards.pdf

Professional Quality: Parts Manual, Parts List, Parts Catalog With Exploded Diagrams. *Contains manufactures part numbers and diagrams for EVERY ...


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July 25 World War II Tokyo Radio Books

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Thomas Müller Wife 2021

Thomas Müller is  Lisa Müller nee Trede. The couple met while they were still teenagers in 2007. Thomas and Lisa tied the knot in 2009 in Ismaning, Germany. The couple doesn’t have kids. Lisa Müller Bio 32-year-old Lisa Müller was born 23 November 1989 in Weilheim in Oberbayern, West Germany.  She shares the same nationality… Continue reading Thomas Müller Wife 2021

The post Thomas Müller Wife 2021 appeared first on FootyBlog.net.


Crassite of Flight 4U-9525

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250 million GBP Paragon Park plans go before council

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Honeywell and Curtiss-Wright Develop Cockpit Voice Recorders to Help Boeing, Airbus Meet New 25-Hour Safety Mandate

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Phoenix AZ United States - Collaboratively developed Honeywell Connected Recorder-25 now available to meet 2024 FAA Reauthorization Act mandating longer recording capability [NASDAQ: HON] - Honeywell.com / CurtissWrightDS.com

  • Electronics / Instrumentation / RFID


June 25, 2006. This RSS Feed is Moving

Hi, If you are picking this up on The RSS Feed, or Atom Feed, We are switching Blog formats and these feeds will no longer be updated. Starting Monday Morning The Hollywood Liberal will be on Wordpress which automatically updates feeds in various categories.We will have seperate feeds for News, Videos, Comics, and one that contains all posts. Our web address will be the same So check back on Monday, you will see the sight looks different. There will be a link to RSS Feeds at the top click on the link which will open a page that will have all the information of the various feeds we will offer, there will also be links to set up the feeds on MY Yahoo, and MY MSN.] See you over there. H.L.


Sells Bungalow 250 m2 (2,691 ft2): 518,000,000 CRC

Costa Rica - 60701 - GOLFITO (PUNTARENAS) - Sells bungalow, furnished or empty, available on Sunday, December 01, 2024: 518,000,000 CRC. Underground parking. Good state. Rooms: entrance, livingroom, double livingroom, dining room, separated WC, 2 separated WC or more, bathroom, water room, american kitchen, separated kitchen, 6 bedrooms. Habitable surface: 250 m2 (2,691 ft2), garden: 200,000 m2 (2,152,783 ft2). Ribbed sheets. Equipment: washing machine.


FSP dévoile ses nouveautés 2025 : Boitiers, watercoolings, ventirads et alimentations

Au programme de cette nouvelle vidéo Made In Taipei, nous vous proposons de découvrir les nouveautés à venir chez la marque FSP. Au programme, des alimentations, des boitiers, des watercooling AIO et des ventirads CPU. Toutes ces nouveautés sont attendues pour janvier 2025.En partenariat avec GVGMALL: Windows 10 Pro (13U+20AC) : https://biitt.ly/c8V0M Windows 11 Pro (19U+20AC) : https://biitt.ly/7ctfn […]

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Mar 25, Love and Romance to Keep that Balance of Compatibility in the Air.

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