Bulcsú Révész: 'It is nothing but a dream to be on the tour at the age of 17'

Shabnam Younus-Jewell talks to Hungary's first professional snooker player.


Ireland could host NFL game in 2025 - Goodell

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says he is looking to stage eight matches outside of the US in 2025.


Six ways the Budget will affect you if you're under 25

Among the policies announced by the chancellor, some will have a direct impact on younger people.


Northampton's East Stand 'on track' for early 2025

Chairman Kelvin Thomas says the project is running to schedule and should finish early next year.


Al Dancer in 25-1 shock & Nicholls has five winners

Gallant grey Al Dancer lands the Badger Cheer Chase at Wincanton, while trainer Paul Nicholls has five winners.


Council defends spending £250k on PR jobs

Cotswold District Council says the new roles were to make sure residents were aware of the "vital services" it provided.


Plans to build 125 new homes on a field

The developer is submitting a more detailed application after outline plans were approved in 2023.


First acts revealed for Download 2025

Headliners Green Day, Sleep Token and Korn will be joined on the bill by Weezer and McFly.


Steam fair axed for 2025 after no buyer found

Organisers of the Great Dorset Steam Fair say it costs about £5m to run the event each year.


Canary Wharf Winter Lights: Free Trail Returns In January 2025

Illuminations to be dotted among the skyscrapers again.


Interlagos must improve “very bad” new track surface for 2025, say F1 drivers | Formula 1

Formula 1 drivers urged the operators of the Interlagos circuit to improve the new surface they laid ahead of this year's event.


Caption Competition 252: Frustration Martin | Caption Competition

What was this Aston Martin mechanic thinking during the Brazilian Grand Prix weekend? Can you come up with the best caption for this picture?


The times McLaren came closest to breaking 25-year constructors’ title drought | Formula 1

McLaren could be set to win their first constructors' title for 25 years this season. Here is how close they've come over that time.


Bortoleto pushed for 2025 F1 debut to avoid missing a year of racing | Formula 1

Gabriel Bortoleto said he was determined not to sit out a year of racing in 2025 after Sauber confirmed he will make his debut for them in Formula 1 next year.


F1 teams to reveal 2025 liveries together at first season launch event in London | Formula 1

All 10 Formula 1 teams will participate in a new "season launch event" in February next year to reveal their liveries together.


Alpine must make up for 0.3-second deficit with 2025 chassis – Briatore | RaceFans Round-up

In the round-up: Alpine must make up for 0.3-second deficit with 2025 chassis - Briatore • Stolen Lauda helmet goes on display • Wittich 'has not resigned'


Exámenes de traductor-intérprete jurado

El BOE acaba de publicar la Resolución de 12 de julio de 2018, de la Subsecretaría, por la que se convocan exámenes para la obtención del título de Traductor-Intérprete Jurado. La fecha de la primera prueba ha sido fijada para el día 17 de septiembre de 2018 y para los siguientes idiomas: Albanés, árabe, armenio, […]


Y tú, ¿para qué usas WordPress?

Una vez más nos encontramos en la meetup de WordPress Valladolid para compartir qué usos le damos a nuestro sistema de gestión […]


Vocabulary.com: uno de mis últimos descubrimientos

No seré Indiana Jones, pero explorando Internet me siento como tal cuando encuentro algo que me fascina, como es el caso de este diccionario monolingüe inglés-inglés. Ciertamente, la función de autocompletar similar a la de Google lo hace veloz al momento de generar resultados. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, no es esa su característica más valiosa. Si para nosotros los traductores de profesión el contexto siempre es importante para encontrar el equivalente más adecuado, seguramente sabrán valorar el corpus lingüístico contextual que este diccionario genera en la columna derecha, y además ¡por áreas! So, enjoy!


Amor a la literatura o Decálogo del traductor literario

Helena Cortés Gabaudan

Existen unos cuantos códigos deontológicos para traductores, pero muy pocos se refieren a la traducción literaria en particular. De entre ellos, uno de los primeros que se encuentra en Internet ni siquiera llega a reunir más de 7 normas, y las que incluye apenas tienen que ver con lo que realmente garantiza la calidad de una traducción literaria; es un mero listado de requisitos básicos del traductor en general y de aspectos legales (vid. el código deontológico del traductor literario redactado por el Consejo Europeo de Asociaciones de Traductores Literarios, ceatl). Ante esta carencia, hemos redactado, entre bromas y veras, un pequeño código personal para traductores literarios noveles, un decálogo que solo se basa en los cientos de horas solitarias, ingratas, desesperantes, pero siempre felices, pasadas frente a los textos de los grandes autores.


1. Humildad (o, lo que otros llaman fidelidad al texto). No trates de ser más brillante que el propio autor; en general, la mayor literalidad posible en fondo y forma es la mejor norma, aunque siempre creando un texto propio y sin caer en la burda copia. Si tienes siempre la tentación de mejorar el original, si te gusta adaptar y añadir cosas de tu cosecha o cortar y simplificar las partes complejas, escribe novelas, pero no traduzcas. Y, en particular, si eres poeta y te encanta traducir poesía, haz un esfuerzo: olvida tu condición por un instante y sé solo traductor. El lector no quiere leer tus versos.

2. Sensatez. Algunos escritores son gente rara, sí, ¡pero no tantos! En general no escriben estupideces ni insensateces. Así pues, si algo te sorprende sobremanera o parece no tener ningún sentido, es casi seguro que te has equivocado. Indaga. Seguro que algo se te está escapando.

3. Sentido estético. Traducir correctamente el contenido de la obra original puede ser relativamente fácil, pero no hay que olvidarse de la forma estética. Analiza a fondo los recursos estilísticos y estéticos empleados por el autor y trata de lograr lo mismo en tu propio idioma. De no ser así, tanto daría hacer un buen resumen del contenido como traducir la obra.

4. Paciencia. Si quieres traducir literatura no puedes tener prisa, es labor interminable de investigación, reescritura, relectura. Una recomendación: cuando hayas acabado de traducir, olvida tu versión en un cajón durante un tiempo suficientemente largo como para borrar de tu mente el original y haz una última lectura sin tener presente más que tu sentido lingüístico y literario: en este momento, y solo en éste, tómate todas las libertades que quieras con el texto hasta que a ti te suene bien, hasta hacerlo completamente tuyo, hasta que deje de ser una traducción y se convierta en tu texto: ganará en fluidez, no sonará a traducción y tendrá un estilo homogéneo.

5. Cultura. Si no tienes cientos de horas de lectura acumulados, si careces de una sólida cultura general y de cierta experiencia vital, si no conoces los clásicos y te aburre cualquier libro que no esté lleno de acción y diálogos, si nunca ganaste un premio de redacción en el colegio ni leías por las noches con una linterna debajo de las sábanas para que no te riñeran, si nunca viajaste a los países cuyas lenguas traduces, en definitiva, si no tienes gusto por la literatura: por favor ¡no te hagas traductor literario! Se gana más con los manuales de autoayuda y los libros de cocina.

6. Naturalidad. Es más importante que la obra suene bien en tu idioma y conseguir un texto natural y fluido, carente de todo artificio, que el que se cuele alguna disculpable metedura de pata. Y el que esté libre de error, que tire la primera piedra.

7. Buena pluma. Si no tienes talento para escribir con gracia y soltura en tu propio idioma no podrás ser nunca un buen traductor literario. Solo el que escribe bien traduce bien.

8. Dominio de tu lengua. Ser bilingüe ayuda mucho, pero no es garantía de buena traducción. Conocer bien la lengua de partida es un requisito técnico tan elemental como saber leer y escribir, pero no aporta nada más. Conocer bien la lengua de llegada, haberse perdido por sus más enrevesados vericuetos, saber jugar con ella, poder burlarse de ella: esa es la condición para ser un buen traductor. Busca a quien domine muy bien la lengua extranjera y tendrás, con suerte, un correcto traductor. Busca quien domine a
fondo su lengua materna y casi seguro que habrás encontrado a un buen traductor.

9. Actualidad. No envejezcas a propósito una traducción para acercarla a la época del autor. Piensa que los lectores contemporáneos del autor pudieron disfrutar de una lectura fluida y natural en el idioma de su tiempo. No castigues a tus lectores con una barrera idiomática artificial que solo provoca distancia. Para que el original siga siendo tan accesible como en su tiempo, cada generación necesita una nueva traducción.

10. Amor. O lo correcto no es igual a lo bueno. Cuántas traducciones hubo más o menos correctas que son perfectamente olvidables, por grises, planas, carentes de toda vida. Tal vez con un excelente adiestramiento se pueda conseguir un número aceptable de correctas traducciones. Pero siempre hubo, hay y habrá muy pocas buenas traducciones. En traducción literaria, traducción correcta no equivale a buena traducción. Porque también hacen falta grandes dosis de empatía. Si a pesar de haber renegado del texto más de mil veces, en el fondo has acabado sintiendo pasión por él y su autor, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si en caso de existir la máquina del tiempo lo que más te gustaría sería tener una entrevista con el clásico al que estás traduciendo, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si lo que más te gusta al llegar a casa es sentarte ante tu libro, y nunca te vas a la cama sin haber traducido al menos unas cuantas líneas —porque ése es el momento que más disfrutas del día— es señal de que eres un traductor. Y es que, además de profesión, hace falta un poco de vocación.

Estos diez mandamientos se encierran en dos: amarás a la literatura sobre todas las cosas y a los textos que traduces como a ti mismo.


Hacer traducciones literarias es lo más parecido a tener hijos: es una gestación larga y complicada, cuanto más se acerca el inexorable plazo de entrega más insoportable y más pesado se vuelve el asunto, hay momentos en que detestas al que te embarcó en aquel lío y te preguntas cómo pudiste aceptar; y llega siempre ese momento de extremo dolor, cuando tienes que sacar fuera como sea la cabeza del infante, en que te juras a ti mismo que nunca volverás a caer en semejante empresa… pero, en general, una vez que el niño ya está fuera y lo miras, solo queda amor incondicional por tan trabajoso producto, pese a los muchos fallos que pueda tener. Y es que ¿hay alguna madre que piense que sus hijos son feos? En resumen, la traducción literaria no es una profesión, no da de comer ni se aprende en la academia: es una vocación y un talento. Si no disfrutas con ella, no la ejerzas.

Fuente: La Linterna del Traductor


Translating notary terms 4: Is “deed” a good translation for escritura pública?

“Deed” is sometimes used as a translation for escritura pública. Is it a good translation? What is a deed? A deed is a formal legal document. In England and Wales, transfers of land, mortgages, powers of attorney, some business agreements and wills must be executed as deeds. In the US, deeds are only required for […]


Clásicos que cambian vidas

Los clásicos acumulan el saber y la emoción de las mentes más brillantes de la historia, de los corazones que han latido con más pasión. […]



Lee más y lee gratis

Lo he dicho y lo he repetido: escribir y leer son dos caras de la misma moneda. Para escribir mejor hay que leer más y […]



Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 25, 2022

Table of Contents for Volume 25 of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2022


Málaga evacuates thousands as Spain issues more flood alerts

Spain's Civil Protection Agency sent a mass alert to phones warning of an "extreme risk of rainfall".


Magtech 9mm 115 Grain FMJ Ammo 1000 Rounds $0.25 Each FREE Shipping

Magtech 9mm 115 Grain FMJ Ammo, 1000 Rounds for $250.00 FREE Shipping options. That is $0.25 for each round.


Sellier & Bellot 9mm 115gr 1000 Rnds $248.99 FREE S&H $0.25ea

A thousand (1000) rounds of Sellier & Bellot 9mm ammo in 115gr for $248.99 shipped FREE for Club Members. That price is $0.25 a round.


MMEA officer fined RM25,000 for accepting bribes two years ago

ALOR SETAR: An officer of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) was fined RM25,000 after pleading guilty at the Sessions Court here today to five charges of accepting bribes amounting to RM2,300 two years ago.

Judge N. Priscilla Hemamalini imposed a fine of RM5,000 for each charge faced by Muhamad Abdul Hadi Abdullah, 35 and the court ordered the accused to be jailed for five months for each charge if he failed to pay the fine.

According to all the charges, the accused, who holds the rank of Senior Maritime Officer at the MMEA Kedah and Perlis Headquarters, received money amounting to RM2,300 with no reply from the owner of LGH Maju Trading Company, Lim Kian Chong, who knew that he had an official working relationship with the individual.

The money was received by the accused through five money transfers from the Maybank account of a middleman, a woman, which was then deposited into the accused’s RHB Bank account and all the offences were committed at RHB Bank Bhd Langkawi Island Branch on Jan 2, April 10, May 11, July 7 and Oct 8, 2022.

The charge was filed under Section 165 of the Penal Code (Act 574) which carries a jail term of up to two years or a fine or both.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers Abd Muntaqim Abdul Aziz and Mohd Syahzada Azad Sanusi led the prosecution while the accused was not represented.


German companies in Malaysia optimistic about prospects in 2025, survey shows

PETALING JAYA: The latest AHK World Business Outlook Fall 2024 Survey conducted among German companies in Malaysia reveals an optimistic forecast for 2025, with positive sentiment about both current conditions and prospects.

The survey highlights key insights reflecting the resilience and growth expectations of German businesses operating in Malaysia.

When asked to assess the current performance of their company, 92% of German businesses in Malaysia report conditions as “good or satisfactory”, which marks a significant increase of 10% compared to the same period last year.

Strong economic development and confidence among German businesses in Malaysia are expected to continue into next year, with 97% of respondents describing the outlook for 2025 as “favourable or stable”.

While Malaysia has always been recognised for its strong economic foundation, this year’s survey results demonstrate a significant boost in confidence, surpassing expectations from last year’s outlook and highlighting the continued resilience of Malaysia’s economy.

Reflecting this confidence, more than 63% of companies expect positive business development over the next 12 months, while 35% anticipate the current stability will be maintained. Only 1.8% predict a decline in performance, showcasing a predominantly positive outlook for the year ahead.

Additionally, four in 10 companies intend to increase investments in the coming year, suggesting a commitment to further growth within the business community.

Employment plans also appear to be promising, with almost half of the German companies in Malaysia indicating plans to ramp up hiring. An equal percentage (47%) intend to retain their current workforce, emphasising a dual approach to growth and stability in human resources.

While the survey paints a generally encouraging outlook for businesses in Malaysia, respondents identified several challenges that could potentially impact their economic development in the coming years.

Survey participants view demand, economic policy conditions, and lack of skilled workers as potential challenges. These insights underscore the need for ongoing vigilance and strategic planning as companies navigate both opportunities and uncertainties in a highly competitive and volatile global market.

Overall, the findings of the survey illustrate a strong confidence among companies in Malaysia, highlighting a positive trajectory for business development and economic growth in the coming year.

Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC) executive director Jan Noether said, “The results of the AHK World Business Outlook Fall 2024 Survey align perfectly with our expectations for the future of German business in Malaysia. The strong sentiment and optimism reflected in the survey highlight the positive situation we are experiencing here and underscore our confidence in Malaysia’s economic stability and growth prospects. German companies are comfortable and committed to the Malaysian market, with a clear outlook for continued success and expansion in the year ahead. Moreover, Malaysia’s stable economic environment and supportive policies play a key role in stimulating further investment, reinforcing our belief in the country as a reliable and attractive hub for business growth.”

In Malaysia, the survey was conducted between Sept 23 and Oct 16, with 111 respondents from MGCC member companies, comprising mostly German companies with branches or subsidiaries in Malaysia, primarily from the manufacturing, trade, and services sectors.

The survey is part of the broader AHK World Business Outlook, a biannual global research initiative conducted by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It surveys member companies from the network of German chambers of commerce abroad (AHK), which represent more than 40,000 companies in 93 countries.


Philippines, Australia to join key military drills for the first time in 2025

Philippine troops will join Australia's largest military exercise for the first time next year, while the Australian Defense Force will make their debut in Philippine-led war games, both countries' defense chiefs announced Wednesday, November 13.


Corel Kicks Off Black Friday Early with Savings of Up to $125 on Select Products



Govt withdraws Rs250 million infrastructure grant

Funding had earlier been approved for private foundation's project by using taxpayers' money


IMF board to review Pakistan’s $7b loan on September 25 after key conditions met

IMF spokesperson says successful implementation of 9-month standby arrangement had stabilised Pakistan’s economy


All Aboard Tommy Hilfiger's Star-Studded Spring 2025 Ready-to-Wear Show at NYFW!

Tommy Hilfiger set sail on a decommissioned ferry and delivered a show that was all style and swagger!


Style 101: Sadia Tariq Güzel

Playing dress up with Sadia Tariq Güzel


Höhenflüge Hohenfichte 2017 - BMX Contest

On 09.09.2017 again the "Höhenflüge" BMX Contest takes place in Hohenfichte. Huge Airs and street-combos, as you see them on Instagram and Co, you can see here live on 09.09.2017. And all this under the motto: higher, farther, more stylish. In addition to a few special prizes, the best riders of the day have the chance to win 1500€ prize money, so.... off to Hohenfichte! The mood is still heated with the right music. In addition BBQ and beverages of various kinds, in order not to leave the physical well-being outside. Beer and fire should end the day slowly and comfortably. If you are one of those who like to drink a bottle more, then you have a big meadow ready for camping. More infos HERE

Arrival from Friday possible


Vans Celebrates 25 Years of the Half Cab

This fall, the world’s most iconic signature skateboarding shoe, the Vans Half Cab, celebrates 25 years of legendary skateboarding heritage. Originally released in 1992, the Half Cab represents an era of true design innovation. Constructed by street skaters in the early 90s by cutting the collar off the original Vans Caballero pro model and spawning the “lighter, better, faster” version of its predecessor, the iconic signature shoe for Steve Caballero has stood the test of time as a Vans Pro Skate favorite. The Half Cab has indisputably revolutionized performance skate progression, and still to this day, represents the leading-edge modifications in skateboarding footwear for which Vans has come to be known.

An icon in his own right with more than 45 years of influential skateboarding under his belt, from his tenure as part of the original Bones Brigade crew to his decades-long career as a pioneer of skateboarding from vert and park, to street and bowl, Vans honors legend Steve Caballero with the release of two exclusive Half Cab colorways in the token silver anniversary hue and classic black.

Highlighting premium pig suede uppers, metallic silver details, and a tonal embroidered “XXV” on the back heel for a commemorative touch, the 25th Anniversary Vans Half Cab is equipped with Vans Pro Skate’s signature Pro Classics performance innovation, featuring supportive ULTRACUSH HD sockliners for resilient cushioning and advanced comfort, and DURACAP reinforced underlays in high abrasion areas for premium durability and consistent fit.

We wish you all the best!

Your kunstform BMX Shop Team!


Brüggeljam 2017 - Schweinfurt BMX & MTB Contest

Brügglesjam Schweinfurt 2017

Like the last couple years, the "Brüggeljam" BMX & MTB contest in Schweinfurt, germany will take place again. The whole is organized by the guys of the Bike Unit e.V. and the municipal youth work of the city of Schweinfurt.

The date is the 23th of september at 14:00 clock. The park is open all day and the registration for the contest starts at 13:00 clock The start fee is 5€. There are two BMX groups and one MTB group. afterwards a Bunnyhop or Best Trick Contest will take place.

You can win prize money and prizes!

As usual, the guys from the Brüggeljam provide you with suitable music and cool drinks.

We look forward to your coming! For more information about the "Brüggeljam" in Schweinfurt, please visit Facebook.


Brügglesjam 2017 Highlight Video

Brügglesjam '17 from DaCrew. on Vimeo.

Brügglesjam 2017 Highlight Video

The Brügglesjam 2017 in Schweinfurt was pure fun! Check the highlight video now! Enjoy the the video, Your kunstform BMX Shop.

1. Daniel Peter
2. Kalle Frank
3. Johannes Spahn
4. Johannes Winkelmann
4. Alex Schmitt

Video: DaCrew

Subscribe our youtube channel: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/kunstformbmxshop


Felix Prangenberg, Kriss Kyle & Daniel Tünte in CPH 2017

Happy Days: Kriss Kyle, Felix Prangenberg & Daniel Tünte in Copenhagen | freedombmx

Felix Prangenberg was with his Nike team mates Kriss Kyle , Daniel Tünte and Freedombmxmag in copenhagen, to film a new street video, which turned out sick!
Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop.

Video: Freedombmxmag

Subscribe our youtube channel: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/kunstformbmxshop


Robin Kachfi - Webisode#25

Robin Kachfi recently went on a spot safari through Mannheim with his homies. Check their little adventure right now!

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Robin Kachfi

subscribe to our youtube channel: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/kunstformbmxshop


BMX & Skate Contest - Rollrausch Rüsselsheim 2018

On the 16.06.2018, the "Rollrausch" Skate & BMX Contest will take place in Rüsselsheim am Main. In a jam session, which is divided into two groups, amateurs and pros will prove their talent. Whether young or old, everyone can join or watch the event. The whole is kindly supported by the city of Rüsselsheim and is accompanied by live music by DJ Sapiko.

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!


BMX & Skate Contest - Rollrausch Rüsselsheim 2018

16th June 14pm - 21pm (local time)

Skatepark Rüsselsheim
Außerhalb an der Opel Brücke
65428 Rüsselsheim am Main

More infos on Facebook.


Höhenflüge 2018 - BMX Contest

From the 15th-16th September 2018, the Höhenflüge BMX Contest goes in the next round. The Contest will take place at the indoor park "The Last Hole" in Hohenfichte, Sachsen. The best riders have the chance to win Goodies, Vouchers and Cash in the value of 1500€. Music, food and drinks will be provided! You've also the chance to set up your tent on the Meadow next to the park.
Arrival is possible on Friday

All the best, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!


Höhenflüge 2018 BMX Contest

15th-16th of September 2018

The Last Hole
09573 Hohenfichte

More infos on Facebook.


Doomed Brand - Drop Fünf now available

Doomed Brand just dropped! With drop Fünf the guys around the team of Jordan Godwin, Felix Prangenberg, Miguel Smajli, Dan Coller, Lewis Mills and Co. have set new standards in design.

Check our online-shop for more new Doomed Brand products!

Have fun!

All the best,

Your kunstform BMX Shop Team


BMX Winter Games Mühlhausen 2019

at the 23th of February the BMX Winter Games will take place at the new renovated Skatehall in Mühlhausen. You can choose between 4 disciplines (Park, Minirampe, Street and Vert). By the way there are overall 3000€ prize money. The starting fee per discipline is 5 euros, for all four disciplines 15 euros. If you don't want to take part in the contest, but still want to shred the new park, you've to roll the dice for your entry (1-6 EUR). Spectators have free admission.
We look forward to your coming!

10am: Registration + Warm up
11am: Kids Contest U14 (whole Park will be used)
1pm: Contest Start

BMX Winter Games Mühlhausen 2019

23 of February 2019

Thuringia Funpark
Industriestraße 10
99974 Mühlhausen (Thüringen)

More infos on Facebook.


BMX Winter Games Mühlhausen 2019 Video

Our video of the BMX Winterspiele Contest, which went down at the 23th February 2019, is now online at our YouTube Channel! You will find all results of the BMX Winterspiele Contest at freedombmx.

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Robin Kachfi

Subscribe our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/kunstformbmxshop