
Strengthening After-School Programs by Building a 'Knowledge Neighborhood'

A community-based organization's partnership with researchers creates a 'knowledge neighborhood' supporting after-school programs.


After-School Learning

Parents rate homework help, physical activity, and healthy snacks at the top of the list when choosing after-school programs for their children, but access to hands-on activities in STEM is gaining a following.


After School

Students whose peers in afterschool programs would intervene when students misbehaved were less likely to misbehave themselves, according to new research from Pennsylvania State University published in the American Journal of Community Psychology.


After School

A new study suggests working together is something that after-school providers can improve on.


What Is the Healthy Afterschool Movement?

Three ways that the burgeoning healthy afterschool movement can be a leader in incorporating social, emotional, and academic development, as explained by Daniel Hatcher.


Student Killed During Activities After School in North Las Vegas

Authorities say the single victim of a shooting this week at a high school in North Las Vegas, Nev., was an 18-year-old student.


After-School Programs Keep Learning Going With Student Data

Through a city-school partnership in Nashville, Tenn., after-school programs are using data to tailor lessons to students' learning needs.


After-School Programs Enter Career-Tech Space

A pair of after-school programs in Portland offer high school students a glimpse of what it's like to work in building design and construction.


How After-School and Summer Programs Can Turn a Student Around

Elev8 Baltimore sees the impact relationships and out of school time programs have on one student's life.


After-School Programs

After-school programs can help schools support students' reading and math achievement, social-emotional development, and their likelihood of graduating high school, finds a research analysis.


Who's Doing the Teaching After School Lets Out?

Faced with a push for academic programming, after-school providers are deploying new strategies to train and recruit effective educators.


Do You Want to Write About Your Experience Teaching Online After School Closures?

Educators are invited to write about their experiences teaching online in the age of COVID-19.


New Breed of After-School Programs Embrace English-Learners

A handful of districts and other groups are reshaping the after-school space to provide a wide range of social and linguistic supports for newcomer students.


Gay teacher ousted from Catholic school after 23 years


Coronavirus Upends After-School World

With schools shut down, social distancing in place, and parents at home, after-school programs are laying off staff and switching gears to meet families' needs.


Should Your High School Go International?

An increasing number of high schools are attracting students from abroad.


International Schools and Overseas Teachers

International schools have been around for well over 100 years, initially providing education in the native language and curriculum for children whose parents worked as diplomats. Today, according ICEF (International Consultants for Education and Fairs) there are over 12,000 international schools in


Transgender Teachers Speak Out on What They Need From School Leaders

In a recent video message, transgender teachers urge school leaders to make schools more welcoming by examining their own biases and implementing inclusive policies.


The "Creative Destruction" of the American School Publishing Industry

Marc Tucker discusses the consolidation of the American textbook industry and its impact on the quality of the instructional materials publishers now produce.


The Challenging, Often Isolating Work of School District Chief Equity Officers

As some districts try to dismantle racist and biased policies and practices, they are creating high-profile positions to lead that public, sometimes hostile, reckoning.


Tighter Home-School Bonds Improve Students' Social and Emotional Skills (as Well as Academics)

Partnering with parents can help students of any age who have trouble with social or mental health issues. But the devil is in the details, finds an analysis of more than 100 studies.


Breaking Down the Myths That Lead Young Students to Miss School

A new study finds one intervention cut early absenteeism by 15 percent by correcting common parent misconceptions about attendance.


FY 2019 Grant Applications for Arts & Community-Based Organizations and Schools Now open

FISCAL YEAR 2019 GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR DELAWARE ARTS & COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS AND SCHOOLS NOW OPEN Wilmington, Del. (December 12, 2017) – The Delaware Division of the Arts has opened its annual online grant application process for grants for arts programming and projects taking place during fiscal year 2019 (September 2018 – August 2019). Applications are due […]


FY 2020 Grant Applications for Arts & Community-Based Organizations and Schools Now Open

For arts programming and projects taking place during fiscal year 2020 (September 2019 – August 2020) Wilmington, Del. (December 13, 2018) – The Delaware Division of the Arts has opened its annual online application process for grants for arts programming and projects taking place during fiscal year 2020 (September 2019 – August 2020). Applications will be […]


Delaware Libraries Celebrate Reading and Back to School

Delaware’s First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney and Delaware Libraries celebrated libraries and reading during Summer Library Reading Celebrations at the Milford Public Library and Route 9 Library and Innovation Center. The First Lady, Delaware Libraries, United Way and other partners encourage all children and teens to continue to use their most valuable school supply, a […]


FY 2021 Grant Applications for Arts & Community-Based Organizations and Schools Now Open

For arts programming and projects taking place during fiscal year 2020 (September 2019 – August 2020) Wilmington, Del. (December 5, 2019) – The Delaware Division of the Arts has opened its annual online application process for grants for arts programming and projects taking place during fiscal year 2021 (September 2020 – August 2021). Applications will […]


Governor Proposes Investments in Job Growth, Stronger Schools while Governing Responsibly

Governor Jack Markell unveiled a balanced budget proposal that invests in jobs, education and the safety and well-being of our children. His budget keeps the focus on core commitments such as healthcare and public safety and ensures continued fiscal responsibility.


2014 Arbor Day School Poster Contest Winners

The Delaware Forest Service has announced the winners of its annual Arbor Day School Poster Contest with a theme of "Trees are terrific... in cities and towns!" This year's statewide winner is Isabella Garber, a fifth-grader at Christ the Teacher School in Newark. Her poster was judged the best overall on the following qualities: artistic expression, originality, neatness, and use of theme. Complete archive of winners at


Smokey Bear celebrates 70th year by visiting over 90 Delaware schools

To honor October as “Fire Prevention Month,” Smokey Bear will visit over 90 Delaware schools to teach children that “only you can prevent wildfires.” Ashley Peebles, trainer-educator for the Delaware Forest Service, oversees the annual Smokey Bear program, which reached almost 8,000 children last year. 2014 marks the 70th Anniversary of Smokey Bear's introduction in 1944, which has evolved into the longest running public service campaign in U.S. history.


Delaware Forest Service’s 2015 Arbor Day School Poster Contest

The Delaware Forest Service is holding its annual Arbor Day School Poster Contest, which is open to all Delaware students in grades K to 5. Public, private and home schools are encouraged to participate and posters are welcome from after-school groups and youth organizations. This year’s contest theme is “Trees are Terrific… Inside and Out.” To participate, teachers must register their classes by March 13 and submit posters by the deadline of March 27. Classes that participate can also request free pine seedlings on a first-come, first-served basis.


Smokey Bear to visit Delaware schools for Fire Prevention Month

To honor October as “Fire Prevention Month,” Smokey Bear will visit Delaware schools to teach children that “only you can prevent wildfires.” Nationwide fire data continue to show that human activity causes the largest number of forest fires, which is why Smokey teaches children at a very early age that they should never play with fire or use matches. Last year, the Delaware Forest Service provided 104 fire education programs to 9,410 students - a record number of school programs for the agency.


2016 Arbor Day School Poster Contest winners

Rain Vasey, a 5th-grader at Water Girl Farm Academy in Lincoln, is the winner of the 2016 Arbor Day School Poster Contest. The Delaware Forest Service sponsors the contest for Delaware schoolchildren in grades K to 5 for all public, private, home, and charter schools. The winners receive a tree planting at their school, a gift card, a tree-themed book, and an invitation for them and their family to attend the State Arbor Day event with Governor Markell on May 12


Smokey Bear to visit Delaware schools in October

Smokey Bear will be back in Delaware schools starting this October, visiting first-graders throughout the First State to remind children that "only you can prevent wildfires." The second week of October is National Fire Prevention Week, observed annually in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Smokey Bear has become one of the Delaware Forest Service's most successful educational programs. In the past two years, the DFS provided an average of 90 Smokey Bear fire education programs to about 8,250 students per year — representing almost 75% of the first-graders in the entire state. Created in 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign is the longest-running public service advertising campaign in U.S. history.


Arbor Day school poster contest for grades K to 5

The Delaware Forest Service is seeking entries for its annual Arbor Day Poster Contest, open to students in grades K to 5 from all public, private, homeschool, afterschool, and other organized youth groups. Winning posters will be selected from each of the three counties in the following grade categories: Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2, Grades 3 and 4, and Grade 5. The twelve winners will be recognized at the annual Statewide Arbor Day Celebration hosted by Governor Carney in Dover. A tree planting ceremony will be scheduled at each winner’s school and the teacher receives a $50 gift card for classroom supplies. The deadline to register is March 15 with poster submissions due by March 31.


2018 Arbor Day School Poster Contest for grades K to 5

The Delaware Forest Service is now accepting entries for its annual Arbor Day Poster Contest for grades K to 5—open to all public, private, and home school students. For the first time, this year's theme is “Trees are Terrific…and Perfect for Pollinators!” The contest can teach students about the important role of trees in the well-being of both people and pollinators, such as bees. In Delaware, Arbor Day is designated as the last Friday in April (April 27, 2018). Arbor Day was started in Nebraska in 1872 by J. Sterling Morton as an occasion to both celebrate and encourage the planting of trees. In addition to a chance to win prizes, all students that participate will receive free loblolly pine seedlings, delivered during the last week of April. Teachers must register for the contest by March 15 to reserve free seedlings, and all posters are due March 29, 2018.


Southern Delaware School of the Arts student wins Arbor Day Poster Contest

Amelia Meyer, a fifth-grader at the Southern Delaware School of the Arts in Selbyville, is the overall winner of the Delaware Forest Service's 2018 Arbor Day School Poster Contest, beating out entries from more than 3,200 students in 43 classes from virtually every school district. This year's theme - “Trees Are Terrific…and Perfect for Pollinators!” - was chosen to highlight the important role of trees in the health of pollinators such as bees and butterflies. The annual contest is open to grades K to 5 in all Delaware private, public, charter, and home schools. Winners were selected from each county in the following grades: K, 1-2, 3-4, and 5. Posters were evaluated on originality, use of theme, neatness, and artistic expression.


2019 Delaware Arbor Day School Poster Contest

The Delaware Forest Service's Arbor Day School Poster Contest is now accepting entries from Delaware students in grades K to 5 in all private, public, charter, and home schools. Winners will be selected from each county in the following grade categories: K, 1-2, 3-4, and 5. Awards will be presented at the State Arbor Day Ceremony with Governor John Carney.  This year’s theme – “Trees Are Terrific…in Cities and Towns!” – is designed to increase knowledge about the benefits of trees in our communities. The deadline to register is March 15 and the deadline to submit posters is March 29.


St Georges Technical High School Fence - Contract 2006

Agency: NCC Closing Date: 5/26/2020


Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Design Services, Bancroft School/Campus

Agency: CHR Closing Date: 6/5/2020


Capital School District New Fence for Double Middle School

Agency: CSD Closing Date: 5/13/2020


Seaford Middle School - Roof Rehabilitation and Coating

Agency: SEA Closing Date: 5/19/2020



The Division of Public Health (DPH) will host a two-day, exercise on Tuesday, June 19, and Wednesday, June 20, at Sussex Central High School, Georgetown. The purpose is to test the division’s ability to operate a shelter for residents who may be displaced or unable to occupy their homes in the event of a disaster.


DHSS Seeks School Supplies, Gift Cards to Support Adopt-A-Student Program’s Goal of Helping Students in Need

NEW CASTLE (July 25, 2018) – With back-to-school shopping already well underway for many Delaware families, the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) asks you to consider helping students in need get off to a good start this school year by participating in the annual Adopt-A-Student program. DHSS, in partnership with the Human Services Council, Inc., […]


Division of Public Health and Indian River School District Announce TB Response at Georgetown Elementary School

The Division of Public Health (DPH) and Indian River School District announced today that approximately 50 individuals at Georgetown Elementary School in Sussex County may have been exposed to someone with active tuberculosis (TB). DPH is making contact with those individuals to offer free screenings, as well as treatment if needed. To protect medical privacy, no additional information will be provided regarding the source of the infection or the individuals who need testing.


DHSS Seeks Back-to-School Donations for Adopt-A-Student Program

With back-to-school shopping already well under way for Delaware families, the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) asks you to considering helping students in need get off to a good start this school year by participating in the annual Adopt-A-Student program.


DPH Investigating Mumps Outbreak Among School-Age Children in New Castle County

The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) is investigating an outbreak of mumps cases among school-age children in New Castle County. As of March 3, 2020, DPH had identified nine cases of mumps as part of this outbreak, including seven confirmed cases and two probable cases.

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Division of Public Health
  • News
  • DE Division of Public Health
  • MMR
  • mumps
  • New Castle County
  • public health


School nutrition programs announce meal options for students during closure

The Delaware Department of Education has received a waiver from the federal government to allow school nutrition programs to provide meals to students during the closure.


Governor Carney Closes Delaware Schools Through May 15

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Monday ordered all Delaware schools to remain closed through at least Friday, May 15 to fight the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).  Read a letter that Governor Carney sent Monday night to families, educators, and school leaders. “On March 13, after significant discussion with superintendents and charter school leaders, I […]


Changes in upcoming School Board and Municipal Elections

Wilmington. Governor Carney changed upcoming School Board and Municipal Elections in his 6th update to the State of Emergency. The Governor ordered School Board elections scheduled for May 12th delayed until June 16th. He  also ordered municipal elections scheduled before May 15th cancelled and  rescheduled no earlier than May 15, 2020. The Governor further ordered […]

  • Department of Elections
  • Department of Elections - Kent County Office
  • Department of Elections - New Castle County Office
  • Department of Elections - State Election Commissioner
  • Department of Elections - Sussex County Office
  • News
  • School Board Elections
  • elections
  • municipal elections
  • school board elections coronavirus


Delaware Schools Closed through Academic Year

A statement from Governor Carney on Delaware Schools: “We made the difficult decision today – in consultation with superintendents across our state – to close schools through the rest of the academic year. I know this will be difficult for a lot of Delawareans, and Delaware students. Nothing replaces in-person instruction, and the services that […]