
Battle for the Wall: Benefits of Proprietary Controls Versus Smart Thermostats

The expected surge in smart thermostat sales will have equipment manufacturers, many of whom have their own proprietary controls, competing with the well-known universal thermostat brands, such as Nest, Honeywell, and ecobee.


Episode 95: The New Guardian.co.uk website with Matt Wall and Erik DoernenBurg

In this episode we talk to Matthew Wall (Guardian News and Media) and Erik Doernenburg (Thoughtworks) about their work on the new guardian.co.uk website. We discuss the challenge of scalability and interactivity, their use of Domain Driven Design, some of the technical building blocks as well as the approaches they use for performance measuring and scalability tuning.


Undoing What Wall Street Did to the Housing Market

Billionaires have long leveraged the housing market for money. But a new report outlines how to regulate the market so people—not hedge funds—can buy homes.


Murmurations: The Wisdom Behind Prison Walls

A note from adrienne maree brown: Gilda Sheppard directed a film called Since I Been Down, in which Kimonti Carter was a protagonist as a transformed man leading his community


Zeppelin Guys is now offering improved versions of its AIRWALL Xhaust 1.0 and 2.0

Zeppelin Guys offers improved versions of its AIRWALL Xhaust 1.0 and 2.0.


Zeppelin Guys Announces AIRWALL® Flex Seal for Complete Enclosure During Flood Cuts

Zeppelin Guys expands its’ patented product portfolio.


How to Clean Taffeta Wallpaper

This edition of Ask Annissa deals with cleaning taffeta wallpaper, which is actually a fabric and needs extra care.


Gasp!! Biblical Quotations Still Adorn Many Walls of State Capitol!!

You will never guess where you can find a wide selection of biblical quotations when you visit Harrisburg. Well, yeah, the bible. But I’m talking a building. It’s the State Capitol of all places–hard to believe in this day and age where there is always someone looking to be offended. PA Rep. Kathy Rapp, a Republican out of the northwestern part of the state, put out a nice booklet that is complete with the verses and the scenes that accompany those verses. Many are in the Governor’s reception room, House chambers and Senate chambers. Rapp stated in the first page of her book “Pennsylvania’s history and heritage is rooted in religious significance. From William Penn’s own vision and statement of establishing a Holy Experiment, to the first laws proposed by the General Assembly, to the first section of the first Constitution, the Charter of Privileges, entitled the freedom of conscience, our founders based their way of life on religious convictions. There are verses from the Old Testament, including Isaiah 42:1,4,7,10 “Behold my servant whom I uphold to pen the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. Sing unto the Lord a new song ye that go down to the sea.” There are also several from the New Testament and the Gospels, like Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake.” No, this would not happen today. Not with the hyper-politically correct world we live in. In fact, it’s kind of surprising no one has fought to take it down. Maybe they have and I don’t know it. For example… There’s a case involving Lehigh County and the cross on its county seal that was added in 1944. It was fine then, but of course it had to offend somebody eventually. Yep. It did. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation—how they came across the symbol is beyond me—joined four Lehigh County residents and filed a lawsuit. According to the Morning Call, they argued “the seal was a violation of their first amendment rights.” U.S. District Judge Edward G. Smith agreed with the folks who were offended. He ruled in September that Lehigh Co. would have to change it on flags, cars or other property but could keep it on older documents. The County appealed to the Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which is waiting for the U.S. Supreme Court to act on a similar case before it makes a ruling.  


Wall of Confusion

Nine months into 2023, there is still a lot of work to do as far as reducing consumer confusion surrounding eco-friendly packaging – and reducing unnecessary packaging “waste” going to landfills.


Fed's Waller: Makes no comments on economy or monetary policy outlook

Fed's Waller is speaking but makes no comment on monetary or economic policy in his prepared remarks.

He does say:

  • private sector best suited to innovate on payment systems
  • Fed ready to support private innovation, mindful of financial stability.
  • Government should have clear objective when providing financial services.
  • There are times when government can address market inefficiencies
  • Still does not see case for Fed digital dollar

Perhaps he will comment on monetary policy/the economy in a Q&A later.

Looking ahead at

  • 10:15 AM ET, Richmond and President Barkin is speaking (he speaks at 5:30 PM ET as well).
  • 2 PM, Minneapolis Fed Pres. Kashkari speaking and at
  • 5 PM Philadelphia Fed Pres. Harker is scheduled to speak
This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.


Plumber Finds Cash, Checks Inside Walls of Joel Osteen's Church


LA CUENTA SUIZA, de Leslie Waller (Pomaire, Buenos Aires, 4ª ed.)

La cuenta suiza
Autor: Leslie Waller (1923-2007)
Título original: The Swiss account (1976)
Traducción: Aníbal Leal
Editor: Editorial Pomaire (Buenos Aires)
Edición: 4ª ed.
Fecha de edición: 1978-03
Descripción física: 542, 2 p.; 13,5x20 cm.: solapas
Estructura: 6 partes, 62 capítulos
Información sobre impresión:
Este libro se terminó de imprimir el día 24 de abril de 1978 en Imprenta de los Buenos Ayres, S.A., Rondeau 3274, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
La edición consta de seis mil ejemplares.
Información de contracubierta:
Suiza es un país en el que poquísimas cosas comienzan, pero muchas terminan
Información de solapas:
Suiza es un país en el que poquísimas cosas comienzan, pero muchas terminan
F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Matt Burris siempre se le encomendaban las misiones más difíciles, y si alguien podía infiltrarse en la organización bancaria suiza ése era él. Sin embargo sólo pudo cumplir su tarea utilizando recursos verdaderamente insospechados.
Margit Staeli era la heredera de una de las fortunas más grandes de Europa, pero su tío Dieter no quería mujeres a la cabeza de la empresa y confiaba en que el día que la muchacha se casara con Erich, su prometido, las cosas se solucionarían solas.
Cuando estos personajes se encuentran, la pacífica Suiza se transforma en el escenario de un juego mortal, en el que no sólo están en juego millones de francos sino también varias vidas humanas.
La novela transcurre en un ambiente de intrigas que se planean en viejas mansiones, dentro de coches de lujo que se persiguen por autopistas interminables, en restaurantes en los que hay que saber por lo menos tres idiomas para poder desayunar, en despachos desde los cuales se gobierna el mundo.
El choque producido entre las aspiraciones personales y los intereses del mundo de los negocios envuelve a los personajes en una maraña de traiciones, sexo y violencia, en medio de la cual hay, de vez en cuando, un gesto tierno, un amor auténtico, un sacrificio desinteresado.
Al atractivo del argumento hay que sumarle el interés de descubrir una imagen de un país y de ciudades que creíamos conocer. Con mucho humor y fina ironía el autor nos va presentando el rostro desconocido de los suizos.
El autor es un verdadero experto en la materia y nos revela los secretos de la evasión de divisas, de los institutos de belleza para mujeres internacionalmente famosas y de la forma cómo operan los Bancos para mantener inviolable el secreto de los depósitos que se hacen desde el extranjero.
Leslie Waller comenzó su carrera literaria como periodista, oficio que le permitió adentrarse en ambientes diversos y que le proporcionó un profundo conocimiento del mundo que describe. Entre sus novelas más famosas figuran The Banker, The Family y The Coast of Fear. Pasa parte del año en Nueva York y el resto en Europa.
De las novelas de décadas pasadas que encontré en mis búsquedas, La cuenta suiza era una de las que más me intrigaba. Evidentemente, trataba sobre el manejo financiero en Suiza, pero quería saber si incluía el espionaje en su historia, y qué estilo tenía, ya que posee una cantidad de páginas importante. Debo decir que me sorprendió: Waller se toma su tiempo para realizar una radiografía no sólo de los negocios que puede tener un gran banco helvético, sino que también desnuda al país mismo. Es una verdadera novela sobre el espíritu suizo. Waller no se enfoca en el folklore o en las bellezas turísticas (aunque también aparecen), sino que nos permite conocer una sociedad cerrada (por lo menos hasta los años ’70), donde las mujeres tienen limitados derechos básicos, con los hombres poderosos decididos a mantenerlas así. Es un país retrógrado con dinero. Sin embargo, la figura de Margit Staeli, heredera de la gran fortuna familiar, educada en Estados Unidos, sexualmente activa, se erige como la posibilidad de un cambio desde adentro. Pero la novela tiene varias líneas de acción más, que van desde un intrigante negocio electrónico con empresas japonesas, hasta el delirio geopolítico de Woods Palmer, ex director ejecutivo de UBCO, uno de los mayores bancos americanos, que vive cerca de Lugano. Palmer fue protagonista de una trilogía bestseller de Waller, compuesta por El banquero (1963), La familia (1968) y El americano (1971). Alguna fuente web que no registré decía que apareció en varios libros más, aunque de forma secundaria; La cuenta suiza lo confirma (curiosamente, los sitios webs más importantes sobre ficción no certifican esta serie). Palmer mueve a Matt Burris, ejecutivo de UBCO, desde su puesto en Japón a Basilea para que contribuya con una misión secreta a tomar el control de las finanzas del país. En una charla con Curtis, encargado de las operaciones secretas de UBCO, el director retirado confiesa sus propósitos megalómanos:

—Hay que aprender a descifrar el lenguaje de los economistas —dijo (Palmer)—. Más de la mitad del mundo se encuentra en vísperas de graves problemas. Pero nosotros no formamos parte de esa mitad.
—Me alegra saberlo. ¿Quién los sufrirá?
—Los pueblos subdesarrollados —Palmer esbozó un gesto—. Yo no inventé el término. La gente marginal está demás. No se trata de los desocupados. Demonios, eso puede ocurrirle a cualquiera. Ocurre que esa gente no sabe hacer nada que le permita ganarse la vida.
—¿Ni siquiera cavar zanjas?
—Ni siquiera eso. Las máquinas lo hacen cien veces mejor y más rápido.
—¿Cultivar alimentos, o algodón?
—Muy pronto no se necesitarán brazos para ejecutar esas tareas —dijo Palmer con una sonrisa seca—. Ahora todo se hace con máquinas. Antiguamente un campesino de los lugares más remotos de África o Vietnam podía cultivar mijo o arroz, o cualquier cosa que le permitía vivir, con un pequeño sobrante que canjeaba por otros artículos necesarios. Pero la sequía está destruyéndolo, y el bajo costo de los granos producidos con máquinas viene a completar la tarea. Está acabado. Se muere ante nuestros propios ojos. Lo único que puede asegurarse con certeza es que el hambre se agravará cada vez más.
—Pero podemos enviarles lo que necesitan.
—¿Por qué no? —insistió Curtis—. Lo hemos hecho durante generaciones en beneficio de los habitantes marginales de Estados Unidos.
Palmer meneó la cabeza.
—No hay mucho sentimentalismo en los dirigentes de los países prósperos. Exceso de inflación, que perjudica a demasiada gente. Un político que enviara alimentos a los pueblos hambrientos de la tierra no duraría una semana.
—¿De modo que tienen que morir?
Palmer guardó silencio, los ojos fijos en la palma de la mano, con los dedos extendidos.
—Tienen que morir.
Curtis se puso de pie y caminó hacia el ventanal.
—Y nosotros seremos los dueños de la tierra, ¿verdad?
—Eso mismo —confirmó Palmer—. Hemos infligido algún daño a nuestra ecología. Pero podemos repararlo si queremos. El problema es que nadie demuestra interés en eso. Porque además hemos hecho cosas peores aún con nuestro sistema de distribución. Un daño irreparable e incurable. De modo que esta gente tendrá que morir para que nosotros nos conservemos sanos y comamos más de lo que necesitamos.
—Y estemos ocupados ganando dinero.
Palmer levantó la vista para ver a Curtis que regresaba a su asiento.
—Eso se sobreentiende —dijo secamente.

Las palabras de Palmer suenan tan siniestras como actuales.
Entre Palmer y la familia Staeli se desarrolla una secreta partida de ajedrez, con mucho espionaje cruzado y un renovado romance entre Margit y Burris, que ya se conocían. El desenlace se acelera con la utilización de calculadoras electrónicas que funcionan como aparatos de filtración de conversaciones, manejados desde Japón. Una vez más queda claro que la ambición de poder siempre necesitará obtener, legal o ilegalmente, la información necesaria para tomar decisiones. Lo que uno teme es que la tecnología quizás evolucionó demasiado desde la publicación de esta novela, aumentando su capacidad de ser manipulada. Los Palmer de ahora están más cerca de conseguir sus objetivos.


Sail Repair with Wally Moran - Pt. 5


In this 5-part, 56 minute series, sailing writer, Contributing Editor to SAIL Magazine and charter skipper, Wally Moran tackles his first sail repair project using Sailrite's powerful yet easy to use Ultrafeed LSZ-1 sewing machine.
In Part 5, Wally bends on the mainsail, reviews his repairs, and takes his boat out on the creek where he hoists the repaired main for inspection.

5-Part Series Available on Vimeo On Demand
HD Download $9.99 | Streaming Rental $3.99
The series begins in the Sailrite booth at the U.S. Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD. There, with the help of Sailrite's Matt Grant, Wally assess the repairs to a torn batten pocket and leechline on his mainsail. In realtime, we watch Matt make the batten pocket repair with the LSZ-1 sewing machine. In the next 3 episodes, Wally takes on the leechline repair, working outdoors at a local Annapolis marina. He uses the LSZ-1 and Sailrite's proven techniques to repair the leechline.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Sail Repair with Wally Moran - Pt. 5


In this 5-part, 56 minute series, sailing writer, Contributing Editor to SAIL Magazine and charter skipper, Wally Moran tackles his first sail repair project using Sailrite's powerful yet easy to use Ultrafeed LSZ-1 sewing machine.
In Part 5, Wally bends on the mainsail, reviews his repairs, and takes his boat out on the creek where he hoists the repaired main for inspection.

5-Part Series Available on Vimeo On Demand
HD Download $9.99 | Streaming Rental $3.99
The series begins in the Sailrite booth at the U.S. Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD. There, with the help of Sailrite's Matt Grant, Wally assess the repairs to a torn batten pocket and leechline on his mainsail. In realtime, we watch Matt make the batten pocket repair with the LSZ-1 sewing machine. In the next 3 episodes, Wally takes on the leechline repair, working outdoors at a local Annapolis marina. He uses the LSZ-1 and Sailrite's proven techniques to repair the leechline.

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Gatorland’s new Croc Rock course: Climb a wall, navigate a bridge, zip down a zip line

Gatorland opens Croc Rock, a three-pronged adventure with rock climbing, a swinging bridge and zip line.


Wall Street makes wagers on the likely winners and losers in a second Trump term

While strong rhetoric on the campaign trail can cause these big swings, not all of the promises turn into actual policy.


HSTP-NFWT - Requirements for Network Address Translator and Firewall Traversal of H.323 Multimedia Systems<br/>

HSTP-NFWT - Requirements for Network Address Translator and Firewall Traversal of H.323 Multimedia Systems


HSTP-FNTP - Firewall and NAT Traversal Problems in H.323 Systems

HSTP-FNTP - Firewall and NAT Traversal Problems in H.323 Systems


Wall Street bonuses will likely be heftier this year. Here’s why

Wall Street firms are expected to pay heftier bonuses for this year, the first increase since a bumper year in 2021, according to a report by compensation consultancy Johnson Associates.

Payouts will probably rise after financiers benefited from several factors in recent months: a recovery in dealmaking, the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates and equity markets surging to record highs, said the consultancy’s founder, Alan Johnson.

“This year has been surprisingly good, and the industry is quite optimistic about 2025, especially with the potential of announcing more M&A deals,” he said, referring to mergers and acquisitions.

While bonuses will be more generous, they will remain below the record levels from 2021, when revenue and compensation were “abnormally good,” Johnson said.

Investment bankers in debt underwriting are projected to receive the biggest surge in bonuses of 25% to 35% for 2024, the estimates showed, buoyed by a resurgence of activity. Their counterparts in equity capital markets will likely get boosts of 15% to 25%.

Meanwhile, a slower recovery for M&A will result in more modest bonus increases of 5% to 10% for bankers advising on transactions.

Traders will also reap a windfall from more volatility and rising equities, the report showed. Equity sales and trading professionals can expect their bonuses to climb about 15% to 20%, while in fixed income, payouts will probably rise 5% to 10%.

But not all bankers will share in the recovery, the consultant said. Bonuses for retail and commercial bankers will probably decline or stay flat for the year.

—Tatiana Bautzer, Reuters


Desktop Wallpaper: November 2024 With Microsoft

Microsoft Design shares a downloadable reinterpretation of their iconic Bliss wallpaper from the 2000s, evolved with a modern lens for today’s world.


Bellewood Wallpaper

Loving (!) this wallpaper by Rebel Walls.

  • decorate your walls


Case Study: California Self Storage Gets Desired Aesthetic with McElroy Metal's Metal Roofing, Wall Panels

Using McElroy Metal roofing and wall panels, this storage facility became the brand's "flagship self-storage facility" thanks to its aesthetics.


Young Gun Ian Wallick: Stepping Up When it Counts

When the family succession plan changed, the youngest Wallick met the challenge head-on.


BOS 2021 Speaker Catch-Up with Gregg Wallick

Gregg Wallick of Best Roofing, the 2018 Commercial Contractor of the Year, gives a sneak peek of his upcoming BOS presentation.


Fabral Adds 17 New Colors for Metal Roof and Wall Panel Line

Fabral Metal Wall and Roof Systems introduced Sherwin-Williams WeatherXL, a two-coat silicone-modified polyester coating in 21 colors, offering enhanced durability, weather resistance, and color retention for various metal panels. 


What’s Next for CNN After Chris Wallace’s Departure?

Chris Wallace dropped a bombshell late Monday evening announcing that he is leaving CNN after a three-year run. Wallace explained his decision in an exclusive interview with The Daily Beast, where he also revealed his intention to pursue independent opportunities in the streaming and podcast space. "This is the first time in 55 years I've...


CargoAi accelerates on CargoWALLET with the appointment of Fintech veteran Olivier Veyrac

CargoAi has appointed global payment expert, Olivier Veyrac as its Senior Vice President for CargoWALLET. Over the past 18 months, CargoWALLET has been adopted by 5,000+ Airlines, Freight Forwarders, GHAs and logistic service providers.


SonicWall rolls out SOHO and branch office-focused TZ80 small business firewall service

The TZ80 firewall platform features built-in integration with cloud-native zero trust network access (ZTNA) and VPN as a service (VPNaaS) for hybrid environments.


Art installation marks Berlin Wall's 35th anniversary

Art installation marks Berlin Wall's 35th anniversary


Meet Wally Sparks

Location: Main Media Collection - Video record 42303 DVD


A Random Walk Down Wall Street (paperback)

A Random Walk Down Wall Street (paperback)


Billionaires Are Piling Into an Index Fund That Could Soar Up to 1,207% by 2030, According to Wall Street Experts


California's digital driver's licenses now work with Apple Wallet

Californians can now securely add their digital driver's license or state ID to the Apple Wallet app on their iPhone and Apple Watch, the company announced Thursday.


Morgan Wallen Excluded From Billboard Music Awards Despite 6 Nods After N-Word Scandal

According to Dick Clark Productions, the 'Whiskey Glasses' singer will not be 'performing, presenting or accepting' any possible trophies at the 2021 music awards show.


AppleVis Unleashed January 2024: The Writing is on the Wall

In this month's edition of AppleVis Unleashed, Thomas Domville, Mike Malarsie, and John Gassman discuss recent Apple news and other topics of interest. Topics featured in this episode include:

  • 2023 AppleVis Golden Apple Award Winners
  • Apple Vision Accessibility: the 2023 AppleVis Report Card
  • blood oxygen features Removed from Apple Watch
  • At Last Apple Vision Pro has Arrived
  • Apple’s Wall Garden Crumbling Before our Eyes Part 1: External App Payment Options
  • Apple’s Wall Garden Crumbling Before our Eyes Part 2: Side Loading and Opening Tap to Pay Options
  • What's in the new iOS 17.3
  • Latest News on the Upcoming iPhone 16


If you have feedback or questions for the Unleashed team, you can reach them by email at unleashed@applevis.com or by leaving a voice message at 1-816-287-1482 (US number, call charges may apply).


A new era dawns. America’s tech bros now strut their stuff in the corridors of power | Carole Cadwalladr | The Guardian


Vince Gill Joins Alison Brown and Steve Martin For 'Wall Guitar'

Banjoists Alison Brown and Steve Martin tapped Vince Gill for 'Wall Guitar (Since You Said Goodbye),' their latest collaboration


Outpost Firewall Pro Review

Read our review of Outpost Firewall Pro, the best software firewall solution in the industry.


How To Improve the avast! Internet Security Firewall

A quick and easy way of making the avast! Internet Security Firewall much more effective.


Will AI be a bust? A Wall Street skeptic rings the alarm.

To create AI businesses, experts predicted $1 trillion would be spent on data centers, utilities and applications. Jim Covello thought those costs made it impossible for the industry to inexpensively solve real-world problems.


Flicks of the Week: Discover Hip Hop Like Chris...Wallace

'Fresh Dressed" premieres on Monday, October 13 at 10P/9C.

  • BET Star Cinema


Wallpaper Wednesday: Pink Longtail With Flag

The latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features the Bermuda longtail with soft accents of the Bermuda flag incorporated in the bird’s wings. The design is also available below as a Facebook profile cover image, and you can check back on Bernews every Wednesday for our latest free phone wallpaper download. To access […]


Wallpaper Wednesday: Bermuda Longtail & Flag

The latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features the longtail, an iconic bird in Bermuda, with the Bermuda flag in the background. To access more phone wallpapers with Bermudian themes, as well as social media cover graphics, visit BermudaCovers.com, and if you would like to request a specific Bermuda-related phone wallpaper design, please […]


Wallpaper Wednesday: ‘Flying With Pride’

The latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features the iconic Bermuda longtail with a ‘flying with pride’ rainbow theme,  with the concept a nod to the statement made by OUTBermuda following the Privy Council’s ruling on marriage. Speaking after the ruling, OUTBermuda Deputy Chair Zakiya Johnson Lord said, “We hold our heads high. Our struggle is […]


Wallpaper Wednesday: Longtail Flying With Pride

The month of June is internationally recognized as Pride Month, and the latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features the iconic Bermuda longtail with a ‘flying with pride’ rainbow theme. The design is available in two sizes; a Facebook profile cover image and also in a vertical format, ideally sized for use as […]


Wallpaper Wednesday: Longtail & Bermuda Flag

The latest design in Bernews’ weekly Wallpaper Wednesday series features a design incorporating the Bermuda flag, a scenic background and the longtail, an iconic bird in Bermuda. To access more phone wallpapers with Bermudian themes, as well as social media cover graphics, visit BermudaCovers.com, and if you would like to request a specific Bermuda-related phone wallpaper design, please feel […]