financial information

Kate Sayer: Chairs, make sure you get all the financial information

As my experiences have shown, you run the risk of being seriously misled if you don't

financial information

Scrutinising financial information on Twitter & detecting misreporting

Assistant Professor Richard Crowley from SMU’s School of Accountancy examines financial accounting using both archival and analytical methods for his research. Much of his archival work deals with large sets of unstructured data using high-powered computing algorithms to address accounting issues that are otherwise infeasible to approach. He has recently written two research articles on using a machine learning technique to assess the content of companies’ disclosures. In this podcast, he discusses how fraud and misreporting can be detected by studying a company’s financial statement using a machine learning technique, and shares how companies disclose financial information on Twitter, and how feedback from investors and others can influence this.

financial information

Global Forum on Tax Transparency marks a dramatic shift in the fight against tax evasion with the widespread commencement of the automatic exchange of financial information

The Global Forum held its annual meeting in Uruguay on 20-22 November, bringing together 220 delegates from 84 jurisdictions and 12 International organisations to strengthen further the international community’s fight against tax evasion. The meeting marked the widespread rollout of automatic exchange of financial account of information.

financial information

Event-driven mobile financial information services [electronic resource] : design of an intraday decision support system / Jan Muntermann

[Germany] : Deutscher Universit̃ts-Verlag : 2007

financial information

The selective misrepresentation of financial information due to earnings management [electronic resource] : theoretical background, models and empirical evidence from the European Union / Riccardo Cimini

Cimini, Riccardo, author

financial information

Financial information