
Topical Sermon: The Sunday After Easter

For 'The Sunday After Easter', we visit the scenes depicted in John 20, when the risen Lord Jesus Christ appeared to His disciples. On the first occasion, Thomas is missing from the gathering and this causes doubt to rise in his heart and mind. But when Jesus appears again and speaks directly to Thomas, countering his doubts and fears, his faith is embolded to declare 'My Lord and my God!'. Join us as David Legge draws lessons from this encounter for 'The Sunday After Easter'. This message is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio and on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord) in HD video...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Questions About Healing, Faith And Unbelief

In this message on Matthew 17:14-21, David addresses some critical questions about healing and what the Bible says. Some may object to any emphasis on healing as a distraction from the gospel's central message. However, the record of the Gospels and the Acts is that healing was intrinsic to Jesus' revelation of the Father to humanity. In this teaching, learn how faith affects healing and how our unbelief can affect our faith. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Help My Unbelief

Mark's record of this miracle in Mark 9:14-29 is different in some ways to Matthew's account. One very significant difference is how the father of the afflicted boy confessed his faith in Jesus' ability to heal; but he also admitted that he had unbelief in his heart too. There are many lessons to learn in this story concerning what demonic affliction can do to someone, even from childhood, and how Jesus ultimately set the boy free. However, we see one very encouraging truth in particular: though the boy's father's faith was imperfect, Jesus still honoured it and healed the boy. God answers even imperfect faith. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Izquierda Unida C-LM Establece Abril de 2026 Como Fecha Límite para Definir su Estrategia Electoral para los Comicios Autonómicos y Municipales

Izquierda Unida de Castilla-La Mancha ha fijado abril de 2026 como la fecha límite para presentar sus candidaturas para las elecciones autonómicas y regionales de mayo de 2027. Así lo ha anunciado Pedro Mellado, el coordinador general de la formación, en una reciente entrevista. Mellado destacó el compromiso de IU de informar con un año […]

Artículo publicado en : Izquierda Unida C-LM Establece Abril de 2026 Como Fecha Límite para Definir su Estrategia Electoral para los Comicios Autonómicos y Municipales


Herencia inaugura una nueva pista de pádel de metacrilato con mejoras de seguridad y tecnología

Herencia estrena desde hoy una nueva y modernizada pista de pádel que promete elevar la experiencia de juego y seguridad de los usuarios. Esta nueva instalación se suma a las tres pistas ya existentes en el complejo deportivo local y está diseñada para satisfacer la creciente demanda de los aficionados a esta disciplina. Las obras […]

Artículo publicado en : Herencia inaugura una nueva pista de pádel de metacrilato con mejoras de seguridad y tecnología


The Gophers Go to the Haunted House

The Gophers visit the Graveyard of Terror and get a little bit more for the price of admission than the other guests at the Haunt....

Enjoy this special October edition of Bedtime Stories My Kids Love.

No worries, the Adventures of the Man in the Can will continue in November.

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


High Court rules Work Capability Assessment arguably unlawful

This is a press release from earlier this year about the judicial review that is due to be heard at the Royal Courts Of Justice on the 15th, 16th and 18th of January 2013. Lets pray it goes in our favour as it will open the floodgates for legal action over the WCA if it does. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The High Court has today granted permission to two disabled people to bring a claim for
judicial review against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to challenge the
operation of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA).
WCAs are face to face interviews carried out by healthcare professionals (HCPs)
employed by Atos Healthcare (a private contractor), to assess disabled people’s
entitlement to Employment and Support Allowance (a sickness benefit that has replaced
the old Incapacity Benefit). Each existing recipient of Incapacity Benefit is now being
assessed for eligibility for ESA, at the rate of some 11,000 people per week. WCAs have
been the subject of serious criticism by all relevant stakeholders in civil society including
doctors and NGOs working on behalf of disabled people.
The present case concerns some of the problems with the system as experienced by
people with mental health problems. Although medically trained, Atos HCPs typically
have very limited knowledge of mental health. The interviews are often hurried, and rely
on applicants to explain the limitations on their ability to work.
This is a serious problem for people with mental health conditions who lack insight into
their conditions, whose conditions fluctuate in seriousness, or who cannot easily talk
about their disability. Such people are placed at a substantial disadvantage in navigating
the system. Even if they appreciate the need to get expert medical evidence for
themselves, they are often less able to navigate the system successfully and to obtain
the medical report that they need. The Equality Act 2010 requires the DWP to make
reasonable adjustments to avoid such disadvantage.
The reasonable adjustment to the process that the claimants seek is for medical
evidence to be sought by the Atos HCP and the DWP at the very outset of the claim.
This would ensure that very sick people for whom having to go through a WCA would be
extremely distressing are exempted from the process, and for those that do attend a
WCA, the assessment of fitness to work takes place in the correct medical context, so
that dangers associated with forcing people back to work are correctly identified.
At present, the DWP do not routinely ask for expert medical report from an applicant’s
community-based doctor. The judge has held that it is arguable that this failure is a
breach of the duty to make reasonable adjustments, and is therefore unlawful.
In granting permission to apply for judicial review, the judge stated:
“I consider that it is reasonably arguable that the reasonable adjustments
required by the [Equality Act 2010] include the early obtaining of independent
medical evidence where the documents submitted with the claim show that the
claimant suffers from mental health problems and that this has not been done, or
at least not done on a sufficiently widespread basis”.
The claimants, known as MM and DM, were granted anonymity by the court. Their
solicitor, Ravi Low-Beer of the Public Law Project said:
“The present system results in many thousands of unnecessary appeals at great
public expense, with a high success rate. What is not counted is the cost in
human misery for those people who should never have had to go through the
appeals process in the first place. This could be avoided if doctors were involved
in the assessments at the outset. The Government’s policy of by-passing doctors
is inefficient, unfair, and inhumane. We gain heart from the court’s finding that as
a matter of law, it is arguable that something has to change.”
For further information contact Ravi Low-Beer on
r.lowbeer@publiclawproject.org.uk/0845 543 5944
or Adrian Lukes on
a.lukes@publiclawproject.org.uk/0845 543 5946.
Public Law Project (PLP)
PLP is an independent, national legal charity which aims to improve access to justice for
those whose access is restricted by poverty, discrimination or other similar barriers. To
fulfil its objectives PLP undertakes research, policy initiatives, casework and training
across the range of public law remedies.
For more information on our work, events and publications: www.publiclawproject.org.uk


Le roi d’Arabie saoudite gracie la jeune femme condamnée après un viol

La jeune femme avait été condamnée à six mois de prison et 200 coups de fouet après avoir été victime d’un viol collectif. Le roi Abdallah d’Arabie saoudite a accordé sa grâce à une jeune femme qui avait été condamnée à six mois de prison et 200 coups...


Nicolas Sarkozy à un badaud: «Casse-toi!»

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L'affaire de l'UIMM déclenche une crise au sommet du patronat

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La loterie des notes au bac : un réexamen de l'arbitraire de la notation des élèves

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Vijesti :: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla
Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:31 (GMT 1) Sezona je grijanja i osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla. Mnogi se građani zbog različitih razloga "vraćaju" grijanju na kruta goriva, no najčešći je razlog poskupljenje energenata. Problem predstavljaju dimnjaci koji ne zadovoljavaju europske uvjete.

Stanje s dimnjacima u Hrvatskoj daleko je od idealnog. No, postoje vidovi i tehnička rješenja koja su izvediva i koja bi pružila sigurnost građanima. Naime, riječ je o dimovnim objektima koji se nisu obnavljali, a nalaze se na zgradama građenim 60-tih, 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, pojasnio je dimnjačar Denis Balažić.

- Plin je i dalje dobar kao energent, samo treba uskladiti tip dimnjaka sa samim energentom. Što se tiče trovanja i požara, imam višegodišnje iskustvo. Neka su iskustva su loša, no uvijek ima i pozitivnih priča. U svakom slučaju - opreza nikad dosta, poručio je Balažić.

Tekst: Radio Osijek
Foto: Pixabay.com/Ilustracija


Un haut responsable du PCC appelle � la promotion d'une communaut� Chine-Vietnam d'avenir partag�

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Chine Nouvelle publie un rapport sur l'�veil du Sud global au Br�sil

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Excel Spreadsheet Unlocking Utility Released

Sometimes Excel spreadsheets contain locked sheets that cannot be updated without entering a password. This free online utility removes the password protection from any Excel spreadsheet.


Unlocking Excel Spreadsheets With JExcelApi

With a little bit of programming expertise and the help of a Java library called JExcelApi, we can fairly easily unlock an Excel spreadsheet. This article explains how.


Performance Counters in Delphi, sample project and article

Implementing performance monitors in your app is very helpful for profiling, debugging and general satisfaction of the more qualified endusers. It's also a non-trivial excercise, to put it mildly. Microsoft have done their part in making it obscure and hard to use, so naturally, we can't leave it alone, can we? This particular implementation only implements raw and delta counters, but that covers almost anything you'll ever need. The basis is there for other types of counters, though, such as instance based counters and high-precision. Both precompiled and full project source is available.


Are older releases of the database really unsupported?


I see posts on Oracle related forums about various releases (anything that isn't 11.x or 12.x) being "unsupported". This is wrong. Of course you should upgrade any 9i or 10g databases, but you don't have to.

Oracle Corporation's lifetime support policy is documented here,
Lifetime Support Policy
take a look, and you'll see that release 10.2 was in premier support until end July 2010 when it went into extended support. At end July 2013, it goes into sustaining support. Sustaining support will continue indefinitely. Even release 8.1.7 will have sustaining support indefinitely.
So what is sustaining support? That is documented here,
Lifetime support benefits
To summarize, extended support gives you everything you are likely to need. What you do not get is certification against new Oracle products or new third party products (principally, operating systems). But does that matter? I don't think so. For example, release (still in premier support) is not certified against Windows 8, but it works fine.
Sustaining support has a more significant problem: no more patches. Not even patches for security holes, or changes in regulatory requirements. The security patch issue may of course be serious, but regulatory issues are unlikely to matter (this is a database, not a tax management system.) Think about it: 10g has been around for many years. It is pretty well de-bugged by now. If you hit a problem with no work around, you are pretty unlucky. Sustaining support gives you access to technical support, available patches, software, and documentation. That is all most sites will ever need.
Right now, I am working on a database. It cannot be upgraded because the application software is written by a company that does not permit a database upgrade. Why not? Well, the reason may be commercial: they have a replacement product that is supported on newer databases. But that is nothing to do with me. The database works, the software works. Making it work better is a challenge - but that is what a DBA is paid to do. Don't just write it off as "unsupported".
Of course I am not suggesting that users should not upgrade to current releases - but upgrades are a huge project, and can have major implications. Running out dated software is silly, unless you have an irrefutable reason for so doing. The lack of security patches make you vulnerable to data loss. The lack of regulatory patches may make it illegal. The lack of newer facilities will be restricting the utility of the system. You may be losing money by not taking of advantage of changes of newer technology that can better exploit your hardware.
If anyone is looking for consulting support to upgrade their database - my boss will be happy to give you a quote. But I won't refuse to support you in the meantime.
John Watson
Oracle Certified Master DBA


Finding gaps with analytic functions


Finding gaps is classic problem in PL/SQL. The basic concept is that you have some sort of numbers (like these: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26), where there’s supposed to be a fixed interval between the entries, but some entries could be missing. The gaps problem involves identifying the ranges of missing values in the sequence. For these numbers, the solution will be as follows:
4 4
7 7
11 14
16 19
24 24

First, run the following code, to create tab1 table:


Then, insert a few rows:



With data, you can take care of solving the gaps problem…

One of the most efficient solutions to the gaps problem involves using analytic functions (also known as window functions)

(SELECT col1 AS cur_value, LEAD (col1) OVER (ORDER BY col1) AS next_value
FROM tab1)
SELECT cur_value + 1 AS start_gap, next_value - 1 AS end_gap
WHERE next_value - cur_value > 1
ORDER BY start_gap

Using the LEAD function, you can return for each current col1 value (call it cur_value) the next value in the sequence (call it next_value). Then you can filter only pairs where the difference between the two is greater than the one.


NIP Sunday #19 ...

Yes, I know that it's normally NIP Friday, but do to circumstances beyond my control, it's just going to have to be NIP Sunday this week.
As promised, here is another of the " Pepsi machine " photos that Rick took of me at the hotel earlier this year.
When I think about it, I've taken quite a few pictures around pop and other types of vending machines in the past.
I also remember a few occasions doing a lot more than just posing around them...
I had wanted a Mountain Dew but the damned machine gave me a Dr. Pepper. Which reminds me of that old and extremely bad joke, "Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle?" ... ... "Because his wife died." *** groan ***


NIP #20 Sunday... The Move

This is the second week in a row that NIP Friday is being posted on Sunday. Lately my schedule on Friday has just been insane. It also appears that it won't be improving any time soon either. So, to simplify things, I've decided to just go ahead and change it from NIP Fridays to NIP Sundays.
Only the day has changed. Everything else, including the boobs, nudity and public settings will all remain the same.


NIP Sunday #21 ...

This weeks Nude in Public Sunday #21, fulfills my earlier promise to post more pop machine shots. I'm surprised at how popular these have been. These were a little trickier because I decided to run down the hall buck naked. I can only imagine what people saw through their "peep holes". They were really fun to do.
In case you were wondering, I was prepared to hide behind the ice machine if need be! Then again, it's the idea of getting caught that makes it such a turn on.


NIP Sunday #22 ...

There are aspects of summer that I truly adore. The ability to go out and expose myself without frost bitten nipples is one of them. I also like summer nights, a lot! I love the feeling of being naked under the moon and stars.
Last weekend we went to a party at a friend's house in Colorado Springs.
I knew that we had a long drive back home and I also knew the perfect quiet spot to have sex just off of highway 105 in Douglas County. It was really warm and I was very horny.

I couldn't wait to get to the 4x4 to shed some clothes.
These shots were taken just prior to grabbing a blanket and getting out to get laid.
There is something about hot summer nights that really get my juices going... and going... and going!


Bosbaan Hengelsteun van € 4,95 nu voor maar € 3,75

Bosbaan Hengelsteun Merk: Livebait Inhoud: 2 stuks Deze bosbaan hengelsteunen van Livebait zijn alom bekend. Ze zijn erg gemakkelijk in gebruik. De bosbaan hengelsteunen zijn voorzien van scherpe punten aan de onderkant, hierdoor kunt u ze gemakkelijk in de grond plaatsen. De bosbaan hengelsteunen hebben een lengte van 50 centimeter.


Lunker City Fin-S Fish 6,5cm

De Fin-S Fish van Lunker City is een echte classieke shad voor het vissen op baars en snoekbaars. Een softbait met een dun, maar diep body profiel en een vorkstaartje.


I bozzetti in aiuto alla comunicazione di progetto

Anche quest’anno (dopo il 2009, 2010 e 2011) ho partecipato come speaker a Better Software. Questa volta ho presentato “Carta, penna e calamaio. I bozzetti in aiuto alla comunicazione di progetto”. Molte incomprensioni in fase progettuale derivano dalla mancanza di un … Continua a leggere

L'articolo I bozzetti in aiuto alla comunicazione di progetto proviene da Fucinaweb.


Quando un foglio volante è meglio di un’app

Perché realizzare un’applicazione mobile per un festival? Forse per permettere ai visitatori di accedere al calendario degli eventi senza stampare il programma. Magari per essere aggiornati sulle variazioni dell’ultimo minuto. Probabilmente per facilitare l’accesso ai luoghi degli incontri. O per … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Quando un foglio volante è meglio di un’app proviene da Fucinaweb.


Minor League Baseball gets the fantasy treatment with launch of Futures Fantasy Baseball

Futures Fantasy Baseball ? a new fantasy baseball site for the minor leagues ? aims to grow the business of Minor League Baseball while capitalizing on the interest of fans in baseball?s next generation of superstars.


Scouting The NBA DFS - Sunday, March 27 (Premium)

We break down this 4-game slate of NBA action with the top plays for your DFS lineups on DraftKings and FanDuel