
Ole-Christopher Plambeck: Oktober-Steuerschätzung schafft zusätzlichen Handlungsbedarf


Oliver Brandt zur regionalen Steuerschätzung


BSPC - Ständiger Ausschuss tagt unter neuer Leitung in Tallinn


Thomas Hölck: SPD wirkt: Bauen wird einfacher und günstiger


Marc Timmer: Günther muss diese verunglückte Reform sofort stoppen!


Korrektur: BSPC - Ständiger Ausschuss tagt unter neuer Leitung in Tallinn


Landesbeauftragter für politische Bildung, Aktion Kinder- und Jugendschutz SH und Offene Kirche Sankt Nikolai holen Anne-Frank-Ausstellung 2025 nach Kiel und erinnern mahnend an Novemberpogrome


Sophia Schiebe: Das Kita-Sparpaket der Günther-Regierung haben unsere Kinder nicht verdient


Kitagesetz: Unzufriedenheit zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch den Reformprozess


Anette Röttger: Unser Land braucht für künftige Intelligenz eine gute Lesekultur


Landesbeauftragter für politische Bildung: Alle Stolpersteine in Schleswig-Holstein jetzt in der App "Stolpersteine Digital" verfügbar


Schleswig-Holsteinischer Bürgerpreis 2024: Neun Projekte in den Kategorien "Alltagshelden" und "U27" nominiert!


Serpil Midyatli und Thomas Hölck: FSG-Nobiskrug: Die Werften brauchen einen Neuanfang ohne Windhorst


Birte Glißmann: Großer Dank an die Ermittlungsbehörden!


Christopher Vogt: Landesregierung muss dringend wirtschaftspolitische Impulse setzen


Serpil Midyatli und Kianusch Stender: Schwarz-Grün muss ihre Hausaufgaben erledigen


Menschenrechte sind unteilbar. Requiem zum Gedenken der Toten an den Grenzen Europas am 20. November, 18 Uhr in Lübeck


Niclas Dürbrook: Der Islamismus bleibt eine der größten Bedrohungen für unsere Sicherheit


Einladung an die Medien: Zentrale Gedenkstunde des Landes Schleswig-Holstein zum Volkstrauertag 2024 im Landtag


Landtagspräsidentin Kristina Herbst liest am diesjährigen Bundesweiten Vorlesetag in der Grundschule Dänischenhagen vor


Bernd Buchholz: Landesregierung ist auf Bedrohungslagen gegen die Cybersicherheit kritischer Infrastrukturen nicht vorbereitet


Serpil Midyatli: Die Günther-Regierung trägt bei der A20 eine besondere Verantwortung


Reihenfolge der Beratung der 27. Tagung


European Union seeks consumer input on organic agriculture

The European Union on Tuesday took the debate about genetically modified crops to the public with a survey asking citizens to share their thoughts on organic farming, reports Phys.org in a recent article titled EU asks citizens to join debate on GM food Image credit: americanoverkill.com The article continues ... The bloc's 500 million consumers are invited to complete an anonymous online questionnaire on the European Commission's Agriculture and Rural Development website (ec.europa.eu/agriculture/consultations/organic/2013_en.htm). The consultation, which ends on April 10, is part of a review of European policy on organic agriculture. The survey is available in all official EU languages. English is the one linked here, but other languages are available from a drop-down menu at the top of the page. The Phys.org article, putting emphasis on the GM angle, goes on to say......


Retroviral particles in human immune defenses - is AIDS orthodoxy dead wrong?

We have previously published articles by the Australian AIDS-and-biology researcher Cal Crilly, and here is yet another installment. Cal is someone who digs into scientific studies. He does biological detective work and finds gems that hide in plain view, things we don't normally understand and that even the experts do not see as they are not trained to put discordant facts together and question basic assumptions. What this new article tells us is that retroviruses - the same kind that are thought to cause immune deficiency or AIDS - are useful and necessary for our immune system to function correctly. That of course tends to leave the hypothesis of a viral causation of AIDS in grave trouble. I say 'hypothesis' because no one has proven, or even come close to a coherent explanation for, the mechanism of AIDS causation by HIV. How does a retrovirus that is by nature a benign particle, cause devastation of the immune system? Here we have several scientific studies published in the world's finest journals, which attest to the fact that retroviruses are part and parcel of the human organism, that they are needed to provide certain defensive capabilities against invaders, and that they are not pathogenic. So we might ask ourselves why HIV tests (thought to indicate the presence of a retrovirus) are still performed, and why doctors are still recommending the use of toxic anti-retroviral drugs to kill what, rather than a foreign invader, appears to be part of normal human metabolic processes. Cal Crilly lays it out for you, citing and linking the sources......


Juristische Fangfrage: Scheidungsantrag beim Verwaltungsgericht

So blöd, wie es auf den ersten Blick aussehen mag, war die Frau keineswegs, die am 19.9.2007 einen Ehescheidungsantrag beim Schleswig-Holsteinischen Verwaltungsgericht einreichte. Welches Ziel hatte sie wohl mit ihrer - laut OLG Schleswig rechtsmissbräuchlichen, im Ergebnis aber doch erfolgreichen - Aktion im Auge?


Der alltägliche Terror an unseren Flughäfen

Wo Vorschriften als ebenso belastend wie sinnlos empfunden werden, neigen manche Normadressaten zu wenig kooperativem Verhalten, wie heute im


Legal Tribune Online - erste Eindrücke

Gestern habe ich mich bei der


Absolute Uninstaller (Freeware)

Absolute Uninstaller offers an alternative to the standard Windows Add/Remove (Programs and Features) applet. It provides a user friendly interface that automatically highlights newly added programs ....


Bush Administration Immune from Whistleblowers...

Posted without comment for your consternation:

On Labor Day, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) issued a press release whose title summarizes its contents all too neatly: Bush Declares Eco-Whistleblower Law Void for EPA Employees. Here's some of it:

Washington, DC - The Bush administration has declared itself immune from whistleblower protections for federal workers under the Clean Water Act, according to legal documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). As a result of an opinion issued by a unit within the Office of the Attorney General, federal workers will have little protection from official retaliation for reporting water pollution enforcement breakdowns, manipulations of science or cleanup failures.

The rest of the post on the terrific blog Effect Measure


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Parsley Sound, "Twilight Mushrooms"

A bit of an oddity for their label, Mo Wax, Parsley Sound was, at their most effective, a bit of dreamy indie-pop coming from a downtempo production approach. Sweet and gentle, a little twee, heavily filtered and electrified, despite pursuing a color palette that's au naturel, creaky, sun-bleached.

Perhaps this is what would've happened if Lemon Jelly had gotten Elliott Smith in the studio.


Peppa Pig: Peppa Easter Bunny

Rent It

The Show:

Not going to lie, think I'm a touch melancholy when it comes to this installment of Peppa Pig. I've reviewed several of these titles for "The Talk" already, largely because my son has liked seeing them and has a little bit of the merchandise from the show. However, I think we may have moved on a little? Someone has started taking note of different shows on Nick Jr., and I'm not sure how to handle it.

Anyway, Peppa Pig The Easter Bunny is a collection of self-explanatory episodes around Easter and the Easter bunny. The web shorts run about 5-6 minutes each and don't overstay their welcome, running just over one hour in total. Ranging from Series 3-5, they get into all of the members of Peppa's family (Daddy and Mommy Pig and Peppa's little brother ...Read the entire review


The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV & Movie Collection


Gather round, kiddos, for this review of The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV & Movie Collection will, as never before, attempt to make sense of this unkillable piece of pop culture iconography. Your humble reviewer was in the thick of things when The Brady Bunch, the 1969-74 family sitcom, staked its claim onto the American consciousness, and can offer a bit perspective those generations, just before and since, can't quite reconcile.

But before we do that, let's first point out that this compact if unruly boxed DVD set, with a total running time of around 75 hours (!) of material includes with one notable exception just about everything Brady-related one might possibly ever want: the original series; The Brady Kids animated spin-off; The Brady Girls Get Married TV movie and its short-lived sitcom follow-up, The Brady Brides; A Very Brady Christmas, a later TV ...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Fifteenth Season, Volume Two

Highly Recommended

It's been fits and starts but it now appears that CBS/Paramount is fully committed to releasing the final seasons of the 20-season Gunsmoke. Through the grapevine this critic is hearing that the label is planning on combining later seasons into single, rather than two-volume sets, which might be a little easier on everyone's pocketbook.

I've been reviewing Gunsmoke sets since the First Season was released in July 2007. The program was so prolific, upwards of 40 episodes per season in its early days, it's been impossible to watch everything in broadcast order. As new sets have been released, I typically watch 7-8 representative episodes then return to where I left off which, at present, is still Gunsmoke during its prime, black-and-white years. Reviewing the later, color (and hour-long episodes) I initially expressed mild disappointment that they weren't as taut as the 30-...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Fifteenth Season, Volume One

Highly Recommended

It's been fits and starts but it now appears that CBS/Paramount is fully committed to releasing the final seasons of the 20-season Gunsmoke. Through the grapevine this critic is hearing that the label is planning on combining later seasons into single, rather than two-volume sets, which might be a little easier on everyone's pocketbook.

I've been reviewing Gunsmoke sets since the First Season was released in July 2007. The program was so prolific, upwards of 40 episodes per season in its early days, it's been impossible to watch everything in broadcast order. As new sets have been released, I typically watch 7-8 representative episodes then return to where I left off which, at present, is still Gunsmoke during its prime, black-and-white years. Reviewing the later, color (and hour-long episodes) I initially expressed mild disappointment that they weren't as taut as the 30-...Read the entire review


Sesame Street: 50 Years and Counting

Skip It

Sesame Street was one of the only things I was allowed to watch on TV in my early years, and it's no question that it helped to shape me. It was one of the first times that TV had been used to educate children on things like numbers and spelling without being either boring or silly. Its creators had noticed that children memorized TV commercials easily, so they thought the same approach could be used to make them learn things that were actually important. The resulting show has been in a format of clips, primarily focusing on Sesame Street itself with its Muppet and human inhabitants, but also interspersed with separate sketches featuring those characters and some live-action or animated segments that I always felt took place in another universe- having some educational value and a unique quality to them, but having absolutely nothing to do with the main characters or setting, and they were never co...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Complete Seventeenth Season

Highly Recommended

(Note: Reviews of Gunsmoke: The Sixteenth Season and Gunsmoke: The Seventeenth Season are identical. In preparing them I watched at episodes and the extras from both sets. Give me a break.)

Despite the steady decline of the DVD format, CBS/Paramount deserves a lot of credit for seeing the 20-season run of Gunsmoke (1955-1975) through all the way to the finish line. For the show's last five seasons, it appears that the label has decided to release full- rather than half-season sets, a wise decision, and they've even added a most welcome supplement.

I've been reviewing Gunsmoke sets since the First Season was released in July 2007. The program was so prolific, upwards of 40 episodes per season in its early days, it's been impossible to watch everything in broadcast order. As new sets have been released, I typically watch 7-8 representative episodes then ...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Complete Sixteenth Season

Highly Recommended

(Note: Reviews of Gunsmoke: The Sixteenth Season and Gunsmoke: The Seventeenth Season are identical. In preparing them I watched at episodes and the extras from both sets. Give me a break.)

Despite the steady decline of the DVD format, CBS/Paramount deserves a lot of credit for seeing the 20-season run of Gunsmoke (1955-1975) through all the way to the finish line. For the show's last five seasons, it appears that the label has decided to release full- rather than half-season sets, a wise decision, and they've even added a most welcome supplement.

I've been reviewing Gunsmoke sets since the First Season was released in July 2007. The program was so prolific, upwards of 40 episodes per season in its early days, it's been impossible to watch everything in broadcast order. As new sets have been released, I typically watch 7-8 representative episodes then ...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Complete Nineteenth Season

Highly Recommended

(Note: Reviews of Gunsmoke: The Eighteenth Season and Gunsmoke: The Nineteenth Season are identical. In preparing them I watched at episodes and the extras from both sets.)

Nearing home plate, CBS/Paramount's Eighteenth and Nineteenth of 20 season sets of Gunsmoke (1955-1975) nearly finishes off the classic series. Many wondered if the label would complete the series before the DVD format went kaput, so their determination to see it through deserves our gratitude.

I've been reviewing Gunsmoke sets since the First Season was released in July 2007. The program was so prolific, upwards of 40 episodes per season in its early days, it's been impossible to watch everything in broadcast order. As new sets have been released, I typically watch 7-8 representative episodes then return to where I left off which, at present, is still Gunsmoke during its b...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Complete Eighteenth Season

Highly Recommended

(Note: Reviews of Gunsmoke: The Eighteenth Season and Gunsmoke: The Nineteenth Season are identical. In preparing them I watched at episodes and the extras from both sets.)

Nearing home plate, CBS/Paramount's Eighteenth and Nineteenth of 20 season sets of Gunsmoke (1955-1975) nearly finishes off the classic series. Many wondered if the label would complete the series before the DVD format went kaput, so their determination to see it through deserves our gratitude.

I've been reviewing Gunsmoke sets since the First Season was released in July 2007. The program was so prolific, upwards of 40 episodes per season in its early days, it's been impossible to watch everything in broadcast order. As new sets have been released, I typically watch 7-8 representative episodes then return to where I left off which, at present, is still Gunsmoke during its b...Read the entire review


Gunsmoke: The Final Season

Highly Recommended

And so with this CBS/Paramount DVD release, Gunsmoke ends its unprecedented 20-year run, wrapping up an incredible 635 episodes. While a couple of series have since beaten Gunsmoke, namely Law & Order, The Simpsons, and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, with more seasons and/or episodes, that doesn't take into account Gunsmoke's far greater per-season output in its early years, or the much longer running times of both the half-hour and later hour-long episodes. Nor does it factor in star James Arness's appearance in every episode (and later TV movies), or the long runs of so many regulars, including supporting and bit players.

Regardless, the label's commitment to finish out Gunsmoke on DVD deserves our gratitude, especially their wise decision to remaster the entire series, and to even add some fine extra features in its last seasons.

I'...Read the entire review


The Mount Graham Aerial Tramway


An Energy Fundamentals Summary


An Energy Fundamentals Tutorial


Revival Now Pt6: A New Unity Movement

In Part 6 of 'Revival Now' we see our need for 'A New Unity Movement'. If scriptures like Psalm 133 and the High Priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17 put such a high value on unity as a key to blessing, why is it so elusive in Christianity? David suggests two reasons for this: first, the devil's agenda at all costs to divide and conquer, and second, our fear of false unity. In this message, David considers what false unity is and also why we should not be afraid of true unity in Spirit and in truth. One thing is certain, God wants the body of Christ everywhere to be united for His Kingdom cause. If that much is clear, what difference should that make to our attitudes to others and our behaviours? This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt1: Foundations And Considerations

Join us for 'Helping Others To Freedom', a series based on David Legge's book, 'Breaking Through Barriers to Blessing'. We will explore how we can be set free from bondages of Satan and healed from wounds of the heart. This study is for people who need set free themselves, or for those who want to be used to help others into freedom. In this introductory episode, David lays down some biblical foundations and considers how freedom ministry is something the church is commissioned by Jesus to engage in today. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt5: Wounds And The Healing Of The Heart

In the fifth session of our 'Helping Others To Freedom' series, we explore 'Wounds And The Healing Of The Heart'. How do our hearts get hurt? How do these wounds set us up for both habitual sin and demonic bondage? We discuss the various sources of our woundedness and, most importantly, how we can get healing for these wounds. It is vital to distinguish wounds that need healed, from sins that need repented of, and demons that must be expelled. This session is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality