
Scouting The NBA DFS - Sunday, March 27 (Free Preview)

Fantasy Basketball Expert Nate Weitzer will help you cash with your DFS NBA lineups. This is a free preview of his PREMIUM NBA DFS Rundown!


MarketingSherpa Announces Blog Awards 2006

Well whoop-dee-doo! MarketingSherpa has announced the winners of their annual awards for business and marketing blogs. I'm sorry but I can't take this all that seriously. Especially when I see who some of the so-called winners are.

I mean, who are these people? I could easily find better bloggers that are far more deserving of an award.

Take for example Andy Wibbels. Is that a name or a condition? Give me a break. Have you ever heard the guy speak? Letsth justh sthay I've heard canariesth with lessth pitch in their warble. And of course I can always count on my favorite link baiter (Seth Godin) to lead the charge.

These turkeys are a bunch of self-congratulatory egoist hucksters marching to the beat of their own drum. Need proof?

Have you ever heard of stuffing the ballot box? Here is an example of its electronic equivalent if there ever was (http://andywibbels.com/post/1143):

"The nominations came through and I’ve been nominated for a MarketingSherpa award… help me nab the prize! Vote early, vote often!"
Have you no shame. I can only wonder how many times Andy voted for himself. Obviously enough times to win. He probably nominated himself too. Thank goodness for anonymous proxy servers.

So congrats to all the winners (there goes that tongue in my cheek again).
Related links: daily fisk, humour, humor, satire


Now Comes The Body Count

The legacy of Katrina and New Orleans will be whether or not people died unnecessarily:

As they continue draining water out of New Orleans, all the talk is about finding survivors. But the terrible reality is the grizzly task of locating bodies and the human drama of why and how they died will be the real story.

"A horrific glimpse of Hurricane Katrina's wrath emerged on Thursday, as more than 30 patients were reportedly found dead in a suburban New Orleans nursing home overcome by floods. The grim discovery is likely the first of many awaiting rescuers scouring ravaged areas for bodies."

FEMA continues to take a hit from critics. But is also reported that New Orleans strayed from its own disaster plan. It is fairly conclusive that something went very wrong with the relief effort, and there will be plenty of time to point fingers.

"Americans think the response to Hurricane Katrina was inadequate, and spread the blame around all levels of government. President George W. Bush finds disapproval on his handling of the matter, too -- and the public now shows diminished confidence in his abilities to handle a crisis or provide leadership, as well as in the government’s ability to protect the country."

But now is the time to put partisan politics aside and focus on aiding the survivors, bicker later.

"The Bush administration on Wednesday asked Congress for $51.8 billion in Katrina relief and recovery expenses, in addition to $10.5 billion already approved, calling it the latest installment - but not the last."

So who is at fault? In the end this writer believes that all levels of government will share responsibility. And no doubt heads will roll come next election. Lucky for Bush his term will be over.


New Orleans Begins Counting Its Dead

Too Little, Too Late?

President Bush declares a state of emergency as New Orleans begins gathering up and counting the dead across a ghastly landscape awash in perhaps thousands of corpses.

As the floodwaters recede and the search for the dead begins, there are grim signs that authorities predict a "staggering death toll" from Hurricane Katrina.

"It is going to be about as ugly of a scene as I think you can imagine," the nation's homeland security chief warned. As authorities struggled to keep order, police shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge on their way to make repairs."

In New Orleans' Garden District, a woman's body lay at the corner of Jackson Avenue and Magazine Street, a business area with antique shops on the edge of blighted housing. The body had been there since at least Wednesday. As days passed, people covered the corpse with blankets or plastic.

By Sunday, a short wall of bricks had been built around the body, holding down a plastic tarpaulin. On it, someone had spray-painted a cross and the words, "Here lies Vera. God help us."


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Award winning mushrooms in 1891 Railway Tunnel Tasmania

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The universe on your wrist…Jacob & Co.

Now if you ever wanted to be the centre of the universe this watch would definitely help. The huge Jacob & Co. Astronomia measuring in at 43.4mm is opulence at its best. Encased in a rose gold case and powered by the exclusive Jacob & Co. , the manually-wound JCAM19 calibre watch operates at 28,800...


Entscheidung über Schweigegeld-Urteil gegen Trump vertagt

Im New Yorker Schweigegeld-Prozess wurde Ex-Präsident Trump im Mai in allen Punkten schuldig gesprochen. Doch das Strafmaß steht noch aus. Nun wurde der Prozess vertagt - es geht um eine Entscheidung über Trumps Immunität.


Verfassungsschutz: Keine AfD-Hochstufung vor Neuwahl?

Die Neuwahl hat auch Folgen für den Bundesverfassungsschutz: Nach Informationen des ARD-Hauptstadtstudios wird es sehr wahrscheinlich keine Entscheidung über eine neue Einstufung der AfD vor der Wahl geben.


Kommentar zum Wahltermin: Zeichen der Stabilität in unruhigen Zeiten

Deutschland steckt in einer Regierungskrise, die schnell beendet werden sollte, meint Mario Kubina. Der parteiübergreifend gefundene Termin sorgt nun für Klarheit und bevorteilt weder SPD noch Union.


Millionenentschädigung für drei Folteropfer aus Abu-Ghraib-Gefängnis

Fotos von gefolterten Häftlingen im Gefängnis Abu Ghraib im Irak sorgten vor rund 20 Jahren für Entsetzen. Elf US-Soldaten wurden seitdem verurteilt. Jetzt wurde drei früheren Häftlingen eine Millionenentschädigung zugesprochen.


Scholz gibt Regierungserklärung ab - Söder mit Premiere im Bundestag

Scholz' Regierungserklärung am Mittag dürfte den Wahlkampf eröffnen. Dabei kommt es nicht nur zum Rededuell mit CDU-Chef Merz. Auch Bayerns Regierungschef Söder will sich bei seiner Premiere im Bundestag den Kanzler "vorknöpfen". Von S. Henkel.


Versorgung im Gazastreifen: Wie wirksam war das US-Ultimatum?

Die US-Regierung hatte Israel eine Frist von 30 Tagen gesetzt, um die humanitäre Lage im Gazastreifen zu verbessern. Israel habe seitdem einige Schritte unternommen - weitere Maßnahmen seien jedoch notwendig. Von Clemens Verenkotte.


Nahost-Liveblog: ++ USA greifen Milizen im Jemen und Syrien an ++

Das US-Militär hat Stellungen proiranischer Milizen im Jemen und in Syrien angegriffen. Nach Angaben des UN-Menschenrechtsbüros sind rund 70 Prozent der Getöteten im Gazastreifen Kinder und Frauen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Was der Flamingo-Test über die Gesundheit verrät

Wer lange auf einem Bein stehen kann, lebt Studien zufolge länger. Der sogenannte Flamingo-Test gilt als gutes Maß für den Alterungsprozess. Aber wie lange muss man es aushalten? Von A. Braun und E. Burkhart.


TV-Moderator Hegseth soll Trumps Verteidigungsminister werden

Tag für Tag werden neue Namen der künftigen Trump-Regierung bekannt: Für Aufsehen sorgt jetzt, dass der rechte TV-Moderator Pete Hegseth das Verteidigungsministerium übernehmen soll. Auch Tech-Milliardär Musk bekommt einen Posten.


Republikaner wollen Führungsposten im US-Kongress besetzen

Die US-Wahl ist gerade eine Woche her, und schon dreht sich das Personalkarussell in hohem Tempo. Heute wollen die Republikaner Führungsposten im Kongress besetzen und zeigen, dass sie die neue Macht im Kapitol sind. Von Katrin Brand.


Porto für Briefe und Postkarten steigt auf 95 Cent

Zum Jahreswechsel wird es teurer, einen Brief oder eine Postkarte zu verschicken. Doch auch bei anderen Sendungen soll das Porto steigen. Das Plus beim Versand fällt für die Post aber deutlich zu gering aus.


Ermittlungen gegen Rechtsextremisten Martin Sellner

Der österreichische Rechtsextremist Sellner inszenierte Anfang des Jahres seine Einreise nach Deutschland mit Berichten in sozialen Medien - das hat ein juristisches Nachspiel. Die Staatsanwaltschaft in Wien ermittelt. Von M. Bewarder.


Zuspruch zu rechtsextremen Einstellungen in Westdeutschland steigt

Ausländerfeindliche Einstellungen sind in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern weiterhin verbreiteter als im Westen - doch die Unterschiede werden kleiner. Zugleich sinkt die Zustimmung zur Demokratie, wie eine neue Studie zeigt.


Marktbericht: DAX profitiert von Kurssprung bei Siemens Energy

Nach dem gestrigen Rückschlag hält sich der DAX über der Marke von 19.000 Punkten. Neben Unternehmensbilanzen dürften heute auch die US-Inflationsdaten vom Oktober für weitere Bewegung sorgen.


Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Merz fordert grundlegende Politikwende ++

CDU-Chef Merz hat die Regierungserklärung des Bundeskanzlers scharf kritisiert und sich für ein Umsteuern in der deutschen Politik ausgesprochen. Scholz bestätigte den Zeitplan für die Vertrauensfrage. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Bundestag soll über AfD-Verbotsantrag abstimmen

Eine Gruppe von Bundestagsabgeordneten hat Bundestagspräsidentin Bas einen Antrag auf ein Verbotsverfahren gegen die AfD übergeben. Angesichts der vorgezogenen Wahl unterstreicht Mitinitiator Wanderwitz die Dringlichkeit eines Verbots.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ cheidende US-Regierung will Ukrainehilfe verstärken ++

Die scheidende US-Regierung will laut Außenminister Blinken die Ukraine noch im vollen Umfang unterstützen. Kiew wird erstmals seit August von den russischen Streitkräften mit Raketen beschossen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Haldenwang tritt von Stelle als Verfassungsschutzpräsident zurück

Da er beabsichtigt, für die CDU für den Bundestag zu kandidieren, ist für Thomas Haldenwang an der Spitze des Verfassungsschutzes Schluss. Ob noch vor der Bundestagswahl ein Nachfolger bestimmt wird, ist offen.


Regierungserklärung: Scholz will noch wichtige Gesetze vor Neuwahl

Kanzler Scholz hat seine Regierungserklärung abgegeben. Er warb dafür, bis zur Neuwahl am 23. Februar wichtige Gesetzesvorhaben zu verabschieden. Scholz betonte außerdem, dass die Ukraine weiterhin Unterstützung benötige - aber nicht um jeden Preis.


Commercial Fundraisers Companies: California Releases Report Detailing Use of Funds of Commercial Fundraisers

The annual report on commercial fundraisers released today found commercial fundraisers in California raised $391.5 million in 2009 but charitable organizations received less than 43% of those funds Commercial Fundraisers Companies: California Releases Report Detailing Use of Funds of Commercial Fundraisers


FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign

In recent years, the number of websites offering  "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to block communications and create a "quiet zone" in vehicles, schools, theaters, restaurants, and other places has increased substantially. FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign


Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014.

This exciting session of Grand Rounds focused on rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases. As our world increases in interconnectivity of both technology and people, the rapid identification of emerging infectious diseases becomes more important for disease treatment, control, and prevention.Earn Free CME's, CNEs, CEUs, CPE with "Explaining the Unexplained" CDC Video- Expires January 21, 2014. 




The Unstoppable MLM Juggernaut

If you don't know anything about comic books,
Juggernaut is a character in Marvel Comic's X-Men and
he's basically invincible.

Once he get's moving there's nothing that can stop him.

He's a giant imposing character and basically anything
he wants he gets. I like that idea!

As a kid whenever he was a character in one the comic
episodes on TV I felt drawn to this character and even
more so today as I help pave the way to success for
network marketers online.

I'd like to think I'm a little like him.

Any problem that get's in my way I find a way to bust
through it and really that's all there is to success in
business and in your network marketing.

What I mean is, as a network marketer you have problems
that you are faced with the second you start your

-How to find people interested in your business

-How to present your business in a way that get's
people excited to jump on your bandwagon

-How to make it easy for others to do the same

And well . . .

If you can solve these problems you become something of
a network marketing Juggernaut yourself.

So I have a little bit of homework for you today . . .

Sit down and write out ever problem that you are having
in your business.

Set the piece of paper aside until tomorrow and then
come back and think of creative ways to solve those
unique problems you're faced with in your business.

Then next week set an action plan to implement your
solutions to your problems.

Then don't stop until each problem is solved.

What's going to happen when you do this?

Invariably you'll uncover more problems to overcome in
your business.

You'll take ownership of your business.

You'll take the first steps to becoming an entrepreneur
for your own situation.

And here's a hint . . .

An entrepreneur is nothing more than a person who
solves problem for a profit.

So in your brainstorming think of ways to profit in
your business every step of the way.

Do these things right and you'll be a Juggernaut in
your own right with hordes of folks chasing you down to
learn how to do what you do.

What if you could become an Internet network marketing
Juggernaut? What if nothing stop you from succeeding in
your network marketing efforts? What if you could have
hordes of people chasing you down to join your
business? ==> http://www.opportunity-waits.com


Gary Chew reviews "Country Strong"

Gwyneth Paltrow as country singing star Kelly Canter. No you're not having a Jack Daniels flashback of "Tender Mercies", "Crazy Heart" and "True Grit", though you wouldn't be far off if you did. Now playing.


Isham Jones tune from Mazeppa show

"Sentimental Gentleman From Georgia" was used as backing for a TU student film on the Mazeppa show in 1971. I should know, I audiotaped that episode. Hear it on YouTube on the Mazeppa theme page. Also currently featured on the main page.


1975 Sound Warehouse print ad

Mitch Gray mentioned Sound Warehouse at 15th and Peoria. See an ad from a July 1975 Tulsa Phonograph Record Magazine in GroupBlog 325.


Admiral Twin groundbreaking on 6/11

The public is invited to a 10:30 am Saturday groundbreaking ceremony at the drive-in which will serve as a kickoff for the rebuilding effort. Bring your own shovel. Tulsa World story link in just archived GroupBlog 327.


Pix from Admiral Twin groundbreaking

I took some photos at the event today. Check them out at the Flickr link in GroupBlog 328.


Peter Gunn and Edie in Dreamsville

Henry Mancini's great tune "Dreamsville" is heard in the background as Peter Gunn (Craig Stevens) and his girlfriend Edie (Lola Albright) cook Swedish meatballs on a hibachi in Pete's apartment. Their idyl is broken by a phone call. Lola Albright recorded the tune on her album "Dreamsville", orchestra conducted by Mancini.


Gary Chew reviews "Higher Ground"

Actress Vera Farmiga makes her directorial debut in this contemporary story of a thirtysomething married woman and mother dealing with her faith. Now playing.


Swanky lounge music for a winter night

1979 KTUL sign-off with Mancini's "Dreamsville", Don Tiki video of "An Occasional Man" and the 3-Minute Drive-in Intermission Samba, featured on the main page. Maybe we'll hear the latter at the new Admiral Twin later this year.


New pic: Al and Peg Bundy at Rose Bowl, 1987

I took this pic when Ed O'Neill and Katey Sagal visited Tulsa's Rose Bowl in 1987 to promote their new FOX comedy, "Married... with Children".


Gary Elliott, KTUL soundman, passes away

Sorry to be late in reporting the passing of Gary Elliott. He was a long-time audio engineer at KTUL as well as a singer/songwriter. I worked with him and his wife Emily on the RSUTV/UHF Weird Al locations tour last year. Rest in peace, Gary.


Brownie home projector sound fixed

Had to update the file and the code to make this sound work again. Also refreshed the code on that page for a 1961 Brownie projector commercial from the Internet Archive..


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