ico Reframing Mexico By Published On :: "Reframing Mexico" looks at the Mexico City beyond the violent headlines. The site features 12 short video documentaries and multiple interactive features. Topics include a single mother raising children in a large metro dump, a carpenter whose illegal immigration to the US ended when the American dream eluded him, a disabled father overcoming stigma and discrimination, and others. Interactive features include a border crossing game, a "build your own wrestler" feature, and more. This project is a collaboration between UNC Photojournalism and Monterrey Tec. Full Article
ico Reframing Mexico By Published On :: "Reframing Mexico" looks at the Mexico City beyond the violent headlines. The site features 12 short video documentaries and multiple interactive features. Topics include a single mother raising children in a large metro dump, a carpenter whose illegal immigration to the US ended when the American dream eluded him, a disabled father overcoming stigma and discrimination, and others. Interactive features include a border crossing game, a "build your own wrestler" feature, and more. This project is a collaboration between UNC Photojournalism and Monterrey Tec. Full Article
ico How To Design An Iconic Logo? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 11:32:25 +0000 Have you ever wondered why Adidas, Nike, Apple, Unilever, and many others have such remarkable logotypes? What is the inner side of their success? We have an answer! These companies have followed certain rules to create meaningful and interesting logos. We analyzed their experience and chose the 5 best tips for an iconic logo design.... Full Article Design Logos logo logo design logo designs logos
ico Web Fonts, Dingbats, Icons, and Unicode By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 07:33:46 PDT Yesterday, Cameron Koczon shared a link to the dingbat font, Pictos, by the talented, Drew Wilson. Cameron predicted that dingbats will soon be everywhere. Symbol fonts, yes, I thought. Dingbats? No, thanks. Jason Santa Maria replied: @FictiveCameron I hope not, dingbat fonts sort of spit in the face of accessibility and semantics at the moment. We need better options. Jason rightly pointed out the accessibility and semantic problems with dingbats. By mapping icons to letters or numbers in the character map, they are represented on the page by that icon. That’s what Pictos does. For example, by typing an ‘a’ on your keyboard, and setting Pictos as the font-face for that letter, the Pictos anchor icon is displayed. Other folks suggested SVG and JS might be better, and other more novel workarounds to hide content from assistive technology like screen readers. All interesting, but either not workable in my view, or just a bit awkward. Ralf Herrmann has an elegant CSS example that works well in Safari. Falling down with CSS text-replacement A CSS solution in an article from Pictos creator, Drew Wilson, relies on the fact that most of his icons are mapped to a character that forms part of the common name for that symbol. The article uses the delete icon as an example which is mapped to ‘d’. Using :before and :after pseudo-elements, Drew suggests you can kind-of wrangle the markup into something sort-of semantic. However, it starts to fall down fast. For example, a check mark (tick) is mapped to ‘3’. There’s nothing semantic about that. Clever replacement techniques just hide the evidence. It’s a hack. There’s nothing wrong with a hack here and there (as box model veterans well know) but the ends have to justify the means. The end of this story is not good as a VoiceOver test by Scott at Filament Group shows. In fairness to Drew Wilson, though, he goes on to say if in doubt, do it the old way, using his font to create a background image and deploy with a negative text-indent. I agreed with Jason, and mentioned a half-formed idea: @jasonsantamaria that’s exactly what I was thinking. Proper unicode mapping if possible, perhaps? The conversation continued, and thanks to Jason, helped me refine the idea into this post. Jon Hicks flagged a common problem for some Windows users where certain Unicode characters are displayed as ‘missing character’ glyphs depending on what character it is. I think most of the problems with dingbats or missing Unicode characters can be solved with web fonts and Unicode. Rising with Unicode and web fonts I’d love to be able to use custom icons via optimised web fonts. I want to do so accessibly and semantically, and have optimised font files. This is how it could be done: Map the icons in the font to the existing Unicode code points for those symbols wherever possible. Unicode code points already exist for many common symbols. Fonts could be tiny, fast, stand-alone symbol fonts. Existing typefaces could also be extended to contain symbols that match the style of individual widths, variants, slopes, and weights. Imagine a set of Clarendon or Gotham symbols for a moment. Wouldn’t that be a joy to behold? There may be a possibility that private code points could be used if a code-point does not exist for a symbol we need. Type designers, iconographers, and foundries might agree a common set of extended symbols. Alternatively, they could be proposed for inclusion in Unicode. Include the font with font-face. This assumes ubiquitous support (as any use of dingbats does) — we’re very nearly there. WOFF is coming to Safari and with a bit more campaigning we may even see WOFF on iPad soon. In HTML, reference the Unicode code points in UTF-8 using numeric character references. Unicode characters have corresponding numerical references. Named entities may not be rendered by XML parsers. Sean Coates reminded me that in many Cocoa apps in OS X the character map is accessible via a simple CMD+ALT+t shortcut. Ralf Herrmann mentioned that unicode characters ‘…have “speaking” descriptions (like Leftwards Arrow) and fall back nicely to system fonts.’ Limitations Accessibility: Limited Unicode / entity support in assistive devices. My friend and colleague, Jon Gibbins’s old tests in JAWS 7 show some of the inconsistencies. It seems some characters are read out, some ignored completely, and some read as a question mark. Not great, but perhaps Jon will post more about this in the future. Elizabeth Pyatt at Penn State university did some dingbat tests in screen readers. For real Unicode symbols, there are pronunciation files that increase the character repertoire of screen readers, like this file for phonetic characters. Symbols would benefit from one. Web fonts: font-face not supported. If font-face is not supported on certain devices like mobile phones, falling back to system fonts is problematic. Unicode symbols may not be present in any system fonts. If they are, for many designers, they will almost certainly be stylistically suboptimal. It is possible to detect font-face using the Paul Irish technique. Perhaps there could be a way to swap Unicode for images if font-face is not present. Now, next, and a caveat I can’t recommend using dingbats like Pictos, but the icons sure are useful as images. Beautifully crafted icon sets as carefully crafted fonts could be very useful for rapidly creating image icons for different resolution devices like the iPhone 4, and iPad. Perhaps we could try and formulate a standard set of commonly used icons using the Unicode symbols range as a starting point. I’ve struggled to find a better visual list of the existing symbols than this Unicode symbol chart from Johannes Knabe. Icons in fonts as Unicode symbols needs further testing in assistive devices and using font-face. Last, but not least, I feel a bit cheeky making these suggestions. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Combine it with a bit of imagination, and it can be lethal. I have a limited knowledge about how fonts are created, and about Unicode. The real work would be done by others with deeper knowledge than I. I’d be fascinated to hear from Unicode, accessibility, or font experts to see if this is possible. I hope so. It feels to me like a much more elegant and sustainable solution for scalable icons than dingbat fonts. For more on Unicode, read this long, but excellent, article recommended by my colleague, Andrei, the architect of Unicode and internationalization support in PHP 6: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets. Full Article
ico Social Icons Widget 4.0 — Now With a Social Icons Block for Gutenberg Included By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 21:07:29 +0000 In 2015 we launched Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM with the intent to provide WordPress users with a simple and easy-to-use widget for adding social links to their websites. With over 100k installs at the moment and continuous positive feedback from the users, it kept us motivated to constantly improve and keep updating this free plugin. Now, to keep the […] Full Article Plugins
ico How To Design An Iconic Logo By www.noupe.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 05:46:01 PDT https://www.noupe.com/design/how-to-design-an-iconic-logo.html Full Article
ico How to – Create a Location Pin Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:00:56 +0000 Welcome back to another Illustrator based tutorial, in which we’re going to learn how to create a location pin icon, using nothing more than a couple of basic shapes that we’re going to adjust here and there. So, assuming you already have the software running in the background, bring it up and let’s jump straight […] The post How to – Create a Location Pin Icon appeared first on Vectips. Full Article Tips and Tricks adobe adobe illustrator vector vector design
ico How to – Create a Pair of Reading Glasses Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:00:05 +0000 In today’s tutorial, we’re going to take a quick look behind the process of creating a pair of reading glasses icon, and see how we can take some simple shapes and turn them into a finished usable product. So, assuming you already have the software running, let’s jump straight into it! Tutorial Details: Reading Glasses […] The post How to – Create a Pair of Reading Glasses Icon appeared first on Vectips. Full Article Tips and Tricks design glasses icon vector
ico Create a NAS Icon in Just 30 Minutes Using Adobe Illustrator By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 14:00:01 +0000 Welcome back to another Illustrator tutorial from our retro hardware series! In this how-to, we’re going to learn to create a NAS Icon (or a Network-Attached Storage icon) using some simple geometric shapes and tools. So, get your software up and running let’s jump straight into it! Tutorial Details: How to Create a NAS Icon Program: Adobe […] The post Create a NAS Icon in Just 30 Minutes Using Adobe Illustrator appeared first on Vectips. Full Article Tips and Tricks adobe adobe illustrator design icon illustration illustrator line line art line icon nas network network attached storage retro hardware series storage storage media storage unit
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create an iPhone Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 11:57:20 +0000 Welcome back to another Adobe Illustrator based tutorial, in which we're going to take a close look behind the process of creating a simple iPhone icon, using nothing more than some basic geometric shapes that we're going to adjust here and there. 1. Set Up a New Project File As with any new project, we’re […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create an iPhone Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe contacts dialer Featured icon iphone icon line icon phone phone icon UI
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Simple Computer Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 12 Apr 2019 14:50:36 +0000 In today’s tutorial, we're going to take a close look behind the process of creating a simple computer icon, and see how easy it is to build one of our one using nothing more than some basic geometric shapes. 1. Set Up a New Project File As with any new project, we’re going to kick […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Simple Computer Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator adobe illustrator computer icon Featured flat icon icon Vector vector icon
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Folder Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 02 May 2019 02:04:36 +0000 In today’s tutorial, we’re going to take an in-depth look behind the process of creating a folder icon, and see how easy it is to build one from scratch using nothing more than a couple of basic geometric shapes, which we’re going to adjust here and there. So, assuming you already have Illustrator up and […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Folder Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe adobe illustrator Design Feature Featured folder folder icon icon Icon Design Vector
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Watch Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 17:02:39 +0000 Welcome back to another Illustrator based tutorial, in which we’re going to learn how to create a simple watch icon, using nothing more than a couple of basic geometric shapes and tools. So, assuming you already have the software running in the background, bring it up and let’s jump straight into it! 1. Set Up […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Watch Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe adobe illustrator Feature Featured Icon Design vector icon watch watch icon
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create an Icognito Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 18:04:04 +0000 Welcome back to another Illustrator based tutorial, in which we’re going to take a close look behind the process of creating an incognito icon, using nothing more than a couple of simple shapes and tools. So, assuming you already have the software running in the background, bring it up and let’s jump straight into it! […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create an Icognito Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe adobe illustrator Featured icon incognito incognito icon line art line icon Vector vector icon
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create an Ice Cream icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 04:49:23 +0000 In today’s tutorial, we’re going to take a quick look at the process of creating an Ice Cream icon, and learn how easy it is to build one from scratch using nothing more than a couple of basic geometric shapes that we’re going to adjust here and there. So, assuming you already have the software […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create an Ice Cream icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe adobe illustrator Featured ice cream icon icon Icon Design Vector vector icon
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Notification Bell Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2019 03:42:01 +0000 n today’s tutorial, we’re going to take a quick look behind the process of creating a notification bell icon, and see how easy it is to do so using nothing more than a couple of basic geometric shapes and tools. So, assuming you already have the software up and running, let’s jump straight into it! […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Notification Bell Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe adobe illustrator Featured flat flat icon icon Icon Design Vector vector art
ico Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Recycle Bin Notification Icon By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 03:56:08 +0000 Welcome back to another Illustrator based tutorial, in which we’re going to learn how to create a recycle bin notification icon, using nothing more than a couple of basic geometric shapes that we’re going to adjust here and there. So, assuming you already have the software running in the background, bring it up and let’s […] The post Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Recycle Bin Notification Icon appeared first on Bittbox. Full Article How To Illustrator Adobe adobe illustrator Art Feature Featured flat icon icon Icon Design Vector vector icon
ico California Study: Four Widely Used Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 02 Aug 2018 18:33:52 +0000 Center for Biological Diversity Press Release WASHINGTON – Four commonly used neonicotinoid pesticides can harm bees and other pollinators, according to a new analysis by California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation. The study found that current approved uses of the “neonics” … Continue reading → Full Article Endangered Species ET News Bee California EPA Neonicotinoid Pesticides save the bees
ico Cute Collection of 210 User Interface Icons By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 18:54:12 +0000 Did you remember how was your life before Freepik and Flaticon. No I can’t remember the dark ages either. To celebrate this golden times, they are giving away once more an incredible package of 210 User Interface Icons in 3 versions: Flat, filled and lineal. Download This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License … Cute Collection of 210 User Interface Icons Read More » Full Article Freebies
ico Freebie: 264 Vector Audio DJ Pack Icons By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 16:58:29 +0000 Icons packs are among the most desirable freebies around. There are several out there, going from a wide array of topics from user interfaces to personal finance. But sometimes you can find some rather unusual but clever additions to the icons universe. This Vector Audio DJ Pack is a nice example, brought to you exclusively … Freebie: 264 Vector Audio DJ Pack Icons Read More » Full Article Freebies
ico 240 Basic Icons Vector Freebie By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 30 Dec 2017 19:53:50 +0000 Flat design is everywhere. Nowadays aesthetics is a lot more simple. No more glossy buttons or gradients background, or what a about the shiny table effect every client asked for?.It is all gone now. In favor of a more “undesigned” look a back to basics trend. Following that idea the guys at your favorite resources … 240 Basic Icons Vector Freebie Read More » Full Article Freebies
ico Aputure announces new LS-60D daylight and LX-60X bicolour LED lights By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2020 19:57:32 +0000 Aputure’s been coming pretty thick and fast on the announcements lately, and now they’ve announced their new Light Storm 60D daylight and 60X bi-colour adjustable focusing LED lights. As the name suggests, these are 60 Watt LEDs, and everything is built inside the head, meaning there’s no external control unit to have to deal with. […] The post Aputure announces new LS-60D daylight and LX-60X bicolour LED lights appeared first on DIY Photography. Full Article news Aputure Gear Announcement Light Storm LS 60D LS 60X
ico What is a Favicon? [+4 Tips for Creating an Impactful Favicon] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 15:40:14 +0000 When you bookmark pages on the web, it’s challenging to remember the name of the page. As you dive back into your bookmarks to find it, you see a small icon next to the page. You recognize the icon and realize it’s the website you viewed prior. This icon, known as a favicon, is small, […] The post What is a Favicon? [+4 Tips for Creating an Impactful Favicon] appeared first on WebFX Blog. Full Article Web Design
ico Lilac City Comicon 2020 moves to October By www.inlander.com Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 12:44:28 -0700 Noting that safety of its fans and vendors is always a priority, the folks behind Lilac City Comicon announced Friday that this year's event would move from its original June dates to Oct. 11-12 at the Spokane Convention Center. Anyone who bought tickets for the original June 6-7 comicon will be able to use those tickets at the rescheduled event, or refunds will be available from the businesses where tickets were bought, once those businesses are able to reopen.… Full Article Arts & Culture
ico Method for producing a concentrate of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 08:00:00 EDT The current invention describes processes for obtaining of concentrates of esters of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid for their use in massive and regular human consumption either as a pharmaceutical ingredient or as a food ingredient, which are characterized by having neutral and stable organoleptic properties, free of side effects, which are typical from marine oils derivatives, and with low content of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP). Full Article
ico 6-(5-hydroxy-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)nicotinamide inhibitors of PHD By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present invention provides compounds of the formula: which are useful as inhibitors of PHD and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. Full Article
ico Preparation of silicon-bridged metallocene compounds By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 08:00:00 EST A process for obtaining silicon-bridged metallocene compounds comprising the following steps: a) reacting, at a temperature of between −10° C. and 70° C., the starting ligand with about 2 molar equivalents of an alkylating agent;b) after the reaction has been completed, adding at least 2 molar equivalents of an alkylating agent that can be also different from the first one; andc) reacting, at a temperature of between −10° C. and 70° C., the product obtained from step b) with at least 1 molar equivalent of a compound of formula ML's, wherein M is a transition metal; s is an integer corresponding to the oxidation state of the metal; and L' is an halogen atom selected from chlorine, bromine and iodine. Full Article
ico Thick film silver paste and its use in the manufacture of semiconductor devices By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present invention is directed to an electroconductive silver thick film paste composition comprising Ag, a glass frit and rhodium resinate, Cr2O3 or a mixture thereof all dispersed in an organic medium. The present invention is further directed to an electrode formed from the paste composition and a semiconductor device and, in particular, a solar cell comprising such an electrode. The paste is particularly useful for forming a tabbing electrode. Full Article
ico Semiconductor nanoparticles and method for producing same By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Copper(II) acetate, zinc(II) acetate, and tin(IV) acetate are weighed so that the total amount of metal ions is 2.0×10−4 mol and the molar ratio of ions is Cu:Zn:Sn=2:1:1, and 2.0 cm3 of oleylamine is added to prepare a mixed solution. Apart from this, 1.0 cm3 of oleylamine is added to 2.0×10−4 mol of sulfur powder to prepare a mixed solution. These mixed solutions are separately heated at 60° C. and mixed at room temperature. The pressure in a test tube is reduced, followed by nitrogen filling. The test tube is heated at 240° C. for 30 minutes and then allowed to stand until room temperature. The resultant product is separated into a supernatant and precipitates by centrifugal separation. The separated supernatant is filtered, methanol is added to produce precipitates. The precipitates are dissolved by adding chloroform to prepare a semiconductor nanoparticle solution. Full Article
ico Device and method for forming on a nanowire made of a semiconductor an alloy of this semiconductor with a metal or a metalloid By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Device for forming, on a nanowire made of a semiconductor, an alloy of this semiconductor with a metal or metalloid by bringing this nanowire into contact with electrically conductive metal or metalloid probes and Joule heating the nanowire at the points of contact with the probes so as to form an alloy such as a silicide. Application to the production of controlled-channel-length metal-silicide transistors. Full Article
ico Set of resin compositions for preparing system-in-package type semiconductor device By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 08:00:00 EDT Set of compositions for preparing system-in-package type semiconductor device. The composition set consists of underfill composition for preparing underfill part and encapsulation resin composition for preparing resin encapsulation part. 1) A cured product of the underfill composition has a glass transition temperature, Tg, ≧100° C. and is the same with or differs from a Tg of a cured product of the encapsulation resin composition by ≦20° C. 2) Total linear expansion coefficient of the cured product of the underfill composition at a temperature not higher than (Tg−30)° C. and a linear expansion coefficient of the cured product of the encapsulation resin composition at a temperature not higher than (Tg−30)° C. is ≦42 ppm/° C. 3) A ratio of the linear expansion coefficient of the cured product of the encapsulation resin composition to the linear expansion coefficient of the cured product of the underfill composition ranges from 0.3 to 1.0. Full Article
ico Surface treatment of silicone materials By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Disclosed herein are surface treatments for soft silicone gel materials such as silicone intraocular lenses. Full Article
ico Emulsion polymers with improved wet scrub resistance having one or more silicon containing compounds By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Aqueous copolymer dispersions for a variety of uses, including coating compositions or binders for plasters and paints, are disclosed. The aqueous copolymer dispersions may comprise one or more silicon containing compounds, in particular hydrolyzable silane compounds without any additional reactive group. Full Article
ico Epoxy resin composition for encapsulating semiconductor, semiconductor device, and mold releasing agent By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Disclosed is an epoxy resin composition used for encapsulation of a semiconductor containing an epoxy resin (A), a curing agent (B), an inorganic filler (C) and a mold releasing agent, in which the mold releasing agent contains a compound (D) having a copolymer of an α-olefin having 28 to 60 carbon atoms and a maleic anhydride esterified with a long chain aliphatic alcohol having 10 to 25 carbon atoms. Full Article
ico Phosphorylcholine-based amphiphilic silicones for medical applications By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 08:00:00 EST Amphiphilic biomimetic phosphorylcholine-containing silicone compounds for use in both topical and internal applications as components in biomedical devices. The silicone compounds, which include zwitterionic phosphorylcholine groups, may be polymerizable or non-polymerizable. Specific examples of applications include use as active functional components in ophthalmic lenses, ophthalmic lens care solutions, liquid bandages, wound dressings, and lubricious and anti-thrombogenic coatings. Full Article
ico Silicone rubber composition curable by radial ray By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 08:00:00 EDT There is disclosed a silicone rubber composition curable by a radial ray comprising, at least, (A) an organopolysiloxane shown by the following general formula (1), (B) a phenyl ester derivative having an acryl group, (C) a sensitizer sensitized by a radial ray, and (D) a photosensitive dye, wherein each R1, R2, and R3 independently represents a monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms; X represents the same or different monovalent organic group having an acryl group or a methacryl group. As a result, there is provided a silicone rubber composition capable of being cured by irradiation of a radial ray whereby showing excellent adhesion with various substrates, capable of forming a cured film, and capable of easily distinguishing whether it is cured or not by observing appearance when not irradiated with a radial ray. Full Article
ico Silicone hydrogels having a structure formed via controlled reaction kinetics By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:00:00 EST The present invention relates to a process comprising the steps of reacting a reactive mixture comprising at least one silicone-containing component, at least one hydrophilic component, and at least one diluent to form an ophthalmic device having an advancing contact angle of less than about 80°; and contacting the ophthalmic device with an aqueous extraction solution at an elevated extraction temperature, wherein said at least one diluent has a boiling point at least about 10° higher than said extraction temperature. Full Article
ico Silicone rubber composition, silicone rubber molded article, and production method thereof By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 08:00:00 EST A UV curable silicone rubber composition is provided. The composition does not undergo curing failure, foaming, and other undesirable conditions even if a water-containing inorganic filler such as zeolite were added. A UV curable silicone rubber composition comprising (A) 100 parts by weight of an organopolysiloxane having at least 2 alkenyl groups per molecule represented by the average compositional formula (I): R1aSiO(4-a)/2 (I) (wherein R1 is independently a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group, and a is a positive number of 1.95 to 2.05); (B) 1 to 300 parts by weight of an inorganic filler having a water content of at least 0.5% by weight; (C) 0.1 to 50 parts by weight of an organohydrogenpolysiloxane having at least 2 silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule; and (D) a catalytic amount of a photoactive platinum complex curing catalyst. Full Article
ico Semiconductor memory device and operation method thereof By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A semiconductor memory device includes a selection signal generation unit configured to generate a plurality of selection signals that are sequentially activated, a path selection unit configured to select a transmission path of sequentially input information data in response to the plurality of selection signals, a plurality of first storage units, each configured to have a first storage completion time and store an output signal of the path selection unit, and a plurality of second storage units, each configured to have a second storage completion time, which is longer than the first storage completion time, and store a respective output signal of the plurality of first storage units. Full Article
ico Interrupt control method and multicore processor system By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT In an interrupt control method of a multicore processor system including cores, a cache coherency mechanism, and a device, a first core detecting an interrupt signal from the device writes into an area prescribing an interrupt flag in the cache memory of the first core, first data indicating detection of the interrupt signal, and notifies the other cores of an execution request for interrupt processing corresponding to the interrupt signal, consequent to the cache coherency mechanism establishing coherency among at least cache memories of the other cores when the first data is written; and a second core different from the first core, maintaining the first data written as the interrupt flag, and notified of the execution request executes the interrupt processing, and writes over the area prescribing the interrupt flag written in the cache memory of the second core, with second data indicating no-detection of the interrupt signal. Full Article
ico Methods for producing a dispersion containing silicon dioxide particles and cationization agent By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 08:00:00 EDT Process for preparing a dispersion comprising silicon dioxide particles and cationizing agents, by dispersing 50 to 75 parts by weight of water, 25 to 50 parts by weight of silicon dioxide particles having a BET surface area of 30 to 500 m2/g and 100 to 300 μg of cationizing agent per square meter of the BET surface area of the silicon dioxide particles, wherein the cationizing agent is obtainable by reacting at least one haloalkyl-functional alkoxysilane, hydrolysis products, condensation products and/or mixtures thereof with at least one aminoalcohol and water; and optionally removing the resulting hydrolysis alcohol from the reaction mixture. Also the process for preparing the dispersion, wherein the cationizing agent comprises one or more quaternary, aminoalcohol-functional, organosilicon compounds of formula III and/or condensation products thereof, wherein Ru and Rv are independently C2-4 alkyl group, m is 2-5 and n is 2-5. Full Article
ico Oil-in-water silicone emulsion composition By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Provided is an oil-in-water silicone emulsion composition that has a low silicone oligomer content, and that can form, even without the use of an organotin compound as a curing catalyst, a cured film that exhibits satisfactory strength and satisfactory adherence to a substrate, through the removal of water fraction. An oil-in-water silicone emulsion composition comprising (A) 100 mass parts of a polyorganosiloxane that contains in each molecule at least two groups selected from the group consisting of a silicon-bonded hydroxyl group, alkoxy group, and alkoxyalkoxy group, (B) 0.1 to 200 mass parts of a colloidal silica, (C) 0.1 to 100 mass parts of an aminoxy group-containing organosilicon compound that has in each molecule an average of two silicon-bonded aminoxy groups, (D) 1 to 100 mass parts of an ionic emulsifying agent, (E) 0.1 to 50 mass parts of a non-ionic emulsifying agent, and (F) 10 to 500 mass parts of water. Full Article
ico Debug in a multicore architecture By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A method of monitoring thread execution within a multicore processor architecture which comprises a plurality of interconnected processor elements for processing the threads, the method comprising receiving a plurality of thread parameter indicators of one or more parameters relating to the function and/or identity and/or execution location of a thread or threads, comparing at least one of the thread parameter indicators with a first plurality of predefined criteria each representative of an indicator of interest, and generating an output consequential upon thread parameter indicators which have been identified to be of interest as a result of the said comparison. Full Article
ico Semiconductor device By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A method for bypassing a defective through silicon via x in a group of n adjacent through silicon vias, includes receiving a plurality of relief signals to identify the defective through silicon via x, activating x−1 switch circuits to connect x−1 data circuits to through silicon vias 1 to x−1 in the group of n adjacent through silicon vias, activating n-x switch circuits to connect n-x data circuits to through silicon vias x+1 to n in the group of n adjacent through silicon vias, and activating a switch circuit to connect a data circuit to an auxiliary through silicon via which is adjacent through silicon via n in the group of n adjacent through silicon vias. Full Article
ico Semiconductor device design method and design apparatus By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A relationship between distance from a back bias control section which outputs a control signal for controlling a back bias of a transistor and an amount of noise in the control signal outputted from the back bias control section is found. An increase of jitter corresponding to the amount of the noise in a clock transmitted on a clock path connected to a circuit section (IP macro) is found on the basis of the relationship between the distance from the back bias control section and the amount of the noise. The circuit section and the clock path are placed on the basis of the increase of the jitter and an allowable jitter value for the circuit section. Full Article
ico Method and system for semiconductor design hierarchy analysis and transformation By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A method and apparatus for partitioning of the input design into repeating patterns called template cores for the application of reticle enhancement methods, design verification for manufacturability and design corrections for optical and process effects is accomplished by hierarchy analysis to extract cell overlap information. Also hierarchy analysis is performed to extract hierarchy statistics. Finally template core candidates are identified. This allows to the design to be made amenable for design corrections or other analyses or modifications that are able to leverage the hierarchy of the design since the cell hierarchy could otherwise be very deep or cells could have significant overlap with each other. Full Article
ico Prediction of dynamic current waveform and spectrum in a semiconductor device By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A method for accurately determining the shape of currents in a current spectrum for a circuit design is provided. The method includes determining timing and power consumption characteristics. In one embodiment, timing characteristics are provided through a electronic design automation tool. The timing characteristics yield a current pulse time width. In another embodiment, power consumption characteristics are provided by an EDA tool. The power consumption characteristics yield a current pulse amplitude. The shape of the current pulse is obtained by incrementally processing a power analyzer tool over relatively small time increments over one or more clock cycles while capturing the switching nodes of a simulation of the circuit design for each time increment. In one embodiment, the time increments are one nanosecond or less. Full Article
ico Particle defoamer comprising a silicone emulsion and process for preparing same By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT A process for preparing a particle defoamer. The particle defoamer of 55%-75% of a carrier, 15%-35% of a silicone emulsion, 3%-10% of a texturing agent and 2%-10% of a solvent, based on the total weight of the particle defoamer; the process for preparing the particle defoamer is: (1)first adding a carrier A1 into a mixer, and then adding thereto a silicone emulsion B1, and stirring uniformly; (2)adding a carrier component A2 to the mixture obtained in (1), and stirring uniformly; (3)adding a silicone emulsion B2 to the mixture obtained in (2), and, after uniformly stirring, adding the solvent thereto and stirring uniformly; and (4)pelleting and drying by baking the mixture obtained in(3), so as to produce the product. Full Article
ico Processing agent composition for semiconductor surface and method for processing semiconductor surface using same By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT The present invention is directed to provide a semiconductor surface treating agent; composition which is capable of stripping an anti-reflection coating layer, a resist layer, and a cured resist layer in the production process of a semiconductor device and the like easily and in a short time, as well as a method for treating a semiconductor surface, comprising that the composition is used. The present invention relates to a semiconductor surface treating agent; composition, comprising [I] a compound generating a fluorine ion in water, [II] a carbon radical generating agent; , [III] water, [IV] an organic solvent, and [V] at least one kind of compound selected from a group consisting of hydroxylamine and a hydroxylamine derivative represented by the general formula [1], as well as a method for treating the semiconductor surface, comprising that the composition is used: (wherein R1 represents a linear, branched or cyclic C1-6 alkyl group, or a linear or branched C1-4 substituted alkyl group having 1 to 3 hydroxyl groups; R2 represents a hydrogen atom, a linear, branched or cyclic C1-6 alkyl group, or a linear or branched C1-4 substituted alkyl group having 1 to 3 hydroxyl groups). Full Article
ico Systems and methods for identifying and suggesting emoticons By www.freepatentsonline.com Published On :: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:00:00 EDT Computer-implemented systems and methods are provided for suggesting emoticons for insertion into text based on an analysis of sentiment in the text. An example method includes: determining a first sentiment of text in a text field; selecting first text from the text field in proximity to a current position of an input cursor in the text field; identifying one or more candidate emoticons wherein each candidate emoticon is associated with a respective score indicating relevance to the first text and the first sentiment based on, at least, historical user selections of emoticons for insertion in proximity to respective second text having a respective second sentiment; providing one or more candidate emoticons having respective highest scores for user selection; and receiving user selection of one or more of the provided emoticons and inserting the selected emoticons into the text field at the current position of the input cursor. Full Article